Exploring My 13 YEAR OLD Pokemon Pearl Save File - FUNNY HACKED POKEMON !

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[Music] [Music] what w5 tonight's video we are doing something a little bit different we are gonna be exploring one of my very old pokemon pearl save files original from 2007 so I started this game 13 years ago and let's go back and explore this could be something like super super fun we could do I've got a lot of Pokemon games we can explore with max hours and could see a little series we might be introduced to the channel I don't know if you enjoy it let me know the comments section and without further ado let's boot this baby up man I cannot wait to see what is in here now over these I've migrated most the Pokemon from my Pokemon games forward right so there's a lot of Pokemon here that I either didn't want or weren't even mine initially in generation 4 right there was a thing called Pokemon GTS this is where you could trade a lot of people and pokémon alright let's check it out so we've got max elves obviously we've got all the Pokemon and all the badges man I played so many hours on this game this is gonna be so good all right we're in Heart home City let's have a look and see what is in the PC actually let's look at our trainer card first because let's check it out man look at look at that start date June 10 2007 max hours I don't know why I don't have actually I just had a fleeting memory of that now in this game you can get stars on your trainer card right there's one more star to give you a really special black trainer card now I ended up getting this card but I think we had to do a hundred battles in a row right and I've got the battle right I ended up winning it but my dears went flat and I never I think I never actually did it again on this game cuz I was really really salty but yeah I'm neo there's my trainer card I'm you got like little Tasha gets stars nyan trainer card which is super cool let's check out the PC and all my goodness I have no idea what's gonna be in here this could be really really we're just gonna move Pokemon that'll probably the easiest thing all right Bri breeding move okay all right we've got a veal here so obviously I'm not gonna go through every single one of these Pokemon like status and stuff so I sort of just scroll across and see where things are sort of interests me alright we got a vault a Celebi called Tinkerbell okay sméagol that one actually let's have a look at this maybe let's go this Meagles got okay jolly nature nice hypnosis oh I remember I used to collect smuggles a lot that had different sketch moves I know it's just like doing that owes it was something like fun I used to do okay oh we got a medic Rossy I think this is a competitive Metagross I want to have a look this is actually this is actually my sister's Metagross from when she actually used to play pokemon that's so cool stealth rot return meteor mash and hammer arm not a bad set needs a little bit of work but not bad let's go it's so cool to get these old things ever loose wave our eyes I think that's just a breach act here oh I shot a shiny squeaker nice and we call we got the made champ Hulk okay oh wait that's too shiny of my chairs next to each other man a female on a male in a box what could go wrong let's have a look at this one here oh this was a zoo back now this is a zoo back that was caught in one of my other games I think cats my over traded this along okay nice so that was just straight up in the wild from fire red fire it was fire it orally through I'm pretty sure it's fire rib hey let's move this way okay so this box is called uncheck now casting my memory back this is a box of just trades that obviously I haven't unchecked and also a lot of wound owed a lot of the Pokemon are very taken off this game where you know the ones I transferred into like the latest games right so most likely the Pokemon left on these games are not mine Pokemon the I've received so semi bras it's a hop that's that's some hot brass let's have a look at semi bras North Norton of course it's naughty nature man we're only a couple of minutes into this video and all this sort of stuff man look at this yet scratch layer amber Tom this is content alright let's go out of this one and check on some of the others we've got a Martha what if there's any show Shaunie's on this game I thought that was a shiny for a second gasps why gasps tripped on could this be original pimp poker oh my goodness I think this is an original paint pokemon hearty nature a tooth this isn't mrs. one my original team oh my goodness I can't believe I still have this so gastrin iviews done a lot of wow that's so cool what mousse that I have on it hidden power rain ants body-slamming muddy water hive haven't you ribbons oh I'm great in that that's super cool I still got my ashram blue meanie on Matt memo memo draw okay Chansey okay NEPA Starly burmese containg another burma drapion persian oh wait that's a shiny let's check out this show we'll check out if we see he's your ash okay alright great ball like way that's like that's like better than mine but showing them they're kind of jealous about that one alright let's go this way a faerie charm echo Bulbasaur viel togetic armaldo mark the lick the licky licky let's check paid in okay I've sort of kind of interested all the names I go let's have a look dratini okay Benny that might these might have been actually these might have been a company where Brad Ashe grace Richard thanks Richard a Heather ash again Nicholas spin halo Brad link 82 okay alright this is interesting Pokemon here let's keep going on the boxes a lot probably to look legit okay cool legit another shiny major man how many shot him a chance alike Guardian we're gonna have to get a count ago I don't know what that egg is MIDI chair me teach am I think at this point I was I was collecting many gems cuz I think I might have just found out like about not just found about I thought about like a huge pair I reckon was like a huge power physical say let's have a look jolly nature it's not that's a good nature all right there you go this is like a really good huge power mini champ so we've got a man I was on a squeaker in hunt here I was going for lots of sweet Koons I think I was going for a particular one a to you you want oh well just keep move along for that one a choice band scissor another choice band scissor I think there might be a few competitive ones here they will try to be a Dracula ah Arceus man let's check this I want to check this archaea sour okay I'm Pokemon movie onine roar a time okay that's gonna be a legit one all right we got a I think that was actually I think that might be a lantern I haven't trade off oh there this is my original man this is my original ninjask from I said that is a date 2008 this is my original ninja asset I did a lot of my Pokemon sweets moves back in the day that's so cool it's still on the game I think I just like I think I just like bread and did another one on my other games because it's super easy to do Oh hit my chair that's cool that's cool thank you I appreciate that man oh let's get go look at some of it oh wow wow okay I think I think this is the point where I was really obsessed with crecelius like I found out like what it's that's worth and also it's really hard to capture as well like it was like oh is it there's a shoddy one there Wow oh yeah actually have a look well this is Nick okay mile alright uh hyper beam and get your impact man Niko knows how to play Thank You Niko man that's actually really good so it loads of Cresselia there like there's gonna be so many hack my are picked oh wait this is my first ever Shuckle that I ever hatched on Perl and was by act yes it is it is okay beautiful beautiful okay this is my very first one rash nature there you go August 16th on my birthday as well man that's so cool still got that on there super typical another Tyrel another shiny main chairman my balls okay a combi level 100 heck yeah and another chuckle called WTF okay let's have a look at this sad I don't even know okay [Music] arrest encore toxic and knockoff all right it's like a stall ey okay marowak Zigzagoon Pucci worm poor Umbreon Umbreon arachnoid why is it level 19 I for are so weird alright let's keep checking man this is really fun okay we've got another Metagross I think I had like multiple uncompetitive Pokemon in here a bronze on a shiny bronze it was very nice it's my I think that's my original Ginga I had liked man I had so many of them like I get one and then I don't prove on it stat seeing have another one tentacle yeah / seal Diego your boy Diego chuckle far-fetched I perm you okay I owe me po neeta wait does this have porn drill this could be some foreshadowing I'm disappointed it's got tackled all right let's keep going oh I'm disappointed bronze or hoot whoo surskit rapper - another medicham for me it bug what the heck KO crawdaunt king trolley two bars as well it's a shot it is shiny tentacle relic ends another Gengar Ludicolo and a shell bell Luke now we got to check this one out Laser gentlemen Hardy nature let's go okay arrow blast ice cream thunderbolt a carmine all right nice let's go on to the next one that was called trade I don't even know if these boxes I don't know if these boxes like properly named anymore because I hadn't bothered to do it for a very long time like these are not even that these are two strike GTS poke maybe maybe not that one but all of these are so I think I went on like a little field Dave going for specific Legendary's then I just laid them in there Freddy Ted forgot another that's another spirit in there okay bestie latias meditite Shinx tawdry oh man says look really good sided regigigas that's is that a regional regen gigas I gotta check this out I know it's from David snow pot is a snow point temple one that's nice let's get going here Garchomp it's a Shawnee what Moses have let's let's check this out in the root Oh okay jolly whoa look at these movies at Scott I'm pretty sure this is how you know dragonettes for substituting Baton Pass man lets he'll look at how jolly nature route 205 apparently met at level 100 I think we just they say my Gabe DC I don't but we're in trouble people we plugged it back in I'm just doing my eyes my 3d s at the moment I think we're good we may have had a technical difficulty right here we shall be right back okay we're back people the hack Smeagol actually caused my my 3d s capture card to actually just break I'm not sure why man I got to release that soon honestly all right so let's have a look at these other ones we were a pimp disc that's a classic okay let's get going here man there's so many - look I'm gonna block that name out so you guys can't see it you can guess in the comment section if you like but I'm not even I'm not even gonna show you what that says all right let's get going man that drape here looks it looks a little bit somber to be honest and be pom another Cresselia oh just add to the pile I think that's just a normal like run through yoga Zapdos really a beater looks really nice look at this bay drill here John thank you John for the naughty master why ha ha ha level 99 swarms Azaria okay Gio - man look at this man this man this John guy and what if I got any more arm spanked docks where's docks anyway I think he's back here okay anyway let's get going not sure why called that spec docks all right we've got a patch Arista here let's take this Patrick okay lightly OH Oh apparently met madman this could this could be legit um and you are I thought that on conference a and gon tell sweet kiss and substitute nice beautiful luckily I appreciate that man you're very uh very nice bronzong choice bit shiny shaven let's have a look at this joint again man John and John John coming in level 99 wait wait John was the alleged guy wasn't he I don't know man that's a lot of grass booze was John I don't know I feel like I feel like there's this guy on John just trading everything that's just hacked okay let's keep looking new - yeah let's have a look at me - this this okay dawn this is probably just a legit one tip in nature swift recover water pulsing socket okay just a normal one man this is really fun this amazing pokemon I did Oh Chimchar pimp ATAR Grover mag rebel looks nice Leo again it said that cherish ball okay anything from Leo mystery zone apparently minute live wha what is this what is what the heck mystery zone meant anything by Leo is is is hacked okay we've got to look out for the name Leo as well actually I'm gonna bring this up here so it just goes down how's that sound okay this one from okay we're going yup that's John again okay John with John I can't remember who's the hacker John all I own I'm not sure thank you John like oh look at this layer look at this layer guy jump life I can't apparently met at level how do you meet a pokemon at level zero that's doesn't even work there's another one is this Johnny this is like a John mio if you got a Pokemon from a person called layer or John they are probably not gonna impede your they have probably met Oh might be I mean this some of them look like they're real but then the other ones like mystery zone so I'm not trusting anything actually I think that's why I left them on you John again John man look all these poke one John again I feel like that's a real one that was that okay that's a probably a real one okay so I got this so power tricks like are nice I think he's watch a few people might videos all right I skip gone John again I think like okay oh that's a that's a normal one a a shiny way low level 66 waterspout hydro pump blizzard ice master ball though let roads hmm bass shrew what is that name so okay we're out of know when ok pimp pig Gaston is shiny no I don't think it is May there's so many master people us people use the nickname Pokemon and give them to me - they were the days you're the fourth gen Wi-Fi battle days that was so good ok shiny dialga let's check this one it is gonna be John or oh it's Muffy okay John Leia and Muffy let's check this out okay quirky nature man my man Muffy or I ain't your power Dragon Claw roar of time and he'll block that's actually fire let's have a look who's got anything cool okay what was this like Dom mm and a Wow okay let let's go again okay that's a shiny pokey eyes this mafia get hot it's uh no I know okay I know apparently met at level 23 on route Oh route 214 man this is like a this is like a hacker exposed in like one episode all right we got a mute man look at these ledge I think oh that the book the box is non legit no no wonder so look at this man these shiny legendaries are getting handed out like candy so we've got deoxys car like a rake level three Ricky still I've gotta check this out okay what is it oh it's just got explosion that's a troll Sam okay uh Volpe tentacle captain Balto about a cutie King magic car and a doctor all this chakra out it's at the new moon one you mean oh it might be like the actual New Moon one that's super cool I've gotta check that later now actually might be like interesting this so many Pokemon Oh check it let's get going okay we're up to some trades here cloister costly ok these floor let's look at klore the King gala oh wait this this is is this like an arrow this might be original people i won let's have a look it is it is nice I don't know I Hitmonlee Vaporeon calculator Lotte beetle coughing and wheezing steelix right on lovey-dovey this lovey-dovey this oh that may be something from another game okay let's get Gaga boxes or tangler and seeking and flare yard okay to her uncheck okay this I think these are the Box what I did right I'm trying to member look back what I did when I was like really really young like I gone the GTS right and I'd make all these boxes I put one called uncheck so I had to check them with for a legitimacy and that sort of thing and either I just lay them on there or release them you know flag a daus okay volto hmm handy handy it's very handy Poliwrath tender cruel I know the ma'am a chap that actually wasn't shiny let's go let's get going here Clifford duck trio you did mark level two we've all hitmontop another Smeagol I love this Magneton oh it's a shiny shopper let's check is it lay Oh John oh it's Claire maybe Claire left this on my game cool that's probably a legitimate one I have to 2008 that's a long time ago gravel are Linoone victory bill why nots I'm going to I'm going to get rid of that name as well that's very inappropriate okay let's get going here Apple what is why is this called Apple for Apple Apple for what does how does curly even resemble an apple anyway let's let's move on make sure skip is that skipping no it's not you did some floral Slowking man tied oh man another made chef it's not showing Dunsparce mousse rampart rap artists and got chop kill are all events events okay let's is this a spiky head Picchu right let's have a look at this one jolly nature movie owner now the problem that these games is since I have so many poke alright I believe I sorted everything from this game I think so some there could be a couple of as you guys sent a couple of the legit Mons left but I'd have to check check over these ones here I definitely have to check it over these ones have had everything correct and that sort of thing but yeah there's a spiky hair picture that was one of the ones that couldn't actually like leave the game charm and did we see a charm man before it's in a cherish ball PC Tokyo why isn't a called charm and Darfur that's really weird apparently had a fateful encounter at level 40 hmm okay that's um that's toy Luigi okay let's have a look at some of these traits of your Charizard Castform cellos mcCargo shuckle what about these Smeagol girl let's have a look at these Smeagol there's so many here sketch oh that one that poke okay no wonder us captain no wonder that one was kept chuckle again bionaire donphan man I miss playing this fourth Jenga another non-shiny May champ who far bagel that's it that's a Smeagol in another language I'm sure it is I remember distinctly remember getting a scythe or with a vac you wave and keeping it in there okay trades again man there's so many trades here look at all these Pokemon France look at those lips though alright look Nina King Corphish Shinx of Vigoroth schakal Breloom Lilly t-rex man let's have a look at this this is okay it's it's it's Cass okay mo breaker okay maybe kept maybe castrated this to me I don't know I'm not sure I can't even remember must be might have been wandering from one of caps games ok slaking muck you Kermit Goldie cranny dos ducky ski t0 uh-oh look at this oddish man is this has got to be Jon's or Leo's oh it's Claire's ok ok alright that's a legit one they're cool let's keep going here luxray Exploud man how many poke save i octillery hockey man aki layer on gala for marlin plusle all the sand goes the Shari's angers that looks so cool oh it's it's it's in a master ball oh you know it doesn't it could mean is legit let's check out what I was called rat 210 hmm fury oh man look at this fury cutter saw dad's flash and pursue fury cutter Wailord happen back then damn all right let's keep going have a look at this other ones whammo Roselia Loomis match the Bopper does look really cool spin da camera ok a shiny shiny legitimate ok Johnny cool Alex that's a cool one modern or a modest a modest stealing set specifically I think this is the last box as well another onyx here ok Lucas what Lucas the night Lucas was one of the names you could pick at the start of the game a very certain of that that's like no Quags I I think these are all like ok goofy super cool so this must be some like a cool dude nice I wonder how many of you guys actually had their Pokemon explode man let's say oh it's gonna be a shot Ishii ginger oh gee Jesus they're not a focus sash let's check this out now why wait a second wasn't the root or the one that all other nature a burly minute live 100 with the focus sash wonder gut man look at that attack is maxed oh oh my oh my goodness shadow snake not actually scrap shadows a shadow for seed flare and magma so why does it have magma storm for that like out of all the moves why does it have magma stalled okay I want to use this Pokemon like it's probably gonna faint though right do they have more than one health around ago they didn't hack it that much seed flare so they got see flesh actually shadow forces would be super good on I what else is is gone oh it's got nothing else man this is this is probably the best this is probably the best I'm legit monitors on this game magma storm ginger with seed flare in shadow force woof that's so good Adam at nature as well capable of taking hits at level one I like that capable taking it to level one that is so cool it's so funny I've got to ask you guys a question what is the funniest hack Pokemon you've ever got leave it along the comment section if you're still watching I don't know if you are I think that's all of the Pokemon I think we're at the end now yeah we're back to the start oh wait I didn't check what was in my party that's the only thing I've got left let's check what's in my party got a party I go we got three Pokemon a pelipper oh I think this is my original shiny it is this is my this is my first ever shiny pokemon that I ever ever got right from all Pokemon games so um when you discount the you know the gentle giris I got this on pokemon ruby its my electric oh got shiny I didn't realize what a shiny pokemon really was back then so I just caught it I thought it was like a glitch in the game and it was a different color right but I ended up catching it with a great ball and look at that fresh 207 from Holland at level 44 so I evolved it into a mate metric and traded over a man look at this I can't believe this is still on my game I think I just left it on here because I didn't want to send it for oh man look at that look at that I've been I've been training this one up look at that Sheen discharged under fire Fang and strength awesome got some okay let's let's check on this beautiful thing we want to check on this beautiful beautiful shiny let me know what your first shiny pokemon was in the UM in the comments section of the video to mine where's electric does anyone ever share my first electric that's super super cool oh man we think I've been going for so long I forgot what the the time of the video is probably a long time um I think that pretty much wraps up I'll look at pokemon pearl I don't think there's anything else I can really look at in this game we can have a quick look at my bag and see what's in there I think it's just like a whole bunch of like I played so much on this game if there's anything Manos oh that's right um I used to do you know the underground mining thing I used to do that so much and get all the stuff oh this is super super cool man I obviously was trying to go for something those repels there anything of interest on here like 999 hours did it was a lot of time so I'd say I probably have like like every item like multiple multiple times over sacred ash Moomin milk ma master ball man look at my balls on here nine master balls a poker ball lowest man I was stacked up with a balls here I was definitely stacked up there's all the TMT champs lots of berries and stuff like that that's super cool oh man this brings back so many memories grass male flameout space male and the items on this game are cool I want to I would definitely want a fourth gen remake absolutely be so good here yeah that gets pretty much it I don't know if there's anything else to look out on the game my other than your Pokemon and stuff and you know you could put down the bottom of this I'm not showing my bottom screen but you can polish your badges up and it's super super cool right but you get your little stylus out and do that do you remember those those guys I sure do I think that pretty much wraps up today's video if you enjoyed this video drop a like on the video if you want to see it again just let me know I'd love to show you off my old game stuff we might get some good laughs like we found on these games I've got a lot of old games that are completely gutted of all the um you know Pokemon that I didn't bring forth and just games that I don't use anymore basically like this one yeah just let me know if you'd like to see it if you enjoyed a dropper comment and like and I'll catch you guys I'm not sure for another video maybe tomorrow so I like that piece people
Views: 396,145
Rating: 4.9313354 out of 5
Keywords: exploring my old pokemon save file, exploring my old pokemon games, Exploring My Old Pokemon Pearl Save File, exploring old pokemon save files, pokemon diamond and pearl save file, old pokemon save files, old pokemon game, reacting to old save, used pokemon save, reacting to old pokemon, Pokemon Pearl, Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Platinum, Funny Hacked Pokemon, Hacked Pokemon, pokemon 10 year old save file, 15 year old pokemon game, pokemon ds save
Id: qPwje6kHbcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 18sec (1698 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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