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overpowered abilities that were brought in and i thought i'd make a updated team with them if you want to check me out twitch people this right do all my streams and stuff the link in the description of the video i've got three battles today with the most overpowered abilities team and i hope you enjoy it now with only having six pokemon i only had the opportunity to use six different abilities so there were some i probably couldn't include which could be on this team as well and i will say what those ones are of course so the first pokemon we got here is going to be the glacier and of course we've got chilly nay right i've got a tackle double kick isosphere sword dance quick law set right now with these really good abilities i had to do really nerve move sets but i still made some fun and interesting plays then uh this is about against art as well so we got a uh pretty interesting briony as a lead here it's going to be swapping out and the pokemons are going to accompany is going to be cinderella's right amber the cinderellas now i went for a isil sphere here right this was max elf and max attack so i want this to be uh bulky and have a lot of offense right now obviously with chilling day when you take an opponent's pokemon out you get a plus one an attack so it's very very strong right now we've got the syndra's going for a m uh not an ember an endura so we got the endure uh on the tackle right he lived on one health and merchandise now it's gonna go for ember it's an ember files cinderice only on people's channel i did a pretty good chunk of damage over when you think about it so go for a tackle taking out the syndra you'll never hear that again and uh situations you're going to go down so that's a pretty good start to the battle getting a nice chilling nay there chilling very very frosty uh very frosty uh attack was there next five quarter is gonna be made john i get a quick law boost you wouldn't read about it right so i'm gonna be going for a uh a double kick and then the majority goes for protect on my quick law boost man like that was that's such a that's so mean right my only boost there and it got protected so here comes the defense girl from my journal now so it's gonna be boosting its defense one stage so my moves ah they're really not gonna be doing a lot of damage right now what i did right with glacier i gave it its three weakest moves to the learn right now i thought these would be pretty fun to use so this magina is going to be a roll out defense girl set and i can tell you what i do not want to let this get too many rollouts up i was only going to get swept right so i thought let's go for a risky play here let's go for sword dance and then i could go for a double kick afterwards right unfortunately my quick lord did not activate and majana is going to add it another rollout and glashary is going to fight i mean it is what it is people at least i took out the imbecinda race right now the next pokemon i've got in here after the majana gets his little soul heart boost there another really overpowered ability it's going to be buzzwords so buzzword will include it for beast boos right beast boost is a very very powerful ability i've got a dynamic punch felsting a focus energy rock slides there max attack and max speed this is a lot better than you know opposite the set before going for dynamic punch there it doesn't do a lot of damage but i do nail a handy little confusion there on my jaw now if it hits itself that'll stop the roller and i might be able to take it up unfortunately mojana is still going to get through that and go for the roll out does a lot of damage to boswell basswood's got a lot of defense so i was able to live that now i was risking uh missing a direct punch so i went for the rock slide there maybe for a flinch there and i got one i was like wow that's really really cool now my genre is going to be confused still right there and it's going to be getting a protect off he went for protect instead of roller because obviously the rollout ended there right now we're for a dino apache it is going to miss oh it's not going to miss it's going to hit the deck and this turn i decided to go for a focused engine so i can maybe get my uh crits to happen here right now the magenta is still confused there by my dyno punch and it's going to hit itself in confusion then i thought wait i can go for a fel stinger here get the crit and take the major note hopefully right that would be crazy and get that plus three in attack unfortunately we got the uh majana swapping out here and i went for the rock side there instead right so we got the rock side doing some pretty good damage there it's around a quarter health there it did actually really really i was very very close to going for a fell singer there earlier on but just i knew that mcdonald would resist that so i changed my mind at the last one so go for another rock slide here on uh the hattering getting a nice juicy crit this time and we got a car mine so it's like okay well maybe now it's in range for me to take it out of the felsing i need to get a crit though if i don't get a crit i will not get the attack boost right so uh risking it all go for the crittier on the hadarin there and i do not get a critical hit and hataren is going to go for a stored power and boswell is going to be uh it's going to be no more unfortunate the crit never happened i would have got i would have got the beast boosted and i would have i would have got like an instant plus four then it would have been absolutely broken next pokemon issued initial wonder guard obviously a very very overpowered ability here the thing about wanna guard is it only exists on shudinda so if this if any other pokemon not any other pokemon even something relatively strong got this uh uh ability like it would have been so so strong so that's of course that's why they gave it to xinjiang so what i've got is a a fury cutter i said here so we're going to go for a fury cutter set on the mage i get a nice little juicy crit there right now the maginot is going to go protect it right and this uh with fury cutter the more you do it in suggestion the more powerful gets now the other moves i gave it with mimic as well might be able to mimic a cool move i thought that'd be fun to use too now the evs in this one are max attack and max speed and atom nature so magina is going to have the roller as we're knew from before i've got the focus sash as the item here and i'm going to be leaving on one healthy which is beautiful i mean i was on one help already so go for the furiou cutter hoping i could take it out and at least on one health you wouldn't read about it unfortunately majana is going to land the role out and she is going to be no more the merchants are available too by the way so bye-bye i almost had that fury cutter going there would have been absolutely incredible like i could have i could have swept the whole team right on one help next pokemon is going to be salamance and we've got this for moxie so moxie is a very very good ability especially on a pokemon like salamance right speaking of rollout i've also got a rollout set with defense girl and ruse and stuff like that it's pretty good we got a max speed and max attack set here right so getting a nice free and easy moxie there with rollout and this thing is going to hopefully start to snowball speaking of our snow or ice pokemon here comes the articuno obviously they're gonna go for an eyesight move i am gonna out speed and articuno is gonna get dropped there so that is gonna give me two roll outs plus two moxie's like this is really really powerful right now like i'm telling you now the next pokemon to come in here is going to be celebi so i'm thinking well celebi is still going to take a lot of damage some reason i've got air balloon as an item i'm not really sure why also this is the theme team too if you can guess what this scene team is leave it below in the comment section right so we got a dynamax celebi here so i'm thinking right this should still do a lot of damage but i don't believe it'll take it out they also may go for max garden that if i was using a celebrity that's probably what i would do right now they're going to go for the max guard here and roll out is going to end so that's fine now the other move i've got on this is dragonite sue so i could i potentially if i had the chance right i could go dragon dance defense girl then roll that and that would just be super broken right now we got an airstream coming from the selfie now this isn't going to take my salamance out in fact it's a three-hit ko so like okay it's not all that bad right i might actually be able to get some roll outs up here and i might even be able to stall at the dynomax right so here comes the second max stream on my salamats i live that one uh very very nice there and i'm going to be able to get a another rollout out of here and that is the celebrity out of this dynamax which is really really great so iron out doing some very very nice damage there and celebi is out of dynomax which is good i've still got a dynomax pokemon to go on my side of the field too now celebrity pops are leafs i'm like man this is going to be close it doesn't take me out right and uh they're going to get a special attack drop and rollet is going to miss i'm like no that was so important right there now it's going to go for a dual wing beat what is this celebrity set so uh disrespecting me with a dual wing pete that only hit me one time too so bye bye salamance man if that celebrity got hit by rylai it was all over red rover next pokemon is spectra obviously uh we've got this as another very overpowered ability as well this is a snore throat spray set and it's uh very very good right there it's uh extremely good now i've got rest of this one i've got snore and snow and what you want to do right sure to go for snow or just a sound based move in this uh case i'm going to go for snow right and boost my special tank now if you can't go for snail or you want to heal yourself off right you can take some damage go to sleep and you snore right and then snore or activate the uh you know the throat spray and then you might be able to flinch your opponent with snore max speed max best date you wouldn't read about it right so go for snowman they went for healing wish denying me of my special attack boost right and we've got the hattering coming back in it's going to get a fat and juicy healing boost there uh giving all of its health back up which is i mean it's not bad but i should be able to take this out maybe in two to three hits right now right they're going to swap out their hat irene and go into their briony ride so briony actually he doesn't have a bad shot quite like this like a purpley card so great for snarling obviously it's not going to do a heap of heap of damage right the other move i've got on this one is mud shot too right now obviously outside of uh dynamaxx spectra doesn't really hit super hard with these moves i deliberately pick moves that were the weakest on the special side if you couldn't already figure that one out right briony is going to be a a bulky perish song set and spectra is going to train in three turns right but i thought i should be able to take briony out here right before that actually happens unless it's got like rest or something along those lines right so another special attack drop another day and uh here comes another aqua ring so oh sorry the first sacrifice not the second one my two ackerings hacker exposed right i do miss having the ability to be able to have smeagol with ackering and uh uh baton pass too i miss smeargle i can't wait for it to come back in the game right so many options of that pokemon back to the battle anyway briony is gonna fight there and that is gonna give me a nice grim night so grim night is another overpowered ability here right very very strong so one more turn into our fight and halloween is the last pokemon i was like you know what it's time to roll the dice here people i may as well just go for snail i've got a plus two and special attack and it does a very sizable chunk of damage there if i do say so myself now hatteren is going to go for a uh a calm idea knowing that i'm going to fight to the perisong or at least get a swap that turn and spectro will fight to perish on but i believe that was still better than me swapping out there because i would have had no way to get another boost back and all right that was the last pokemon so that's all good now the last pokemon is magenta and this one is for soul heart now i will say here i will say there's a couple of abilities i did not include this especially zeissian right interpret sword right zama zenta was another one as well but i don't think zama said is nowhere near as good obviously but zayceon is another one i would definitely include in this team there's a there's a there's a bunch one two but remember there's only six pokemon i could have chosen from i said just bear that one in mind right so majora's going to get paralyzed by by a nusselt had arenas like okay i've got a draining kiss uh stored power aurora beam and carmine set right i've got this one as max health and max uh matt's uh defense actually so i'm going to make this one quite bulky so with 60 seconds left of the valley or something out to give right i had to try and take this thing out before it uh you know the timer stole me maybe so here we got another car mind on the halloween right so that's got our two car mines up and i've got my dynomax here i still felt that i should be able to take this one out maybe within uh two hits right because it did sustain some damage earlier on from my spectre run uh so go for that uh max stuff or they're coming off the draining kiss that does a lot of damage the next hit we'll be able to take it out here which is very good the missing terrain is going to be on the field as well not that it's really going to change uh the rest of this battle run now the hadarin is going to be able to uh attack nested with a stored power so they also had stored power there it's going to do very minimal dangerous because it's not very effective and of course i mean dynamics myself right there i'm going to finish it off with a nice juicy aurora beam and now my friends is the end of a battle one there with like one or two seconds to go right there stupid 20 minute timer seriously i had this discussion on my discord today right i wish at the start of the battle you could go okay we'll pick the rules but we'll pick the time to 20 minutes 30 minutes or 60 minutes you pick your time sound good like i think that's pretty good idea what do you think anyway let's get on to battle two this one's against our prince vegeta and this was an absolute banger of a battle as well now the first pokemon we got here right is going to be chandelier and it's looking nice and orange and nice and shiny now this pokemon was an absolute troll like it's a troll set right now the first pokemon changer probably the greatest matchup in the history of your pokemon so i'm going to swap them out there right now i'm going to go into salamance i thought i might be able to get the rollout set happening here because of the weakness right uh to rock and uh yeah this happened so chandler's gonna go for astonishing i was astonished by the way did some pretty big damage now it's like okay let's go for defense girl and then i'm just gonna hit the roll out button and get them get the moxie button happening and when right now chandelier is going to pop a trick room so we've seen astonish and we've seen trick room so i'm starting to see what sort of set is going to be and then i send a track i'm like yeah i really know what sort of set this is going to be so uh salamance is going to get attracted by these beautiful orange flames i mean i don't blame it they're they're very very pretty right now i'm going to get a mobilizer i love this turn and now chandelier is going to go for confusion right this is just me like i would never do this to someone actually i would so what's happening right now the chandelier is going first under the trigger it's infatuated me and it's also confused me at the same time and uh the astonish has a chance to actually flinch me so there's three things happening at the moment to stop me from attacking so of course i'm gonna get a flinch there now it's not doing a lot of damage right but over time if i keep doing nothing right it is going to be doing a lot of damage especially if i hit myself in confusion as well which of course i just did right and also uh when the confusion and flinches aren't happening right there's still a 50 chance of me doing absolutely sweet fa run so we got this chandelier go for a trick room here since the uh speed has actually run out so that was five turns already right i'm getting i'm getting absolutely stalled here by this thing so here comes a scottish number 33 and uh salamance is still confused at the moment right and i'm going to get through the confusion which is great it's like mate this is my time to get it off and it didn't work i got infatuated again so here comes another stone stair number 69 there and i snap out of confusion okay great this is it finally i'll be able to attack this thing and i get one roll out i was like sweet all i got to do is get one more roll out out and chandelier it's toast right but i've got to be able to get uh it out right my only chance then was actually not being confused like i got through the attract and the uh the flinch from this donut right but now i'm back to being confused so it's like that's it's a whole nother can of worms right so hitting myself in confusion there from the computer of course and here comes another astonish there i mean astonishes hitting hard you've got to admit anyway so i'm probably got maybe one or two more turns left until i faint there i get through the confusion which is great the infatuation pops up and i get a roll out out you wouldn't read about it so here goes the second roll out and the chandelure finally goes down man that thing was an absolute troll i have to admit i really really like that scent that's exactly probably what i do to someone else um just to make this just to annoy them make the salty right so getting a beautiful moxie there which is which is amazing in comes hacksaws right when you go and buy your hat pokemon you go to haxorus right that's that's that's definitely a story so what i'm going to do right that's actually toys r us but it's it's the hack version so go for a roll right here which is beautiful and hacksaws almost goes down it was very very close and it's going to be able to go for a dual chop there finishing off my salons but but by but the hatcherist is gonna have a life off as its item and it's gonna take itself out which is beautiful so salamance actually takes out two pokemon which is amazing now the coast is clear to center right that chandelier was gone right imagine investing that shared a little with xi ninja and not having a ghost type move so in comes the uh litigant here so it's like okay well what can lilly could really do to me apart from his status move right it's not like you can bust out a hidden power fire right well hopefully not and in comes the uh the web shock i was like okay galba actually let's pop a fury card so fury cutter i mean that's that's good damage then it pops a sucker punch it's a physical set and uh that's going to drop my focus actually so i've got one more chansey right i thought about going for a mimic this sounds like nah let's go for fury cutter again right fury cutter manages to drop the galvantula where it's staying i was like man that was good right there so uh she just takes its first victim next pokemon is that gigalift's like okay it's probably going to sand stream but it didn't i was like wow let's go for a fury car here yuri cut hits really really hard against this and now it's gonna pop off a rock polish here so it's a speedy giggling i'm not sure what sort of set this is but now i gotta say it's a speedy special set and power gem is easily gonna be able to take out but at least she needed to do some good damage there like it took our banter outright and it did a sizeable chunk of damage to our friend giggling now breaking inspector this is important this is very important so wait for the mud shot and a miss we wouldn't believe it so here comes the power jump from the uh from the gigalift but this gave me a rare and beautiful opportunity right to go for a rest so now our spectra is going to close its papers i i can't see it closing the eyes but i imagine it is and what i can do right now is i could potentially go for snore snore then snow like i could snore a giggly twice and then snarl it all right just just like i guess just like a horse would right now we got the giggles swapping out here and we got the lillian coming so okay is this going to try and stand off me while i'm asleep or something like that i'm like what's it going to do so i'm going to be a sleepy as i said i'm going to be going for a snore here and snore i mean when you look at it that was pretty good damage to snow like when you think about it right so getting a plus one especially which is very very good now i can go for another snow this snore right will be more powerful than the snore before and i might even get a flinch here too and i might be able to finish off with snow afterwards so snore drops hard and now this sunny day is gonna happen from the litigant and i'm thinking okay this lilligant is probably going to be chlorophyll right they wouldn't reset out for sunny day against a spectra with like a plus one at a time uh now i'm going to get out sped here and they're going to be able to go for solar beam right away because the sun is up there and look it's got a lot of special attack right since i'm running more of a sweeping set spectra is going to get destroyed there so not a lot i could have done that i would have needed to get a flinch on the snore to stop that sunny day going up next pokemon is glacier so okay a good old isosphere to the flower should be enough to take this out right and it's gonna have sleep powers okay sleep power that's all right i should be able to leave maybe two like one i know that can leave one solo being like let's see what else it's got right now lily is gonna have dream 80 you wouldn't believe it right and uh the dream leader is going to give it some health back right so it's gonna sustain a quite a bit of damage from the snores but he's just gonna get a lot of help back so i think they may try and get their health back and then start spamming solomon so of course here comes the solar beam here i was quite confident i could live one from this stage because flasher is quite bulky and as i said before i was running a max health set there right so also i didn't use the fusions of them because i thought they'd just be too strong plus i want to use like you know each one of each right there too i mean there's a lot of pokemon you could have used there's a lot of other like great abilities that would on this team rights but i especially want to mention zazion i just i guess i just didn't want to use aside i felt like i could use uh 60 dollars but that was definitely uh would be you know overpowered ability there as well anyway i'm not going to wake up which is unfortunate i'm not going to get a quick law and liligan's going to destroy me so this is starting to get really bad here i've got to shut this lilligan down right so going to the mighty bus while here i was scared of dream eater but i was hoping i could out speed but unfortunately um i did not of course because it's got power through one now we've got this thing it can go for dreamhead here but i've got i felt like i might be able to leave one dream eater really badly then go for a bug type move but unfortunately lilligant is going to one shot my boswell and it's going to get all of its health back then so i'm down to one more pokemon here which is going to be my majana right so after such a reasonable start to the valve there this little again has really turned the battle around like i pretty much just put all my pokemon to sleep and they they never woke up like not a single one of them so now since the sun's gone of course the light is gonna set the sun up here now there's no way i can one shot lilligan at this stage in the game but i know that lilligan won't have a lot to i made you know especially now that i've got a car mined up right so it can solar beam till it's blue in the face it's not going to be able to take your boy out right anyway i can go for a i mean i can actually go for a dynamax here as well now lillian is going to put that slate powder on me again of course i'm going to be asleep so my glacier was sorry my spectrum was uh oreos i think i was already asleep before my glasses was already asleep there for like oh two or three so i think it was almost three turns there before right three turns yeah so next pokemon is the gigalift's coming in here and i'm guessing it's probably got earth power so i went for another car mined here so since it has power um it had the spec set i know that's it's best moved here would be the earth power that was running fully special that is right so i went for stored power here i need to take gigalift out i cannot afford being hit by any sort of ground move in case it was a mix set too and gigalift is definitely not going to be able to lift that one right now stored power starts off as 20 base power and builds every time you use a stat boost right so getting a nice juicy soul heart there and we've got lilligan coming back in i know that's going to use sleep power already but i thought that's okay because i can go for i could just attack it with the let's go for aurora beam right this should do it like a lot of damage i've got plus three or raw beef should easily take it out unfortunately sleep powder is going to land once again and i'm asleep now the liligan right is going to be swapping out here and their last pokemon is the seismic tone so seismitoad in the sun so i know it's not going to go for a watertight move i'd say it's probably going to go for a ground type move if i was that so i thought okay i need to dynomax here otherwise i'm probably going to get hit pretty hard right um if it's especially probably not but if it's a physical one ah then yes i will get pretty good pity hard like really really hard there um so major arnold's gonna be uh sleepwide dynamics ritz is fine and hopefully i can wake up maybe in the next set i mean i've got absolutely nothing to lose there right now majina is going to get hit by an earthquake look how much they did they did so much damage there and i'm asleep they're like there's nothing i could do i'm asleep i've just been asleep this whole time like i never got like a i didn't even get like one single turn first wake up in all of these matchups so we got the size mode go for dynamax here i'm guessing they're just gonna go for a dynomax ground type movie just to make sure the next one actually is going to be able to take me out here like i would have loved it seismitoad there with a plus three special attacking move but unfortunately uh it is gonna be able to hit me with the max quake here and that my friends is the end of the second battle i think we had three minutes left of the battle there too so uh i just i just couldn't wake up that entire battle i was sleeping the whole time and that chandelier i have to say that chandelure was a very very i liked that set of laws very amazing trolling said thank you for the battle of vegeta let's get on to the third and final battle uh with the overpowered uh abilities pokeball team uh this is a bala on my twitch stream against uh skyla and this is another very very itching battle as well i tried to include three battle sites i know a lot of you like the the three battles instead of uh two right um i just want to make sure you're liking the longest sort of videos there like usually with three battles it's a you know you usually hit about 30 minute video around there right anyways we got a true b lee here it's going to be setting up the sun not the sun again and i was like you know what i'm not playing any games now i'm sick of the sun so let's go for a isil sphere there to do it to ruby soft i like that name is gonna get one shot out i think this could be a theme team there i gave you a little hint there now uh that's gonna only take two here cells actually kind of surprised the first one did take it out let's grill and i'm gonna get a chilling now this that's that's that's very nice i can get a three plus one and maybe i can get uh you know a pretty powerful attack off against the leaf now leaf on it's a special set it's gonna pop a weather ball where the ball is gonna be super effective and look at the amount of damage that does me now i went for a sword dancing because i thought okay well leafeon won't be able to do too much damage there and he did a lot i was hoping here for a quick law it never happened and glacier is going to go down to the second weather ball imagine if glacier was able to get a quick ball then and continually get quick claws they like that that would have been crazy like way way too strong so bye bye gastro i mean i could have gone for isil sphere there but i thought that it wouldn't do as much so interesting today i was like okay well i can go for fury cutter here uh levin's gonna obviously go for another weather ball right it won't be able to go for those fire weather balls though if the sunny day is gone so i thought i might be able to burn a couple of turns of the sun up with should ginger as well because this team today seemed to do pretty well with sunride uh going for fury color does very impressive damage there uh coming off the first one swapping shining around and i'll better maybe use it later on maybe a pokemon doesn't have any moves that i could uh you know swap it in with so we've got the salamance here i know that i can easily live a weather ball and i was thinking what could levon actually do to me mike my salamance right like it's got grass moves and fire moves not going to really do too much right that still did a lot of damage though i have to admit now salamance is going to be quite a threat new pokemon here we got the leaf on swapping out which is good and we've got a another lilligant no not another lily again i'll probably call leaf on lilligan once in that match up anyway so after the first battle the lily goes i have to get rid of this thing right so going for a roll lady i've got it one defense killer which is going to pound the first uh you know roll up there and lilly get used to stunning that's like deja vu happening right now what is going on so i know this thing is is it going to be solar beam or is it going to be like a physical set is going to have freaking sleep powder again uh it's gonna have leftovers as the item here now lily is gonna have toxic instead of sleep powder so okay well that's not as bad as being put to sleep right at least i you know at least i'm gonna be able to get a move off there and inevitably salamance will faint but uh um hopefully i can do some damage unfortunately i missed my next roll out there which is very very uh you know it's it's it's really bad because salamance is on sort of borrowed time here right now it's going to go for a solar blade once again this is going to be a physical looking compared to the other one which is a special one right man if you like lilligant just like loads of cameos are literally getting these battles right so here comes this whole bite i'd say actually quite i think i like solo uh solar bay better than sullivan i know both look really cool right anyway go for another roller there hopefully i can take this little gap before it sweeps the rest of my team right and i get a crit so that's not all bad that sort of makes up for it i feel like two roll outs um will easily be enough to like the next roll out or the third roll out if i can take this out will nearly be enough to take out the next pokemon hopefully right so it takes some more toxic damage yeah uh here comes another solar blade from the litigate and it's not doing a lot of damage but the thing that's doing damage is a toxic right so i probably have like you know one to two more turns before my salamance is going gonna fight anyway so i may as well get as much damage off as humanly possible against his liligan rides so roy light does not miss which is great i would have been started there and kissed my grass is gonna be fighting a very very nice name there kiss my grass i might have to steal that for something else so getting a nice little uh juicy moxie boost there i've got a moxie i've got two like uh two rounds of roll out this is gonna drop very very hard right now the next smoke i'm gonna come is gonna be wim scott in minor prankster it out spared me it's a physical play rough set and salamance is gonna fight oh man so bye bye salamance bye bye now i thought well the sun is gone at least the sun's gone right that's a good thing but i'm sure someone's gonna set it up again i might sit up so bring in shinji and of course whimsicott is going to set the sun up now i wasn't sure if this thing had like leech seed or a status move tip with so i was like let's test out right let's go for fury cutter and fairy carter misses like man these these annoying misses so web scott's got to swap out here right and we've got uh leaf me alone coming in which is the leafeon right now lefon would not have been able to come into that fury cutter right if i already had another one up right like um if it did swap into it so now i thought let's save the let's go into my spectre run now this is a shadow ball as well shadow ball does a lot of damage i was like holy crap that did lots i went for the snow but unfortunately snarls not gonna do enough there and even with a special attack drop lefon is still going to be able to hit me really really hard there and take me out there's no way i can leave but i don't really want to swap either plus it can hit my shoulder with a shadow ball too though so even if it didn't have the weather ball um the sign up for the weather ball shinder was still a target man right so i can't swap that in i was like okay well what's the next bet magenta right i could leave shadow ball i should be able to leave a weather ball there and i should be able to get some car mines up and maybe get aurora beam carrier off right so incomes are the executor then it's out in the sun you could see it's uh the leaves are very very uh so they sort of look like they didn't like burn i guess like autumn you know and uh we're gonna get a caramelized boost up there which is very very good now i could possibly go for another one here however we've got the executive go for a stomping tantrum so that does a lot of damage there like i can't play any games this thing right so i went for the aurora brain hoping for the carrier look at that brilliant aurora being there and tapu coconut is going to live on one health because he's going to focus that so you wouldn't read about it right so while we got a stomping catcher executive coming my way again here that is nearly going to take me out here i can go for any move to take it out so i just wait for a draining casing it was important to get that one health right very very important so look at this look at this health recovery just look at it 23 24 baby and executor is going to find it so we've got lethal left we got wim scott and i'm going to get a soul heart there now leafon could come in here and take me out but we got another pokemon another chlorophyll pokemon uh called chloro filth which is a venusaur and it is gonna be a dynamics venus saucer oh no now i'm thinking it what can it do i wonder what it can do sushi ginger right maybe it's got weatherball itself that could be really bad if it does but at least i've got shininess to swap into that maybe to slow down to the dynamics i still have one more pokemon left here too right now venusaur is going to be going for a maxi overgrowth like okay i mean that's gonna take me out it's gonna be bad because all the venusaur's grass moves are gonna be doing like a lot of damage there right like a lot a lot of damage so bye-bye now i thought my next movie is like okay let's swap in this ninja um i can't really do a lot there right mate the best i can do is maybe cause a swap it all sort of depends if venus or actually has anything to hit me with right so i believe i think the sun's now gone right so if it did have the uh uh weather ball there i'm fine they actually have to swap it so i'm not sure if they did have where the ball and that set but uh she needed to cause a swap anyway because obviously with wonder guard right now the next fight going to come in is going to be the wim scott i went for fury cardi i was playing no games good damage there on that and it's going to get some health recovery from the grassy's room which is fine right uh we got the wind's got of course going for another sunny day here this thing set up pretty much the leaf on was uh getting set up with this all the time which is very very strong of course the venus or two so wait for another one and a mystic i was like man i keep missing all the time if fury cut i that would have done a heap of damn i don't think i would have taken that now the wim scott is going to go for mentos so maybe it was only a setup set or they just simply didn't have a move t move which is probably the uh you know obviously the latter they're right so bye bye uh whimsicott it was nice knowing yeah no more sunny days i felt i've had enough of a sunny day at this stage right now i went for fury cover there it's gonna miss because wim scott was fainted and of course in comes leaf leaf on could go for any move weather ball shadow ball uh shadia is gonna fight i do not want to swap out here so bye bye she didn't john he did its best there right unfortunately um i just couldn't get enough damage here on leaf on like i need i probably needed like another sash to take it out so my last pokemon here i'm gonna be swapping it's gonna be buzzword i thought buzzword wouldn't be a bad swap in here i mean it's got max speed too and i've got dynamac still to go so i should be able to take this out and i've got a bug move too i didn't want to risk getting a fel stinger there because lefron's got pretty vague good like base defense right so i go for dynamics buzzer last time bottle got absolutely like demolished so buy it lilly again so i was hoping it could uh redeem itself here right look at those look at those big juicy muscles there they're very very full of like fluid i guess you could say it's like a mosquito right maybe it's i mean it's not blood but it looks like a fluid like you know mosquitoes sort of uh um suck your blood and stuff anyway so go for the um the max uh butterfly there and that's gonna take out the leaf up and we've got venusaur as the last pokemon all right now i'm going to get a juicy beast boost there which is going to race my attack that's great right because that's coming straight off fell sting which is beautiful now venusaur cannot dynamic dynamics here comes a sludge look at the damage that it did because of the shadow ball earlier on plus it poisoned me i was like oh no if i don't take this out in one shot sludge will take me out the next turn right unfortunately for the venusaur i did have a plus one and that was enough to take it out thank you for the battle skull i hope you enjoyed all three of the overpowered abilities pokemon team battles and i'll catch tomorrow for another video peace out [Music] you
Views: 59,793
Rating: 4.9398365 out of 5
Keywords: overpowered pokemon abilities, overpowered pokemon, overpowered pokemon sword and shield, best pokemon abilities, best pokemon abilities sword and shield, best pokemon abilities for doubles, best pokemon abilities for competitive, best pokemon abilities tcg, best pokemon, what are the best pokemon abilities, pokemon abilities, pokemon abilities explained, pokemon abilities ranked, strongest pokemon abilities, top 10 pokemon abilities, pokemon best abilities, PIMPNITE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 51sec (2091 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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