Dumbest Criminals Who Got Caught

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hey guys so before we begin up a huge announcement Alfredo our favorite Hedgehog a savage the money man the ladies man it's not gonna be on sale Oh kyouda so you can't either really now you're interested we're selling Alfredo replicas because so many of you have really been requesting it so here it is goes to timeless brand calm pre-orders are now live so make sure to get yours once we reach a quantity mount we won't be able to sell it for a while so it's only available for a limited time hurry up I don't know how awful actually feels about this selling his twin brothers dolls just two quick announcements get back to the video we're looking at the dumbest criminals who got caught believe it or not you need to be pretty sneaky and smart not like this guy meets the package Porsche thief comes in tries to grab it let's watch looks around obviously he's already caught on camera but look tries to get the package doesn't know what's inside obviously just steals it and make it all the way oh you're gone not the smartest decision especially if you know you can't handle that package you probably shouldn't be taking it how is it going everyone welcome to reaction time today like I said really the dumbest criminals maybe they need a different profession nothing not in the category that they're currently in they just switch over and join the circus [Music] speaking of circus we got this little puppet meet Alfredo look at him a savage Hedgehog who thinks he's too good for anyone he's here forever we got an amazing compilation before beginning don't forget to follow me on instagram at Saul Fishman and tweet on me that's all Fishman I'm gonna be doing a false free very soon so make sure to give me a follow and subscribe to the channel if you're new click that red subscribe button turn on post notifications let's get one big fat like for every single stupid criminal out there like this one man was denied bail so he went slice somebody's house mess stole the phone use his phone to get food service like post mates and then authorities knew exactly where he was Oh Robert got caught when you stole the phone to order uber eats pause you really pulled the biggest crime of all time that rhymes to be or not to be but remember we have crime only one person can solve it detective fishy for the fishiest cases all right what do we got here not one but two people tried to break in look what happens when your sidekick is lacking some brain okay guy number one comes in boom got it nice oh maybe he was an undercover cop who knows look knocked out cold threw a brick on his head mmm I just like to call that instant justice instant serving of karma I think this case is solved natural selection took place clearly they weren't suited for the job gets worse guys woman ask police to help her find her pot pot girl over here spent her birthday locked up she asked the policeman if he could help her find her stash and she even told him she planned on selling them so she really needed to find them yes that nice dope yeah congratulations how do you even do this like how does this happen someone explains to me come on give her a round of applause I want to get at least 50,000 likes just for that pose I've never seen anything like it no this was a little more disturbing so please beware this was a car chase video watch this I believe that's a law enforcement truck oh there we go looks like he's gonna he's gonna lock him in or try to ooh and now there's some contact and he's taking oh boy so he's run the red light boy watch this he's coming in hot and he's continuing in toward ASU now they got the helicopter cameras on him they know where he is you can't run away especially if you're not the smartest of the bunch okay he has green so far but what happens oh there's a red light that's close he's coming up to the end zone what's gonna happen here oh yeah he's going at least a hundred watch this oh boy Oh why are you so stupid now you hurt someone innocent just guys please think twice before you do anything it may seem like a good idea until this happens how about this guy who deserves a little prize someone who decides to come in take something but then he gets locked in the store watch this okay guy comes in right now they merely see him do something suspicious while he pulled out a gun back-and-forth banter now they're gonna try to lock him in because they're smart they're not like the criminal a little stupid not only he's gonna get it locked in now he's gonna get locked in later he locked in twice boom locked in from the outside I've never seen that before that's actually a very good strategy floss store owners do it just wait till the police come let's just say he wasn't the brightest of the bunch vive de todos no I think the poor girl was probably all stupider oh yay time if I would eat that it makes sense Alfredo it makes sense he's like begging them look please I have nothing see tries to be all tough mr. tough guy in the beginning nice girl I'm sorry you're gonna be locked up how about this photo this one's gonna be super interesting as well guy just went to court his shirt says something interesting that's right he's practically incarcerating himself by having a stress as cocaine good job everybody you're my round of applause smart man right they're not as bad as this girl a Florida woman is blaming the wind for the reason cocaine was found in her purse she said the wind blew it inside her purse moment of silence please ha we're gonna go next I cannot deal with this this guy's trying to break in a car with a mop the dumbest criminal oh my God look at this and it's not breaking the window back up a big momentum oh man Tom here we go you go dude perfect perfect good form good for working no don't you just trying to scratch it now it's not working oh I knew I knew it I know it more momentum that's what you needed three two one that's 14 blows against the window with a mop now remember the dirty part of the mob is underneath his arm he's got a hat again he strikes the window right foot on top of the wall here is I'm off took him out the mob took the criminal oh here he comes Danny boss I knew it God next one a chase again except this time the car stopped for gas police got it because he stopped for gas so look at her knees is going grooming right having a blast you know running away nice get a quick pump well farewell to you sir is it with me for what a pill mine too by far okay this guy here you see the rope right there you see his truck he still trying to connect the Rope to an ATM machine and pull it away ready this is by far the smartest criminal out there watch this it's gonna be great he didn't notice that I detached the rope it's not connect anymore all right bye that's not all you guys think we're done do you guys think that was it we're just getting started this guy is a true gem in the top ten Gouri list for dumbest criminals of all time they actually came back try it again but the Rope wasn't long enough look at him struggle the Rope is just not long enough so he just gave up and left I know I don't know if he even got caught does it matter really stealing he just broke that Widow she's gonna have to pay for that what were you thinking alright watch this guy right here he goes like a little butcher's knife right and then there's the bank worker he's talking on the phone trying to show the worker like look what I got give it to me and then he gets laughed at by all the employees watch this he's just flashing it like laughing at them that is extremely sad there's security hi talking on the phone they're gonna take you down watch this nice great job dude okay locked up for no reason this one will probably make top 5 - not really actually just someone who didn't know what they're getting themselves into all these laptops he thought you just scratch them off the shelves Minh oh they're all tied to the wall to prevent people I came from doing that so when you try to snatch them they just fell apart bad idea watch this nice you broke the first laptop Congrats damaged already expensive it's not your day just dude just take the foam cases or something to stop embarrassing yourself perfect it's perfect in fact why not just take a USB charger too while you're at it since you're so stupid yes hey don't slip like he's making sure to cover his footsteps so they don't trace them but look what he did look what you did he's in the top ten has to be in the top ten guys I think we got the last one probably is gonna be one of my favorites can happen to anybody though if you're stupid for this guy this next one is gonna be perfect here is what happens see that guy right there yeah him you'll see well it goes down nice perfect just destroy it you don't want boobies though right your mom told you when you robbed a store tell me any boo-boos and you see his face on camera Congrats smart you got something perfect that's what I'm talking about headfirst into the glass door that you didn't break only I was broken is you're dreaming me I want you guys to rate which ones you guys think are the top three right now in the comments down below and also if you've seen even funnier videos and this tweet about me and I get don't forget follow me on the social zapped all fishman ready set go we got all new flavors of bang the frozen rosy and exclusive only from the people will make Bing then look delicious energy drink out there that's good guys Bing is a huge sponsor two reaction time if you guys want to help support my channel you could get 25% off the bang variety pack by using my coat all 25 again 25% off just by using my code which includes all these flavors and more check it out unique flavor like star blast to give you an explosion throughout the day when you need it most bang of course we got purple guava pair and more unique flavors like sweet iced tea let's open this one up wow that's good my guys are gonna check out being on Instagram they're gonna be right here 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Channel: Reaction Time
Views: 5,262,236
Rating: 4.9182992 out of 5
Keywords: reaction time, reaction, time, react, reaction time channel, reactions, reacting, reacting to, teens react, elders react, kids react, tal fishman, family friendly, kids, kid friendly, facts, learn, learning, game time, free time, funny, funniest, hilarious, timeless
Id: eTyYNYXt84o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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