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got you something I'm so excited guys your night Oh ha ha ha it's d9g Roman I love you so much and I know we've been together almost eight years now we both know we want to fit forever together like we want to be with each other forever as long as as long as we're both the lives living on the earth I want to be with you welcome to the vlog guys and happy 8th year anniversary hey what is that for all to blow my nose cuz I said guys it is Brittany and i's 8th year anniversary and before we go we're gonna go out for a little bit we're going to actually I'm gonna do something cane real quick yeah ok we are gonna do everything downstairs forever I have it this is like the corner of the basement we never touch this is an original bag from my ball pit prank back when I did the ball pit I filled my house with these plastic balls this is an original bag did you just set up your camera King you're so cute I gave Kane his own vlog camera today and he has been running around with it very cool dude I love it are you doing better than I did oh come on dude oh oh you got it you got it let's do it all right are you gonna get in you should hop in you getting your vlog camera out alright you ready I'm gonna dump him and you think oh my gosh he is literally one one way to tell if your trampoline is level they're all on one side to hit your head okay so although we're getting late late start to this little anniversary you ready let's do it we'll be right back we gotta get our hair cut so guys it is our eighth year anniversary eight years together this girl and I have when we've been through a lot it's been through it's been quite the journey it has been you've been here for a lot of it but there's been a ton of it day that doesn't exist on the vlogs we've only been plugged in three years we've been together eight we didn't have YouTube we weren't youtubers I didn't have a YouTube channel when we met from where we were when we met to where we are now has been just teamwork it has been just endless amounts of support from each other it has been incredible and I'm blessed to have you fights and breakups and break up because one time for what two days two and a half one and a half I wanted to I wanted to let you guys in on some things that we've never told them was that is one of them we actually broke up once oh you did you moved up for one a day and a half for like two days oh I saw my bedroom at my mom we went been dating that long we didn't have sushi yet we didn't have this it's a relationship like you act and we don't think that we don't have normal life things that everybody has like yeah we have a great life that we have worked hard to create and work on every day it's still everyday work but at the end of the day it's that we're still a normal couple like we still have this same like we bicker we we pick on each other it's still like that but for the most part I feel so lucky to have what we have together like we're a team we're like we're like a power couple that's what people power couple you're so excited to get this eight years over with is speeding oh I feel like worth the wrong restaurant to be having an anniversary because this is not where we had it doesn't matter you want this let's eat this they have better steak anyway our first date was that Applebee's you guys already know let's not make this about us it's our eighth year anniversary yeah I've been with her for eight years tell me I wasn't gonna film you cut your salad I was gonna explain that I never cut myself that's all I met Brittany she she did this and I laughed at her for a long time about it I know I'm on your side I am but before you remember me like making jokes like you're cutting your salad I'm sure a lot of you cut yourself a lot of you don't I now I salad up in fact one time I was cutting my salad and the fork went like this and all my salad mother asked you serious question okay this is steak not look like the United States of America I would normally just tan on my sleeve oh yeah no one else would have saw that but do you not see it in my free design shape that something about here is shaping stays tell me be honest this mistake not resemble the United States of America they brought us out a little anniversary ice creams a nice surprise right here and that's yeah that's it well was it crazy but it was a nice thing it was it was actually really really good dinner we got to go steak for Cain he wants steak he loves steak and as long as you have any one sausage thank you exactly like you in fact when you asked him if you want steak he asked if we have a one and when you said yes he was like lots of steak plus you bargain you're not the Barker of the house it smells so good in here what is this who made all these cupcakes oh it's just happy ate mommy and daddy where's my kid hey uh laundry you didn't get in here look at this mess well I don't see anything I'm just gonna go out here daddy looking from you you made us just cupcakes dude you were the best you pour yourself some Oreo oh my dude you want some you want some steak with that a1 so this could be our shortest vlog of the last month maybe it's gonna be short guys we are gonna wrap it up any advice you want to give out there to anybody trying to keep somebody they love it's work it's not that bad if you have to you want my advice you have to keep trying for the other person you can't stop what you did in the beginning here's my advice this may sting a little bit for some people but we're all crazy we're all a little crazy and I'm just gonna say if you think that you're gonna get someone with somebody that's less crazy then you're crazy find the crazy that you love and stick with it that's that's my advice I'm just saying that we're all a little crazy one more piece of advice I'm no expert you're not an expert oh yeah just a little friendly advice never in a relationship don't ever don't ever say to splitting up is an option now you're not allowed to say it like you're not allowed to say well what if I break up that's you're not allowed to say that just pretend it's not existent that's not an option dad all being said it is we're gonna wrap up our night it's gonna be a short blog for you thank you for we're actually gonna hang out watch a little movie together a little off-camera time come up with Keener's and just just chillax chillax yo tell me in the comments today what is your longest relationship leave me a year a month you know what's your longest really a lot of you are young so I don't expect everyone to be insane so we were married some of you've been together forever for us is our longest right here I mean we need to get but fight for each other guys we have to work together if you love the person fight for them do it do it do what they want a little bit you got to bend over you did they won you got to both bend a little bit so I don't know why we've turned this into relationship counseling but we love you guys thank you for everything here's to the next you know at least eight to ten hundred years see you tomorrow you're beautiful you're one of a kind smile mwah this is the trust game okay you're gonna feed me I'm gonna feed you okay this is the trust game you treat me this one's a red eye thing on itself oh you know I don't want the red I think I'll see you know I like to taste the red icing you should know I don't trust you to be me really I trust you hundred percent I know you would never do anything but just feed me that cupcake okay at the same time we're gonna feed each other my back it's still salvageable it came Oh we trust each other
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 3,295,567
Rating: 4.9726777 out of 5
Keywords: smile more, vlogs, team, family-friendly, kid-friendly, roman soldiers, best friends, Roman, atwood vlogs, hardwork, anniversary, kane atwood, brittney, couples, family friendly, Roman Atwood, roman atwood vlogs, noah atwood, relationship, Atwood, everyday, family vlogs, crazy, best pranks, vlogger, power couple, pranks, kid friendly, daily, 8 years, family fun, daily vlogs 2016, youtube pranks, ohio, Natural Born Pranksters, celebrate, roman vlogs
Id: LXXDe4HcvG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2016
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