Fusion 360 Mistakes I Make Sketching (10 Things To Avoid)

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MorosEros 📅︎︎ Feb 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey let's talk about 10 things that waste time and mess up your sketches that i do and you might too here we go hey tyler back with tekken espresso today first time waster i want to talk about is not using the origin like you should when i place a fully defined object in a sketch this is a super simple one but it doesn't know how it relates to the origin so either i need to dimension down to that origin and give it the distance that it relates to the origin or let's just connect it and make it coincident to the origin when this goes all black it's fully defined and that's tip number two you should have a fully defined sketch and you want to know why they behave way better when you don't have a bunch of dimensions and you don't have these relationships and constraints so i'm going to go back and remove those that are on the rectangle when you think this is fully defined this is what you want it's so easy to mess this thing up look how it just drags away and gets messed up as well as it's hard to relate to and then when you're ready to edit it in the future so you've got this cool block you want to go back and edit that original sketch there's nothing to edit here there's no dimensions no constraints to keep it like you designed it to be and it's so easy to mess up so number three is accidentally starting another sketch so i do this all the time i think i'm working in this sketch and without kind of noticing it i hit a new sketch and when i look down at the design history look at this second sketch that's showing up here right so we don't want that i if i'm trying to edit the original make sure editing the one you care about so one way to do that is right click on the sketch you care about make sure you're editing it it should have this finished sketch or this sketching option the sketch palette will probably be available that should that's another indicator that you're working on that sketch not to mention as well as the sketch stuff should be showing up that you are editing that particular sketch you care about okay the next one i'm sketching a new component and you see it wants to snap to all these other entities when i'm trying to start my new sketch and this can really mess me up sometimes i add relationships constraints that i don't want and then you can see when i'm about to place it again same thing so if i hold control or command on the keyboard it's now allowing me to sketch this freely without snapping and that allows me to place it and then place a dimension so i can drive this how i want to so a question i've gotten a bunch over the years is constraints versus dimensions and the first thing is you should absolutely be adding dimensions and constraints but what's the order well i would encourage you if you said i have a plate with four holes right so i sketch that those four holes they're not lined up and you say the plate is rectangular okay cool i've drawn a rectangle and those constraints are in there already vertical and horizontal good but you say the holes are all the same diameter okay so i'm going to make those equal by selecting them making them equal and you say that they line up in a rectangular fashion there's a lot of ways you can do this we can draw we can sketch a rectangle and we can make sure that that rectangle is just a construction rectangle so we can use that as kind of like a sketching guide i like using this method and i can snap everything to the you know corresponding corners a little easier to drive it this way and then move it around great so we can do that we don't have to sketch this rectangle we could also just say this point is horizontal with this point this point and this point are vertical and that's the other way we can constrain it but so far i haven't placed a single dimension and there's a lot of intelligence here the next part might be that you say that these things are always centered kind of with relationship to the plate so if i draw a sketch line there and make sure that it's vertical that's going to line this stuff up you know kind of centered and then if we want to center it this way too but the point is you hopefully you're seeing is constraints are incredibly powerful and now i won't take me very long to get this dimension here's the diameters here's the height of the plate what are we missing whatever i drag is still missing so the kind of the height of this interior the vertical and the width there so maybe we want a dimension to this bottom edge maybe we want it always centered it's up to us so you can see the power of doing constraints first and then adding dimensions okay the next one is failing to finish my sketches and this kind of goes into two things so when i'm looking at this the extrude is not working so when i hit extrude it won't let me extrude this area it'll let me do the circles for some reason but it's not complete and maybe you've seen my how to find errors video but this is one of my favorite tricks is sketch lines across the sketch when i do this whatever if this lower portion's working that means the error is somewhere up here and as i drag this line it's showing me yep everything below this is great everything below is great so as i'm getting closer it looks like i failed to finish out the sketch or to extend my entities to where they connect and complete so two little tips there use that line method to find your errors but make sure you complete your sketch entities here's another obvious one that gets you and gets me is as i'm placing this this is a hundred by 125 and i extrude that i have this sketch and this looks great but then i go to measure it and it's 125 millimeters ah man it's supposed to be inches right so units are very important for when you're doing your sketches um do keep in mind that regardless of the template that you started um when you're placing a dimension you can always just type in 100 inch or 100 millimeter right and it will sketch that correctly now if you have done an entire model with the wrong units i did do a video how to go in and convert that correctly where all your sketches and features go together i'll link that one up down below okay number nine is putting the origin in a weird spot all right so when you look at this model and i look at how many features all come from right here i've got a cylinder that extrudes i've got this like keyway thing i've got this cylinder at the top that comes from here it looks like should be centered got a rectangular face that might even connect there the origin would be very advantageous to have right here it would be silly to put it off in space you know why because your three planes live at the origin so give some thought to where your origin gets placed i put this right in the center that ended up helping me i could have put it down in the corner but that would mean my three planes are here which may not be that helpful going forward what about when you take the time to sketch something out and get it just right right and this looks great but it's like an order of magnitude off so instead of 70 this should have been 700 let's do 700 and look what happens the whole thing just kind of gets thrown out of whack and then if i try to add the next one it just gets worse right this is 950 and it just messes up so if you sketched it the right shape but you're just kind of off you know by kind of the general size of this one of my favorite settings that helps avoid this let's go back in time is the sketch thing go up to your preferences and in design there's this cool little check box scale the entire sketch around your first dimension i love this one so now when i place my first dimension at 700 the whole thing scales correctly and now it's gonna be so much friendlier to work with and manipulate i love that one okay so if you're looking for some practice exercises check out this video and playlist i made for you i'll see in the next video
Channel: Tyler Beck of Tech & Espresso
Views: 56,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360, fusion 360 tutorial, tyler beck, fusion 360 tutorial beginner, autodesk, design, mechanical design, product design, cad, cad software, cloud based cad, cad in the cloud, free cad, autodesk cad, free cad program, autodesk fusion 360, fusion 360 tutorials, fusion 360 sketch basics, fusion 360 sketch, fusion 360 beginner, fusion360 tutorial, product design and development, fusion 360 tutorial for beginners, 3d printing for beginners, fusion 360 sketch tips
Id: gf7-80Yymr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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