Inserting an image and tracing on Fusion 360

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okay the next step is to get rid of these lines here so we're just going to click on the line hit delete and now you can choose a design that you like on google images save it somewhere where it's easy to find so a jpeg or a ping works well like an image and then you have to import it into fusion 360 because that'll be on your computer and 360 is web-based like it's cloud-based so i'm going to click on the data panel here show data panel now this is i already have it in here but i'll just show you how to bring it in so you hit upload and you could select files i already have it like i said but i'll uh say fox logo there and upload so now that it's in here the the folder doesn't matter now you could um really you won't have as much stuff as me i don't think so the next step we gotta bring that photo on here on our our rectangle now the reason why i deleted those lines is because we had like six different rectangles here and it would make the overlay very small so that's why i deleted the lines they were like construction lines so i'm going to insert canvas it's going to ask you to you know ask for the folder now that's these are all pings so they'll work fine insert now the canvas menu appears the sketch menu is still active the canvas menu appears so it wants you to select a face just select that face there now i like the size that it is right now i notice that fusion is pretty good at sizing things if you want to make it larger smaller you drag this corner one here and just make it bigger smaller but i don't really want to let's do it again so i'm going to leave it you could also move it left to right up and down but i'm okay i'm okay with what where it is you could also rotate it you could use these tools here with your cursor you can enter actual distances and then i'll hit ok so that's my canvas now the machine won't recognize this we have to create a sketch using this as like a on overlay so i can minimize this data panel now now let's say you just get this done in one session and you want to take a break you can hit finish sketch here and then just keep editing your sketch so i'm going to expand this sketch panel edit sketch now once i do this my canvas disappears so i have to bring the canvas in again so if you don't do this all in one sitting you'll just have to bring in your your image again and it brings it back to the same place which is nice don't forget to hit okay all right i'm gonna go you know i won't do the entire object but i'll go through the process that i use to draw a sketch under this so i'm going to create some points now this is a very subtle arc but i'm going to choose a point at the beginning the end and you notice it wants to lock me and i can't really move my cursor too far off so i'm going to zoom right in with my middle mouse wheel and just select that it's a little larger but i like the way it looks now here i see a line kind of a linear segment and then an arc so i'll create a line here and it should snap to the the points you made now i'm still drawing lines so i hit escape then you can use create arc three points you gotta choose the beginning of the arc the end of the arc and the middle beginning and middle i won't draw the whole thing but that's a basic idea you just trace around the object how you want it a couple things you want to keep in mind you want to have a one continuous contour if you can help it try not to have lines broken and try not to have any little line segments that don't lead anywhere because when it when when you go to create a cutter path for this it leads to some complications so i'll just do a little bit more and i'll show you what i mean here so that i see that as an arc two arcs one arc ends there and then the other arc kind of ends here remember if it's trying to lock you in just zoom in a bit now i'm still drawing points when i hit escape use this pan tool if you click anything on this menu here you're still in it so just hit escape it won't let you do anything until you hit escape now i'm can go back to the drawings again so i'm going to create an arc three points one start and middle start and middle start and middle i see that as a line there start the end the middle now these white points here are centers of arcs you can see when i hover over the point it shows which arc center it is now i was talking about overlap let's say i go too far with this line when we go to program this so i could cut on a cnc machine this is going to confuse our our software so you want to avoid that if you can let's say this is where i wanted it i can just click on the trim trim that and trim that now if i change my mind about something i could always hit the control z at the same time and it undoes my last move so let's try it again let's do a line here and then an arc escape create arc three points now i clicked the wrong point some now try that again i'm trying to i'm striving for one continuous line for the for this and one continuous kind of you know chain it's called the chain one continuous chain of lines for the inside and these will be closed shapes the eyes will be closed shapes so i'm uh going to go to the finished i won't go you know this will take me a while to do so i'll be back in a second
Channel: Sandwich Secondary Machine Shop
Views: 130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O3TF6B5xshU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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