Exercise the Fundamentals of Faith During Trials

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KENNETH: Welcome everybody to the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. I'm Kenneth and this is Gloria Copeland and happy anniversary sweetheart. t's only next Monday. GLORIA: How long? KENNETH: 58 years. Praise God. GLORIA: We did it, we did it. 58 years. KENNETH: I met you on the 30th day of October in 1961. I remember the day I first laid eyes on you and I thought- her dad came up to me. Arkansas was playing TCU and you know, there's no, you can't buy a room in that town, but my dad was with national old line insurance company. GLORIA: Yeah, I remember. KENNETH: And um, so he called up there. My boss took a charter trip, and I rode the ride seat. I didn't have multi engine rating back in those days. And, um, so they had an extra seat and I asked, I asked Bill, I said, uh, could my dad go? And of course you know Bill and dad were close friends and, and so, uh, he said sure. So had an after game party at the country club and all that. Anyway, her dad came up to me and said, my daughter's best looking girl in the state of Arkansas. I said, is that right? And he came back a little bit later and he said, you don't believe me, do you? I said, I believe you man. He said, how you going to airport in the morning? I don't know, cab I guess. Nah he said, where are you staying? I'm going to come pick you up. I really never, I really never thought I'd ever see this guy again. But we were staying in the pent house of national old line insurance company and, and my, my dad had been with that company for a long time and so he called him and said, they said, yeah, A.W. You and Kenneth stay up there is fine. Cause they all going to the ballgame. TCU is playing Arkansas. So, um, wow. The next morning, Sunday morning, bright and clear and a fall day as in October, you know, I don't remember who won the game, but that the elevator came all the way up there and then when it opened there Gloria and her dad and her mother and I saw her, I thought, man, he's right. That's the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. So we walked out on the balcony there. It's five stories high and, and back there that many years ago there, the city wasn't built up as high as it is now, and we stood out there and there's a bright pretty fall day like I said, and, and Gloria and I walked out on that balcony and we're looking out over it and she put her arm around me and just patted me on the back. And I, and I know right then that moment I just fell head over heels in love with her. I just, I thought... GLORIA: Don't make me cry. KENNETH: And it wasn't long after that my boss came in and he said, Kenneth, I've taken over the operation in, he said over in Camden, Arkansas. And, and he said, uh, you know, he said, uh, it is a mess. That place needs cleaning up. And I thought, maybe you'd like to go over there? And I said, I'll go. Yeah, I'll go. He said, don't you want to think about it? And I said, I thought about it. I'm starting to thinking that girl is over there somewhere. So sure enough, and we had a bunch of weather come in there two weeks later and just grounded everything. And so I asked Mack Tate was my boss there then in Camden. And so I said, Mack, can I have the airport car? I went in and called Gloria and she answered the phone. She said later, she's, her mother and dad asked if she'd like to go to Little Rock. She said, no, that boy is going to call. And I called her and made a date with her. And so I had this old wore out airport car and I drove that thing over to Blevins to pick her up which is a few miles away. And then we went to Camden and went to the rocket room. And so, and we had, I don't know where I got money enough to feed her, but I did, I guess I got it from Mack, I guess. I'm pretty sure I got it from Mack because Gloria used to come over there and when she's come over where we were and she'd stay with Mack and his wife, and you've heard me tell this story, but I just love it. And after which I drove her back to Blevins and stepped up there on her dad's front porch. I said, Gloria, will you marry me? She said, okay. And just went in the house. GLORIA: It's the truth. KENNETH: I stood out there on the porch like that. And then the rest is history. GLORIA: I said, what? What did you want, a speech? I said I'll marry you, that's what I should've said. KENNETH: Yeah. But she said, what about done? I don't even know this guy. Oh well I get out of it later. Next Monday, which is the 13th of April, we celebrate our 58th wedding anniversary and I love you more today. GLORIA: I don't want out anymore. KENNETH: No, I don't either. Never did. And the rest- Six months later we got married. Six months later we got born again. Three months later we got baptized in the Spirit and the rest is history. Hallelujah. Father, we thank you so much. Thank you for this, these radio and television broadcast going out all over this world when we need it so badly. And thank you sir for the faith of God. We praise you and we look to you sir, for revelation from heaven. GLORIA: Thank you Lord. KENNETH: And Lord help Gloria and me, help us to deliver this word today with special anointing to fit these time. And we give you praise and honor for revelation, the peace of God, and the healing of God, in Jesus name. Amen. Well, we're not in center point today in our prayer cabin. But you know I miss word bird. Yeah, we got boat. Glory to God. Open your Bibles with me again today. Uh, where we're going to, we're doing a refresher on the fundamentals of faith. And you, I mean, you have to do this. You have to go back and refresh. You don't say, well, Oh God, now I need to use my faith. Oh yeah, yeah, I know how to do that. Yeah, I know how to do that. Oh yeah. Yeah. I don't need to go back to the Bible. Yes, you do. You need to go back and refresh. Particularly when it's tough times. You can quote Mark 11:23 and 24 and 25 and quote it, quote it, quote it, quote it, quote it, quote it, quote it. You better be careful, you will wind up quoting little parts of it a little bit differently than what it says and go back and read it and thought. You know, for a long time I would say in the book of Romans, for I have made thee the father of many nations. That's not what it says. He said, I have made you a father. Well, what difference does that make? Not much in that case, but that's how easy that is to do you just quote it, quote it, quote it, quote it, and change little pieces of it. So you go back to the fundamentals. Now remember this, you've heard me say this a lot, I'm going to say it to you again this morning. What are you watching when you watch the Super bowl? What are you watching when you watch the world series? Masters of the fundamentals. It's the same game whether you're playing basketball, football, baseball, amen. The rules are the same. Now, depending on the size of the players, you know, the diamond may be squished down a little bit if it's little league guys, particularly if it's t-ball, amen. But it's the same game and they practice and practice and practice and practice and practice and practice at those fundamentals over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. The great Green Bay Packer coach man, thank you Lord. When Vince Lombardi had a losing season and he never had another one, he walked in there, Gloria. Now these guys are the best in the world, but they got beat. He started out, gentlemen, this is a football. That's about as basic as you can get. Now during world war II, they had kids coming in from the country that, some of them hardly old enough to drive yet, but they're there in the military, and they're just training people just as fast as they could because this war got just thrown on them. Man, I remember it. You know, uh, I was born, the day before I was born on December the 6th, 1936. December the 7th, 1941 I was five years. So by the time they ended that war, Hey, I was eight or nine years old. I remember, I remember things going on when I was in grade school and vividly. But I want to say here, here's, here's the way they started flight training on a little, little, little, little Piper Cub. For some of these guys, the first time they'd ever been up close to an airplane, theses country kids. It's hard to wrap your mind around that today, but man I remember this and they started out that way. This is an airplane. Well, yeah, and it they started in the front end. Now listen to me, particularly those of you that don't know how to fly, and this is a propeller. This is the engine. Well, duddy duddy dud. These the fundamentals, right Tim? Wait a minute, you're going down this is the wing. Everybody knows that. Now this is the aileron. What? An aileron. What? An aileron. What in the world is an aileron? That is so basic fundamental every pilot on earth knows what an aileron is. It's the little flappers out on the wings. It makes the airplane bang. Fundamentals. Yesterday you heard that jet that flew through here. He's got ailerons. Hey, the difference is the guy that flew through here yesterday is supersonic. That little J3 back there then, it everything it had to do 85 miles an hour, but it's an airplane. Gloria remembers that because she's got a little over 80 hours and she quit. She was working on her multi engine rating. Cause I didn't want to have to have a copilot when I got a jet. Praise God. She finally decided, I don't want to do this. She said you do to it, but she'd ride up there in the front, she learned enough to read a chart. She could help me and she could read the charts. She knew what all she was talking about because she knew how to fly. Fundamentals. Now the fundamentals of faith, the fundamentals that go along with faith, because above all, you'd take the shield of faith. The breastplate of righteousness. Oh yeah. The helmet of salvation. Oh yes. Glory to God. Feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Oh yeah. But above all, the shield of faith. Whereby you shall quench all the fiery darts of the wicked, including covid-19. GLORIA: That's right. KENNETH: Right, just got it. Glory to God. Don't you hit me with it. My faith is in place. My shield is up. Gloria, I don't know where my shield is. I was going to put on the full armor, but I don't want to did with my shield. GLORIA: You left it at the airport. KENNETH: I guess so. That's sad. You know what? You're not spending any time in the Word, you're not even thinking about where's that shield? Was that in first, second Corinthians? Oh no, it's in the 6th chapter of the book of Ephesians. Now you haven't finished up, we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but principalities and powers of darkness so forth and so on. You haven't finished it till you get that 18 verse, pray always all kinds of prayer in the Spirit, that's in tongues, perseveringly for all the saints. Praise God. That means your partners. Amen. I pray for you every day. This ministry prays for you everyday. Now- GLORIA: Think about the shield of faith. You can't leave your shield laying on a table. KENNETH: That's right. GLORIA: If you don't got it up, you don't got it. KENNETH: No, that's right. GLORIA: It could, it may be your shield. You may have your name on it. KENNETH: Oh. Oh, that. That is good, Gloria. GLORIA: But you gotta keep it up. KENNETH: Yeah, it's uh, yeah. And, oh listen, you know, glory to God. That means if your shield of faith is somewhere else, the first fundamental of faith, believe it in your heart and say it with your mouth. It's not in your mouth. You got something else in your mouth. Something else. GLORIA: Keep it up. KENNETH: Something else. Well, I hope I hadn't got this thing. Where could I have possibly got it? I didn't go anywhere, but no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Hey, you know what I've heard Gloria say so many times? Get over it. Get over that. Amen. Get back in the Word, get back in the Word. Right. And especially at a time like this, not only watching these broadcast is important, but now listen to me, get those CDs out. Gloria and I, we, my phone, we go to bed at night just a lot of the time, and, and we've still got a Brother Hagin, the one that taught us faith, I've got a telephone full of his messages and man, we'd go to bed at night and we just go start pumping that faith in there. Well, why? We have to have it. GLORIA: Faith has to be fed. KENNETH: It does. That's what Smith Wigglesworth used to say. He would- Now here's a man, completely illiterate. God taught him how to read the Bible and he never read anything else. Never been to school a day in his life. He carried a little Testament with him and he did this every time he ate a meal, whether he was in a restaurant or wherever he was, he said, well, we have fed our bodies and now let's feed our faith. So he would feed his faith and he would go to the New Testament and he would feed his faith. He would read, he did it about this loud, booming voice. Just a booming voice. He was so bold. Why? Cause his faith. Read the Bible every day and never read another publication in his life. GLORIA: Full of faith. KENNETH: Full of faith ever increasing faith. Amen. So, we don't even have to do that, dear Lord. You got it. If you got any sense at all, if you got seven or eight translations right there in your phone, if you don't get the Bible app, and do it. Amen. Verily I say unto you, whatsoever, you shall, who so ever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things, those words which he says will come to pass, he will have whatsoever he saith. Therefore, now because of that, I say this to you, whatsoever thing, whatsoever thing, how many things? How many things? GLORIA: Everything. KENNETH: Whatsoever thing you desire when you pray, believe that you receive them. Believe that you take them and you shall have them and when you stand praying forgive, right there at that same, forgive, it's all one motion. You believe it in your heart, you say it with your mouth, you believe you receive it, and you forgive right there, right there. When you stand praying, forgive if you have ought against any that your father also, which is in heaven, may forgive you your trespasses. Now, Matthew chapter 21. Yeah, but Brother Copeland, you know, they told me that this is just a spiritual mountain, this is a spiritual tree. I'm so glad you brought that up. 24 chapter of Matthew, praise God. You know the 11th chapter of Mark is the classic teaching on faith. Oh 21st verse. Now verse 21 verily, I say unto you, if you have faith and doubt not, listen, you shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if you shall say to this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea. It shall be done and all things whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing you will receive. Wow, I will receive it? It didn't say you might receive it, it said you will. Well that's fundamental. Jesus said it, I say it. Glory to God. I will receive. So today I received it. I take it, I take my absolute immunity from covid-19, I take it today. Praise God. Well, I can go out without a mask. No, you can't. Well, why not? I'm a person of faith. Render under Caesar what is Caesar and then unto God's what is God's. Amen. We do as our leaders have set out for us to do. You obey the laws of the land. In this case, we are obeying the leadership. Well, I don't like that Donald Trump. It didn't say you had to like him. He said, you have to do what he says. Yeah, but I hate him. How do you like the flu? How do you like Covid-19? Well, I don't like it. You better shut that kind of talk up cause you're a candidate. Well, where there is strife, confusion, there's every evil. Now you can look back and see why this nation was so absolutely vulnerable to this thing because of the hate and the strife and the confusion going on in this government, but that's all in the past. This is the victory that overcometh the world. Say it, even our faith. We're out of time, Gloria, and I'll be back in just a moment. ANNOUNCER: We hope you enjoyed today's teaching from Kenneth Copeland Ministries, and remember Jesus is Lord.
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 22,035
Rating: 4.640327 out of 5
Keywords: boldness, christian walk, confidence, foundation, gloria copeland, kenneth copeland
Id: DMhksSLvMPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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