Perfected Love Casts Out Fear

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[Music] hello everybody I'm Kenneth Copeland welcome to the believers voice of victory broadcast we if you will right now become very determined not to be disturbed I mean you focus you make a quality decision nothing is going to get in my way of hearing what's coming forth on this broadcast today and all this week if you make that decision I give you my word based on the Word of God your life will never ever never ever be the same again because you're going to find out how to go from where you are now to up on top of the mountain of victory looking down on the problems instead of being in there and the problems looking down on you it will change your entire concept of life father we thank you for this today we pray over this we open our ears to this we focus today on your word your life especially on your love and we thank you for it in Jesus name Amen join me in welcoming bill Winston this yeah yeah I am I'm so well I started to say excited but I've been excited for a long time but but I'm impressed I'm pressed to press to press toward the high mark we've we've we've been doing some things you not give us a long time but there's a higher place than this man and it is in faith in God but I'm so I'm so impressed to press into him and we've we've touched the supernatural we've we've been living in the supernatural we've been living at it because we know we're posed to be there but man it listen we sometimes I feel like a net on the toe of an elephant and I know there's some oval being perfect to press into that place and a walk in that environment with Jesus I'm learning to no longer see myself as the woman with the issue of blood blesser darlin Hartman I mean there's nothing wrong with identifying with her because you need to do what she did and get a hold of that to him and that garment and and receive your healing and anybody that'll do what she didn't receive it but we are supposed to be wearing the garment we're supposed to be walking in that place jesus said he that believes on me the works that I do shall he do also and greater works than these shall they do because I go to my father well he went so that puts this this is a concept that most Christian people really don't dare to think oh oh brother cope I could never see myself and well you'll never get there but God sees you that way and he sent us into the middle of that crowd not to get healed but to heals busy Lee hmm it's time we got busy at dad and there's no way to do it except faith in God and then no way to have faith in God without a revelation that he loves me and I love him get us in ho right we're going to start here at Matthew chapter 22 and verse 35 he said but when the Pharisees is heard that he'd put the Sadducees of silence they were gathered together then one of them which was a lawyer asked him a question tempting him this is a piece underlined the tempting him saying master which is the Great Commandment in the law when Jesus said to him thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soul with all thy mind and this is the first and Great Commandment and the second is like unto it thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself on these two Commandments hang all the law and the prophets on these two now you and I were talking about this earlier that it could be seen as somebody having a curtain rod mm-hmm and that curtain rod your hanging curtains on that rod and these curtains could be the promises of God they could be that the things that God has given to us as inheritance all these things here but somehow that rod a one inch slips and what happened to all the things that will on that rod Ruth there's not a ball there going and the rod is the rod of love faith hangs on faith worketh by love totally dependent on totally dependent on it and one sometimes people talk about faith and in saying about face so forth that's on but we've got to bring that love walk in there because that is the raw dead everything hangs on we've got to talk about this love somewhere and not only that developed the love know what the love is how the love works do you have love how do I deploy my love what does what change will my love making me or the love of God making me and what changes will it make in that environment why is it that love never fails what is it that causes love to be unselfish what why should I have this love what would advantage you phone and these things you got to ask yourself because we've got to answer some of that this week for people who are listening because I believe people are trying to stretch their faith get things make things happen but there's a piece here that is a main ingredient and it is a commandment it is a commandment well if it's a commandment it is not feeling based not based in emotion whether I feel like obey a knitter and yes whether I feel like I can't it's a commandment it ain't a suggestion you have been commanded to love and and and as we look at this in progress through this I just see that as I've been looking at it I sing that he said verily I say unto you what things whoever you desire when you pray believe you've received them and you shall have them and people have read that and trying to believe God for things and then it said but when you sing praying you got to forgive and it didn't say forgive like you if you feel like it it didn't say anything it didn't say work on it no it's it but do it ed said do it and this is the street which means I can that's exactly right I this is this is a basic biblical fundamental from Genesis to Revelation when God commands me to do something that authorized me to do it it ain't based on my education on the lack of it some people educated beyond the intellect but with so much natural education did that know what to do with but the moment that I receive it and I just simply say sir I'm yours to command yes sir the moment you do that that's when the power to do it the grease is it yes because he never told you to do anything he didn't plan to power empower you with himself to get it done that's why I think you're supposed to do anything in your own self that's why he says my commandments are not Grievous this is a powerful thing there's no grief in well cuz you ain't even supposed to do it you so I'm telling you I'm and only impressed to read this right now because without this without knowing this John chapter five without knowing this and knowing this and knowing this and knowing this and knowing this and knowing this and knowing this about Jesus you never gonna know nothing about self hmm jesus said in the nineteenth verse of the fifth chapter John verily verily I say unto you the son can do nothing of himself he didn't say he wouldn't do he said he couldn't look at the 30th third I can of mine own self do nothing yeah you mean what else you said you can do nothing without me to see exactly what he said yes but he that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do so you you you just have to you have to set out to know that I have to keep this up in front of my thinking that God loves me and he expects me to be like Jesus and Jesus said anything not corn in there no he said I only save what I hear my father saying I only do what I see him I can of myself do nothing now without that base to sit on you see I think one of the temptations it says this dis man this was a lawyer and he asked him a question tempting him and I don't think one of the temptations is to try to do it in your own strength isn't that well it would have that would have to be the goodness to try to do raise this money for the church in your own strength to try to send these brother Winston the Lord told me to build this church now what else am I gonna do brother I gotta grazed the money no he never told you to raise any money no he they never told you to sell chickens how many chickens have given their lives for the fraud that's why they call him gospel bird I guess but you think about man death the human effort to raise money to build a church then well some of the most terrible doctrines to ever come into the human mind such as purgatory yeah yeah totally completely unscriptural and now Mike my Catholic brother and sister now listen to me now I'm not I'm not criticizing you understand this I'm not but that's not in Scripture it's not there that you could pray that there's this holding tank somewhere between heaven and hell priests oh no no that there was pressure put on people to raise money to build the church in Rome and they were getting behind on some of the building and it was a con game well the people were not reading the Bible they didn't know for what it was in there they were told that it was in there well now think about that that was just to raise money building a church building when all the time they could have believed God he'd built that building and built one greater than that he built a tent that was better than a tent in a desert that the poles were gold where to go come from see religion not not talking about real Christianity but religion always puts it on what I can do that's the way it gets it's it's it's it's that's the way it starts rolling it's it's what I can do because religion hates faith it hates it does that sure does because it's all about what I can do is it mind when I first started preaching faith I was I was astonished see I didn't know any religion tl Osmond said I was born free so this is the first thing I ever heard word of faith that's the first message I got hold of and so and it I was amazed that Christian people didn't know the difference between speaking faith and ego yeah exactly I let it stand the percent I'll never be sick blah blah he think he is well they I wasn't speaking based on myself I'm speaking on the Word of God they didn't know the difference my goodness and that's what that because you're supposed to be doing it yourself I'm doing this for God look what it says here in Jeremiah just just outright on the back of what you've it is saying here look at Jeremiah chapter 17 and brother Koch my heard you break this this this particular fasten description at one time and it was just it was God thus saith the LORD cursed be the man that trusteth in man and makes flesh his arm whose heart departed from the Lord what is it about that so hard to understand you these curves in entrusting in man's own ability you still operating under the curse anybody I got a word get this building front I got it as a Christian those days are over the this this whole thing now has to do with what God does through me this he enables me to do this this he doesn't want any flesh to take any glory no sir oh my goodness so this is coming back to the temptation there that they're trying to tempt Jesus way okay tempting him now which is the great commandment in the law and the love that you're talking about is our God pay love and this is love that's unconditional this evident love covenant love come to life I said I love you yes and yep therefore yep and nothing you can do to stop me from love there you go I this will help somebody I had the Lord catch me up one day I was in I was in a meeting and I was in prayer he said John my son he said John thinks you think he's a bad boy I said what I don't think he's a bad boy he said yeah but he thinks that I said he said because you magnify his sin why was this a stunt he said I want you to go home and I want you to get with him so I when I got home I said John was last time I bought you a tank of gas boy and his teenage boy he said well it's been a while guys come on let's get in your truck I'm honest let go by you guys I said John I told him what the Lord said to him I said the word of the Lord came to me while I was on that being said that you think that I think you're a bad boy in his eyes field cleared up he said daddy I've done enough to make you think I'm a bad boy well I saw what had happened when I'd come home and have to correct him over something and on him you know on him about it and all that I'm magnifying this scene so the Lord taught me that I won't go into all the detail but he said it now I he and I both like knives and collect knives and stuff and I had this beautiful custom knife and made for him and brought him in I said son I want you to know something there's a covenant of blood between you and me I'm talking about covenant love me I said and it's the blood of Jesus and I talked to him about covenant and the blood I said John Copeland I don't care if you committed the most heinous crime in the history of criminology and they put you so far away but that that they that people can't even find you anymore I said let me tell you something I belong to you and you belong to me boy and I love you and that's the day I'm working on getting you delivered working on getting you out of you can't do nothing to break love between you huh goodness I believe and I have covenant to love you the way God covenant to love me and covenant to love you and I love you but that kind of love I have made a decision to love you all the days of our lives but see that's that covenant love isn't it that's that agape now is that what Paul was saying here in Romans chapter 8 when he said that nay and all these things were more than conquerors through him verse 37 verse 38 for I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God there's nothing you can do listen to me now there's nothing you can do to cause God not to lend you my lord now let me tell you something mother's know listen to me because I've heard mothers say this to their children now baby don't do that Jesus don't love you if you do that you better shut that up that's a lie from hell you develop that in your child and then you wonder how come they get a little older they begin to drift away Vince I'm sorry and we're out of time Wow hmm I have to minister that too yes indeed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ Laura to God thank you lord I break the power of the lies that there's anything in your life that's caused God not to love you that's a lie from hell and you reject it right now with me and you walk free and be delivered of that God loves you I don't care what you did God loves you let's start over again today because we got started yesterday and and it just kind of just kind of exploded that that's what this love subject does it it encompasses everything it is it is it is not what God has it is God yeah God God doesn't have love now let's just start here at Matthew chapter 22 again in verse 34 but when the Pharisees had heard he had put the Sadducees of silence they were gathered together a lot of them then one of them which was a lawyer asked him a question tempting him this is key now and saying master which is a Great Commandment in the law and Jesus said to him thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all their heart with all thy soul with all thy mind and this is the first and Great Commandment the second is likened to it thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself on these two Commandments hang all the law and the prophet so yesterday we kind of talked about having a a love for God and having the love of God for God to allow God to love us with covenant love with a conditional love because it's in our own minds we've been taught that we've got to live our own abilities well that's Babylon and once Babylon you come out of that and get into the kingdom know the kingdom is a new order of living by faith and so now we have to understand that this faith works by love Galatians 5:6 so in hang the law and prophets hang faith hangs on that law on that love look like a like said yesterday like a curtain on a roll absolutely it's totally dependent on that rod totally dependent on that rod so now let's look at two scriptures let's look at John first John chapter 13 over in John chapter 13 he says in verse 34 a new commandment I give unto you that you love one another as I have loved you that you also love one another by this shall all men know that you are my disciples when you have love one to another so we could take thin and should then take love the Lord thy God with all your heart all your soul all your mind and string that's correct then love your neighbor as yourself but then now this commandment I give that you love one another as I have loved you so that that's part that's part of that commandment yes love the Lord thy God love your neighbor as yourself but don't stop there it's and the word as the way it's written here in English that you love one another semicolon as I have loved you that semicolon stands for the word even-even gotcha so man that means hey something's happened in us we've got we've got the god-given Authority and power to love one another even as he loved us and he loved us when we didn't love him we we were running from him and God so loved the world then he gave his son to go after us hmm now in this this kind of love is agape love it's unconditional love so people need to get acquainted with that it's not the phileo love the brotherly love I love you up to a point I love you as far as I'm able to love you well why don't you love me with God's love because God's love can love me independent of what I'm doing how I'm actually for this one because this is a love that we're gonna need to penetrate some of the places he's gonna send us see we're gonna need a stronger love than we've got because that love that we've got can love somebody up to a certain point and you do that again I'm gonna dot you I you know that kind of thing but this love is is a unconditional love that it takes sometimes to penetrate that barrier that's trying to keep us out of the being able to witness effectively to people who are in the world to bring them back into the kingdom I just as you said that mm-hmm Jesus was moved with compassion yes sir and healed the sick God is love so compassion as a person that's exactly right moved with a person not a feeling mm see it is it comes from the commitment to this commandment doesn't it yes it does once I commit to this commandment I've made a covenant with God I'm on love you and I don't love you they don't make no difference what you do I love you for I met you I love you after I met you I love you when you spit on me and wait and I loved you when you bless me was with an offering I mean but but the commitment was first what I'm trying to get it and that commitment has to be first if you're gonna do what God told you to us see we owe so now look at John chapter 15 though they look at John chapter 15 and let's look at verse 25 because this is kind of an interesting verse here he says this but this cometh to pass that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law they hated me without a cause now they hated him without a cause no no he's saying now in John chapter 17 now look at 17-17 in verse 14 he says now I have given them my word and the world has hated them because they are not of the world even as I am NOT of the world I pray not that you take them out of the world but that you should keep them from the evil they are not of the world even as I am NOT of the world sanctify them now through that truth thy Word is truth now as you've sent me to the world so if I also sent them into the world so he's not saying for us to come out of there he's saying for us to go in there now as we go in there he is saying that he's gonna be the keeper of us and in week when we go in that world we've got to love people and understand that wait a minute if I know that you are not the one that can hold back my promotion if God wants to promote me then what's to keep me from loving you I mean what why get mad I just got rid of the fear come on you just got rid of the fear exactly oh yeah maybe I'll not mention anything about my church or anything because you know I might offend well now wait a minute I just offended God tell you I I'm supposed to be I'm here for a purpose yes indeed now perfected Louisville cast out the fear when you just you followed that track right there there was a moment I literally sensed it as you said it there was a moment the fear was gone goodness that is liberating yes that is absolutely liberating she they hated him and they may hate you it's not what you do this is how you are how you made the one you represent as so forth this world is is is it's filled I mean there's demonic influences all around this thing they may not love you you didn't do anything to them they just don't like you but they can't stop you and if they can't stop you what's to keep you from loving now what's the big deal they they're not the Bible says for us in proverbs chapter and Psalm chapter 75 promotion for us does not come from no come from above come from abolish it now God is putting you in that world and he's going to increase your influence yeah you didn't how to promote everybody got promoted over you everybody got promoted over you your quality of life is not based on that promotion because you're seeking first the kingdom there any brother couple you mean I could have as big a house as a supervisor you make the supervisor so jealousy before maybe a fire that's what happened thank you yeah sighs exodia sure didn't well what was going on in that bill God sent him in there yes he did don't exactly sowed and famine and reaped a hundredfold he dug wells that and got water he sure did now what was happening here God was breaking that famine it's with him with him now they thought the famine was over because the wells are flowing the tread trees are blooming and all that if he left and they got so mad at him because his estate got bigger than the king that is exactly the king wasn't giving him anything the Bible said they wanted him out of the country they ran him off and the fruit trees died and the wells dried up but now that is a picture of the believer going into the we've got things we got to get this that his love for me is a a it's stunning it's astounding but is love for you is the same as it is for me and I got to come to you and hey yes sir you love me when you know me that's exactly what I gotta keep loving you to get you through a nun you do to hurt me you kill me you get me out of this mess I have no fear of death this is powerful see people trying to do things in faith without love you can you're not supposed to do that these these run together and and so now let's look at Matthew chapter 13 again the power of love I'm thinking there's not much in there a couple of sermons you know to me I've been on this thing for almost thirty lessons you know what I'm saying of what what I'm saying is it's more down under there I would just have to get off you're not gonna make them mad so Lord about it but but no no what's this this is Matthew's Gospel and chapter thirteen now look at the analogy of this as we were talking about just now verse 31 another parable put he forth to them saying the kingdom of heaven is likened to a grain of mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field which indeed is the least of all seeds but when it is grown it's the greatest among herbs and becometh a tree so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof those cities he is talking here about a believer being planted into the world true enough we're talking about a seed well we are the seed yeah that's my Baberaham glory to God and God is planning us like his seed and he plants us deliberately among the ungodly this is delivered this is not by accident he took Joseph and delivered him from his brothers to Egypt well because there was an anointing there that would trigger the blessing inside a hail this now you follow what I'm saying to bring forth the most power for the economy in the world so here he was and he is saying now you're gonna be the least of all seats in other words when you first get there you gonna be obscure nobody knew me when I got Chicago nobody did some ministry nobody cared and you know so forth I had the first storefront Church down the roughest area in Chicago and lekha Pulaski and start nobody cared but today I'm being invited at the table of everything seemingly that's significant they go today our shopping malls gave four to five hundred jobs and prior employed people so today now I'm just saying if you go in there like he tells you and stay in love then that faith will work and raise you up that when your beginning was small your Lateran shall greatly increase so in here you will become the greatest influence in that world and that's what God is looking to put you that's what he put you in there I'm quoting you I heard you saying and a Sunday morning message your preacher it's your place you said teaching on this on the same thing yeah you said if I can just get one of you if I can just get one member of this church to come on up here with me and get up on top this mountain that would whisper whisper to be here which is what you were just tired of saluting or you your you're an insignificant seed when you get put in there but but it begins to grow and grow and grow and grow and grow and grow and grow you get up on top of that mountain therefore that the reason why God called you in that place start with you you said if I can get just yes one it's gonna affect thousands maybe millions of people yeah millions of people will be affected by one person who's on the mountain 212 song now here is a man praise ye the Lord blessed the blessing of the Lord it maketh rich in the adds no sorrow care proverbs 10:22 no blessed is the man that feareth or has high honor and extreme reverence to God that delights greatly in his Commandments his seed shall be mighty upon earth this is what does that the generation of the upright shall be blessed this man blessed our whole generation wealth and riches shall be in his house and his righteousness endures forever here's a men that said God tells me something to do I did light in following through on your commands because when I do food the blessing of the Lord whose roads around me and it goes to affecting everybody everybody now now here's a man that he had a house and his full of wealth and riches and his righteousness is in the tact so he's not the world wealthy he is the God blessed wealthy and the thing that got him there was command me give me another commandment tell somewhere to go you got some nasty place that needs to be blessed send me there send me all at worst place over they'll meet and then something that should make a key possibly is it I can't be blessed into till I got something from you okay I gotta have a commandment I gotta have I gotta be commanded here I'm sure I'm nothing to you looking for something give me something yes sir I'm here sir I'm yours to command now come on this isn't it love it gotta get in that place and I'm a carrier I'm infected with it I'll go pass this around but this is what you said in John chapter 14 over in John chapter 14 this is just what you're talking about right here verse 21 yes if he that has my Commandments am i right about that sir and keepeth them it's he that loveth me and he that loves me shall be loved of my father and I will love him and I'll manifest myself to him he didn't send in about crying all night long he didn't say about God but in relationship this you did cause you put something that's exactly and they can't hurt me if they give goodness this is powerful I'm telling the fears go is that fear is good and you got to get rid of that fear oh yeah the fear fears only reason you hadn't got it now he that fears and you're not made perfect in love don't we know what that's what he says that let's look at that can we look at that dude for first time we got well just read the scripture and then we'll we'll come back to it at the next session he says tomorrow he says that down at first John chapter 4 and verse 16 mm-hmm no he says and we have known and believed the love that God has to us god is love and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God and God in him herein is I love me perfect that we may be have boldness in the day of judgment because as he is so are we in this world there is no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear because fear has torment he that feareth is not made perfect in love now if you got any fear in your life in this fears bothering you just stand up right now and say Lord I've found a problem here I'm not practicing the love of God when we love want to know you go back up a couple of verses there we love one another love perfected then yes I'm practice makes perfect I need to be loving I need to be doing this all the time every day day in day out all the time it grows and gets bigger the bigger the love the bigger the same God amen hey weird things are happening right now sir I think people are getting healed I can sit sit in the spirit people just people that just realize glory to God III need to be forgiving I need to be practicing this and the moment you make that decision sickness just scissor oh I can't stay here anymore I'm gone because the master loved himself the healer himself is in that house get us back in we're going back yeah yesterday was most amazing it is powerful really cool but this is I've never seen it fail and all the years I've been in this ministry that when you major in the love of God and you give him space and you give him opportunities he will manifest yes he will what we read John 14 and and that's his word he said I will manifest that's his word and the five translation says I will make myself clearly known and seen boy that'll work alright let's look at this now and and see again as we spread out here and talking about love and how this love seems to be FB operating in every aspect of our lives let's read again starting at Matthew chapter 22 and verse 34 and when the Pharisees heard he puts the Sadducees to silence they were gathered together and one of them which was a lawyer asked him a question tempting him again I asked an unlined that tempting him saying master which is the Great Commandment in the law and jesus said to him thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soul with all thy mind and this is the first and Great Commandment the second is like unto it thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself all these two Commandments hang all the law the prophets and I think one of the things that people do when they see the word neighbor they look at it in terms of context of of how we speak locally maybe in the Western culture that your neighbors a person next door but not necessarily and when you're talking about spiritual things see your neighbor maybe in Uganda your neighbor maybe what here's a man on the Samaritan Road good so just thinking about that yeah explain exactly so it's somebody who's fallen somebody who's who's laboring under the curse somebody who is being oppressed somebody murder that needs to be loved there needs to be loved that's it they need a ministering to yeah it needs to be up they need the power God they need to be blessed the bottom line is they need the love of God shadow no no let's look at that because that's in Luke chapter 10 and in Luke chapter 10 he's talking about this neighbor and he says here in Luke chapter 10 about this man and he was he was traveling and he said here in verse 30 there was a the and a certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among thieves which stripped him of his raiment and wounded him and departed leaving him half dead and by chance that came down a certain priest that that way and when he saw him he passed by on the other side and likewise a Levite and when he was at the place he came and looked on him and then passed on the other side but a certain Samaritan as he journeyed came where he was just number one and when he saw him he had compassion on him and went to him he bound up his wounds pouring in oil and wine three and four and set him on his own beast and brought him to an inn what's this and took care of him and on the morrow when he departed he took out two pence and gave it to the host and said unto him take care of him now and whatsoever thou spendest more when I come again I'll repay you and then jesus said now which of these three thinketh thou was neighbour to him that fell among thieves now this is a picture of the love of God and it goes beyond what's gonna happen to me it goes into what's going to happen to him if I don't reach out to him and that we can get people born again that's called evangelism but I don't think the love of God stops there it goes as far as transforming their lives we're not done yet see yeah not done yet see because this man need to be repaired so he could go back to his employment there's you're here to build of why we need to be prosperous hmm he had the money to do this man and any had faith in God because he said when I come back whenever I'll repay you it doesn't make any difference how much the bill is that's B oh my goodness so that's him loving God and loving his neighbor C that's the two pieces here cuz the covenant love with God says God's clothes apply on his needs well there's need went further than him his we need went into the hood isn't it went into those people here who didn't have jobs who didn't have education who didn't have this is how far his need wetsy and somehow sometimes when the love of God is that you don't even recognize that's out there let alone thinking you have the resources to take care of it I just had the word of the Lord come yeah that requirement for prosperity you don't wait to be prosperous to be a good neighbor though the prosperity comes from being good a goodness because once he said I'll take care of this he obligated God to see God is waiting on that because God gives that's just looking for somewhere to give well let's go back to that that's in second Samuel Chapter nine let's go back to that this is a sort of a man named mephibosheth oh yes this is covenant this is a picture of covenant love mm and what happened was I love in this in this powerful so he says in second Samuel on such afternoon I guess all right yeah here it is alright so look what he says in verse one and David said is there yet any that is left in the house of Saul that I may show him enos but Jonathan's sake movie brother Copa you can open up that word kindness for us this word Hesed in hebrew is covenant word yeah it's it's based in income and there are places where it's translated like in Isaiah 54 said my covenant of kindness will not depart well he said he actually said my covenant hesed my favor grace power I am covenant into you I am one with you I will take care of you I bless you when you became covenant 'add to me then there's their strong bond between his because back there then they mingled their blood well he and Jonathan and Jonathan had in engels their blood bro they were blood brother yeah and so and then Jonathan was was killed and he's looking for some of his family because he's got this covenant ESSID burning on the inside of covenant Hesed is a strong desire of compassion that can't seem to be satisfied and it has a feeling in it I can't I can't live I can't live if I don't give if I don't show this covenant blessing to some got to show this it just built up on them so I know this is just explosive that's what the translators tried to express in the thirteenth chapter first Corinthians by using the word charity okay and that's what they were trying to say and in there it's it's a gap a love but they were putting the that strong desire to give and help somebody that and back there then it they understood that but it lost something a lot of that meaning on on us later but it's it's giving love its Gaga pale it's covenant hisses no no this this this was David's idea yeah you felt what I'm saying it certainly wasn't Mephibosheth idea this was David I did couple finishes hide now he thinks that even it's looking to destroy ya they had been they've been told that they were running from David when his his nanny dropped him and made a paraplegic out of him that's what doesn't matter with him in the first place they were running from David and they thought that they'd been lied to about this that that David and his crew were cannibals and they'll they'll eat the children if they geek and and this boy thought that you know I was one time I was preaching this room we're in Tulsa going to school and it's some of the spare time I'd go over to the Northside not preach on the streets and so forth and so on and I remember I'd come in from preaching I was could stop by this little store at a convenience store to get myself just a little little juice or something like that and just because it was hot outside and it's lady there and I just had this witness and spirit on me you know talk to you about Jesus see oh I don't want to hear nothing about that he took my baby boy you see there and I'm saying this was the idea that Mephibosheth had he better get out of the way cuz you'll kill you you followed them saying instead of looking at God is a God of love because David was a man after gods and this board never heard nothing about David loving anybody David is this murdering killer that's all I have to get all again folks it's all and all that's all need ever oh my goodness so as a result of that here's David says I want to go after him and this is what Jesus did the father went after us through his son he he went after us any when he could have left us he went after us he said I'm going after them they did I did they don't know me they they're only cursing cuz they don't know but I'm going after them I'm not gonna rest until I go after new anybody else in the household of saw that I can show her see - now do you know anybody and so what happened was in verse 2 and there was the house of Saul servant a servant whose name was Eva and when they had called him unto David the King said unto Him art thou zebra and he said thy servant is he and the King said there is not yet any is there not yet any of the house of Saul that I may show the kindness of God to him and he was said unto the King Jonathan has yet a son but he's lame in his feet and the King said unto Him where is he and zebra said into the King behold he is in the house of makar the son of M yell in lo debar I remember you talking about that lo debar he was living lo he was a covenant person living like this this place lo debar was a man hmm it was the pits hmm is this like I said living down below a ball yes they were outcasts living down there ah goodness all right so look what he said in verse 5 and the king sent and fetched him out of the house of milk car and the son of mal from lo debar and when milk mephibosheth the son of Jonathan Jonathan the son of Saul was coming to David he fell on his face and did reverence and David said Mephibosheth and he answered behold I servant and David said unto him fear not for I will surely show the kindness for Jonathan died somehow Asher and I show they s innocent and when he said has said now my goodness that one word for Jonathan thy father's sake blood goodness and look what he says next and will restore the and to all the land of salt I father and thou shalt eat bread at my table continually and he bowed himself and said what is thy servant that thou should look upon him such a dead dog as I am look how he saw himself isn't that something but condemnation condemnation and it tries to keep us away from God it tries to keep us not feeling worthy of that inheritance that God has for us through Christ now Jesus got all this back for us and somehow we're not worthy and we're just not just not worth it today and pastor I'm just not worthy I sure won't listen listen let's not look at your worthiness let's look at what he did for you and you take on his righteousness no no look at your own that this ladies one lives - well said I've been married she's the prophecy you've been married five times the one you're living with her he's not just he's not your husband and the woman went out and preached and all those men who normally wouldn't believe nothing she said believed everything because there was an Onan coming out of that woman there you go back to the basic principle my goodness when he called you yes yeah he qualified you yes when she said yes he impound there you go he restored him so I'm saying to somebody there that might be listening that God is about to restore you everything that God has for you he wants in your life he doesn't want not one inch not one little bit of anything that would Mock the redemptive testimony of God in your life God wants it all back to you everything you've lost if we've been everything that's where we're going oh yeah oh and all you got to do is receive the love here's a little war he said that birthed a table man he got him golden plates he said whoa look at this and he's sitting there and he looks over there David and he wonder what that is oh you know my daddy had a scar like that on his wrist I was such a little baby I was just a little kid my daddy had a scar like that that's where that blood flows that David entered covenant with that board daddy let me tell you something my good friend there is scars in the hands of Jesus there's a slice down his side and there are scars in our spirit man whether for the the spiritual circumcision who caught a covenant was cut in our spirit man we are marked the devil can see that monster kid and he just hope you don't find that is exactly because he has to bow down before a born again child of God at the name of Jesus children why because the God loves me as much as you Jesus Jesus said so and it doesn't take centuries for the Lord to turn this thing around no it doesn't listen no no I got saved you know I'm telling you again I was going by this with none Church early in the morning I'm kind of praying and I didn't know much about prayer I'm just freshly saved and then this is between the services that they had in this church so I would walk to work and I'd go by this church I said let me just pray this one morning the Spirit of God spoke to me now I didn't even know God could speak he said this don't worry William you'll be all right and when he said that tear just came my eyes but I looked around see if anybody else heard it nobody else heard it and I had my eyes closed it was like a marquee I saw just like a movie theater don't worry wave and a voice at the same time from that day everything turned around in my life my job and IBM I came became the top salesman everything that was hanging on my body fell everything one word from he done these centuries to turn that thing around in your life just well you just worry from God one word from God receive the love just receive it changing one word don't worry William you'll be all right I'll never I've here today and anytime I get in trouble right I say it again because his word is eternal yes sir it's a eternal I hear it again don't worry William you'll be all right oh my lord father we pray thank you oh we pray if you insist you absolutely insist on keeping the commandment to love one of them yes and you absolutely insist on keeping the walk of faith yes everything will be all right if you put this word final authority in your life I want you to know one word from God change your life forever and ever and ever amen this is this is how much he loves us he this is how much he loves us I'm telling you and there it was there all the time it was there all its when we finally activated it that's exactly by believing I believe it is Sir in boom it happened everything changed I choose to believe believe this who doesn't need centuries to make things happen no no you can take a day hey kid one day could be one way the next day is totally different this woman at the well one day one day went that way next day totally different they're facing Samson they had 40 years forty days they had been dealing with Goliath but one day David came the next day everything was different I'm telling you to whoever it is this thing is about to turn around in one day there's gonna be a one-day miracle so there's the I believe there's things happening out there today right now okay before dark hmm I'm telling you before the in that's it all right I'm getting tired of these five minute brothers all right now in first John chapter 2 if we could start there and again we talked about the love of God so the love of God that we've established here in this program is the agape the gappi love is what we're talking about and this is love that's not based on what you've done for me it's it's unconditional love now this is the love that when God says husband's love your wives that's a copy that's the unconditional love so that this this kind of love is all the ways you know through the New Testament now as we look at this he's saying here in this particular Scripture don't love the world so we need to find out what that means and how does that work into our lives now here's the key God is assigning us somewhere in this world in other words we are here and we're here to bring his his good news be salt of the earth we're here to bring kingdom principles into places that we go you were here to take the Garden of Eden that start up pick up where Adam left off we're here for his purpose know with that because you're in that world you're not of that world so don't don't love the world in a way that would cause you to leave the love of God for anything of the world including selfish ambition are you following what I'm saying so let's just read this and see what he says first John chapter 2 verse 15 love not the world neither the things that are in the world If any man love the world the love of the father is not in him and all that is in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father but is of the world now one of the things that we discovered about agape agape expresses itself in obedience yes sir yeah John 14:21 that's correct so a lot of times we're trying to feel the love you know and and feeling make may come but it's it's coming after your obedience it's and it's not a mayor it's not a measuring stick it's not a measuring tool feelings don't wear nothing to do with anything this man told a story he came to the church he was kind of a Christian comedian if you will but he came to church he's talking about two people went out for a picnic and they got out there and these are two young people that were you know kind of seeing each other and and then went out and wanted to go out for a picnic cuz know each other better and they went out there and he had this big picnic basket and he open it and he's searching around in here he said where's the love she said I thought you brought it you should know I I didn't bring it I thought you brought it he said this is a case where you got two ticks and no no see how people try to feed off each other see got a couple of listen oh yeah people living that kind of life create hell on earth hardness lord help me find a husband please my baby needs a daddy and and you know find me one with some money cuz I'm so broke and I'm so heated awful she is wide open for a bad deal here and he got someone boy out there saying Lord I need a woman I need one faster he's he's in bad shape because they're coming together for all the wrong reasons Jesus has the power the will and the word will supply it the supply ever need that woman has he'll be a father to that baby he'll be a husband to her the the end and Jesus will satisfy that man's physical needs his mental needs his spiritual needs that he needs for a wife when they both get satisfied and then God is directing them yeah God says sweetheart there's your husband right there and that's the one I want that's the deal that's when you come together and like glory may live for 53 years and just it just gets better all ah that's right and who is that that wrote the book how many frogs did you have to kiss to get a princess my granddaughter yeah yeah he starts with God I don't start anywhere else love is bankrupt start is bankrupt until again it did and people will love you for so so far you know I'm telling you now did you go too far and that love gonna turn to something else you know it's just so the agape love of God is unconditional and and we have it inside thank you lord unconditional love doesn't just happen not even with God unconditional love begins with a covenant sworn oath I swear said God mm-hmm I will never leave you nor forsake you even to the end of the world now that means I don't care what you do hmm this wasn't an act of feeling this is a commitment blood sworn oath this was sworn in the blood of Jesus brother he originally swore that in the in the blood of sacrificial animals until Jesus came and all that came true brother and it's it's forever you can't break it she built the Covenant is between God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ and what he swore to him raised him from the dead you see it in the first chapter of the book of Hebrews and he spoke to him and called him God and raised him up from the dead now that's the new covenant yeah every word of this from Matthew Mark Luke and John all the way through the book of Revelation and all of the blessing of the Old Covenant was sworn by God to Jesus as he presented himself spotless after he'd been raised up from hell and there he stands in the most righteous place in the universe and God swore this oath to him now that can't be broken it's an oath between an Almighty holy God and an immortal man that can no longer be touched with death now we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior we come in under that covenant he has with the father I'm looked upon with the same love as Jesus Jesus prayed that John 17 yeah John 17 23 he said show them father you love them as much as you do me and now can we break the Covenant No the Covenant is unbreakable we can break fellowship with it and when we do God don't quit loving you he can't bill he swore in but he loved me forever he said if you confess your sins anyway I'm faithful and just to forgive forgive them and cleanse you from all unrighteousness what's left if he cleansed you from all unrighteousness righteousness and so yeah you want to stay in there you want you don't want to beat me be stepping out in violating the law of love it you know no no you want it you want to stay right in there you shoot your mouth off at somebody stop right there's a baby baby I apologize I'm father I repent of that that that's not in love and I repent of it right now don't don't wait three days do it don't wait three more seconds to stay in that love wall all the time you got your shield up you've got your armor on don't mess it up stay right there stay right there all the time will cause that covenant between God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ oh man you're stealing that long haul stay on that line there everything that's where you healing everything that line everything is in it I'm thinking about a woman that had a child and this child had if I remember right I would yeah I believe it was seizures I think it's much anyway there's something wrong with that baby and she was talking to brother Hagin about and she said after what I heard you preach I can see where the problem is she said I hate my mother not yeah and he said you're born again oh yeah and and filled what the whole it goes over and you telling me you hate your mother no yeah I hate her he said now wait a minute look me right in the face and tell me you hate your mother in love what she did he said now I want to ask you something wouldn't you say that is there something kind of scratching you read well yeah he said you don't hate your mother-in-law he said that's the Spirit of God trying to get you to repeat repent of it repent of it right now you don't need her hmm you do not hate her you love her cause the love of gods on the inside of you and God has commanded you to love now obey the commandment of God and stop that he said now you repent so she did he said now the next time the devil tries to manifest himself through you baby you say no sir you take your hands off of my baby I have first John 5:18 I walk in love I keep the commandment of love and you can't touch my baby my baby's off-limits to you you can't touch us we're off-limits to you you're trespassing on holy property you you're resisting the devil and he's got to flee because you're drawing not a God's word you are walking in obedience and what that words is and you have invoked the Royal law now now look at Hebrews chapter 12 and verse 14 mm-hmm even's chapter 12 and verse 40 there's something that you started to say there a minute ago and and we got sidetracked and loving things we need a higher concept of love when we say the word love it ought to represent God yes indeed mm-hmm well you know I just I just love pears I love my car no no you can't love a car that's what that was talking about yeah you don't love things I know brother Co well we're in training here we're not being picky we're training we're developing a concept that God doesn't have love he is love and he's in me and his in the let that love's been shed abroad in my heart but the Holy Ghost and I need to be practicing that's what perfects that love and flushes out fear now what is there about my cart world brother Copeland God gave me that car that's good in first Timothy 6:17 he gives us richly all things to enjoy he gave me I happen to like pears I like these things I don't love them he used to say that Paul I love her don't you love it banana pudding mama make well I began to train in that area and use proper words I began to say you know I really enjoy man God gave us that to enjoy I do enjoy my new car now see that phrase is God and it's his word it's his word I have to say this I've done the same thing where pride is concerned and you get a little sticky with this because people really like to use that word yeah but God did not say this is my beloved son and I sure am proud of him no God hates pride it does What did he say I'm well so you need to lie on your speech line your speech that's part of your obedience yeah and it's so strong you bring him you my little grandson I want seen play football those kids good ballplayer well do you have a tendency said boy I'm so proud of you yeah but I hate that word yeah I know what god I don't know what we're saying I don't understand that and and and and I'm but I'm training though I'm renewing my mind really do raining and it doesn't hurt him to hear me say that I said boy you sure well please your papa ah now listen that says something no no no the Koplin you know in this job said over job chapter six this is after the devil had come in and just ruin his life he said Lord teach me and I'll hold my tongue he didn't let me know where I errored you see I just you're not nitpicking you're trying to get people in a place where at no time the devil would use something that they're not aware that they're saying that's right to get in on their you and I learned this good word bless that that we're we were taught and trained it's as serious pilot yeah and you've taught and trained as a fighter pilot a combat mission if three or four or five degrees gets kid [Music] picking over three degrees for I mean you said 357 I'm fun 360 then come on what's the difference are you kidding me it gets you wiped you know what my instructor used to him here Oh he'd get her Kenneth I said 365 not 360 full a monkey can be close he calling me a mug did what he calling me and I can still hear that in my I still hear it in my ears a mocking because yeah I don't want to be close I'm gonna be just as much like Jesus as I can possibly get there I'm coming down final approach because every year you have to take instrument you know recheck and sofa in fighters who am coming on he get inside he said well okay I check what fine now I you know you were supposed to hold such as I just pulled the whole 189 and you had about one 175 you had then you went up to 182 and you went to one you never did get to 189 and is it I said well I got to 186 he said no you're supposed to get to 189 this is three you know I'm something okay no you think that nitpicking he wasn't it pick and he trying to keep telling you Jules was rated some things raining that he didn't know he was saying but it allowed the enemy get as to death yesterday I'd like to took him out of here it sure did because he listened to God and he finally repented and he got his mouth straight God replaced that old man with everything twice lived a long time so if you messed up fess up and let's get going here get up let's guess sir so let's look at Hebrews said he was chapter 12 now look at this he said in verse 14 follow after after peace follow peace with all men yeah with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you and thereby many be defiled now if you look Desa let's go to Luke chapter 17 and verse 1 Luke chapter 17 and verse 1 and he says this and then said he into his disciples it is impossible but that offensive will come there are coming they are coming another complaint he just said this Jesus said this yeah so it's impossible so opportunity for believer to be offended if they're moving into this this this whole place where God has called them it's almost like you're gonna have an opportunity well he preached that he said the so ourselves word Satan's coming and and persecution arises for the words sake as you got the word that's what if one reason they're persecuting you you got the wording you think about the time the religious lies that have been preached around persecution good oh God trying to teach you something well you know it's because of us life you live before you got saved you're still having to deal that's just a bunch of lies man he came back all the world not listen didn't Joseph go down there to Egypt hmm and he went down there and first of all his brothers sold him so right there he has an opportunity to be offended they sold him into slavery many goes down there to Egypt and he goes there hire them then he starts prospering Potiphar and then mrs. Potiphar try something and cuz gold wouldn't go for it now total eye on him no they put him in jail no I'm only saying that he said in Hebrews here that is it this comment is coming and and looking deadly less do you fail the grace of God less in of any root of bitterness springing up trouble you and many be defiled then if if you receive that offense as a seed it can grow up and become a tree yes it'll go a comma tree and it'll dictate what you do inside of you will tell you know you don't like him don't like her and and then you tell Big Mama about what happened between you and your spouse or something then Big Mama she ate of this fruit of coming out of your lips in there Big Mama start hating them and then Big Momma tell bigger mama whoever it is and the next thing you know everybody's hating on him and nobody knows him except this woman now my point to you is that could happen for a whole race that people can spread things and a whole race can hate another race because of what has been spoken and experienced by one person receiving offence it's destroying a nation right now without the repentance and without the people God's standing up exactly because this nation was founded on the word of the Living God goodness listen we're out of time we've been out father I pray right now for this radio television audience repentance is so easy but it the decision to do it is what's hard jesus said it's like cutting off your hand it's like plucking out your eye it's the decision baby God will enforce it yes if you were to say father I shut my gossiping now I have judged people and I repent you and I receive my forgiveness cleanse me please of all unrighteousness I judge myself in my big mouth and I refuse to do it anymore in Jesus name I refuse to break the commandment of love any longer now there's healing for your body right there I know I know when that when that miracle anointing yeah yeah mm-hmm it's it's almost impossible to describe it and I know when it bursts forth and it happened yes it happened it happened close the it started working in me during the broadcast but I brought there at the end of that man I'm telling you it explode up because that's one of the ways that I think the enemy has of trying to keep people bound is keep them in bitterness and unforgiveness and I agree and I think it's the main reason hmm I think it's the main way because if he can't stop the love he can't stop her that's exactly and he can't stop the word he's helpless bill you know I listen to a sermon at one time by dr. Munda the King and it was about each one of us has something called the drum major instinct where we look forward to a day we can be out front we can we can meet something and so forth you said that's in us but first be number one in love I never forget that and that that practice of love no matter what somebody calls you no matter what somebody says to you can keep a man or a family or a city or people moving forward because you can't do it without no you can't you can't do it without love wait we can get angry we could do something but that love has got to be in there somewhere to rule over everything because it it's it's God it is moving this thing forward and I'll never forget the day beyond that God showed me that a a born-again holy spirit baptized soldier prepared for war needs to go into combat under the law of love well how could you possibly do that you better you can't afford to hate that enemy that's right that's exactly if you have to shoot him mm-hmm but you don't shoot him because you hate it you shoot him because you're a soldier and and you're you're in covenant yes at the way we got to say this huh I have a covenant relationship with Gloria I love her with all my heart and I have that covenant relationship before God as a man according to the scripture I love her even as God loved the church and I am to protect her and and I take that very very seriously now I take extreme I take the keeping the walk of love to an extreme level i I have I I don't see any excuse and break that yeah it's a commandment from God hmm so I love you yes I'm in covenant with her I love you cuz I'm commanded to and you come up you start to hurt her I'm gonna hurt you that's successful because I am in covenant with her I have covenant responsibility with her if I have to I'll kill you mm-hmm but I am going to protect her well that's a soldier that's that bear arms thing yes yes but I can't hate [Music] it's not because I hate you it's because I love her hmm now I sure would be glad if you put this off well I can tell you lucky and don't be trying to hurt her Kelly and I'm gonna keep telling you that I'm gonna keep telling you do you do you remember the story of what Dave Wilkerson did when Nicky Cruz came at him with that knife issue and and Dave Wilkerson said Nicky I'm gonna tell you some he may cut me into a pile of pieces but I'm gonna tell you every piece if ever dined bloody piece will be crying out how much I love you in Christ Jesus and Nicky Cruz said he tried to stick him and couldn't go anywhere he could he said there was a hand on him and he couldn't that angel and any finally yielded turn this man a story about this man he was staying next door to a neighbor and the neighbor hated the man and in this man so he said what happened was he went on vacation and this neighbor got saved who hated him and so he got saved and came back and cut the man's law and while he's on vacation and manicures at all concepts so the man comes back from vacation he says who cut my lawn so we went to the next-door neighbor and I said Joe did say women Joe didn't even like me what do you mean he'd cut my lawn he said well yeah he said went over there knocked on the door Joe answered see ya Bob how you doing he said father he said Joe heard you cut my lawn he said oh yeah he said well how did you happen to do that he said it all started when I got born again and he said when I got born again and then I heard the preacher talk about love and he said sometimes what happens in love that if you can show love you can if you show people love it's like heaping coals of fire on the head and I just wanted to heat some coals of fire that's not the kind of love he's no no he is saying this love that you're loving me with is the love that God supplies that's it's good absolutely it's in the scripture now but he's the Western man don't know why huh you had desert people it gets cold on that desert and you you keep a you insulate some coal to keep a cold ember go in yeah okay ain't got no matches I understand and you insulated that in your turban okay kept you warm yeah well and you can start a fire with you had to have the fire man without a fire yeah really hurt so you keep the kindling right there that cold Kenny in your turban and you come across a guy and he's freezing so what do you do he take your cold a fire and put it on his head now he's applied in a bad place no one woman said he boasts the heat cold and fire on his head she said a poured boiling water all over it I poured boiling water all over me let me show you what the world is operating in what the world is operating in that that is made the difference let's look at Galatians chapter five and but now I'm forgiven how they know look at Galatians chapter five and look what he says here in verse started verse 18 for if you be led of the Spirit you're not under the law now the works of the flesh are manifest which of these Daltry fornication uncleanness lasciviousness idolatry witchcraft what's this hatred variance emulations wrath strife seditions heresies envying murders drunkenness revellings such like of which I tell you before as i have also told you in time past they would do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God now not so much talking about not being saved because this book was written to save folk but pretty much what happens is we come out of the world but now we've got to work and be taught so we can get the world out of us you know nothing about thinking see because you can't transform something you'll conform to and so now here he's talking about the works of the flesh so I gotta do something with this anger I gotta do something with so forth and so on so as God is purging this as that flesh gets out from control under control when I'm going into certain events circumstances so forth I've got a supernatural disposition here that can be released by faith that is a product of love that can harness my flesh in those situations and is found here in verse 22 for the work for the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace long-suffering gentleness faith meekness temperance against such there is no law that's a big statement right there oh that's big see this is temperance this is this is self-control I got some yeah oh my goodness now all of these are in us when we get born again they're deposited there but it's our choice as to whether we want to release them and we've you have to choose you you've got to choose to believe this you've got to choose and you'll see them kick in and you know kick in and that anger won't be there like you normally got angered about something and it will be that I've really had I've really had a battle with that hmm I had a lot of anger and you've heard I'd you know it's just time to I was just fly off the handle this in a second note was particular I was really tired man I'm in the ministry and I've already I'm not some about one of them got more is it and the anti ball one day I just had I stopped in and rip I said Lord I repent go read oh God he said you're a practicing anger he said that's arisen it's at the surface so he said it's it's so shallow it's at the surface that the least little thing a little you know it'll trigger it before and it'll get out of your mouth before you can check it he said now you begin to start your day obeying the law of love he said you start by forgiving everybody don't wait of the rude to you forgive now be a forgiver develop this practice this practice love what are we looking for perfected love casteth out fear how do you get it practice makes perfect that's what you do you practices now I noticed oh and another thing is that what when you do that you just particularly the natural physical things you tried to turn that and it didn't work a couple of times it didn't work and he is tired up well then I had really had all work that's just practicing anger he said repent immediately and judge yourself of it I repent for practicing anger clonic I repent of it right now in the name of Jesus I should have done that and I repent of it and I received my cleansing at that in your eyes that's sin and I because you told me not to do it and I did it again it took a while you got a practice got to practice our practices and the more you do it the beer it grows the more you do it the bigger it grows that's why when they came around Jesus there was such love these these forces of the Spirit you put all of those together fruit this is not fruit of the Holy Spirit of that but putting that capital s there today it's not talking about the Holy Spirit it's talking about your spirit now put those together love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance you and you get all those spiritual forces working as a unit what do they produce holiness that's what corrects the flesh that is exactly right now you you came you you can't correct your flesh with natural forces that's phony holy that's just religious that's religious that's what did it see but when these are working boy it'll put your flesh would bomb and your flesh will get trained yes it'll get word what Hebrews chapter five said it'll get the place where it knows the difference between didn't even know no one says it let's look at Jeremiah chapter 17 in verse 19 and then come back to Matthew's Gospel chapter 26 now this again is Old Testament but it's relevant for today seventeen the flesh is old test that that is exactly right now here's what he said in Vernon chapter 17 verse 9 the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it now I know again it's talking about a hard dispatch of a person who's not born again but let's go over here to Matthew chapter 26 because there's a principle I want to bring out here now this is do now he's working his way toward Jerusalem for his passion and here's what Peter says to him this is Matthew 26 and verse 31 and then said Jesus unto them all ye shall be offended because of me this night for it is written I will smite the Shepherd and the Sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad but after I am risen again I will go before you into Galilee and Peter answered and said unto him though all men shall be offended because of you I will never be offended jesus said unto Him verily I say unto you that this night before the crow thou shalt deny me thrice Peter said unto him though I should die with thee yet will I not deny thee likewise also said all the disciples well look what happened at verse 69 now Peter said without in the palace and a damsel came and to him saying now also was with Jesus of Galilee but he denied before them all saying I know not what you say and when he was going out of the poor on the porch another maid saw him and said unto them that were there this fellow was also with Jesus of Nazareth now Jesus is being buffeted he's been he's starting to be persecuted here and again he denied with an oath to do that I do not know the man and after a while came into him they that stood by and said to Peter surely you are one of them for thy speech has betrayed you then began he to curse and swear saying I know not the man and immediately the crowed and Peter remembered the words of Jesus which he said unto him before the crow thou shalt deny me thrice and he went out and wept bitterly now it's interesting how he thought he had something he didn't and the Bible talks about guard your heart for out of it flows the issues of the forces of life and we've got to protect that inside as we put that in there the Bible says if you hang too close to an angry man you being true and what we've got to do as people of God is we've got to keep that shield of faith up blocking all the time remember you're not like them that you're in this world but not of this world they are flesh and bone you're not you you are a child of Almighty God do you have the Spirit of God in your totally different you come from a whole different place and so as you go into that understand don't be pulled aside by the things of the world because there's a lot of things going in seek the wisdom of God he wants to raise you up as leadership Wow he wants to save men's lives not destroy them and and sometimes the mobs get stirred up and so forth and so on but we've got somebody's got to walk in love in this thing because some that God would use one person like I said if he can raise them up to influence a whole good oh yeah see and it might as well be you every every every person has a seed of greatness you know yes indeed and it's the seed of the love of God moved out by the holiness yes but notice Peter wept and repented Judas hung himself he both um did saying something did the same thing that's hard on people to realize yes indeed but instead of hanging him since did a killing himself Peter repented so if you matter so if you miss it is so good just repent repent people have missed it before you no matter how bad it looks no matter what you did repent stop God knew you he was there before you got there and just whip it Lord give me here's what Paul said Paul who was hauling Christians off the jail and consenting to their death here's what Paul said I did it ignorantly and unaware I didn't I didn't know what I was doing and I'm saying you may not know what you're doing but now you've awakened to some things forgive the brother forgive them let him go I'm telling you God still loves them I know they're rebelling against him but they know not what they do isn't that what Jesus said on the cross they don't know what they're doing there the enemy is running their thoughts no you've got to forgive let God raise you up as a leader because that's what they're looking for they're looking for somebody that can lead them to the promised land and God has raised you for this time praise God I realized this bill many many years who when I started preaching inside prison business the scripture said that that the enemy seeks the precious life yes well beautiful of the feet of those that preach the gospel and carry glad tidings of good things and I realized how many men and women in prisoner called preach and Satan Satan was after that life all the time he saw it he saw the mark of it even if they raised and family didn't even know God he saw the mark of this she'd and he set out after a man to kill him to drum up to get him for it somewhere where they had never preached this gospel goodness but he's after you hmm he's after you because he loves you amen and he won't stop he won't stop yes the good news I just oh I just want to if you're there and you've been holding bitterness unforgiveness no wonder what it is and no matter who it is or what group it is or whatever let it go let it go and in just right now just say this with me father father I repent I repent of holding unforgiveness of holding unforgiveness against anyone against anyone and I ask you and I asked you to forgive me for it to forgive me for it and bless them all or and bless them all or and I receive it done and I receive it by faith by faith right now right now in Jesus name in Jesus whoa thank you for brother Bill now be back in just a moment [Music] faith and love I'm saying the words he's doing the work my job is to believe that he's gonna do his job faith is what is required to fulfill our assignment and to receive from the kingdom of heaven in dr. bill Winston's teaching series have faith in God you'll learn that you aren't expected to use your own faith but that God has given you his faith for every situation the power of love delves deeper into the connection between faith and love when you understand how greatly God loves you your faith will be unstoppable put your faith to work fuelled by love order the faith worketh by love package for only 3375 on CD or $40.50 on DVD go to KCMG org / TV special or call or write today you were created for greatness to live successfully as a believer you must walk in love and know how to use the god-given faith you have with this faith worketh by love package you can learn to put your faith to work fuelled by love begin operating in the dynamic power that loves supplies to your fake order the faith worketh by love package by bill Winston today online at PCM gorg slash TV special remember now what we just talked about where David sent down there and got my Phoebe chef and brought him back to him he sent a whole team down there to get him now God that that's a type of evangelism yes God is calling because there's a blood covenant between God and Jesus and in Jesus is all forgiveness for all things it's not just forgiveness it has been wiped out now notice this whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved Romans 10:13 now this is the way you call upon the name of the Lord forget about forget about the past that has nothing to do with it Jesus had done all the hard part he did everything but pray you were prayer if thou shalt confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart god raised him from the dead you shall be so pray with brother Bill and me right now and pray it out loud our prayer then then you pray it out loud follow me O God in heaven I believe with all my heart that you raised Jesus from the dead Jesus Jesus come into my heart I receive you sir you're my life I repent of sin I renounce it I renounce the sinful past and you're my future sir fill me now with your Holy Spirit I receive him by faith and I thank you and praise you for it now if you prayed that with brother building me here's what I want you to do I want you to use the information on your screen and go online what if it takes that to do it I want to send you this little book free and postpaid he did it all for you this will help you begin studying your Bible now the Bible is not a book to struggle with I'll tell you how easy it is how to study your Bible it's had a bad reputation about being hard so we want to get you started and we want to hear you testimony and we want we got a bunch of people here at the KC yeah if I get these they get these testimonies from you you got born again I mean they just all of heaven rejoices all the Angels rejoice amen do you want to get the most out of this teaching we have you covered download your FREE copy of the easy to use study notes for today's broadcast on KCM dot org slash notes follow along with key teaching points scriptures faith-filled prayers interactive questions and more use them for your personal Bible study or to share with others go to KCM dot org slash notes and download yours now we're here for you Friday is always offering day on the believers voice and Victor broadcast galatians chapter 6 is the scripture that god has always instructed us unless a few times that he's gone in a different direction but this is generally our instruction galatians chapter 6 now we just got the reading the product of the flesh and the product and power of the spirit now listen to what he said now let him that's taught in the word respond communicate or respond to him that teaches in all good things don't be deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever man shows that shall he also reap for he that sows to his flesh where you put your attention if that's what you respond to your gonna reap corruption but he that shows to his spirit if you're showing for your spirit life then you will of the Spirit reap Zoe the life of God so now what happens here when you receive teaching when you receive an ointment teaching then you receive it and you respond to it and you sow into it you're sowing towards your spirit now when you do that then the life of God takes hold on the inside and you just heard what pastor bill told us this over this whole week Satan's coming he's gonna try his best to steal what you've got today yeah but when you sow into it you say I receive and I saw this offering and a nice I receive what what was taught to me over the overall this whole week and I take it that's what it takes root and he can't steal it mmm you're not it takes it takes root father we pray over this at you and we ask you to reveal to your people what they're offering is and as they're obedient to you glory to God we receive and we release our faith and the anointing of increase that's on this ministry and we thank you for our partners and we thank you in the name of Jesus amen bill Winston thank you man oh I'll tell you what I don't plan to ever get over this there's old to have here in Forest Park Illinois anywhere close to Chicago but I don't care where you get on an airplane go to church Veronica Valentine you was they that church they either have a revival or a rot everything Sunday we'll see you next time until then remember this Jesus is Lord Kenneth and Gloria Copeland remind you to download your free gift at KCMG org slash 25 gifts [Music]
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 26,900
Rating: 4.8388791 out of 5
Keywords: love, youtube, week@once, wao, bill winston, kenneth copeland, god's love
Id: rNLKUFepZas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 54sec (7134 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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