Photos That Prove People Have 0 IQ

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hi everyone meet smart fish man IQ level 1000 am i right well what happens when you have a friend who has an IQ level of zero we are going to be meeting people with IQ zero a compilation of people who do tremendously stupid things are extremely simple-minded I mean it's now is their fault maybe they didn't think things through but when you boil your eggs on the wrong stovetop you might have an IQ zero come on give it up for everyone listen we're trying to elevate intelligence in America I mean we got to start with me why everyone say guess Mike you down below no one say zero please just kidding if I scared you a little bit welcome to reaction time I'm proud to be able to say that I'm tall fishman if you're new do you farm and socials at Saul Fishman on Instagram and Twitter tweet at me your funniest moments of iq0 but before we begin just wanted to let you guys know that this can happen to anyone even if they're not an accuser they can have in moments of iq0 a moment where they regret and realize wow that was really dumb of me to do it happens to everyone but speaking of which let's jump right into the compilation this person thought they got a new USB charging cable a micro USB except they probably have never opened this sort of package ever or didn't even think twice before they just decide to slice it down the middle come on people come on people get it together everyone maybe this was your friends and you just don't like them or you actually decide to cut it through the middle these are like annoying packages all right leave a like everything these types of packages are annoying but that doesn't excuse you from being an IQ zero via that yes my man all afraid of you don't know is the stuffed animal right here he's all 4-inch stuffed Hedgehog and these are all his twin brothers and like I said if you want to get your own Thomas Francom they're available again make sure you get before it's too late all right everybody if you can see here 30-minute ro shutoff this toy automatically shuts off after 30 minutes someone left a note and then returned this toy because they said stopped working after 30 minutes do you guys understand the problem here alright what is happening to America or wherever this is I'm losing faith like who fills up gas this way you gotta stick it in your gas tank like how have you not asked anyone how to fill up your gas tank did you just go one day and decide to try it out for yourself are you under the influence of something did you drink the gas before you tried to fill up your car is that why you did it this way I need to calm down everyone got a stress ball here all right thank you zero so wholesome a compilation it could make you a little mad or you can just make you laugh the whole time I'm a little concerned for her I'm sorry she needs Cheney someone tell brow please get her some help thank you at least there is somebody did someone just drop a piano on this car I'm not gonna comment on this one we're just gonna go the next thing I guess this happens to some people I'm a little tough situation think yeah you got a little snake on my finger I don't like them snakes oh this is gonna be fast real fast cuz what do you have a blast of energy things go fast from the makers of bang a delicious energy drink exclusively from Bay so good if you guys use my coat all 25 you get 25% for purchase justify being subscribed to the channel oh and that's not all we got some Purple Haze BAM that's right you can try all these flavors and more if you get the variety pack tastes like popsicle delicious so when you're a little tired when you need a little jolt choose Bing as your choice of energy wall that's right if you guys followed Big Bang energy you can see have today for new early stuff flavor there's so many more flavors you have to try it you even mix both flavors together delicious okay guys try this flavor this flavor so many more only exclusively from the makers of baton guys thank you bang for being a proud sponsor of the channel now we're gonna get right back into the video you ready let's go postmen put the box from behind the post box got on my IQ zero jeez I can't talk I can't talk the postman in the post office put a package behind the PIO box or and the guy tries to receive it you can't get it out two metal bars on the side that prevents you from getting it out oh my god can we can someone thing about this please and tell me why it's wrong huh postman mr. postman guys guys that's not gonna do anything okay IQ zero don't attach it to a poll people can just take this and just go up over the pole and get your bike it's not gonna do anything all right might as well not even put it there because whoever owns this bike doesn't actually own it anymore do you know that for the pure reason of IQ zero you lost out on a nice bike it's a nice bike please send down some prayers guys we're just getting started here all right I'm excited I gotta put these on the whole time I read these just so I can feel smarter for myself because I'm not that smart this is a cool picture but if you look close look at the clock it's actually upside down see that X XII that's actually ten one one that's 12 and the six is the VI her clock is actually upside down just flip it please how about all day breakfast all day this is a full day right all day breakfast served til 11:30 I'm sorry it's not actually all day it's a scam that's the scam get it out of here how could you say all day breakfast is served until if it's all day maybe he's all morning breakfast and that still one makes sense angel just tweet out um why do the women never have to take a DNA test to see if their child and really dumb tweets response I have no hope for humans anymore this is a human this isn't eight the ape is smarter than the human only because the ape would probably be able to figure it out before the human can't angel may you find your true calling one day guys my Apple doesn't play my Spotify for some reason he was also trying to be clever making it a joke like guys my Apple is not playing the Spotify even though it's not an actual Apple phone well guess what it's not an actual Apple it's a peach you made the joke with a peach you didn't even get a real Apple I know you're trying to make it seem like it's a funny little pun it's a damn peach this is an apple this is an apple this is a peach they taste different they look different and they serve different purposes okay please get him some common sense someone tweeted how blind people would be so happy when they see these new emojis guys comment down below what you think is wrong with that statement please right now actually as fast as possible because this person needs to learn that blind people can't see the emojis because they're blind so they probably would not even use the emoji because they don't know what they look like or where to find them Jesus I'm getting frustrated the church leader mauled by line after trying to prove God would intervene this is very unfortunate maybe it was your time the only way to find out is if you get a line and see if it attacks II know this is sad it says uh bella thorne just want makeup free inner skin is radiant and they use the picture of her with makeup again again I can't anymore can we please find an answer is Jesus the answer make him free at least get a photo of her make of a guy texted his girlfriend something romantic this is all gonna touch our hearts right here let's put these on baby without you sixty minutes feels like one hour oh I love you too babe it's so sweet without you sixty minutes feels like an hour sixty minutes feels like an hour 60 minutes is an hour what I just destroyed my computer I broke my computer for that guys is it me or a 60 minutes on our base is dead without you an hour feels like one hour so he doesn't need her is that what you're saying I'm confused this has to be my favorite one this lady actually had heavy rainfall which caused flooding the weather was bad it's unfortunate and she decided let me scoop out the water from our backyard and dump it outside our backyard except she has an open path through her fence it does not work that way if there's water here and water here the waters gonna get here and here if there's nothing to stop it what do we do guys I don't know I don't know at this point I thought humans were that advanced animal advanced species we were going to conquer and populate other planets we're going to harness spaces resources we invented technology smartphones the size of our palms we used electricity as an energy source we have televisions we have cars we have airplanes and it all comes down to this a lady trying to get water out of her backyard for the last three days only to find out the water just keeps coming back [Music] alright at least we got text message one it might be better than what we just saw because that was a little frustrating but we got back home are you going to class tomorrow says her thermometer of her temperature reading 100 degrees I mean she has a fever a bad fever and she can't come to class anything about like 97 I think he's about does that mean you're pregnant or not does that mean you're pregnant you're a hundred degrees you just send it like zero to 100 and you're pregnant now I did that too with my ex-boyfriend is that what you say to her is that hey guys just pop it in here cuz I have a really exciting announcement for those of you that don't already know I actually started a brand new channel what I like to call my personal channel which is actually already up right now is just called tall fishman as you can see this is exactly what it looks like if you guys are not subscribed please subscribe cuz I'm gonna start posting on there and I'm super excited it's gonna be totally different content than why I post here it's also in the description if you wanna check out the link just go over here and yeah thank you to anyone that's gonna go over there and subscribe I hope I'll see you guys there now let's get right back into the video he's trying to see the beautiful scenery the view close-up instead he sees everything much farther away much much farther away why is this so far it's cuz he's looking at it backwards I mean no one told them maybe you should help him out I feel bad for him maybe it's the first time no one make fun of him for this not everything is that simple all right next up this was pretty simple and it turned out really bad a neighbor actually put a hot charcoal from the grill directly in the trashcan without letting it cool down first melted the whole trashcan good job oh my god guys he needs a backpack look at the look at this backpack right here he needs a backpack to store all his intelligence in right way actually there's there was none but maybe you guys need a backpack cuz you're smart we also got different colors look bam-bam-bam-bam alright very good I'll let someone take a leather punch to my ear while drunk 13 years ago turns as impossible to close up cartilage so I have this hole in my ear permanently for the rest of my life it's okay people make mistakes a woman put 1.5 yards of windshield washer liquid instead of oil and this is the result this is what happened to her car it's gone good job everyone there's a store that displays children clothing they actually use mannequins and hang it up for everyone to see is it just me or do you guys feel like this is a little wrong this does not look right at all like whoa hold up take those down it does not look pleasing from far away someone can mistake this it looks scary this guy thought it was an entrance to a parking garage so he went down it's actually stairs it's got drove down stairs thinking it was an entrance to a lower level parking garage and he asked is there valet he thought that guy was a valet no it's not that's what drivers I don't take pictures no but no no I had an IQ zero moment it happened I can't do anything about it hey guys space reveal a 10 million followers what do you think you forgot that there's a mirror right there dude there's some mirror right there just so I can zoom in and just post that photo just there you go face reveal I'm sorry it's okay everyone this brings it up to route for the compilation I hope you enjoyed make sure to subscribe to channel turn on those post notifications and cop the merge of Thomas Brown comm you also get the backpacks of course I showed off I really love them and we got alfredo replicas they're also available if you want you guys want to support the channel and also do please get 50,000 likes on this video if you think you have a higher IQ than 0 if you don't you can join the club I'm in the club that IQ zero Club yeah but that's gonna end it here thank you for watching I'll see you guys soon make sure to follow me on social Zen Alfredo have a good one and peace [Music]
Channel: Reaction Time
Views: 1,936,290
Rating: 4.9403949 out of 5
Keywords: reaction time, reaction, time, react, reaction time channel, reactions, reacting, reacting to, teens react, elders react, kids react, tal fishman, family friendly, kids, kid friendly, facts, learn, learning, game time, free time, funny, funniest, hilarious, timeless
Id: Uh2nVhizfOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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