Fundamentals of Faith Part 2 | Kenneth Copeland | LWCC

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we're talking about the fundamentals of faith and I mentioned last night and I'll say it again though I heard this first from my grandson Jeremy that when you are watching the World Series when you're watching the Super Bowl when you're watching Wimbledon when you're watching World Cup when you're watching the US Open you are watching masters of the fundamentals amen there's not some special secret play no it's just the man and the woman that consistently practices and practices and practices and stick with the fundamentals of the game amen because the game doesn't change and you you you watch an Olympic athlete there is a place in every particularly Olympians there is a place where it would be so wonderful to quit when everything hurts and their sores everywhere blisters on it on every toe and it's just what a place to quit oh let's quit here no no no we can't quit here well well that that's that's wonderful and all of that but I'm talking about life amen let's turn again to the classic teaching of Jesus on faith from the 11th chapter of the book of Mark let's begin reading tonight yes sir yeah yeah okay I'll do that thinking let's start reading with verse 11 chapter 11 verse 11 Jesus entered into Jerusalem and into the temple and when he had looked round about upon all things and now the even evening was come he went out unto Bethany with the twelve seeing him and on the morrow when they were come from Bethany he was hungry now Jesus just to summarize Jesus said I only say what I hear my father say he who spoke the Word of God God gave him his spirit without measure not because he was the son of God not because he's God manifested in the flesh but because he never spoke anything but his word amen and he said I only do what I see my father do now one of the big things about faith we've just seen right here and most people don't realize Jesus entered into Jerusalem and into the temple when he had looked round about upon all things and now the evening was come he went out unto Bethany with 12 never said a word now they were acting just as ugly in there that day are there going to be the next day when he cleaned out the temple he went home without doing anything he went home without even saying anything I'm doubt really they I just have in me that he just didn't he just really didn't let them see him they're just moved in the shadows didn't let anybody know he was there why is that so important about faith well you need to be listening to your father you need to be listening to the Spirit of God and not making your own decisions of how to do this and how to do that what Oh what should my confession be here what should I be doing here you and I are not qualified to make those decisions and because of that there's a whole heap of mess that when it would not have ever happened if we just kept her mouth shut and just kept looking and listening and to the Lord and listening and watching those things around us and saying Lord what about this what about that show me this show me that and just keep him mouth shut whoa glory to God now then on the morrow when they were come from Bethany he was hungry seeing a fig tree afar off how far was he well he was far enough away to see that there wasn't any figs on that tree I don't know why people in this part of the world have an idea that those fig trees were little bushes google fig tree and see what you get I'm telling you these things there's big they're big trees so having leaves and he's seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves he came if happily he might find anything there on and when he came to it he found nothing but leaves for the time of figs was not and jesus answered and said to the tree the tree spoke first I don't have anything for you go on your way and jesus answered it no man eat fruit of thee hereafter forever and his disciples heard it so he wasn't mumbling over there was he is far off and my mind I don't see him following him over to the tree there there on the road there he sees this thing and he just said it breaks off and goes over there and so they don't know what he's gonna do but man they heard him talk to that tree he didn't pray about the tree he said nine words to it and walked off amen they came to Jerusalem and Jesus went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple and overthrew the tables of money changers and the seats of them that sold doves he would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple that was not the mission cleaning out the temple was not the mission here is the mission and he taught he taught teaching is the mission preaching the word is the mission and if the temple gets cleaned out praise God but the preaching and the teaching of the word that's the mission glory to God how many full-time ministers who have preached the word preach the word in season out of season preach the word amen now in an occasion like me I didn't start out preaching and started out singing I don't I don't remember when I found out I could see I've always do it and I was in the fourth grade let me give you a little background here hello Lord my mother thank God for a mother of the don't would pray oh my mother invited all of my teachers to lunch or of tea or whatever it was right before school and they had a bit made made a deal she said if he needs a spanking you spanking but you tell me cuz he gonna get another one when he gets home now I lived under that mandate well I said in the fourth grade and and we were all standing in beside a desk and and we were singing I don't remember now what it was and I understanding that singing with everybody else and mrs. Webb is walking through into the class you know and she's listening to everybody sing and she stopped there next to me and she got a little like that and she just stood there and she stood there and then the class all sat down she turned the class over to somebody and said Kenneth you come with me what'd I do this time well we got a week we Pat we passed mr. Hanson ease office Oh what could this be she put me in the car we only live six blocks from the school and I can see where we're going she pulled up in front of the house I'm dead this is all about oh we had a little small world as her piano there in the living room and so she stood me up beside the piano started play and she said sing and so she played the same thing that's that we were singing in in school a few minutes ago and so I say I mean what is he gonna do my life is at stake here she turned to my mother she said did you know he could do that well she said yeah I think so well she was all excited that's all it was to this man old man well that was always always there some people are born with certain graces that is a grace somebody says well it's a gift of God well it is a gift of God but it's a grace of God and it should be used for God not for the honky-tonks I sang in but some Grace's develop after you get born again other Grace's develop even more after you you receive the the Spirit of God speaking with other but now in I'm talking I'm still speaking to ministers of the gospel if you come up with a choice and I have a choice and and I have to inquire of the Lord in a meeting do I sing that meeting or do I not if there is indecision forget to singing and preach you see where I'm going with this the word that say the word the word of covenant the blessed word of the Living God it is the gospel that's the power of God unto salvation hallelujah amen thank you Lord Jesus now he preached and I like Oh glory to God he taught saying unto them is it not written my house to be called of all nations of the house of prayer but you've made it a den of thieves and the scribes and the chief priests heard it and saw how they might destroy him for they feared him because all the people was astonished at his doctrine when evening was come lo he preached all day Jewellery done God yes I love it my kind of preacher preached all day I don't care they all go home this free oh there's some time I preached in this church so long everybody did it window but I won't get over into that I have done that before but not just cuz I wanted to do I was invited to do that anyway he went out of the city in the morning as they passed by they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots Peter calling to remembers now what has happened here there has been 24 hours since he spoke to that tree amen and in the morning as they passed by they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots now 12 hours ago when they left the temple going back to Bethany you know that you taking more water away from me I don't know where to thank you or not Amy this is important the power went to the root of the tree and destroyed the root of the problem I want you to get this it went to the root you couldn't see it faith is not something you can see the Bible said God created this whole universe all things out of something you can't see he didn't create it out of nothing he created it out of something you can't see the King James uses the word something that doesn't appear it's not visible and you can't feel it with the physical body now you can feel the results of it you can feel the anointing that that faith connects with and releases in your life but faith is an invisible force that cannot be physically felt or mentally detective amen so now that's the reason Jesus told Thomas blessed are they who have believed and not seen alright Jesus our Peter called and remember seven him master behold the fig tree which thou cursed is withered away now it was so powerful that this big tree withered in 24 hours this well here a brother colvett just Jesus ya know it's written in red that's the part that's you know one way you know what don't you remember he said either believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also now if it if it was not available he would have just said nothing or just walked on but look what he did he answer him said you have faith in God now that then there was a kick in that eye right there since they should look he said you do it have faith in God have the faith on God have the god-kind of faith this is the way the faith of God works and you can do it you remember what he said to them about the storm he stopped he he rebuked it and the thing quit and he said where's your faith when you come back there and wake me up for why didn't you do it so had they not had the ability to do that then he's unjust huh Amen is allowed in here you know for verily I say unto you when you see the word verily you know that he is his very intense I say unto you who so ever [Applause] halleluja halleluja whosoever mean of me yeah well the whosoever in John 3:16 means me whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life will the same whosoever in John 3:16 is in mark 11:23 whosoever that this this is a whosoever think now what does that mean that means that faith is faith let me say this faith is a common spiritual force common to the human race it's a whosoever think because it is spiritual law and I must say this again I said it last night we understand when someone talks about physical laws now there was a time not too many years ago people didn't know there was any such thing as physics did you know that a 747 a Boeing 747 would have flown in 19 18 17 18 16 18 15 18 just as well as it does today had someone known the laws that govern it they didn't know amen hahaha don't you think about that I love it but now spiritual law created physical law so the laws of the Spirit are just as exact and just as predictable as the laws of physics but now you'd have to remember that people had to try and try and how many times that Edison failed at the light bulb well thank God he finally got there thank God he wasn't a quitter well the laws were were there all the time somebody had to find out how they worked now the work that the leg up that we have where spiritual law is concerned is because this this book is the law of the sphere and you then the Spirit of God is the teacher amen and we have an inside track anybody that's baptized in and with the holy spirit has an open door to the realm of the spirit in speaking with other tongues and praying in the spirit you can find out anything if you pray in the Holy Ghost long enough amen God thank you lord now then whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart or shall not doubt in the inner man but shall believe that those things which he says shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he said now what did he say to believe well you know I you know I believe in faith well yeah that's good but I didn't what he said believe here well I believe Jesus son of God well that's right here but that's not what he's talking about he he said believe believe that those things those words believe those things those words that you say will come to pass now when you really went when you really come to believe that those things which you say comes to pass is when you realize everything you say comes to pass not just the good stuff Gloria not I was a student Oral Roberts University and and and as I told you last night we listen to brother Hagin I mean all the time and and I was at school one day and I and oh those but shall believe that those things plural oh yeah shook on the pass glory to God I have to believe that's the reason I need to put a watch over my mouth praise God exceeded I was so excited that got home I said Gloria she said you know what I saw today she said I was hanging out the clothes you got to believe that everything isn't just just stole my thunder we both got it the same day hallelujah at those things which you say comes to pass all right I just have to tell you this that little house that that we moved into there until it was a mess and so I went to the landlord not and I say if you buy the paint out painting ugly walls it so he did and you should have seen the paintbrushes that he bought anyway I'm painting in one little room she's painting in another and just paint law and we're learning you know one of us is it as I said oh man you know I just thrilled me to death she said well that's your confession now I believe it now you can see why words like that are so dangerous you're wonderful the grace of God everybody in this room be dead thrill me to death scared me to death I'm just dying to go are you going to church man I'm afraid not what well we were painting the way and I there was those bristles the hairs in that brush kept getting in my paint and I said this paint brush coming all the pieces and I dipped in there and the next stroke you understand Jesus is looking at me right now you understand I'm there no way I'm lying about this the next stroke the whole thing came out of the handle and we're just stuck in that paint the law we got us a faith word you better watch your word listen right that day of course that paintbrush one worth over 20 cents hey you know two for a nickel I don't know if you've known my landlord you to understand therefore when you see therefore stop and see what it's there for that connects what he said to him what he's about to say therefore I say unto you what things soever you desire when you pray start believing don't wait to see something don't wait into something manifest and then start believable way it good way to do then you waiters if something manifests and show wasn't your faith it did it amen no you believe it and then you receive it you walk up to an old stove and you say give me some heat now put in some wood that ain't gonna work you put in the wood and then you get the heat faith calling things that be not as though they were comes first this is the hardest part for all people this is the hardest part taketake to get get a grip is that there is power in words do a study of words did you get your concordance down and just do a study on words and and I suggest you start in the 18th chapter of the book of Proverbs the power of death and life is in the tongue whoa thank God for His grace amen all right now what so everything you desire when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them and it's all one piece when you stand praying well brother Copeland I've been trying to forgive of the load for years you can't stand for four years this is talking about you do it while you're praying this prayer you do it in this prayer it's not a feeling thing it's not an idea good or bad it's an order if you're a Christian you have to do this this is our commandment is not right Macklin we were in the military you yeah you obeyed orders where you felt like it or not this is one of the thing I'm feeling it isn't absolutely the first thing you found out when you cut in in the service I mean day one you found out there were general orders that those general orders were for all people all time anybody in the military there were general orders that everybody had to keep and when you first gotten basic in the Army in basic training Marine Corp boot camp and maybe if you but you had to know those general orders and if anybody walked up and asked you one time and give you the number the thing you had you had to know it or a certain amount of push it up and we're in order and you keep doing that in KP was the next step and that's no fun so we have orders from the Lord Advocate General of the church amen and this is one of them forgive when you have ought against any that your heavenly Father forgive you your trespasses so faith will not work in an unforgiving heart now then the basic fundamental number one was believe it in your heart and say it with your mouth we read of course mark 11:23 we read 2nd Corinthians 4:13 as is written we have believed therefore we have spoken Romans 10:10 for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness with the mouth confession is made unto salvation and then Luke chapter 6 let's read that one again please because this gets more into the the general area and and lets us see that this is not just for certain special people this is not just for preachers or it's not just for Christians Luke 6 forty-three for a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit neither does a corrupt tree bringeth forth good true fruit for every tree is known by his own fruit so you're going to be known by the words that come out of your mouth it's the most dangerous ones are the words you never hear there are such a habit they come out of your mouth all the time and you don't even know you say here is Nona I didn't realize how many times a day I used some form of death or fear but it was all the time scared like I said well ago my feet are just killing me really now first place that's a lie they're not killing you maybe alphabet but brother Copeland I didn't mean it that's just slang slang is idle we talked about that last night and Duff see it again here amen they're dangerous words in other words verse 45 a good man out of the good treasure this heart of what the the deposit the things he put in there bring it forth that which is good and an evil or fearful or natural man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringing forth that which is evil so what what what is in there is going to come out whatever seed you put in the ground is what you're going to get you can't plant watermelon seeds and get cantaloupes not going to happen four of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks whatever is in there in abundance is coming out now let me tell you where this is so vitally important first words first words say it first what comes out of your mouth when you're under pressure when you're not even thinking it just fires out your mouth because of some drastic emergency situation what you've been putting in there that's what's going to come out your mouth Mac you remember that terrible thing on the island of tenerife in in the Canaries two 747s crashed on the runway both of them had just refueled it is the worst aviation accident in the history of airplanes both of them full of people heavy fog and I won't go into all the details but it was just it was just a mess going somewhere to happen and that the one of the taxiways was out of service so that this one seven four the 747 down here on the end of the runway waiting for clearance for takeoff and you had to taxi down the taxiway turn out get on the runway for a few minutes or a few seconds and then turn on another taxiway go out and around and line up behind that one on the end of the runway that that's the way it should it worked this guy is sitting on they're coming this way this Pan Am 747 comes up taxis out and comes out to get on the active runway to taxi down the little ways and then get off of it at the next exit all of a sudden the KLM guy just decides it's time to take off and here he comes he can't see that guy because of the fog and he sees him oh and it's it's too early he's there a plane won't fly but of course he just does this anyway on the cockpit voice recorder the KLM captain shouted GD we're all gonna die first words and they nearly all did now there are some blinkers on there I read the book of one man and that's just phenomenal instead of shouting that he'd been he'd been reading the word and when it when he's set on any airplane and all the boat that man at the nose gear of the KLM airplane cut that pen airplane in half and and the the fuel tanks then burst and just poured jet a off just filled the airplanes just a ball of fire just people are just burning up well he's sitting and instead of shouting you know cussing and saying we're gonna die that I'm talk about this this man in the in passenger he says Jesus and he gets in this bubble now those of you that have ever been in a 747 you know how high that ceiling and you remember the the passenger seat has got a ladder rung on it for a stewardess to put her foot in she can't even reach the overhead compartment without you know having something step up on it's at high what is a hole in the ceiling of this thing and he says Jesus and when he got to saying Jesus that time he was waist high sticking out that old he said Jesus and this time he climbed out that hole ran jumped over the wing first words the abundance of you haunt you mouth of speak first words say it again first words we can't hold this is years ago and this is back in the days when we were on the road for weeks at a time and and oh we got when I and back in those days I'm still that way I'll tell you I love being home I'm a home guy and I want to go home and can't it kind of take a little side issue here and I think you'll enjoy this we were in a glory an hour in Basel Switzerland and we were the last night of the meeting and we were tired and we got in the car we're in the backseat and and our our driver of course he's a driver seating and my sleeper our security guy was in the right seat of course it very quiet and that car is as it should be in has it had been a service that they've driven just as we walked well I guess five or six minutes before we left the hotel I don't even know why I flipped that TV on there wasn't anything on there in English anyway and it's all fallen then in German or French and I was waiting on Gloria she wasn't quite ready yet and I don't know I'll just turn it on it was in English and it was EP yeah and he just as I turned it on and Gloria walked in the room he said we got in that car and it's very quiet I looked over there Gloria she said GC Co what is a matter with you doctor around I said Casey go home first words Amen vitally important what you put in you now here's another thing your spirit be whatever you put in there it will grow it words of fear you put fear in there and it'll grow it'll grow our spirit man our heart our spirit being is compared to ground jesus said the sower so is the word these are the is sown on stony ground then good ground thorny ground amen so maybe you better take a soil sample well you better put what you've been putting in that soil cause whatever it is it's growing in there and the more of it you put in there the more of it comes out your mouth the more comes out your mouth the more it gets in there the more it gets into the mold comes out you know now this is the way you renew your mind Jesus said talking about worry why take ye thought saying it's not your thought yet until you say it you think something you can say I cast that imagination down and I bring that into captivity and I'll bring it I capture it according to the anointing of Jesus without saying it and that thought will die stillborn but you say it now you've taken it you know you can deal with pain like that cause pains in the area of thought I do not take the pain say it don't say it don't say it oh you didn't took it anyway to change and renew your mind you go to the world you've been getting up every morning saying I am so tired and I'm sick and I'm sick and tired of being tired well you need to change that you need to renew your mind to the fact you are not the sick trying to get healed you are the healed and Satan's taking your health away from you because you're sure you're joining in with you know what you've been saying so how do you renew your mind of the fact even if you have pain in your body even if you have symptoms of some kind of signature you're not you are not be sick not if you're born again you're not you are the healed you are a world overcomer now whether you overcome it or not that's a different story but the the I'll tell you what the fifth chapter first John says that we are world if you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior you're a world overcomer and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith so let's just take that for instance you take that thought in 1st John chapter 5 I am a world overcome take that you take that thought and that is a Bible thought that is a thought out of the heart and the mind of God take it and say it take it and see it even if you don't feel like it take it and see it you may be just drag I am an overcomer I'll tell ya I'm go over coming here put it before your eyes don't just start saying it keep it before your eyes keep it in front of your eyes keep it in front of your eyes keep it there keep it there I am the heel because it said by His stripes I was here you take that thought and say it take that thought and say it take that thought and say it take that thought and say it how many times I don't care thousands hundreds of thousands maybe you you won't be talking all the time anyway take that thought and say it take that thought and say it take that thought and say it and you'll notice it start coming out of your mouth without you having to take the thought that's when you know your mind is beginning to be renewed and before long you will have on world overcoming consciousness a righteousness consciousness instead of a failure consciousness we've been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus now that's really hard on religious ears years ago I recorded a song called I've been made the righteousness I'm the righteousness of God in Christ and the Christian discharges a bunch ever wouldn't play it heresy heresy 2nd Corinthians 5:21 you knew no sin was made to be sin we might be made the righteousness of God in him and that's where that song came from but those disc jockeys didn't know it now they're not you know they didn't know any better now I'm endeavoring to impress it on all of us tonight how important it is that what goes in these ears and what goes in these eyes because what goes in these ears and in these eyes comes out this mouth and when it comes out this mouth it makes the track again it comes out your mouth and go back in your ears it goes in your ears and you keep doing this and it'll get down in your spirit it'll go in your mind first but then it'll get done in your spirit did you ever notice that you can be listening to a song on the radio and be doing something else and not paying any attention to it but your foot will be tapping to the music and you're not even consciously listening to it you may be doing something else with your hands and and all the time your thoughts ago that my dear one is the reason why I'm music is so dangerous in one pay one way and so absolutely supernatural in another if I'm sitting there listening I'm no longer a slave to whew and ha and maybe just playing over here and I'm not really paying anything but I'm busy doing what I'm doing whoa fear is taking a whipping because it's feeding down on the inside or you listen to some idiotic song like God gonna get you for that I'll tell you now now see that's one of them bad as that thing is I've remembered it all these years God's gonna get you for that if he was gonna get you we'd already be gone you understand God is not out to get you I don't know what gitche is anyway you whatever it is it ain't good yeah all right now then the second of the fundamentals of faith act on your faith act on the word let's go to James chapter 1 we looked at this last night but I want to touch it again did anybody go home last night and measure your nose now and I'm the you know the people that weren't here is it chapter 1 verse 22 be doers of the word not hearers only deceiving your own self if any be a hearer of the word and not a doer he's like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass for he beholdeth himself and goeth his way straightway forgets what manner of man he was how many looked in the mirror at least once today okay I'll ask you again how long is your nose no it is your nose you're not that long you know why you don't know you didn't measure you didn't look in the mirror having already made a decision to find out how long your nose is that's what this is referring to as many times all your life you've looked in the mirror you still don't know how long he knows is or 1/2 why the eyes are you stop the measure all of that if you ever do you will never forget and you'll be ready the next time I asked me well better köppen how long is yours 2 inches I just case you brave but Q can you see this without a decision to act on what you're reading whatever I see here I'm gonna put this in action Gloria and I made a decision one night and brother hit one of brother Hagins meetings whatever we see in the Word of God we will incorporate it into our lives we will not alter the word to fit our lifestyle we will alter our lifestyle to fit whatever the Word of God is saying amen and with His grace we can do it because we are what the word says we are and we have what we with the word says we have and we can do whatever the word says we can do glory to God say Amen if he came now then but look what look what James calls the written word whoso looketh into the perfect law of Liberty you'll know the truth jesus said and it'll make you free glory to God this is the man that has made up his heart and mind to act on whatever God's Word says now when you come to that point you have moved over into the arena of faith amen I believe this in my heart I'll say it with my and now I'm gonna act like it's true praise God I'm gonna act healed whether I feel healed or not I told you about that little girl last night in the invalid room oh my I'm just I'm still just sear and Billy Roberts had preached what it moves something do what you couldn't do and do it in faith and she couldn't she was completely paralyzed couldn't move anything but her eyes she just started rolling her eyes this is I mean just rolling them just I'm standing brother Roberts 11 she's rolling those eyes and it wasn't on me just that long she said mama mama untie me get me loose I'm healed I'm here she said oh baby she said mama big on me you'll get me out of here they had her strapped to that border fit of fashion to which and they undid those straps and I want you to know that little old girl just shot off that bull tow went away she went her mama screamed and took off after I ran and it was just glorious hallelujah what's she doing she's acting she's acting she's acting like it's true she's acting like she's healed acting on the word now no one should notice in the second chapter of James 14th verse what are their profit my brethren though a man say he hath faith and had not works can faith save him now to clear this matter up when we see the word works let's say corresponding action if a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food and one of you say unto them depart in peace be he warmed and filled notwithstanding you give them not those things which are needful to the body what does it profit or in other words you said good words but there were no corresponding action even so faith if it hath not corresponding action is dead being alone I was glory and I had prayed and believed for our first little airplane a little single-engine Cessna and well you know I didn't have money to buy that airplane and we were believing him and we were so in and some good things were happening but I did have money enough to go buy a flight case and Mac ordered my charts you know you could order your your instrument charts and so forth and I ordered my charts and I had the case I didn't have the airplane I had missed my chart and admah case I was acting on it see and I said this one time I said in corresponding action I bought my charts and this woman wrote me and said why did you need some shorts not shorts charts oh Lord I don't know what got on me tonight I I guess it's cause I'm in this happy place so the action corresponding now that's what that young girl did man she put action to what you believe now then yes y'all do that you know pretty good I wasn't expecting to but I will go to the fourth chapter of the book of Job John chapter 4 and let's look when them the 46th verse so Jesus came again into Cana of Galilee where he made the water wine now you remember when he made the water wine that was the first miracle that Jesus did amen we understand that right so now he he had come back to Cana there was a certain nobleman whose son was sick at Capernaum when he heard that Jesus was coming into Galilee he went with him he went unto Him and besought him that he would come down and heal his son for he was at the point of death Jesus without saying anything else to the man the man besought him we know that we don't know what he said but we know that he did say he besought him to be told him his son was sick told him where he was and asked him to come down and he and Jesus said except you see signs and wonders you will not believe well where are they Kanan what do you think the talk of the town is in Cana some guy I was there I tell you I saw it I put thirty gallons of water in that pot I'm the one that put it in the pot and I'm the one who went and poured out to the boss and it cut out one I know I saw it and the boss bragged on it and said it was the best line of the night I was - yeah so it I don't believe there you be whatever you want cause I poured the pot I feel the pond out for the party me and Billy Bob Joe boy were you what we did this we were there we saw it and you got other people talking who you should have been there I tell you what Allah you know who knows what it turned into by the time it got all over k9 ever all over the neighborhoods and everywhere else I'm them and it's so this can you imagine what this nobleman is thinking boy man would I love to see something like that if I could see something like well I know I believe in miracles about a whoa Jesus read his heart well the man took his correction immediately no no what the nobleman saith unto Him sir come down ere my child died and Jesus said unto him go thy way thy son liveth now look and the man believed the word that Jesus had spoken unto him and went his way what did he do he acted like it was true he believed it he immediately turned around and headed home hallelujah it had over yet as he was now going down his servants met him and told him saying thy son liveth then inquired he of them the hour when he began to him in and they said to him yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him so the father knew that it was at the same hour in the which Jesus said unto Him thy son liveth and himself believed and his whole house this this is again the second miracle that Jesus did when he was come out of Judea into Galilee and it was a healing ministry and a miracle and it was not instant I was thinking about this just a few days ago oh yeah seventh hour he had a fever and it's the seventh hour it's one o'clock in the afternoon now had Jesus gone down there with him the boy would have died before they got there it had to happen immediately while they were standing there talking it didn't happen as the man was going it happened when Jesus said it and he believed it that's what it says it happened when Jesus said it he believed it it happened in in Capernaum and he headed straight home and I was visiting with Pastor but before the services my brother Mac and I told him what I had in my in my spirit and in my thinking about this thing it's it's a it's one o'clock in the afternoon how did they know that that was the moment that he began to him in well of course they're around him there and it said he has a fever well obviously the fever broke now I can't prove this you can't prove it didn't I believe the boy got hungry I believe the minute jesus said that nutballs eyes opened said oh man I'm hungry for the clock in the afternoon he's about to die he's on his deathbed he hadn't been eating he said I'm hungry and when he said that somebody put their hand on his head well he gonna make it he's through the crisis they're all jumping up and down screaming always the mouse was here oh I wish the boss was here and here the boss come in the next day amen not there would do you good amen hallelujah what'd he do he acted just like it so and you know the devil told him no telling how many times on the way home ah that miracle stuff nah you can't just say it you got to do something you can't just say it I mean you got to turn water into wine you you can't just say something in it work and all the time you said that's that no that's not true no I don't believe this I looked in that man's eyes I heard what he said and I hey I heard about that water and wine if he can do that my boys well I know good well he's here I know good well he's here now and he got there and soon every world come on somebody how a little kid Oh glory glory glory glory glory now in closing let's go to mark chapter five one of my favorite people the woman that was healed of the issue blood fifth chapter of mark and we'll watch all of these faith fundamentals in action verse 26 or 25 a certain woman which had an issue of blood twelve years had suffered many things of many physicians spent all she had and was nothing bettered but rather grew worse when she had heard of Jesus came in the press behind touched His garment for she said if I may touch but his clothes I shall behold and straightway immediately the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague she believes she said she did it dried up and dead she felt it not the other way around Jesus immediately knowing in himself that virtue or de na missed our had gone out of him turned him about in the press and said who touched my clothes his disciples said unto Him thou seest the multitude thronging be and say us now who touched me and he looked round about to see her that had done this thing but the woman fearing and trembling knowing what was done in her came and fell down before him and told him all the truth and he said unto her daughter thy faith hath made thee whole go in peace and be whole of thy plague now we know it was the power that flowed out of him we know it was the anointing that you know what the tenth chapter of the book of Acts said how God anointed Jesus Christ of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and power same word translated power there's translated virtue here I don't know why they did that but anyway it's there same word Dunamis well what did he do anointed with the Holy Ghost and power who went about doing good healing he went about doing good healing he went about doing good healing how awesome thing just clicked Oh somebody's had an ulcer on the back of your neck a sore it's gone I'm telling you praise God it's healed thank you Lord Jesus stomach tumors are being healed right then glory to God thank you Lord Jesus I'm telling you all forms of tumor all forms of of of malignant flesh all forms of it praise God are being healed right now throat cancers being healed cancer inside the sinus area small one but but it's gone it's healed glory to God I'm telling it will rejoice somebody Jesus of Nazareth Jesus of Nazareth Jesus of Nazareth Jesus of Nazareth is here glory to God but he said thank you Jesus in the the stomach area and in the lower abdomen and in the digestion that just attract colon area polyps in the colon of Earth are just disappearing right now just disappearing just going away rectal sores are just going away skin rash is just going away soreness and and prickly feeling underneath the fingernails it's just disappearing right now glory to God sore knuckles cruel glory to God oh thank you Jesus thank you for over to go thank you Jesus thank you praise Shiva Jesus said your faith made you why didn't he say my anointing made you why didn't he say that that's what did it well there was a lot of other people there touched him he this is anointed when they touched him is when she touched him they didn't get anything amen and another very interesting fact he was going home with Jairus he wasn't going out there to heal somebody he didn't even know that woman was there but why was he headed to ji Rochelle because of Jay iris is faith faith said faith coming out of jir said come lay your hands on my daughter and she'll live so Jesus didn't say anything he just went home with him all of a sudden the woman stopped him so it was not the Spirit of God that sent him to Jairus his house it was Jay iris it was not the Spirit of God that stopped him in the street it was the woman I'm telling you Jesus is available he's available to you right now he is available he is available the glory is here and he is available he is available for your throat he is available for whatever zuv matter with your counsel he's available for your tongue whatever sure is on your tongue whatever kind of ulcers on your tongue is available hallelujah hallelujah whoa Florida God hallelujah she heard what did she hear well said she heard of Jesus we know what she heard was the word because faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God that's the only way it comes when Jesus said go your way your son liveth faith came they came he believed the word that Jesus said and immediate and he didn't even say goodbye he just headed home she heard she heard the word now she could have heard that word and faith come and sit right there in that house and dad could have set there bled to death believing if she could touch His garment he/she be corresponding action she got her little emaciated shelf what if she said I could go out there look at me I'm bleeding now I'm skinning balls hi and besides that with this issue of blood they could stone me for this and there's Jay iris he's leader of the synagogue I know him Hey yes authority to get me killed I don't care I'm going anyway maybe I can just sneak out there and touch his clothes and sneak out that's what she planned on doing but it was too powerful faith pull that power out of him he knew it went whoa Oh one woman brother Hagin laid hands on she was on the deathbed of cancer and her husband had to carry her in there and brother Hagin laid hands on her and she said that's it glory to God I got it and he carried her out but they came back some days later totally completely healed of cancer fourth state her testimony was this when they got home they got up the next morning sitting there at the table he had to go pick her up and carry her to the breakfast table she didn't wanna stay in the bed she wanted to go to and she's sitting there laughing he said what are you laughing about she said I'm laughing at the devil she said he thinks I've got cancer but I don't glory to God she said I was here last night and brother Hagin put his hands on me I had my I'm healed couldn't even pick herself couldn't stand on her own two feet still in pain hurting all over and laughing unless she said you think I've got cancer I don't know you think I'm sick but I'm not I'm healed within three days time every symptom ago but you see that see what she did she took that thing she didn't say hello glory or hope this is it no no he's that's it I got it hallelujah now something else we know and I can close it with this since faith will not work in an unforgiving heart since faith worketh by love we know she forgave every one of those doctors oh that could have been a real issue look what those guys have done to me look what has happened to me because of them now she forgave them all hell it wouldn't have worked did you get anything tonight Oh Lomax stand up get on your feet low backs are being healed low backs are being healed someone has a bruised tailbone that's being healed right now and this is not just in the room this is online this is this is wherever and however your hearing is seeing it in the name of Jesus you're healed there is a risk that's been yeah say that to me again look someone broke their wrist and it didn't grow back right and that's been painful all this time that it is a beginning to a men right now and within the next three and a half to four days that pain will be down to almost nothing and by the end of next week it'll be gone glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God all kinds of eye irritation is being healed just removed right now ear problems draining ears infection in the ears are being removed right now in the name of Jesus there is someone in here that is a student of Spanish and you've been struggling with the language but it's going to come so easy from the night on it's gonna come so supernaturally that you're gonna begin to praise God in Spanish and there's going to be words come out of you you know where you've got them God and he'll scroll floor area blow videos who is that who's to study in Spanish say this escuchame port of a border yo hablo in espanol Joe Prendick Oh pray pray decode in Hispaniola in espanol Solomon you just said listen to me I speak Spanish and I preach Spanish as I'm sitting here to predict oh la palabra the deals in Spanish all men speak the word of a preach the Word of God in Spanish alone joke rail Joe recibo joke rail Joe receive oh I believe I receive oh man thank you Jesus it's gonna come so easy oh man you just gonna be walking around and start praising God amen thank you Jesus thank you Lord come on come on give him praise and thanking all kinds of neck problems a big heal right now glory to God ah ha honey me what I've done in this you gotta burp ah ha ha cancer a lung lung cancer Oh devil on the internet I cursed lung cancer I curse it in the name of Jesus I curse the spirit of life in lung cancer you fall and you come out of that body you fall and you come out of there you fall to the ground you fall to the ground and you get out of this room in the name of Jesus glory be to God glory be to God all kinds of knee problems are being healed all kinds of knee distress is being healed right now all kinds of ankle problems swelling swelling in the joints swelling in the legs swelling in the ankles in the name of Jesus being healed right now glory be to God say I believe I receive it I take it it's mine Jesus bought it paid for it it's my peeling belongs to me good health belongs to me financial prosperity belongs to me [Applause] I am the heel I am the strong I am the prosperous and I'm rejoicing because of it I believe I received I believe I received my healing from the top of my head to the soul to my feet I receive healing in my ears I receive healing in my eyes I receive healing in my nose I receive healing in my sinuses I receive healing in my mouth I receive healing in my tongue I receive healing in my throat the stream in the back of your throat is now healed in the name of you thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus I receive healing in my neck I receive healing in the bones of my neck I receive healing from the top of my spine to my tailbone every vertebrae every disk every nerve is healed and restored I receive healing in my shoulders I receive healing in my arms I receive healing in my elbows my fingers my joints my knuckles I am healed and well arthritis you have no right in my body you're a trespasser my body is a living sacrifice under the Lord my god I receive my healing I receive healing in my lungs I receive healing in my vital organs all of my whole upper torso is healed I'm healed I say I'm healed all kinds of lung diseases are healed right now asthma be thou removed bronchitis be thou removed Oh glory to God I receive healing in my kidneys all my kidneys are well and heal there well and he'll in the name of Jesus my kidneys are off-limits to cancer oh praise God thank you Lord Jesus I receive healing in my hips Oh [Laughter] glory to God somebody just got a hip replacement whoa whoa Rinnegan the Great Physician is practicing in here tonight hallelu Oh the great surgeon amen hallelujah I receive I receive healing in my thighs I receive healing in my knees I receive healing in the lower part of my legs and my ankles in my feet in my toes the bottom of my feet don't hurt anymore I'm here I'm here thank God I'm well I prayed God heard I believe I receive I praise you and thank you I praise you and thank you that I'm dance free I am debt free I am dead free oh no man anything but to love him [Applause] I'm free tonight thank you Jesus I praise you Lord Jesus I'm full of divine strength divine energy flowing from heaven from the Holy Spirit into my spirit my spirit into my body he is renewing my strength like the eagle and praise God he raises me up so that I can run and not be weary walking not fate for I'm a believer I'm not a doubter I go from strength to strength he is my strength what shall I care about what men do to me I have no fear of principalities powers rulers of the darkness or any wicked spirit no I'm a child of the light I've been born of the life I walk in the light as he is in the light I have on the armor of light [Applause] I'm not a child of the dark I'm a child of the light he is like the entrance of his word has brought light to me I'm filled with light energy I'm strong in the Lord and in the power of his might by faith and His grace I now do exploits in his name therefore in obedience to his word I go [Applause] come on give him praise and honor his name praise God I said praise God praise God thank you Lord Jesus well thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus for God is good and His mercy endures forever God is good and His mercy endures forever God is good and His mercy endures forever no no say it three times like you mean it God is good and His mercy endures forever God is good and His mercy endures forever God is good and His mercy endures forever hallelujah glory to God glory to God thank you Jesus thank you lord thank you lord amen amen don't be concerned at this time about the direction that the nation is taking for you see you are in transition you are transitioning from a splintered sick and dying nation swarmed and shoot by political ideas and godlessness you are transitioning to one nation under God indivisible don't pay so much attention to the news media they don't know much and all they know is what's already happened for my angels are it work thank you lord the prayers of my people have been heard on high Sith Lord this United States is the only nation on this planet formed by people expressly because they loved and wanted to worship me sayeth the Lord I created the nation of Israel because I loved them but the United States was created because you love me and I will say Jesus never ever forget it I'm not bringing judgment and destruction upon this nation it has already happened and the healing of that judgment the healing has already begun and for the most part the healing and deliverance from that judgment has just now been resolved saith the spirit of grace because you have no idea how much prayer is going on in the White House you have no idea how much prayer is going on around this president at his request you don't know but understand this I put him in there and I'll take care of him in there [Music] he has a lot of rough edges but so do you and my grace is being poured out on him and on his family and I am asking you saith the Lord I am asking you I'm telling you don't make your word stout against me or against him that's right this is not a time to be critical it's a time to pray it's a time to stand in the gap it's a time to know and understand that I'm not about to let this nation's fall I'm not about to let it fail its greatest hour is yet to come and it's very soon to manifest [Music] this nation is in the midst of being born again [Applause] now about this church oh my I hear many different languages from all over the world being spoken in this church people coming from far and live because of miracles that have been happening here and the outpouring that began it began in one of brother Hagins meeting the glory fell and his power fell so strong on pastor mag that he's supernaturally he's super nice saw it I saw it with my own eyes this is me talking I saw it but I just heard the Spirit of God saying it began that night he was picked up from where he stood God picked him up and stood him on top of the pulpit and then stood him over on the other side of it no way could have physically done that it began then for I have picked this place up [Applause] and I'm thrusting you into the place of your calling you have entered come up here Lin I quit come in come come you are entering and have entered into the next phase of your ministries and this one will not be as difficult to transition as one before have been oh it'll come so easy you'll just begin to preach things you didn't even know you knew and the flow oh the flow and things that you've prayed in the spirit over and over and over are now beginning to come to pass and Mack you'll step on over into the ministry of the Prophet and it will flow and you will say what has happened to me and tonight is the night of transition tonight is the night where you step on the next rung of the ladder closer and ever closer to the dreams that you dreamed all these many years and the miraculous in the healings in the finances yeah Mac don't turn loose of that airline don't turn loose that man it's so close it is so you can't imagine how close that may be now by the authority invested in me as a prophet of God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth i anoint you for the next step and in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth well Shh glory to God the nations the nations of the earth will feel this impact and in the next few days you will get calls confirming this from places around the world so be it done unto you according to the word of the Lord rest in him and see that he'll bring this to pass in the land of the living say that's a lot thank you Lord Jesus thank lrg thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus be blessed be blast the blast the blast be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed healing needs a receiver anybody open be blessed be healed be well be strong prosper hallelu I love you yeah we love you I love you don't know I love you hallelujah where y'all give the Lord a good shout or something [Applause]
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 4,190
Rating: 4.6666665 out of 5
Keywords: Living Word, Mac Hammond, Lynne Hammond, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, Minneapolis, Faith, Grace, Jim Hammond, Jamey Hammond, Vision, Word of Faith, Love, God's Love, You Are Blessed, Jesus, Healing, Church, Sermon, Online Church, Fundamentals of Faith, Kenneth Copeland
Id: C_Ri3wPujhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 54sec (6114 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 27 2018
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