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Don't you hate it when you're pregnant and then you text somebody you're pregnant and they're mean to you, baby. I'm pregnant What do you want it to be a joke have you ever been pregnant? No okay? I mean I guess not, but I'm sure you know somebody that's been pregnant like your mom we we all have moms I mean unless you were like a petri dish, baby Kyle I just don't know how to tell my parents I'm pregnant Don't worry. I just told them You don't have my parents number. Of course I do they're my parents to Check who you're texting by the way they want you home now! She texted her little bro that she's pregnant and you know damn well what a little bro is gonna do Hit my foot Really hard on the.. That's what you get for being a tattletale, snitches get stitches Why am I hurting myself during videos like come on, I'm sitting in my room I thought this was going a different direction at first. like yeah, they're my parents too only in the redneck regions. Hey look I'm a redneck. Babe I think I'm pregnant The a AT&T subscriber "yu" are trying to reach is no longer in service You know you spell "you" wrong The AT&T subscriber You are trying to reach is no longer in service. There You go when you accidentally get your side chick sisters cousin pregnant Hold up let me come up with an excuse Now you know not to contact this number anymore. I'm pregnant Who's this? You didn't keep my number? I got a new iPhone This just reached a new level of awkward. I think you have the wrong number You don't even know your baby daddy's number, but I mean she probably didn't even have the wrong number He's just. He played that real good. Bye! I'm leaving the country. Baby I'm pregnant OMG. I am so happy. I can't wait to be a dad My baby's gonna have two dads. I'm so happy! What do you mean? Your brother has blue eyes and you have brown hair So I wanted both of y'all to be the dads... It doesn't work like that you dumb ***** What?! so His brother has the blue eyes, so it's like I'm gonna like You know a girl's gotta do what she gotta do to have a baby with blue eyes And then my boyfriend has the brown hair so it's like the best of both worlds and I can have like two dads And we all be one big happy family, so if a dude gets two girls pregnant Yeah, I'm gonna have two wives and two kids. One big happy family man Solve a lot of problems in this world, right? So I just found out I'm pregnant. I just found out that I'm moving to Switzerland, bye. I can't deal with this. I gotta go like, sorry got a jet. It was like faked your own death Anything to get out of this huh. I kind of have a huge problem I just found out I'm pregnant and I'm not a hundred percent sure who the father is So you cheated on me? No, I just don't know who the dad is That means you cheated with someone. No it doesn't What could it possibly mean? hmm This shit, don't add up. I have something to tell you Me too... Let's say that the same time. I'm pregnant! I'm breaking up with you! What?! Oh no! Somebody called Dr. Phil. Please put me on Dr. Phil so I can be famous Can't wait to see you babe. Hurry up and get here Whoo-hoo. It's Friday screw the gym. I'm getting pregnant tonight. Uh..Shouldn't we talk about that first? Oh! oh my god. I wrote pringles and it autocorrected to pregnant I meant I'm getting Pringles tonight not pregnant That awkward moment when you're trying to catch the nut. I'm trying to get pregnant tonight No, no, no, I meant Pringles. Oh my god. Joe guess what. What? I'm pregnant What? Get home right now young lady? This is your father you are texting. We need to have a little talk. Dad I got married last year, and I'm 25 Your point? Okay I mean that seems like perfectly normal. She's 25. I mean I'm 25 look what I'm doing my life. What? Fuck out of here Okay I just can't imagine telling your parents you're pregnant like my mom thought I was pregnant twice from videos I made and she was like "Ah she made a video before telling me" I'm like mom no Chill hey mom I'm pregnant sorry You're 16, how could you do this you are so irresponsible Mom, you're 14 years older than me This conversation is over! Damn, so that means she had her when she was 14 and then her daughter Gonna repeat history I get pregnant when she's 16 How dare you call her irresponsible Like didn't you learn anything from mom? Actually, I learned everything from mom! Hurts doesn't it. I mean a momma can really talk huh I don't know. I'll be home about midnight. Where are you at? I'm at Cory's why? Okay I love you. Oh, and I found your test this morning. Congrats! I'm so proud of you What you're not mad I'm pregnant? You're what? at home now! I was talking about your math test you got a B+ on it I was so happy. I didn't know my, my daughter would be capable of such intelligence, but You're telling me You're pregnant she getting the good ole Spanking when she gets home. How's our pregnant little daughter mom how did you know? I mean perfect. Oh never mind Wait what Am I in trouble Here I am thinking my mom was okay with it like oh oh my god She knows and it's okay, and then it turns into the complete opposite. She knows and it's not okay Hey, babe We Need to Talk What is it? Actually, I'm pregnant. I don't know what to do I Feel like you should tell your father Because if not and he finds out in text message He might kick your ass and kick my ass as well. Just saying check the name on the phone, honey Dad we need to talk ); Your dad is literally the last person that should know you're pregnant. Not not the first make sure You look at who you're texting! I'm pregnant. Omg really. I'm so happy. I've been wanting to be a dad for a while Yeah, I'm very scared how am I going to tell my husband Peter? Please advise me what to do? What the fuck this is mark your husband you slept with my brother? Oh/Ah Somebody call Dr. Phil ain't nothing like some good ol family-friendly Drama. Honey I think we did it too hard and I'm pregnant. Um look who you're texting April fools It's the middle of December mom. It is the middle of December! The coinkidink Yeah, mom is accidentally gonna text your kid we did it too hard I'm pregnant yeah, that's how it works right. Hey mom. I'm pregnant I know I found the test in the garbage. I have mine in my hand right now What?!It better not be your sister she's only 13 I'm coming home with her right now. Oh no no no What? So she's pregnant her 13 year old sister is pregnant, too If I were those girls, I would not come home. Oh girl both of us are pregnant so We are out here catching that nut Hey dad, I just got a girlfriend and she's pregnant smiley face :) What's the matter with you? Are you proud when you get home? You're in so much trouble Your mother already knows that she's devastated. Who's the slut you idiot Dad I meant perfect not pregnant I am so sorry is this damn phone autocrat to me. Oh? Oh, you just made me shit my pants son. I broke your laptop... Dad really You don't owe me a new one But is that like slamming that laptop show him not to meet the girls on the Craigslist Babe guess what? You need to lose some weight? Oh, No I'm pregnant wait what the fu Rude Ugh this pic it's like Look at my big ol belly Hi, Emily, Heather told me about what her and her boyfriend. Did I just want to know if it's true? Yeah pretty sure she's pregnant what I needed to know if she skipped class So her teacher texted her friend she gonna snitch like that bullshit So this dude got this girl pregnant, and he blocked her number You know what she did she gonna use everybody's phone that she knows and text him I'm pregnant you want to block me now bitch Mom how would you react if I told you I was pregnant I would throw you out of my house and disown you oh Thank god. I'm not Dude, I can't do it. I can't tell my mom she will disown me. I might have to do abortion Abortion, are you out of your god damn mind? What are you gonna name it? I was thinking Aria if it's a girl wait wait what I have to tell you something Alex, but you can't tell Jonathan What? I'm pregnant with your baby That sucks Jonathan is probably gonna break up with you How do you know? look who you're texting? Cheating bitch. Yeah, just pretend you're texting the other dude just to see what kind of reaction you could get out of him now after this I don't think any of the baby daddies want to be with you But anyways that's all for today. I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure that that like button in the face! comment below Let me know if you know anybody pregnant Like it could be your cashier at your local Safeway your postal man your mom your mom's friend your teacher I want to know who's pregnant and subscribe to the wolf pack! I love you guys so much. Thanks for watching bye guys Outro Music
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 17,324,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, funny texts, text, funny, pregnancy, pregnant, texts, funniest, messages, hilarious texts
Id: iXl0rCHpk60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2017
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