Funniest Things Moms Say To Their Kids | 100 TOP TWEETS | Parents PET PEEVES

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get a dictionary so let's Mother's Day weekend listen I don't even know I was gonna do this video this is a last minute thing I've seen this trending on Twitter last night and made me want to do this today while I have lighting finally I've done the similar Mother's Day thing video last year where I read a kid's Mother's Day card I don't even know this was gonna be anything for me man I'm gonna see my mother this weekend so make sure y'all see your mother this weekend if y'all don't have mom make sure y'all see your mom figure something your dad your family anybody can't stress that enough but what I can't stress enough is you subscribe to my channel make sure y'all subscribe and hit that notification bell because you get a new notification every time I upload a video all right I have a few subscribers that I'm on so I feel like this would be a good thing for all of us to connect with you know I'm saying and I'm sure I'm gonna be hearing some things that my mom says too on this thing two things my mom always says one is Sue's Mario said and two if you don't get on your lips curl I know my mom is not the only moms lives that curl I didn't kill my mom so you can't kill me don't turn the light on while I'm driving or I get in a car accident Oh fine Bob made me feel like a criminal every time I turn on that car light let me tell you something I just found out last you guys can turn on the car light inside if you want to don't count your chickens before they hatch there's many a slip between the cup and the lip because my mom used to scare me with this one put on clean underwear if you get hit by a bus all the nurses will see those dirty woman me my head hurt it's probably that phone of yours me I don't think my mom told me this someone's mom told me all you had to do was drink water its water will be the cure for anything if your head hurt if you got a scale if you two inches away from dying oh my god made some water for this light now I don't know it's just when I see people still in graves I want to commit murder that's just the way I am have you lost your cotton-pickin my my dad used to say that to me all the time he stood tall I'm a prove it hold up they're not going to answer the phone I told you guys this before every time I call the answer machine picks it up you better let me out of this basement stop cashing my Social Security check I'm telling you I don't know what kind of mom if you fall out of the tree and break both legs don't come run into me don't look at me in that you need to find a nice girl get married I should have swallowed you up if you go to jail you are getting out the same way you got in all body y'all y'all can't top my mom she was a weirdo oh damn seven these kids will get this one don't sit so close to the TV you ruin your eyes I heard that a lot I still do you may do whatever you want but not while you're living under my roof mom used to talk about when she was pregnant with me oh my god oh I feel like my dad right now all I needed some black Gregory Dean I remember how I'll be laying on the bed smoking a cigarette and you'll kick so hard the history of my belly [Music] I was about 9 of 10 when mom told me you better learn to wipe your butt better or do your own country I can carry you for now must you can carry those groceries from the car to the house I don't love you funny things mom say let me tell you something my mom never said that to me when people came over to visit really late mom to dad out loud honey let's go to bed because probably these people want to leave my dad won't even open the door my dad will like that he would dead boat that day every siblings name while trying to remember mine my siblings name when she's addressing me okay we got it I won't get mad if you just tell me that is that was the biggest lie mama why do you live in my house you're 35 don't go outside with wet hair you'll capture code alright doesn't isn't that still true wasn't that proof enough fantastic funny things mom say don't make me turn this car around we all know she's not gonna turn this car wait 30 minutes before you swim I heard that before too but that wasn't just mom I feel like lifeguards teachers everyone said that mom I had three chips you want to get cramps and drop mind your P's and Q's I still don't know what Pisac you Steph I don't know what that Steph what does that for mommy just have a hug grape juice like if you break your leg don't come on to me don't you roll your eyes at me I'll take you out I make another one who looks just like you what's my passcode again me same as your phone number what's my phone number again I ask you who did it I'm telling you to pick it up oh I felt like that was someone's mom yelling at me when my mom turned 40 my stepdad threat why am i so loud rittany when my mom turned 40 my stepdad threatened to trade her in for two 20 year olds she said you're not wired for 220 what pronouncing Chipotle like chappal Hill do you know what my mom mispronounced a lot of stuff I'm not even gonna begin I love all my children equally didn't lie I promise they won't laugh at you she's lying they with him he just gone for cigarettes she'll be back soon oh my god she's never coming back my mom with great advice let me let me get it for you you're Prince Charming might be there show that cleavage I brought you into this world and I can take you if you've repeated it you damn well hurt me I'm not making a facebook account I don't trust half of my information online damn she called that one my dad did I tell you I know I said this before my dad just got baseball gods I'm a guy who watches my videos let me show my gosh I got to have a facebook sometimes you better not ever start a fight but if someone starts one with you you better finish it are you broke bleeding or dying then go play you're beautiful and people will love you where are those people mama if you don't eat your carrots you won't be able to see in the dark this isn't a hotel you know I say that now having to say everything twice having to say everything twice not doing the dishes how about doing the dish how about doing the dishes and I not just repeating myself to about doing the dishes that you slide in the dirty plane while she change the toilet paper roll I know I'm not the only one who sees this not answering when she accidentally calls you by your siblings name you do that if you want to using wire hangers all I've seen in my closet growing up with my angers I handed those things those things look like I'm gonna poke my eye out it wasn't until Mama's Dearest mommy's Dearest or something like that how was the only movie that I could connect to because she did not want why when her son brings dirty girls back to the motel is your mom in a motel wait am i leaving the door open you don't live in a bar when Dad gets the babysitter pregnant man y'all really flipping the script yeah this supposed to be a fun video mothers pet peeve small things like my breathing in and out immediately asking dad after she says no mother's pet peeves are this has to be number one asking for us 30 minutes after not eating dinner not eating your vegitables my mama's very petite mama just when I was a teenager I sneak up on her as she was cooking and yell fire drill and lift her up and run with her to the door it made her so mad yeah if you did that to me and I was your mom when I played mother's pet peeves try eating something before dinner is that true how did this thing turn into a truck topping mother's pet peeves my friends and I in the house oh my god did I tell y'all that one time my mom beat mine oh my god I could have been doing anything I didn't ask permission for my friend to stay over he stayed over but after he left she cussed me as soon as you heard that door slammed her lips [Music] asking or anything in front of company because you know she gonna say yes when you smoke a doobie in her she shed what are you smoking a doobie right now mother's pet peeve not knowing the difference between your and your there there and there - - and - that's not just your mom I guarantee that calling them by their first name I don't understand that I guess every family is different but if I ever call my mom by her first name her and print will still be on my cheek close the door we're not cooling the whole neighborhood mother's Pepe's untied shoes brought you into this world and I can take you every siblings name while trying to remember mine that's not just my mom that's my dad my dad will call everybody's name in the book even go to the grandchildren for he gets to me why don't you go play in traffic he's not your real dad oh my god me with two brothers and two sisters mom who do you love Mose you know I've never wanted children if you don't clean the gas for to your toes properly you'll start growing potatoes out of them I just wanna see the gaps I'm just imagining you're just imagining potatoes between my dad is a millionaire and the least worth currency in the world got that from Facebook just copied it mom you can't just copy people's bit melt cheese why the hell not mama don't give - is that the shoe where people act like there's somebody that they're really not what do you think you are doing when you use someone else's bitmoji I'm using someone else's bitmoji whatever the hell that something made it to look like yes mom oh my god they probably got some but make me what looks like me if I have bad manners at the table how will I ever take you to the White House a funny thing my mom said was you're adopted and I don't love you oh is this supposed to be a Mother's Day theme Betty or not go out and play in traffic gambling with life you ain't too big to get shot guess that's just my mom yes that's just your mom this your wish Yahoo did you wash your whoo my mom used to call it ding dong you kids are the reason mommy tricky you kids ruin mom why do you sound drunk every time I call you because the end Oh kid is drunk right now if your friends jumped off a bridge would you I love all my children the same the biggest if you don't thumbs up anyway cuz you feel some comes up as to cuz you cuz you feel thumbs up thumbs up
Channel: Alonzo Lerone
Views: 2,689,574
Rating: 4.9637499 out of 5
Keywords: Alonzo Lerone, Alonzo, Lerone, Dumbest Fails of the Internet, Alonzo dumbest tweets, dumbest tweets, get a dictionary, fails of the week, comedy, comedian, Alonzo Lerone dumbest fails, Alonzo Lerone snapchat, best clapbacks, facebook fails, bone apple tea, funniest things moms say to their kids, top 100 tweets parents pet peeves
Id: T8zhtjpLlDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Fri May 11 2018
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