Fusion 360 Tutorial for Absolute Beginners— Part 2

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hey everybody thank you for coming back this is the second video if you missed the first one click the link to go back and see the beginning of modeling up this box that actually is an assembly that also has a lip that goes on top of it but let's jump background into it and get this box modelled up so again either sketch on a face or plane so I'm going to sketch right here on this face so I'm going to just right click on it I'm going to select create sketch it will automatically go normal to right and now I can start sketching on this face here now I'm going to do a circle and I'm going to not use the S key I'm going to jump right to the circle and that's the see four circles when at the C key and you will see next to my cursor I kind of like get a circle and I'm just going to sketch my circle somewhere around here most of the times when I'm sketching things I'm really not trying to be accurate in the beginning and sometimes I kind of like just make it a little bit bigger just for the heck of it and now we can start working with the sketch so you will see right now that our sketch is blue it's not black and that's because this sketch here is not defined first of all the diameter is kinda like all over the place and also the location of it is not tied down so we're going to do that with some dimensions so turn on the dimension tool we're going to click D for dimension and I'm going to go ahead and just make the diameter first sort of select circle like that and I am going to make the diameter 28 hit enter and now I got a place ah the the circle so I'm going to go ahead and want to select this edge right here I'm going to select the center of our circle like that I'm gonna make this 24 and then I'm gonna do from the bottom here up to the center and I'm gonna make this 6 just like that now you will see that our circle is black what means that it's ready to be extruded out it's fully defined it cannot move the diameters lock down and the location is locked down so again I'm going to hit the cue for the press pool and I'm going to select that circle and then I'm going to select the arrow and I can just pull it out here and I am going to make this one 18 hit enter now there's a hole going through this one so I'm going to go ahead here on that face and right-click create a new sketch and I'm just going to create another circle but I can actually pick up the center of the circle look if I hover over the center you would like to see right there you see how my my crosshair actually turns into a little red dot a little blue dot that means that I'm actually catching that Center so I'm going to click there and I'm going to make the hole here 22 and you will now see that that turns black so that means that now that is full of defiance I'm going to again hit the Q 4 press pull and then I'm going to click on that again and again if I pull out it will add material if I pull through then it will cut now you might be tempted to just make sure that you pull through the wall here and say that is good but it X is a little bit bad practice because if you just do it like this and you add all different kinds of features later on if you're changing things if you for example decide to make this wall thickness thicker you might suddenly see your whole dome always go through so I'm going to go over to the menu over here and I am going to select two object again and select that back face so now I'm always making sure that that cut will go from here to that back face and if we should change that wall thickness I'm always I'm I know that it will stay so that back face okay and we have now just placed that dimension of that boss right there we are going to do the second boss so we're going to do that over on this back face here so I'm going to right-click on that face it create a sketch and I actually know that I want that hole to be or that boss with the whole fluid right in the center of the pot here so makes it going to create what is called a construction line a construction line is a line that the software will not use other than for references so I'm going to hit L on my keyboard for line and then I'm going to pick up the origin you can see down here I'm going to click once and then I'm going to move up to the top now you will feel the line will kind of lock at that vertical moment here so I'm just going to place it right out so it's vertical here and you'll see it's ready to sketch another line just to get out of that I'm just going to escape on my keyboard once now you will see that there's a couple of relations that have been added to it so you will see here that there is a coup incident over here and then we actually also have the 90 degree perpendicular right over here now to make this a construction line or reference line I'm going to select the line and hit X on my keyboard you could also select over here between normal and construction but I'm going to hit the X key and you will see that now it becomes a construction line so this line again is just here for reference now I'm going to select the c4 circle again and I'm going to if I hover over you will see again that I kind of get a little icon here that is a X so here's my my black crosshair and as soon as I hit the line I get that X that means that the circle is not going to be attached to this line now if I'm hot right down you like to see that I also get a little triangle right at the intersection so that means that not only will it attach the circle to the line but actually to this intersection between the horizontal line and the dotted line but you like to see that it will hit the midpoint of the line right there so just be aware of it kind of matters I'm just going to select somewhere so I'm not the midpoint but I am to the reference line click once and just again make the make the circle a little big here and you will see that I can type in the diameter but again is 28 so I'm going to type that in hit enter now you see how the circle is still blue because though that we define the diameter we have we and we define it to the line it can still move up and down this line so we have to add one more dimension so to do the dimension tool I'm going to hit D and I want to place one from here to the edge Center here and that's going to be 16 just like we had before now that is black what means that is fully defined what means that we can extrude out so we're going to hit the Q again now you like to see here that the software is smart enough to know that there is some intersection lines so we got to make sure we select all of them here we're going to select that piece that piece and that little Halfmoon piece there so we get the entire circle out there now again this is 16 going 18 going out like that but you will actually see that we have a little bit of an issue because this diameter went past our flat surface so if you're looking here assuming in you can access see there's a little bit of space now I'm gonna go back to that specific exclusion right here right-click on it and select edit feature so before we use distance out and we've also used to object but we can exit also do not just one side but actually two sides so there was the 18 we went down but then there's also another one that goes back so now we're actually going back inside so we can go in two directions and now I'm going to use on for that one I'm actually going to use to object to that face there and then I can select change faces and you will see that exit creates that little piece we need right there so now it is fully submerged on each sides with that radius so now we're going to go ahead and create our hole through the center so I'm going to click on the on the face again right click and say create sketch again see for circle and again I'm going to find that center of that previous circle see right there click on that and then I can type in my 22 in diameter just like that this sketch is black so now we can fully define it it's fully defined so now we can hit the cue the press pole again again I'm gonna select that face and cut through here and again I'm gonna go and select not distance but just like on the other one to object and just select this back face here and I can't actually not tell you how the software is smart enough to know to actually cut past the radius but it does just like that we got what we want so we have two more things to finish up this pump have kind of like these two lip areas here with the two holes where we are screwing the screws into so let's do those so I am going to go ahead here and right click up on this face up here and start a sketch here create sketch and it's going to go no to that face now again I know that this is kind of like a circle on the top here so I'm going to create another construction line so one click line alpha line and select this origin and just move out here make sure that I snap through the horizontal here and to exit out of the line command and hit escape on my keyboard to make this an exit construction line I'm going to select it hit X for construction line there we go and now I'm just going to do a circle and tie that in so I'm going to do C for circle and again I'm just going to sketch something out here that is kind of close now this one here is going to be a 10 millimeter circle so I'll type that in and then I have a dimension so I'm going to hit D for dimension from this bag edge to this center here and that is going to be 6 now there is going to be some radius here but I'm going to add those later on so I'm going to go ahead here and extrude this one out right now because it is black it is full defined so it Q again press pull and you will see if I go over here to the top that I actually don't have to select the whole circle because it knows that line is breaking it so this is really all I want I'm going to sketch that down here and I'm going to let that go 21 millimeters up - 21 millimeters like that hit enter and now we have that portion created there now here's an interesting thing I want the same thing on the other side here right so what I'm going to do is that makes it going to use something called a mirror function because I have my planes down here and I can mirror over these planes so to get to the mirror command I am just using that s key again and search mirror and you will see that it shows right up here's I'm going select that and the first thing is looking for is the object so what I'm going to do is I'm going to select down on my feature tree that object right there the next thing you want to know is what you're going to select and what I'm selecting is actually a feature so you see there's faces there's bodies there's features that's what we are selecting here so I'm going to select that again and then what are you going to mirror above about and I'm going to mirror about this one plane down here select that and we kind of like get a shadow repetition here I'm gonna hit okay and now you will see that we just added this one over here that was easy right it saved me from drawing that whole thing up again there is one thing though you will see that that one was too long it's actually going through that hole that we cut well here's a very nice thing about parametric modeling this tree down here shows how everything is modeled up so what I can actually do if I drag back you can actually see each step here we had the box then we created the cutout of the center we added a couple of Phillips we extruded that boss out we made a hole through it then we excluded that boss out then we cut a hole through that and that accent makes me think well wait a minute what if this cutout comes after our mirror function so we actually were cutting this out yes we can actually do that if I take that this cut out and I literally just hold down my left mouse button and I drag it over in front of the mirror now you will see that we cut that out so here is another example of the power of parametric modeling just by moving that feature at the end we actually cutting with it so now when you know that you can think about that it matters in what orders you're creating things you can actually kind of like switch things around so it fits within them really powerful stuff with this we are ready to do a couple more things let's add the fillers to the sides here so I'm going to hit ass and hit that fill it command right there and I'm just going to select this and I'm going to select that one on the opposite again you don't have to turn around you can actually just select them right through there I'm gonna make this one two millimeters and then I have to create the holes for the screws so let's just do that some xìng ago I had to open a new sketch right click create a new sketch and I am going to create a circle right in the center so that is C for circle again I want to pick up that center point right there and this circle here is going to be well it's going to be it probably is a little bit smaller because the screw is actually cutting into this but I'm going to edit and make it four millimeters in diameter like that and I'm going to go ahead and create one on the other side at the same time while I'm over here click on that I can make that fall just like that and then I'm going to shoot those down so I'm going to hit Q and just select those two holes and I'm just going to cut them down minus eight millimeters just like that now on our original part I actually don't think that they put any threads in here because the metal screw would actually just cut into the hole but I want to show you that we can actually add threats to holes so what I'm going to do here is I max it going to select both holes almost like this hole I'm going to hold down control to move to select and select the other hole then I'm going to hit hit the S key for the search box and type in threat and you will see that the threat command comes up right here now in here it will automatically try to figure out depending on the size what type hole you want but of course as you can see it as dropdowns you can change all this another thing I want to show you that in most CAD systems the thread is just displayed by a literally just a jpg so and we have the same option here if we uncheck models so let me just hit OK to that now you will see that we have that it's not model it's just kind of like an image if I go back in and edit that feature by right clicking and I click modeled and hit OK you will next see that now it's modeled in that that is actually fine to do in fusion 360 I know if you're coming from another system then you don't do this but you can actually do that inside of fusion so that's just a little little added caveat alright so we wrapped up this pot here I hope that you start feeling more comfortable this whole thing about sketching and relationships and also some of these cool parametric functions that is in the software we're almost done we really just need to model up the lid add a couple of screws and then we're at the finish line so I'll give you five minutes go and get some popcorn so you are ready for the thrill of the last video
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 1,091,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Fusion 360, Tip, Tutorial, Beginner, CAD, CAM, CNC, Lars Christensen, Autodesk Fusion 360, 3DPrinting, design, Computer Aided Design, Free CAD, Free Design, Industrial Design, Mechanical Design, CAD Software, 3D Printing, 3D Software, CADCAM, cloud, akn_include
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2016
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