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and clearly not awake you wait okay you're used to this take a note of school right now we had such a good day yesterday I think we're just hungover with happiness that's so much fun everybody you're the best [Music] and you guys are in for a real treat today because I'm not doing anything that's right I this would be the first day I'm home with no plans so uh real exciting vlog for you today let's go wake up daddy come on come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] i cain't at everybody alright so after I took no to school I passed out I went to sleep like two hours so now let's let the day begin good morning Zeus good what are you doing awesome hi guys so as much as I didn't want to do anything today and I even told you I wouldn't in order to save this vlog and save my dog he's not a dog food and we just need things at the house we can't get it along and you got to keep moving and maybe we got time for dinner now we have time Vivint been to Outback for probably three weeks we were sent some kind of world record for us but honestly I don't know if we have time my mom and dad are gonna come over and watch a movie with us tonight we didn't get to watch that movie last night skate skate plan oh I can't remember the name but they're gonna come over and watch it with us I love it what do you guys think of Asher I like it it's fun I'm sorry guys I'm so sorry you're all sick in this restaurant I'm not I'm just gonna get small small meal maybe just blue an onion oh we will oh we will will we we get that door for you all right here it is Beauty and the Beast I'm all ready for I don't even already eat my steak I don't know what is your guys's favorite place to eat ever ever it could be a little mom-and-pop shop it could be a franchise clearly mine is Outback her it needs is still probably smoky bones right yeah it's it's between outback and smoky bones for her and my favorite like all-time favorite place is Pizza cottage like pizza place yeah you're right it's really my favorite elt pizza and a one she has to everyone can imagine see to eat a steak without a 1-mile ferrell know what's your favorite place tell me we cold well that was delicious as usual we're walking down to a this place called its once about and trout it's like a we got like nicely used kids toys and clothes yeah it's like hammy downs it's like their it's like a nice thrift shop for kids basically they can destroy outside it's like we're baby Macklemore shop baby macklemore's pretty sweet transformers bite yes the kids grow out of shorts like they wear them once one year one season these are like three bucks each like grandpa shines at the lit roll well these are nice is it all mine get these fun levels these are nice and cool and it Noah's age he just destroys them immediately so you can't beat it two dollars all we be saving we be saving it so eight pairs of shorts for for each kid 45 bucks total that's cheaper than our dinner out back and now they have they have summer shorts to just bash around and getting the creeks falling a puddle rip up the bat yeah perfect I think Zeus I think this deserves a new toy I don't know or to imagine if I got him this rawhides are terrible for my dog I remember giving him one he's puppy just threw it up I guess they don't digest very well wrong with my dog Zeus is he destroys everything they don't make toys for dogs like this they don't like this gone instantly even the tough rubber ones he just choose him apart instantly I was explaining to everybody that he destroys everything everything he doesn't destroy these but he doesn't play with them oh yeah yeah yeah tennis ball launcher yeah we need a gun mo shoots it boom we should just get in one of these for fun just to watch him liver recipe diarrhea for a month get in some big balls but they don't even wanna get on okay let's see it let's see if we're gonna find out how long it bought us homework Oh Zeus look what we got Brittany thinks the ball will last more than 10 minutes I say it won't well go happy is oh he's being lazy alright it's already destroyed i won it's nothing like this MA he doesn't even want it yeah we got a presume you know what he's just so exhausted alright my mommy and daddy are here hey mama hey daddy we came to raid your Easter basket dude have at it everybody's gonna be sick in this house from all that candy that's what my kids always say to only had two pieces and after rice krispie treats and not a one right that's not Easter food we just fed the fish this stock like they're starving but they follow me around whoa all right Britney won the ball still flying but in my defense ceases being really lazy really lazy well that was a good movie we just warped two hours into the night my parents just left just like it was good it was like classic Arnold Stallone craziness tons of gunfire hey you too young for that it's like the classic commando movies terminators like nobody can hit anybody with guns weeds heart a baby mm-hmm all right guys all right guys I knew this vlog hasn't been that exciting but just having an off day we'll keep it keep it funky fresh tomorrow we'll have fun I don't know what we're doing but it's gonna be fun I just been lazy I've been off but off today the jet lag really hit me I fell asleep when I got home I've just been off oh well it's just one day I love you guys I'll see you tomorrow smile more wins we have to use the quad better floor it
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 945,825
Rating: 4.9496946 out of 5
Keywords: family-friendly, family vlogs, RomanAtwod, prank, roman soilders, roman atwood vlogs, kid friendly, smile more, pranks, vlog, family fun, Roman Atwood, roman, vlogs, kid-friendly, family friendly, familt day, atwood
Id: 4tYNBvUhGDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 22 2014
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