Fusion 360 — Intro to Parameters —Your Comments & Questions — #LarsLive 47

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everybody and welcome to livestream number 47 today is Friday we made it man Friday and I only did four last rooms this week just seems like a long week but it's Friday it is August 18th and like I said this is livestream number 47 today's topic is an intro into parameters inside of fusion 360 now down description area you will find my email address Lars Christensen on our desk calm you're definitely more than welcome to email me with any future topics you would like to to see today's topic is inspired well by a few people a few of you guys would request to see something with the parameters but that's email me the other day in regards to a problem we had and that's what we kind of like gonna well bounds of that I guess see we already got a few people in here not even up on a minute love it Thank You Tommy thank you Bob we're appreciating you guys taking the time out of your busy Friday to join so like a sad and intro into parameters that is probably a good thing to to know about when it comes to fusion 360 so I will jump back in through the live chat in just a second let's let's get to it so not trying to scare anybody don't worry there is six months till Valentine's so don't just relax guys it's okay you got plenty of time to go shopping but this reached out to me yesterday about that he had some issues scaling some odd shapes and a hot was one of them now I don't know if it was a like a human heart or like this type of heart but this was what I kind of got modeled up here and now you should know that up in the in the modified drop-down there is a scaling button up here and I'm I don't know is not quite working for West I didn't see his model but if you do have some issues another way to deal with this is something called parameters you can actually incorporate um some math and some different factors into into your part now this model we're looking at here a heart I kind of like turned it into a box so if I just go over here and right click and hit move copy and let's move this up you will see that this is kind of like a box a lid in here and actually at the end of talking about this parameters I think I'm gonna just take two minutes and kind of like take you the way how I model this up I've said before that you know I think one of the ways that I got better at modeling was seeing somebody else modeling up and this was kind of like an interesting I think a little way that I did this could be helpful for somebody maybe maybe not so we have this this box and what I want to say to vas is I'm gonna go in and show kinda like an intro to the parameters and hopefully by seeing this you can kind of like see how you could you could work with this so in this case here the way that I have used parameters in the past have been if I have to go in front of a customer and percent in front of a customer you know a design and actually I had a good friend of mine who was a long time ago told me that one of the best practices he had started doing when he had to model something up was to try to think ahead for what the customers could come back and ask for and this specific box a typical example when you get in front of the customer is that they might say well what if it was a little narrower what if it was a little deeper you know different wall thickness in the box and parameters is one way that you could kind of like take the design and control it so let me show you what I'm talking about this I'm not gonna go through the entire thing right now hi Maude lit up I'm going to do that in the end but one of the things you will see if I go into the first sketch in here it's going to hit edit sketch you will see that the basic heart is controlled really only by three dimensions there is what I will call and width there is a length and then there is a diameter of these two circles so it's really just two circles and two tangent lines that's all this is made are up like the general shapes made out of now I know that a customer might when they when they look at this heart might say you know alright so this is if we're looking at it from the top this is fairly good heart shape but what if you know the radius here was a little bigger what if this thing was a little short or a little fat or whatever you want to whatever you wanna call it and of course in standing in front of the customer you could go in here and and edit the scats and I could go in here and say well you know I'm gonna make this you know five inches instead of six and and sketch and then we could take a look at that result you know we could go in here and play with those different values but I actually know that I have a couple of issues with this model for example if I decide to make this with five inches you can see that these two circles now are getting you know too far from each other and eczema if I go out of the sketch you'll see that it turns into I don't know what this is two cops or something right so I know that there's a couple of issues with this now I can go four and a half right on the edge and then I get a heart so some of the things are controlling here is these kind of these kind of of dimensions now so I just brought that out that if I made this five then this year would get we'd be separated and you saw the model blow up I could prevent that by making this dimension the same as this dimension then they would never blow up then when this becomes five then this will become 5 and this is maybe the first entry into parameters because check this out if I go into this four and a half dimension I have that one open if I go up and click on this full dimension up here let's see if I hover over it you see how it says d2 that I mentioned there actually has a D value and that is actually in the order you put in your dimension so this is a d2 now with this diameter open I double clicked on I could change the diameter of the circle but if I go up and click on this up here I'm actually saying that I want this dimension that I am another mention should be d2 what is when this one is so if I hit a Kenda right now this exit change to fall and no matter what I chain if I change this one to five well then this becomes 5 because this dimension is following this dimension you get what I'm saying so that is kind of like the entry into parameters that you can actually deal with this in this order and you will see that when I go into the parameters in a second ah that this d2 will show up for this so let's do that let me just stop the sketch and we get back out and get our pot here so chains parameters is sitting under the modified tab and it's right here change parameters and you get this dialog that opens up now this dialog is broken into three sections there is all the dimension and and features from your model so this model parameters represent all the values down in your feature tree now on top of that you got use of parameters so this is your parameters and then you actually get a favorite in the end what could probably be very handy when you create a punch but if I go in so that original sketch we just looked at pick a little arrow you will see in here that did I am on a dimension is equal D to right that's what we just changed you will see that there's a linear dimension that is fall that's the width and there's a little a dimension that is 6 that is but this is the width and that is the length so right now we haven't done anything but this is kind of like how everything lives in here including a lot of different you know options so if I go in here and create a user parameter I'm gonna create this one by clicking this little green plus then I get this little pop-up that enters up here and I get to enter a name I get to enter a kind of a rule I guess it's called a unit but that could be length but you will take to see if you scroll down here this angle currency mass percentage temperature like I mean you start thinking now that holy moly there is some power in here so if I go in here and I'm working in inches for this some circulating inches I get to add an impression and then I can Excel also add a comment or answer that in a second so I'm gonna write the first one I'm gonna call this one with I'm gonna type with and then I gotta give it some kind of a value and I'm normally I just do what I want to replace to start out with so in this case it's full I'm gonna change that later and I'm gonna hit OK and now you will see that with is you use a parameter with isn't in just its full expression as for the value is four inches what I can do now is I can actually go down to this is the fall the width of the heart hope you're following me that is that four inches across I'm gonna take the time to go out of this so you we can I just want to make sure that if you're brand new to this this can be a little confusing I'm talking about this is the four inches this is the width dimension here modify change parameter that is this one here now right now this user mer don't do anything but if I go down here and change the four inches and start typing with bucket spell you will see that it actually appears right here and I can click on it what I've done now is that I've said the width of that dimension equals my use of parameter so if I just hit enter right now nothing changes on your screen right but if I go up here and I change this to let's say 4.5 and I hit n don't look at that at the heart then you will see that now this one here drives this width here now this at this point maybe not you know super fancy but I could continue I maybe I want to do one for the length so I'm gonna go up and hit the plus sign I'm gonna call this one length I'm gonna do that one six also and hit OK and before you saw I've wrote in this area down here I got length in here I can actually also go into the sketch itself so here you will see that now have this F acts up here with this one too because this FX children is run by a parameter now if I go into this length and a double click on that one the six inches I can exhale to just type in length here and you will see the user parameter show up in dance and now that is also driven from from that table so if I go back into my table again you now see got length here I got leg here what means and now I can change to five and that will change the model so I've kind of made these two parameters are here control the width and control the lengths that are kind of makes sense cool now so right now I have two factors that in front of my customer I can control the width or the length but I know that with this heart or that radius diameter around here really um you know I would like to be able to at least do something with it though that we learned before that if if I if I just have a value in here and I could change this one back to the original value for point five then I know that if I make this one five then this one will blow up well we could possibly create some kind of a rule fall on this diameter so let me show you what I'm talking about here I could say that I want to be able to change a value and have it added on to to my part meaning if I go in here right now and create a new rule and I'm gonna call this one diameter plus and I'm gonna just give it a value of a hundred thousands now again this one don't do really anything at this point if I create another value and I'm gonna call this one diameter just to make things a little bit easier then inside the expression in here I could just write I'm just gonna type in the 4.5 go ahead in here and then change this one to diameter now this is driving that now we're coming back to where I were before this here is driving the diameter but I still have the same problem as I had before that if I change this one to five then this one would the thing will blow up so I could go in and say something like the width that's the width parameter right that width plus that diameter plus like that there and hit enter now with plus diameter plus so this width plus this diameter plus is now what the ammeter is what means that no matter what I'm changing if I changing this one to five now this will automatically become five point one so that it's not blowing up plus I could go in here and change this value to something higher than than this value so I just gave myself a little bit of flexibility in here to mess around with this heart in front of a customer and know that things are not gonna gonna blow up now these formulas in here you can you can go crazy and if you go down the description area you will see that of this video that I actually I added a link to a parameter list that is in the fusion website and in there you will see all the stuff it's all stuff you can you can do so everyone check check that out now another thing I said before was that the customer might also come back and talk about this shell outta here so if I turn the nails is back on in here okay so this oh maybe I was messing around with my okay let's go to section analysis we have this shelling area in here and actually I don't want us to do it right there I wanna do it's not that plane this plane there I want to do it right here because I got to show you something like that give the graphics a second to update all right so we will see here that we have this shelling here in the bottom piece we also got a shelling of course of the same on the top lid and then we got this factoring here now the shelling the thickness of this case is controlled by two shell commands one for the bottom one for the top and if I go into my parameters you will see that those two shells are sitting right here right now they're both a hundred thousands so in front of the customer the customer says hey what if we made this a little thicker I would right now I have to go in and change those two shell thicknesses with the parameters I can go in here create a new parameter call this thickness and I'm just gonna make it again 100 hit okay so now I got this thickness parameter and now I could just go in here and change these to read the same thickness right so now um this thickness of these walls are controlled one spot there was X it should fall but now if I go in and change this to let's say 0.15 you will see that it's gonna change the thickness of both bodies ah that is pretty cool right now when I did this when I modeled this up um I wasn't so smart then I was thinking about every scenario and I realized that this lip ah that is that is connecting the the bottom and the top together that they are I see not following when I change the thickness and that might be embarrassing in front of Maya in front of my my customer right because that should probably be about the same thickness here now that one is I actually know is driven by this sketch right here but it's just a simple little line on a line that is driving this and you will see that when I did this I had a thickness of a hundred thousands in my original design and now I just realized that that I'm the customer might ask to make the wall thickness so this is gonna be not right again you can use these parameters because if I go in and find this 50 thousands modify change parameters if I go in and find that one I think that's the sketch right there you see how that is sitting right there I could if I want to be really clever just do thickness divided by 2 right now that 50 thousands is now controlled by the thickness divided by two it means that if I go ahead and change this thickness parameter up here back to 100 then it's always will be in in half of of that distance and when I go in front of my customer I can hide that and I now have kind of like narrowed things down I can literally change things here on the fly without even have to go without going and and changing anything in there so I hope that this was helpful don't forget you can always you know this is gonna come up on the YouTube channel if you're not watching the recording if you're watching this live and of course remember you can always go back and re-watch kind of like the different steps but parameters it really gives you an option to really control a lot of them of these kind of things where you can do kind of like what do you want to call it rule base maybe or whatever you want to whatever you want to call these different things to to set your design your design up so you just you just you go nuts this again is of course fairly fairly in intro in the end I can see it now I got some some different errors in here depending on what I'm working on that's always good I am Not sure let's try to chain 6.3 go back to 100 there we go so yeah so that was what I was planning on showing with with parameters so I hope that this kind of like gives you an idea about how to get started with it and and if you go down to that link that I sent down the description area that's kind of like all the rules if you scroll down at the bottom of that page there's also another video there that kind of like takes you through it so for bass I think that this could be helpful to to possibly use parameters to control you know you can you can multiply these different dimensions and hopefully that helps him control this model where the scaling function don't work normally that was the parameter section of this live stream I hope it was useful um now before I end the video though I just wanted to take two seconds to show you the process of modeling up this heart because so now we're jumping forget about parameters now we're talking about what I would call advanced modeling maybe maybe not advanced advanced but you know mobile then kinda like beginning if you're a beginner check this out because it might make you kind of like just see you know some other way to do things and like I said earlier this kind of stuff was what really taught me to see other people model so let's go in them and look at this before we end the video here now because I got all these different parameters in here and I don't feel like deleting them I'm just gonna close this model down and oh so it's not even at the right place go back in so our live stream folder and reopen it up again here so so yes so I start modeling up this heart and and this is just I guess to me this is just kind of kind of fun stuff so um so bear with me so I model up that sketch you've already seen that schedule number times right now just extrude it up with a thickness of course thickness could also been a parameter in our model then I added some fill its and actually I could add all these fill it's on this side and all these outsides plus they want to hand the back in one command I was kind of surprised about that way to go fusion developers but then what I did this I realized that I wanted to turn this into a box um so I'm just gonna spend ten minutes and show you how to do that so what I did and I don't want to just go through all the workflows because I think that's cheating a little bit so what I did was I knew that I was going to cut through this part so I used this offset plane and I created an offset plane to kind of like cut through the pot like this I'm gonna go minus a half an inch so now I have this plane this construction plane right here then I went over and I used the split body command on to modify so I hit the split body I said alright there's you know right now there's just one body over here and I'm gonna split it the splitting tool it's gonna be this plane that we just created just like that so now I ended up with two bodies right all right the construction plane so now I kinda like have two bodies if I right click and hit move copy here you were kind of like seen that I split it in two but it's not really you know there's no no room in here so let me go over here and well I say good idea over here is probably like we naming these lid slow left click ok so then if I turn off the lid I can go in and use that shell command so I'm to modify its shell and I'm gonna select this face here and I'm gonna make a thickness of a hundred thousands BAM and I just made sure that there's a hundred thousand wall thickness all the way around I'm gonna do the same thing for the lid turn to look back on bottom off and let me go in and do the same thing again shell command hundred thousands cool now I kind of like had what I wanted but then as I was doing this I realized that normally you have kind of like an over a lip that is folding on so the right now the lid here could literally just you could slide off right like there's nothing holding it in place that's not cool so I was thinking about that and I'm like alright well know what I'm gonna do I am going to use a revolve no sorry another of all the sweep I'm gonna use the sweep but really what I want to do is I want to cut through existing material I don't want to add more material I want to cut with material so what I did was I actually went in and I hit the lid and I went in and created a plane that intersects with this edge and this other edge in here so I could create a sketch right perpendicular on this face here so construction and plane through two edges and then you select one face and one edge you can select the other edge here so now I got a plane that looks directly at the direction of that face so with that I could go ahead and and open up a sketch on that of course I realized that it's kind of hard to look right there so I went in and I used the section analysis kind of data section analysis on that plane okay so now I kind of got I could see through there and then actually if I turn the lip bag on you will see that I can see the lid - so what I did was I opened up a sketch here and then I really just sketched what I wanted to kind of like slice through so I create a line out here and a line down here and then I really just gave them a couple of dimensions so D for dimension and this one here as you saw I made it 50 thousands and this one here I made a hundred and fifty point one five so now I kind of like have that scats sitting right on that face there but like I said I really don't necessarily want to I don't really want to add material all the movement cereal that's one kind of cut material so with that I went over to the patch environment the surface environment over here this remember if you watch some of the previous videos surfaces are kind of like none thick there's no thickness to them so I went in here and I created a sweep so I selected that profile what is our two line segments and then I selected the path is this path that actually goes all the way around the heart like where the kind of like the the closing line is that goes all the way around now when I hit okay here you're not gonna see anything really happening on the screen either that we just got this surface body here now if I hide the lid you will see that there is that surface body sitting right on top of there that a kind of like had no thickness to it just following that those two lines around there but what I could do was I could go ahead and use that gray a split body again so if I hide the bottom turn on the lid right here so now we have the lid now you still really can't see anything but if I go in back to a model environment go into the split body on the modify and I'm gonna split the lid and the splitting tool is going to be that body over here as I can select it right over here and hit OK now I actually got another body over here now it gets a little confusing here but if I hide the body surface and a hide the lid and turn the bottom back again you will see that now I kind of have that live there and if I turn the bottom off it's kinda like sitting there by itself cutting out by that surface but what I need to do is I need to add the bottom and that what is not called the lid together into one so there I went and use the combined tool so I combined the bottom with that body hit okay so now I have the bottom and then I have the lid that also have that little lid on there so now I have created that that caught out there now this was a little fast maybe too fast you can try to watch it one more time give me some feedback if this makes any sense oh whatever but I just wanted to show you kind of like this is this was the steps that I came up with to do that and that's better ways to do it I am sure I didn't spend hours trying to think of the best way this was just kind of like si ma this up I was like oh I'm just gonna go ahead and do it like that two things I'm gonna I need to address here first of all I would leave this surface body in here with I mean I don't worry about it it can just be light bowls out and also if you are wondering why I don't have any clearances here well then I recommend that you go back and look at the tolerance clearance section we did on on on here on the livestream I hope this was useful thank you so much for taking the time we have 77 people in the other thing that's gonna be almost a record thank you so much taking time out of your busy Friday to join I hope this was a good insert into the parameters and I hope that the end just kind of like going through how a mother's up that that is helpful if you haven't already I would really appreciate if you subscribe to the channel that is kind of like my fuel to keep going and you know the thumbs up if you liked it be honest thumbs down if you don't I hope that day I hope you have a awesome weekend I hope that you had some good some good stuff planned I will do what I normally do and the broadcast so if you're watching the recording thank you so much and I will jump into the livestream and just say hi to everybody until the next time have an awesome awesome day
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 12,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, Engineering, Mechanical engineering, Industrial engineering, Product design, software, CAD, CAD Software, Computer Aided Design, Modeling, 3D, 3D Software, 3D Printing, CAM, CAM Software, Computer Aided Manufacturing, Manufacturing, CNC, Cimputer Numerical Control, cloud, Cloud based CAD, Autodesk CAD, Autodesk CAM, Free CAD, Free Software, cloud manufacturing, cloud CAM, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, YouTube Live Events
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 47sec (2087 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2017
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