FUNNIEST Kid Test Answers That Should NOT Exist...

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oh hey guys we got some more funniest kid test answers kids are gonna be kids super smart but sometimes think too literally like literally can you find it okay we got one it's and it's no you gotta find snake bear giraffe watch yourself zebra monkey Tiger not it kids kids I swear you guys kids are gonna be super literal e wow I'm stupider than those kids no one asks you guys don't know if you don't know is Alfredo right there you see that just right right there so you sexy Oh basically the stuff Hedgehog he thinks he's a savage he's not a savage anything super I mean everything I do which is not true right poor guy no messag you gotta skate too entonces yeah guys why do you fall in why did you guys follow me that's all Fishman on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to this channel stop giving him attention he just love he loves it okay but we're gonna keep going smart kids who beat the system here on funniest kid test answers subscribe to the channel turn on post notifications if you're new guys just click that subscribe button down below for every subscriber is an IQ point Wow please subscribe so I get more IQ points I'll make me really smart words were scrambled and you have to put them together one easy use tuned oh whoa no number three should be cute it's okay it's an honest mistake I'm sure the kid does even know what it means right I hope not maybe he heard his parents say cuz that's usually what happens with these kids they go off what their parents say so if a kid knows that accursed it's probably the parents that should be ashamed how about this you write your own riddle about an animal yo yeah stop follow them all bot then write the answer at the bottom of the page okay write your own riddle about animal I'm famous my a nettles are JB initials are JB I got arrested for drunk driving I'm Justin Beaver thingys a beaver a pop rock superstar beaver a Justin Beaver it's Justin Bieber and animal some could claim yes all things a beaver it's adorable that a kid actually thinks it's a Justin Bieber how about this answer this everybody one number is three hundred plus seventy plus two equal a lot o three hundred and seventy it's not very difficult basic math but why not just do it like a shortcut instead of like you know trying to use this let's just say a lot a lot that's what it equals to no we want the answer the number but it's not wrong my voice cracked I give up I give up okay we want you to find the difference between eight and six that means take 8 subtract 6 equals 2 well the kid was asked this question he said um it is all curly and six is not like I said they're not wrong dude my voice need stop cracking or I'm stopped no but it is all curly if you have a lot eights you have curly hair and six is not really curly all right let's compose ourselves here these kids are getting all the answers right right not according to the teachers because teachers they don't like this they wanted to answer the way they want it about how old is your grandfather would it be 55 or 500 make another bubble it's a dead sorry out of here guys we want you to come up with an equation k kids come up with an equation be creative and you can make the equation as simple or as complex as you want for example we do x equals 10 minus 3 right x equals 7 or you can get more complex if you wanted like oh yeah I'm not doing that so this kid just said okay well x equals 7 uh-huh you can't mark me wrong because it actually says make it a simple first complex as I want which means I can make it x equals 7 can I not well technically you can but Wow okay that answer is correct give a round of applause okay we can't mark it wrong it says as simple as you want this is what you wanted this is what he got it's more like kids who beat the system they answered it the right way but it's not right away two words were on the board the kid has to make a sentence with it the first word is bu T but but I didn't do it that's a good one not wrong how about what would two t's um no that's not on the board this is my but teacher says we did not have this on the board I said we would not do this word so you all want to see my butt no I don't want to see your butt Jen are you sure cuz it's nice pull your pants up Jim I will call your mother you guys know those book reports I despise book reports book report is one of the most annoying things cuz I know there is no shortcuts you could not kind of have to read the whole thing for the most part I mean you get always going those websites what are those called they just give you a summary but sometimes you need those details anyways there's questions throughout the book the answered one and then teacher says explain how you know the answer kid says I read the book that's what we like to see you know common sense how do you know my teachers stupid I obviously read the book what do you mean how do I know how else would I know if I didn't read the book think about it think what was your favorite part of the show well he said I had no favorite part of the show but I liked the bus ride okay we'll draw a picture of your favorite part School Bus I don't know a school bus that has a slaw so long and why is it pointing towards the globalgirl Larry says stop get some help a formal essay was written by students and you know what thus to decide to put a smiley face because they thought if the paper looked happy it'll probably get a better grade and instead they got marked down formal essays are never happy you know like I feel like a better teacher would say that like you know formal essays are never happy Mike Wazowski I just want to spread some joy Massie okay let me live my life please be safe that prom I would like you to work on when you're getting freaky you're a role model to me I care about you sincerely and look okay I got to reread that I'm aware a condom when you're getting freaky okay wow that's PS here is a picture for you flower kids are adorable how can you mark him down for something like this they mean well okay some adults don't but at least you know a kid means well okay there's someone who's super creative I've never seen answers like this watch this are you childish yes or no kid fills a know if it draws a little sketch of a house obviously because kids like sketching stuff so it was very ironic are you nervous yes or no says no but circles it a lot because a nervous person will circle a lot don't put anything in there are you paranoid says no why a paranoid person will always ask why why no why why are you asking for something you want to know are you racist no it's firm are you drunk uh-huh no except you missed the no box maybe your are you an idiot and you circle a box this is one of my favorite ones round of applause people okay let's keep going one of three things you want to do in the future okay perfect I'm gonna get a girlfriend when I get a girlfriend more kisser and then once I kiss her I'm gonna rule the world okay guys scrambled words we want you to make words out of them let's do it sis wh oh that's swish llas em let's do small correct a s n ck that could be snack sh r a t-chart mm well what else would it be trash I love it but Canada was a probably sharding as you was writing this sometimes a teacher sends back paper for Corrections and you can get some extra points well this kid actually got a really bad score minus 9 so when he sent it back to Corrections you'd pose slipped a little Lincoln a little Abe a little v to see if a teacher would up the up the score of it okay I'm not trying to laugh at this one you should not bribe people okay it was five dollars if the teacher takes five dollars I would do it again I'm just you know don't do that don't do that but I mean if she takes fine dollars why not cuz like you can get good great I never said that don't bribe your teacher ever except for when she takes five oh no my personal goal is to beat Super Mario Bros that's a great goal honey you're good I spit dang it who is America's first president America's first present was Getty Images wait what no it's this is George Washington but they source Getty Images for the picture it wasn't getting image and sketti images is a place where you get stock photos yeah it was George Washington okay please was it actually apparently there's somebody else call Fishman I don't say anything write your own sentence using the word shirt the shirt belongs to me and then you have to rewrite it this belongs to me they'd forgotten ours let's put that there is to make it kid-friendly you know we're not getting the monetized here look at that look at that it's all ready to monetize things too late that's why you guys gotta crop the merch or leave like that also helps out guys leave a like for funniest kid test answers we're gonna do another one to the series where this series is gonna go forever as long as there's kids as long as retain tests so leave a like let's get 50,000 likes every one just like it can be cracked again leave a like for voice crack what's the funniest test answers you guys saw again tweeted on me right here or tag me on Instagram and check out the merch timeless brand calm if you want to support the channel first link in the description my favorite subject is spelling and here's why I like it because it's easy they spelled easy wrong but their favorite subject is spelling that's so embarrassing it's like me saying my favorite subject is basketball and then this happens oh okay then we're going next you know the last one coming up here Bobby has four dives that's 40 cents amy has 30 pennies that's 30 cents which child has more money kisses Bobby correct good job how do you know show your thinking okay so this kid just drew a picture of him thinking of Bobby in a thought bubble [Music] but you there you guys have it if you love this video again please leave a like we're gonna keep the series going so on so you want my favorite I love when kids answer test questions video ideas a reaction time videos a gmail comm I look at all the emails guys if you want your video idea on this channel this go email me right there check out the March talismanic on like I said first link in the description my socials are here Alfredo is there and I'll see you guys soon hope you have a great ones and peace [Music]
Channel: Reaction Time
Views: 5,516,173
Rating: 4.9368753 out of 5
Keywords: reaction time, reaction, time, react, reaction time channel, reactions, reacting, reacting to, teens react, elders react, kids react, tal fishman, family friendly, kids, kid friendly, facts, learn, learning, game time, free time, funny, funniest, hilarious, timeless
Id: pUYZ_fEr8uM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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