Motion Graphics in Fusion - 8 SUPER USEFUL Skills!

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if you want to use Fusion for Motion Graphics then here's eight skills that all Fusion users should know [Music] something I've seen recently in digital Creations is this really nice grainy Shadow on animations there's a ton of tutorials on how to do this in After Effects but non-infusion so here's how you do it so I have this little animation going on inside the fusion and this polygon mask is masking a background node to create this shape here the shape of this eye the first thing I'm going to do is bring in another background node and turn the alpha down to zero and feed this into the node tree as a background to the shape now this Alpha thing is actually an important First Step that you don't want to miss because it's going to allow us to separate it from the rest of our composition before we merge it over our background next I'm going to bring in a new black background node and merge this after the original shape I'll then feed our existing shape mask into this black background which means that we've essentially duplicated this shape here and you can see that if I move it in the merge we're going to use a second one as our shadow and to do that we're going to grab a little ellipse mask and feed it into the marriage of the black background and Tack horn and ver and then just position it off slightly from the original shape then I'll bring up the soft Edge just to feather that out slightly and this now acts as our light source so we can move this about place it wherever we want and change the size Etc to add the greeny texture though we're going to have to take the output of the original background and feed it into another merge before the shadow and we're going to use this link to add the green into the composition there's a couple of different types of green infusion but the one I like best is this film green one which you can find in tools film I'll then add that in before the merge and our second link here and we can increase the size and strength of that right now it's adding grain to the whole shape which we don't want so the final step here is just to take in that light source mask that we created before and feed this into the merge for the film Game and there you have it some lovely grainy Shadows on your animations now if you play that back you'll notice that it's seething quite a fast rate so if you want to lock that in you can either time lock the grain or you can add some kind of posterized time effect after the grain to reduce its speed if you're not sure how to do that then don't worry just follow the link in the description you can download my free posturized time plugin for Fusion creating a little subtle movements and Imperfections in your animations is really powerful and the best way to do this is using the perturb modifier you can add this on any shape and all you do is come down to the keyframe icon for the shape right click it and there Wicked select perturb if we then jump over to the modifiers tab we'll be able to see all the controls for that modifier if you play that back you'll see that it's warping and floating around and we've got a bunch of controls in the modifier to adjust how it does that we can adjust the speed and the strength as well as how Jagged the shape gets one thing to watch out for though when you're using this is that the shape will only perturb on the basis of how many points are in the shape so sometimes it makes sense to go back and add more points in just to get the look that you're going for apart from that it's a really cool look for Motion Graphics this is one of these ones where I have to show a bit of humility because I'm embarrassed to say that I didn't realize you could do this until very recently so here I've got this horizontal position animation going on but I want to change the position of the whole animation vertically this could be a little bit annoying in Fusion because the X and the y axis are locked together as one parameter now if you change the y-axis on one keyframe you then have to go back and adjust it on all the other ones too otherwise your animation goes diagonally but if you click on the Node and come up to the viewer you can highlight both of your points and just click and drag the animation to anywhere else on the canvas it'll keep the same distance traveled and everything else will just be kept consistent with the animation and if you already knew that then congratulations you're officially smarter than I am which to be honest wouldn't be hard creating animations to the beat of music or to sound effects infusion can be a little bit tricky because the audio doesn't always come through to the fusion page but there's a really quick fix for this if we hit shift in spacebar to bring up our tool search we can search for the media endnote now we're used to using these if we want to bring video footage into Fusion but as of version 18 of DaVinci Resolve this little load has become a lot more powerful first of all if we come over to the audio tab we can change the drop down from none to timeline audio which will bring the audio from a timeline into the composition and the cool thing about this is that you don't even need to connect this up to the rest of the node tree as long as it's in there it will play back the audio from your timeline if you do connect the node up though something else you could do is go into the image Tab and change the media source to background which will bring in whatever sits underneath the fusion clip in the edit page and that's super useful because it means you can have your Fusion composition separate from your footage and you could color grade them definitely on the color page now I already made a video showing you how to create your own effects inside the fusion which I'll leave a link to up here if you fancy watching that but something I forgot to mention in it was this every node infusion has this little toggle here to turn on versions and this is a really useful tool if you're creating compositions in a nutshell it lets you create an entirely new version of whatever node you're working on within that node including any keyframed animations that you might have going on to buy toggling on your existing controls on that node will be saved on version one and you could click on version 2 to create something completely different it's a really quick way of being able to toggle between different colors or different styles which is really handy if you're doing client work because you might be asked to do different versions of the same thing so super useful thing to note okay so this one isn't so much a skill but it is really useful to know about sometimes Fusion runs quite slow maybe you're working on a big composition or maybe your computer is just not powerful enough to handle what you're doing one way you get around this though is to right click on the play bar next to the transport controls and here we see we've got a bunch of options to make our playback smoother F high quality is checked on you're going to want to check that off high quality essentially means that the viewer is outputting exactly what's going to be rendered in the final export which is almost never necessary so I always recommend to have that turned off we can also temporarily turn off motion blur if we want motion blur can be notoriously hard on your computer so it's best to just turn that off if you're working on compositions proxy is basically going to reduce the amount of pixels that are processed within the viewer so instead of processing every pixel it's going to process every three or so pixels then you can adjust the ratio that you do this at in the fusion settings page but regardless you're going to want to have that turned on auto proxy is a similar kind of function but it's for real-time adjustments instead so when you have this switched on if you're making adjustments in the inspector window the quality will drop quite significantly when you're making that adjustment and then it will bounce back to full quality after you've made it and it's just a way I've been able to speed up your workflow infusion I should say too that these controls are only for playback you don't have to turn them back on again when you go to export your project it will be high quality your motion blur will be on and all that stuff will look great I talked a little bit about this in my last video but instances are actually a lot more powerful than I've already shown you so let's assume this is what we want to try and create here well I've got my main Tech set up infusion with a little animation going on now I could just copy this text node with all of its keyframes and all of its settings paste a copy and feed it into another merge then move the position of it I could then connect this output to a third merge and do the same again and this works there's absolutely nothing wrong with working this way but let's say I then want to change the font for example but I'll never have to update two nodes instead of one and if I wanted to see move about some of the keyframes of the animation well I'd have to do that in the first node and then redo it again in the second node and it just all gets a little bit messy this is where instance nodes come in so I'm just going to delete this copy just now I'm going to copy my original again but when I paste it this time I'm going to hold shift when I do that now you'll see I've got a new copy of the nodes with this thin Green Connection to the master version and if we look in the inspector window all the parameters are green which is telling us that these are all being controlled by another note now go feed these enter merge nodes again and now if I want to update the font I could just update it once and it changes across all of them and if he did want some of the parameters to be slightly different then all you have to do is just go and right click the parameter select D instance and then that lets us change that separately to the original one the great thing about instances is that you can mask them separately as well so what I'm going to do here is a little reveal effect as the word animates in essentially you get the benefits of multiple nodes without having the hassle of having to update more than one so it's really useful by the way if you want to make some cool text animations like these I've done a whole video on that so I'll link that above if you fancy checking that out and last but not least is this little number counter here and we'll start with the text plus node and the first thing we want to do is right click on the Node go to edit controls and this will bring up a window that's going to let us add a brand new parameter to our text node in the inspector window and that'll make a lot more sense once we actually get through this so first of all I'm going to give it a name I'm going to call it counter but you could call it anything you want I want this to produce a number so the type should be number and I want this parameter to be on the text page too so I'll select text next I'll input the range and this could be anything you want really depends on how high you're going to count your number two I'm going to go to 10 000 so I'll put that in and then a slider control is perfect for this too that's exactly what we need now once I hit OK you'll see this new parameter appear on our text node which is the first step done now right now this parameter isn't controlled anything it's basically just a blank slider that produces a number from zero to ten thousand but this is really handy for us because if we come up to our text box right click and go to expression we could click on this little pick whip thing here and drag it down to our counter slider and now the slider is changing the number of the text and the text box and now if we want to animate this number all we have to do is add keyframes on the counter slider and if you want to add in like a currency symbol or something like that all you need to do is go to the expression box and add dot dot open quotation and then add your symbol and close the quotation again and you could do that before the number as well just by reversing the order so open quotation symbol close the quotation dot dot and then the name of your parameter which is counter basically you can add any texture you want inside those quotations and it'll add it alongside the number as well if you're still watching this far in the video then thank you I've got a small favor to ask of you though I want you to leave a comment with the name of a YouTuber that you really love the Motion Graphics style of it could be anything from anybody just something you want to learn how to create because I'm going to use that as the basis to make future DaVinci Resolve tutorials so definitely leave me a comment and we'll see if we get some most likes in the meantime hit that subscribe button give the video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it thumbs down if you didn't and I'll see you in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: Ryan Osborne
Views: 38,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, DaVinci, Resolve, DaVinci Resolve
Id: 6GfGpEp33aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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