HELLO, I AM GARY | West of Loathing - Part 3

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Hello, everybody. My name is Markiplier and welcome back to West of Loathing PUTTING ON THE HAT WAS A MISTAKE! A bad grievous mistake- an error- and here is why: Okay, that is a lot harder. Oh, no. Oh, no, I [The sound of regret] Heal, desperately heal! Oh my God, if every fight is like this from now on I'm so boned Now that I've presented the evidence of why you should not do that, I have now started a completely new game! My name is still Mumflr Fumperdink I've still done everything that I have done so far up until now Except I hit a bunch more cactuses and I got the perk Mostly scabs, which is nice because it gives me more health, but that's the only difference. Now, the other thing that I have done differently is I have not killed the goblin yet I have learned the Goblin primer And I am ready to see what this Goblin has to say to me if indeed I can talk to it I got to sneak up on this Goblin. The Goblin shouts, "I'm Gary!" "Er... hi..., Gary." "Hi." "Hi. Hello. Hello. I am Gary. Who are you?" Introduce yourself. "I'm Mumflr." "Hello, hello Mumflr! Good to meet you! What Mumflr doing down here?" Well, I'll be polite, I guess. I don't want to say that I'm here to kill ya, that would be weird, huh? Good polite. "Oh, hey ho! Gary likes - looking - Gary now looking for a way out of this dump. Gary not having much luck though." "Where you trying to go Gary?" "High away, high away and far up, for popping! Popping and then new Gary everywhere! Everywhere everywhere!" "Settle down, Gary." "Gary doesn't like to settling! Gary wants to traveling and popping! If Mumflr are going far up and high away, maybe taking Gary with you? Eh?" "Hey, I'll think about it." Oh Boy, oh boy Boy boy, I could take Gary with me. That's my companion! Oh Boy, oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy Probably gonna do that. Anyway, so I think we're done in this town And I think we're everywhere that we need to be- "Can you sell me a horse?" "Sure thing." "I should warn you though, horses get mighty attached to their riders. Once you've bought one, you won't be able to change your mind later." "Which you interested in?" The basic model, the shifty looking dark one, the spooky one- give you the one with the crAzy eyes? I'll take the crAzy one! Ah... "Okay, I gotta warn you, this horse has seen some...some stuff, but I'll sell them to you for a thousand meat." [Chuckle] "Is "Something wrong with him?" "No, not as such. He's perfectly functional." "What more could I ask for, I'll ta- Buuuut?" "Well, he's always sneaking off to Thousand Snakes Gulch to chew on the locoweed that grows there." "And that makes him see crazy things?" "I think it's more like he does it to forget about the crazy things he sees all the time anyway." "Color me intrigued! I'll take him!" [Chuckle] "Here's the keys, ride safe." Give him a name! Oh- TIM?! Oh, he's already named Tim! Oh Hell yeah, I'm gonna name him Tim. I'm gonna him Timflr. Welcome, Timflr to the Fumperdink family! You're a part of this now, whether you like it or not. 'Are you sure you want to name your horse Timflr?' I've never been sure more sure of anything in my life, so let's go do it. 'It's got a nice ring to it.' "Oh, and I almost forgot. Free with every horse purchase is a complimentary map." Okay, thank you 'Ride Timflr out of town' 'Any unfinished business you've got will forever remain unfinished. Are you sure you ready to-' uHHHHHHHH. I mean what else is there to do right? I think I did everything so I think I'm good all righty 'Then you're properly horsed and ready to start your new life west. All you need now is a partner- somebody to share the trail with. Somebody you can rely on for emotional and combat support. Who will you take? Crazy Pete, Doc Alice, Susie Cochran, Gary Goblin, Go It Alone, On Second Thought.' I like me some Gary. I don't know what he's talking about about popping everywhere. That's making new Garys. I have a funny feeling that's a reproducing- but okay. Crazy Pete would be interesting, but I think I'd get tired of the, yeah, accent. Doc Alice is just burying herself in drinks. Susie Cochrane has a vengeance plan- that would be like the typical choice that I would do. Susie Cochrane seems like a good reason to take him out west because she, uh, she's got no family here and she's got a- a thirst for vengeance which I can always use, but I think Gary the Goblin is gonna be just interesting. 'You head back to the saloon's basement and smuggle Gary out under your coat.' 'Hit the trail.' Uhhh... 'Oh. up until this point. I've been automatically spending,' uhh... I'll spend it manually. Okay, alright. 'The option of turning yourself into some kind of unbalanced weirdo if you want. Check your map.' Alright. 'Head for Dirtwater, okay, alright.' So now that we got that all out of the way and we've gotten over here I could- *gibberish* I got up to this point last time I played through with the hat on and It was a goddamn mistake because the first battle that I went into on the road to the next area was um Yeah, it didn't go so good for me. So don't do that. Aw, Timflr whinnies comb his mane He makes sort *giggles* of a "glerk" noise. Alright, I'll leave him alone. Hey buddy. It's your partner. Let's see. "Howdy, Gary!" "Wanting more goblins meeting? Gary is hearing about goblins in *giggles* old fort nearby!" "Hmm, okay." Alright, I think. "What do you think we should do next?" "West is going fast? Okay! A big iron snake, to riding! So fast taking us!" "A big iron... you mean the train?" "Yes! Asking the train's mans!" "Okeedokee." Alrighty then. Any other ideas, Gary? Uh... "What do you think we should do next?" No, "Any other ideas?" 'Gary says you should see the bartender about renting a room.' Alright, okay, alright. See you gary. Hi, buddy. How's it going? Ooo... "Howdy there, oh, it's nice to see a new face in town. Welcome to the Jewel Saloon!" "Hi, thanks. I'm Mumflr." "Glad to know ya, Mumflr! Folks around here just call me Lloyd. What can I do for ya?" "Nice to meet you, Lloyd. I saw you advertising a room?" "That's right! Finest room in the house, and plenty of room for your pardner too. Yinterested?" "How much does it cost?" "Well, that's where you're in luck. The previous tenant was a banker Fella and he paid a month in advance, right before getting himself killed by bandits. You seem like a decent sourt, so the room's yours if ya want it." Okay, all right. I'm not actually surprised because I already knew about that. 'Oh he's so nice!' "What do you think of the Jewel Saloon, Gary?" "Nice place! Many people! Gary betting the basement is much nicer than in Boring Springs!" "Mmm yeah, they probably don't want people going in the basement." "Aww! *giggles*" "Sorry." Sorry about that. Sorry. 'These guys must've fallen asleep during a brawl.' All right. This is my favorite. 'You look at yourself in the mirror.' 'Insult yourself.' 'You call yourself a possum-sniffin' green-headed jerk.' 'You gain an effect: (Just) Angry' Which is great, 'cause you get a lot of Muscle, Moxie and Mysticality. 'Insult yourself again.' 'You call yourself a green-booted lily-booting jerk.' *giggles* "Green and lily..." I think you got like plus six across the board which is pretty nice. 'You'd better not insult yourself anymore. You get any angrier, you're liable to pass out.' But even with all of these buffs I couldn't do anything, like anything at all to be able to withstand the beating I took from the enemies out there. All right. What've we got here? "Hello there!" All right. Uh... 'bag of Shroom-Gro'? 'Advanced Cow Punchin'? How many do I have? I have 800. All right I'll get the binoculars I don't know why I need that but I'm... Gary will want this... 'Guaranteed to Increase the size and intensity of any mycological specimen.' All right. Well... I don't have a lot of money, and I don't have anything that I want to sell just yet, so... I'll go for the gary one, like why not? Increase the size of my Gary... Hey, Gary! I got something for you apparently. Gary? 'Give it to Gary.' 'You give the bag of Shroom-Gro to Gary and he tears it open and starts shoving brown lumps into his mouth.' "A *giggles* deliciousness!" 'Gary has become more powerful!' 'Groovy!' Great. Good for gary. Great, Gary. Hello! How's it going? 'Post Office boxes...' 'One of those new-fangled telegraph machines...' "Hi, I'm Mumflr Fumperdink. Any mail for me?" "Mmmmmmmmnope." "Darn. Well, I'd like to send a postcard." "Alrighty. Let's have it." 'You read a quick note to Rufus letting him know what you've been up to, and that you're okay.' "That'll be - Oh, it's one a' them prepaid ones. That'll be zero Meat." Oh, goody. Goody, goody gumdrops. Hello! 'There's a little girl selling flowers.' 'Buy some.' Aww... I got some sweet-smelling flowers. Oh... Oh, that's... 'These flowers smell really good!' I bet they do. I bet they do indeedee-doodah. All right. 'The clerk clears her throat.' "Howdy. Are you the sheriff here?" "No, we don't have a sheriff." I'll be your sheriff! "Do you have law enforcement experience?" "Not really." "Have you been to sheriff school?" "No." "Do you have an existin' relationship with Dirtwater's local government? Are you familiar with the local ordinances? Do you even live here?" "Nno." "Then what, may I ask, in tarnation, makes you think you'd be qualified to be the sheriff?" "I just assumed..." "You just... assumed... that you can mosey into town and become sheriff on your first day?" "Well when you put in that way..." "If I had 5 Meat for every wide-eyed protagonist-lookin' kid who wanders in here thinkin' they're the most important tenderfoot to ever strap on iron, I wouldn't need this dead-end clerkin' job." "Sorry." "It's okay. Like I said, happens all the time." "Need any help until you find a new one?" "Sure, if you're any good with a gun there's always somebody need of some justice. Wanted posters are back there. Cells are over yonder." 'She points behind her and off to the right, respectively.' Okey-Dokey then. Hello? So... "WASTE... WASTED: The Stripy Hat Gang- For Grand Theft Paint and *giggling* Tasteless Hat Vandalism- Last seen in the vicinity of Cavern Canyon" "Dirty rotten paint thieves..." Okay, I'll go after them. All right. "WANTED: The House-in-the-Desert Gang- For mortgage non-payment, squatting, and general public nuisance. Also for murdering two collection agents.- Last seen at the desert... house in the desert." Lemme see. 'You wonder if the house is named after them, or if they're named after the house.' Okay, alright, got it. Alrighty then. Where am I going now? Don't run over me! "Lot available Lot available" Why are you so angry lady? Why are you so angry? "Lot available Lot available Not a lot available past this point" Alrighty then. This is where things went wrong for me before. So... On the way... Uh... Yeah. 'You notice a smoldering hole in the ground and recognize it as the habitat of the Southeast Western coal snake. They keep to themselves, mostly, but they're also known to enjoy a fight if one is thrust upon them. Let's thrust one upon it. Let's thrust a- Let's thrust a fight. Gary, no! *laughter* You caught a whiff of ol' Gary, did ya'? I'm gonna beef up a little bit. Mmm. That's nice, beefy. Alright, let's see what we can do. Hiyaa! Oh, it's so much better Gary. What can you do? 'Gary will Gary-Fu the target 2 times, dealing 11-14 damage with each blow.' 'Gary will spawn a goblin grunt to assist you.' 'REPRODUCE' Go Gary. Go for it. I'm just gonna shoot it. Bang! Oh, that's so much better! Oh! I don't even know how you can do with the hard hat! The hard hat's so hard! Oh... 'Coal snake skin has been liberated from a coal snake's body. Put it on your hat to add +3 Moxie' Well that sounds really nice. 'snake venom bladder' I don't want that. I don't want that at all. 'As you dismount and approach the house where the bandits are holed up, you hear a voice in from inside say "What was that?" ' 'Uh-oh.' 'Looks like you're gonna have to be sneaky if you want to avoid a full-on fracas.' 'Sneak is my middle name' Yes, it's Mumflr Sneaky Fumperdink. Oh indeed-deedoo it is. All right, Gary, what do you think about this? Oh! Being careful! Quiet house, angry dog! Gary hoping you are sneaking! "Hmmm." Okay, Gary. I've gotta be sneaky in here. Oh! Timflr, calm down with your craziness for just one second! "Oof!" "This doghouse contains an angry dog." 'Very funny. You're not going to be able to get past it without alerting the gang inside.' 'Back off for now' Okay, so there's got to be something... I had to... Oh. 'You find a crate lying by the side of the trail, its lid knocked loose. It has "FELL OF THE BACK OF A CART LTD." stenciled on the side, which seems a bit on-the-nose, but hey, free stuff is free stuff.' All right. I got ranch dressing, bar of soap and a handful of nails. Good for me. I don't know what those are gonna do for me, but I guess good for me. Oh. Let's see. Hello, oh! Poker... 'This table is full up.' 'Play "Poker" ' 'No room.' I'll play poker. All right. So... 'The lady to your right introduces herself as Pearl and the player to your left says his name is Gene.' 'Ante up.' 'You ante up. Perla and Gene...' Wait, why don't I have gumption and glamour? Oh? 'It's a really great hand! Three tens and four Kings of Spades.' I'm pretty good. I guess. 'Check' 'Call' 'The pot is 120 Meat, and you estimate your chances of winning at around 50%.' 'Grit my teeth and raise.' I got grit baby. '...flop...' 'Time to do or die.' I'm gonna 'Cleverly Raise' Bam! 'Reveal my cards.' How do you have a royal straight? What?! Oh, I win? But I have a backwards royal full... *laughing* Oh! It's completely bullshit! Oh, I see. Oh, I got it. Oh, I get you. That *laughing* makes sense. That's silly. I'll walk away. Hey. *gibberish* 'Rules' 'Fours are wild, and the sixes of Hearts are double *laughing* wild. Sevens are wild, and one-handed Queens of Spades are double wild. Jacks are wild, unless accompained by two fives. Two twos of Diamonds and two one-handed Jacks of Hearts count as a Arizona straight. A cross-eyed Queen must be replaced with three Queens. Sixes are wild...' Oh my God. That's too many rules for me all right. I'm out of here. It doesn't make any sense. Hey, what do we get here? Spirit discussion, I'll buy some slop okay. I got to play the slop. That's nice see bartender four darts They're allowed to drink without hats a stage Any Gonna Happen here is there a point it is? There hey guys xp for cleaning it up a janitors must be the highest-level sons of bitches around her Hello, hi Hello Hey, what are you doing to your employees only bud? Oh, sorry? I was just you know looking around So you're the nosy type eh I prefer adventuresome, and it happens. There's something you can do for me I'm not a saltpeter need someone to go pick up me and some more some saltpeter Isn't that used to make gunpowder and other things look who's the chef here mary you okay, okay? Where can I find it your best bet to military camp because it's used to make gunpowder Shut up the nearest one is Fort Cowardice. They keep it in Little green jars Okay I'll Be right back Okay, all right. See you then. Let's go on buddy as the old man stares off in the distance He doesn't react at all all right. Oh, no. This is a spittoon Which is sort of brass bucket that people's been into instead of spitting on the floor? Because not spitting it all as an option in this society. I guess I say this despite knowing that you're pretty intimately familiar with spittoons already sicko Did look the dual saloon is pretty nice and saloons Go actual glass in the windows more than two kinds of drinks a poker room instead of a cockfighting pit But this spittoon is still a spittoon the rancid tobacco spit inside. It isn't Fancy Ranson tobacco spit expected uh Here we go again All right fine. You are now hunkered down next to a brass filth bucket Which has probably never been cleaned or emptied because you're near the desert and the ambient humidity around here is pretty low Not the spit evaporates nearly as quickly as it accumulates, so that's good right no That's bad because it's only the water part of the spit Evaporates this brass bucket is half-full of the rest of the spit the toxins and fills that don't evaporate several years worth distilled and concentrated until it's the consistency of Molasses people aren't it's like cigarette butts into the spittoon anymore because they bounce out Search it You're about to put your hand into a bucket of something the color and viscosity of Maple syrup Except instead of maple its flavored with the inside of the mouths of people who choose cigars instead of smoking them never brush their deep yeah do-over It feels like putting your hand into a bucket of lukewarm tapioca pudding except instead of tapioca It's basically poison. It smells like someone ran over a skunk waited a week and then set it on fire Feels like your hand is dissolving keep searching you found something you found a Khaki filled cooker Porcelain cow figurine a useless disgusting thing that will make a great heirloom for your children assuming you're still able to have any mmm Ray I got what is there believe it a loo, oh where's you have to hold this little porcelain cow upside down because it's filled with tobacco spitting you don't want to just build up a little hold above them go to your Hey, wow three Melee attack damage. Oh man I have to get rid of my flowers my nice smelling flowers for this probably not nice smelling filthy porcelain cow, but Bit right there my prize away. I need to plug this to my hat oh You put the cold snakeskin on your hat making it slightly blacker than it was before at least in the area right above the brim This is not the hard hat hey, I got an extra to my hat which is nice I suppose I think so grab oh, I gotta spend my xkey Moxie mystic ality man my buffs. Have got me way up. Oh, I guess I could also get more Skills oh hold on to that. I'll hold on to it just for a little bit I'll hold on to it because maybe you never know what I'm gonna need that later, okay? But I found another way didn't know I thought I found it. Oh whoa whoa gasps big wonder You've discovered a new map location silversmiths out, okay. Go there now Hello How's it going a bench and human tools for looking at this gear looks like for making bullets? Oh? Bullets are things to make it weird Well somebody has to make them where do you think they came from thinking? They are gone eggs? Alrighty then silver Bullet Megan apparatus help yourself okay. I'm helping myself Alright the workbench has a little burner and crucible for melting silver things and making some bullet moles seems pretty straightforward There's a vise you could smash silver bullets in the needles if you wanted to Make three bullets, not planning a gone' weddings or funerals anytime soon, so you figure? It's safe to turn these cufflinks into something immediately useful Okay Alright well silver bullets in case I see like a like a the button calf cactus Why don't I have harvesting? Why don't I have harvesting and or dickering? All right, door's locked. Good luck. Good side. Hello Jerry how'd you get in here? Hello, nobody home. Nope from all the dust it looks like they've been gone a while nice. So thanks for being us See whatever isn't nailed down. I guess alright. What's in here? Oh, God? It's another Spittoon. Oh, oh Oh, I don't have any safecracking oh no, oh God see find a couple of things that still look edible All right, got that contains 90 copies of Johnny Tremain. There's something weird about it though. It's too neatly organized Maybe the guy was hiding something here. I got enough moxie because I'm so damn angry Talk buying one of the books you find a small elephant envelope with filled with silver Receipts about half of them for a shop called the silver platter it was crooked the silversmiths was selling cheap fakes. Oh well He's gone now so most of his customers No sense in stirring up trouble at this point you write down the location of the shop might come in handy alrighty then Alright well Huh a Spittoon at least it looks like a spittoon, but it's next to the bed it might actually be a bedpan There we go investigate it what really I mean if it is just a spittoon That's bad enough, but it might be a bedpan and it would be way worse Investigate it. I feel like maybe you are getting what I'm saying We're talking about an object that somebody probably Uses when they wake up in the middle of the night and can't be bothered to walk to the outhouse and the best you can Hope for is. Maybe they only use it to spend time to backhoe juice into it in which case It's only full of rancid congealing tobacco spit. I'm investigating it. Hey Are you even listening to me? Are you just sort of skimming past the texts Bedpan? look Man, you weren't stopping me Bed been shut up. I'm investigating it, okay fine Have it your way your own filthy disgusting way it turns out to probably not be a bedpan But it is definitely a spittoon, and it is definitely filled with rotting Brown spit Bishop rounded it. What is wrong with you bite me? Oh? Good God okay, you plunge your hand in up It it makes a gloop sound and breaks the thin skin of congealing Toxins that was previously keeping the dire smell in relative check you are now Joking that we asthma of oily bitter chaves You know that feeling when you're about to buek. How you get that taste way back in the rear corners of your mouth Not metallic tang by the root of your tongue like you're sucking on an old corroded penny to tell me what I found already you Filthy Slime-covered old brute. Are you happy I bet you're going to put it on What? Maybe I will fair Bridge would be much smaller everywhere for the big layer of tarnish and dried tobacco spit goes on your lapel I don't know what my lapel. Oh is that where the share of bad goes oh? so funny I'm Gonna Sp. Ring a filthy Porcelain cow in a revolting brute oh Shit, what's my luck? I'm finding all these goddamn spittoons by random. It's destiny I tell you alright. Let's get out of here templar. We're gonna Wander a bit Welp, we want oh, oh Go there now Stern's ranch, and I went south how could I find that hey all needles needles? Hello, Angry cows had been here seeming you guys getting much travel from the cows some not like a ranches do mostly Leaving us alone, but a running end to happen so mean very angry very fire hole yeah, no kidding alright, whatever Let's see what we got here woo Alrighty then now I need safecracking Alright partner looking here flat wall cow that's weird alright The Brood you got cat's eye candy and sugar guns Weird Cow-shaped stand on the wall It's probably something to do about that later on man a lot of secrets in this game Crate all right got locking the lasso and a depressed rancher candy boo What's going on air so much burped for humans? I wonder we burn the bodies not cows This is Hobbies now probably a neighbor. I guess ok lockpick and + Needle All right, I got a stock certificate. That's good. I like me some stocks Still some beans in the pot got black and beans let's see, ooh Hello, Mary Stern's diary Hocked it. Yeah creepy burnt Porcelain doll Okay, hold the string you pull the string the dolls eyes roll into the back of its head mouth begin smooth. Hi. I'm grace What's your name? I'm mum, Fleur hi mum, fleur you're nice. Do you want to play with me? Yes, let's play Hooray mary used to play with me, but we didn't get to finish our tea party before she went away Will you help me finish it? Shirley Gray the Game is almost over Mary did such a good job dolls eyes roll back forward Go downstairs and get my cup. Do you know the Magic word to make the mean cow let you into a secret room? Oh, it is it the Magic word is peanut butter Got it peanut butter. You shudder as you realize that talking dolls haven't been invented yet Spooky alrighty, then well that's too bad for me. I'm probably cursed for all eternity, but I guess I'm just going to be fine Whisper peanut *sexy whisper* peanut butter peanut butter oh At a cow altar atop their sinister looking altar sits a copper goblet filled with what appears to be blood Should probably destroy that goblet? I've had my run-in with Don't know a lot about you goblet I believe is one up to people to tell me whether or not that's good or not to do that So if you guys know whether or not that couldn't have to do that. I'll leave it sit right where it lie I don't want to be responsible for anything bad between the smoke in the noise You're getting to the contents of this outhouse are more dangerous than the average Mary Stearns GWendolyn stearns Huh flowers smoking picking smoking Chrysanthemum Jethro father Jethro's Bones were dug up got a charred locket interesting, man. I got a lot of shiit charred locket examining...pick the lock Uh-Huh? picture of Mary Stearns, that's weird The back has written Mary Stern's thanksgiving. Where was that? Yeah, the diary the first page in the little girl's handwriting doesn't the diary of Mary stearns the AI and diary are crossed out and I a are written above them the dot has the diary starts out as typical kids fluff you flip ahead until you noticed the writing getting shakier Found a dolly under a cactus out back and she told me her name was Grace, Momma and Popa don't believe that she talks they say I got an Imagination Gracie says the cows are Gonna get us Papa says We'll be okay cuz this weren't never a cow range Grace says he's wrong the Papa won't believe me Grace says she can keep the cows away, but I have to play tea with her I don't like this kind of tea party but Grace says it's important to keep the cows away Mama said Mama was sad that they couldn't find Effie Papa said she's been gone so long and they think they should put a cross up But Mama won't let him cuz she thinks that she'll come back Papa said she's only 11 how far could she have gone my Momma started crying again? Dont want to play tea party anymore, but Grace says I have to, Papa was out two days looking for Joey But course he didn't find him Mama cried so much I tried to tell her him and Effie are helping keep the cows away but she dont understand. I told grace I'm not playing tea party again But she says I got it and if I don't cows will eat all three of us. Oh, I know what she's doing She said either I get Mama or Papa to play or else. I got to play by myself. That's the last entry. I know what the cups for now. I know what the cups for! Hey Pull the string, Mumflr, I've already played this Eeeh I don't think I should get your cup or answered bad idea I must still leave that up to you guys cuz that seems like a bad idea it seems like the worst idea ever Oh, man, but there's so many different ways to go about things okay, but anyway I think I'm at the end of this episode here Thank you everybody so much for watching Now that I don't have the hat I can actually play the game and have fun with it Oh before I go let me kill what's in this outhouse here and see if there's something else oh, hi Whoa these jerks are quick Gary. No wow Gary just can't be hit apparently it's Impossible.... Oooh I don't want to attack Gary, all right. Well. Let's give this gander. See if I'm still up to the challenge of getting BEEFY! I've got a lot of muscle and moxie BAM, baby. All right. How about you bam Gary foohm ohOHH Gary got la foo. Let's see you find a toilet pistol... hehah Hooray another stinky tool to add to my terribly stinky collection and you'll still stench damage instead of Horrible Apply 5 poison, I'll take that I'll take another disgusting thing That's plenty Anyway, that's all the time. I got for this episode. I love this game so much. It's so funny So thank you everybody so much for watching let me know what you think down the comments below and as always I will see you in the next video. Buh Bye (snazzy outro music) (Subscribe to disgusting-iplier) ((spit searching fool ♥‿♥))
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,452,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: west of loathing, markiplier, walkthrough, gameplay, lets play, part 3, secrets, easter eggs, funny, funniest, stick game
Id: 7UyvR0e5XSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 11sec (1871 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2017
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