How to Create a Glitch Title in Davinci Resolve

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hi everybody Jeremy here from video studio and today I'm going to share with you to do the text glitch effect in DaVinci Resolve so if you're ready let's check it out [Music] all right swing Diamond chair is over now on the edit page and we're going to start by bringing a new Fusion composition in our timeline and then we're gonna move over to Fusion once in Fusion the first thing I want to do is bring a new background and Link the output of that background to my media out and I'm going to bring the alpha Channel down to zero to have transparency that's just gonna set the canvas for title then we're gonna just take our text and Link the output of that text to the background now in our text we're gonna write something like DaVinci for example I'm going to change the font four monsterad and I'm gonna increase the size then I'm gonna take my text note and just drag it up to make some space between the text and the merge tool the first thing I want to do is a RGB split there is a lot of way to do it one could be for example here to play around with the shading you could also use instance text or displacement node for example but to me the easiest way to do it is to use a prism blur to do that I'm going to select my text and it she spaced on my keyboard then we're gonna search for prism and bring the prism blur and as you can see on top of creating that RGB effect it also just gives some blur to the title which will work quite well in our scenario but blur right now is too strong so just I'm gonna reduce it down quite a bit and I'm gonna do the same with the operation distances to have it more on the border of the text and then here aberration strands I'm gonna just increase that a bit now you have also this control on screen to just adjust the position of that RGB split I'm gonna drag it down completely over there right now I'm happy with this but feel free to play around to get the result that you want to create glitch animation it's a lot of trial and error and just seeing what parameter works better than other for your taste because there is so many different way to do it now moving on right now our text looks too clean for something that is glitchy so I'm gonna try to destroy a bit that text so I'm going to select my press blur and then I'm gonna shift space on my keyboard and search for JPEG and apply to jpeg damage now we can just decrease the quality and as you can see just gonna come and destroy a bit the edges of the text which is what we want for a glitch effect and then the last thing to give it a bit more of texture I'm gonna bring some scan lines so I'm gonna she space again on my keyboard and search for scan line bring that in and then here we're just gonna increase the line frequency quite a bit in my opinion generally between 14 to 17 maybe is generally quite good then I'm gonna select all my nodes move them up and then here with scan line selected I'm gonna eat she space on my keyboard and we're going to search for displace node and bring that in now I'm gonna go over to template edit generator and here I'm going to take the noise gradient and bring that in and Link that to the Green Arrow of the displays now I'm going to bring the noise gradient to my viewer here we're going to go to version 6. I'm going to increase the detail to the maximum the contrast to the maximum here I'm gonna unlock the X and Y parameter and I'm just going to decrease the Y scale and then here for the c-3s which is the speed of the animation I'm gonna put two now if I play it as you can see create a bit of a crazy animation and that's what we're using here with the displays to just destroy all text and create that glitch effect the displays node is taking the Luma value meaning here the white of all noise gradient and create a mask that is animating our text not that stage you get pretty much everything set up and you can start to play around to create 3D glitch animation that you want so the value I will recommend you to experiment with are here at the detail the contrast the brightness and the X scale and Y scale you can go to your noise gradient and then here play with those parameters see the pattern that they create and how it affect your text but in my opinion I find that usually you get better result with bigger shape rather than a smaller shape like those ones for example and usually I find it better to have the detail increase rather than decreased because otherwise it may look too smooth for a glitch effect but again this is really up to you and your prefer occurrences another thing that you can do here in the displace node is going to X and Y and play with the X refraction and the Y refraction it will deform your text on the horizontal and on the vertical axis now we have our animated glitch text but we don't have an animation in but if that's what you want you can just stop there and you have a loop animation going on right now we're just going to go to extra mile and create an animation in to do that I'm gonna go at frame 15 and then here I'm just going to select my text then I'm going to go to text right click on the text box then select follower go to the modifier go to shading then in shading scroll down then here open the size drop down and here we're just going to drop a keyframe on the X and then we're gonna go to frame 0 and bring the X down to zero now we can go back to timing and here we're going to put the delay at 1.5 and we're going to switch the order from automatic to random but one by one now let's go back to Tool and here I'm gonna go over to shading again scroll down and here open the softness drop down go to frame 20 drop a keyframe on the Y at zero and drop a keyframe on the glow at zero then you can go to frame 0 and increase the Y to 20 and then increase the glow to around 0 300 400 now we can open the spline editor and here we're going to select text to have all our keyframe Point click Zoom to fit and then select all the point that we've created it as Uno cable to smooth out the curve then hit T to bring the ease in and ease out and increase the easing to about 85. once that done we have a glitch animation if you want to play around here with the way the letter are coming in you can always go back to the text modifier and then here you can play around with the order so right now it's random one by one but we could have choose left to right for example to have a different way of displaying those letters now the quickest way to bring that glitch text back to normal to finish the animation in my opinion is to use a dissolved node to do that I'm going to select my merge it shifts based on the keyboard search for dissolve and bring that in then we can just select our text copy it then paste an instance and Link the output of that text to the dissolve then let's bring the dissolve to all viewer and here as you can see the disease of node will help us go from the background to the foreground so from our glitch text to a normal one here we're going to animate that dissolved node by going to frame 30 and then I'm going to drop a keyframe on background foreground then we can go to frame 20 and bring that background foreground down to zero and now it's just gonna slowly animate back to normal but I don't really like the normal dissolve usually what I feel blending pretty well with that glitch effect is the random noise dissolve it's creating just some extra artifact that help make the transition between the two not too harsh in my opinion now we can smooth out that last animation that we've created by just unselecting everything text related keeping only the dissolve then assume to fit select all two point and then hit s on all cable to smooth out that curve and again bringing the ease in to about 85 and that's our final result again there is so many way to create glitch effect it's just a matter of trying to different thing and see what works for you all right and that's pretty much it thank you very much for watching let me know in the comment what kind of video you'd like to see next please don't forget to like And subscribe and see you next one bye speed up your workflow and create better videos using the pack available on our website including titles transition and templates but only for DaVinci Resolve get started today by downloading our freestyle pack containing a compilation of 20 titles created from all Library Link in description below or at
Channel: Video Editor Studio
Views: 21,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve tutorial, motion graphics, davinci resolve motion graphics, davinci resolve title, davinci resolve template, davinci resolve title pack, Waqas Qazi, jamie fenn, JayAreTv, That Modern Dude, Skyline Motions, Billy Rybka, Chris' Tutorials, Casey Faris, CB Super, davinci resolve fusion, davinci resolve 18, Patrick Stirling, free pack, free title, free template
Id: gGsbFth417Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2022
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