Funniest Kid Test Answers

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we're looking at funniest kid test answers number infinity number seven what is the definition of Hemy das please excuse my dope ass swag no that's not that's the definition teach it's not one by two question marks and gave them an answer just for using this language oh that's going to be such a good compilation welcome to reaction time if you're new and don't know who I am I'm tall fisherman here's my socials mr. Graham in twitter and also major subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications so you can get notified new videos we're gonna jump right into it oh wait wait wait wait wait I forgot to introduce you to my special my special friend the back of host of reaction time the stuffed little cutie who's actually not so cute sake yeah no I had to now it's not fair but don't you agree kids can be weird okay great it's gonna be a fun time with Alfredo the savage Hedgehog you guys don't know he is that means you new to the channel but if you do know who he is I've been announcing this in the videos he has twin brothers we're actually available for sale they'll want to find new home look at them look at them right there we have limited stock but they're available now on Thomas brand calm that's right now you can get your own little cute savage that's right if you go thomas brand calm and just type it on google you'll see them on the front page not only that you'll see the merch jump side-by-side get both so you can stuff him in your hoodie and he just chills there the whole night but if you guys do want to get your exact replicas so make sure to go thomas bread calm first link in the description go check it out look at him he's adorable alright ida like big butts and I cannot lie your other brothers can't didn't I oh my smiley face teacher isn't having it please make your sentences appropriate I do read them thank you thank you very much alright like big butt I get it all to hear deny okay he agrees all right whoa I used to think bow was a funny word when I was a kid yeah I had a great sense of humor and lots of friends we're gonna keep going okay teacher asked the question would you rather be stuck on an island all alone or with one person you hate lets you ask why explain your reasoning kid says I would rather be on an island with someone I hate so I have something to eat did you just say something to eat holy Sh do I need to have a parent-teacher conference with his mom I'll go in class and be like um hello ma'am do you know why you're here do you know why your kid is a free who wants to eat make him you know not we want to awkward conversation teacher says okay extra credit impress me kid asks why kind of smart but kind of snarky well the teacher says +4 points good always question the man I Johnny think that student just did not want to write anything like why would you want to be impressed but it works Oh kid got 28 so that means you got two wrong plus 2 points extra credit 30 out of 30 that's a hundred percent a plus for you this ninja prevents any grading less than a hundred percent and that's when teacher decided to give him extra credit but now wouldn't work for when I was in school if I did something this my teacher would call my parents I said your kid messes around too much I don't like it this teacher loves the creativity totally different feels this scary a ninja is not that scary it's all adorable so you need what the kid did not want to solve the equation too difficult so guess what he just put Jesus is always the answer to your problems I learned that in church am i right you mean a man I mean okay yeah that wasn't that was pathetic I mean oh my god teacher graded him down minus five points Jesus is not always answer especially non this question teacher but you have to be so mean like why can't you just go along with my joke just cuz your math teacher I just need to impress my parents I want to be a comedian so this kid unfortunately failed but got an a-plus for creativity doesn't even count for anything the fail is the actual grade he got but check this out in which battle did Napoleon died his last one okay I don't think that's what they were going for but it pretty good where was the Declaration of Independence signed on the bottom of the page River Ravi flows in which state liquid state getting like IQ points going up what is the main reason for divorce marriage what is the main reason for exams failure what can you never eat for breakfast lunch and dinner duh out well looks like half an apple the other half if you throw a rest out into the blue sea will it become simply a whetstone smart man how can a man go eight days without sleeping easy sleep at night you don't have to go eight days without sleeping you go eight nights with sleeping am i right oh my god how can you live in Alabama with one hand you can never lift an elephant that has one hand oh I love it that was creative that was a smart house a comedian now if only comedians got rewarded for their jokes apparently not because there's a curriculum you have to follow the curriculum complete the opposite meanings of the following open the opposite would be closed yes over the opposite would be under oral yes please oh my god wait I wrote that I'm kidding I was amazed but I mean if you say teachers not Mac said not clever so does he still get credit for the other questions or did she just fail him for the test I mean thing about it's a kid that wrote this I thought it was pretty clever I mean I wouldn't say this to people especially my teacher especially when I'm only 12 math paper you have one hour 45 minutes solve this equation find X ready go what oh my god you spent so much time making that amazing drawing of the meme instead of actually trying to figure it out like you had so much opportunity costs you could have actually tried to figure it out you'd have a better chance you got an F oh my goodness defend your answer that means you need to make an argument for someone who's arguing against your point and so this got me to sketch the answer barbed wires Sarge I don't know how much longer we can hold up he's defending the answer all right starting to hurt this looks really wrong task is ten words I can spell right ten words the student can spell right you have to list them in order student says okay ten words I can spell right our octopus 72 Oh I cannot deal with the stress I would not be able to be a teacher I'm sorry this would amuse me buddy got a three out of ten he only actually wrote three words he just copied the sentence but technically they didn't say you couldn't repeat it just saying history exam part 1 a 1 hour and 45 minutes ready go explain how the Cold War started same person just made a meme and said no oh my goodness maybe we should stop meeting that don't guys don't do any of this at school I don't want you guys to get in trouble just cuz you saw here well this one's interesting the answer is actually top-secret students like to put a top-secret note over it so everything about Tiger Lee doesn't even have to answer it cuz he just has to draw that that student is actually a genius he thought outside the box literally things are outside the box oh my god alright yeah there is a question underneath number 5 so there's number 5 and then there was a question here number 6 then the girl decided to just white out the question and hope the teacher doesn't notice teacher Commons Jackie you can't just white out a question you don't want to answer what is your problem how are you even this witty I'll just not answer it if I really didn't know instead you're actually widening out the question check this out this guy used a wrong formula but got the right answer I guess math can work like that sometimes even though math is supposed to be very quantitative there's only so many things you can do to get the answer right but if you use the wrong formula you still got the right answer teacher even says I don't know how but you use the wrong formula and got the right answer are you a genius yes yes I am if a teacher ever does this to you they have no soul you know you get really scared when you start choosing the same letter as answers back to back if you have three B's in a row and you just started like freaked out you're like I'm probably choosing the wrong answers well this teacher just had to put B's for everything all answers were B there is no way I would choose all B's unless I knew my material a hundred percent which I never did cuz you know just I need to study more yes right look number one two and three aad are actually all B's as well the only answer is this girl got right are the bees she answered and the teacher actually did this can you believe that has this ever happened to you let me know down the comments below come on guys drop a phat like for funniest kid test answers it's one of my favorite compilations to look at because kids are so so smart they beat the system every time can we get 50,000 likes I know we can do it let's do it and also Alfredo says that you should follow me on Instagram don't know yes please no oh my god no no I get it no no no no no no no no no are you done no oh my in school I think I'm good at PE science and art but I do think I can do better that's spleen yeah I agree I think you have a little you're a little bit behind on splink excuse me okay even the teacher couldn't put this right that's embarrassing and I really hope you guys enjoyed the compilation please subscribe suggest more video ideas at reaction time video to de Montcalm and again don't forget make sure to get the merch to support the channel it will help a lot get your own this is the LA design which we might discontinued soon as well as the yellow infinity we even have an infinity pink one a red box hoodie a baby blue and so much more also get your own afraid of replica take him anywhere with you Thomas brand calm first thing in the description or just type it in Thomas Brown calm on Google it'll be in the first page that's gonna end it follow me this you're gonna fall off Fredo tweet at me and I'll see you guys soon I hope you enjoyed have a great day til next time peace out [Music]
Channel: Reaction Time
Views: 7,509,105
Rating: 4.9023967 out of 5
Keywords: reaction time, reaction, time, react, reaction time channel, reactions, reacting, reacting to, teens react, elders react, kids react, tal fishman, family friendly, kids, kid friendly, facts, learn, learning, game time, free time, funny, funniest, hilarious, timeless
Id: oBWzZt-OFvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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