Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! Blindfolded run Live by Sinister1 (0:38:00) [NES] #AGDQ 2014

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I remember watching the stream live. So fucking cool.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Jamial 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

In addition:

Super Punch-Out!! Blindfolded run Live by Zallard1 (0:24:09) [SNES] #AGDQ2014

Both runs are equally entertaining but my preference goes to Super Punch-Out, because of three things:

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Linkinito 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2015 🗫︎ replies
Oh one o'clock this guy Dan Choni he's the artist for the ghost right though he the artist for the Ghostbusters comic book he's dapper Dan's and on tumblr and on Twitter and he made this awesome piece of artwork for punch-out this is available for both punch-out and super punch-out and if you donate $20 during this run you will be in the running for these prizes for the for this prize we also have speaking Mike Tyson's punch-out we also have a grand prize NES PC it is actually um an AMD PC I think it's a bulldozer it's 2.4 gigahertz quad-core also has 8 gigs of ddr3 RAM and as you can see it's a PC but it also plays Nintendo games it's pretty awesome it's a $50 buy-in it's one of our three grand prizes and um they it does work as cumulative donations throughout the marathon so you don't have to donate $50 all at once and at the same time um you can put in 150 dollars for three bids and welcome you are in awesome games done quick featuring speed demos archive the premier site for speedrun videos we have over 900 spirit videos and we have an awesome forum with an awesome community and also featuring members of speedrunslive of the it's basically the best place to race on all people of all skill levels can race and have fun there and we are supporting the prevent Cancer Foundation one of the the only charity in the US that is dedicated to cancer prevention research and cancer prevention and and they do it through research advocacy and education and since 1985 they've raised over a hundred thirty four million dollars for cancer our research and prevention and next up is Mike Tyson's punch-out featuring the sinister one it will be blindfolded so he will not be able to see and it goes without saying for the room that everyone is to be quiet during this run so the so the man can pull off his sinister moves yeah uh-oh um what's a reader's choice burners trying to choices choices kill me kill me animals yeah okay that's yours too um next thing my a horse oh yeah then make his Metroid spore spawn our TA you you yeah yeah could you guys shut the doors alright so this is a blindfolded can you guys hear me on the mic yeah yeah good and we're good we're going okay this is blindfolded mike tyson's punch out I've done this a couple years now and each year I try to get a little further than the past year it's going to be tough this time last year I actually was able to beat bald bull 1 which is an incredibly difficult fight so hopefully I'll be able to get past him again and basically every freight from him onward is very very difficult and random so let's get started Daniel's listen make sure I got some right way back okay let's get started you can just start the timer when I guess I'll say three two one go on the Glasgow screen oh wait a second what's going on here you're in demo my controller is not doing anything can somebody make sure it's plugged in properly okay there we go the connection seems a little off alright yeah let me fight a little bit and see yeah I think it's I think it's okay all right can you go ahead and reset all right so let me give you guys the countdown three two one go one other thing I may use some rematches this year we'll see we'll see how things go but as should be should be 42 flat so even blind bloaty guys Joe isn't read zallard here can expound on yes so that's a series of punches that you can do such that when glass Joe is doing this lunge it's going to hit him no matter what you can shake his fist either twice or four times and if you were to do the other one he would have punched him with a left and he would have gotten forty two point two five thanks for coming up with that strat salary no problem when I go for a tricky dodge here can somebody tell me what the time was on that I'm curious 38 97 Wow all right that was a PV this is the first guy that's actually a little bit of a challenge so see how it goes it's a lot of uppercuts ease down that's really the only thing that's going to be that's why I know it's number two you can't I was ready for you that time Oh as long as it's in round one I bet that was close though I bet that was closely it was pretty close everybody's favorite montage salary do you want to explain the next fight real quick yeah so don't feel Mako has a frame perfect star that you'd like to hit yeah my recent yeah there's a strat that I came up with similar to glass show but it's a lot but here to be blindfolded yeah I'll go for it though okay no Harmon going for it yeah power strands yeah yeah that that frame-perfect star is kind of tough to get even with the buffer I hope he stays down now look city but if he doesn't alright all right King Hippo is really really easy now because a delicate showed me the strap that I did last year kind of trivializes him it's random when he opens his mouth so basically there's only one way to make him open his mouth which you'll see right now donation right I'll go for it you do have a $69 donation from Alexandra Bailey better known as CEO Alex J Bailey he says amazing stuff this is my first time watching hashtag hdq from start to finish and it's amazing feeling seeing other passionate gamers use their talents for such an amazing cause keep it up CEO Alex J Bailey and speaking of hashtags our hashtag is agdq2014 so if you want to get the word out on Twitter then please use that hashtag go for it all right next up we got great tiger it's really difficult to get the stars on home but I'll try that's faster now we get a plane knock down that works too the old-fashioned way all right next up we got ball pool I'll be honest I got pretty lucky to beat him last year so this this fight is really really difficult and hopefully we'll be able to get him again you all right that I got fairly fortunate there he threw a lot of uppercuts with the uppercuts you can hit him seven times afterwards with the hooks you can only hit him three times so so that was that was good let's keep it going get some donations if you want Mike yeah we have $10 from Matthew Ruiz says donate for my favorite runners good luck with your Bryant flying folder run show mike tyson's who's boss and we have $5 from comment an era staff he says my grandmother just died tonight from a cancer I just want to thank you everyone and especially to mister MV french commentator and germench community yeah so for those of you don't know we do have alternate language restream's twitch TV slash mister MV for the french restream they've always been awesome community and they've donated a lot to to our events and they're really cool and the new german restream twitch.tv slash exe underscored de and they've also been doing a great job helping out and you're free to go whenever you're ready alright so this is the guy that took me out last year so I really really want to beat him so that we can at least say we got further than last year so let's do it it's for the Pb Pb Oh hashtag value all right so this next guy when I'm doing single single segment runs is called the gatekeeper because he's really really difficult to guess get passed he's one of the most random fighters in the game and that's not too good when you're trying to find him blindfolded so he's the gatekeeper and blindfolded as well I'll just say that so I'm gonna do my best but this this guy can totally owned you you you do you give me really bad luck so far oh boy all right yeah that's you really if you're going to beat him you really want to beat him in round one so things are things are going to get exponentially more difficult now in round two but we have a slim chance so let's let's go I think I'm going to go ahead and use select as well I did get hit a couple times probably and that is one gatekeeper down her down oh honey I've actually never knocked him down that way with just regular damage before so that was new usually it's only this the star knockdowns but he he gave me some really really off-the-wall patterns so that was a good fight but unfortunately it just keeps getting harder and harder so things aren't going to get easy anytime soon bald bull - yeah he's he's like bald bull one he's really tough Davey's counting on you man all right gripper Davey not over yet all right I got to be careful can't get knocked I think you can only get knocked down three times by this guy and then that's it I already took one knockdown so let's see how it goes I just want to say one thing normally the name sinister one is named fifteen-year-old to use on the internet but this guy lives up to his name alright next up we got to don flamenco - he's actually kind of tough you wouldn't think so cuz he just he doesn't look like it but he's really strong he can knock you down pretty quickly and his punches are deceptively fast so let's let's see how we do he's got to keep going alright I'm done for this round I need a break anyway so things didn't go exactly as I planned but he should have relatively low health so my plan is to just set him up for three knockdowns in the second round mm TPO seconds they go right on by and if you're wondering why I have half health you'll see shortly you I'm going to take an intentional knock down we'll see why in a second you blending of the clock all right there's only three fights left in the game and it's the three hardest characters mr. Sandman who's up next and then super macho man and Mike Tyson these guys are just really hard but that's all I can say about that let's go those are delayed hits you have to time a pretty that's all right we got to knock down so it's a good start I'm going to go ahead and use select to gain some help back because Roundtree round 2 gets a little more difficult all right so so what I did there to actually dodge those triple uppercuts as a buffer strat I was inspired by zallard and I came up with my own buffer strat so it is frame perfect as well so I'm pretty surprised that I got it both times there and next up is super macho Mia um yeah this guy's really hard I know I've said that a lot but I'm not kidding I'm not kidding when I say these things so I'm hoping nobody's going to prove me right but you know it could happen so all right let's go you I did that to get all my health back now he's gonna get a little refill you sure alright so I'm just gonna say something about Mike Tyson I don't want to say it's impossible to beat him blindfolded but the odds of it happening would probably be about the same as the odds of winning Powerball or something like that I just want to explain real quick why that is a lot of these guys have patterns and there's some variation in the patterns but with Mike Tyson first of all he knocks you down in one hit and you know you get knocked you get hit three times fights over also you know his his delays between when he throws his punches are completely random and I think there's like there's like a zero delay a 1 a 2 and a 3 so you have to guess right like you have like a 1 in 4 chance of guessing right you'd have to do that probably about 16 to 20 times I don't know what the odds are on that but that seems extremely low to me I'll fight him blindfolded just for fun but you know this this is the the blindfolded part portion of the run is pretty much over so do you believe in miracle stream uh clap at home if you believe in there yeah my goal is to hit him one time yes goal accomplished follow this man on Twitch sinister1 w away it's just on see if you need any more incentive to follow this man I'm not sure what's wrong yeah and hopefully you guys have the right channel up at sinister1 wo n it is number one okay great yeah please follow okay I just hope you turned off your email notifications okay let's go everybody let me just say one other thing about Mike Tyson he's actually really hard to beat with your eyes open too probably not going to be able to want to round him off a 117 that's kind of like the Outer Limits yeah round ones that out he gave me an 8 second delay which eats up a lot of clock the clock group moves really really fast in this game and you can't afford to lose 8 seconds in the first phase I'm fine with that but around here you get stars I got to this guy blindfolded I don't care what happens yeah round 2 is breakdown pointed out we can get some stars so hopefully we'll be able to finish him off with some swag here say good night Mike all right that's Mike Tyson's punch-out I just want to say one more thing in years past I haven't really practiced the blindfolded stuff I kind of just winged it and somebody that saw last year's blindfolded run actually got really inspired to try to run the game and he did a lot of practice blindfolded he was actually able to get all the way to Tyson himself he was the first person I actually saw it do it and that inspired me I was like look you know if somebody can do that with practice then I absolutely have to be able to to do it with practice so I'm really glad that I was able to pull it off and shoutouts to his name is Smitty so shout out Stan thanks a lot and thank you guys next up we have more blindfolded actions right cheers everyone others Allard waters gonna keep this wrong thanks man you got it thank you and don't worry zallard one it's also very experienced with blindfold so
Channel: SpeedDemosArchiveSDA
Views: 943,459
Rating: 4.9133506 out of 5
Keywords: speed, run, sda, demos, archive, speedrun, commentary, video, awesome, part, summer, SGDQ, 2013, game, done, quick, Gameplay, Playthrough, speedruns, speedrunners, rta, single, segment, M2K2, metroid, 2002, Cod, zombies, black, ops, 02, II, live, marathon, Punch-Out!! (Video Game), mike tyson punch out blindfolded run, Punch Out blindfolded, Mike tyson's punch out, Speed Demos Archive (Website), Nintendo Entertainment System (Computer)
Id: CvzIb53Lcno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 33sec (2913 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2014
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