Word by Word Animations IN ONE Text Node! - DaVinci Resolve

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today I'm going to show you two  different ways to do a word by   word text animation in DaVinci  Resolve and the best part is both   of these techniques can be done within  one single text node let's get into it [Music]   this first technique is going to be a scale in  animation for each word so each word Zooms in   one after the other like this now we are going  to use the fusion tab to achieve both of these   effects but if that's a little bit outside  your comfort zone don't disappear just yet   because I've also got something later in the  video that could be used in the edit page too   to create our text animation we're going to use  the follower modifier it's really easy to set   up we just click on our text nodes come up to  the text box in our inspector window and right   click and from here we can select follower and  then if you come up and click on the modifiers   tab here you'll be able to see the follower  modifier that we've added Now by default you'll   be on the timing tab but before we look at this  we're going to jump over to the transform tab   in the transform tab you're going to see a drop  down at the very top and we want to change this   to word so with that done that's going to allow us  to use the rest of the controls in this section to   animate each word so I'm just going to expand  these to show you what I mean down at the very   bottom we've got two controls for the size X and  Y so your width and your height basically which   I'm going to set to zero just now for both of them  I'll then drag my playhead back to the very start   and we'll set a keyframe on both of these controls  and that's going to make your text disappear just   now but don't worry that's totally normal now I  want each of these words to come in over say 10   frames so we'll go to frame 10 and we'll change  these to one again so they're going to go from 0   to full sized over the course of 10 frames and  if we play that back now you'll get a sense of   what's Happening Here all of our words are  zooming in individually but it's all at once   so we're going to jump over to the timing tab  of the modifier at the bottom you'll see this   little delay control here and that's going to  add a delay between the words the higher the   number the longer the delay so I'm going to set  it to 2 and if I play that back and we'll start   to see our word by word animation taking shape now  there's a couple extra things we could do to make   this even better with the text node selected if  we open up the spline Tab and check on the style   text animation we'll see the animation curve for  our size parameter that we just set so again you   can see here it's going from zero to one over  ten frames and we can adjust the easing of this   animation using the handles here or for quickness  we can highlight them right click and go to ease   so in here you're going to have a bunch of  easing options to choose from I really like   the Outback cubic one because it overshoots the  animation a little bit so I'm going to choose that   if I play that back now you'll see the effect  that has on our animation which is pretty cool one last thing if you jump back into  the tools tab of the text node and   go along to settings we could turn  on motion blur for the text as well hi sorry to interrupt the video editor Ryan  here one issue I've been noticing recently is   that this thing happens where the text looks  like it's been cut off at the edges now there   is a fix for it if you go into the layout  section of the text node and here you can   change the type from point to frame and that will  fix the issue for you I'm not really too sure why   this is happening I think it's something that  maybe they need to update and resolve but yeah   that's how you fix it okay back to the video  the cool thing about this is because we use   the modifier to create it you could change  the wording of it and it will still work   which makes it perfect to set up as a custom  effect for the edit page which is exactly what   I've done so if you're not quite comfortable  with Fusion yet but you want to be able to set   up some subtitles like these there's a link in  the description for you to download that for free   okay now let's have a look at the second animation  as you can see in this one the text animates   in from a different position and this could be  from right to left from top to bottom whatever   you please unfortunately this one isn't quite  as simple to achieve because for some reason   and I have no idea why the transform section of  the follower modifier doesn't have any position   controls so we can't just use the same method to  reposition the words no idea at all why it doesn't   have that I really wish it did one thing you can  do though which is kind of Faking it but it does   work if you have the size follower animation set  up so the one that I just showed you how to do and   you jump back into the tool section of the text  node so not the modifier but the main controls   of the text node if you go into the transform tab  there you can adjust the pivot control of the text   which will offset the animation in one particular  direction and give you sort of the same effect it's still got that size animation in  there so it's not quite the same as   each word moving individually thankfully  though there is another method we can use   it's a little bit cumbersome but I'm  going to walk you through it step by   step so again I'm going to start  by setting up a follower modifier but instead of coming into the transform section  we're going to stay in the timing part and come   down to order and select manual curve and with  that selected you'll see a bunch of new controls   up here so the first thing we'll do is we're going  to set our playhead to frame 0 and then hit this   keyframe here delayed by character position and  that's going to bring that parameter into the   spline editor for us which we'll come back to in a  moment before now we need to decide which frame on   the timeline we want each word to start animating  in I want the first word to animate right away at   frame zero then the next at frame 10 and the last  at frame 20. so I'm going to highlight the first   word interviewer here and then hit this button  here set first selected character delay and with   our delay value being at zero here that'll ensure  that our first word animates in at frame zero   I'll then highlight the second word set the  delay value to 10 and hit the button again and then again I'll highlight the next word   set the delay value to 20 this  time and hit the button again if your sentence is longer you could just keep  doing this over and over until the sentence is   complete and also just to be clear you don't  have to move the playhead when you're doing   this you're essentially predetermining the  frame that each word is going to animate   and app when you're using this button here  so no need to move the playhead but if we   have a look now at the spline editor we'll see  this gradual increase over time which kind of   looks like the timing of your animations  but it's not and you shouldn't confuse it   with that this spline relates to the character  selections you've made so to ensure that we're   dealing with each word and not individual  characters we have to highlight all these   points here in the spline Tab and click  this button here to change these to step in once you've done that the modifier is  essentially dealing with whole warts   at that point so you could just uncheck  this and ignore this spline from now on   animated movement though we're going to move over  to the shading tab of the follower modifier and   scroll all the way down to position which  is going to let us animate the position of   our words using the offset parameter here so  I'll have these come in over 15 frames from   the top of the screen now when you set your  first keyframe this path modifier is going to   appear but we don't need to do anything with  this so we're just going to double click on   the follower modifier to get back to it we can  then set our second keyframe from there foreign some easing to that in the spline tab too just   to make sure it looks a little  bit Slicker same as last time and I'm going to set it to  Outback cubic again on that too in this particular one I've also  gone into the transform section of   the follower modifier just to add a bit of  rotation to these as they bounce in which I   think looks pretty cool as it animates  in and then again just a little bit of   motion blur at the end there just  to make that look even more slick this looks pretty good but believe me I know  how cumbersome and annoying that is to set up   I'm really hoping that Blackmagic makes some  updates to the text modifiers and fusion soon   because animations like this one could just  be so much easier to set up but as of just now   this is the best way to do it and keep it all  contained within one text node if you enjoyed   this video please give it a thumbs up I'd really  appreciate that and if you want to learn more text   animations and fusion definitely give this video  a try and I'll see you in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: Ryan Osborne
Views: 66,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GZnKtd-pbq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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