THE 'ol SLOPPY TOPPY | West of Loathing - Part 15

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That moment mark needs paper...

So many great phrases in that short moment.

Shut the fuck up brain and work right - markiplier 2017

I was so done when he said 'i'm an adult i swear to god...i'm an adult... fuck'

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Milospesh 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2017 🗫︎ replies
Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and welcome back to West of loathing, now We're back in Dirt Water because we're tracking down a few other things before we get back on that train I think we just need one more item and it's some kind of yarn. I don't know where to get it I don't know how to get it I don't know what to do to get it, but I'm gonna find out But first I gotta go through the various miscellaneous side quests that I got going on here and then again I just love this game so much So I'm eager to squeeze every single moment out of it possible even if some of you aren't Oh have you got my knife? Yup here you go excellent. This will work a lot better than then that hammer. I was using okay, I only need one more favor from you, but it's the most important I'm sorry, I just (just what Mark?) Ah frick, it's not that funny. I used to have this recipe for a very secret jerk sauce but my jerk friend Dave J stole it from me, and then he died and took the secret to his grave literally, I mean he was buried with it. You want me to dig up his grave? He's dead. He won't mind well okay, just hand me that hammer there you were using, also where is he I do- Did you even tell me where he was where where was his grave? Wait where's his grave is it. I guess I know of many a cemetery but before I do that I got I got a flip flap around dirt water. Just a little bit more to see if anybody else is here You're not in the mood to talk okay alright. Hey Lloyd need help with anything Everything's all right okay, nevermind, then you guys are fine. Guest room is fine Everything's fine here, so what what else would possibly need to be here Hello, do you find, lovely day it is Lovely day lady! Alright see-ya. Well, I'll just meander on my way to the various cemeteries that I know I doubt it would be the petting cemetery so it's probably Reboot Hill because there's a lot of stuff at Reboot Hill that I haven't done yet, that's right. Oh a pile of bones Oh, no. Bang, okay. It's a tough pile of bones, all right there we go. Not enough, ok Go go go go go Don't worry it's just paint. Oh yeah, there was some weird tree with the keyhole in it Wasn't there that was here, right? Yeah, there's a key hole in the trunk of this key. (Yes Mark, a key hole in the trunk of this KEY, good job.) So why? Is there something for that? Do I need a key for that? it doesn't even give me the option for it but I suppose when I get a key, I'll find out, anyway, okay, so I don't know about you but there's multiple plots here, all right, Shank Weems We're reasonably sure he's dead they got a common ooh. Dink 'Scotch' Terkinson, drowned in a whiskey barrel That's what he would have wanted the ground here seems reasonably soft. Oh. Oh I got whiskey oh That's nice. I thought I was gonna get a Skellington, Old Dead Tom Took us kind of a long time to get around to this, he was alive for two it oh no He was dead for a while and you just buried him later All right Fred Deeks, couldn't remember the rhyme about which snakes are poisonous. Ah patent and medic grid Gnerald Flense, he died as he lived... ...screaming, a man after my own heart I scream so much and Annette Jangle the first lady bicyclists to ride off a cliff, all right I got riding boots these boots are made for riding, but not the kind of- Riding you're probably thinking of, which kind of riding were you thinking of? I'm very confused here Lavender Crinks, inventor of the external combustion ended engine. It's the remains of a picnic oh It's a gothic cameo, and it's an ornately covered carved brooch with a jet-black gem in the center, which come to think of it, might be jet black because it is in fact a jet, this item goes on your lapel, okay I don't need that though. I don't need that spooky resistance I mean, maybe I will, I'm in a cemetery so who knows what's gonna be spooking up around here also I just- I just might have remembered there might have been a cemetery over in the other plot But I'm gonna go through here first, this tombstone is big and fancy and has a door in the front, all right open it, inside there's a document and a weird little metal object, read the document, the letter describes a tontine, the burial wishes of Chet Bustersly and a series of sentences- sequences of letters, "B T L I T R" bit-bit litter okay Take the object. I got a key oooooooohhhhhhhh, that's for thing! Okay well, I got a key fragment, but I don't know what bitlitter means, but all right I got boots litter All right, how about this, pick that lock, inside the tombstone is a document and a weird little metal object "O H L G H E" the document describes at on time the burial wishes of Sam Feathersmith and a sequence of letters Olglihe All right, the object got a key fragment, well that's pretty good, all right crack it. Well there. You go read that Scribes a tontime. What's a tontime!? The burial wishes of Phillip Irongloat and a series of letters, "O I E H T E" Do I got to write those down because I don't feel like writing them down, I mean I could, it be easy Alright fine. You're really pulling the wool over my eyes. I'm gonna write down God damn it. I gotta go find a pen, alright I'm back, I got a - I got a pen and I got a bullshit piece of paper That's actually an envelope on here. Yeah, so I'm gonna just give me one second I gotta go get the documents back up, okay, third third is "O I E H T E" That's a T Ah shit, why did I write- why did I write it over there, I wrote it over on the lip you can't see that, but I really like on the the ledge So I'm so goddamn stupid come on, shut the fuck up brain and work right. O, I, E, H, T, E All right, that's good handwriting. Yeah., Helps if I can't read what I wrote, fuck! Why don't I put it have a desk here Why don't I just put it on the desk and I can write! Why didn't I just grab a normal Why don't I have normal paper? I don't know Do I have a notebook anywhere? God, I'm just, I am an adult. I swear to god. I'm an adult, fuck all right, O, I, E, H, T, E, this has been an ordeal but I got it, okay two more let's hope their as horrifying as the first, okay second. Does that spell anything? "Boo" -Unable to decipher the random words coming from the mouth of Markimoo- Okay, whatever I don't know Stupid what was the point of that, not that, go away from that! I gotta go elsewhere now. There's nothing over there Why did I write all that down? I got the key fragments what am I doing with it? All right assemble the key? Whoa, a little spit, a little baling wire, and voila, a Tontine key, voila indeed. Okay so... ...does that go to the... ...the thing? Xavier J Hornhog, ran for mayor, right off a cliff. Funny "Lucky" Vinny Pike, bound to run out sooner or later. Ate too many wasps. Oh Gina Slapradish you know my slogan Why didn't you listen to me? Hazel Batchley, embroidered herself to death. That One Guy, you know the one, yeah him. Bred Haggins, the most strikingly rat-faced man any of us have ever seen. Stanrietta Minkleston, tried to eat- man, did I try to name all these people I feel like I had a bind in this, tried to eat a live eagle on a dare, the ground here relatively soft. Oh, good, looks like the eagle knocked out all her teeth on the way down Skeleton doesn't seem particularly threatening apart from being a general reminder of your mortality Uh hello, who, are you? My name's Bernard, but shh, lower your voice! They'll hear us! Who, the cultists? Shhh! Yes! Not a fan? They're reanimating dead people's skeletons! I don't want to be reanimated! It sounds horrible! Can you imagine having to walk around without your skin on? How embarrassing! Not to mention the cold! Well sure, well Plus, I mean dying's hard enough! Who wants us to come back to life just when you've got used to being dead, right? I could see that. Please can you do something? I don't want them to find me! I'll let you know when it's safe. Great, all right, cool. Where are they, Sam? What are you talking about? They over here? The cultures? Can I Wimble ramble my arm and leg over this way Anybody hello? Ouh That looks, spooky, all right, okay, Paulette Tootsburry, died of a disease we don't have a name for yet. Ah based on the contents of the coffin, you'd have called it "Exploding Skull Syndrome" (E.S.S.) great, Pearletta Fink, territorial scoffing chatter, oh Okay, all right. Well that's, that's peculiar, I seem to have walked into a precarious situation. DON'T MIND ME! I'M JUST GONNA BACK AWAY SLOWLY! Alright, I'ma charge forward, you're not gonna get past this barrier of whirling bones without, well making it so there is no barrier of whirling bones. Ah I'm gonna shoot them! I'm gonna shoot those bones! You draw your pistol and definitely shoot the floating bones into bits that are too small to flow. Nothing to it. They didn't even know what hit em, Susam Boingstrom. God these are so much better names then I could ever come up with, buried with her treasured collection of dog ears, gross, these cultists looks like they're barely maintaining control over that skeleton Wait a while and see what happens. You hide behind a tombstone and wait, after a few moments the skeleton rests itself from the cultists' control and goes on a rampage, bones and teeth fly everywhere, and none of them belong to the skeleton if that gives you any indication of how the fight turns out seemingly satisfied with the carnage it is caused the skeleton crashes something into the ground and Scratches something into the ground and then shuffles off to the south, yikes. Well. They're dead now All right, so, cool, "Grutch"? Why did you scratch in "Grutch"? Skeleton, this is what the skeleton wrote, must be its name. Oh must be, a black book here, "Frightening Topics in Nex-Mex" ah Getting smarter about Nex-Mex means being able to summon skeletons who are smarter about doing anything you say okay, Well, I'm gonna throw that into the hole. I'll do that eventually Thed Vroom, Nothing left but boots and teeth. Geez, nothing in there but three bedrooms and a single stale smell. Peninsula Wackersly, nice lady, but a real unfortunate name. Ah Frick, oh god, gets me everytime. This is a hastily constructed very shallow privy Investigate, you open the door and dig around in the Tetras, sure I do, you find a little square yellow paper You got an item, sticky note. This is a sticky note with a magic word written on it for security pack- Prac- Practice Alright, this is security, all right. What is it? The note says, "Abra-cadaver" that's got to be important, you stick the note in your journal. I should check that out. Okay, all right, read that. -Markiplier at his finest- Ley lines, Hellstorm Ranch OOOOOHHHHH I've got everything I need to parently do that, I didn't even know that that was the thing that I could To get right away. Oh my goodness I have that But I also got a key, so I'm gonna see if they're Okay, Oh Secret door opens in the side of the tree. There's a chest inside Tontine this chest was hidden behind that secret door What's a ton-tine? The hell is a ton-tine this chest contains a lone, but extremely large gemstone and a documented, but describing at on time Which you apparently won despite not even signing up for it. What's it ties that atonte an unbreakable Roubaix? Oh, so this is why they form that taun time. What's the time time? And what's with these letters I? Have enough, LOL LOL, why what LOL was that i'ma right down low not that I can't remember that but Alright whatever fine, but she's alright so somewhere around Hillstrom ranch, but I'm not gonna worry about that right now Maybe it's a buffalo pile. I mean now it makes me that is a very Obvious place to go, but I also forgot. There's a freakin Dave yard. He said the guy's name was Dave I thought of this like halfway through my adventure in the cemetery and I'm not just pulling that I mama ass But I'm like I'm an ad the guy's name was Dave. It didn't hit me until way way later All right Dave beat Dave see Dave Jay you dig up the date grid the grid the Dave grave and pry open the Dave coffin instead of a Dave corpse it contains a Garbage Dave strange you reach into the garbage bag in a surprise to find that pudding no, it's not just putting its in motor oil who would do this keep digging you finally managed to reach all the way to the bottom of the bag and retrieve a sodden lump from the bottom good thing I've been training for this all my life. You unclog the wad and dry it off. Then wash your arm in a nearby ditch It's better be worth it Dave secret sauce recipe just combine these ingredients in a small pot stir in abra-cadaver Rough, hop hop how? Sure okay, all right, we'll go with that one. We're going. That's what that is that that is okay? Sure all right and then off. We go do wherever they'll we're actually supposed to go This is definitely not helping me in any capacity for the main quest, but I am all on board. I don't even care uh Yeah, I got it. Hey. Thanks a million buddy now. My slop will be world-famous here Let me give you a little something for your trouble. I fell in the slop, but it's still good. I got a sloppy Sloppy Oh my god, it's probably terrible it it's not that bad actually oh Look at me. My sloppy toppy. Oh let me put a snakeskin on that Oh, where is this where the hell is my snakeskin. I have no it there We go electric snakeskin not what I was going for a three dollar ATS that pretty. Good to all stats That's that's not bad at all, but cool snake three democracy. Well. I might as well get might as well key at all If I had to put anything on my sloppy toppy all right cool did that work? Did it work? oh Apply to hat I got a press this button okay, you put the rainbow-colored snakeskin on your hat and beam with pride Okay now I'm going to Let me go to the buffalo pile because I'm pretty sure that I didn't actually finish all my business there after I broke everything else oh no oh Hey Gary you really need to pick up nards on this one because you're you're really letting me down here I wish you wouldn't do that okay? She led who get off to the Buffalo pile, and then hopefully in there like if I had to guess well I if I had to guess where a necromancer's Hideout would be it would be in a giant pile of bones Pretty sure anyway buffalo Buffalo buffalo. Yeah, so there's Oh? crotch crotch crotch crotch Crotch scrunch the Skellington Crotch, and this is all still fused shut I even asked the developer about this when I was at PAX West He said there's no way to get it back so whatever the real thing was Unfortunately not for me. Not for me can't do it. What was here again? fighting This is just a fight right. Yeah. It's just a fight to Danny whatta be bada boom boom Well, oh not bad that shooting Andy got ups okay Splish-splash on you. I gotta get going come on. I don't have time to fight everybody. I don't wanna die or anything You wish I'll shoot the pile Bang okay, Gary you get that one no hit um. I loser hurry up I don't have time for this bang, okay Now you Gary. Hi yah yah yah yah yah, yah there. We go Gary Gary all right Okay, cool Okay So is there anything else here ooh leave the shells alone right now? Wow, that would probably would be what I need to do if I actually have the the sku She do she the though whatever the mixture would have been if I hadn't done this stupid You know the stupid that I was talking about yeah, it's stupid. That's what I'm talking about. What is this? What is this oh? I need that? Was a detailed diagram of one of those Buffalo skeleton human skeletons hybrid things are making a Handful coins that didn't help me god. Damn it Scary stuff chanting shuffling of robes clattering of bones scary stuff you really shouldn't go down there. I don't tell me what to do oh? Well I'm gonna shoot a nanny you cuz I can't miss at this point beanbag me my moon Thank you boo boo ahaha all right all of you get gonna kill you guys Suroosh, ahh Ahh, you can't hit shit Oh, yeah, well Gary's gone alright. Well. That's okay because I got this handled watch as I handle this very slowly bang Oh you got bang Bang and here we got bang. Okay. You're dead wait that do for me You've single-handedly put a stop to the cult activity of buffalo bile impressive You pretty much have the run of the place now if you need aim owned for anything you got a perk on the limit You've secured access to an unlimited supply of bones in case you need bones for anything What does that do me, what good is having unlimited bones, what does that do for me? Okay alright, I'll take my bones. I'm not gonna complain. I'm not gonna look a bone horse in the mouth I don't know what that does for me, but supposedly around hellström. Ranch is so oh hi Well if there's a sudden thrilling woosh sounded a man dressed all in dark grey with a long flappy coat and a grey bandanna It pulled up to conceal his face appears before you either shadows he brandishes a wicked looking knife at you accusingly Stop right there prove your allegiance for all suffer no cultists in this place Could you be more specific the necromancers cultists the skeleton guys? I'll show him. I'll accuse the accuser on a Hornswoggle yeah Well now wait a minute I'm not the one in the dark cloak jumping out at people how do I know you're not the cultists? I killed cultists with what that evil looking knife cuz that's no cult II and that's not culty at all no sir My tech know there are own knives and use them against them as poetic justice so the masked stranger Brandishing a literal cult dagger at me as claiming is an occultist. Hey. This isn't about me - got you alright Thank you, sir. Thank you for that Thank you for that. Thank you for that so any cultists around here cult d wall T Woo's May if I wander for a bit some kind of crazy skeleton charges at you from behind a rocky outcropping Krum out krumping He's crazier and crumpyj than most animated walking skeletons you see because he's got a buffalo skull for a head Oh, no. It's one of these guys buffalo tranquilize. Oh buffalo skin pants Buffalo pants, please don't come off tonight. It's cold You have no idea also I just remembered there's something else that I have to do I have to go over to the fort of darkness Because I have the outfit - with which to do that. Oh excuse me could you just shoot nanny away and all of them You hit one god damn it that wasn't even able to point to that all right fine You breathed your bad breath all over me all right, but I got to go down to the Florida darkness because the Dancy Pants people are in the tent over here And I have not that I have I have Dancy pants with which to do that so if I take off an old sloppy toppy for a second there and put on like her foots headband and put on my My Kurt Kurt's futz pants BAM not spit soaked. I do love my spit soaked, but you know that's just gonna have to wait oh Yeah, it's really good. Ah Kurt's is still leading his students in robic workout routine and exercise with you Hello power surges Rui you have unlocked true potential Curtsey and physique turns out that guys onto something you really do feel stronger sweet Right well that was nice. I don't know if there was much of a long-term point to that, but hey. I got 10 muscle That's not not about There there it is ah My spit so pants I know I know I've probably got more with my something skin pants I don't know rhinoceros, but uh no no no no no I'm done in there. I'm done when I'm done with that Okay, so I gotta find Something here, I'm missing something. I'm missing a good old something something what am I missing well? There's no point in just mulling it over forever. I'm gonna go back to the train and just see what I got Horns for what? An ancient seaweed drape skeleton is shambling towards you hissing and moming oh I guess we must be near the beach hiss how do you determine where the desert stops in the beach begins? hiss I don't really know how to tell the difference between deserts and the beats and I'm gonna Hornswoggle you oh wait. Oh, my gosh. Are you Davy Jones? Yes? I have you all your albums Can I have your autograph the skeleton scribbles something onto a piece of paper for you, and then wanders off puzzled? Rainy Jane was really underrated. I got a damn Confuse skeleton scribbled its name on a piece of paper for you barely its name is Neat Coolio, I'm gonna get on a train excuse me Whew, okay, so I'm already here, so I already been through this Bullshit if I just popped down here this Goosby Know I just respects this big dude come on welded shut bullshit, but I've already built Alright that don't do that to me good Oh Sookie all right Scootaloo doo doo doo de doo why is it such a pain in the ass to get over here, okay? I'm sorry. I got that guy. Oh, yeah BAM whap whap whap what? Sorry does it got lost for a second there feel better. He rubs. His job. Well yes and no Listen we're gonna get to Frisco But first we need to bust into the locum Oh about front and arrest a crazy guy. I need some volunteers, okay I'm in I have to sit here and do nothing for much longer. I'll probably flip out again cool. All right, then well neato Again, but I don't ever ooh This is what it was oh, I didn't even need any thread. Oh you guys were probably yelling at me Oh, I'm an idiot. I had everything I needed right away. It was to see who weren't squabbling okay, Lichter lady I don't think you understand the seriousness of this situation Norton gets away with this his power and Frisco will be limitless the City Council won't be able to block his horrible new tax increases Tax increases for instance well for a start he's demanding a four thousand percent price hike on Your she gasps outrage bad villain. We must subdue him immediately cool. I'll shout when I'm ready That's what it was I did need something I'm not that dumb I needed an Animal, but I don't know where to get that I'm suspecting there might be something um there might be something new and I believe that was more to do inbred would and I believe it had to do with some other stuff going to open it off Give me that shit. I believe it had something to do with if ghostwood inbred would that I needed to do I'll be right back doo doo doo doo doo doo I mean? I'm not going anywhere? I'm telling that to the other people in the town. I'll be right back You know I told you to be right back Waldo knock-knock mr.. Humperdink how can be a service he's finally I'm here on behalf of mayor bread woody needs a permit to do some long names area I see well there shouldn't be a problem I'll just need to review the logging records to make sure there are no disqualifying incidents go to the Department of Records It's two doors down and tell them I need the bread would file pertaining to logging Is something wrong not yet? I'm just stealing myself in anticipation Wait she said two doors down, but that doesn't make sense Hmm hello, mr.. Humperdink was it what can I do for you? I'm about to pick up a file in the town of bread wood. Oh you want the Department of Records next door this is the adjunct Department of Records ah Thank you Hello, never mind It's the stable apparently Department of Records how can I help you mr.. Humperdink? I'm supposed to pick up a file on bread would a moment Please bread wood apple wood anti-would bad What did he mean bagel would know it's bread would must be a suburb beaver would best wood bit of wood But wood here where our bread wood which section. Did you need? Logging records Hmm this section has been downgraded from disuse you'll need to pick it up from the adjunct Department of Records next door Of course bring it back here when you got it. I'll put it in the official intern department document read folder Is that really necessary absolutely you can't transfer documents between departments without an inter Department document transfer folder, so thankful Great cool. Hello, can I get a file bread wood? Well these pages are all loose. I can't give them to you like this. What if they blow away. There's taking the next door They're giving me the document folder. It'll be fine No, no no, no what if there's a freak gust of wind as soon as you leave here. It'll be chaos So what do you propose well fortunately I happen to be the one person in town authorised to Officially authorized to use a stapler to staple them together for me. I'd be glad to but But I don't have a stapler Kirsty don't don't worry All you have to do is go next door to the department of requisitions Next door and requisition one, so I'll bring you a stapler and you'll give me the file yep all right, I Need the stapler requisition form Last name pumper dang first name mum Fleur middle name both danger and marshal danger What that's that's my name? Wasn't it? I don't know I can't remember anymore. It's been so long Farber tink mom Fleur Paul Oh Frick, I don't remember what what's on my Frick what's on my identification oh? God it's such a nightmare. Where is it? Where are you where the hell? Are you there it is? sneaky sneaky Ah fine bumper take mom Fleur sneaky desert preference oh Why What does that have to do with look? I have two boxes one says cake the other says pie I wanna have to put a checkmark in one of them, which is I'll take I Don't I only like pumpkin pie, but I like pumpkin pie more than I like cake so I'll go with pie ah well despite that Everything seems to be in order i'll get this filed use your stapler. Thanks. Oh Okay, all right I got your stapler. Can I have the logging report you bet Kurt Jahnke here you go Freshly stable doing wind resistance. I've got to pick up the folder you splits carry it in great cool great glad I'm doing this a knock knock. I'll get a beer. I got the paper you got it. Okay. I got a father oh great Thank you Whoopee do P I go over there? Ah Finalized have a look Oh for the love of God. What's wrong that idiot stapled the pages together right in the middle? This is why we took his damn stapler away from him in the first place his file is unreadable. You're gonna have to tell Him to unstable it Great wonderful wonderful administration wants you and unstable these papers. I'm sorry. I'm only a Try next oh, I'm only authorized for stapling not unstable and trying to extort the Department of Records I think they have an unstable ooh there Newspapers unstable, okay, I'm fully authorized to unsafely so that's no problem spoke too soon Did you well let's just say? I don't tell you see a staple remover anywhere. Let's write the dye apartment of Libations borrowed it to open beer bottles Right Do you have the? Staple remover Sure do that thing pops the tops off a beer bottles like you wouldn't believe so long as it remove staples I'll be happy I imagined it does, but I'm afraid I'm not authorized for unstaple when you have to take it back over to records here you are The ghost of a stapler remover still looks like a weird metal thing monstermouth except now It's and goes for him now your office job is even spookier Here No, I need to wear. No idea. Where was I going again? Oh wait. That's right I need to go back to the Department of Records keep the stable of course. Here's this table remover all right. Let me just Up to his old tricks, I see he's don't even need to be stabled That's what the end of Department document transfer folder is all after after all All right here you go. Thanks screw us Okay, I'm back. We're back with an unstable bread boot files. All right. Let's have a look Mmm, okay, I can't see any problem with this. I'm frankly Let's get started on the paperwork for that logging permit I am no longer amazed last name for dang first day mum Fleur middle name sneaky CAD you need to stamp this here kachunk and sign this scribble and now you sign here sign scribble also here sign and initial here scripts Crib sign here scribble good. Now you take this back to the mayor of bread wouldn't have a sign online in Israel over there Are you kidding me? I don't know how to do that Oh Okay It's fine get out my way. I need to go to bread wood gotta get a bread would like right meow Yeah, my face and let me go to bread wood then we're not gonna have a problem Mayor can you sign this god damn form I think I need a ghost pencil for this of course you do Sign down here and initial over there after some fumbling with the ghostly pencil the mayor eventually manages the sign and initial the form All right mayor I'll be back with that permit God willing Here we go back to coast whoo All right, I'm back. I got is the thing you wanted at this point. I'm not even sure what if this is worth it All right, knock knock hello mister fum ding how can I be a service? I've got the mayor's signature on this logging permit form Great just sign the last bottom find the bottom where it says receipt something wrong Hello my pencil of the mayor excuse me while I go kill everything Ah ah Okay, all right we got this everything's fine. Everything's totally fine. Don't worry about a goddamn thing yeah, my pencil Oh terribly sorry I think it's haunting my beard ah here you go Sharp and ghost pencil. Thank you back to ghost Hornswoggle get the freak out here. You're a ho God goo BIA All right I Got it Sign all right. That's everything taken care of bread woods logging permit is hereby approved processing You can pick it up in two days Wow excuse All right well There was something else here that I needed to take care of as you? Isn't it I got your picture and I've got Nope, I've got nothing for you apparently all Right I'm gonna end this episode here before I lose my goddamn mind, so Thank you everybody for watching, and thank you for joining me as I waste my time Let me know in the comments below and as always I will see you in the next video Bye Bye! Sub to Mark! Thank the guys/girls/others that created these subtitles for you guys!
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,234,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, west of loathing, gaming
Id: SwdaqtARLVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 11sec (2051 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2017
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