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[Captioned by Jeffrey D. at Y Translator] Hey guys what's up? [Captioned by Jeffrey D. at Y Translator] I hope you're doing good. We all like moms. I like my mom. I like when Mom's texts MOM TEXTS. "Make sure you get check for electric." "Omg, I know. Stop reminding me every hour." Mom's like: "What is 'OMG?'" *When you're not up with current pop culture.* "Oh my God, I've told you this before." "Stop yelling and just tell me!" "OMG MEANS 'OH MY GOD'" "Omg, calm down." You gotta chill. See moms; they don't know all this lingo. They was around way before the internet. You know it's crazy, I was around before the internet, I think. "I made up a video typing-face-thing!" "An emoticon. Sure. Let's see it." Ugh. "Nope. No more. We're done with these" *I told you so.........* "What? He's smiling!" Look at him! That's -- the longest smile, I've ever seen! He's just so happy! Cute Mom. Don't you dare spoil it for her! "Dad just told me you bought a car! Can you afford that?" Mom's like "YOLO"! "Do you even know what that means?" *Oh boy here we go.......* "No. But did I use it correctly?" "Sadly, yes..." Can't afford a car? Buy one anyway! YOLO. [Dab Music plays] *Dab Police Intencefies.* "Hi sweetie, how is school?" "Bad. I got detention." "Why?" "Cause someone texted me during class." "Who?" "You, stupid." She just texted: "Hi sweetie, how is school--" Like she checking up on you! I'm sure you can like, show the teacher, that text and be like: "It's just my mom! Man, she worried about me! She checking up on me! You know I got mesothelioma and she making sure I'm okay. You know; drinking my juice and having my snacks, taking my bathroom breaks, and y'all gonna give me detention?" "Ok" "What's wrong?" "Omg, nothing." " 'Kay. Relax. Are you home?" "No, I'm stuck in someone's truck." "Good, stay there." Mom's sick and tired of your b******t. All right, so there's a Snapchat filter, that makes you look hella old, and this girl used it, and sent a pic to her mom, and was like: "I don't feel too well." 'Mr. Stark, I don't feel good!' "Omg, look awful sweetie! Not much sleep lately? "I've never seen you like that! "Please tell me that's makeup or something! "What did you do to your face to make it look that way! Please tell me; I am crazy worried..." "Do what to my face?" "Megan really???" "You look like you're about 65 years old- where did all the wrinkles come from? The dark circles.... please." "Mom, that's my face." All I did was send you a selfie, and you're just gonna sit here and roast me! "Well, you need to go to the nurse because something awful's going on... Take a close look at the first picture you sent me... something's not right..." "I sent them to your dad too... I need an explanation. "I'm crying... Please tell me what you did." "Mom! It's a Snapchat filter!" Man, these Snapchat filters, they're getting way too advanced! To 'Mommy.' "I'm alive." "K." 'K'?! She gonna hit you with a "K"?. You know what? Anybody hits you with a K, hit them with the: "K? K what? "The letter before L, the letter after J? "Did you know that in JK, K also stands for kidding? "So your reply is 'Kidding'? Or K as in 'Potassium'? "Do you need some 'Special K' in breakfast? "K, as in I can K/O you? Can I knock you out and feed you to the hungry sharks? Shark has K in it." "Mom, stop you are not funny. You never make jokes." "I made you" Got'em! Oof! I feel like every mother out there needs to know this one. "I think there's something wrong with my phone. "I don't think my texts are going through." "Yes, they're getting through." "How can you be so sure?" Mother, do you see me texting you back after you texted me? Hmmm? So this kid's sent a pic of Pokemon Go, He found the 'Rattata' in the house. Like: "Mom, there's a rat in the house!" "What did I tell you about bringing your girlfriend to the house?" Mmmm! Man, these moms could cook a roast, and roast you! "I think I keep getting messages, or missed calls or something" "From who?" "Some woman... Named 'Betty Low'..." "Uhm, BATTERY LOW?!?!" "YEAH, THAT'S IT!" *Game show music plays* You know, the pop-ups! When your phone is low battery! *I don't think low battery signs say that....................* "Who is this? Who this 'Betty Low always bugging me?" Mother, think you need to charge your phone...and your brain. Mom's like: "Did you know diarrhea was hereditary? It runs in your jeans?" "You're hilarious. I know what I get my funny from." It runs in your jeans! I did not need that mental image, but now I have it, forever. Thank you. Random mother on the internet. "Are you on that date?" "Yeah, I can't talk now. I'll let you know how it goes." "Is he cute? What kind of shirt did he wear? If you went to that Chinese place get the egg rolls as appetizers. They're grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat. Ask him if he likes kids." Oh my God, Mom. I just said I was on this date, why you keep texting me, keep texting me, KEEP TEXTING ME? So annoying. This savage mother over here, sent her kid this: "This bottle that says 'Never Wet'." "Okay" "Like your girlfriend." Ouch! Too far! "Mom, where are you???" "Leaving Walmart. Halfway home. Why sweetie?" "You brought me to Walmart with you." "OH DARN! Be there in a bit." This is low-key one of my worst nightmares as a kid! Like going to Walmart with my parents; getting lost! They forget about me! I didn't know why I thought it was so bad because don't they just like, call your parents or like. find a way to get back home? I don't know, I always thought like, if I went missing like, my parents will never find me and then I'm just: "Free adoption, right here!" "You told Dad that I was smoking pot?" "Yeah, I didn't want to get in trouble." "Miranda, are you being serious?" "Yeah, mom take one for the team." I mean at least she could blame it on her mom, because they can't yell at her mom! They can't be like: "Mmm, why are you doing that? You grounded, mother, you grounded!" Imagine if your mom was this cool. "If I search for a picture of Johnny Depp's butt, how do I erase the search? I don't want Dad to see." Mother! Why you looking up Johnny Depp's butt! It look like anybody else's butt, or does it? [Typing sounds] Oh, damn! He thiccy! What? "Can you please call me when you need to be picked up?! Don't do anything stupid! :-)8" "What is that emoticon?" "Bowtie man! He doesn't do anything stupid." Be like Bowtie man! Don't do anything stupid! "I just showed your picture to the Verizon guy. I told him next time you come down, I'll fix you up." "He's from New Jersey." "Remember the last guy you did this was a murderer?" "Eh, this one works at Verizon, 28, looking for a nice girl to settle down with, cute." "STOP SHOWING MY PICTURE TO STRANGE MEN!" Man, that's crazy though. Imagine your mom, hooking you up with someone who ends up being a psycho! You know, from my camera right here, it looks like I'm wearing like a jail uniform? Why it look orange? Oohh, looking like an inmate snack! "Mum. Mummy. Mom, it's really important." "What do you want? It's three in the morning." "I just farted." "Just one normal child... That's all I ask for." That's a lot to ask for! "Any plans for tonight?" "No." Hah! "Loser." If you got a loser kid, that mean you are loser mom. Mhmm! So, Mom sends a picture of the dog, looking all cute! "Hi!" "Look at that ugly dog." Oh! Rude! "He cried when I told him what you said. See" "That's the same picture." "With tears." Man, that's rude! You don't call a dog ugly! Look, he giving you that look like: "Please pet me!" "Please give me some bacon strips! I'm a good boy." "They're having a sale at aerie!" "What's up bralette?" Then she sends her a picture of a bralette. "Your boobs are too small for that." Ouch! Man, bralettes are made for small boobs, what the hell! Everyone I know with big boobs are always complaining about how they CAN'T wear bralettes. Man, this Mom just rude. Mom, you just a hater! "Mom, am I handsome?" "I don't know, ask your girlfriend" "But I don't have a girlfriend." "Then that's your answer." So seven minutes ago, Mom sent you a Snapchat. Then two minutes ago: You have snaps. Check them! Reply to me! Y'all kids always on your phone, but y'all can text your momma back. "911, PLEASE ANSWER ASAP!" "I'm here, what's wrong??? Is Dad okay?" "What was the name of the dog on Full House?" "Omg, you're kidding me right now?" This reminds me of that one time, I forgot the word 'carrot'. Like I wanted a carrot and the word just like, completely disappeared out of my vocabulary, like: I'm trying to think of what the word was! I was like: "The orange thing that you eat!" Okay, next time that happens I'm calling 911. 'Cause it's clearly an emergency. "Hey sweetie, I sat next to the nicest man at Starbucks today. "He's Italian and owns a winery. I showed him your Facebook picture, and gave him your phone number." "MOM, you can't give my number out to strangers!" "HE OWNS A WINERY" Man, I can just sit at Starbucks and 'own a winery' too! Oh, by 'own a winery', I meant: "Winery? Oh, you misheard me: I meant lip balm." I don't know! Anyone could just make up this s**t! "I just bought crocs. Hope you still love me." No! Get out of this house! You have been 'excommunicado' from this family! "Who was the larger girl in the royal blue dress photo on Facebook?" "I'm literally the only one in blue, Mom..." Oohhh! Yikes! This is the worst! Man, you gonna post a pic on Facebook and mom's like: "Ugh! Who that one" Mom? That's me! You made me, so I get my ugly from you! Ugh, Mom! "Making MAMMOGRAHAM cookies for the fundraiser." Uhhh, Mammo-GRAHAM. Mmm, with graham crackers. Basically, a boob sandwich. Nice one, Mom. Nice. Oh geez, Mom texts. "Jess, I am at a concert. I am trying to set you up with..." Mom out here partying with strangers out at a concert? While I'm at home watching YouTube videos and looking at memes? Is this a thing? This seems like it's a thing. Oh honestly, yeah. Because my-- Even my mom does that, like--- Like my mom would go to the grocery store and be like: "Oooh, this girl cute!" and then tell my brother about her, like: "DATE THEM!" "DATE MY CHILD, PLEASE!" "I WANT GRANDKIDS!" "When are you coming home? Hello?? WTF??" "Mom! Do you know what that means?" "Yes. Are you coming home Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday?" "Nope. Not what that means" In what world does 'WTF' equal 'Wednesday, Thursday, Friday'. I mean it could! Mom texts: "Please don't text me for the next hour. I'm going to be on the treadmill." "I wasn't planning on texting you." "What did I just say?" Honey! I said not to text me! With your rude ***. "I'M SO WET!!!" "Mom? WTF?!" "What do you mean honey?" "You're so wet??" "Yes, haven't you looked outside? It's pouring!" "Oh." This was definitely her son. Y'all boys and your dirty mind! Man, what y'all think she's talkin about! It's obviously rain! Unless you know, she like spilled water all over herself! but then you just assuming she a clumsy b***h. "Why aren't you answering?" "Sorry. I dropped my phone and I can't find it. I'll text you when I find it." Come on, whose mom-- Comment below, would your mom fall for that? I think mine would. 'Momma' sends this. What's this look like? Hmmmm?? "Mom !!! Do not send that!" "A hug?" "No, look it up. It's a female body part." "Wh... Aaaa!" "Yeah" Y'all with your dirty texting language! Momma don't know about this! "What does 'LOL' mean?" "Laughing out loud." "And 'BRB'?" "Be right back." "Okay, I'll wait." Okay, no really. Are you gonna tell me what it means? But anyways that's all for today, I hope you guys enjoyed this video, Comment below something funny that your mama has done. If you love your mom, make sure you hit that like button in the face! "Sniperwolf did you really go there?" It's like one of those things, it's like: Follow me, turn on notifications, and repost this, or y'all Momma dies in 24 hours! Oh Jeez. I hate those, I hate those, stop it! And make sure you subscribe, join the wolf pack. Awooo! I love you guys so much. Thanks for watching. Bye guys. [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 8,170,289
Rating: 4.9369149 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, funniest, texts, mom, embarrassing, parents
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
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