Dumbest Things We Did As Kids | 60 FUNNY TWEETS | Alonzo Lerone

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get a dictionary so there's this thing going around I hope you like that transition that was baddest so I was on Twitter last night and everybody was asking me to do a reaction to this Twitter person is that what it's called hopping on Twitter for over 10 years I should know what they're called his mother of dog on Twitter what's the dumbest thing you've ever done as a kid my shining moment was when I was like four I put floaties on my feet and jumped into a pool thinking I'd walk on water I almost drowned I read this before and I don't know why I'm almost losing my breath and a lot of people replied and I'm going to be doing I'm gonna be I'm gonna be reading this and I'm gonna tell you what the dumbest thing I did as a kid at the end of this video all right let me get my heart together because I know this is gonna be fun when I was in elementary school I followed through on the for a good time call who post on the bathroom wall I haven't seen that in a long time and left a message with our house Cooper in my name I've got the woman in second grade I just go I was dared by a classmate down number one on the school paper phone I thought because it was a pig it wouldn't go through and I'm telling you right now it will go do we even have papers anymore and they did we left school first responders showed up next day I was called to the office someone snitched I got suspended did you find out Oh snitch that's what I really want to know I wasn't old enough to bake cookies so I chew up bread form it into a cookie you chewed a brittle but peanut butter sprinkles on top and I don't talk to hide the Salama and sell them to my friends for a quarter I finally told one of them the recipe and felt so bad I gave her a plate full for free she ate them anyway your friend is eating your D and a B that I'll tell you did I tell you what a what my nephew did my nephew would exchange his talk of yellow dump truck for a bag of chips and this was back then when those little chips were 25 cent so he actually changes like a $15.00 toy for someone made fun of me crying so I went home and put look L'Oreal no tears shampoo my brother was four and I was babysitting him all of a sudden I hear a huge crash screaming and crying I rushed down the stairs and asked what happened he told me I tried to fly like a ski in Colorado with my family when I was like 11 my brother kept falling and taking forever so I decided to go ahead without waiting on them I'm seeing stars for laughing so I took a wrong turn went down a diamond slope and ended up in a different you didn't have to pay a dime just probably an arm and a leg but still got my head stuck in my Barbie house I wanted to see what it was like I'm not gonna regret doing this video when I was four a skunk buzz on my porch I thought it was a cat opened up the door and the thing actually came that's the point don't you want your cat to come in my mom freaked and so did discuss free everywhere including both of us your mom probably grabbed bats guts telling put my cat in a suitcase when I was five and couldn't figure out how to unlock you for two minutes and I was like six my mom was giving me a bath then she said and she had to leave the room for a second so she told me not to leave the bath under any circumstances so I did it not even when I farted and a turd came out and floated a room with me in the tub oh you nasty one I found a dead bird during recess and kept it in my pocket for the entire day of school thinking I could take it home and have a new pet my mom my mom was doing my that day and emptied out my pockets and screamed when she when she felt a minute remove the hands on the clock forward so Sesame Street will start soon I don't know that's the dumbest of the cutest thing I've heard her oh my god didn't I tell y'all did I tell y'all Sesame Street this is my Sesame Street said Sesame Street introduces homeless Muppet all right why Kayla says so we're just going out like the Grouch hasn't lived in a trash can it's alright y'all need to start giving grouches love everybody's talking about Cookie Monster big burn how about the Grouch why ain't no when I was 8 I tried to reheat a sonnet grilled cheese Tula I couldn't ask y'all something how do y'all know exactly what age you were alright because I am short term memory and I might you know I might know a few things but the last thing I know is when the exact age I was with those of you who don't know Sonic grabs their food in the wax line foil paper I wash my grilled cheese combust for about eight seconds before I calmly told an adult hey the microwave blew up that reminds me of a time of my sister and I wanted to put our dogs in a merry-go-round and put our plastic dolls in the microwave and they all melted you probably scarred for life saying that one time my sister trying to Flatiron our baby's hair Oh Oh Barbie's hair I was about to say with a literal iron and I booked when we were in middle school the superintendent of our school system lived two doors down it was snow he lived in the school the school it was snowing so we had 10:00 p.m. on a Thursday night shoveled snow into his driveway hoping to make him think it was so bad to close school I thought this was about to end so happy when I was 5 I put a pancake in the fish tank to hide it from my parents I was playing with my hamster tossing him in the air and catching him tossed up too hard but and he hit the ceiling when I caught him he was dead oh my god there's some things you don't need a tweet you need to get rid of the evidence I am so sorry for how hard I laughed at it as a kid it wasn't funny but I can look back and laugh at it now - Lia my moment was when I wanted to carry my rabbit around obviously not in my arms cuz he was a fatty and I was tired so I stuffed him in my Barbie suitcase and he died y'all here killing animals I used to sit in the dryer and read the image the image of this it's about to scare me I literally wouldn't let anyone use the dryer if I was in it once it wasn't working and we had to go to a laundromat I refuse to let this old lady use the only free dryer cuz I was really what time I since I had a bunch of her friends over and she took my pet fish out of the tank so they could all pet it I tried to cut all it to the bottom of the TV put a penny in my nose to see if we can fit got stuck in I freaked out from crying I was gonna tell my dad boy I'll bet the interest rate what a wig sky-high my neck when I was in preschool I had a pet fish and every day I would take it out of his taken pet it why is everyone petting fish I was sat on the grass and started playing with some stone that was super soft and I spent ages pulling them apart and squishing them it was rapid trumpeting my parents were having this small get-together and there was a candle lit in the bathroom I didn't like the smell so I tried to put it out with the tissue jump from the diving board into an empty swimming pool with two umbrellas as parachutes I was about eight and I distinctly remember thinking to myself what is enough I'm smart to use two I wanna know what happened do you have an after picture something when I was five I put M&Ms in my ear so I could hear them talk like the commercial sauce the bouncy bar under my bed and me my cousin couldn't see in the dark so I grabbed a lighter and held it under my bed cop my ban on fire my parents still don't know my mother loves to tell the story all right one day when I was really little I wanted to help her out in the kitchen so to get me out of the way she gave me a potato to play with after a while she went to check on me only to find out I had managed to bust a potato down the toilet I really thought this one was gonna be so funny when I was like six I took an egg from the fridge and put it under my pillow before I fell asleep thinking it would be a baby chicken when I woke up took a pair of tweezers and stuck them into an outlet oh my god my grandma came running down the shower naked and my dad will never forgive me for having to see that semi road alone in the kitchen with a box of 12 Little Debbie oatmeal cream pies free car inside instead of taking them out the bugs I ate my way to the bottom to find a melon coupon storm into the living room throw the Box across the room yelling there's no car I don't know if y'all remember I don't know if they still do it but then kool-aid points I I had like stacks of kool-aid points my fingers were like I was playing bingo for eight days straight out of all them coupons it was probably like 7,000 points I won a cassette tape a cassette tape I can't believe I spent about ten months of my life for a cassette tape I rode my tricycle into the pool and didn't stop riding underwater Subway's go to my dad pulled me out cuz you almost died or dare save your life you need a tag in the next time one time I was seven and I'm trying to hide my diary key in the electrical outlet I keep my secrets to myself crowning achievement was when I was seven I stuck a pair of scissor blades into a socket in my class who is teaching these kids to put metal in a socket it set the entire Street into black cow smell was when I was four - I thought my cat wanted to go for a swim in my kiddie pool and I got scratched head to toe when I try to throw her - I thought my cat was high and put heroin the what oh I put hair in the refrigerator to cool her off oh I put her in oh my god I thought my cat was hot and I put her in the refrigerator to cool her off she of the lunch meat died that's a smart cat that cat is probably still alive today with all the wisdom she had I locked myself in the dryer because I wanted to see if it could rock back and forth but when I got in it damn ooh so I thought I had to close the door and I did and I couldn't get out lost you probably still tweet him from the shrine when I was a toddler I ran into the street when a car was coming to save a bird from getting run over it flew away you're probably said I do this all the time what you do what you doing on the street when I was eight I try to prove to my friends that I was part of horse so I ate a ton of grass to prove my point I learned that day that you would throw up if you eat grass when I was in like third or fourth grade I convinced my friends I was part wolf and raised by wolves that's it that's all you gonna tweet can we get another part of this story put toilet paper on top of my lamp to darken down the light bulb toilet paper did you not have a sheet or something a pillowcase I taught my daughter not to say anything while playing hide and seek my mom was watching her while I was at Woking called me because she couldn't find my four-year-old my dad told me to keep my eye on the ball and t-ball so I put the bat down and put my eye against the ball that was my only sister all right now so it's your turn tell me comment down below what is the dumbest thing you did as a kid don't hold back it's just between you and me the dumbest thing I've done you know what I'm gonna call my parents maybe they'll nothing hey dad dad what is the dumbest thing I did as a kid that you can remember well just they want all right you know what that means that means I was a smart kid I didn't do anything dumb oh don't forget I have merch at my store all right you guys can get it before the holidays I think and I'm also doing personalized shout outs on cameo make sure you go to my description box to check these things out I will see y'all with a new video pretty soon in a few days I got you all right if you don't thumbs up anyway cuz you will don't thumbs up because you cuz you feel thumb comes up but without using thumbs up
Channel: Alonzo Lerone
Views: 3,621,063
Rating: 4.9565425 out of 5
Keywords: Alonzo Lerone, Alonzo, Lerone, Dumbest Fails of the Internet, Alonzo dumbest tweets, dumbest tweets, get a dictionary, fails of the week, comedy, comedian, Alonzo Lerone dumbest fails, Alonzo Lerone snapchat, best clapbacks, facebook fails, bone apple tea, funny things we did as kids
Id: S_JuBCWjjnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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