Fusion 360 2D Drawing series for Beginners part 2

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well hey guys mike festiva here welcome back in this video in part two of drawing in fusion 360 we're actually going to take this drawing from the previous video that we sketched out on paper and we figure out how to measure it up we're actually going to dive into the program now talk about a few basic features i'm going to start off really simple to not overwhelm you guys i'm gonna assume that you guys are starting from scratch ground zero that's where i started from and if you haven't this might not be as relevant to you but you might learn something anyways we're gonna go super simple and as we continue on the series we're gonna do more and more complex things and so let's just get going on this program we'll bring you guys in here and start drawing out this part okay guys before i even start drawing the part i want to walk you guys around fusion 360 a little bit not to overwhelm me just show you a few basic features keep in mind get a mouse if you don't have one don't try to use this pad like i mentioned in the previous video this roller can zoom in and zoom out and you also can push down the roller in the center of it and drag around the screen okay so we're going to go right up here first things first we're going to go up here and we're going to hit this cube where it says top it brings us to a top view because we're just drawing in 2d that's all we want now over here if you want to change the inches or millimeters you're going to go over document settings you're going to click that kind of come down over to here click that and right over here on the side you got inches which i'm going to be drawing in you have millimeters you got feet you got a wide range of stuff we don't need to actually change out my cube and inches cancel now what we're going to do is we're going to go up here design is where we're going to draw all our stuff in we're not going to worry about any of these other features in here because this drop down menu there's really not much of this is relevant to us other than manufacturing but that's going to be for a future video so again we're going to stand design we're going to go right over here to this little green plus sign create sketch so we're going to left click once on that this is kind of our zero point it's just a reference point i usually like to draw to this side of it it's not that big of a thing just kind of a zero reference point on here we can set that later i'm to grab the center roller button to grab the screen and move it down this is how i like to do it here so this grid work right here is going to be where we're going to be drawing we're going to left click twice on the grid and it opens up to be ready for drawing as you see our tools changed up here so again i'm going to grab it with the center button drag this down and see this little sketch palette right over here you're going to want to set yours up the same way i don't have 3d drawing on it's not checked because we don't need to draw three dimensional simple things like snap and grid means these are the grid lines and basically snap allows your tools to snap to each section of the grid okay with that being said we got this set up for drawing so again like you can zoom in zoom out with the roller so to draw our basic part i'll put a little overlay over on the side here of the part that we're going to draw and this part right here we're going to start off real simple there's key commands hotkeys key commands that i can hit l for line t for trim things like that but did not complicate it and bug you guys with anything else we're going to just use the basic buttons up here we're going to go up to line which is right here oh another thing is we got these little quick jump buttons right up here but you also have create which has a lot of other drop down stuff circle like center diameter circle two point circle all these have extra tools in it mirror is the one that i use all the time we'll get to all this later though we're going right back to the simple tool line we're going to draw two parts here okay and we're going to draw a simple way to do it and a longer way but you will learn other techniques with it so we're going to come down here when i click on this anywhere on the grid we can draw this out to the size that you want you can come up or down tell your degrees but we want to come out to four inches you can drag this thing out and then left click again when you get to four inches or we can just backspace and hit four and then enter simple way to do it a quick key would be l but we're going to go right up here we're going to draw a box right here going to come up 4 enter zoom out a little bit so we can see what we're doing here line remember this is a slow way to do it here but uh we're just drawing it out and you guys can see what we're doing here you can get comfortable with it and then when you want to get rid of your tool because no matter what it's going to try to draw another line somewhere you hit the escape button at the upper portion of your keyboard and that will take away your tool those are the little things that people didn't explain to me when i was trying to look over videos they didn't cover that they just knew that was a way to get out of their tool but they never hesitated to ever tell anybody okay so we got our box here that's one way to do it or we can come over here and hit the two point rectangle tool and we can draw another one fusion 360 has some cool features if you find a corner or a line it will give you this grid work so you can stay in in the same plane with it okay so we're going to draw a draw another part right here this is a two-point rectangle tool and what we're going to do is we're going to hit four and that switches it right here and then we're gonna hit tab and that takes it over to this other one get four again and then we're gonna hit enter so now we got a box see there's two ways about going about it another thing i want to tell you guys about is these black lines with these measurements everything they're not actual drawing lines they're just like representing the measurement and you can grab them left click and pull them in out move them around wherever you want if you want to resize something too let's see i'll draw a line up here let's draw one more line to show you guys this i'm going to draw this out to say five inches hit enter okay we don't like that at five inches we're gonna left click twice now all of a sudden we can resize it we can back space 4.5 enter there we go we got that size we don't want that on there at all you can hit the quick keys for trim or you can hit the scissors up here and you can any line you highlight will turn this kind of purpley color and you left click and that line's gone again if you go over here and you hit a line here if you forget to take off your trim tool with the escape button that line's gone okay what do we do we can hit escape and we can back arrow there we go so anytime you want to remove a tool you hit escape and keep in mind these back arrows and four arrows are very helpful for you so we got our two boxes we're going to put these four holes on the outside corresponding with the corners so here's another thing with line tool you can do that i never people would jump around between construction line and draw line and the frustrating thing about all that was um they never explained so i'm gonna draw a line real quick here we went up to the line tool gonna draw let's say a four inch line now exit out of there because we don't wanna draw another line continuously off of it escape i should say uh we're gonna go over here and we're gonna click on the line now we're going to hit x see how the line all of a sudden turn to a dotted segmented line that's a construction line you can use them for measurement lines you can use them for mirroring off of like if i ran a line right down the center of this if i wanted mirror parts from this side it would mirror off of that line and mirror them to this side but you can make any line a construction line by left clicking and hitting x but you can make any construction line by left clicking and hitting x a draw line draw lines are basically like your cut lines and this can be used for mirroring or just construction or reference lines if you want to reference certain points okay so we're going to hit the trim tool get rid of that construction line we put up here i'm hoping this stuff makes sense you know we hit escape to take off the trim tool so we're going to come over here we got our part and uh basically what i need to do is i need to set this corner hole 5 8 of an inch down and 5 8 of an inch in so we're going to come over to line basically we're going to hit x and right over here this little point right here means it's construction watch i'll hit x again see a blue point the box goes away from it so we're gonna hit x we're on construction line and come right over here let's zoom in a little bit and uh this program is pretty intuitive like it gets close and it'll snap you right to the corner like this watch this if i want to do a line down the center boom gets that little uh pyramid right there in the center when i'm to the center of the drawing so you know your center between this corner and this corner we're going to come back over here again we're gonna left click we're gonna drag down we're gonna backspace and we're gonna actually do 5 8 into here and then hit enter and we're going to go to line again and we're going to do the same thing backspace five eighths enter okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go up to the circle tool we got center diameter if you don't have that up on your tool it would be down the drop bar you have a bunch of different circles you can pick from but we're going to go for the one that's up here on mine and we're still in construction line because this area here is blue so we're going to exit out of if we hit the x to remove that construction circle on there basically all your drawings can be construction lines or draw lines so we're center point that click on it and we're going to bring this out you can do your fractions right here or your thousands we're going to actually do 31 64 31 64. enter so it has a measurement here if you want to resize this just like our other drawing you can click up here and we can say we can make this 0.5 half inch hole we don't like that we can backspace there we go all right so we got that hole up in the corner there and this is going to be a long way to draw these holes but i'm going to show you the mirroring tool doing this so we're going to go up here going to hit on line and we're going to come to the center here before we draw anything we hit x there's our center left click drag this down this will tell you over here the degrees and you can set your own degrees in here by hitting the tab button to get to that bar or set a certain length we can just bring it down it jump to the four inch point left click got a construction lines we're going to come back over here find the center of this one and come back over left click now we're going to hit escape tool to get out of the line drawing tool okay so we have that now we're going to use the mirror function i think you guys will like this this is super useful like all the grills and stuff i built for the quad truck and the grills i built for the six by six basically you draw half the grill and then you mirror the other half it makes a lot easier so go down to create we're going to come down to mirror click that now right here object select it's already highlighted we want to select this object because this is the one we want to mirror really simple mirror line we're going to select that now we want to mirror which line do we want do you want this part to bounce over to here or down over here we're going to bounce it over to here so we're going to select this line shows you a little where it's going to be and you hit ok boom so we got that all mirrored over there we're going to go up to create again mirror select that line and that object select those two objects select the mirror line hit that shows us where they're going to be we hit okay so now we got our part there and only thing we need to do now is draw basically a circle in the center we got our little construction lines or i show this is where our center is when i go up to circle and i think we're on construction take that off i'm gonna drag that out so you can drag it in or out to whatever size you want or we can just hit backspace and put on our own size uh we need one and three quarters so we're gonna go one point three seven or we don't need one three quarters one and three eight so one point three seven five enter so we got that on there now and we can go through here and hit the t for the quick key or we can hit the trim tool up here and we're to just get rid of our construction lines clean up this drawing a bit so you just kind of got to go through and click off all your construction lines here if you make a mistake and hit like this one for instance just remember you can go back to your arrow back and hit it twice should be there we go so we're going to get rid of this construction line let's go to trim again and we got construction lines up here we got them here and remember we had one up here you got to drag this around a little bit that will delete the whole line when you drag it up a little bit you see the segmented part up here there we go it's kind of frustrating trying to find that segmented one click on that we got rid of that escape take off the trim tool so we got that part finished here now we're going to go over here and do uh draw these four circles the holes around here but we're going to do in a different fashion we're going to go up here and hit line going to hit x for construction going to do the exact same thing down 5 8 back 5 8 enter now we're going to go over here 5 8 over backspace 5 8 enter now we're going to go over here and we're going to draw this circle we take it off construction that's x now we've got regular draw line backspace 31 60 fourths enter okay now we're going to go over to create here and we're going to go down to not circle pattern but rectangular pattern and we're going to select our object because it's highlighted here we want to select that as our object we want how many holes in this direction moving over our arrow represents that direction we want this whole pattern to be spaced out see our drawing says two and three quarters of instead of backspace 2.75 all right now we actually want to come over here and we want ours to be two holes going down and because we're going down off of this drawn if we're going up i'll show you what would happen if we just put 2.75 in here our holes will continue on up i'll show you that 2.75 see our holes where they go they're up here because we told it to move in the positive direction what we need to do is go down here and put minus in here there we go our holes are where we want them now keep that in mind it can be a little frustrating using this program sometime i could have actually set this hole down here as my reference hole and reference everything off of and i wouldn't have to put that minus sign because everything would be moving up towards the positive side this will make more sense the more you guys use this but we can hit ok now i don't use this program this rectangular whole grid program that often i usually just do the first style with the mirroring and the holes that usually works for me especially when i'm doing slots for like engine plates and stuff like that so we got that let's get rid of our construction lines because we don't really need them trim tool trim that trim that we got this guy right up there oop got the wrong line here let's go back i wish it would make it easier to snap there we go escape tool now we need to figure out where the center of this thing is i think you can hit circle and we can bring this shovel check this circle let's go up to here's the center of that there it shows see how that the other line just snapped right onto there and shows you where the circle is we don't actually have to draw construction lines a lot of things are very intuitive so left click and we're going to drag out the circle and we're going to put in our dimensions backspace 1.375 enter there we go we got our two parts here slower way to draw it but you learn different skills doing that faster way to draw it of course you learn different ways to do it as well so one thing i want to show you guys also if you mirror a one hole like we did earlier and you mirror all your parts or you do the rectangle bolt pattern and it's all basically based off of one hole what you can do is you can zoom in here and see this dimension here we can actually change that dimension to anything we want let's just go for 0.5 hit enter and it changes all the holes to half inch holes because that is our original hole we drew and whatever we size that to they all follow it's kind of a cool way if you're doing something you want to re-change a hole instead of drawing each individual hole separately you would have to go and equal them or change the dimensions on each one we want to go backspace out of here because we don't want to keep that dimension but just a simple little thing i want to point out that you can do this program has a ton of features on here we are not really utilizing many of them on this first drawing here we're just going really simple another thing that you can do that i use a lot for a lot of parts and pieces is the fill it it's super nice because this saves you so much time after you cut apart instead of bench grinding or angle grinding to round the corners like you would if you cut everything out with an angle grinder or a band saw you can hit fill it and it saves you so much time for fabricating and it takes off the sharp edges of things so we're going to go up here to this tool fill it we're going to click that you come right over here to the corner hit that and you can set in your size and you can backspace or you can come over here to this little drop down menu and we're just gonna go for a quarter inch fillet we're gonna go around here and we're just gonna click all the corners left click them and there we go we got our fillets now one thing i don't like to do is add fillets to a part if i'm going to redesign it and alter it later i found for copying and changing you use your quarter corner references and the way i like to do things is just make a copy of a part and fill it that and that might be my finished part but if i want to go back through and alter it i have an original one without filleted corners that's just the way i do it so we're going to backspace out of all those fillets here and i'll show you how to make a copy of a part and then we're going to from there we're gonna actually move on to saving this and wrap up this video and the next video will get more complex with it so say we want to copy a part here a whole entire part we want to fill it that one like i said i like to make a copy of something so what we're going to do is we're going to go over here we're going to hold down i think it's a left button yep and now we're going to drag a box around this thing and once we get it boxed in just the part we want we're going to let go of the left button now we're going to go on to the piece where it's bluish purple and we're going to right click and we've got delete if you want to delete the whole part we don't want to move that you're going to want to hit move slash copy now this is important you before you try to move this part you want to hit a copy down here you hit copy now right up here this control right here you can rotate the part by grabbing and holding left button down and rotating it around you can freehand move with this one which means it's not going to be gridded out anymore you can move only vertically or you can move horizontally so we're going to make just a copy we're going to move it horizontally so i'll show you guys that see we made a copy of that part and you can also put in this is a four inch part it's already represented to move in that direction so we can actually just backspace and hit five and now we have a copy of it we hit enter and we got another copy of it set to the side like i said if we didn't have two identical parts sitting right here i would just make a copy of a part and fill it the corners and do a test cut and see how you like it or if it's what you want um final thing we want to do here is save this so what we're going to do up here we're going to go up to the little save icon up here we're going to name it bearing test that's all we're going to call it and i'm just going to save it right in this location right here you can make a different locations and you can make different files and stuff all we have to do is hit save now one thing i like to do on here is a lot of different ways to save it but that's about the simplest way but say we want to fill it this part make alterations to this let's go over here we'll just hit this with a quarter inch hit all these corners and say we've worked on this part here and we're done we use the escape tool we fill it to that piece we want to re-save this over our original one you can go up to hit save and we should be able to oh i'm offline right now i don't have any internet that's not good okay so what you do is when we do that we can save that part basically when i'm actually online and uh you can actually just hit a different version i wish this was actually working right now got to show you guys let me see if i can fix that up all right sorry about that i have really bad internet it cuts out i have starlink and it doesn't work very good out here we're in a rural area it's always cutting and cutting out i wouldn't recommend starlink until they actually got it figured out okay so we're going to do is we're going to go up here to save we've already saved it once and you can rename a different version of it up here but i just usually hit this milestone mark and it says v2 and i hit ok i'm always usually building upon things there's a lot of different ways to save files on here and there's a lot of different ways people like to save files on here but for me i basically like say i'm working on the pinzgauer 6x6 bodywork all the sheet metal i will do a sheet metal file and i will just start drawing in this vast area different sheet metal parts and copies of them and variations and i'll just draw one giant file and when i go to make tool pass and extrude things i can extrude off of that individual part of that big file it'll make more sense as we get more videos and down around here all right you guys probably getting long hair we should probably wrap this one up like i said this is just a really basic introduction not to bug you guys too much i would say highly recommend to watch this on one device like another computer or your iphone and then follow along try to figure out how to use all this so offline mode again there is uh that wonderful starlink cuts on and off like that all the time sorry anyways just venting that's really frustrating not having much internet out here and this is a cloud-based program so it's very helpful to have internet with it all right if you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up sorry it's a long topic it's really something i want to explain slowly so you guys can understand and figure out how to draw with this once you do figure this out you're going to love having the langmuir systems table that crossfire pro is awesome i've been really happy with it i know you guys seen a lot of my videos of me cutting if you haven't at the end of this video i'll put some links to me cutting with that and some of the projects i've built with it all right if you enjoyed the video please give a thumbs up leave a comment down below till next time guys take care bye you
Channel: Mike festiva
Views: 9,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crossfire, crossfire pro, langmuir systems, cnc plasma table, crossfire plasma table, affordable cnc table, diy, cnc, titanium 45 plasma torch, plasma cutting table, shop cnc plasma table, home shop cnc table, fusion 360, Fusion 360 tutorial, Crossfire Pro CNC Plasma Table, drawing 2D, drawing in Fusion 360, How to draw in Fusion 360, How to use Fusion 360, How to draw in CAD
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 25sec (1465 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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