[Full stream] - Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! [Part 1]

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[Music] you absolute buffoons you got here late and you missed the good part of the song I'm gonna play it again not the whole thing but this this mix is so [ __ ] good huge on Coldplay but like them [Music] this works so well tell me song is steam Gardens my way of bellavita so good such a good mix also I've been sitting on this picture for so long I wanted to use this when I was playing it with lark and even though it's not really a spoiler for Donkey Kong it kind is but it's supposed to be like smash but this could have been a spoiler right I don't know so I'm gonna play original punch-out not original actually that's the that's the arcade version I've been it's it's kind of a complicated series the NES version has a bunch of different versions I'm playing Mikey T punch-out the version that I think most people are familiar with and I hope I'm gonna enjoy it I feel I I feel I already know this game and I've known it my whole life even though I've never played it because I've seen so much of it in like Nintendo Power all the sprites have shown up in there and then I played the [ __ ] out of the Wii version recently so good [ __ ] there sorry I'm just looking through chat hello hello would you ever play Psychonauts I have I loved Psychonauts that's an awesome game it's probably one of my favorites yeah this is like smash / Jojo slash punch-out kind of cuz doc is there and he's not really there in Smash except for the Blake victory screen I guess this is the one with with Mario as the ref that's correct do better yep of the scared me it's a little loud on my headphones so I'm not the only one who thinks this picture is [ __ ] terrifying right he has a single pixel of light in each eye it's like some five nights at Freddy's [ __ ] you look so weird and Doc looks so like dumbfounded he's got a deer in the headlights it's be and all your favorites are here and also Mike Tyson the road is long okay stop showing me this [ __ ] JPEG I hate it yeah okay uh let me know if everything looks and sounds okay looks like it should be good I never said this was emulated no no you're talking about anyway let's go I've never played this but I know it's basically exactly like the Wii one but very [Music] downgraded in comparison from Paris France this is glass Joe I've seen glass Joe sprite specifically so many times in like things because I already something's in my NES what the [ __ ] was his I also there's Mario the wrath alright let's [ __ ] go my pants changed color to green because that's how the NES color palette works that's the charm alright I'm back in it it's just how I remember on the Wii version oh he's doing his thing still works hell yeah that's the instant knockout trick I did it it's actually the animations are actually so similar look at that that was this hook it's like exactly the same now he's gonna do a jab no he didn't no he's just doing those nevermind maybe it's a little different you can kind of just like wail on glass jail and he doesn't give a [ __ ] oh I got a start wait huh [ __ ] do I start wait so this does not a there's no buttons Oh should start in his start way to remember star two this is actually so similar okay I don't know what gave me a star that there's no birds there's no little croissants flying around his head in this version unfortunately he looks deformed his I went from being like up his forehead to like underneath whereas I should be I feel really bad for him stars don't stack in this one but I can carry a bunch of them all right do I still lose all of them if I get hit I guess I'll figure that out doc she's punch they count a punch dodging counter dodging counter I actually there's like an ancient meme that I made that was this little like looping animation of Doc just like pounding Mack on the shoulder and I know he's just sitting on like a Mack you know little knock on the jam at keep it keep your chin up keep you guard up Mack you know I'll give you a little bruise it's okay Mac and [ __ ] I just sped it up so it was just like he was just pounding on him and then I put it to the end Ringo's drum solo it by the Beatles by Ringo and in the song the end we're good and I just I looped it to that it was like a stupid flash animation I just remembered that also the glass to say you wanted to retire [Music] [ __ ] you that might be it I think there may be that I wonder if I can mash to get back to help I have full health oh no he's walking there oh here we go yeah well that's actually so satisfying I love that [Music] oh what the [ __ ] wait how much health did he have I just knocked him out with two punches I don't know what the [ __ ] that was do not know Oh 42 that's the world record baby [Music] Vaughn Kaiser baby so I was kind of surprised it actually has the little regional music so this guy's gonna have the the flight of the valkyries but chiptune in this whole sequence of starting the mount the match well the mouch is is very similar he has such a [ __ ] camel toe get him oh he's doing the head shake he's doing the head shake the looks okay I gotta get him I got a counter punch him doing that maybe not there's different stuff I don't know maybe I just suck at timing in his face I'm just gonna play cool I'm not gonna play it goal oh there you go I got a hook and voice not Javan oh I'm actually getting laid out by von Kaiser yeah I've heard this game is quite difficult but I've also heard that the Wii game is harder so hopefully this one shouldn't be too tricky but I'm already feeling the pain I know Mike Tyson is a it said this on the spreadsheet for ages now what the [ __ ] is this wait for real this is an infinite stun okay what he just got tired I will be using save states though probably is this real is this like that I know don flamenco you can just punch him over and over he dies is that the same for vodkas [Music] all right it feels good is it controls pretty well actually are you ready for the next challenge I've seen all this [ __ ] before the boxing glove all of it I've watched like the summoning salt videos to you know title bout King fo Oh piston honda oh and he's gonna say a bunch of suckin he's gonna say some good things he's doing the eyebrows alright already got star oh he did the eyebrows oh when his uppercuts he looks really weird actually he doesn't have the headband is this real one these stuns are for so long oh he's doing the thing like I got punch him my face punched and I did it wrong oh my god how many did we do what that was insane he did so many getting laid out by piston honda here i'm getting nervous all right I don't think I can yeah no I don't think I can mash I like he's checker board feet I love that max gloves and pants turn white until he goes into the middle of the screen they a child you guys should punch him while he's doing his twitchy eyebrows [ __ ] let's [ __ ] that up oh the music changes get up oh oh I wonder if it's actually harder the more you get knocked down the scent oh [ __ ] I didn't do it I didn't do it I am [ __ ] Wow there was I was trying to dodge yeah do it can I block should be blocking that I guess cuz that's that's that's like the lame way to do it in the Wii version but is the gut-punch not a thing or did I have I done it wrong I swear the gut-punch has got to be a thing I'll give you a TKO from Tokyo down is block yeah I know I remember summoning salt said you had there like double tap to to duck seems like it hasn't been let's try it alright look at that now oh you can block that too oh this is right I forgot that we read a new round I just got a little bit of help back what was with that alright alright I'm willing to believe I just miss time that I love the crowd they look so bad I love it there's not too many like timing mix-ups yet Oh was that like a go off beat punch thing oh that didn't kill me you Jeff can mate yeah I've heard but the ducking is not really needed for the majority of this game or perhaps all of it let me try no it's thinking maybe I get more hits off of it when I block it that was a thing in the Wii version all right Becky TKO oh nice ladies and gentlemen we have a new champion his little those eyes his little dot eyes and does it look like that trophy is doing like the Michael Jackson like crotch grab he kind of looks like it's doing that oh hell yeah this is the thing I've seen a million [ __ ] times [Music] nice it does I remember in like speedruns that I've watched it it kind of goes on for too long you're just like oh yeah actually can you skip it why would I try to skip it pass key okay so this isn't scheme as a password system and I think you can only password to certain points I'm not gonna write him down all its don flamenco this is the guy you can just punch over and over again I haven't looked up too much stuff oh he's got the rose this is amazing it's surprisingly well animated for NES game I don't know why I'm like animated then let's [ __ ] go he looks like such a dick knows penis god I'm in Miyamoto all right let's go I [ __ ] it up is you got a do left right [Music] that is just incredible what a man I love the law [Music] yeah it does look like I have Sandlin Oh God makes it even more gratifying you can use punch from overall oh [ __ ] there's a bunch of those in a row now alright no I'm pretty good so I know the cheese for certain ones because they're either infamous or I I did take a brief look at the wiki for like a couple guys like actually for Vaughn Kaiser I think if you start punch him while he's stunned that's like an instant knockout or something but it's like that in this I can't even I don't even know if I remember any others and then there's just stuff I know from the Wii game [Music] I'm ready hey it's King Hippo ah that's what he's saying Doc's just going like hey hippo island South Pacific let's [ __ ] go oh god what is this is this is that the anthem of any country or is that like a made-up hippo island one all right so I'm assuming I can only hit him in the mouth right yeah oh god he looks so weird when he blocks a punch okay damn this it's so similar to the Wii version damn he looks really gross [Music] [ __ ] this pickle island a real place oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh I'm getting laid out please jump throughout I need to get my head in the game here alright you just need to knock him down once right [ __ ] [Music] all right you can tell by the animation which one he's gonna do oh [ __ ] don't give up Mac make him close his big mouth big mouth oh it's Mac look he's saying what I've been saying the entire [ __ ] time I playing the Wii version come on duck teach me more also his eye is the selected trick still a thing I'll try that oh do you just went way faster he's going way faster now he's pounded him do you like my new trunks their size xxx large ha ha ha dis isn't parenting him oh wow I did get help back oh [ __ ] does he do the the hippos squeeze and squash it's my question [ __ ] Oh pieces punches do a lot more in this version out of here you this is another guy whose sprites I've seen like a million times oh I got a knocking about three times or is it all right sweet I don't know why Mario counted up there [Music] all right I haven't been knocked out yet who do get next great tiger they're kinda in a different order and I know you fight them with multiple times - all right hippo island is a steep rocky island 0.5 nautical miles long which rises above the Shackleton ice shelf of Antarctica wrong okay well so it's a real island there is an island called that but I don't think it exists in the South Pacific hold on hold on give me just a second here so so this game if this is to be believed this game is saying that this is the lush tropical home of King Hippo just [ __ ] Rock hey let's go that's great tiger oh my god he's got a [ __ ] skinned tiger in his corner I forgot about this I think somewhere in my heart of hearts I knew that was a thing though he looks pretty similar look at this [ __ ] you 9si oh [ __ ] oh damn that wind up is son oh my god to block that what I gotta do that it's just brutal wind ugly there we go don't see okay [ __ ] oh my god nice million okay okay okay okay in the Wii version he just throws out a couple of those I kept thinking he was gonna stop oh [ __ ] I just barely got up I got up on a nine count actually she's like a secret strata oh I'm tired though said alright I might I might have my first L here oh my god [Music] does his jewel flash in this one I haven't been I'm sure yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes sorry rhetorical we're gonna figure out in like two seconds Oh Oh what is this all right [Music] I'm just gonna stay down I don't know what the [ __ ] I was supposed to do for that he was all over the place oh that was it was that like his tornado move in title defense maybe I should take a save state here I have no shame these old games are artificially difficult because of the live system I'm perfectly fine doing this [ __ ] [Music] I'm watching his crystal oh I see it oh it's kind of subtle all right there we go okay go in sir it's much more obvious in the Wii version oh [Music] there's a mouse actually you shouldn't be able to see that hold on just deal with it no okay no gem for that one all right [ __ ] billion of those okay I got to get in the rhythm of the groove here Oh what what's the cursor there it's right here it's flying around like [ __ ] great Tiger [ __ ] those are pretty fast ah and your dodge is not quite as fast in this version okay should I really got a Mac wha I really got a mash I think it does get harder should I keep expecting his jab oh oh great now that I'm tired I'm down right oh [ __ ] how was I able to match this so fast that Oh get this [ __ ] don't be charmed by his magic punches [ __ ] what did he say I didn't see the other thing so pussycat wants to fight a tiger yeah yeah just block what what that [ __ ] insane thing all right [Music] let's do it oh I see okay so it's kind of like the Hondo rush oh well that's cool all right hi under lock this one's this one's got the lockdown lock down he's doing the jabs again now he's gonna do the uppercut no [ __ ] you [Music] explain it's safe Oh do it uppercut do it uppercut I know the literal [ __ ] second I start dodging for jabs we're trying to block a jab he's gonna start doing the uppercuts oh [ __ ] I hit up it's just instinct in the heat of the moment Oh what wait I'm doing that wrong why was the words am i doing that wrong it's just a and B right maybe it's just you got to hide but the words were like flickering I was like oh wait am i hitting the wrong button oh [ __ ] I'm back to King Hippo alright let's do this [Music] I you know I always thought it was weird in the Wii version that the mashing is always exactly the same like it's never different no [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] okay Wow I always thought it was weird that it was always exactly the same amount of like trouble to mash out I was like what [Music] I wonder if it's got this thing from the weavers and where if you if you punish it quicker you get more more hits perhaps oh [ __ ] ah you try to punch what I'm tired oh my god Bobby's his punches are brutal [Music] okay still you still kind of counterpunches when you try to just randomly hit him there I swear I dodged he's defense is too tough doc oh that keep it Mac talks in this his defense is too tough doc I have my weakness but I won't tell you I like it in the Wii version whereas his best quote was oh yeah you could do all sorts of awful things to sit with the green screens here [Music] all right why oh it is like a little jerking off motion there yeah I don't know where his crown is did he have it in the artwork I don't think he did maybe he did isn't this on the emulator we can like see the little the pixels that are stored off to the right yeah I think so I think I can actually see them they've got great tiger skin tone alright great tiger we match the [ __ ] century bounce punch punch I know there's like actual rng in this game compared to the Wii version which is I think a lot more rigid [Music] oh he still flies up in the air - but-but-but ah ah ah ah this is a good thing they got going here great tiger we should just do this oh oh I feel like a [ __ ] badass doing that even though it's the lowest hit down a few times [ __ ] his father was a great magician in India and looking great Tiger Lord I have pulled long enough that he'll be wrong piece of [ __ ] all right but look at that this little these two pixels here oh [ __ ] you like powered up you like teleported into the middle of the arena it's such a dumb face they get I love it I'm aware that like countering for stars is a thing I don't need to be told about each specific one thank you I'm just playing a little safe here this is my first playthrough don't expect the slick tricks [Music] [Music] - that's so weird there is kind of a he kinda does that in title defense whoo okay well folks I'm doing a lot better than last time Oh one two three four one two three four all right I got this down oh [ __ ] oh no I ran out of Hearts I actually don't know if that does anything but I like reacted as though I was [ __ ] damn it seems like I could still block looking back they literally just took his mouth and like the flowey undertale mouth flips why doesn't this one also has flight of the Valkyries I guess some of them are sharing okay got 77 [ __ ] hearts for this one Oh [Music] Oh Oh all how about a habit a habit a habit a habit a who 68 baby phone that's it TKO [Music] I did [Music] alright that did it sorry too about who's this gonna be not bear hugger oh it's bald bull Oh weird alright here we are this guy's a mainstay of the series I think he's in every game and also farm wrestling actually I don't know is he in I think he's in super punch oh yeah all right Papi's doing the little fist roll oh look at that getting stars is just the same oh and whooping ass is just the same oh oh that one's fast yeah whooping ass is just the same cuz bald bull whoops my ass just the same you kind of get off rhythm and just take big strings of hits it's likely oh it's like the the Wii game see that was so easy [Music] saying he's in every game is not noteworthy considering this game has three games well first off buddy you just plain wrong there's several assists like easily four maybe five there's several versions of the NES version oh it's the bull charge oh I couldn't punch I could I tried I tried to punch I actually tried to punch away early and like nothing came out that the animation didn't even happen that one uppercut that just comes out of nowhere okay let's see if I can there you go look at that face cuz there's the arcade version there's the NES version and there's there's three different versions of the NES version okay and then there's super punch-out then there's arcade super punch-out [ __ ] there it is oh my god that laughs began in xela - laughs give up your time [Music] I know I said the same states but I can I kind of just want to start over just once and then once I really start hitting the wall that's that's when I'll use the same States maybe I should I should written down the password huh and then there's the Wii version I think that's it there's also I guess in WarioWare this [ __ ] eye that is so disturbing in WarioWare there's like shitty punch out this will be multiple streams I think I don't want this is not all one stream alright he's not even gonna do anything cuando something [Music] when the Wii version it was three there's three head punches than three gut punches that was the pattern and optimally the first time you do at five Wow wait what really okay oh is that like if you don't get hit the Wii version had some instant chaos where if you don't get hit then you do it okay switch punch-out would be [ __ ] amazing that would be so awesome even a a part of the Wii one would be cool because it did not get the credit it deserved I think [Music] what is it gut-punch there [Music] that was dumb [ __ ] yeah that's the instant knockout whoo instant knockdown rather right you can just punch him over and over though he's just like Don flamenco Jesus what a little [ __ ] what a little [ __ ] so yeah there's all right there's several versions of this game is the one with Mike Tyson which is the one I'm playing and then there's there's the one that's just called punch out and it's on the NES and then there's the one it's like mr. dream I think is what it's called it's like punch-out featuring mr. dream I'm turning the music down just the tiniest bit folks is that all right just the tiniest because they had to replace Mike Tyson with a different guy with a made-up character I love that he does the eyebrow waggle [Music] all right and now I know how to flock oh [ __ ] I can block that I'm confused I felt like I just blocked that uppercut but that can't be right oh [ __ ] I need to punish him for that real quick he's not gonna go down there like create Tiger did oh I guess maybe you didn't go throw your well because I got hit happy with that yeah I believe them removing Mike Tyson was nothing to do with him being super vicious in the ring or or having rape allegations or anything I think it was because he lost he was like no longer than champion he's trying to punch in time with the music didn't really work out well Wow he got up straightaway okay I'm gonna just block it [ __ ] okay so it's like five right was it five I wasn't counting [ __ ] I think it's five little Mac looks so happy unload here's the [ __ ] iconic one sushi kamikaze Fujiyama nippon-ichi real Japanese folks Christ [Music] boom boom boom boom try to get that like offbeat star punch I don't know exactly what the what the rules are for each star punch on each guy so I was gonna block it [ __ ] it [Music] alright no no [ __ ] Oh oh I'm also not sure why I keep getting a little bit of health back I'm also not sure why sometimes I'm able to block those other punches [Music] all right [Music] yay you jerk off that massive invisible [ __ ] in front of you Mario you do that ah don't see [Music] enough rhythm [ __ ] cringe made let's [ __ ] crew I took a screen cap don flamenco you piece of [ __ ] it's weird that he's like the schlub of his circuit here but in the Wii version he's the champion of his circuit that's a little bit green though I knew it was coming I still didn't dodge it such a shame you can't knock off his toupee in this one I was still going I thought I [ __ ] it up [Music] fall Garmendia mode oh [ __ ] I was gonna say is that all he does in this one four cuts that's so dumb this is so stupid this is like it's much easier to do than the one in the Wii version or you have to like wait and time it out god damn you boom-boom-boom-boom it's not even like satisfying it's kind of satisfying cuz he looks like Adam Sandler Beppo I bet there's gonna be like a later on he comes back [Music] Adam Spaniard oh god I don't know what that was that was weird everything on my NES screen oh [ __ ] see started straightaway [Music] so slightly tricky [ __ ] I really don't want to get knocked out I don't know why there we go so yeah apparently these pixels over here are the like skin tone of the fighter and they're just stored off-screen but you can see them because my TV is in widescreen but a bit of a pepper pepper beber beber be okay I am enjoying myself though it's fun just learning a new set of muscle memory kinda I don't know why I did that [Music] could you say your signature catchphrase spaghetti and meatballs right for dodge one two three four dodge one two I think I have not dodged to the right a single time this game does it it seems like it doesn't matter that much like the weavers and it mattered a lot more I think maybe I'll be proven wrong 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 [ __ ] I mean this one's pretty easy well now that I know how to deal with it did summoning salt come in really late is that real I didn't see that the [ __ ] summoning salt Wow that's crazy thank you yeah but they're probably going now that's super cool big fan that's awesome I love somebody salt I always watch the videos the what was it like Wii Sports Resort tennis that was great [Music] I love the sounds yeah I guess salt got summoned he knows I need good luck because I [ __ ] died the great tiger [Music] oh okay it's like a you know in the Pokemon games when there's like a move that's hard to animate in those shitty little sprites they used to use and they just show the sprite just like freaking out that's what that reminds me of I don't know exactly what moves one two three four five [ __ ] wait does this work damn you can still do that I just can't punish him it's not that big a deal it's interesting that you can still block when you're I don't know if you can do that in the Wii version actually I didn't block much in the Wii version I love Li teleports in okay boom that's it possibly one two three four one two three four one two three four boring maybe I should go for the star punches now that I got the rhythm you why are gloves white Mac are you doing this that's crazy those summoning salt that's uh that's like [ __ ] helix nick showing up crazy yeah how many viewers we got I don't even know 254 that's pretty good bald bull [Applause] he's just got it like a generic theme I'm getting too antsy here that ones that says in the Wii version whereas this one's oblong oh I'm not getting a lot of star punches at all [ __ ] oh I tried to use the star punch while I was drowsy like a fool damn I'm getting [ __ ] up again [Music] Aaron Ryan's from the senesce very mentally Oh I'm so scared of that one that one uppercut that's just insane oh that one that's the one I was I was ready for it I just so fast one two three Oh [Music] yeah just like the weavers and I never really understood why move fast uppercut what he's stunned okay what the [ __ ] okay you get different amounts of hearts for each I should have eaten the candy bar oh that wasn't a woman moment damn it I'm just ready to get walloped by that one punch i was i literally dodged I knew that I was trying I really was oh [ __ ] really wait Wow dang it knocked out three times I must have [Music] okay I'm gonna use the safe State restore it's all about yeah it's like nothing ever happened [Applause] one two step am one two three one wrong one two three Oh he dodged it the music's great by the way I mean I've heard this a million times now but oh [ __ ] doc was saying to punch him and then start plungin [ __ ] said it when he's stunned hit him with that uppercut [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] back back back door sure he does a little dude dude so I need to like use the sound cue to get the timing down like being on the beat of glass shows Beaver Falls there you go dude Shh that's the rate that's the rhythm all right that's two right yeah if it's the third you don't even get close to getting up damn that sucked I am drinking some water cuz holy [ __ ] alright Oh [Music] [ __ ] that one that one sometimes they just let out a ton of punches in a row it's like when we see that's the offline punch a lot more than he does the [ __ ] brutal insane uppercut I'm always anticipating it is anticipating it there and I couldn't do it no didn't I went too fast Teli that's it yep it's nothing I can do doesn't even Steve doesn't even get up a little still it's just it doesn't feel natural I feel like I feel like it should just be that the mashing gets harder to the point where at a certain point you're not able to do it not just at 3:00 chaos it's just impossible like even if you had like robot mashing you know I don't know it should be done like you know what I mean instead just barring you from even seeing Mack get up a little bit because the uppercut every third time I do the combo on it I'll keep that in mind as I sue okay [Applause] [Music] some said fault Bulls first name is Stan great devolved into [ __ ] [ __ ] oh alright so it's not even every three times I do that combo it's every three times I like see that punch oh damn all right I'm gonna reset this has not been a good run I'm going to save here so you don't get that screen actually alright [Music] when - we should I keep trying to anticipate the past punch now [ __ ] out cab I tried to hit start to pause like 10 seconds ago [Applause] I keep trying to do that and then I just let him [ __ ] wail on me while I was fumbling with the controls one two three one two one two three and then dodge [ __ ] instantly so countered it by accident three okay I got to do it quickly that's the sake a quick uppercut and he meant it I'm getting I'm getting roasted here okay fine oh all right this is my first like major block he was like this unbelievers into I think the Wii version also has that where the music changes when they go down that's a good detail how he's doing this [Music] [Music] gonna hate mr. Sandman no way do the bosses wait the bosses get harder in this game as it goes on hold on wait wait I can't be right that's impossible do they get more difficult at like it's harder than this later there's nuts [ __ ] fast uppercut that's a mented all right [Applause] [Music] that was as fast as I could all right ah one two three one two three one two three in an immediately [ __ ] dodge then you get a lot of punches off that [Music] is that it one two three that feels good feels good every time doesn't matter if it's on your Nintendo Wii doesn't matter if it's on your NES hey love that little trophy it's got it's totally doing the Michael Jackson like crotch touch it's absolutely doing that awesome it's like it's dust very rocky this I mean the whole thing's very reminiscent of Rocky [Music] they really did a good job translating that into a video game though even the Statue movies like it's got little max face oh it's just in hot it's Honda two piston two I'm talking like a speed runner mario's like looking right at the camera all right cookie [Music] Oh what what okay I was not ready for that to happen that was like a different version of his little stomping oh he's doing title defense [ __ ] he does that [ __ ] in total defense [ __ ] oh that's that's the Honda rush as it appears in the Wii version too I guess except without the whole step back and forth but that's the the sequence of punches [Music] as follows that of Jesus that said no no no [Music] he looks like one of those kabuki yo he's hurt me doc don't give up Matt fight fight fight him Mack fight him [Music] it's like background looks paper wave is [ __ ] DUI brow there we go Oh pouch pouch but he was dead I should have done I should eat my candy bar what time I tried the block I tried to block what I knew that was coming I tried the block and I still didn't do it [Music] that's pretty forgiving that uppercut okay unless you get hit by it now I am dead yes oh never one never mind why I keep not being able to keep track of how many times I've died attack block Oh [Music] one two three four key Bobby that's right key battle B he does that you can't he doesn't all like flex when you get knocked down in in the weavers [Music] I'm loving this by the way this is great I need to save State after this good parallax gear surprisingly so what if they just animated all that by hand [Music] mr. Honda this is when he was actually called Honda smoke weed everyday smoke weed everyday smoke weed everyday day day today ouch pouch pouch pouch pounce pounce pounce pounce pouch oh oh oh just do a thousand of those yeah what the [ __ ] was that all right mmm-hmm every sentient that's no good yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah did you get my DM on Twitter a question did you send this while I was streaming because it's so probably not I have not checked my Twitter while streaming let's give me a moment oh wow okay thank you I've not now seen this is this brilliant thing thank you no I I had not checked my Twitter yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] it was it was a Jojo mean [Music] for oh I don't know what made that happen here we go okay this is just part of his pattern ah I just barely misses I'm East and what ah what I tried to dodge there oh I think that might be the same timing every time essentially [Music] he mahi mahi mahi oh that always freaks me out okay it's kind of like title defense in the original game or in the Wii game rather than either of these are the original game but in the Wii version yeah it's just do simple [ __ ] I don't even know what I'm talking about I got so thrown off by calling The Weavers and the original yeah if he waits super long and he's doing as good - oh [ __ ] one two three four [Music] I don't get what signifies when that's gonna happen [Music] all right I'm doing okay [Music] oh [ __ ] man out of hearts I thought I timed it right [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let's do it he was like putting his guard up and down all right guys a little bit of a feel for the pattern oh [ __ ] what sometimes it feels like my Dodgers just don't happen all right well I survived but it is a bit different even if it [Music] don't [Music] at hearts [ __ ] i preemptively dodged that other one too quick let's do it like chip damage - god dammit you're just gonna do it again okay I'm not exactly sure I haven't been looking super close at the hearts meter but it seems like oh [ __ ] I could have actually mashed out of that it seems like you need to dodge multiple punches to actually get your hearts back unlike the Wii version [Music] ouch ouch one two three four one two three four more can you nice ah [ __ ] I'd always throws me off when I get stunned for two there after that one particular punch [Music] [Music] there you go [Music] see that okay I need to get used to that haboob lelou Oh dodging counter dodging is sharp where is the NHK Tina camera that national Hong Kong TV how does that blocked didn't block fast enough I guess I could I should've just had it up the whole time just a cowering in fear [Music] one two three four I just dodge these some low on health okay early lawn parts rather as health in those hearts different things oh [ __ ] wait it's actually happening maybe it does happen it just happens at such a fast rate that I thought it was just straight-up [ __ ] impossible before so maybe it does actually work don flamenco again where i can just punch him over and over please [Music] [Music] one two three water it's like right when he's resetting hold on I need to reset because it's I think right when he's about to leave his stun that's when you can get a star maybe maybe [Music] Scour [Music] [Music] this is requiring quite a bit of concentration bindhu dam comes at you fast with that [Music] [Music] okay [Music] I need to get that down oh maybe I need to get out my my auto clicker and have it matched for me I want to see the power of superhuman mashing I moved my auto clicker recently I've been organizing my files where the [ __ ] do I put my auto clicker [ __ ] I might not be able to find it actually I thought I put it in games my folder games oh there it is okay so what are the controls input just I needed to match D so I'm seeing here [ __ ] D and I'm gonna I'm gonna have it set to toggle and when I hit til but it'll mash the D button at optimal speed dee dee dee dee dee dee all right every time I get knocked out I'm gonna use tilled it's gonna mash it ten times a second it's not even that crazy like I should send to a [ __ ] hundred why did I not why did I not just have my blocks up really pay attention [Music] one two three four Oh coward coward Strax alright I'm changing it to a hundred clicks per second rather than ten dee doo doo all right I was trying to dodge there what the [ __ ] this is something to do with running out of Hearts oh wait d [ __ ] oh it's not working it said it just clicked 379 times I swear it's hitting D damn it well d strat did not work maybe it's because I was at my third knock out or something mostly you're gonna die [Music] I'm resetting I'm also saving closer to the fight and so I don't have to watch that little thing every time yep yep [Music] see what is the way what is the rule what is the rule there I don't understand the rule I'm not sure I get what the [ __ ] rules are [Music] why he sometimes gets stunned for two or three and other times in other times it doesn't I don't get it [Music] she doesn't make sense it's not the same even resetting the match I guess it's RNG see what [ __ ] is up with that I don't know what's up with that [Music] [ __ ] you [Music] one two three [Music] down up I like the storing star punches that feels good [Music] they do have the Battle Damage in this but uh it's it's of course a lot more rudimentary man this is this is tough I still wouldn't say it's quite as tough as the Wii version yet although it might get harder I've heard that like I mean I've seen the AVGN I've got the memories of the AVGN going oh man Mike Tyson is insane so you know all right I'm doing okay this doesn't even really feel like the one do [Music] and so [Music] I should've eaten my chocolate I keep forgetting to do that actually [Music] [Music] have you guys ever heard the like never gonna hit those notes the whole thing isn't that funny but the one part way goes it always makes me laugh so hard it just turns into completely shrieking oh that was an instant knockout I don't know what the [ __ ] I did to deserve that but I guess I did it Wow nice that feels good feels good I don't get what caused the instant knockout there but I'll take it soda pop Pinsky oh my god he looks so dumb that's amazing from the USSR because the USSR [ __ ] existed so he's so pink oh my god [Music] it's rocky for baby also that song rocket here we [ __ ] are always [ __ ] [Music] Oh what's he doing oh my god he's mixing he's schmick [ __ ] on me I'm very scared okay so that's like it's soda pop jab and you get his uppercut oh I'm gonna [ __ ] oh the button the auto clicker is like not working at all I think I don't know what the [ __ ] up with that what's wrong I'm getting laid out [Music] I got close do it good daddy never shuts up oh jeez guys this is tiring I'm having a lot of fun though but I think I might stop it this guy I'll give it a few more tries how long I've been going hour 35 it feels like a day feels like I've been playing for like a day this is fun I think I still prefer the Wii version just cuz it you know it has a lot more personality to it but this one still has a shocking amount just for an NES game you know oh oh it's I feel like I just I'm like getting pounded in the shoulder by Doc right now [Music] brotherbrother neck is so springy in this it is in in the Wii version - what the [ __ ] I was just like doing fast punches [ __ ] I swear sometimes it doesn't let me dodge when I'm like out of hearts or like maybe dodging is slower when you're out of Hearts I don't know maybe that's just confirmation bias like that time I was just late look at that so fast [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] dodging actually is slower with no stamina I see you serve confirmed my bias no that's good to know knocked me down in one punch I know Mike Tyson does that but soda pop in ski oh [ __ ] [Music] only one stunt off that but you get a star oh god I'm getting though okay it has three of those and then he punches noted [Music] somebody was saying that I could block every punch and that was determined to be a lie and they just said it again [Music] was I really not blocking down right look at that what was I doing earlier it's not blocking oh yeah I need that he does the the stupid like summoning salt pause somebody earlier was saying I can do a fast dodge by hitting dodge and then up [Music] oh but you don't get a punish seemingly [Music] this is pattern all [ __ ] weird - what is it these stars I'm gonna do I'm super macho man I'm doing the triple spin all right oh we made us three punches [ __ ] all right is that maybe like his is like rage mode yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] ah [Music] [Music] two three oh but that doesn't nothing give me my health back then all count is one move maybe god I got it I got to get the hang of this get losing your your stamina on this guy [ __ ] sucks [Music] one two three four [Music] one two three four one got off my rhythm there yes I'll just continue just because I wanted like they change in their later phases to punch so fast sometimes they're 1 2 3 a what maybe I need to block that that's the move is that punch [ __ ] you [ __ ] goes flying [ __ ] messed it up man you'll come up with a lot of health-food unless you get the nine count look isn't it Balt bull who has the like camera trick it's bald bull right yeah I was like it's not one sort of pop Pinsky all right well here it is it's it's Honda I'm not looking at chat right now but I bet it's just penis music right now oh it isn't that party burger beat the border burger boy whatever the [ __ ] I don't even know I've heard the penis music like once for real I've just seen it referenced like a billion times oh and it is on bald bull as well okay never mind penis music nonetheless suppose alright I don't even know what it's from I don't know what it is I don't know that's what the crowd sounds like [Music] why I was like you're gonna get your ass beat [Music] where when you run out of Hearts it's so hard to get your rhythm back especially when that doesn't count as multiple moves just have restore bound to the [ __ ] trigger button actually that's a really good idea yes so now if I hit the trigger I can reset to soda pop and ski really good really good [Music] what's that you thought I was gonna fight sodapoppin ski that's adorable just gonna hit my automatic button I was gonna give us a few more tries [ __ ] it seems like I gave it delayed a delayed punch at the end of the stun that one time oh that gave it back maybe it's just time yeah this is not this is not special button [Music] waiting to save okay [Music] look at that I don't know what I'm doing there to punch him so fast [Music] [Music] [ __ ] stop going for that extra punch there you go [ __ ] I'm just so scared it's like a delayed punch there oh let's look at this skipping okay [Music] [Music] shut up ha oh he goes flying do it okay this time [Music] [Music] I'm off my rhythm about my rhythm [Music] okay five he almost knocks me out in one punch again [Music] [ __ ] that was probably gonna be his last Oh pretty nice get out of here I thought I was dead that last time I'll be dead next time for sure don't get up you salty sailor [Music] one two one two three oh look at that action shot soda shovel we look like we're made of clay and somebody just took their fingers and one I can't drive so I'm going to walk all over you that's like a drunk thing why is he still making references to being drunk if it's soda pop what I might I might still die [Music] it states slot let's just real cheese this is like this is like dastardly cheese no I'm not even gonna do it I'm not even gonna do it no I'm not gonna do it I considered safe stating there in like a different file you know when does he [Music] that's it [ __ ] all right that was close that time [Music] it's coming the Big W share that jab he really doesn't throw out very often [Music] [Music] [ __ ] God really screwed the pooch on that one his uppercuts are just so fast like that exactly like that what for these boy these RNG I guess [Music] gay I'll say it gay this is just getting a little ridiculous see why do it okay it's cuz that's the rules you know the yeah you know you know you know you know you know you know you know you know I don't know what's up with those [ __ ] punches why are those so fast what I also don't understand what exactly is getting me the star punches oh and right since I was weakened I could not dodge properly yeah I gotta remember that if I keep just trying to dodge normal [Music] [Music] terrible I think it is time perhaps it might be the number of punches dodged no [Music] boo-boo okay I'm gonna I'm just gonna give us a few more tries and then next stream I will come back to soda pop Oh [Music] that [ __ ] Jeff Lee weird [ __ ] guys really screwed the pooch on that one I'm an editor try I was hitting block for the record but that's the helix desert is a weird pause yeah okay so that cannot be blocked I cannot that move cannot be blocked maybe it's like we punched out Aaron Ryan you have to time it so we see now why saying every punch can be blocked this perhaps a falsehood [Music] shut up it's my last try [Music] that that jab always throws me off yeah [Music] the closest thing to that little they does in we is when he gets up he does a bunch of uppercuts in a row I would appreciate it that person has basically been back seeding the entire stream and I would appreciate if that good kept to a minimum lads oh [ __ ] wait what that was one punch done for some reason I am not familiar with the reason for this yes you can Mack I did not eat my part I don't Oh [Music] [Music] okay damn it keep trying to dodge way too fast for this like beginning punch it's like a lot of people come into the stream and they're like don't worry everybody I'm an expert at this game I'll tell the streamer what to do at every turn everybody stand back I'm here I think that's just I think I'm just getting a counter on his next punch there's what's happening [ __ ] I keep doing that just did that about a thousand times in a row like his eye glimmer when that happens that is a counter [ __ ] [Music] [Music] Yahoo I drink it to prepare for a fight tonight I'm very prepared he's got pee canonically errand area I'm not Aaron Ryan sodapoppin ski has to piss [Music] [Music] you got knocked out of his stunt I guess I don't know what exactly did that [Music] [ __ ] you [Music] I'm doing okay so smart he never needs to pay Oh what why did I get hearts back there I do not understand the rules for Heights I don't get it [ __ ] that's not gonna work Oh I see now what's happening there [Music] and someone was saying the fast punches were just when you oh the fast punches were just when you do the fast dodge which I guess have just only been happening on this move for some reason [Music] Yahoo go [ __ ] out got the Dodge is a little bit slower in this game too so you can't you can't cut it close with a lot of these you ever like so I've been anticipate them coming oh he's paused and I'm like what yes you can Mack you can win alright this is really the last attempt even if I get totally decked to you totally decals with that [Music] Oh I don't know how many times I've knocked him out it's set on the screen but I didn't pay attention I'm probably gonna lose no matter how far all right and that was the last try [Music] [Music] that move looks so lame yeah uppercut destroy him [Music] Oh Oh [Music] oh yeah stick and move Mac where's my health wait I did the the end by the Beatles and I didn't get my help Wow my crazy if they just had a really tiny amount of health [Music] [Music] bread [Music] get out of here Oh are you I was doing okay [Music] [Music] getting the star punch throws me off sometimes otk out to ham getting the star punch throws me off sometimes because it means you don't get the rest of the stun I'm like not ready for whatever awful thing is coming [Music] that's no good that's no good oh come on [Music] [Music] Oh what more [Music] what I was trying to dodge but it was because I was tired [ __ ] I'm doing real bad god damn it it's so hard to get your rhythm back once you once you run out of Hearts [Music] clicking Zelda where you you do better if you don't get hit like you have more abilities if you don't get hit and it's like what the fast dodge there [Music] bring you come to me [Music] [Music] who actually dodge that jab for once Li's winkin you look born back soon says they feel bad for suggesting fighting pure vessel I don't think that your comment was what influenced me to fight pure vessel as in I do not remember you commenting anything it's bull so don't worry about it it's not on your shoulders I thought it because it's a boss in the video game this is my first knock out right hi ouch oh oh they did that as fast as I possibly could like buffer that [ __ ] oh great oh yeah yep yep yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah four five six [Music] oh that sucks I need to like do the like I wonder if getting up at like eight gives you like more help is that shareware you get up with like a single punch left of hell sucks oh my god [Music] Oh horrible Oh I hate that Oh way too early I still did it too early yes I saw some like forum post that was somebody saying oh the NES version is just pure reflexes you just dodge any move encounter and there's no real thought to it and I would just like to say that person was lying they lie it's not just that I should have expected that looks like classic like defender talk you know [Music] it's like it's not that bad it's just the game I've been playing my entire life so it's super easy like this definitely delays and [ __ ] in this one too oh my god one two I don't know what he's gonna do is [ __ ] uppercuts either they come out lightning fast now Christ [Music] [Music] I don't know why I always get the [ __ ] fast punch on just that one move Oh what Oh he only did two de loops it threw me off I should have got more punches in there [Music] [ __ ] oh come on I wasn't allowed to hit him after that [Music] also I don't know what the rules are on getting your health back your hearts [Music] I also not sure if I know the rules on when they can dodge your star pledges some of the impression to me when they're stunned they're stunned [ __ ] punch-drunk again it's like they changed the name but nothing else so it doesn't make any [ __ ] sense I don't get it does it even show how many times no it doesn't even show how many times he's been knocked out nevermind yeah yep yeah yeah yeah I should eat I don't get it I don't get that I don't get when I'm supposed to start punch him if not when he's stunned all right oh [ __ ] you the like slower dodge always throws me off so much why did why is that one why was that one okay why that punish was a single punch [Music] you know the rules except you don't there are several things oh come on miserable [Music] [Music] yes you can Mack you're gonna do it Mac yes you can I believe Mac I almost opened up another stay of sight again it actually happened that time it's not a lot of help not a lot of help there's one soda pop bunch of help okay okay that's it folks right yeah they like really chopped and screwed that sound effect [Music] hey how many [ __ ] billions of that punch are you gonna do bro you'd like a thousand - that one punch [Music] [Music] alongside to do the counter Oh Oh excuse me I don't know what I did there it seemed like he got there was like one punch done maybe next time I stream this folks I will get the wiki out and just look at all the tricks you know just use the thing about back seating but getting the information I'm not opposed to it especially in games like this where there's a bunch of like hidden [ __ ] you know it's just getting it from someone in chat is the worst [ __ ] way to do it because a they could just be [ __ ] blatantly wrong or be they could just give you the stupid like trickle feed of information that they deem necessary it's like [ __ ] let's read the wiki it's better and it's always like super vague like let's read what's the robot let's let's take a quote from scripture they dodge star punch after I was supposed to interpret that as advice I was supposed to understand that you see the things I mean of that actually we started don't you stop punch after and it's like and then you got to ask a clarifying question and then you gotta wait for them to type out the answer and then maybe the answer will be the actual answer I don't know and then there's like a thousand other people in chat saying no it's something different thing [Music] but like with games like this I got no I got no guilt about looking [ __ ] up it also seems like maybe the amount of stun like punch stun is based on like time in this one rather than number of punches [Music] Oh [Music] oh if they so close with that it'd give me three give me three that time and that's how would give me five either this is like random I'm punching him in roughly the same speed I mean except I do that of course [Music] damnit [Music] I mean the timing is different - he takes different gaps in his punches oh [Music] that's so annoying but like just just slightly delayed why was that like ten I don't care why that was ten and then other ones are like three [Music] [Music] ah see what the [ __ ] was that I don't understand why did I get my health back there why did I get my health back there look a why I don't get the rules I don't understand I don't get it I do not need are there rules and it sucks [Music] I also still not sure when to actually start punch [Music] seems like sometimes it works sometimes doesn't oh and then I didn't get my outfit like why I don't get it I literally do not get the rules because why didn't I get my hearts back there if I got my hearts back earlier in that other situation it doesn't make sense okay folks I'm gonna do my research and I'm gonna learn the tricks for this guy cuz I'm sure there's like an instant knockout and [ __ ] but I'm getting nowhere here [Music] and I think I've him just about my ten trillionth just win Lal joke which is about my limit for today so I'm gonna get my I'm gonna get my stratts and I'm gonna learn what the [ __ ] the mechanics of this [ __ ] video game are because like literally what I don't get the hearts I need to like understand what they do so have have a nice day folks except everyone who said just win law or whatever that's not funny it's annoying and pretty dumb bye bye
Channel: fruit salad
Views: 14,232
Rating: 4.9524941 out of 5
Id: Rzghp_IcxyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 16sec (8536 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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