4 DaVinci Resolve Motion Graphics For Beginners | Tutorial

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all right we're really mixing it up this time not only do we got a different location here we also have a new piece of software that we're doing tutorial on and that's davinci resolve and it's free and i've been using the software since 2013 mostly just for color grading but now you can do motion graphics and vfx kind of similar to after effects so i want to cover a couple tutorials on this let me know in the comments if you want to see some davinci resolve motion graphic tutorials because you can pretty much do anything and resolve like you can in after effects so i'm learning but i also want to do a couple of tutorials so in this video we're going to talk about several really cool motion graphic techniques right here for davinci resolve hey what's going on internet this is josh noel from sun duck film welcome to our channel if you're new here be sure to hit that subscribe button hope everyone is doing excellent today you know what we're talking about in this video so let's jump in let's get started all right here we are in davinci resolve and don't worry if you've never used this before i'm going to show you step by step on how we can create a really cool motion graphic intro or title right here in resolve and if you're really big into editing or if you really want to save time and davinci resolve and other software i highly suggest taking a look at embody elements where you can download unlimited davinci resolve templates also you can download copyright free music for your videos other types of templates for premiere pro and after effects and just so much more and if you sign up with my link in the description below you will save 70 off on your very first month so be sure to check out that link and you'll be able to download over a million assets on whatever project that you're working on and i also have linked a few individual davinci resolve templates that i really like so let's go ahead and talk about creating some stuff and resolve so first thing you want to do when you have resolve open is make sure you click on the edit tab and you'll come here to the media pool you click on media pool you right click in here and you click on new fusion composition and you can change the duration clip name and the frame rate copy my settings click on create then you bring that fusion comp into your timeline your editing timeline is where you edit your video and then you click on fusion so one thing you'll notice right away is that we'll be using nodes instead of layers like you would in after effects or premiere pro those are a little bit different but you can organize them any way that you want so to start this off i want to make it as easy to understand our node layout so right here we have the media out one node kind of think of this as like the final you know export but we want to add some elements into here and start building out a really cool graphic so first things first let's go ahead and add a background we can hover over background right here and click we'll add a background and what we want to do is bring this to the media out here so there's a box here click on that drag a line to the triangle so now uh if you click media out and you hit one or two on your keyboard you'll see that little pop-up on either monitor and we can come here to the background we can change our color to whatever color that we would like to use click ok and you know there's our background now let's go ahead and start mixing this up with some really cool techniques with you know starting out with a title layout so come here and grab the text tool perfect so as a title node right here what we want to do is grab our title and bring it right to the background node right here and you see we'll have merge one so let's go ahead and organize this so first things first we shot the background right here underneath and we'll grab our text and put it to the side all right so right now we have no text because we need to type something out so click on the text node and type something out okay so we typed out our title you can change your font right here to anything that you want i will be using goth and black you can change the size of your title you can also change the color i'm going to go ahead and do like a black on this one because i'm going to put in a background in this and that looks great and we'll go ahead and talk about the settings in a future tutorial but i want to build out a really cool graphic easily all right so let's go ahead and move into our next technique where we combine shapes with titles so we'll go ahead and create a background for this we'll come here and grab the background node right here we'll add that in there and we'll bring this right above the text node and what we'll do is grab the square line here and we'll just bring it right here to merge one right where you see that and it'll create another merge two here bring that merge to right there so your notes should look like mine here so we're kind of building bottom up here so we'll grab our background too we can change the color to whatever we want and i'll click okay now we have this background here but i want to scrunch this down on our title so what we'll do is we'll come here to the rectangle mask and if you have the background two selected you come into rectangle mask and i'll add this rectangle mask node to our background so one thing you'll notice is that our solid background here is above our title so to fix this i'm gonna grab our text one bring that to merge two there bring our background to you and bring that to merge one and we can just rearrange these like that perfect so now let's see on the other way around we're coming to rectangle one that mask that we added and we'll come here to the height and we can bring this down and we can bring out the width by a little bit so we'll do is make sure that our playhead is orange playhead is at the beginning of our timeline and what we'll do is we'll add a keyframe for width right there's the keyframe icon add that there we'll move forward in time maybe by you know 20 frames and we'll set the width to zero all right so now we have to set up the keyframes correctly so click on the spine graph right here very similar to the keyframe editor check on rectangle one click on this fit to all icon right here or zoom to fit and you see the two key frames what we'll do is we'll select both of them and we'll hit s on our keyboard now create a very quick easy you know ease sort of curve and you're welcome to drag out the keyframes to change the speed of the animation and one thing we need to do is reverse the keyframe so we'll come here and we'll click on reverse right here so now the animation will come in like that and that's awesome so now for the third technique i want to talk about is using mask or mask to reveal on our title really easy to do this what we'll do is take a rectangle one and we'll just draw a point to text one like that boom our title is revealed on by the title and that's so easy to do and it's very clean here in the node graph all right so our next step is not really a new technique but it's to add some additional titles to your current graphic that is very easy to apply so we can come here and just create a new quick title really fast and type out what we need to say and we'll come here draw a point right to the merge 2 to media out right there and i'll go ahead and create a new merge node for us bring that right there perfect and we'll just go ahead and change down the size and reposition our title and change down the size there and we'll come here to layout and we can quickly just change the center of our title to right there all right so when you're happy with your title what we can do is now animate this so to animate this title what we'll do is come here to layout again and we'll find a good point in time right here in our timeline so maybe 16 frames and we'll add a keyframe for center and we'll move forward in time maybe by a little bit and bring down the y to be below our you know our background like this now what we'll do is go to the spline real quick and and what we'll do is grab our text like this and we'll hit s on our keyboard there it is and we'll make sure reverse the keyframes if needed so now we have that coming in and boom has come out like that but obviously we want the title to be underneath the background here which i'll work on a second because i want to add one more title to this so to duplicate my title real quick is take my current title copy it click off it make sure nothing selected and paste it in here and i'll bring this to right here media out i'll have another merge like this and what we'll do is we'll go to that second keyframe right there we'll come here to layout and we'll bring down our y position be below the title all right so now we have this now let's go ahead and hide our titles here so what we need to take the rectangle that we currently have we'll copy it click nothing and paste it in there and we'll just go ahead and draw a line to both these two text layers that we have here make sure the rectangle selected and then we'll come here to invert so now very quickly you won't see that however they're already hanging out right there so to go ahead and hide this even further we'll come here to keyframes and we'll see what we can find text one and the duplicated one and we can just bring what we do is kind of edit in the endpoints of these titles so now we'll be able to run this title animation in and our titles reveal on very easily all right so for our last technique i want to spruce this up with some extra shapes here so we have these little cool line brackets here i'll show you how to create them very easily and how to animate them what we're gonna do is make sure we click on merge four and we'll click we'll come here and add another merge and now we'll have merge five very simple and then we'll do is we'll come here grab the polygon icon right here which is similar to the mask tool and what we'll do is we'll just go ahead and connect this to merge five like that and we can zoom in here hold down control so we can zoom into our you know our work here hold down shift on keyboard and we draw these perfect you know lines like this they won't come here to border with and we can increase this to create these lines and when you're happy with what you have we can come here and click on this icon for flats so they're not going to be rounded and that's cool so now let's go ahead and animate this in all right so right at this point in time what we'll do is we'll add a keyframe for length and we can move back a little bit here and set that length down to zero so now that we have our bracket animation we what we do is copy paste it and what we do is coming out with the x rotation to negative 180 degrees beautiful we can copy and paste it again and this time we'll set the y rotation to 180 degrees and we'll copy paste it one more time and we'll set the x rotation back to zero degrees so now we have this really cool overall title animation right here in davinci resolve you can turn on motion blur for all your layers by selecting them and you go to settings and check on motion blur so now you have a little bit of motion blur to your title animation and that's awesome and you can easily composite this on top of you know footage by coming here to your background layer you can set the alpha down to zero come here to our editing we bring this layer up and boom now we can put a clip behind our title and work with that however we see fit all right so let's say you put together a really cool graphic animation right here in davinci resolve so that wraps up our first motion graphics tutorial for davinci resolve like i said please let me know in the comments below if you want to see more tutorials from me on davinci resolve it's a really cool piece of software definitely took a little bit of a learning gap for me to overcome to use no graph but i'm pretty much getting very comfortable with it but hopefully you enjoy this video if you're new here be sure to hit that subscribe button because we post plenty of post-production tutorials every single month right here on the channel you can also hit me up on my instagram we post you know post production tutorials on there as well and always be creating
Channel: SonduckFilm
Views: 125,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial, DaVinci Resolve, DaVinci Resolve Tutorial, Motion Graphics, Motion Graphics Tutorial, DaVinci Resolve Motion Graphics, Motion Graphics in DaVinci Resolve, DaVinci Resolve Motion Graphics Tutorial, After Effects DaVinci Resolve, SonduckFilm Tutorial, 4 DaVinci Resolve Motion graphics, DaVinci Resolve Beginners, Free Editing Software, DaVinci Resolve Beginner Tutorial, DaVinci Resolve Title, DaVinci Resolve Title Tutorial
Id: PYjWswd0rOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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