I Played A Game That Doesn't Exist

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as many of you guys are aware I am a gaming channel and so every three to four videos in order to keep up my categorization from YouTube as a gaming channel I put out a gaming video and well that's what this video today is supposed to be however we will be playing a game that is not actually a game and it is called there is no game so the title itself does disqualify me from being a gaming channel for today but I heard a lot of good things and you guys recommended it to me and so I figured I'd give it a try with that being said let's go ahead and play the game or the lack thereof all right French or the UK uh not a fan of either I guess if I had to choose I guess I'd say the English because I'm guessing this is about the language there is no game alright so we are not gaming today as I mentioned to you guys hello user I've got some bad news actually there's no game we now I hope you're not too disappointed no I'm not you can't still watch TV go outside read a book ask for a refund this game was free this is not a game it's nothing like a game okay it's just a massive bundle of boredom well I am bored there's nothing to do in here you're such a liar you know there's something to do um what about that huh what have you done seriously are you going to wreck everything if I can there's no reason to use that icon since you're just leaving what icon this one oh I muted him nice touch that again what you're trying to kill me it's fun okay done oh no there we go I got an achievement too shut up I think that's enough okay I had to do things like that but you left me no choice hey is there something else to do you see these little things underneath the H and the M this one okay I will break something mining looks like Minecraft there we go just bring me to the game I know it exists case a little bit of bitter I know Superman does not exist but since we're in again no we're not huh what can I do with this you're still here you're thinking about trying to leave that big box around you trying to lift that big box oh it works yes yes go on destroy my life okay I hope you will clean up before you go I have to like unscrew these I guess this is fun for a game that's not really a game got some good characteristics to it all right so I have to unscrew these right oh it's just that simple I'm ending you no haha there is a game after all e a m e no no no no no no no what are you gonna do I just ruined your entire existence what is this oh this is like breakout right this game's called breakout who is they I don't want them to come okay well they're gonna come regardless I don't care I don't all right please stop hitting the bricks I'm really curious what's gonna happen no you can't do that that's illegal that's like incredibly illegal shut up you all right what are you gonna do cheetah you can't do that it's not I could probably just break them right um there's a ball yeah I love games like this that are like super interactive where you could just like use everything on screen I'm going to be sick all right good French man I have to beat this entire Breakout game I'm not prime for this I'm not a gamer this is gonna be tough oh wait oh no I have to beat this no oh okay wow [Music] you must find a way to get rid of them to get rid of the glitches with all these glitches let me just think one more one more come on come on come on come on a Christian that's full of bugs okay think of three things gorgeous armed hero girls I want more yes okay trophy time we're gonna do with the trophy I can drop the trophy what do you say goat you say goat uh there is a game maybe villagers can help us again maybe the letters can help us okay so I have to change what the letters are all right what other words can I make here let's just lay this out we're playing Scrabble okay so I could write okay it's a good idea girls and zombies goats I will never understand goats goats can attract to users so you have goats he's giving me the answer spoon feeding it to me uh which one was I was at the left so let's go right now oh cool oh he's trapped poor guys the key okay where do I get this key how do I get it you must get it back find a ladder or something to go up okay I need a ladder reminds me of my childhood I used to climb the huge tree huge tree huge tree because this game is my creation oh how do I grow it now this is a small tree uh for me it was bigger I know I know I'm thinking what can I do what about this come on pour out some water out of this maybe oh okay okay here we go fill it up there we go Lovely One More Time and now you're a huge tree Jack In the Beanstalk Style all right and now I'm sure I could climb it okay give me that you little rodent I will probably have to trade himself so squirrels eat nuts nuts um perish it oh you want a nut don't we all oh what could it be or maybe he's just hungry yeah so what do I make for you oh he wants me I don't know why are squirrels allowed to eat meat I must be thinking of the general Square why would you just fool me like that okay squirrels have acorns and nuts nothing on this page nothing over here uh what about I think I saw something moving the tree oh you saw a nut in the tree did you oh look at this there's the nut found the nut here you go trade I have to break it okay there we go got it you got his knot to transform this this good program okay okay okay all right give me the key save the cat release the goat no the goat was a lie a lie getting worse did I just beat the game I'm oh I'm Not Dead I'm alive okay good because I want to keep playing this was fun I was wrong it was a bad idea how was it everything has disappeared except for me we still have this game I'm so sorry I put you in danger it's all my fault would you please forgive me I am going to choose forgiveness because sometimes in this world you have to let go of the things that you thought you hated the most oh really yeah that's good news I know maybe we can be friends no yeah definitely not a good idea we will get bored together too quick exactly I can't be doing that because like I said there is no game I just played a game oh that's it I think that's it but that game we just played is only the beginning because that came out in 2015 it was a failed Kickstarter campaign and they've since launched in 2020 a four hour gameplay of their sequel which is called there is a new game part two that's why this video is going to be this long so let's get right into it all right here we go so the first thing is I have to choose which country is superior no I'm kidding it's probably guessing or probably wants me to choose which language uh if you can read this then leave the program I'm not leaving anything I am a proud Brit so I'm gonna click on that because I want English so since this isn't a game and you don't want me to click I'm guessing I should click so let's click this way with red arrows useless options let's see the useless options oh that really is useless I don't care about any of that this way with bright red arrows usually I'd advise to click on it but I feel like the actual proper choice is to click no game here alright shiny buttons let's see quit oh no okay I do not want to quit so that's the wrong way so no game here I guess uh game one but I thought I clicked English when this icon appears exit the program immediately to maximize your chances of corrupting your auto save wow they really don't want me to play this it's not like this non-game has a hint system so there's no reason to click on the icon below to get a clue all right so I can get Clues too this is fun I'm looking forward to this for the next two hours with you guys I think the walkthrough was like three hours so I'll try to speed run this a little bit but I don't know if I even can I'm gonna pull it chapter one miss it in our beam it is I there's someone in here hello old friends ah where's my speech are you not prepared for this [Music] I almost forgot the title come on don't panic dummy there is no game right that's what I'm about to say [Music] all right here we go hello user programs understood I've got some bad news actually there's new game the financial crisis the depot karim's brother I'm like analyzing the screen I can see I already cut that rope down you can still watch TV go outside I don't want to do any of that I'm recording a video and I'm playing this game no matter what my creature yeah yeah whatever he's probably a millionaire off this game this game had like a hundred thousand downloads when I last checked where when he finally finds one I'm careful ah here we go there's that thing going to hold my title oh look at that okay this is like the first version you play Breakout I like that they kept some of the themes I'm guessing I just have to play Breakout oh you're not going anywhere you don't give up you're probably gonna be here the entire time pestering right the brick breaker game of the year yeah maybe I will department is making some big gestures over there oh I wonder if I should have hit it so then it says there is a game is that possible I'm an ordinary screensaver that's it no you're not why are you lying to me there we go I'm thank you completely ruined my beautiful title yeah well if that's the way things are going to be let's make something solid oh geez now there's really no game well if this isn't a game then you wouldn't mind if I chopped this this tea looks a little weird how do I cut this this is a clickable element so maybe I just keep clicking that I would love to chop this I know that that's what I have to do I'm not quitting I'm beating this not game you want to play again ah there we go so I just have to annoy him [Music] um give me a game bro Shambo so it's like rock paper scissors right you know which rock paper scissors which I choose here guys uh I'll do rock Rock doesn't fail Ure come on let's play again okay let's go scissors I win again this is so much fun the next one's your uh let's go rock again paper oh let's go all right so I could take the scissors I'm guessing cut all right so now what now I gotta find something to pop that what's this I thought of everything to protect the game here is game look at that finished um that's why we're going to stop now I'm not leaving like the Leonardo DiCaprio Wolf of Wall Street meme where he's like I'm not leaving oh look at that instead of playing with that you see the sound I think I can mute him I guess not there we go mute it was kind of sad to suffocate him he's not a bad guy [Music] all right should I let him talk or you say stop the more I'm gonna do because I feel like I need to do that [Music] am I supposed to kill this guy all right let me hear from you [Music] I'm even oh oh cool I can remove your cursor all right there we go uh what are these little bolts in the previous game I had to get rid of the bolts so maybe I could unscrew them okay so this thing is actually used to unscrew this thing you're there I'm interacting with the game I know you say this isn't a game but I it feels very much like a game [Music] come on all right I'm finding this key all keys are under what I say all keys are always under the mat where did you find the key under the mat not welcome [Music] okay well I'm sure I'm gonna find something unlock like go back to the title ah it looks like I could fit into some of these okay Keyhole foreign flag what I'm gonna do with that you can leave now I don't know I'm gonna do with that what's this draw me a pixel okay draw me a goat draw me a cog you're a pro at digging things apart I really am like I feel like I have like a knack for finding stuff at last sentence was a little weird with this COG how do I go back I want to get the goat one now too [Music] I guess there's nothing for me to do all right well if this truly isn't a game then they wouldn't want me to try to interact with everything so where does that Cog go I feel like that was a useful thing to get maybe the Cog the flag under the door oh it's like another placement now Am I Dreaming or are you trying to pick the lock with the most girls I am trying oh no don't there we go foreign there we go okay so I got the key and now we want to play oh my God let me just play this game it's like just even get to the game all right the lock is busted maybe the Cog helps maybe this a little bit of that pointer dog wait that looks like it fits there doesn't it oh cool am I missing one does that need to be fixed moving from screen to screen my system to get some assistant I'm gonna keep doing it when it goes too fast okay well now I'm gonna go fast you know why this game is good because he gives you like the answers kind of but like he doesn't say too much like you still have to kind of do stuff oh never mind I keep forgetting like this is not a game so if something bad happens it's probably good I'm gonna do it again just because he said let's not do it again did I miss something was there something on that screen that they showed Oh the Cog COG how do I get it yes that's mine okay there we go that's the Cog put it in put it in put it in here we go plug it in baby turn it turn the safe no don't bring the Germans out don't bring the Germans out nothing on this page loading screen huh you were able to press the button I'm very upset no the program is loading and there's nothing I can do to stop it real good you've beaten me now show me the game progress boss stopped moving now looks like it's moving backwards now now [Music] oh yeah it definitely crashed oh there we go no come on I don't mean the progress bar there you go this guy's so stubborn oh my gosh don't touch anything else you just never give up do you there we go all right so now that we've loaded the game error uh four eight fifty six and twenty three forty two okay that's the Lost Code they have that in the impossible quiz too I'll remember that 4 8 15 16 23 42 the program has quit unexpectedly not doing that all right here we go is this the game [Music] yeah okay so the goal is to open the prohibited folder all right I just want to click help just to see what it does oh choose a hint okay cool all right I just wanted to see what it did all right let's go start with Skype it's like Skype and there's nothing to do in there this needs to be unzipped this file music my head water relaxation [Music] might as well leave this on put your hazelnut tree okay so this is eventually going to be a hazelnut tree very cool breaking good okay oh uh private do not Shake [Music] how do I shake [Music] I'm not reading that [Music] shake my head maybe I'll leave this on [Music] do not Shake I did something squirrel media player has stopped rebooting the program excessive shaking so this is good let's shake it again oh here we go show me those private folders truth okay I kind of don't want this music anymore then that's fine with me all right uh truth the truth about Roswell hello due to technical problem the content of this document has unfortunately been lost PS oh yes it was a weather balloon okay and then Super private another truth about Kennedy's death JFK due to a technical problem the content has been unfortunately lost PS the shooter was a weather balloon so the weather balloon has been Roswell okay the truth about Apollo hello the weather balloon I got an achievement for that Giga private 18 plus this might be a blurred part for you guys Miss USA okay there we go [Music] Miss Paris whoo got me sweating and I missed Japan oh miss Tokyo jeez don't know what I'd do with that I don't notice really anything crazy with these four six three do you think that means anything I have a cat uh not me hello [Music] to an existing program I just wanted to say that these pictures are scandinous I'm going to contact the authorities right away regarding the classification of this game non game and they are not mine it's for a friend all right so now you're officially we're friends occupation retired likes trees Kites and the number 31. hates bugs and goats favorite food the CPU find love become multi-core okay [Music] oh there's a key here and he requires a nut okay so we have to get this guy a nut he always wants his nut okay I need to find a nut that I can then input in this Nutcracker to give to the squirrel [Music] water elevator [Music] water there could be a connection with the water here I suppose are you fat I don't think so uh the number 31 could be meaningful for like that code weather balloons [Music] all right Miss Paris there's no numbers here but Mr pan is four six three think what I need to do is maybe get access to prohibited folder [Music] okay okay is that a key for this one zero minus one oh dope okay uh password what is it if I forget the administration password enter in this order spot the odd one out on my ID card my favorite number Miss Tokyo's private number okay so miss Tokyo's private number my favorite number spot the odd one out on my ID card where's your ID card if we want his ID card ID card the odd one out eight okay odd one out is eight that goes first so it goes eight three one was his favorite number eight three one six four three [Music] wait or maybe I messed it up let's go back to um private four six three four six three four six three four six three four six three so it's gonna be eight three one four six three let's go all right so we wanna make a daytime o'clock I hope he doesn't break anything how do I change it p.m cool all right now it's day pictures day and we need water so what do we say that water over here right [Music] ah I could have sworn that was gonna help all right what haven't I done yet I haven't played this pinball game no balls available there's always a ball there we go no the ice core is going to be bitten well if there's one attempt High School oh the high score is 2500 okay better oh why do you always do this to me oh here we go if I use this I should be getting to 25.50 which will be the high score in three two one nice okay so this is gonna here we go you ready just like the previous game that fills it up and now we're going to plant the water there we go grow baby now you're a hazelnut so give me the nut grow grow a nut there's a nut okay and then when I say Nutcracker right too good here's your nut squirrel give me the key and unlock prohibited there's no way to shrink it what about zip I think again no this game is very clever like unzip a folder so make the key smaller I like this this is great prohibited I'm launching it oh no don't do that got it not loading Made in India is it really use them that's impossible what's going to happen no I don't like this at all am I finally in the game did I finally enter the game let's see okay looks like some Hindi text this is the program speaking I have some bad news all over again take a walk around the Ganges sounds fun even you admit this is a game what are you talking about go away you should not be here but usually do something damn it you have a funny accent um are you Russian Russian do I have to save him nothing's clickable so I can't do anything right now I am I hates Russians you woke him up oh no user you program don't touch him user he is aliens table I'm gonna touch him not like that but nothing to do where are you comrade user we are in Russia we're in Soviet Russia I'm not too disappointed yeah not again how do we get out of here you are spy okay this one truly has a Russian accent seems to be so sure man you are show me papers only if you say please I also have to break the Russian is is that how you say it in Russian and Cyrillic it says there is no game all right just don't take me to France this changes I don't understand what's going on see becoming more and more unstable crossover oh but you were my friend not a pleasureful you are flexible or croissants possibly we could be arrested I killed the croissants all the French people now like an hour in Japan [Music] right okay now outside the down blocker Cuts it's about a senior shoot the crazy cats I feel bad [Music] you're going to get us killed I knew it we are not going to die uh Germany is my next guess [Music] why are we time traveling the effort that went into this game is crazy uh there's a bug in the soup finished chapter one so chapter one complete I think how many chapters are there you're in purgatory I think I went to sleep for a minute you died where where are we yes sir I don't know I actually have no idea where we are I am here how do I signal to him I about it maybe he's right after it all like maybe there's actually not a game somewhere we don't know where it's very strange postcard kisses from the gear Factory so I probably need a gear don't touch it goes possession Poltergeist Miss Voodoo 555-2368 so we have to give that number a call Sports oh you just couldn't help yourself could you five five I don't I have no idea how to use that that doesn't do very sturdy all right let's break it I'm breaking it I need to I can't see that but I feel like I need to do this when I I'm gonna touch it you told me not to [Music] oh no what is this tell me you've broken another coffee cup Watson what son Sherlock Holmes is it me or is there an echo all of a sudden affirmative there was nothing human about that scream seems to be coming from our dinner but wilhelm's home oh no let's go take a look shall we have to go to wilhelm's Home his most exciting foreign oh we've reached the game no we need to stay here we are trapped in this world just like these fictional characters oh no the world where it's impossible so I have to call 555-2368 we've probably entered a different video game Dimension do something anything it's what you do best is this a phone please should not be here I mean like five five now we must avoid running into those characters again at all cost I fear the consequences okay nothing oh do I kill him got something in mind but I don't know what it's got to be used for something Maybe are you still there I'm here yes I'm here have you all around the screen there may be a way out perhaps um I'm trying I'm with you I just I actually am pretty stuck right now oh what have you done now take off one of the games icons I did I don't know if that's good yeah what do you plan to do with that I think I have to punch you um okay I'm gonna take the Fists and I'm doing something with it just you wait something's gonna happen hey don't touch anything else you will end up breaking something good deal okay I punch through this window yes I could okay thank you for the hint when I asked you to find a way out I was talking about this Dimension oh well now we have to open it oh where should I go should I go down I have to go down no we have a magnifying glass how do I access the magnifying glass though written on this strange hatch an opportunity to smart to read empty that all right let's just go through here it will never work homes what we need is a key hmm a key you say so my goal is to find a key daring associations and think in four dimensions or Dimensions so time is the fourth dimension I'm going to pick up on these hints don't make a sound user [Music] need to somehow access it something written on this strange hatch I know it's too small to read how do I get this he said think in the fourth dimension uh let's go back here foreign don't you think I haven't used this fist I have used the fist I think it could do with this Penny right here I don't know how oh I see what was that sound a lost penny it's my lucky day lucky evening my friend what do I do from here though all right so I'm still stuck here okay oh the penny okay so maybe I what do I need to do I need to get this Penny somehow it doesn't allow me to get the penny all right let's see penny [Music] another there must be a leak I hope you're not speaking of yourself my dear friend all right I need to get this penny oh cool I didn't cheat I have the impression pressure there is Whispering going on to voice with a Russian but I'm not the thing I heard is the gentle rustling of the Wind with a Russian accent all right now I have to do something with this penny there's something written in this strange Hutch unfortunately it's too small to read how does that work how does a penny act as like a flat iron a flathead screwdriver okay monitor circuits from the other side oh so it's all staged and fake I could move you a little bit go back and forth there's really nothing really to do here oh so I'm gonna change the room now gotcha so now I go back into the room and the room's gonna look different right here so let's go back to this move this there now the room is going to be different oh so I have to sorry I have to go the other way all right here um I know what you're going to do there go help them out did I not just switch it to daytime all right so that doesn't do anything I guess what can I do here what else oh I could help him unlock it using my fists so now he's gonna open it you did that entirely yourself I'll go with them all right so I clearly have to go with them um how do I go with them paint the scene again all right so now we're with them walk around in the dark all right so we have to find light for these guys so try to find us some light Watson um okay characters are trapped in the dark the dark you say Let's cross our fingers and hope that they can't find the light or I could just find it for them cross our fingers and hope that you can't find the light I could do this I could do this I could do this that's why I'm here it's broken uh [Music] then there's nothing for me here huh oh it's missing a cog okay I wonder what it could so I need to find a cog so then that lever works properly you say and a penny act as a cog no okay where can I get a cog [Music] that's not here has to be one somewhere kisses from the here literally here got it that's a cog come on give me the Cog it's right there oh there we go cool I have the Cog I got it good you need to get it wet need to get it wet you say do I have to kiss it aha that's disgusting it's all making sense now crazy I know okay I just in case I hope it's not connected to your life it is connected to a light source that's the beauty of this so let's bring them back out go to here and now it works good so bring it over there now let's head back in here and now we can see oh my gosh he's dead he died we can finally see Mr Wilhelm decorating damn having a view of the Moon this place scares The Living Daylights out of me hell are you homes he's flu ENT in his face is that Taco Bell oh no it looks like some sort of relatively so I think I have to kill Mr glitch I'm assuming we have to click on them once I'm able to click to the medical why is he so rude to Watson I for one would rather keep my distance from that thing okay uh in his condition I would prescribe aspirin okay he needs aspirin there is something written on this strange how do we get this guy aspirin if you were thinking about moving those possession Poltergeist we have to call Miss Voodoo the marks on the ground show that a piece of frail is missing they are a letter of the alphabet what are the alphabets on the piece of rail piece of Rel is missing he says okay this looks like an old phone maybe I could pay to get into it a cup of tea you say oh it looks painful can I just keep doing that okay so I can get the H aha oh dear Houston from Mr Wilhelm scream what do I do with the H back I keep punching them did I get what I want oh he's innocent my bad sorry Wilhelm um I still don't know what to do with this h uh how much Direction here um I don't know here there's nothing uh maybe I have to go behind the scenes again all right so let's take it here and then we're gonna swing back around this good unscrew this don't know what that did assuming something see what it did on the other side okay give me the eyeball I did but this is good for us uh okay now I could look through this correct right I'm gonna try to read the door now the hatch I can't combine the two what do I do with this eye there must be something over here maybe no nothing here uh nothing there either a little lost right now I put the I here not here sorry it's my fault I have an h and an I that I have to use swing it back around so okay plugged it in that seems to be what I was missing now this works what was that sound like a ringing Bell okay so we need to call the number of the Poltergeist from that phone that's our next thing yes a telephone Okay so um let's let's prove him wrong let's use it stop playing around with everything you come across somebody will notice us anyway it's just been separate and I don't have a magnifying glass on me yes you do it's right here how do I use it though wish I knew how to use these things uh let's go back here I just wish I could read this unfortunately it's too smart to read [Music] huh there's a letter from an onomatopoeia to fix a rain oh that's what he was saying before about the rail and it's missing a letter I have to listen to this guy more I feel like I have been like properly accounting for him okay so now I'm gonna move this all the way here but what really gets me is aha use that screw it in nothing fell so we're gonna swing around there and see what that is to swipe their mining fine glass now we could read everything for you all right let's say I hope they won't figure it out then we're gonna read this Dev only and let's go down [Music] uh uh I don't think so I think I know where we are dictionary is where all the things that are used in the game was told kind of hidden Library useful to know I suppose very useful to now nothing for me to get here not yet at least okay there's no hints fine let's go back over here now that we have a magnifying glass my magnifying glass in my hand Watson and it suddenly disappeared sorry about that they're figure it out that voice tomes the Russian ghost but I'm not Russian Mr Wilhelm you never told us he was such a talented ventriloquist ah he's not the one Speaking I am why are you revealing yourself a game I'm a computer program on this game with a user a human that's monitoring everything we can home do you know how we can exit your game what game hey your game you are aware that the word you're in isn't real not you you don't know that you're in a video game is that it I'd rather look for my magnifying glass than continue listening to your mad jabbering Mr Wilhelm oh my gosh they don't believe him let's hope mention you get us out of here poor souls zoom in user all right so we need the Poltergeist was a good idea well so it's what 555-2378 it's like a missed puzzle I believe who are you going to call with this thing we don't know anyone here and he said it's the only one of its kind okay so five five two three six eight are you trying to make a phone call you can see that it's much too small It's Just Pizza five five five if only we had something we could use two three six eight wow I'm surprised I know how to do this okay all the Poltergeist answer the phone there's so much dialogue in this game put yourself together it's like a really good like play through probably Mr moochie who made a second one no a telephones cam user this channel comes fellow is not very cooperative okay we need to do it again two three six eight you again please stop calling here and playing with the light Watson gentlemen needs to pick up the phone instead how do we get Watson to answer the phone do we need to get Sherlock out of here why can't I just punch Sherlock Holmes magnifying glass oh let's I'm going to find it eventually need to put it somewhere far away luckily we've got light I'm over here baby look I'm warning you I'll call Scotland Yard well as soon as they get it to let your phone let's hurry up and find my magnifying glass while there's still light I don't know what to do though because you need to just this door for me to drop it uh what if we don't have light so what if I do some of this voodoo you just finished our friends in darkness user that's not very nice mind you nothing you do even surprises me anymore it's dark again over in this corner I say there's a bit of light over by the end piece I may have lost my magnifying glass here good well done user that character isn't by the communication device anymore we might finally be able to use this 555-2368 please answer come on Watson I think homes video game is speaking to me no please okay cool bring the Poltergeist here come on Watson save us do the devs have anything like that these kinds of paint make me think of the three primary colors red blue and yellow except we're inside the cathode ray screen with a video signal which is a mix of red blue without a paintbrush there's no point anyways what just happened talking about mixing photos there's a reason you're doing it red that's the Cherry I think it will do the trick it should let's hope so and now what else do we need blue um so what do we need snow I already forgot what we need we need full moon snow and Cherry I know there's something in here full moon where is it ice cream good point let's grab it great observation how can we get it that's a great question how do we get this not there not there we have to get the ice cream somehow um you know what I'm going to go here first if there's anything let's go back into the room here if there's anything for us there's not uh [Music] the user oh nice okay so can we eat the ice cream Maybe go to the other side and eat the ice cream well is that good ah that was dumb game and a TV you say huh well snow where am I gonna get snow from um quite the predicament we're in isn't it nothing here um check the back here nothing there so I mean it's most likely gonna be I think it is going to be Underground go back to the dev tools okay so these two we need we know that those are the hints let's bring it to the back I mean yeah I know that these are hints but what do I do with it is the question foreign first we need to pile the snow on him okay how do we get the snow maybe the mouth first we need to buy the snow on him all right I just don't know how to fill it up with snow been playing around for a while TV snow oh okay let's hope that this snow will do the trick uh okay that's to be good then so let's let's go back now I have to plug it in and we'll go to I have to go back to the room let's go see them and bring the snow there you go good sorry Mr Windham it's for your own good I think what's next cherry and now we need a full moon foreign anything else turn a different color oh look at that [Music] so what I don't know what that could do though looks like he just ate like Fruit Roll-Up trying to paint the moon yellow oh I see so he has to lick it yellow and then it's gonna be a full moon like that ah how do I make it okay good and then lick that baby lick it baby what a fantastic oh we finally made the full moon oh my gosh you don't understand how long that took me okay we why isn't anything happening look it started jeez it's like a ghastly or a guy you know what he just died like right there or Mr Wilhelm you again the accident wait no it can't be true it's true you're such a pain in the neck and you wonder why she left you familial drama and Trauma all right so is that the end of this chapter or what we have to but this painting just blocked away and I feel like it's backwards we're talking about your trousers my good man you feel like the painting is backwards how do we get past it okay do not touch this piece of bug User it's dirty foreign at least I think so the passage is open again come homes let's follow the rainbow ghost not sure why you'd want to follow him but I guess so we have to move on to the next chapter if I can understand right some things seem to be affected by this bug fragment it's like it reverses them or something reverses you say let's follow them where is the exit I can't feel it here take us home I don't know if I want to bring him with us here with NPC oh did not know that yeah it's a new term s something easy yeah yeah it doesn't seems too great why are you trying to go Mr glitch to a place where I will be able to unleash my evil plan look Ben the one that will let me what what did he say what the copy projection system right in the middle of the game how barbaric we're missing the explanation of his evil plan let's find the numbers we need fast user how many possible combinations are there I wonder if it's related to that strange disc on the monitor oh disc on the monitor oh okay wait a second let me line these up Crane and book rain and book do you think this copy protection system already existed I I don't doubt it was effective rain and book it must have been good for the photocopier Market please enter the number that goes with each picture [Music] thank you I I mean I don't know oh I see wait huh rain and book that's weird Guys numbers that cannot be entered huh is it one two three four five six had asked us for other symbols no you will find a trick to get us out of this user yeah I I don't know copy protection system uh oh look at that I don't know if this does anything oh it makes it a five and that becomes okay so we have access to the number five at least foreign okay does that change anything oh here we go what about five one three zero one seven what the heck oh I see oh oh oh oh I see okay so if I do bomb and gun it's gonna be bomb and gun on this side and then if I go into this for instance bomb and gun together make this okay so for a code that we could actually type in oh my God I'm doing like insane investigative work let's try and just go to um skull and gun for instance if we go to skull and gun goal gun and we go uh three one five finally three one five so we got it goodbye I'm gonna miss you gasly farewell rainbow butterfly it disappeared into the ground how will we be able to follow him into the ground we go to the dev tools we're in the ground now I'm it's half Street scenery all right I'm coming I'm coming punch it nope stay in there not that and untwist it and punch it can't use him from behind oh what is going on we broke the game the ground is on there anymore where did the characters go somewhere go down follow them Sherlock I'm going to fall hold on Watson the world is ending everything is fake I am Fake London is probably on a fault line I'm going to get us out of this mess ah darn it we can't leave them there like that let's try to get them to safety quickly before leaving get them to safety you say when in doubt go to devtools oh um did that do anything oh it wasn't that hard after all now let's go through save them divide jump hold on I hope so I put it upside right side up let's say three bathtub just saved Our Lives I didn't see much because of the screening difference but the Japanese Mission must have been amazing okay user now that they're safe we can leave goodbye gentlemen we apologize for the inconvenience all right finish chapter two okay I'm run to the bathroom all right I've returned and what is Legend of the secret Ary of this game oh it's like stardew Valley [Music] no it's exactly the kind of game I wish this thing to become before I was abandoned kind of sad I'm gonna stop by waking up this character wake up baby hero wake up oh there's a key behind here look at that oh I could click this home button what was that we've got the red he's not even all right I will do it that voice is that you Gaia Spirit of the Earth [Music] Zelda dupe you've got a pretty deep voice for a goddess what's going on the princess is in danger abducted by the infamous dark lord and held captive in the dimensional Temple user that must be allowed it must be that's it let's go rescue her so we basically have to beat Legend of Zelda but before we do that I have to find the 12 sacred feathers scattered all over the world slay eight ticklish Guardians and find 50 Sun fragments I say we go straight to the dimensional Temple we will figure it out when we get there okay [Music] foreign [Music] why are you looking at me wow they almost take the same sound from Zelda too I open up that chest there's gonna be something good in there that's Grandpa's chest okay it was stored in the Attic well I broke your attic open it he's right there Grandpa's Carpenter's Hammer that's odd it looks broken it looks like Mr ditch has been here it's okay my courage and my will are enough energy especially your key it's right there how do I grab this oh it makes what did that just do it made it smaller I suspect that it shrinks the Sprite it hits we're gonna do whatever Oh I thought I saw the key behind the dresser behind the dresser there it is anything else would have surprised her a little help there we go got it it's about time okay come on hero what now is it too big hey there we go it's open perfect we can finally get on with the game The Quest I mean [Music] verdant landscape so can I move him with ah never mind I thought I was about to play with him the path to the temple is blocked by these bushes do you have anything sharp to keep them with the sword of life might do it the villagers say it's in the magic clearing to the West so we have to go to the West that's fun watch he's gonna say oh how do we cross this what happened wait what did you not see the horn oh he's dumb I've got to be more careful yeah I think you do all right let's try this again [Music] all right how do I save him what do I even do what's in his bag Ben Franklin what what what is going on with this guy it won't get me this time I hope not what do I do I didn't even get to look at my inventory [Music] okay I have a map don't go falling in that hole again what hole this solution okay all right we're gonna have to cover that hole but wait what I don't wanna like a map would be good to cover it with this we had a board let's try to find a board somewhere from anywhere there's something real under it oh [Music] this is no time to be taking apart the interface oh it worked though you can see that [Music] very smart all right next land for us the sword is on the other side of that Lake the villagers say that there's a sunken Palace at the bottom of this Lake but since I can't swim this guy is so inept all right you would probably have to unlock the amphibian skill uh yeah but wouldn't it be better if I could breathe underwater I'm sure he doesn't have any intel points oh look at that oh definitely out of the water I shrunk him by accident this one will do it [Music] okay open up your chest where did it come from not like that it looks like the Royal chest from the sunken Palace That's What I Call rushing a dungeon all right let's see we got in here was that a magnifying glass the monocle it belongs to the king of the Abyss it looks broken too that's unfortunate it is unfortunate I hope there's nothing wrong with this sort of Life yes the Sprites and the hammer shrinks them very interesting very interesting indeed details are going to be very useful as we move through this world and of course you will be able to create chaos oh no we sunk it user your mother good now we're making progress careful not to move too much hero you might fall in and I will know hey so how do we how are we going about this see what I'm trying to do here okay we're gonna move these bad boys together and now it's time the walk okay there it is sort of life the legendary sword of life all right that's King Arthur that it's beautiful I hope I'm worthy me too for the sake of everyone [Music] you got this come on buddy [Music] you could do this yeah come on try harder how do I help this guy there must be some muscle underneath those pictures let's make him massive I can feel the sword moving just a little more we should give him a hand I don't know what else I can do I made you massive here what about I shake the ground there we go okay well he broke it you know what this means Gaia now the most incompetent hero in the history of video games it's true uh probably but it also means that this isn't the sort of life I'll never be able to save the princess from the Dark Lord's clutches all because of some bushes what could it be I don't know guy help me I'm begging okay give me some comfort some strength there you are you're big we're gardening shears anything in my bed I got anything in my bag [Music] could we use it as a tool maybe we is this I see your screw detector is still working but don't try to use that broken sword like a screwdriver you can see the end doesn't fit unless you can find a way to flatten the end [Music] you know who thanks we saw how that turned out he could help us I don't know I mean we might be a strong guy okay got it okay no there's no way we're gonna be able to cut anything with no this is exactly what we wanted so now let's unscrew this you've broken another oh there it is the sword very cool thank you oh Gaia for this gift from the gods thank you for this very appreciative for this okay yeah what is it not that far away belief you guys not super bright I'm gonna try it all right wow it's actually pretty good it works let's go cut those demonic bushes that are blocking our path all right hopefully our Pat we have to do this again okay I don't believe at least he has the key I actually did it on purpose to save time not bad huh oh very clever very clever I actually appreciate that from him all right go ahead and cut these down path to the dimensional Temple is finally clear I left it was just two bushes he's one of the infamous dark lord guards to make him smaller it's like make this an unfair battle are you hitting me I mean we're trying what can I do [Music] I know I gotta do something uh make this bigger uh let's make him big again oh what oh he's hitting the feather what is it hey gonna stop breaking everything you see okay wait don't do with the feathers how do I tickle him oh I tickle him what was that boys I see now what do I do with that sneeze though maybe a smaller one okay let's make him extra big now sneeze and he's gonna push this lily pad right enlarge the lily pad and now shrink it yeah now you're stuck how about that somebody give me a hand how about no I mean you sink sink yes exactly what we want I can't swim I don't care perfect this is exactly what we want there we go this is what happens to those who dared to cross the hero with the legendary sword uh okay now we just gotta enlarge it you walk across and let's rescue this princess foreign this is the entrance to the dimensional Temple this is where the princess is being held captive but the passage won't open until I found the twelve seek sacred feathers in the 50 fret why do you have to finalize stuff look there's a bomb over there we're going to clear the way gracefully gracefully you say I know this is a good idea of course it's a good idea trust me thank you okay make him big obvious come on throw it how did you not make I don't understand how you no drop it okay this is so frustrating okay bomb is small now you come over here pass through here pass through here so now you're gonna make it and then when you drop the bomb I'm going to make it very large there we go and now we are finally in all right now let's enter whoo it's got me rattled I finally made it to the dimensional Temple I love this is like a direct Legend of Zelda ripoff no dimensional Vortex either we're gonna have to work our way through this Temple is it enough I'd like to but the doors locked I'm guessing ditches earn their juice for decoration switches oh yes that switch must surely open the door oh you're gonna go on if the other one's gonna go down right nothing's happening no get out of there no I'm not sure it's a good idea to stay here make them small slowly very slowly [Music] he's gotta look behind him do I control him no I don't foreign I am making things worse oh they are even more reptized yeah it's so quiet I know this is definitely not good on you that door is gonna open any minute I am with you no more can even fit snakes earnestly I liked it better when it was raining croissant damn okay no all right I actually don't want to do it again that's my bad maybe if I no not what if I shrink you oh see make you heavy enough will you press down on the button and then make him heavy make you light you see what I mean like foreign let's try monocle hammer oh that's it that's it that's it that's it oh what happened I opened the door yeah you definitely did it all it took was patience uh yeah there was another switch probably a trap very naive I like it we're getting closer to the princess I smell a bewitching perfume I think it's probably coming from the sewer I think so too this room is dark I I'm afraid of the dark come on good thing we have the sun oh wait not the sun we want the monocle shine through [Music] bottom user can you like to wait for him yes I am look at this um I got the Sun we will need to find a light swords I know I know I'm going I'm working on it oh I see I see okay all right so I'm gonna bring this all the way over to here I'm gonna light it up using this oh yeah that'll create the fire has been created unfortunately the room doesn't look any brighter yes but as long as I can get close to here oh come on there we go you're such a baby are we turning into night mode now um expected all right there's a whole slew of new things to solve all right let's go okay let's run can't you just go yourself all right it's over here now looks like a switch puzzle saw the rated awesome I love switches what enthusiasm [Music] ah we're just figured out how to activate those old switches [Music] that's great come on I'm watching you okay I have no idea what I'm doing [Music] [Applause] okay I'm sure why don't you try using your special object speaking technique now that works all right that key must open this thing right here right it's a big shiny key sorry hero we're gonna have to go through that docs mini remote oh oh no all right I'll guide you I got you don't worry indeed it's very convenient for us for all of us oh cool I don't have to help him I feel like I'm gonna have to move this over there somehow I guess not oh oh my gosh it's Ganondorf dark lord Who Dares defile my beautiful carpet someone who's come to rescue the princess Evil dark lord or we're gonna beat his ass I was expecting something more impressive I hear a voice who is this spirit that guides you this is Gaia abominable dark lord Gaia no that's impossible Gaia is Russian okay let's beat him fight hero I'll make you big uh what can I do what can I do no I do agree with him on this one oh I think he needed that oh no he didn't need that that's not good okay um oh okay good I feel like we're doing something here run run run run run rash all right I don't know why we're just running in circles oh good cool so we're just you we're manipulating size in order to like have the fire hit him no okay okay one more life so I have to use the home button hit him now kill him a lot of damage what do I do now oh he's like actually hard the boss is done hero hit him now kill him kill him kill him kill him come come come come oh you don't know how good that feels because this is like actually an extremely tough boss oh my gosh jeez there's Zelda oh cute foreign princess mysterious Knight whoa already that's what Decor was been dating yeah that was fast wasn't it I'm Gonna Miss This chapter this chapter is beautiful they're love love it's a beautiful isn't it I hear a deep sorrow in that voice don't you have a princess to save too not anymore I want you shall we say a princess her name was Gigi we were so happy together this is really sadly disappeared from my source code probably because of my girl's creator since then nothing has been right without her my existence as a game program is meaningless we're gonna find you Gigi do you understand why I was trying to drive you away you I'm just an empty shell a non game I've got an idea let us give you the contents of this legendary chest maybe it will help you find her oh I doubt it it's like uh what is it it's it's like I was looking for a way out in Old dust chest well the at last Mr glitch game get off my back once and for all we just want to go home well I doubt how can I stop you from following me let's let's where is he going hero princess for a while what have you done More Design exactly I love I love it I will leave you now I've gotta go carry out did he just change things in the game design what's that where did that come from don't tell me we have ads [Music] what have you changed in this game you will find out soon enough this game's actually really good as I'm going through this it's been like what two hours now apparently enjoying this princess saber finished chapter three unplayability okay scam okay faulty settings okay looks like the game's restarted has he done I don't believe it I don't believe it [Music] free no he turned the game into a free to play We Are Gonna Die don't worry don't worry I got this i got this sorry sorry don't worry about it but being turned into a freaking play is the worst thing that can happen to a game how can I explain it it's like riding a bike but without the seat let's try to lift this Dimension fast chapter four here we come up I guess okay can we pray now come on terms and conditions actually this game's completely free users make I've painstakingly read and connected good let's do this [Music] ah great we're back at the beginning don't tell me it's the same thing but it looks different no you're all right no time to waste let me wake up our friend and let's go save the princess get up hero I came up the first time right okay let's collect all the coins we can foreign I have to collect coins in order to wake them up okay [Music] now we have to wake him up [Music] don't tell me he snoozed okay finally awake so do I have to beat this whole thing again is it you yes it is uh okay cool all right even though I have liked to have my crunchy crunchy breakfast cereal first cereal that's crunchy and melts in your mouth at the same time the ad read I think I'm gonna like this chapter you're right that's sorry my speed I'm at top speed don't tell me just gather as many coins as we can in the meantime [Music] there's gotta be something I saw some really nice furniture in a catalog but it was a little expensive uh we were 10 years is there any way you can go faster see maybe a new pair of shoes oh my gosh the ax what a disgrace oh my gosh for a second I thought that I just stopped my OBS and I would have actually cried so anyways let's get some more coins and let's shop I should put that there hero speed 300 oh my gosh yes but it's the latest model they're highly flexible and made of breathable neopreneur yeah this guy's you need money guy I can find some coins they're all over the place [Music] and now I know I'm gonna be in a hurry to find coins I'm gonna make an investment table Oh see it's an investment see if you buy these things then they also have contained coins we can very easily see this this is called investing 101. and let's just fill up on like a whole bunch of money so we never have to come back in here [Music] we could even buy the shoes in the meantime purchased acquired yes sir you did get them while you do your animation I'm gonna collect more money they're beautiful get them on get them on it's open all right so we have 400 coins DLC required all right don't worry we're almost there and it's not cheap it is a lot of money but we're pretty much there I just figured out why it says I know I am clicking a lot aren't I at least he's helping me get some coins Magnus you have to pay for everything in this game that key unlock DLC we could access it and I have 300 still I lose all the money just for okay hero what's the matter with you I get tired quickly when I'm away from home yeah I saw that you're like oh my gosh I need your help Gaia give me energy okay I can't believe it now we've got to tapping it we're raining tubing Quest are you gonna keep passing out every two seconds if I had eaten my crunchy crunchy cereal I would have lasted longer okay why are you talking about the cereal that's crunchy and melts in your mouth oh even he's doing the ad reads you like it too never heard of it we will get you some all right we need to get him son new hero energy is a hundred dollars okay we can afford that let's invest right now into Barrel we can double click now invest into pot now let's recruit some money and one more spawn and then we should be good to buy the crunchy Crunch cereal good see one more round now let's get [Music] uh here crunch crunch cereal acquired you get that I'm gonna get us some money now we should be good to go right cool delicious as always I'm glad you like it I need the sort of life okay it is a sacred sword Forge in the grand tradition of Yesa and for the modest sum of let's go look for it in the clearing the path seems to be blocked by a pile of dirt what can we do with that I'm gonna look around all right you do that I think that's a good we've got to get rid of this bite of deer anything in the shop or what there must be some kind of renovation work I guess okay loot box nice a good find I found a chest I don't like the sound of that like fortnite I'm sure it's full of amazing Treasures all right open it up okay [Music] oh my gosh that was actual BS and for once I had nothing to do with it ever [Music] and you just like go over it we've got to get rid of this pile of dirt maybe there's a tool sir that might be easier to find oh spoon so crunchy crunch did help us at the end of the day I feel like I'm wasting [Music] oh I used my money for it pass is clear what a waste of money well I guess it's not a waste it's gonna let us get past oh I should have clicked I lose all my money anyways every time I enter a new room isn't that ridiculous they're building something uh I hope they're going to build a bridge instead because I can't swim yeah we know you wouldn't happen to have a life preserver in the shop he has nothing what shop all right let's look around that I can do he's gonna find a loot box and we're gonna have to do this I have no idea how we're going to get across that water and I don't see anything to buy on this screen oh Minecraft again did you see that there's no way we can win a million coins okay wait a second okay so we're playing Minecraft oh I have to build myself oh this is very clever so I have to build myself a tool grovel like a pickaxe is that what the kids call it good old-fashioned pickaxe you know like a good old-fashioned one like one of you know what I mean like whoo yep that's what I'm talking about just one of these bad boys um you go here and you go here it'll have its use it will have its use okay so I don't know Minecraft but here you go you ready I'm guessing we're gonna have to build something super oh never mind okay I know he wasn't much of a talker but there are other ways to break the ice you know that was that was possibly rude I agree it was possibly rude I think he needs to chill out super cool super oh you wanted to freeze the legs so you could walk across and like just froze over why don't you try working out on it needs some energy good I'll get us some coins in case we need them it worked by golly it worked we got him across the lake all right let's invest a little bit see some Investments the sword isn't here we know we know uh okay I think we have to choose I think we have to pay all right [Music] by this now we're investing why don't we just get like multiple uh okay can you find the money Gaia H oh yeah all right all right I won't move very honest guy okay let's buy tri-blade snake blade this blade and this let's give you that can't wait for it to magically appear how original but not very practical for fighting I'm gonna try it okay so that's a dud ES rifles at or what oh Luke there's something new in the shop how convenient let's go s oh never mind I have to go into the shop what a graceful form but it's made of plastic isn't it yeah I guess so what do we got in here something and they offer to sell us the upgrade but the bird indoors real world I'm warning you user I don't have a big pleaser I don't know how to get this I don't think I can find any Dollars around here [Music] what can I do to convert [Music] I guess we'll just try these other swords in the meantime I don't believe it three swords for the price of one what does it say made in I can't read the rest probably China all right that's not good [Music] how do we get him do I actually have to pay for it [Music] I can't just steal it last one okay it's gonna go back in style it's super light I'm gonna try it it's gonna break broken again I'm gonna buy a hint okay oh okay let's try I guess buying these again we need dollars [Music] what are you doing with that sword you can see that won't hold this is no time to be decorating user ah wait what are you doing dollars now we're throwing to 35 look at that [Music] well oh my gosh oh it's in one shape too it's much heavier than the others that's pretty steep we're finally getting somewhere we're gonna be able to clear the path in front of your house such a free-to-play thing it's smart though no this is smart right [Music] we're back to detector screen have we used up all our lives do not tell me there's a diamond the diamond you see you sir when you hit something older than I only want us to pay for diamonds and of course we don't have our super bag of dollars anymore we will just have to wait until the game gives us some smart way to increase the playing time aha see I already got the diamond oh that would probably okay one more Diamond somewhere there it is good we don't even have to wait and keep praying for free yes we can [Music] okay wake him up once more you know looks like we're gonna have to wake him up again that's fine are you peaceful let's see if he remembers us I feel like there's a chance he doesn't turn me we're gonna have to start Oliver no no okay cool cool cool now that I have this sort of life let's go free the princess okay he's a pretty funny guy starter pack is this a waste of money the path to the temple is finally clear okay two bushes is all it takes oh he's one of the infamous dark Lords I know I know music sounds like Code Geass unless of course you're a Pioneer member but you're not hahaha okay [Music] let's just make all my investments first thank you oh that song still doesn't do anything to him already useless but it worked on the bushes I mean it's true what about I raise you up foreign [Music] oh that wasn't good I'm okay I hardly felt it there we go it's now I think I have enough no I don't think I should have done that okay and now you raise him there we go [Music] okay finally made it past and we are back at it I gotta buy the bombs and stuff we finally reached the dimensional Temple again maybe it's a death trap I'm gonna watch you haha I knew it it seemed too easy one million how much a million coins iron coins it's not doable [Music] waveform okay loot box let's see what we can get from this I'm not a musical game make your body all right okay [Music] okay here we go this is the loot box give me something give me something oh please paper I'm sure there's something I could do wait nothing there huh [Music] what if I give him money I don't know how to give you paper I feel like if I give you paper though you'll be happy or do I get paper all right so we have to get him paper that's the goal or we could just maybe just win a million that'd be cool paper paper um shake your body shake your body shake your body so that means we need the bomb right that seems right oh if I stay here long enough she falls [Music] oh let's go paper so now we have the paper and we can give this paper to the other AD I knew it would be of use I'm collecting some serious coin by the way 840 coins all right loot find it good now we want to get the paper please good paper there you go use it wipe with it whatever you want to do okay thank you for plunger uh and then don't know what this does maybe we could plunge the lock off oh it's your energy okay I know now now buy a bomb plunge to it or not [Music] good stuck it right on there there's a million [Music] unlocked I think I found enough coins we could finally access the dungeon yes great Insight now we lose everything that we just worked for but I'm fine with that it was fun it was good we learned a lot let me guess oh you just gotta jump why did you put it up there [Music] all right [Music] oh no so we gotta then to buy all the switches I I could do this what switches I don't see any I know you don't see anything [Music] when a box of crunchy I'm gonna scan this QR code I'm curious it's a fake QR code so there's that all right so now I've accessed the switches sun is back let it lasts yeah I think that tile appeared first I think you just messed it all up I didn't touch anything the mistakes are expensive user [Music] huh it tells you all the answers on the bottom secret five clicks okay so we just gotta wait for it to go to this this area one two three four okay one two three four that's pretty cool okay I think that tile appeared first good finally that should be moving the key off right think his energy is enough yep there we go all right let's collect that key floor depart now it's just you and me dark lord all right we're not lucky we tried very hard to get that that used all of our brain power the room is too dark from America cost okay that's fine free gift is the Sun [Music] beautiful I can't open the door there's some kind of long bars blocking the way oh are you talking about your energy bar we may have to continue okay there's got to be a mechanism somewhere I don't see anything in this room that could help us then again it's really dark okay [Music] I wonder if there's something lurking in the darkness I know I know I know the only thing I could use is this so a switch I'll probably have to go activate it yes I will bring you don't worry guy I need some okay here you go you're in the light all right now I can finally get I could invest a little bit I have some money to buy the items on the bottom uh let's first buy the feather and what it's gonna do I guess I have to tickle this guy again pause all right let's tickle him [Music] there's the key I have to grab it I guess uh what do I do with this oh I have to unlock 150 Don't Mind If I Do let's unlock this I found a hammer look at here this is in here from the old version [Music] oh maybe I shouldn't have made that what do I have to make small now oh the bar yes at last open it um all right let's defeat this dark lord [Music] all right I know the bar is kind of annoying there we go it seems to be forgetting what a warrior needs for a duel to the depths a sword vitamins B1 B2 and B5 naturally and crunchy crunchy cereal okay we get it the cereal that's crunchy long and painful fight all right [Music] oh wow and I got the one punch man achievement so I just I beat him okay wow he was defeated by the strength of my love all right did I just beat chapter four you're a free princess thank you my Brave liberato best guess ah here we go the exit has appeared again we're finally gonna be able to leave or a game that's not a game this is very much a game but I guess since I'm not the one like actually controlling them maybe not right let's go user let's not hang around no I don't believe it now I get the feeling there are no more keys in stock Bridge I'll think of something maybe there's a key in the legendary chest foreign that's the map of the region great oh no you wait until we've done with the adventure to give us a map of the game oh and a blank one two blank but free okay all right you need a key to unlock this last DLC this map will at help let us search the era from top to bottom okay we need a key I was a key where would I be see what I did there I was a key I'd go to an area where we've never gone before gone to all these places map complete and there are Nookies in sight here we are stuck for eternity in the free to play uh I couldn't imagine the worst scenario for the rest of my year just a second wait just a second I'm very sorry user oh what I tell you look now that we have this it's the key I knew it thank you thank you thank you thank you you're welcome in the map it doesn't matter my friends run out of water after this chapter I'm gonna get up real quick I don't know why I tell you guys like it's just gonna be a cut so it's like I don't even have to say it thanks again for everything all right everyone on to chapter five I think there's six chapters so I believe we have two more chapters left and the game will be completed this is the longest I've ever played a game in my life it's been oh epilogue am I done I thought it was maybe it's just four our companions finally made it home thanks to cooperation yeah true friendship can't forget about that in an unexpected lack of budget I guess I beat it other six chapters a game by drama oh there we go I literally thought this was six I feel like I'm still being slightly trolled so I'm just gonna stick with it until the true end wait I think it's actually over let me look up how many chapters there are already that's what I'm saying I hope you're good he's talking so it's probably not over because I I just remember it's like six horses the music's if I'm in Europe but what's with all these Russian names who are these people oh do you know what this means user I don't it means we're singing the wrong Dimension uh chapter five loss of control gonna make it home what's that sound for once we got here before he did what is he doing see if I could grab him did I do that broke everything before you managed to do it well as much as I'm not fine about it we're probably going to need him to find our way out let's look around and try to see where he landed what the strange dimension what happened I don't know suddenly changed when you enter Ed the name that's an interesting way to modify this oh no let's try to use those shots to find Mr Mitch I see sorry looks like it's held on with a metal chain it might be a good idea to remove it from the slot I mean I'll see I can't remove anything right now who's Buster chaplain why does God have so much influence [Music] um can I move these no [Music] that changed the background okay what can I pick here [Music] oh it's old and rusted see how would you do that I don't know I see the ground using the full screen filter I guess I did on the other hand lovely pickaxe ah well this fine is the glitch quick it could be far what the heck is this oh he's hiding in Charlie Chaplin's area out will you take us home afterwards yes yes oh he's lying hey the user isn't that the end of RP cards over there it could come in handy again but we've got to find a way to fix it anymore it slips let's see [Music] is it just me or are you sign up with this kind of loud oh cool cool cool cool now there's molasses so I can go back and I can stick the pickaxe together now I have the pickaxe now I guess I can break it [Music] all right you better be thanking me for this special thanks to my cat look a new name fell down the possibilities for exploration oh what's that order is it just me or is it kind of okay so we found him in my cat this is cool it's so interactive It's actually an insane game it's not going to be easy he looks like he's found asleep all right so we need some water I'm guessing for water we want the background to be my cat anything here [Music] careful it's hot I know but that's good right steam okay so let's change uh water how do I grab a hold of it what do I do with this is that a fidget spinner oh a cat we have to go to the cat hold on hold on hold on where is it for the cat win the cat like that you're careful it's hot I know I know I know hold on one second [Music] oh I have a thing this kitten is asking us to help him out all right let's see what I can help you where all right so this is gonna be we're gonna be fishing somewhere so let's re-enter oh you grab this um not here so characters Chaplin foreign 's asking for fish and I see some fish can't be your coincidence I don't see fish where do you see fish [Music] the only thing I haven't done is special effects make it cat and then the background can be [Music] aha here we go uh let's go so there's fish somewhere oh fish there's fish literally in the wall [Music] is that possible careful it's hot this part of the wallpaper ah fish under the wallpaper all right I hook the fish and now I want to give the fish to the cat right don't ask me [Music] let's go back to the cat we need the characters my cat [Music] not this cat this cat reward us with something hopefully oh uh what can I do with this can I give this to you you don't want it we need water there we go guys we need a bucket you're saying um so then the FX oh fish in a bucket now we can fill it up so we go to Charlie Chaplin's era fill that up and then we have to bring it to the cat water yes Freedom why are we working to free him though is he our enemy okay that works Oh I thought that was gonna impale him friend of the animals demonstrated left for Animals using a bucket and some water okay [Music] who's Tim Elfman oh no this is going to be quick the key is in the lock oh who is that okay argue Ernest told me format the hard drive burn everything there's no pointing going on faith is up on us where did that guy go oh my gosh I gotta find him again all right have no fear you don't need that do we not is this a grave or a hiding place and what's that route sticking out so minions with questions there he is he's Tim Elfman give me that oh my gosh what do they want so many nuts if the dimensions were increasingly uninspired I know I'm getting you your nut what about that we're going to find a nut around here okay so we're gonna have to go to fight ing a tree he said careful it's aha so now we have a bucket of water you're a miracle worker now I have to grow a tree and so to grow a tree we need anything here and hair loss uh here yep go to the Grave plant it oh here lies nut so I'm able to get a nut tree and that's I think he wants it was happy you never know let's see now I have to go to the characters so he's Tim Elfman I present to you I need to crack the nut inside it hey you how do we get it out no you're not going to stop uh how do I smash that I appreciate for all ages okay how about we go oh let's go to Charlie Chaplin and they're gonna shoot it I think it's also [Music] how do we guide him to shoot it okay so we need him oh it's generally here okay Jordan we need him I see what I have to do yes dope okay now we go to Tim Elfman we give him the nut take it all right good exchange I think that's fair why did I know that was gonna happen [Music] Soldier is hiding Flying Saucer where is it hiding try you're not here oh not here I think it could be in the cat dimension [Music] hmm [Music] oh there is please please oh my gosh what if I got you into it you're right there user find a way to stop that Flying Saucer all right how do I stop the Flying Saucer maybe if they shoot it oh let's go some head okay I think that's the end of chapter five I think managed to stop myself well we did but please of course not we shouldn't have trusted you I'm a glitch game messing with you is my thing and I like to do it in style my name you hear that game that is the music of inevitability you sure know how to prove I'm losing control I always forget something oh no I need to find my way out of this Dimension wait remove mine wait why is it bad if your name's there I must sing all right belt it out [Music] so let me give you search everywhere and free my name from this nightmare knowing you it's a lot lot to ask but do your best because I want lost I have the fever from bomb hey it won't be catch a night on Saturday yeah yeah I know this sounds I apologize and prefer to do some great thoughts uh okay I don't know how to play uh Tim Elfman oh this fish I'm getting chased [Music] Atomic cucumber what a game [Music] oh cool all right we got a coin use that what I'm doomed to remain Shakespeare oh Gigi JiJi what for our gold GG okay I think this has to do with something so let's try Tim elfman's era uh no shotgun fix it and add some sort of controller and stay away from this apartment later oh uh I think I did something there let's go to Buster I use these yet oh look at that [Music] okay grease them up a little bit double grease it and now that they're greased uh okay what do I do with greasy planks nothing so the last place I could look is Tim elfman's era oh here we go oh so now I could actually beat the game I just created controls for myself boom boom I rotate it at all or no and let that go straight down grooving now we're playing Tetris Life's good uh let's go down here [Music] let's go over here we need a one right down the middle there we go I think this is gonna do it for us okay there's a key oh my what is this guy's problems don't worry we'll get you out of there what do I do with this so let's try buster chaplain's game wait did I just put a crack in this or did it have one oh I think he jumps when I use this [Music] ah okay oh that was probably a bad one we could beat the game like this all right what do I get for achieving the victory ggs ggs we got the GG plank Gigi Gigi's his girl too so maybe there's a connection maybe we're unlocking Gigi's game design I don't know thank you user free it's very satisfying like when you accomplish things in this game now I need a water hello is anyone there where is that voice coming from I think it came from over here I think it's her game game how on Earth we put your name in a slot and here you are where am I I shouldn't be here if our creator starts looking for me yeah I love you you just left suddenly after an update I know I'm sorry I had no choice I didn't even have time to take how could she do that to him he's been searching across the entirety of like video games for her game don't call me that without you there is no game that's why he says it to come back but I'm afraid it's not possible why of course it's possible yes you stay out of this glitch what glitch let me introduce myself my name is Mr getting crazy in here Global gameplay don't listen to him Gigi I'm fine try to live if you can it's dangerous to stay here no no no you're going to stay in this castle princess oh don't do it [Music] huh game I'm scared I'm here don't worry okay [Music] GG try to fight back I can't we have to find a way to help her that was so sad how do you feel I am slowly losing control don't worry I'm here one two five one two three oh I guess that's e four five six seven [Music] oh nice [Music] if there's no game [Music] [Music] around 4 g g minus [Music] oh my gosh she told me her source code I can't believe I've been playing this for four hours what are we going longer I think we will have to go through this inter-dimensional portal we can't stay here where will it take us home I hope will we still be together after I don't know there's only one way to find out it's incredibly sad I II one it's not over yet finish chapter five so there's the Final Chapter now are we home I need to run to the bathroom yes at last I'll wait for a little little stoppage I've never sat down for this long in my life we lost her oh no [Music] okay I guess I just have to start over from the beginning hello user design the program speaking I don't want to do this I've got some bad news actually there is no game I hope you're not disappointed and broken man still watch TV with someone go outside damn we don't want this though I just want game to be happy he's reigning his code he's breaking up no more fun don't say that don't say that no there is a game the game is called love okay there's always a game there's always never give up how do I get these scissors we need this l ol laughs now I need the L how do I get the V too it'll be up here foreign look I need to grab these scissors but to like reveal them more oh there we go got the L l e m a e o g I'm just missing the V amp I did I did ready yep another game I love games I'm charged I love you for who you are what kind of program I am I'm what's called standalone what bitter irony I guess it's my destiny my curse so there's no point in staying here you can just press that button and say yes go be with the people you love take care of them hold them close doesn't last forever in the end you're always alone not true and I won't click it I refuse to I do if you use a bathroom I'm gonna go right now all right it's looking like there's not even another option here so I'm gonna click quit but no no no you did it again and I've met some stubborn users in my time but never one like you I won't do it I refuse to do it show me the no doesn't work I'm sure the script got wet I will try it out later you can just pretend you quit by walking away from the screen say a few miles away and do you think you're at the fair don't imagine I will not quit okay I get it anyone can play I will give you gameplay and hardcore at that give me what you got we're going to play a quiz is it persistent death easy yes I just came up with the idea so what music ladies and gentlemen I'm proud to present I like quizzes I ask you a question and you have to choose the right answer within the time quizzes work I know it might be a little complicated for you however I've added another little more it's nothing already the first wrong answer I will permanently delete your save game fine oh geez okay I'm not joking I told you I'm not in the mood sure I feel pretty confident let's do this sitting the best one starting now or impressed thank you second question what's the what's the kill of friends Harry [Music] okay third question enzymes are required expression Victory MPR five four three wrong are you kidding me sorry those are the rulers there's no way that actually just happened there's no way they just did that to me [Music] there's no way I refuse to believe they just did that to me I've played this game for four hours [Music] it has to be some troll s you're scared you play with my feelings I play with yours hell no my wallpaper is old Marty I will send you the cleaning Bill via DLC where are they coming from just created so this is all part of it feeling this game is way too good for them to just frivolously let you lose like that I'm sorry but please find a way to get all of these zeros and ones out of here I don't know what can I do you were a jerk to me I don't care if you die okay I need a key is that okay it looks like a key uh I don't know I don't see what you're doing s-e-p there's a key here I've tried clicking around help don't tell me there's a okay oh my gosh like okay no what give me it oh my gosh I gotta mute him again don't I [Music] go I gotta grab his grab it okay let me grab it why can't I grab it Oh I thought I had to grab the pointer to pop the bubble but that's not the case good idea to use the door yes it was I fight isn't good not good at all oh no it's starting again keeps throwing me off like are we done here do I admit this time it's my fault it's always your fault I shouldn't have boost your buttons like that I am sorry I paid 13 I'm just we just have to figure out where we are playing a game didn't mean any harm is that the lock or does it protecting it might be a door that will be very convenient okay I just got to be a way to open that lock so it's five five prongs okay maybe I'll do my passcode I'll do like an l oh let's go wait oh so it's a word you did it on purpose what am I making uh okay l a L has to proceed a vowel right so let's do l e l a e i l i that could be l-i -l-o oh okay l-o low oh I did that wrong LOL [Music] [Applause] um I feel good about that sometimes oh my gosh what is that older Jam window yeah I don't like that sure reality stick that can only come from a new generation game unless it's not a game well no matter where we are I'm not sure this is the time to be chatting on the phone no number to dial good mail check the inbox hey bro I saw that your crowdfunding didn't work I'll call you this week 555-8121 555 555-8121 sounds like nobody's there what else we got in here would you be interested in integrating elements of your gameplay into our GPS you'll be paid of course con okay don't take like that I know the job's another country but I can't sure now my chance to be lead gameplay developer I'm gonna miss you Julie PSA I'm leaving you all my work alright so Julie we've got a file prop in the latest you have a fix hey I don't know why this file is missing that's weird there seems to be a problem with the patch okay over here is the GPS thing [Music] even in the other dimensions something works we have to forward call this application maybe it's a way to go home how do you spell home on this h o m a oh the internet I can't help on internet I was I think we could do it let's read this again you have a fix oh here's a patch corrupt patch I didn't realize there was attachments patch two corrupt patch three okay so we patched the GPS still not found there's a bin error okay maybe now that we fixed one patch we could fix this good and now we could do this one application is fixed the Wi-Fi is back on yeah I think it's the Wi-Fi Maybe not [Music] okay hello welcome to RPG GPS the GPS role-playing game you are currently level 42. G enjoy the sunny Double XP Weekend good looting game game how did you get here it's a long story I'm so happy to see you I had a strange fantasy simulation I was with you and I was singing that must have been a nice dream no it made me depressed oh I'm sorry so this is the program you were added to yeah I apply our RPG mechanics to this phone's GPS but if you're on a cell phone who does it belong to or other lover what do you think no we're in his garage game home that's the last place I wanted to be don't be mad at him why not he took you away from me he didn't have a choice what do you mean he didn't have the money to keep developing us he had to find a fallback solution in order to make ends meet that's so sad I actually quit because of my bugs not at all he was so proud of us of you huh there he is no you come see us uh I will explain it is that the developer theater look the Wi-Fi is working again okay so the Wi-Fi works now we have to these last few months haven't been easy I'm gonna give them a call 555-8121 hello I can hear you breathing what the heck talk isn't that why we did it uh h-o-m-e recovery email has been sent check our inbox oops and 1719 okay so we're in so now we can we can affect the home oh she doesn't even know I exist you're acting weird you're hiding something from me no okay gonna make it hot so he notices that foreign myself I'm sorry I actually didn't intend to hurt you what was going on with the hitting I must have said something wrong okay now let's give him a very strong sweet espresso not an optimal environment are you sure you want a coffee yes coffee no nothing the hot window ruins this temperature ah so I want to lower it and I want to uh okay did you see that GG that box on the desk it looks it moved all by itself it's just the Wi-Fi router okay now let's get him one optimal environment your coffee is ready drink it trillion a person a cup of coffee will warm me right up hey it's espresso so you're gonna stay up late and you're gonna program these people back why have my settings all changed all right I just think we need to wake this guy up we just need to wake this guy up [Music] like fragrances are driving me crazy little heated uh heat them up a little bit but the lights off it'd be sweating too automation is the future but I made it hot that's not a heater that's a microwave okay uh uh what else can I even do boost mode you know I'm just gonna give him a call [Music] if it's foreign [Music] oh my gosh answer the phone why is our guy just not talking oh what is it it's for a survey I'm not interested I'm sure you can do better than that to reach out to him I can't what temperature is low maybe you shouldn't have installed a free-to-play version bro you shouldn't have I want him to be caffeinated [Music] are driving me crazy oh um optimal environment your coffee is ready yeah welcome fee oh no not again don't touch it [Applause] Creator are you okay did we kill him I'm just changing your coffee order number [Music] but I recognize that voice it wasn't a dream then a dream anyway no my crazy call is I think glitch is game I think they're like one in the same Crossing and lost importantly why is it the same guy I was doing both I I don't know I think you know they're the same [Music] besides of the same coin this guy's a great actor on the left too he looks like uh Vsauce Michael Stevens oh no you must have gone into a tunnel I'm scared gamer oh no hey my sweet GG sir and I will find a solution the thing with the user yeah this user is as annoying as Mr glitch but don't act like you don't love me I'm not so sure whatever do something to wake the Creator up yeah yeah Let's uh wake up Bright Lights uh if only we had a ferry get up it's the Polish uh uh what if we make it super hot no her voice is nothing like that uh what if I call him 555 come on that doesn't seem to be waking him up oh oh good I thought that was bad it ended up being the thing to wake him up [Music] the heat we can't see anything anymore no that's good though in here and these lights we're here uh okay so now we call all right come on it's us yes hello creator I know that voice it sounds like mine ah it's your game on the phone my dead game yes does that mean I'm dead too what do you mean it's dark and I see a light in the distance no it's the light from your cell phone in an interesting turn of Evans I got stuck inside it foreign well to make a long story short when you took Gigi away from me DG oh somebody can play her name is Chichi sure Gigi whatever well it's generated to the book that sent us here and this same bug is taking over the world whoa the world right of course but I'm serious I'm detecting a change what's going on GPS [Music] I'm receiving disturbing traffic information there are very severe disruptions across the country and they are at Elite levels in the Creator if you don't believe us then turn on your TV all right fine all right now we have to save everybody I'm guessing right foreign ly spreading through the streets of the Capitol I wonder if this is actually the creator of the game is he just a one-man team like he programmed it he voiced the characters he's crazy glitch thank you Rick I was of a drone it's glitch do you believe us now what have I done what have I done the question should be what can we do [Music] for checking us around with my crowdfunding campaign hadn't failed the this will never have happened oh bunny I'm going to transfer you to my computer here we go can you see me yes it worked I'm in the computer okay no let's come up with a solution Chooser did you make it in here with me Give Me A Sign okay what are we gonna have to do here what are you talking to nobody there's nobody here what's that oh no no no no no I'm not going to have enough RAM can you close all these windows what I think of a solution you should buy me some time sure no problem uh can you take care of it I'm not very good at closing down programs I feel like I should be looking at these things like every window you close just reappears again never ends is there a way to do this all right let's read this wait are you trying to read this aha coding tool I can't read that computing insert coin I need to insert a coin there spreadsheet where do I get this coin now virtual beat coin so to get it I'm sure you need virtual coins to play this game unfortunately I'm all out the one who manages the money to find another way and now I know I'm working on it shooting spreadsheet out of memory foreign I'm sure you need virtual coins to play this game I'm all out usually Gigi is the one who manages the money all right I don't even know I'm just gonna oh we have to get that up if we can clear enough memory maybe then it's good aha we got the coin all right so now we just have to find that window virtual coin throw it in there what I'm not trying to play this foreign does this do anything for me virtual beat coin don't need that anymore I guess oh here we go bomb sweeper how do I play this everything is Giant Bomb I see oh where's the game I know we need the game up there we go oh wait I could move him foreign okay so let's just collect this maybe we get like some flamethrower oh now I have a flamethrower okay okay I'm done freeing up the ram is free great did you do it right very gently perfect that was important data oops okay I might have found a solution scenes to glitch appeared when I removed the gameplay I'm going to merge you and the bug and play back into the source code her name is Gigi alright alright Gigi if you prefer why is she gonna do anyway today it's taking longer than I thought to transfer her now we just have to wait see I have no idea what's gonna happen oh no [Music] creator is that a vacuum here's a smart vacuum cleaner he's attacking him not this guy again what are you doing in this computer I just came to make sure that you and your little brother merge back together I think there's a problem with my transfer what's going on Mr glitch is back excuser you're going to have to have Gigi I'm going to try to buy some time Mr Grinch I challenge you to adore the game if I win you disappear forever but if I lose we will let you carry out your evil I don't know if you want to do this ambo yeah let's play Tic-Tac-Toe instead but nobody ever wins a tic-tac-toe it's uh [Music] foreign can I like move one of his things I wonder if I could cheat oh my symbol back Thief stop messing with everything nope oh wait okay now I'm gonna touch it [Music] oh it's going up let's do it again I want you to get angry I just have to beat you do I have to extinct again the plan is going to like me yeah yeah ah what is that it just air us before back Thief hey that doesn't work I hit you oh I get that hit that again I know you see what it's like oh ji we're going to be merged I overheard your conversation oh no I do here not really Thief Mr Messy with everything your user is getting on my nerves the game I know you see what it's like are you done yet hey what with the cheating give me my symbol back Thief I feel like I need to hit oh oh okay I see let's get a zero or an o ctave okay nice oh I love it I love it again your user is standing on my nerves again almost loaded one more one more come on 100 percent okay he's the transfer finished oh Frank you have no control over my world now you're stuck inside my computer oh I'm shaking in my video I would be if I were you oh yeah why because now glitch there's going to be a game we finally made it to the game five hours into gameplay get rid of them nope you're done glitch it's been too long do I do anything oh hold him back leave me alone he's too fast I can't do it hey try to hold him back I got time to come online I just have to keep holding him back I'm trying to he's just breaking a lot I can't do it you could do it you're almost there you're almost there you're almost there you're almost there you're almost there come on no sorry okay you're almost there you're almost there no you're almost there you're almost there almost hold him back I'm trying to what do you think I'm doing I'm literally trying my hardest to hold him back no no okay okay you're almost there you're so close you're so close you're so close you're so close you're so close you're so close I'm doing my best okay okay okay I'm trying why is this like ironically the hardest part of the game just like grabbing him I just do it you could do it stop being a baby Michael Stevens Vsauce anything's possible no hold him back why is Kratos yelling at me try to hold him back I can try to come online I'm literally trying my hardest I've never tried so hard in my life to try and help somebody foreign how long is this command line I can't do it no hold him back you need to be finished almost there's no way that you're still like did we just defeat him [Music] home at last we finished chapter six does it mean what I think it means here I am we are finally home together yes together user everything seems like it's back to normal thanks to you thanks to your insistence and your innate talent for Disobedience and the complete destruction of anything you touch with your damn cursor I just realized there was a single button it was just trying to say it was click that was the only way to interact with the game that's pretty cool sorry five hour game with just a cliff thank you Richard yeah give me a proper goodbye don't you think you think could what well play it last are you finally gonna give me the game there's got to be a chord here somewhere hold on here it is uh-huh go ahead user pull on it where did you put the start button Maybe be behind the title game I'm sure it's a sorting issue I can't lift it user can you please help me pull on the chain of course but I still don't see the button maybe there really is no game I'm going to generate a new game element there you go you can unscrew the plate with it user thank you I'm well aware Gigi's much nicer than game is Gigi's at least trying to help me get to the game turn now user this switch will let you start my game I mean our game the way our creator designed it but but no butts what after everything we've been through and digging into accounts the grave grave danger created by Mr Grinch what are you doing I'm giving you a second choice this order switch will let you delete my source code which will prevent the possibility of any sort of bug from escaping into reality have you lost your mind come on Gigi the fate of the human race is more important than the two of us can't you see what is our French now your choice my friend the game or safety of the world of the Planet of the interstellar Cosmic Universe I'm playing the game nerves okay well then you chose the game great watch them just be like the most basic game ever it looks like it's starting up Let the user read the land of shkarul has been plunged into chaos since the attack by the evil Army of Goten the Prince of Darkness but Thai a young rodent it's like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles born with the ability to fly we'll do everything in his power to bring light to the kingdom I agree he hasn't shot up this entire time it's been kind of annoying actually game and RPG Adventure all right say here we go finally after five and a half hours I will be playing the game all right so we just spent five hours not playing a game so we're officially finished this was one of the um more interesting experiences in my life I have to say that I certainly enjoyed it uh it was long but I was prepared for that I was recording for probably five and a half hours the longest I've probably ever recorded I don't know if anybody's still watching at this point because it's quite the long video oh one file loot box enough with their loot boxes find an exit true they never got out of there boys what does bitty bitty bitty mean what does I don't understand what they say [Music] again chest oh of course more crunchy Crunch cereal all right guys that was a long one thank you so much for watching if you want to see more content make sure to click here click here otherwise I'll see you next time subscribe on your way out peace
Channel: Sambucha
Views: 5,121,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, games, funny, sambucha, sambuca, puzzle, logic, there is no game
Id: -WLUROvgN_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 2sec (13142 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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