Reacting To Insane FAT to LEAN Body Transformations (UNREAL)

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so usually at the end of the year people set these resolutions to have the most insane body transformations for the following year and then after about the month or two people give up for this of the year and then do the same the end of the year again and it becomes a cycle that's insane these are people who actually set their goals and achieve them will get the most insane body transformations out there we're talking about skinny guy - ripped guy talking about overweight guy too skinny and ripped guy and we're also talking about overweight girl - fit girl like these are gonna be absolutely crazy welcome to reaction time if you do subscribe turn on post notifications and also follow me on Instagram that's all fishman and twitter that's all fishman both are gonna be right here and also I'm curling the process of helping my friend do a transformation in five weeks he's lost about 11 pounds which is absolutely amazing he hasn't worked out for four years until the last five weeks and he's really dedicated hopefully doesn't become a New Year's resolution it stays permanent so when I say insane transformations I'm time out this guy - this guy he basically replaced the fat into muscle completely naturally just with dedication and it's the most inspiring thing anyone could ever see this place something like this office is so hard here's another guy so he started out 16 this is what he looked like look how skinny is he's considered a skinny guy tall lanky skinny he says he was always involved in sports he was athletic bad a very skinny body my goal is not only to get abs so he learned everything online which is amazing because before you wouldn't be able to do stuff like this here is another picture of him at 17 years old he's not like super bony or anything he says some muscular definition but it's gonna be completely different let's watch it so he's been hitting the gym taking progress pictures man looking at other guys sure list videos a little weird but it's okay cuz this has a purpose guys this is to motivate inspire you guys pretty much anything is possible with your body watch this guy okay put in the work that's all it is says after seeing the progress in just a few months I got possessed with progression then trade for an entire year use dieting and training combined and his body started changing here is a progress picture look at this that's insane already just started another one he already looks like he's a professional athlete so he's flexing in the camera and I'm looking at it interesting okay who says he's not satisfied at this point in time but he's seeing a lot of progress and he actually wants to become a bodybuilder slash fitness model that's how he's trying to flex right now work on his flexing okay I see it let's keep going so it doesn't get too weird this is about two years later already such a big transformation looks like you could pick me up he looks like you can benchpress me and I'm feeling a little intimidated right now Wow got some pecs it's trying to become a Spartan or something okay I wouldn't mess with it if I saw him at the gym to be honest that's how you know you're pretty built here's another progress picture starting to look insanely shredded and guys he went from being that skinny to this now 21 years old as you can see down Lee bulked up so much more here is a video of him I think he's curling like half my body weight it's pretty insane whoa okay as you guys can see completely self-made all-natural body transformation took years so at the end the results are worth it look at this guy this is 22 years old now he's definitely like a fitness model he actually wants to start competing watch this you know when your veins have veins you're pretty ripped okay that's okay with the space hat and everything oh my oh my god he's a damn from the show yeah I'm scared he looks like a like a muscular horse very buff and shredded I think he won he won here's another progress picture okay now he's looking like he was chiseled out of stone and okay he looks like he eats a cow a day now that's how you know you're a very buff Jesus Christ oh my god here's another picture now guys did we forget where we started remember 2011 we got this picture right here - 2016 what an amazing transformation not telling me guys do you think you can do that not every person can do it but doesn't mean you can't have any sort of transformation you don't need to look like this to have a transformation like oh hey look check it out hey energy the most delicious flavors out there like this pina colada ooh let's open this bad boy up and try it [Applause] if that isn't satisfying how about this froze a rose a with such a variety of flavors you can't go wrong guys try them all with my coat top 25 so you can get 25% of your purchase I check out here we go we'll give you a blast of energy to get throughout the day and also guys make sure to follow the mapping energy for new releases of flavors now let's come out with such delicious new flavors so check them out and again a huge thanks to bang for sponsoring this video whoo I can't get enough of it so guys if you want a glass of energy tell me which flavors your favorites fit the Pina Colada rosy rosy rainbow unicorn there's no one we got now we're gonna get right back in the video I let's go this guy lost a hundred pounds we start off like this you said he was overweight for many years and there was a shift that changed everything those that lost weight so so he's a weight fluctuate or he goes up and weight and drops weight goes up in weighing drops weight that's actually very common he says regained it but added even more so you just got into these cycles here is 247 pounds wow that's an amazing line right there now let's see this progress body fast 34 percent put any lower EULA Jim guys look that's real sweat and he monitored his results every single day he's already looking good okay look at this the craziest thing about this is the graph he makes yeah the chart okay so if I lost 30 pounds Marty looks like a different guy it's really good to monitor your progress like this even in video form so you have something to look back on even when you feel like you're plateauing just remember where you started like this guy right here he literally has a chart behind him as he's working out that's how cool and inspirational this is so far lost 44 pounds that's amazing and this only happened in a year a hundred pounds and one year khaya I think that was on Thanksgiving or something said no to the donuts eat some turkey a little bit of stuffing that's okay progress video what a big difference I've tried to lose weight a lot of times over the years I've always gained the weight back you know either part of it or all of it or even more than I lost I really feel different this time really hard to put into words exactly what it's beyond motivation when it becomes a daily routine like part of your lifestyle that's how you know you've really hit it off and it's gonna stay there forever obviously the proof is only gonna be if I actually lose all the weight and keep it off yep you have to keep it off that's the real challenge I didn't see the chart is right next to him still I love that is just like a lie straight down look at this he's a 56 pounds Wow now he's looking really thin 86 pounds you see how at the end there he's starting to plateau it's getting a little harder it's because he's also gaining muscle gotta get your veggies in no excuses turkey chicken okay he's at 89 pounds and you can clearly see his arm definition now that's amazing and he did this I think at home I think he has a home gym he hit a hundred pounds what an amazing transformation it's one of the coolest ones I've ever seen what do you guys think you guys can check out this video and the last one both in the description give him a lot of love this is the 145 pound weight loss transformation this girl says she's gained weight over the course of her life pushed down food all because of her emotions that's a big cost for why people gain weight she said use us comfort and then she got bigger and bigger she said it was time to stop she even said her way game-changer personality and she said she lost confidence in her body so it's time she even said my husband stuck by me the whole time that's how you know you found a keeper and then he joined the Marine Corps let's see what happens they got married okay I thought that already did okay she was pregnant they had their kid but I want to see what really triggered the change in her life this is a video of what she used to look like he says I know I need to change not only for myself but for my son a lot of people have their kids as their inspiration motivation to lose weight because they want to be around her as long as possible with them and don't want their overweight or poor diets to cause their poor health she said she wanted weight loss surgery okay insurance says she needs proof of failed weight loss programs first before she can get the weight loss surgery so she doesn't have to expense everything out of her own pocket she joined Weight Watchers expecting to fail and get my surgery but she said little Dino away watches forever change her life okay before this is her first Weight Watchers meal it still looks good to be honest I think I would eat that that's delicious she just started walking bodyweight exercises she didn't go too crazy in the beginning start off slow twitch is what you're supposed to do this amazing she lost nine pounds her first week that's a big change imagine losing nine pounds your first week you're so motivated to keep it going it's just that little motivation in the beginning that's all you need okay warm yells banana sandwich and being that size is not easy to push like it gets harder and your joints actually hurt for the most part at this point she's 288 pounds already lost a significant amount of weight we're gonna skip through it a little bit just to speed it up she's at 268 pounds right now now she started lifting and such she got a passion for it look at this that's so motivating I know a lot of people get so discouraged to go to the gym because they feel like they're getting judged 246 pounds now look at this photo she already changed so much what a big difference just the weight just came right off look at this I'm not sure how much she lost at this point but I think it's close to like 80 pounds clothes started getting loose now she gave him a squat her kid look at this isn't that so inspirational all right let's keep going a hundred pounds at this point she lost a hundred pounds she treated herself for the achievement like that's amazing I don't even know anyone that lost on your pounds around me this is her another progress pic now look the before and after this her on the right before is the left what a huge difference from a size 24 to size six guys that deserves a round of applause look at her back that's amazing she says she still works out every single day now there is not only this story there's so many other stories out there look at this 290 pounds 257 pounds of course this doesn't happen in a month doesn't happen overnight or anything like that takes a year maybe two years look at this girl for example what a huge difference if anyone can do it look at this guy it even looks photoshopped but it's not it's real he did it in four years and even this girl here said there's so many of these out there so guys here's my challenge to you if you guys already have a transformation like this tweet at me or tag me on Instagram I want to see it it's gonna be at all fishman make sure to follow me and also tag me love to see them comment on them and if you don't have one and you feel like you want to just let's start today for the next 30 days show me your 30 day transformation from today and 30 days from now tag me tweet on me any of the above as you guys can see these people did it it becomes an easy habit to get into and you can do something like this this girls almost half our size from 300 to 160 pounds look at this couple this couple decide to do it together they did as a team no guys look at all these transformations I absolutely love them make yourself got a channel turn on post notifications suggest more video ideas I reacted email comment can we get a like for these people I give them huge props it's not easy that's gonna wrap it up guys check out my personal channel my second channel it's called tall fishman it's gonna look exactly like this in the description and go subscribe to it and I'll see you guys next time until then I hope you guys have a great one and you can support the channel by getting the merch at Thomas brand calm first thing in the description I'll see you soon till next time [Music]
Channel: Reaction Time
Views: 7,134,207
Rating: 4.8831501 out of 5
Keywords: reaction time, reaction, time, react, reaction time channel, reactions, reacting, reacting to, teens react, elders react, kids react, tal fishman, family friendly, kids, kid friendly, facts, learn, learning, game time, free time, funny, funniest, hilarious, timeless
Id: 6sNvZn3zSRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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