The Foundational Classics of Faith

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I knew 20-some odd years ago 22 23 24 years ago well let me just be let me be exact about this I accepted the Lord Jesus in 1962 and then just all just less than a year after that which was been posted twenty-five years ago again I began to realize as I read the Bible I've never read the Bible before I was raised in a Christian home but I didn't pay attention the Bible let mama do that we had read it for myself and I began to see things all the way through here about faith it looked like everybody that did anything did it by faith and when they did something by faith the results were absolutely miraculous and I and I I began to see hey there's this this faith business this is where this thing is that and if I can get a handle on that if I can figure out where that is now to get my hands on it what then the things that I do will also wind up with miraculous results well I don't know seemed like everywhere I went I'd say something to a preacher or pastor I'd say something to some other Christian I'd say boy tell me how to use faith and they'd look at me kind of strange say well you never know what God's gonna through some other something like that or you better be careful about that faith stuff and I I couldn't figure out what why is everybody like that I'd go to church and they'd say you need faith I'd say yeah that yeah hey man then and they'd say well now tell you what the next sermon the next Sunday would be this is what happens with faith in you and here again on those same things that I've been reading and find out about all this powerful faith people what faith to do and then then the next Sunday or so we'd preach you know on this is what happens when you don't have faith and I'd say oh yeah and boy I know next Sunday's here next Sunday he's going tell me where to get it and what to do with it and I'd go down to the next Sunday oh you know we'd preach on something like Paul's thorn in the flesh or poor old Joe band and you know and and then another Sunday or two about how God's gonna kill min and he break my leg just to get to heal it and and then I couldn't get healed without faith and and I couldn't somebody just had me so frustrated and then I'd go as I said tell me how to use fain you better have some wisdom in this you don't want to get off into wildfire no I want an interfaith it was absolutely frustrating me and I prayed and I sought God and and this quest for faith has been in my life ever since I've been a Christian all these years I've had this thing in me about faith I want to know about faith towards God nough found out in the book of Hebrews it's one of the principle doctrines of Jesus Christ so I'm going to share some things with you as we go concerning the things that I have been blessed to learn and find out over the last 25 years or so concerning faith and our use of it day by day by day and it's not a wildfire subject praise God sometimes it gets wild and it's full of fire but it's not some spooky thing that that God don't want you to know about no praise God it is a gift of God and we need to find out more about it so as we go into it today let's have a word of Prayer and we'll ask God by his Spirit to rise within us and open the eyes of our understanding about this fabulous fascinating powerful thing that God by Jesus Christ has made available to you and to me father we praise you today we worship you on this broadcast and I ask you in the name of Jesus to rise and live big within us all flood our hearts with understand and spiritual wisdom concerning the faith of God and we thank you for it in Jesus name Amen if you have your Bibles I want you to open them to Hebrews chapter 11 you are a spirit God is a spirit you are a spirit to be a spirit being doesn't mean that it isn't real some people have the idea that the spirit realm is some some hookah pookie thing that there's nobody really know anything about no no no the spirit realm is more real than this material realm just because you can't see it and most of the time can't feel it does not mean that it isn't real that just means you're not perceiving it a spirit created all matter so since when did the matter become more real than the creator now you know that that can be so so to be a spirit literally means that you were created by God on a level and in a class that can and should and would fellowship and have Association to be an associate with God in the - so she ate with deity itself I mean he has come to us in Jesus of Nazareth God manifested in the flesh now a spirit being is like I said real when forget about the Casper the Friendly Ghost idea about what spiritual things are okay you remember that little cartoon character Casper there's that you know he's just he just got a round head and two guys in it and it covered up with a sheet I mean and he just floating around through there and this sheet just trailing around mine no no no that's not what a spirit being is at all if I could step out of my body and you could see my spirit you see me you're not looking at me you're looking at my body and you're really not much of my body because my body is clothed well my spirit is clothed my body is clothed and then my spirit is clothed with my body and if you could see my body and my spirit at the same time they would look just like because a spirit being a spirit man has hands head eyes legs feet I mean you couldn't tell the difference he that is the eternal being the eternal man this body is just simply a vehicle in which I travel in which you travel in this earth realm which is material so that we can have contact with material things if you did not have your body then this table would not be solid to you as a spirit I mean Jesus after he was raised from the dead said handle me a spirit hath not flesh and bone as you see me have even his resurrected body was flesh and bone see a physical body yet it had no blood in it the glory of God flowing in his veins in a glorified body which he just walked through the door after having dinner with him sat down and ate with him then walked through the door without opening it so he's functioning in the super natural realm that'll mean the spook grim that means super natural authority over the natural realm which is the realm of the spirit or the spirit world where God is gone amen so in order to live in this natural physical world two things have to happen one you have to have a body this body of flesh number two you have to have authority in this earth the only thing that has a thought in this earth has full absolute god-given right to be here is a human being and all of the things that are subordinate to him the animals the birds the trees now there's stuff here I mean the devil's here he's he's a spirit being he just as real as God he's not as powerful but he's just as real he's been stripped of his power he wasn't created in in in God's realm start with he's in the angelic realm so he's not in the same class with God he just tries to be God he's not God but in order to have authority in this in this earth and to belong here and to have authority here the earth was created for man and all of the things that are subordinate to him that were given to him for his pleasure and for his benefit so you have to have this body how do you get a body you have to be born of a woman you have to come through the womb of a woman to have this body of flesh that's the reason the Holy Spirit could not go to the cross he had to have a body so the body was born of the Word of God in the womb of a little virgin girl named Mary pray he's God so now you see the realms of authority for a spirit to have authority in this physical natural earth in full expression you have to have a body that's the reason the devil wants your body that's the reason that demons want your body that's also the reason God wants you to offer your body to him as a sacrifice and allow his spirit to reign and to reside in your body and in my body that gives the Holy Spirit full range of expression in this human war praise God then you are a spirit you have a soul which is made up of your mind your will and your emotions your soul is in your spirit you can't separate your soul and your spirit when your soul and your spirit are separated from your body your body lay down and die but your spirit doesn't your spirit will exist and be alive and in existence forever so if you've made Jesus the Lord of your life your spirit has been recreated or what Jesus turned being born again a new creature in Christ Jesus second Corinthians five says so if you've been born again the body is you're separated from your body body lays down goes back to the dust of the earth this body belongs in this earth that's what it was created for him this is where it belongs and I'll tell you this is where it will spend eternity after the resurrection when the body is raised and your spirit and your soul are reunited with your body then there's coming a time when Jesus and all like him and what I mean by like him this body will be resurrected into a glorified state just like his it is was and is he's gonna return with all the rest of us to this earth and he's going to be here and we'll be here for a thousand years at the end of what's called the millennial reign of Jesus Christ at the end of that time we will be moved away from this earth for just a short time and the earth will be totally renovated by fire and then the Bible says we will we will reside on it again and God Himself will move the heavenly Jerusalem the heavenly City from heaven and bring it to earth and forever God will reside with his man on earth instead of demanding men to reside with him in heaven he's going to make heaven and earth combined and it's going to be more fabulous than heaven is and more fabulous than earth ever was praise God woohoo lose you to God amen yeah I said all that because I wanted you to see that this body is not you this body is not me this thing's temporary in a state that it's in right now it will be eternal once it's resurrected I might better ought to just finish that though right now because the unborn again man that dies his spirit is incarcerated temporarily in Hell which is in the bowels of this earth in the center of the physically in the center of the earth he'll be incarcerated there see Earth was made for man and that's where he's gonna spend it he's on the earth and now it doesn't mean that he can't travel to the Stars and all of that that's all gonna come later under the hand of God but this this earth for right now this is it okay the unborn again men the men that's never changed gods he's allowed the devil to dominate him and never made Jesus Christ the Lord of his life not because God wants to punish him because God's made Jesus available to anybody that will it's because he's rejected he is gone the minute his body is separated from his soul and his spirit his body will die and go it back into the earth and then his spirit is going to be incarcerated in Hell itself in the center of the earth then when the time comes call the second death there his body will be resurrected and reunited with his Olin born-again spirit and his own unrenewed soul and he is going to have his body his soul and his spirit will be united for ever under the domination of his God the devil and he and the devil both will be in torment forever in the lake of fire every sickness and every disease every problem still in that old body for evarin can't get rid of it Oh Oh glory to God for Jesus thank God we don't have to spend eternity that way amen now you are a spirit you have a soul and you live in a body your spirits been born again your soul or your mind your will and your emotions need to be renewed by the word to think God's thoughts after him and your body needs to be made well your body needs to be cleaned up by the Spirit of God the washing of the water of the word your body needs to be brought into subjection to your spirit by the teaching training of the Holy Spirit to keep your body and your mind and your soul your will and your emotions from coming together against your spirit and trapping your spirit into this carnal natural physical world now that's what the devil wants to happen if he couldn't stop you from getting born again he wants to trap you and stop you from doing anything to hinder his work even though you didn't get born again because he knows what's available to you he's seen it before he's just he's he's at his backside whipped good with that sword of the Spirit more than once and he old you messing with him so he's developed christianism he's developed a religion that we can get over it he's developed all kinds of religion he's a very religious being and he's developed all kinds of religions for us to get involved with communism is religion he's got all kinds of religions were even worship in if you like if you don't want to worship him you'd get you worshiping something else anything but the worship God you start worshipping gods is when you begin to control and take authority over his affairs so he won't that he made us a religion out of Christianity to sidetrack us off of the word and even though we've been born again talk us into acting like we haven't been born again talk us into begging God you know oh you know we're just unworthy we should know good oh we don't deserve it and don't get off into that syndrome instead of saying oh I want to thank you Father I mean I was no good and unworthy but thank God you came anyway you came into my own worthiness and you came into my no goodness and brought me your worthiness and Your goodness and I'm so pleased with that I just praise you I have faith and I trust in your anointing I've been reborn my spirits been reborn and and in the name of Jesus I take authority over this old flesh that's trying to tell me I'm no good and I take authority over my mind with the promises of God and I just want to praise you and think can you hear the difference between the two one has faith that at the end of a dozen so as we begin to look at this and begin to study this we begin to realize that when we were born again this spirit man was born of the Spirit of God and being born of God has all the attributes and character of God in it now the problem that we've had over the years is the mind and the body choking and keeping the spirit that's been reborn and actually has the Holy Spirit residing in it keeping the character of Jesus they love and the joy and the peace and the gentleness and the goodness and the faith and the temperance and all of these things in the wisdom of God the mind of Christ the Bible said keeping all of these things the very character of Jesus from coming into authority over this flesh and manifesting in this natural physical world in the spirit and in the heart and in the and then therefore in the mind and the body of the believer and changing the circumstances around us now we need to realize that when we were born again the faith of God was deposited in there when we were born again the love of God the Bible said have been shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost it's not something that that is going to come six eight ten months later though it was done when you were born again just the way when a little child is born of its parents it has the same features it's the same substance same arm legs eyes ears feet it has a lot and all the characteristics of its parents while our spiritual parent now is Jesus and He is our Father and in the name of Jesus we've been reborn and his attributes and likeness is right here on the inside in this spirit man which includes faith and that's where we're going to go with this now we're out of time for today we've laid the groundwork to this and tomorrow we're going to get into this subject of faith and I'm not going to just do some theological talk about it in some state of faith I want to get into the subject of it the source of it the food of it the substance of it and then I will show you how to use it like a mechanic uses a tool praise God hallelujah I really had never thought about that until while I was praying that just then just in that way I thought about it in different ways and from different viewpoints but while I was praying it just flashed through my spirit that if you won't go ahead and open your Bibles the book of Hebrews wills will see it right here in the eleventh chapter of the book of Hebrews sixth verse without faith it is impossible to please him for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him so if it's impossible to please him without faith and faith is the victory that overcometh the world then it's easy to see why God's not pleased unless you have faith because he's pleased only when we overcome in the name of Jesus haha hallelujah alright Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen for by it the elders obtained a good report and through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen now notice this remember yesterday we were talking about the difference between the world of the Spirit and the material world and we said that the world of the Spirit is not less real than the material world just because you can't see it it's not some spooky far-out unreal uncovered world full of hob goblins and demons there's a lot of them out there but actually in reality they're not in the spirit world they are spirits but they are governed by the spirit world they have been kicked out of the spiritual realm by Jesus Christ of Nazareth they are working in this natural realm to destroy you and me and we're not going to be destroyed the Word of God said that the devil goes about as a roaring lion didn't say he is one said he goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour and I'm telling you right now you and I are who's that he's not gonna devour brave God now look at this through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen or things which are revealed to our five physical senses things we can touch hear smell taste see so forth things which are seen were not made of things which do appear or things which are seen were not made out of something that you can see now I didn't say that the world was made out of nothing people say well you know in the beginning God made the world from nothing no no no no he didn't make it out of nothing he made it out of something you can't see now that's very very important now he did not use some natural physical substance that already existed when he created the heavens and the earth but he did make it out of something you that that's is a substance now notice here it said now faith is the substance of things hoped for through faith which is a substance I'd like to add that there for study purposes if you read that with me now again in the first verse now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen now you go down to the third verse through faith and let's add this which is a substance we can't see we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear well what would the may data they were made out of this substance in the spirit realm that you can't see with the physical eye that the Bible calls F a ith faith now faith then is not the product of reasoning I want us to look at something holds your place there in the book of Hebrews if we get time we're gonna come back there and see something else shortly I want us to look in the book of Mark the 11th chapter and that were there's a great deal to say on the subject of faith talking about God's faith in the 11th chapter of the book of Mark and I want us to look here at the 27th verse mark 1127 they came again to Jerusalem and as he was walking in the temple there came to him of the chief priests and the scribes and the elders and send him by what authority do you do these things and who gave you this authority to do these things jesus answered and said unto them I will also ask of you one question and answer me I will tell you by what authority I do these things the baptism of John now listen was it from heaven or from men he said I'll tell you about what authority I do these things but I want to ask you a question the baptism of John was it from heaven or of men answer me now listen to this they reasoned with themselves saying if we shall say from heaven he will say why then did you not believe him if we say of men they feared the people for all encounter John that he was a prophet indeed they answered and said Jesus we cannot tell now this is what he said neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things then why wouldn't he tell him it wasn't cause he trying to be hard on him but without faith they wouldn't understand what he said what he told him and they would have taken what he said and used it against him but they reasoned among themselves then here's what happens when you start reasoning about something that you don't know anything about first place they made up their minds what he would say and they didn't know what he would say they said if we say such-and-such he'll say so-and-so there soon see they or soon certain thing then they said but if we say this then the people are gonna do they didn't know what the people would do they come whole out there knowing what the people to do then they knew what Jesus would do cuz they didn't have any idea what he was doing or where he was gonna do it next I mean they know nothing about him they thought they did but they didn't now they reason and couldn't answer why their reasonings they began to assume as fact and they acted on them like they were fact but they weren't fact they were reasoning now when you start worrying about things you start worrying about stuff that even happened yet but you begin to act on it like it had already happened and then you get over into fear worry is a manifestation of fear it's a meditation on fear then you get into a place where there's no faith and if there's no faith there's not any way or any grounds for God to deal with you now so then faith is not the product of reason it is the product then of the spirit man it is the product of the reborn human spirit it is originally the product of the Holy Spirit it's God's faith it comes from the Holy Spirit of God but when you make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life your spirit was recreated any man that is in Christ Jesus is a new creature old things have passed away and in other words all the stuff that was in your spirit passed away your spirit was recreated and one of the things that was deposited in your spirit is faith now the reason we know that is because it's impossible to get born again without it it is that spiritual force it is the creative force of God and the way God created the heavens and the earth out of something that you can't see he recreated your spirit out of that same substance of things hoped for and the deposit of it was made in your spirit and it's there for you live behind the wall by now we're gonna get into that in some more detail as we go now I want to stay with this business of faith not being the product of reason you can't reason into faith faith is not a state of mind it doesn't come out of the soul it doesn't come out of the will the mind all the emotions you can have doubt and and be ravaged with unbelief in your mind and in your thinking and still produce faith in your heart if you'll put what's in your spirit first and rebuke and renounce what's trying to take over in your head now let me give you a little better illustration of what I'm thought what I'm talking about here in the first place in the third chapter of the book of Proverbs the words had trust in the Lord with all your heart that's your spirit man and lean not unto your own understanding so your understanding and your heart bound to be two different places and two different sources of thought and intent so you are a spirit you have a soul and you live in a body your spirit man has in and invested in it the spiritual characteristics of Jesus the Father and the Holy Ghost all of the fruit of the Spirit is in there it's God's gift of faith to you it's faith that we live by or as the Word of God said in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 5 we walk by faith not by sight we walk by by faith in our heart instead of what we see with our eyes our hear with our ears and so forth well in the book of Isaiah chapter 1 the eighteenth verse the Lord says well it's just turn over then read then you got your Bible there if you don't make a note of it and look it up later from Isaiah chapter 1 right next door to the Book of Proverbs their world war in the third chapter give me just a moment here well while I get all six of my thumb straightened out amen chapter one the Book of Isaiah now verse eighteen come now let us reason together oh wait a minute brother Kota I thought you said faith didn't come out of rage now wait a minute come let us reason together saith the Lord he didn't say for you and I just to get together and reason together I was driving out of the city limits of a town one day I was on the highway driving across country to go preach had my Bible laying there on the front seat of the car and I drove out of this through this little town and as they got out the other side of town about the city limits there's a big billboard out there that said come let us reason together dot dot dot dot nothin down at Isaiah 1:18 and then it gave the name of the church that put that billboard up there and the name of the denomination under it and this particular denomination forgive me but but it's fact they are famous for believing nothing I mean you know they'll argue with the post just because a post thinks it's a post I mean they will not believe anything and here's this science that come let us reason together I thought well do got something wrong with that I mean do we come together and reason about God do we come together and reason about healing and reason about the new birth that's reading these folks don't believe anything they just get together reason about it and come to a final conclusion that ain't none of it left you know and I thought what I said wrong about this that and and and my spirit rose up in men and and you know and resistance that about yeah but that's I was there 18 and I knew I'd read that but I thought what is wrong with that and because I'm I was more than a little acquainted with that particular denomination and a few churches of that denomination that I'd been in what they call reason should have been scratched out and put argue come let us argue with one another and because that and it's not because they just ugly folks and I don't don't want to present that kind of it all but somehow another they picked up the idea that that's what you're supposed to do the did she take the Bible and you all get together and just argue like a bunch of alley cats about it well that doesn't there's no faith in that at all you gender strife when you do that well I finally a little bit out what's the matter with this I said it out loud and I pulled the car over the side of the road and flipped my Bible opened eyes there 1:18 I learned a long time ago not to try to reason about it but to go to the word and find out what it says and lo and behold it does not say come let us reason together it said come let us reason together saith the Lord when you come and reason together with him not about him with him then your reasoning has to be based on the word the only way you're ever going to contact God in the spirit is to know him in his word they asked Jesus they said how you gonna manifest yourself to us and not to the world he said those that keep my word so as we reason together with God and His Word says by His stripes ye were healed his Word says that now faith is the substance of things hoped for we don't back away and say here but that ain't reasonable here's what we think about it no no no no no I changed the reasoning of my mind and begin to reason with my heart because I have established in my heart that the Word of God is final Authority for instance I do not ask God if Jesus was born of a virgin I asked God how Jesus was born of a virgin I asked God when Jesus was born of a virgin I asked God where Jesus was born of a virgin but his words said he was born of a virgin so he is born of a virgin and my question is not to reason about that say ain't no way that could be so you think I'm the fool I ain't gonna believe that well not wanted to do with my what my reasoning do when I did that my reasoning then sliced right straight across the word and when it did he stopped all faith I have to have faith to believe that Jesus was born of a virgin faith that his word is filled with integrity faith that that God knows what he's doing and is not a man that he should lie and I have accepted him therefore I've accepted his word I'm not talking so much about what somebody else said about his word I thank God for the preachers that have ministered to me and preached to me throughout my lifetime and I listen to preaching tapes all the time man and I build my faith that way but I believe the word because I've gone to the word for myself read it studied it prayed over it poured over it the fed it ministered it into my heart and I don't say I use as reference I may tell you well this is something that Charles Capps said to me or this is something that I heard Kenneth Hagin say or this something I heard oil Robert Sayre there's something I heard Jerry Savelle say this something I heard the happy call well say this is something heard my wife Gloria say or so forth of this is something I read in a book or so forth I may refer to something they said but the reason I believe Jesus is born of a virgin is because the Bible said it the reason I believe in healing is not cause I've been healed or because I haven't been healed it's because the Bible said by His stripes ye were healed I don't reason my way out of that I don't say well I don't know whether that really meant me or not yes it does I don't reason about God about his word our reason together with God in His Word and faith the faith of God is the result because Romans 10:17 said faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God that's the way faith comes that's the way faith is fed that's the way faith is developed that and acting on the word it doesn't come by by just all kinds of testings and trials that's something that that's not Bible at all we're going to get into that later say it with me faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word say it again faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God I hope you got your Bible with you there today because faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God that's what we read in Romans 10:17 and if the word says if that's where faith comes from the Ness word comes from I remember Azzam as a boy raised in a church you know I mean I mean my folks in church all the time I was I was raised right it wasn't their fault I turned that did I mean you know but I remember saying things that I picked up along the way I didn't I didn't consciously or conscientiously on purpose ever learn anything when I was younger and in school and in church and so forth but somewhere along there I picked up that that faith came by all the problems and turmoils and the tests and the trials and all that and there's nowhere in the Bible that it says that and besides that if that's what caused faith everybody on earth and be a faith judge well so we know that isn't true but the Bible said faith cometh by hearing hearing by the Word of God now faith is not the product of reason it is a spiritual force therefore it is the product of the spirit it is a product first of all of the holy spirit it's God's faith the Bible said Jesus is the author of our faith in Hebrews chapter 12 so if God's the author of it and it's God's faith God is a spirit jesus said and those that worship Him worship Him in spirit and in truth now that's kind of vague and and far-out on unless you study what we did all last week and what we talked about mostly yesterday and and Monday the fact that man is a spirit being he's created in the image of God we are a spirit we have a soul made up of our will our emotions and our mind and we live in this physical natural body now most of our education most of our schools and I'm sad to say most even of our Bible schools are not oriented in spiritual knowledge and revelation our knowledge gained by revelation from God's Word from the Holy Spirit and so forth but it's natural mental physical knowledge gained by the five physical sense gates now we're going to get into this in detail before we get out of this subject of faith but right now we need to realize that faith doesn't come out of your mind it doesn't come out of your reasoning faculties it comes out of your spirit faith is a spiritual substance let's read Hebrews chapter 11 where the Word of God tells us this is where we were reading yesterday now faith is the substance of things hoped for now the Bible said hope well that that will not make you shame you say well there's a sure a lot of stuff I hope for it I didn't get well now this right here could very well be the answer in most of the it is why people pray for something they hope to receive and never receive it because hope alone hope is wonderful hope is something given to us by the Lord Jesus at Calvary I mean we we have our hope in him but hope without faith has no substance it's a dream it is in the soul realm of the imagination the dream realm and it never will come to pass if it doesn't have some spiritual substance to it and you hear people say well we're just hoping and praying I'll tell you what if that's all you do it that's all you're ever gonna do you're not hoping praying and receiving Jesus said what's there everything you desire when you pray believe you receive them and you shall have them so faith is the substance of things hoped for faith is the supernatural creative living life power of God that comes out of his spirit that has been deposited in your and my spirit when we made Jesus Christ the Lord of our life it rises in response to our believing God's Word God's faith is already in his word he believed it when he said it and it rises to reach into the unreality non real world as far as material so for this concern of hope imagination and dreams and becomes the subject of that hope and becomes the substance of that hope and it then is the supernatural power that brings that hoped for dream picture imagination built by the promises of God and brings it into the physical manifestation that we can perceive and and hear and touch and taste and smell and all that and so forth now faith is not the product then of human reasoning he is the product of the spirit we found in Isaiah 1:18 that said we come reason with the Lord well that kind of reasoning is on the word we base our reasoning together our reasoning with ourselves on our reasoning with the Lord I don't reason about his word whether or not it's true I have settled it in my heart that it is true and if something tells me that it isn't then I stand in rebellion to that not to the word I side in line with the word and my reasoning faculties have to come in line with the word so that faith then has an opportunity to change this thing that I've been seeing that says the words not so if my buddy is sick and it tells me it's sick and if I go around saying yes I'm sick god I'm sick Satan I'm sick wife I'm sick child I'm sick pastor I'm sick buddy you're sick yeah I know you're sick yeah you're sick well all the turn that I was saying all of that and reasoning all that out in my mind and going to God and say I sure do hope to be heal I sure hope to be here yes I believe God's going to heal me someday wonder why you don't ever hear me someday someday aid here well there's no faith in that see I have by reasoning decided that what I see is true seeing is not believing believing is seeing the world says seeing is believing they'll believe anything less they can see it well how can they ever change what they see if they don't believe well how do you see that's backwards that's just right or Satan wants to keep you but when you go to the Word of God and say yes the word is so by His stripes you were healed Peter said by his tribe I mean yeah by His stripes you are said Isaiah 53 and Peter said by His stripes he were so if he are and you were than I am and I'm speaking by faith in line with what God has already said now my body says none he'll I said wait a minute you're not you're not me you're just my body and in the name of Jesus I am healed and out of my spirit comes the healing power of God into this body now body you respond to that I believe I receive healing in you I thank you for it father in the name of Jesus thank God as far as I'm concerned I'm heal when I water by done I've agreed with the word even if I had to disagree with my body now that is actually a very fundamental of faith because the Bible said in the fourth chapter book of Romans that by faith we call things that are not as though they were now let's stop right here and back up a little bit and look at this faith as a substance faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen for by it the elders obtained a good report through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen this things that we can see the earth the trees the sky and all these things around us including our bodies because you can trace I can trace my flesh my body back through God's creation to the day that he created Adams body which he created out of the dust of Earth so god those so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear or the modern way to say that would be that things which are seen were not made out of something you can see it was made out of faith it's a spiritual force but the force of faith that you can't see is the creative force of God that becomes and is the theme to those things that you can see so these things that you can see can be traced back to the faith of God because it was by faith God used the substance of faith to create these things well let me ask you something doesn't just good sense tell you that if it was made from faith that it'll still respond to faith couldn't it be changed about the let me ask you something else will fear change physical things oh yeah I mean we realize that don't we fear change the color of your hair I mean there's there's cases known where undocumented i-23 that I'm thinking about right now that you can just you find time to tell them to well one of them was a they're out in the river that comes into Niagara Falls there is a barge out there that is hung up on the ground it's been there for 30 or 40 years but the guy that was in it today and hung up didn't know he was gonna sit there for 40 years I mean that thing broke loose up there in the Great Lakes and I mean it started down that river and just a little ways before it got over Niagara Falls boy I mean you know it's all over they're just a little ways forward got that stuck and here these guys were people of this barge and there's the Niagara Falls right there and they finally got these guys off of this thing I mean they were afraid to breathe brother they were on there hours and hours out they strung a breeches buoy out across there and this guy had walked across to get this breeches buoy set and got the Lions fouled up and had to go back out and start all over again these guys are all standing there the next day one of them was snow white headed and he'd been dark-haired the day before when a Sun come up the next day he was so afraid that all of his hair had turned snow white yeah well you know what I'm talking about can fear make you sick well Medical Sciences already proven that fear and anxiety is one of the most sickly things causes more problems and causes the heart to come apart causes your joints to get into stiffness and arthritis and all of that kind of thing well yeah brother Copeland everybody knows that well let me tell you ask yourself you see fear no now you can see the results of it sometimes you can smell it sometimes you can sense it but it's not something you can take out and feel of it look at it say oh that's fear that's what I know you can't do that it's a spiritual force actually fear is perverted faith the first thing Adams said when he felt Adam had faith in him God invested faith any wound he made him because it's impossible to please God without faith right then the Hebrews 11:6 says that and he created Adam said he was good he was pleased with him so he's bound to had faith well the first thing that happened after he fell the Bible said he was afraid of God he feared God before he had faith in God Adam didn't even know he had faith actually that is a manifestation of faith is and then really that's the way God wants us to develop and grow to where we get to the place we just believe God and walk with God like Jesus did and and you really don't see a man being all shook up or rattled about anything I mean he just has faith knows he has faith never really gives too much attention to it just has faith jesus said I'll pray the Father and he'll send you the holy go now one of us that have said that somebody say how do you know he'll sin you never know what God's gonna do it was on other end of it we'd say well I'll pray the Father and I'll ask him to send the Holy Ghost and if it be his will he might do it he might not do it you never know what he's gonna do I wish he'd straighten up no no no that'd about Jesus he said I pray the Father he's in the hole ago somebody said yeah but that was Jesus well he's given you his name in which to pray you see Jesus walking by faith he didn't come up out that the tomb of Lazarus and know that I've come upon this here funeral four days late no no he didn't do that he just walked in there and said roll that stone away from the door and what did the man's sister say he stinks already you know right after he died maybe four he started stinking you might have been released now see that's the reasoning faculty talk faith it's faith I mean he walked up there and the will of gods have moved the stone away from the door they said Oh heart he said listen and I tell you if you'd believe you'd see the glory of God he said I am the resurrection he hadn't called him by his name I guess everybody in that graveyard got up but he's a nothing case the point I wanted to make here Jesus knew who you was in the father knew how faith operated he wasn't asking for more faith he used what he had and we've been given the name of Jesus and the same Holy Spirit that was residing in him and on him is available to us residing in us and available to reside on us in his name we can move and walk and have faith in the power and the of the Living God hallelujah in that good news them so faith is a substance now then faith is from God now I want to talk to you here a moment and unravel some things that are and begin to show you some things that you will really need to know as you begin to use your faith and begin to believe God and exercise your faith in your daily life first of all let's talk about the faith that we deal with that's from God the faith that we were to live by you know the Bible said the just shall live by faith 2nd Corinthians 5 makes this statement and it is oh I'll tell you it's so simple but yet it's one of the most profound or most in-depth statements in all the New Testament we walk by faith not by sight sight standing for what we perceive by the five physical senses in other words I walk by faith not by what I see I walk by faith not by what I just hear I walk by faith not by what I feel I walk by faith and not by what I smell now faith and believing is an action word and we could illustrate that like this if you were seated say you know in church and some guy ran in there and said the buildings on fire and you said don't smell any smoke I mean if something wrong with your nose you could be a fire before you ever knew it or you can say well you know I don't I don't I don't feel any warmer but now what happens if you believe the guy you get out first you act on it first and then say well is anybody know what exactly firing they're not he'll make him different brother I'm out I mean I saw that happen we went into Louisville Kentucky one time for a meeting and we got in the night before the meeting was supposed to start just after we got into the hotel that night there was a big nightclub in theater in that town there was a man ran out there on the stage and said this place is a fire let's get out of here orderly get up and go now and he took off out that side door and everybody sat around and said ha ha ha ha ha I thought he was part of the show and sometimes they leave you know he didn't smell any smoke and all of a sudden the roof caved in on the thing and killed 1200 people just because they didn't believe what that man said well now that's where the word God is the man that runs in and tells us and we act on it in the name of Jesus now Ephesians chapter 2 and let's look at this from the fourth verse but God who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us even when we were dead in sins has made us alive together with Christ by grace are you saved and raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus so the same power that God used to raised Jesus from the dead he used on you to get you born again or had you spiritually raised in spiritual death now listen to this that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of His grace and his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus for by grace are you saved through faith by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourself it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God has before ordained that we should walk in them that's talking about the new birth and when you were born again God placed faith to live by his faith you got saved by and now it's faith to live by every day of your life that faith right there will provide the food you eat the clothes on your back there your transportation that you need to function in your ministry and in your daily life it will provide for your spirit your soul for your body now there are other kinds of faith and we're gonna get in to that tomorrow because we're out of time today there's natural human faith that does have to do with your soul your mind your will and your emotions that's not what we're talking about there is the faith of God in the gifts of the Spirit or manifestations of the Holy Ghost that unto one is dealt the gift of faith well that's not talking about this faith that I'm talking about that's God's faith in that is in the spirit of God it is a manifestation of the faith of the Holy Ghost adding to your faith in a role of ministry praise God when you begin to realize that God has sent faith into this earth for us to live by to meet our needs to be like him praise God I'll tell you it gets to be an exciting thing we're not talking about religion brother we're Tom by seven days a week walking in the power and the victorious over coming this of God hallelujah that phrase the victorious overcoming this of God I mean God is an overcomer God is never defeated he's never stopped he has problems but he he never stops with a problem he overcomes it the Bible says that whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God and whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith praise God I'm Kenneth Copeland and this is the believers voice of victor broadcast that's why we're here is to share things with you that have helped Gloria and me and my family in this ministry to develop our faith over the over the years and the mistakes that we've made we want to share with you the corrections for those mistakes and help you develop your spirit help you develop your your soul help you develop your your body to walk in the things of God and to walk in the ways of God by faith in the blood by faith in the word by faith in the name of Jesus of Nazareth praise God let's pray father we thank you for faith we thank you for the word we thank you for your the overcoming nosov your nature in your likeness you are an overcomer father and we want to be like you Jesus has overcome death Jesus has overcome sickness and disease and poverty and and fear and all of those things that surround us on this earth father thank god you're an overcomer and we bless you and praise you for it and we ask you by the Holy Spirit to show us more about it today in Jesus name Amen now we've been talking about the fact that we are a spirit you are a spirit I am a spirit we are spirits created in the human class there is a class of spirit beings that you and I call human I don't know you know I don't know where we got that name I mean it in the Bible name God calls us man we are of the species of man man was created in God's class he created them male and female there is a male man and there is a female man the species is man like an elephant is a species well they're female elephants and they're male elephants you know but they are all elephants well that's the reason you don't need to get all uptight because the Bible uses the word man instead of saying man and woman every time it used the word man God really thought we were smarter than that to start with but he's talking about the species of man they're male man and female man the species of man was created in God's image and God is a spirit and and we're living in this spirit realm the spirit world and and there's more detail there's more regulatory activity in the spirit realm that even in the realm of physics or this natural physical realm that we see and perceive to our touch to our smell to our taste to our hearing so for the spirit realm is where God is God is a spirit he is the spirit he is the spirit realm and when you were born again you were born into his household your spirit then was the you that was reborn you are a spirit you have a soul and you live in a physical body now in this spirit man you notice every time I talk about the spirit it's it's a it is just the most natural thing in the world to do this your spirit man the reason the Bible calls it your heart the bible's of spirit book when it talks about the heart it's not talking about this blood pump it's talking about the core the center the center of the being the innermost being is one translation puts it the Bible said in the 27th chapter proverbs that the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord well that's where God's light shines is in the spirit of man this is where you have contact with God not here in here now let me prove that to you in a way that will really make sense to you fear is also a spiritual force and fear is perverted faith fear is what originally was Adam's faith and when he bowed his knee to the devil he took upon him the nature of the devil and the spiritual forces that were in the devil which were perverted perverted the spiritual forces in Adam so what was love became hate what was courage became discouragement or dismay what had been faith was turned into fear now it still has all the characteristics of faith but it works in just the opposite manner faith in God gives me peace and quietness faith in a rattlesnakes ability to hurt me gives me fear you follow that actually fear of a snake is faith in that snakes ability to do me harm and a lack of faith in my ability or in God's ability to protect me from it now that ought to let you know that it's between faith and fear right there when we closed yesterday we were talking about the fact that fear changed the physical body fear will make you sick well if fear will make you sick why is it so outlandish to realize that faith make you well well it didn't I mean it's not outlandish it's not foolishness it's just good Bible sense amen now let me show you another way we're talking about the core of man this is where faith is is in here this is where the love of God is is in here this is where you hear the voice of God is in here jesus said he that hath ears to hear let him hear well they all had these things on their heads that's not what he was talking about besides that God spoke more than once and out in the his voice invaded this natural realm and a bunch of them thought it wondered how many times you reckon God trying to get your attention and he went ahead and spoke out loud and you said no Joel here some joke here at Sunday what was that was that us was that a jet breaking the sound barrier what do you wonder what that was could have been God and you like me you said dense you didn't hear it you've got I mean God's been speaking to you and me all this time oh he's picked me he has been death yeah like you mean all the rest of it have been so spiritually dense we couldn't hear him he is a spirit start listening in here listen for your faith don't try to feel for it you body may feel the results of it occasionally but you wouldn't know the difference you wouldn't know therefore this fear of faith I mean all you get either way is goosebumps how you gonna know the difference don't try to judge faith and spiritual things of God by the way you little little little puny body would think about me and you you couldn't conceive God with your body anyway dear Lord my friend he is the God Almighty of the universe and here you trying to boil him down to the size of a goose bump hear me how foolish can can you get I don't know we've all been that foolish one time or another then listen listen I will help you re in your realizing the it's between your spirit your mind your will and your emotions and your body fear is a spiritual force same as faith is and perfect love casteth out fear faith worketh by love so faith is that force in love that have cast out fear but now let's talk about fear for a month because you're more acquainted with that than your faith if I were to sneak up behind you and you didn't know I was there and I startled you and I said boom something like that you know yeah ain't that what you do you wouldn't go oh why why wouldn't you grab your head fear don't come out of your head when somebody is afraid to get on an airplane and fly or somebody starlets and whoever heart come up in my mouth think about those phrases a lot of those phrases that we use like that are spiritually correct there there are knowing that you have in your inside of your spirit man that that's exactly what happened and we say things not realizing that what we said was really spiritually correct people say things like you know I'm taking a cold that's exactly what you do you take it if you refuse to take it the thing can't stay on you but most people go ahead and take it they speak for it now when it fears releases her heart jumped right up in my mouth oh goodness that's just who you know like that well that's where faith is now don't try to feel your faith don't don't try to feel for it like that listen for it listen for there is a knowing on the inside that as you develop your faith walk as you develop your spirit in the Word of God as you develop your walk with the Holy Ghost as you develop your walk with God and get out of that traditional religion kinda idea of thinking in one day all glory to God don't we feel God and the next day you come in here or I lost the victory I just don't feel a thing it doesn't have anything to do with the way you feel any day because he said never leave you nor forsake you even to the end of the world so you go around praying oh god be with me O God be with me O God be with that don't develop anything but unbelief you go to the word and it says I will never leave you nor forsake you instead of praying O God be with me I wish I could feel you or something like that you begin to pray thank God you're with me greater is He that's in me than he that's in the world and you say it's the loudest when you don't feel it or you feel the worst that is the beginning of the development of your inner man that is the beginning of becoming a spiritual adult to walk on the word instead of by your feelings now I want to talk to you moment about the faith of God we read yesterday Ephesians 2:8 let's read it again for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourself that faith that we're talking about that you got saved by the faith that the just shall live by the we we know that's the faith it's talking about because it uses the word just then that means justified are born again that's when you got born again so the just shall live by faith now listen to this for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourself it is the gift of God somebody said well I thought the grace was the gift well it is you didn't give your own grace or faith both from God but we're not talking about grace right now we will one of these days but right never talking about this faith it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works in other words when you were born again the Bible said any man that is in Christ is a new creation in Christ Jesus who you are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus that faith was put in you when that happened that's what caused it to happen and you were created you are his workmanship in Christ Jesus unto good work what works the works that faith and grace will do the works that faith will cause to come to pass as you walk in that faith before him now that's the faith we're majoring on but for to clarify some things here let's look at first Corinthians chapter 12 where it says here that wait a minute second Corinthians kept well I don't know 1st Corinthians chapter 12 all right now concerning spiritual gifts brethren I would not have you ignorant praise the Lord we're not gonna be ignorant that good news you know that you were Gentiles carried away under those dumb idols even as you were led I give you to understand all thank God we're going to understand praise the Lord that no man speaketh by the spirit call it Jesus accursed and that no man can say that jesus is lord but by the holy ghost that's the reason I say it all the time praise God now there are diversities or differences of gifts actually this word gifts is translated later as manifestations and I want you to realize that that's what this is talking about this is manifestations of the Holy Ghost now listen to this there are differences of administration with the same gift there are diversities of operations but it's the same God with work with all in all but the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal for it to one is given by the spirit the word of wisdom to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit to another faith by the same spirit so forth so on and talks about the gifts of healings and working of miracles discerning them spirits and so forth those manifestations of the Holy Ghost are just that they are manifestations of the Holy Spirit in our midst for us to profit or for our needs to be met in and around and in behalf of times of industry those are ministry manifestations one one great apostle of faith Smith Wigglesworth explained it like this he said I stretch my faith the faith he got born again with the faith I believe God with he said I stretch my faith as far as her to go when I stretch my faith as far as it'll go then I'm expecting the Holy Ghost to come alongside and add his faith that's at manifestation of faith to finish the job praise God so we're talking about the faith of God that was imparted into our spirit when we were born again and here we're talking about the faith of God adding to our faith in the Holy Ghost role of ministry and that comes as you and I minister to other people that we don't we don't use that for ourselves that's not what that's not the way that works now this this is a ministry - now there is such things just natural human faith I mean if there wasn't any such thing it's just natural reasoning faith you would have you absolutely wouldn't have the courage to walk outside your front door some people don't some people get so hung up in fear even their natural human faith is all fouled up messed up they won't even leave the house won't get outside the door some of them won't even leave their their chair and just finally turn inward until they've what you say well it lost his mind well actually what he did he's lost control of his soul his will he did a will to get out of that chair his emotions he's so emotionally tied to the thing is so bound by the Kate Lew and his mind he's lost the the control of his thinking processes and they've jumped the traces and it's just so to speak and he's thinking the devil's thoughts after him he's afraid he won't move so natural human faith is that I can I can look around it I can look at this this big sturdy platform here and I realize that it is strong enough that I can put my weight upon it I didn't get that from God originally because I'm created in the species of man and I have this thing on the inside of me that's natural human faith or ability to have confidence I have that and I look at this thing and don't worry they'll hold me up or not and and I can look at a chair and see that I can sit down in that chair but that's not the faith that we're talking about and that works in the area of the will if you really want to know the truth is where as we have time we'll get over into that some and show that to you comes in the area of will power it comes from the intellect and comes from feeding that intellect properly on the Word of God and you will have fear to live this daily life and to make decisions and and do and so forth but that should be subordinate to the faith that God has given you to live and walk by Supernatural according to his word now faith then that we are majoring in is this faith from God that we read in the book of Ephesians and then we can we can back that up from the fact that we find over at Paul wrote to the church at Thessalonica and he said pray that we be delivered from wicked and unreasonable men for all men have not faith now all men then don't have faith from God all men have that natural faith they're all men can't have that thing but now let's go over here to the book of Romans will close with this in the twelfth chapter of the book of Romans I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable perfect will of God for I say through the grace given unto me to every man that is among you now he's writing this letter to a bunch of born-again Holy Ghost filled believers in Rome to every man among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think soberly according as God as dealt to every men now not every man in the whole world but every man among you ever born again men according to Ephesians 2:8 according as God as dealt to every man among you the measure of faith now I want to close this today with you realizing that you didn't get a little - Adam somebody else got a whole great big bunch the grain of mustard seed faith that Jesus spoke about was not then and is not now a measurement of how much faith you got now I'm going to show you that maybe get into it tomorrow I'm believing we were because it is so exciting but you've got faith say it out loud I have the measure of pain I'll tell you Oh to realize that God the creator of all things the father of the Lord Jesus Christ the one who raised him from the dead has put faith in you and faith in me to walk and live as overcomers praise God the Bible said in first John chapter 5 whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God and whatsoever is born of God overcometh over oh and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith hallelujah father we thank you for it we ask you now to reveal it to us show us how to walk in it show us how to feed it show us how to develop the faith of God father it's your faith and we receive it in the name of Jesus and we ask you to develop it in us we receive Jesus as the author and the developer of our faith in Jesus name Amen let's review just a moment several things one you are a spirit it was the spirit of you that was reborn the real you is a spirit being you will live throughout eternity every spirit that has ever come into manifestation cannot be put out of existence therefore any spirit that still has the nature of the devil in him he's never made Jesus Christ the Lord of his life and not talking about your body now how much your spirit has to be incarcerated in Hell itself because the spirit of man is the highest-ranking spirit that God has ever created and stands in that same creative class with God and we can see through God manifested in the flesh as a man Jesus Christ of Nazareth we can see how powerful a man is in the power of God we can see in other ways how powerful a man is in the power of darkness and the power of Satan see certain leaders in the world today that it just would not do to allow that spirit being loose in the earth full of the devil without this body to constrict and restrict that person so that's where hell comes in now the Bible says that hell was created for the devil and his angels but if you belong to the devil you get the judgment of the devil and therefore you have to be put in jail with him when your body is removed from your spirit you are a spirit you have a soul made up of your mind your will and your emotions your spirit feeds on spirit food and produces a spiritual force which is called faith your mind feeds on the Word of God as intellectual food and produces an intellectual force that's called willpower power of the will the physical man eats physical food produces a physical power or strength that is called strength or physical force now jesus said those things that are spirit or spirit those things that are flesh or flesh God is a spirit and those that worship Him worship Him in spirit and in truth therefore we contact God in our spirit being we don't contact him with our mind he's not in our mind he influences our mind but he's not in your mind he's in your spirit your mind is in your spirit he is in your spirit the Bible says we have the mind of Christ but in order to walk in it we have to renew our minds according to the word now I want us to go back again and look in the Word of God we closed yesterday with this scripture in Romans chapter 12 where the Word of God says in the third verse for I say through the grace given unto me to every man that is among you he's writing this letter as all other of the letters from the book of Romans first and second corinthians philippians galatians ephesians hebrews 1st 2nd 3rd john 1st 2nd thessalonians titus philemon the book of Revelation all of these letters are written to the body of Christ they are written to born-again Holy Ghost indwelt Holy Ghost on dwelt believers these people are the ones that these letters are written to that's reason you ought to major in these letters that's where your life is that's where your faith is now now listen I say through the grace given unto me to every man that is among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think soberly according now this is the way we're supposed to organize our thoughts we're supposed to think according as God has dealt to every man that's not every man in whole world he's talking about saving faith he's dealt under every man the measure of faith now what measure of faith is that alright let's go over here to the book of Ephesians somebody said I thought it was mustard great now no that's talking about entirely another thing he's talking about faith but it's talking about it from an entirely different viewpoint in the book of Ephesians the first chapter the sixteenth verse I ceased not to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him you get wisdom and revelation in knowing him and it's revealed in you after you were born again the Spirit of God is in you in with that revelation that the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of this calling what the riches of the glory of his inheritance is in the Saints listen and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us word or toward us who believe according to the working of his mighty power which he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead Lord what a question he said I want him to reveal unto you the answer to this question what is the exceeding greatness of his power toward us who believe his greatness of his power had to be for us the believer that's the reason he raised Jesus from the dead otherwise what is the use and send him to Calvary for in the first place he died there for us and what is that great power to us who believe according to the working the spiritual working of his mighty power which he worked in Christ Jesus when he raised him from the dead was it had to do with us alright now he comes down to the in Chapter and says you has he made alive who were dead in trespasses in sin wear it in times past you walked according to the course of this world according to the Prince of the power of the air the spirit that now worketh in the children disobedience among whom also we all had our manner of life in times past in the lusts of our flesh fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind and we're by nature the children of Wrath so even before he got born again you were a spirit you had a soul and you lived in a body but you were of your father the devil that's what geez the term Jesus used talking to some very religious folks but they were not of God and you were by nature the children of Wrath and you fulfill the desires of the flesh and of the mind but God who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us even when we were dead in sin hath made us alive together with Christ in other words they remember it used the words work the great power that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead enough all of that because here he's answering that question what is it what is the working of that mighty power to me or to you the believer now listen even when we were dead in sins hath made us alive together with Christ has raised us up together made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of His grace and his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus for by grace are you saved through faith by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any of the cities that word works again not of works lest any man should boast no man did this God did it for we are his workmanship he exercised and worked his mighty power in Christ Jesus when he raised him from the dead when you made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life exactly not one iota less of course not one iota more because it was all of God's power and all of his might was worked in your spirit when you were dead in your sins and trespasses Jesus was dead in our sins and trespasses you were dead in your sins and trespasses and the same working of his mighty power which he worked in Christ Jesus when he raised him from the dead he worked in your spirit raised your spirit from the death of sin and trespass and raised you up together made you alive together together together that's what that word together there means together in Christ and with Christ so the same measure of power or faith the same measure of God's faith that it took to raise Jesus from the dead it took to raise your spirit from the dead and caused you to be reborn and that faith and that power that he work is worked in you and the power of God's faith is in you now praise God Almighty somebody shout and say Amen with me hallelujah now then that measure that God used when he raised Jesus from the dead is the same measure of God's faith that's residing in you now I said dear Lord God if that's true I mean God created the heavens and the earth how come I can't create a planet well it's the same faith but the Bible said that he created the heavens and the earth through wisdom and understanding he cut off he's a whole lot smarter about using that faith in you and I are amen oh yeah I doubt seriously if you can create a BB much less a planet well what's the difference of saying faith but you and I faith comes by hearing hearing by his word you and I don't have that much revelation about faith that's what we're doing we're learning about it hallelujah but then right on the other hand you have done and will do in the future things that are far greater in their scope than creating the heavens and the earth because the things that happen to a man a woman a female man a male man anybody in the species of man to be born again Oh glory be to God that's the most fabulous miracle there there is and it'll come as you minister to someone the words of your mouth in the words of God in your mouth your faith flowing out your mouth as you minister to that person they'd be born again what do you think the miracle faith came from came out of your spirit out of the Holy Spirit is he anointed you to speak the words of the message and as you're a witness to Jesus praise got you lay hands on the sick and they shall recover cast out devils and speak with new tongues praise God and Jesus said the works that I do shall you do also and even greater works than these shall you do because I go to my father well thank God he went how they lose you now then faith then is from God God has given to every man among us the major of faith it is the works of God lest any man should boast it is the gift of God this faith and the grace by which it came now let's go over to the book of Mark because I want to introduce you to something that we're going to discuss and talk about all week that is going to become very very close to you for the rest of your life not just on this earth but the rest of your life including eternity the unique heart of man the part of man not just his spirit part but the part of him that's like God that we don't see in any other of God's creation in this earth and this earth is what we're having to deal with the part of us that's like God is our ability to choose words and speak them and thereby choose our own eternal destiny the Bible said with the heart man believeth unto righteousness but with his mouth confession is made unto salvation now listen to what Jesus said I remember the faith that is in you the faith that is in me the faith to live by the faith you got saved by the faith that is product of your spirit faith is the substance of things hoped for it is the very substance of the bringing to pass your dreams and your imaginations in God now there are people that that are not of God that teach imagination and visualization it's that that's all lacked out of place but that doesn't mean that it is not a truth and they're using a part of the truth but we're putting it all together and in the name of Jesus pleading the blood of Jesus Christ over our spirit soul and body now listen to what Jesus said jesus said have faith in God this in mark 11:23 the cross-reference says have the faith of God well let me ask you something do you have the faith of God yes Amen I've been dealt the measure of faith it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast now that is a fact whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith that's a mouth of three witnesses out of the New Testament let it be established now have the god-kind of faith' for verily I say unto you that whosoever so whosoever will say it can have it for verily I say unto you that whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart or any spirit but shall believe that those things which he saith what are those things which he said those things which he say other words believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he said and Jesus said have the faith of God this is the way he released the faith of God so we know we have the faith of God if we've made Jesus Christ the Lord of our life and he said this is the way you use it or release it faith is released in words and corresponding actions right now we're going to major in the fact that our words should be filled of faith now jesus said of your words shall you be justified of your words shall you be condemned and you will stand judgment for every inoperative or idle no good word that comes out of your mouth so what we must do then is go to God's Word since it's God's faith we go to the exceeding great and precious promises that the Apostle Peter says we become by those promises partakers of the divine nature we go to the promises put them in our mouths and speak them act according to them and speak to the mountain of sickness to the mountain of disease in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ so that is faith in our faith are working together toward their removal of this thing out of our lives out of our circumstances and change this natural physical world by speaking faith and acting faith until the thing boughs its need be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea beta God a mechanic needs the right tool to tune a car's engine a builder uses the correct equipment to build a strong foundation live a victorious Christian life and use your faith the way God designed it the faith that works package will help you get the breakthroughs you need and become the spiritual powerhouse God has called you to be this package includes the faith that can move mountains lifeline kit attend a spiritual action plan by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland that is filled with practical teaching on faith interactive devotional questions scriptures worship music and more the how to put your faith to work CD series by Kenneth Copeland will help you use your faith on purpose and make your life better full of peace health and freedom let your faith soar to new heights and experience living active faith as you read the book force of faith by Kenneth Copeland included free your faith is a game-changer put it to work today order the faith that works packaged and receive all three faith resources for $37.99 and enjoy a special savings of 30% log on to KCMG org slash TV special and request your package today this lifeline kit CD series and book will help you find the answers you need about faith and how it works each and every day develop your faith and walk in victory order the faith that works package today for an additional 10% off order your package online the Bible says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and if you heard this broadcast today then you heard the word and faith is present in your heart if you've never made Jesus the Lord of your life than you have in you right now the the more than enough faith just to respond to his grace and everything he's done for you if you've never been born again then pray this with me just say this Oh God in heaven I come to you in Jesus name and I receive your forgiveness of all my sin I believe in my heart and I confess with my mouth Jesus is the Lord of my life fill me with your Holy Spirit take my life and do something with it in Jesus name Amen now listen if you prayed that prayer I know it was simple but you're born again and the power of God's faith is in you right now and Kenneth and Gloria Copeland have something that they would like to send you absolutely free just called the salvation package it's a book called he did it all for you by Kenneth and Gloria and along with that book we're gonna send you two brochures about how to study your Bible how to read your Bible and now that you've got this faith in you it's important that you know how to use it how to develop it how to release it and these free teaching materials are gonna help you understand who you are in Jesus who Jesus is in you and what belongs to you as a child of God so request your free salvation package today go to KCMO org let us know you want it and we'll get it to you absolutely free I also want to let you know that the Washington DC victory campaign starts November 13th goes all the way through Saturday November 15th so join Kenneth and Gloria Copeland they'll be at the Hilton Memorial Chapel in Woodbridge Virginia this is very close to our nation's capital listen God is our source he's your source put your faith into action these are very very important very exciting times that we're living in this is why you and I need to get into meetings like this this is Casey Ames last meeting of the year so come get in there put your faith into action and if you can't be there in person you can always join us live on KCM dot org connecting with Kenneth Copeland ministries has never been easier as social media outlets continue to grow KCM continues to adapt to this ever-changing digital landscape Facebook Twitter YouTube and Pinterest are only the avenues we use to interact with our partners and friends around the world social media also allows us to share breaking news and provide better customer service check out our official blog at Kenneth Copeland ministries org for exclusive video content and the latest ministry news the believers voice of victory magazine was first printed over 40 years ago as a four-page newsletter today the same faith filled experience you enjoy by reading the magazine has been expanded with the new interactive digital version in addition to the powerful articles you'll also have access to bonus content videos and a free product download you may even share search and post to social media the BtoB magazine is now mailed to over 500,000 subscribers every month it's full of powerful tools that will help you grow spiritually and learn to live in victory KCM is also part of YouVersion our partners most loved daily devotional from faith to faith is now one of several KCM devotional is freely available on new version the number one bible app last year over 8 point 1 million website visitors found exclusive teaching content and articles to build their faith at KCM org through our website you can view the be VOV broadcast read online devotionals and shop for products that will encourage and empower you in your daily life visitors can also read the be vov magazine with multiple digital formats and watch streaming events live or on-demand but that's only the start of what we have in store for you scheduled to launch in the fall of 2014 our new design website will include two exciting areas built exclusively for our partners the believers Academy is an online learning center with video courses tailor-made for learning the word and taking your faith to the next level and our new partner community is a safe place online to connect with people of like-minded faith for 35 years the believers voice of victory broadcast has taught people how to walk in faith every day through the power of God's Word the BBOB airs in English German Russian Spanish and Ukrainian providing more than 885 million people access to the on-air broadcast viewers can watch when and where it's most convenient with on-demand access through our website and the dedicated KCM roku channel roku connects you to the BBOB broadcasts anytime you need it watch archived broadcasts healing school and much more 24 hours a day seven days a week Thank You partners Kenneth Copeland ministries continues to use every available voice to take the Word of God to the world and impact lives for eternity may the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace and believing that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be overflowing with hope fear of failure is dangerous if you let it dominate you it will cause you to do the one thing that guarantees failure and that's not attempting at all how do you counteract the fear of failure you turn up the hope you get alone with God and listen to you meditate on his promises until you see nothing else that's what hope is all about it's a divine dream it's an inner image that's bigger than you are because it's built on the promises of God if you're a Christian you ought to be a dreamer take the Word of God and build some dreams today but God got it out and he brought it to life the just the little things and then he began to restore truth to the body of crime and we that started out that he did all his wonderful favor we way over here that it's been developing all this time and we're about to see the real you won't want to miss these special broadcasts as most of you know every Friday on the believers voice of victory is offering day so let me read this to you from the book of Galatians chapter 6 verse 6 it says let him who has taught the words share or you could say respond to what he heard in all good things with him who teaches and do not be deceived God is not mocked for whatever a man shows that he will also reap now many of you have been sowing into this ministry and into these broadcasts for a long time you've been partners with Kenneth and Gloria in this ministry and an assignment that God has on their lives and we want you to know how much we appreciate you we thank you for standing with Kenneth and glory thank you for standing with the assignment of this ministry and father in Jesus name I bless our partners and if there's anybody else watching who you've got an assignment for to get involved with this ministry I'm asking you Lord to speak clearly to them and and stir in them the faith that it takes to be a part of this and to get invested in the kingdom of God and what you're doing all over the world we thank you in Jesus name now listen if you missed any of this week's broadcast you can watch it on our website at KCMG org or on Kasem's roku channel you can always go and download and watch and get caught back up with us I want to let you know too that the Washington DC victory campaign at the Hilton Memorial Chapel brother Copeland preaches and Gloria Copeland is having healing school now if you can't be there in person you can always watch it live online at kc m dot org now next week brother Copeland is back on the broadcast so we invite you to join him and his guest David Barton many of you loved it when when brother Copeland has David Barton on these broadcasts you do not miss what they have to share this is a very timely message for the body of Christ that is going to see us through to victory praise God even in these most trying times you don't want to miss these broadcasts do what it takes set a reminder do do what it takes to make sure you tune in to these and of course if you miss any of them you can always go back to kcn org and download or stream for free anytime day or night praise God thanks so much for joining us on this broadcast today we'll see you again next time until then this is Jeremy Pearson's reminding you that God loves you and we love you and Jesus is law thank you for joining us today on the believers voice of victory for this week's broadcasts on DVD or mp3 on CD go to KCMG org or call or write to us today remember this week's product offer these ministry tools are designed to help you get the word working in your life so you can experience all God has for you if you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior today be sure to request your free salvation package this will help you understand who you are in Christ and how to start living your new life and victory
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 26,755
Rating: 4.8929768 out of 5
Keywords: youtube, week@once, bible, kenneth copeland ministries, wao, bvov-youtube, ken copeland, kenneth copeland, faith
Id: 9yKRDw5ARaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 11sec (6791 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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