Setup of Lathe Turning & Mill/Turn — Fusion 360 — And Your Comments & Questions— #LarsLive 63

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doing happy Friday today is livestream number 63 and it is September 22nd 2017 thank you so much for taking the time to join today's livestream today's topic is setup of lathe churning and mill turn so I hope that you'll find this interesting thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy day to join today's live scene now Before we jump into anything I gotta say I'm a middle guy like bar hot so if any of you other guys out there who are kind of like in through milling and then thrown into doing some turning on a lathe or mill turn I think today's live stream I think you're gonna walk away with some some good tips so that should be useful don't forget Donnell description area is my email address any future topics love to hear hear about them also now what we are talking camp that's our new thing on Fridays we are going to talk cam here on the live stream the CNC handbook if you have not grabbed your free copy of the CNC handbook you need to grab it um you put in your email address you're not gonna get any spam of any kind I promise and and then you'll get your free CNC handbook okay so we already got 23 people here we've been on for for just a minute and for you guys who's watching the recording also thank you everybody thank you for taking the time so Friday we made it so this week was busy Monday we talked about curves and remember that with like g0 g1 g2 we got all like crazy with that we talked Tuesday about the learning science that is out there the new learning site with with fusion 360 and with Titans Academy awesome stuff we talked about intro to simulation on Wednesday so we actually got in then we applied some meshes and we put some stress on it and then yesterday we modeled up a computer fan so we did some laughs thing we use some parameter soap but busy week today we're gonna talk about mill turn we're gonna start turning and then we're gonna talk about some mill turns let me just switch it over to to our screen here and this is kinda like the pot we are going to be working about working with today now I gotta do a little bit of confession here before we get into all this so I'm a milling guy by heart and actually the first time I had to use a CNC lathe I used manually the first time I'd use the CNC lathe it was not just on a lathe part it was actually on a mill turn pot so that was porcius that was gonna be turned down and then there was posted that was gonna be milled and you know I like to say that I'm not afraid of anything but I was a little bit of my comfort zone there but they had a great guy who reminded me that when it comes to manufacturing one of the best things you can ever do is break things down into chunks and I want to show you a tip that I have used ever since then when it comes to many times using turning a mill turn so I'm gonna show two case scenarios here and that even if you're using I think you can use this even if you're not even ever using cam if you're looking at this model here you will see that if you look down this history tree here that I model this one up myself so if you look down here at this you will see that there's a copy pasted bodies down here and what I did was I actually modeled this part all the way up till this stage because that is the turning portion of this pot now after this part after this section is over this is all turning inside of the machine then it is going to be a milling part like this is gonna have some flats on and some holes and things like that so what I did was I literally just programmed you know so this is just let's go ahead and look at this this is just a revolved scat I just sketched all this up and I revolved around the center axis here and that kind of gave us this body and then all I did was I went up here and I did a control-c control-v what gives me the move copy command and then I just renamed that second one to milling and then I turned the first one off and did the rest of the program on the second one so actually kinda like have two loops let me delete it I actually have two bodies right now sitting on top of one another so one is you can see here one is turning and then the milling is just a copy of the turning but the additional features down here so not only in my mind can I break it up to the two different tasks the first task was just give me this round part and then in the second task I can actually go in and I can do the milling but I can actually also do that inside of the cam now I'm pretty lucky here right that I got to remodel everything up from scratch so I could think like that so I literally just thought of the modeling sequence in first turning and then I copied and then I would continue down with the milling but I wanted to show an example where if you don't have that opportunity many many people including like how it used to be for me I would get an important model so this is just one body that is important but don't forget that inside of fusion there's some really really powerful things in here if I go in and I copy this one so again just highlight the body ctrl-c ctrl-v I get I get a copy body and I could move it around but I'm just gonna throw it right on top of one another now if I hide this one I just copied look at this if I go down I click on this face and I hit the Delete key on my keyboard that fat goes away what happens is and I'm gonna go around and select all the holes ctrl select all these holes here what happens in the fusion if I delete these faces fusion will look and all the surround is the face surrounding faces and it will try to patch it up um and this is you know that's kind of powerful stuff so if I go around here I now hit delete see all the holes are gone so it's not depending on how complicated the shape is that you're deleting it's raw about the surrounding if the software can figure out what to do if you deleted those faces so just like that I now have this is back to where I was when I modeled it up and if I flip it around you will now see that I have though created the same thing with an imported model except it without with the turning model is that cool all right so let me show you I hope it's cool so let me show you some turning tips lathe tips now the development team at Autodesk have done a lot on turning in Fusion and in each of Sam soul so if you're running in vendor HS mo if you don't need to set works had done some some neat things in there that you definitely need to be aware of so let's go into and look a little bit of that so I'm gonna flip this over to my turning module here and that's what I'm gonna be programming on first so do all the turning first in the milling in the end so I want to switch it over to the cam environment and the first thing you always got to do is doing a setup right now it comes in and does it as a milling by default that is fine because all we have to do is click the milling sequence here and then go down to select turn and mill turn because that's still what we're gonna run on and I counted that this on purpose I model this one up on the wrong plane because that's always happens to me when I receive models so you can see that nothing is really correct here well all it's looking for is to place this free gnome in the right place the easiest thing is to let me just select a circular edge on your model and it will automatically jump over there now is going to be a mill turn part right that's gonna have flats on it in different sections so you definitely want to make sure that you turn on the spun profile when you do that then the software kind of like slices through the model and make sure that it picks up all the different sections on it now another thing I want to show you I'm going over to stock here click on stock and then by default it shows up with fixed size cylinder but it's actually fine because you should always measure your stock and then it kind of like rounded it up but it's fine to now one things I like to do go over here but it's gonna be the top view you see how it's kind of like place the stock in the center of the of the pot in the center of the stock I'm normally like to use the offset from front what just means that I can add like 50 thousands in here so now you know we could actually make the length longer but we will maintain that 50,000 just to clean it up a 25,000 so whatever kind of like your your section is alright so that is kind of like your stock setup for this now first thing I'm gonna go in and do is so the turning tool path all over here first thing I'm gonna go and do is just the SEC same thing as you would do if you were milling and that is I'm just gonna face off the top right take that kind of 50,000 off and the menus in here there's all the same things as they do inside of milling if this is the first time you see the turning so I'm just gonna go in and select the tool and for this exercise here I'm literally just gonna scroll down and use the turning sample tools that you also have in in your on your fusion and I am just gonna select a pretty standard tool here they fit to just take that off and I'm not even gonna play play with the other settings what's gonna help okay and if we go in and simulate that I have my stock turned on let's see here oh we will see that we're just taking off that 50,000 pretty straightforward now what I want to show you comes to the next tool path so the next thing I'm going to do I'm going to start off for a second the next thing I'm going to do after this is I'm going to go in and do kind of the profile of the partner show you a couple of things in here that you need to be aware of so let's go up and hit the turnin profile up here and again I can actually use the exact same tool for this just to kind of like rough the profile down now just like when we were talking about last week when we're talking about mixing 2d and 3d tool paths I am many times just like to hit OK and see what I get right like don't go in and change a million different settings just click OK see what the software gives you and then let's go ahead and make some changes so that's what we're gonna do here now the first thing is a Mexican I answer a question that Richard emailed me about yesterday and I haven't had a chance to get back to a member of Richard is is in the live stream on this Friday but the first question we got here was you see how the tool is kind of like roughing out the software smart enough to know the clearances here on the back of the tool so it exit digs down and kind of like cuts back here and also does that down here and it's kind of neat that it can do that but Rich's question was I don't want that I'm gonna get rid of that and of course you can control that so let's go back into the profile tool path right click edit just like anything else and that actually lives right on the tool tab in here if you go down you will see that down here that is something called allow radial and actual grooving and by the way Mike matera who does all these pop-up menu did a fabulous job describing this so you can actually control it in both directions now I'm gonna click on don't allow grooving and for here let me just need okay and you will now see that it goes straight across just like I kind of wanted it to like Richard one of the two so that is right underneath the first like right underneath the tool will you allow the tool grooving or not grooving okay the next thing when I'm looking at this part is that you see how it finishes up right at the end of the part but I actually wanted to go a little bit past this because I'm probably gonna come in with a parting tool at some point here's something new that was just recently done inside of the software that is the next tab and it's well it's called containment it's not new but it got like got a cool facelift and this was actually one of the users I think it was Lonnie wow I might be stretching out I get a lot of credit I'm pretty sure was Lonnie who came up with a suggestion that these containment areas work just like they do for for milling Heights so what you're gonna actually do you can actually grab these and you can actually just move them back you can see how the number moves back here I can't move that containment area wherever I kind of like want to keep it so let me just go - maybe 375 or something hit enter and let's go back and I look at the side you'll now see that kind of extended it back that is extremely sweet the next thing I want to show you also when we're in here the roughing tool path I'm gonna give you a bunch of tips for this and that is known as this see how it's machining the front of the face like well wait a minute didn't we just do wasn't the first facing operation where we cleaned all that off isn't that annoying I don't want to go down that already been down that it's no big issue right click hit edit and again second tab where we had but we just played around with the stock containment rest machining right if I click that it looks at the previous operation hit okay and now you will see that that have been eliminated have a feeling that a couple of people have been playing with the lathe tool recently right now like um the next thing I want to show you inside of this operation because I got a lot more to cover in here is there is a dragging option so on none dragging option as you say so when you many times are roughing out with a short tool like this you really just want the tools go in and get the heck out of the way again you don't want it to go in and let it travel up this flat face in here you just wanted to come in get the heck out of the way come in get the heck out of the way if you go in again through that operation you will see that on the passes tab there's an option called no dragging so if you check that one and we click OK you will see that now we get a lot of more rapid moves you don't have any blue going up here so now the color will come and give the heck out of the way come and get the heck out of the way so I hope that that this is kind of useful if you are gonna dabble into to this tourney thing alright so if your going to click on our setup now and we hit the simulation button and we turn the stock back on or like that we should see here the facing operation and then we will kind of see that it's gonna go through here you play with the feats of speed to step over and it will kind of rough all this down as we would expect now the other thing I want to show you too that I think is nice is so I just did draft all this down now I want to finish it I think that the the the normal descent is like ok let me go up and grab another profile caught up here but I actually likes to go in and click on this profile that I just had the roughing one control-c click on my setup control v and just copy that same operation because in that operation I have already made some changes and I can carry those over like the extension here and I also know what I have turned on that I maybe now want to turn off so I can just go into this copy change it to another kind of like a finishing toolpath go back again I'm just gonna select again from the turnin tutorial in here and I can select a finishing operation and we know with the grooving is not an issue because we took care of that we know we got the extension that we want we know that the rest machining is turned on so really all I have to do when I go in here saying maybe I don't want any dragging I don't want any roughing passes and and go in and kind of like create that cleanup pass that we want in here well actually I probably want the thing I want the rest machining and I actually wanted to go in and clean up here because then it's kind of cleaning up all the these two depth relationships with that tools and I will actually let it go in and kind of clean that up all right moving on I don't want to be too long today the other thing I wanted to show you was with these groupings in here so with these groupings you have grooving operations in here too and this is definitely also again we're using that containment can be extremely helpful so if I go in and select a grooving tool and again I'm gonna do what I did before I'm just gonna hit OK and see what the software gets me so now it literally goes in the grooves absolutely everything but again that containment area that I showed you before where we could move before I show you how we could just kind of like drag on these these planes well be aware of that is a bunch of options in here one of the beings and again mics pop-up menus here are absolutely a blessing I use the photo time you can hit selection I can exit also of course go ahead and select right on the geometry that I want to have that containment area within and we can kind of like define it to one another thing I just want to point out if you are brand new it looks like that this is offset you see how this is going down over here this looks like it should be shifted over a little bit it just is how the the grooving tool is kinda like following on the right side almost like cutter comp when it when it cuts around this don't let that let that frighten you alright you know what I think I'm gonna because twenty minutes you guys fifty five people in there you guys have better things to do let's skip this cop I think this kind of covers turning pretty well you shouldn't like one of the things that I found using like I said before I was I'm a mill guy by heart but one of the things I found with the turning is it's actually not that hard and now they want to show would the grooving it so definitely don't shy away from trying it also be aware of that you do have some you can pack with the depth so if you got to go really really deep you have options to pack with that in here too that actually also goes fall when you do a cut-off of course it's not a milling to do on this part but if you're doing a parting operation on this part here select aisle tool like this so we're just parting off be aware also that you can pack with that that options in there so that is is really really nice okay um we don't leave it with that let's get into let's get into some some milling and show you some some military like I said my first part was a midterm part but just from you made a little scary but if you break it down like this so if you just came into the livestream maybe when the recording is over you to go back and see how I broke down the model into two sections what most returning that's when you just see now I'm gonna turn it on for for the milling potion so I'm literally just gonna do what you were thinking I'm gonna go up to my operation here and I'm gonna go into the bodies folder and I'm gonna flip the turning to the milling leaving this here is my turning setup right and then I can just go in and create another setup for all my milling operations and you're gonna see some cool things here so hit another setup I'm gonna do the exact same thing right like I just like to break it break it down into into easier chunks now one of the benefits I have now is that when it comes to stock well I can accidentally don't use that solid I'm used as the model before so if I go over and select that over here on the tree now when we go in and simulate everything we're gonna see what we have already taken care of in turning operation if we had a company to finish that I kind of like skipped it a little bit here but now our stock is all gonna be B that turning operation so we kind of like you know helped ourselves a little bit now if you are a lathe guy and you if you if it's reversed if you've never done any milling and your lathe guy and something you gotta do some mill turn one of the things that should comfort you I think is that the milling tools you're gonna be using for mill churn are all the same ones that is used for milling so they are all you know kind of easy to work with the trick is to know how to set up your work cortland system now normally we do the milling we're doing it in the setup when we're doing in the middle turn on this is also called live tooling we do it right inside of the operation so I kind of modeled this pot up on purpose with this angle a face on here because there's kind of two different types of mill terms or life tooling machines there is the standard life tool and whether the tool can adjust can come right in but then there's these calling fancy military machines the XS B X's that can kind of rotate so I wanted to show you both those examples on this pot how you would handle it let's stop the fancy BX is rotation so if we just wanted to go in and face this off here we will go and pick a standard facing operation like you would have if it was a mill and I'm just gonna go in here and select a end mill just and you can pull this right out of your milling library it doesn't really doesn't really matter um now when it comes in you will see that it automatically goes with the z-axis like if it was a vertical mill but here's a trick it is so simple if you go up to the geometry tab you have something in here called tool orientation and if I click on that then I actually have the exact same work common system setup as you are used to in the milling so I literally just have to select this face and you will see that the that the triad kind of like flipped just like if we were if we were selecting our coordinate system on a mill that's all you have to do now you see this orange bar if you're used to doing facing you know that this is kind of like all the stock so I only want to face this off right here so it makes it just gonna select containment and select a selection and select that area there now I also know that since this is a facing operation that are going to my height tap the bottom hide on a normal the facing operation is set to the top of the stock what is a little bit off here so I'm just going to change that to selection and I can select that face here so now it's going to go down to that and let's just hit OK and see what we get and we actually kind of get a nice facing operation here now you might want to rotate it so we can edit it if you want to do that go to the passes tab and then we can just pass direction change that to 90 and it goes the other way so let's go ahead and simulate this now you will see now that my stock if I turn it on here is that from the previous model so that kind of like makes it nice hit play here you will see that it's gonna face that off but they weren't but I did this I'm looking at I'm like that's that's good it faces it off and looks good and personas good but look at how much the first cut is really taking that's a lot of material um so you could step this down but then I thought well you know there's another favorite tool path when it comes to removing a lot of material and that is actually the adaptive clearing so let me go in here and right click on our facing operation instead of deleting it I'm just gonna suppress it because I really don't know you know maybe I want to use it later so when I suppress it right click suppress then it goes away here let's go up and do this with a adaptive clearing so let me seek the adaptive clearing I'm gonna leave the same the same endmill that we used I'm gonna go back over this geometry up again use this the tool orientation and flip it up the same way now again we see we get this orange shadow for stock so I'm gonna go again and I'm gonna kind of like contain it that I want a machine with in this area but adaptive clearing actually still looks at the whole stock model so I can go down here to the bottom and I can override the stock by selecting modeling gonna this uncheck include set up model and I'm just gonna select what I want the solve for here to to kind of look at what is these faces here let's go ahead and hit OK oh it looks like my depths is off so they've been going in a right-click hey did that deafness probably go into the model bottom yes it does I'm gonna change to selection right there hit okay and look at that tool pass so let's go in and and simulate that stuck back on there and dad is actually kind of maybe a little bit of a a nicer to a pair like that I think um so that is how you could do it with the B axis if you do have the fans be excess of rotate it definitely play around with the adaptive to help you out removing a lot of material like that now if you have a machine like I add but it has like live tooling on it you cannot you cannot bend um you cannot bend that whole axis down like that you can have to kind of like go straight down so there I would probably let me just go in and suppress our adaptive here for that you would probably use something like a parallel cut and really do the same thing it was just that so go in here to our geometry tab use the tool orientation now this time still selecting this face because I can't go it in the angle I'm just gonna select a perpendicular face like that fit my C axis I'm gonna kind of use the same thing as we did before we're going to kind of contain it so what's last Friday's live stream if you want to get more into the free access to a path but like this here we can actually go in and we can again kind of control all this down to to the direction of the tool path again I would probably rotate this 90 degrees and I didn't do this with a ball in mail I did it with a with a flat and I'll probably rough it down in a few because this is going to be you know a little it's gonna be a lot of material for that poem those will take but that's the way you can drop it down come in with a ball in Mill and kind of like clean that up so I hope that this was kind of helpful the last thing I want to show you just because you need to know about this if you're ever doing mill turn and that is you see how we have all these flat faces here you don't have to do this setting all this up on all of them and many of you guys probably already know this but if I go ahead and say on a face off I'm not gonna put the hole in because we're on the half flower but if I going into a facing operation again I'm gonna select my tool orientation and I can really I just selected the plane but I could also just select a face like this doesn't really matter I'm gonna select the containing area but it's gonna be this face here the depth is going to be that same face set that up let's hit OK and see what we get yeah again I'm a because the other direction doesn't really matter but so you could do this I know there's seven of these flat spots but just so you know that is also in km if you right-click and you go in and you say adds a new pattern and I've used this before you can do a circular pattern and if we select X's to rotate around let's put in seven here you will now see that we get seven flats here now I will say that when you simulate this you will see that the tool is going to move around but when you post it out with your code it's actually going to it parts gonna be rotating that the tool is gonna be to be stationary I hope this was I hope this was useful um you know if you're brand new to this whole turning lathe turning mill turn you know it's really not that that hard and I hope that today's tips kind of like you know you saw a couple things you know ease into it don't just think that you have to program the entire part and then just hit the green stop button and run away I am a very big fan of you know program a couple toolpath go out and run it make sure it's all good like maybe rough down the part and then come back in again and do kind of like your finishing toolpath you know like bring it in bring the pardon don't you know just just hit the mean button and run away I hope this was useful you let me know my email address is down in in the description area Friday's is our cam day but we might throw a couple of cam in doing the week too um let me know what you think and what you would like to see I think next Friday I think we're gonna dive into a depth of clearing a little bit more maybe talk about how you best attack that because I've got some requests about that anything else you want to see this is trying to add them all value through your fusion 360 experience so uh yeah let me know if you like this thumbs up if you don't the thumbs down and if you haven't already please subscribe to the channel that was Friday that was this week we are done guys I will see you on Monday I'm gonna end the broadcast so if you're watching the recording hope you had to have a great weekend and I'm gonna jump into the livestream and say hi to everybody take care guys
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 35,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, CAD, 3D, 3D Printing, CAM, Manufacturing, CNC, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, akn_include, Lathe, Turning
Id: xGy2FL2ft2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 43sec (2083 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2017
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