[Full stream] - Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! [Part 2]

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one two three [Music] so [Music] [Applause] anybody else forget the song is [ __ ] sick what is up with this we got [ __ ] sax squatch on the alto in the background here i'm gonna [ __ ] kill soda popinski today there's nothing you can do to stop me it's so good oh folks folks folks i always get like weird like hiccups and [ __ ] when i start the stream i don't know if it's nerves or what there's always like a million people now how many we got the one thing about obs is that it doesn't uh doesn't show me how many people are watching 137 okay keep it together man there's there's a lot of disgusting portraits of uh soda popinsky online there's like a lot of like interpretations of his sprite that look exactly like this i'm gonna actually i'm gonna turn off my fan even though i'm certain i'm gonna turn it on again later okay everybody okay i can just turn that off okay uh should sound fine i've got the game i i have uh hold on let's just open the game there we go there he is uh so i'm not i'm not wearing my headphones so if you guys are getting reverb noise just let me know should be fine like you know feedback from my speakers i got it pretty quiet though and it should be synced up [Music] okay uh new so i i've been considering just playing through the whole game again because it's like let's let's do it it's arcade game let's start from the beginning i could just skip i have my dedicated sota popinsky button here but no no no no no no i'm gonna restart because i i played it through a couple times off stream and it actually wasn't so bad second time through as it is with many games so i'm gonna i'm gonna start over yeah [ __ ] it you know retro [Music] see that that should be good volume let me know if it's loud or quiet or what okay so glass joe i watched a few summoning salt videos again not only did i look up how to [ __ ] star punch sora popinski uh and and how to easy kill him i also watched summoning salt videos [Music] i think i i might have got it i don't know you can just instantly knock him out there which is ridiculous nope i guess i knocked him down but didn't knock him out all right whatever that one's that one's pretty easy to get like instant knock down it's probably the easiest one i don't know the frame data [ __ ] summoning salt showed up the first time i streamed this game you just said good luck i'm sure you just saw the uh the category i just get a star thanks oh [ __ ] you glass joe also last time i streamed this the audio was a little out of sync should be better now i'm turning it down just a tiny bit uh someone says how does the wii punch out compare it's so good i i still think i i prefer the wii version [ __ ] that one's like too slow i'm dodging it too quick the wii one's really really good this one's fun too this one's like this one's now on my list of like bearable nes games you know because i'm not trying to say it's a [ __ ] console but it's uh it's not got a a ton of classics you know that that are easily replayable today you know but i'm sure summoning salt just saw the category and was like oh i'll drop in but i saw how i was playing it was like oh this isn't a speed run i remember how to get the star punch on this guy's like ted wobble oh by the way [ __ ] a and b were reversed in uh enjoy the key in my in my uh snes controller binding scheme i [ __ ] uh the entirety of last stream i felt like something was a little bit off but i had the bindings wrong how dumb is that i'm just gonna save this [Music] because von kaiser you can knock down instantly uh if he's stunned a star punches an instant kia but like let's see what is like the handful of like playable nes games it's like all the marios i think i can start putting or i can hook him there oh wait [Music] it's like all the marios the zeldas duck hunt i don't even know about that uh contra contra's pretty good if you use the if you use the code and he's done uh tetris dr mario hockey i don't know about that either i have not played the first final fantasy but this this is a good one uh hmm having trouble even thinking i know there's others i know i'm like forgetting uh mega man the mega men those those have not aged amazingly but uh [Music] you know i have not played yoshi's cookie i i can't speak for yoshi's cookie i is castlevania that great the first one can we speak frankly about castlevania one i'll play it on stream someday i've never played all the way through it played a little bit and was kind of like oh there you go you can block a [ __ ] ton of stuff in this game it makes me wonder if there's stuff in the wii version that was blockable and i just never tried because i figured it wasn't you also take damage when you block in this game which i'm pretty sure was not a thing in the wii version okay i think i can probably do this okay oh i just got a star [ __ ] okay folks i also learned you get the quick punches if you do a quick dodge and i i'm like weirdly bad at doing the quick dodge you just hit up but i don't know why i just i can't get it sometimes i think it's like it only works on certain moves but even then [ __ ] i always dodged too quick for some of these [Music] i think there's like a universal single frame when they're returning to their normal stance where they will uh get a star opportunity just on any character is everything all right hit me with the with the thumbs up emote if everything's all in order i didn't see like sound stuff earlier it seems like it should be okay oh [ __ ] i will say one thing this game actually has better than uh the the wii version is the instant knockouts feel better i like the woo i love that sound effect for some reason it feels better like in the wii version you just go and their health bar just disappears here it's like you see it drain and you're like yeah now castlevania 2 simon's quest [Music] uh yeah tetris is great i'm looking back through i've never played battle toads that is a gap in my knowledge metroid is right on the fence man i think the original metroid it's like if you're a fan of metroid and you want to go back and see the classic it's like sure i played the like game boy advance port of it but uh the original metroid is just it's kind of screwy all right i did it apparently if you hold select at the beginning of a fight it drains your health you get like half health i love that sound effect that's uh used a lot in zelda too [ __ ] out of here oh yeah there was like an instant knockout trick on this guy too but i actually forget what it was so i'm just gonna go with the uh much more difficult method of punching him until he dies for free yeah apparently on dawn two people like drain their health for some reason i don't even know why it's like something about like the enemy ai responds to you differently something like that that's so good when you knock him down with the left hand yeah the cheese stun it is uh it is in in punch out wii but it's a lot more difficult this one you just slug him over and over again it's like cartoonishly easy this guy almost has like a character arc because he comes back later and he's like an actual guy but here he's just a total wuss but here you just punch him over and over and we you kind of have to get a good rhythm going that's what he gets for making jack and jill i don't know if pizza pasta has an infinite yeah he's an actual guy later did we determine what this song is he likes he like goes along with it this guy's kind of the aaron riot of this game he like forces you to counter his moves he's really pretty easy in this version he doesn't do the squeeze and squash or whatever [Music] he's got a pretty uh pretty easy to tell that's a good fall down too some about the knockdowns just feels good in this game yeah in this game even though the way that the sprites are made in this game could only be described as cobbled together it's actually really good animation for the nes like the it's the wii version you give it a lot of credit but it's paying homage to what this one did with the hardware of the nes they did similar things with the hardware of the [ __ ] wii oh right oh right you can just punch him and sort of aggro him oh i'm screwing up big time and you can kind of tell i have difficulty reacting to it uh when a combo is or when a stun is over they do like a different animation [Music] [ __ ] oh yeah you can [ __ ] you can do this to great tiger this is amazing i discovered this when i was replaying through it i [ __ ] love it man i lost it that [ __ ] is just so good yeah i've never played mother i'll play earthbound beginnings at some point i think you can only carry three star punches in this game somebody earlier was saying oh [ __ ] i mean this one's just a free knockout though once you get the hang of it what happened to n oh you don't want to know what happened to end that was a miserable stream that was just that was just bad oh there you go look at his face don't be charmed by his magic punches a kitten is no match for a tiger [Music] he teleports in too oh he's just gonna okay i'm fine with that pouch don't let him skin you he's kimba he's kimba the white lion carrying his father's corpse [ __ ] you punch me you guys can probably hear my controller groaning that's what that's what old snes controllers do they groan come on just one more there we go baffling [ __ ] thing the the corpse aspect that video that yms video hmm that was incredible what a trip could only be described as a trip you know something i learned recently is uh the phrase your movie sucks i think is pulled from the title of a roger ebert book like robert roger ebert wrote a bunch of books or he like published a bunch of books that were like his most scathing controversial reviews and one of them was called your movie sucks bald bull takes no prisoners i thought that was sort of a fun little tidbit i don't know i i don't know if it's confirmed that that is the reason why adam's channel is called that but right fault bull it's working all right i may have beaten soda popinsky off stream and then also gone ahead and looked at bald bowl 2. whoops he's he's just like title defense you can only beat him with uh you can only knock him out with star punches which i i was like oh that's uh in retrospect a cool reference in the wii version punch him so hard he grows hair someone says and now he's gonna do his [ __ ] ridiculous uppercut do it again oh barely [Music] gonna do his ridiculous uppercut yep that's uh easier to prepare for when you know it's coming also i think he's just gonna get up and do the bull charge right nope i don't know when the bull charge happens [ __ ] oh god [Music] [ __ ] it up someone says how you beat the charge you have to punch him in the gut right when he's right when he's right in front of you it's kind of tricky timing so you can use the camera flash there's like an infamous like oh the developer put in this thing and it's like one of the people in the audience always flashes his camera right when you should punch to one hit ko or one hit knock down bald bull but i i tried that off stream and i did not find it useful i was like it's it's much more easy to just look at him and watch the like and have the rhythm of like you know he does like a little sound give him a fast uppercut when he's stunned i'm so scared i'm so scared does that come across does it come across that i'm terrified the volpo one isn't so bad i i'm not sure how to feel about the returning fighters mechanic jingle like it's kind of cool but it happens for all like my least favorite guys too it's like i want to see soda popinski too not really king hippo 2 make him a little harder give him the squeezing squash is he gonna do his wacko punch right when he gets up i don't know i'm gonna take a step away i'm like spill all over my new computer oh no i didn't i didn't do it there [ __ ] i should have saved stated i want to have a clean record so at the end i can be like yeah i didn't lose any times just punch you fool they have like random delays i think oh good no i heard in the summoning salt video he said something about if you dodge the ball charge it gives you like a wider opportunity the second time i think that's it folks i think that's on bald bull too potentially folks it is i see well folks folks folks oh great tiger again i'm you know what i'm fine with this i actually is there like it seems like there's like a pseudo live system in this game almost oh i just ducked on accident come on [Music] see if i get like a round one oh [ __ ] i'm just gonna do this until he dies there he goes like see that animation that was good that was good one two three four oh [ __ ] give me another one do the crazy thing you get a [ __ ] ton of hearts for this fight like that great tiger too do a great tiger tube in the wii version is normal his normal contender mode itself has like an orange turban and then title defense is a white turban here we go it's gonna be down to the wire [Music] oh what oh i screwed up i screwed up on the very last one [ __ ] that's so easy too i really messed i mean screwed the pooch well it's not like i'm going to lose the great tiger but i wanted the quick knockout there that would have been it don't be charmed by his magic shut up shut up i'm not in the [ __ ] mood i'm the [ __ ] mood [Music] because like you there's because you like get sent back a rank sometimes [Music] that's how you do it there you go sometimes you get sent back a rank but sometimes you get sent back further and then sometimes it just goes give up retire and then it's done i don't i don't know what the distinction is [Music] [ __ ] really screwing the pooch here [Music] easy it's easy yeah this is mike tyson is the one that has insta kills this is great tiger is a far [ __ ] cry from mike tyson i've heard that mike i've never fought mike tyson uh believe it or not looking at a picture of it you would think that's a guy who's fought mike tyson but no but uh he's he's uh listed as one of the hardest bosses in gaming history which i'm sure is not actually true i'm sure it's some [ __ ] i want to be the guy game has that distinction like tuhu i'm gonna create a save point so now my my dedicated uh soda popinski button is now a dedicated ball one button what sometimes they dodge i swear i had that like buffered you know just like the other one that worked like that one was buffered too maybe it's like when they're at a certain health they start dodging oh no that's the worst oh i was doing so well tyson is pretty easy after some practice see people always say that they're like oh just be beat nightmare king grim on radiant 100 times and then it'll be easy it's like yeah i guess that's like anything [Music] anything's easy after you practice it what matters is before oh i got it oh [ __ ] never mind i think that's it there you go that's how i wanted the first try to go is it true that mike tyson irl hates this game for some reason i don't know about that there was like an event recently where uh oh hell yeah where he like it was that was a few years ago now but there was like uh mike tyson's going to beat mike tyson in mike tyson's poncho thing and he like had a super huge amount of trouble beating him [Music] me [Music] honda two i'm making another safe state [Music] i don't know i feel like it's uh once you play a game a bunch it's hard to see it any other way again you know it's hard to see it as a casual so i think uh opinions can be a bit skewed depending on oh [ __ ] [ __ ] depending on individual skill level i should not be talking okay right he does the three he does three punches i gotta remember this i gotta block it gotta block all of them maybe he has like a different facial expression in this one [ __ ] couldn't get that delicious punish [Music] what's happening what's happening what did you do what are you doing okay okay [Music] i love the like something is it just me or did i not like not get a [ __ ] lot of health back at all [Music] am i crazy oh also you don't get you don't carry over your star punches between rounds that sucks he had like a dopier face earlier when he did a punch he was like oh but now he's like i don't think i would ever blindfold speedrun this game maybe some game i don't know could there be a game that i could blindfold speedrun potentially [Music] but uh probably not this one ocarina no way i could get the tickle might actually work show how much of a [ __ ] baby game it is i don't know how many punches you get in between there it seems to vary [Music] hit me with that title defense oh i'm sure somebody else has done blindfolded i'm not saying that's impossible to humanly do just saying i don't want to do it bonsai uh take this how dare you call piccolo baby game take this from like the person who's played the most pedal in the it room a baby game it's just [ __ ] like goo gaga babies it is a great game for goo gaga babies [ __ ] i tried to block that i think i was seems like sometimes you can block when you're out of hearts and sometimes you can't oh [ __ ] [Applause] nine count yeah all right is that is that it i don't know if that's it i accidentally got up on a nine count it's usually i think just the factor by which it increases uh how difficult it is to mash is like so quick like the multiplier is so high that like most of the time once it's reached once it's like crossed that like event horizon the like threshold uh then yeah i murdered piston honda yeah yeah yeah once it crosses that threshold then it's like just way too difficult to even like stand up slightly oh here we are we're back at sodapop man let me do a little safety save here i bound it to keys my trigger buttons on the super nintendo are now a save state and load state so there's a trick to this guy that makes him a lot easier i'm not like guaranteed to [ __ ] like whoop his ass first try but i gave it a few shots and i was like all right this is easy so you just dodge a couple of his punches and then he like fakes you out and while he's trying to fake you out you have to punch him and then give him the star punch and that's an instant knockout it's weird summoning salt described it as a glitch-like mechanic i'm pretty sure it's intended because he does like his uppercuts and if you try to block it he like waits for a second and then he throws the uppercut and if you punch him while he's waiting uh then you get that star i don't know i think that's intended he's like he's trying to fake you out and then you get him in like a moment of weakness why is he so pink he's supposed to be like uh he's from the ussr and there's sort of this like red russian stereotype i think that he's sort of a part of oh right i need to actually fight him now because he dodges your star punches unless you get him in a quick stun which i could have sworn that was a quick stun right there but whatever [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh when he does that move when you're low on hearts i learned [Music] [ __ ] see i'm not gonna get the round one [Music] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] so i might die oh look he's got little south park x eyes [ __ ] disgusting head he's like patrick yeah he's also a drunk i guess but there's also the uh i mean they call it like the one of the red scare might have something to do with it i don't know what i'm talking about i don't say this a lot but i actually have no [ __ ] clue i'm doing please don't tell anyone oh [ __ ] stop doing those you piece of poop soda poopinski [Music] you push his head down to make it normal [Music] see going past the first round is so hard because after the first two knockdowns he gets so much more difficult because he can start he can dodge the star punches that's fun though that that just feels good after struggling on him for so long see these are so easy these are just free but then i i don't it seems like sometimes i can get the quick punches on him and then he dodges the star punch even though he's in a quick dodge stun and i thought that was the thing that made it so he doesn't dodge the star punches i don't know i'm just gonna punch him [Music] see i never know [ __ ] [Music] oh god okay what you're joking you're joking that's a joke how did i run out of hearts i'm confused i must have punched his guard [Music] very confused [Music] let's all just go through the motions i think the song that plays before you fight him must be a soviet theme of some sort like the soviet uh op or ed perhaps the [ __ ] was that bit do you ever want to just like strike a bit from the record the instant you say it i guess nobody else can relate to this [Music] [Music] at least that helps for getting oh there you go see i don't know why that worked there but getting the fast punches earlier didn't whatever i did somebody was saying that there's quite a bit of randomness and after watching those summoning salt videos again i'm like yeah it does seem like there's a lot of randomness so i guess i can chalk it up to that i did it now bald bolt 2 so you can only knock them out with star punches or by the gut punch instant kill dark souls 3 is coming i need to finish large souls 2 first of course oh yeah it gives you like a free star punch there hey maker that's what that's known as i believe [Music] that's like a big juicy punish too so it sucks to miss those [ __ ] all ball 2 is hard i gave this a few tries and i was like wow all right oh it's kind of like his laugh taunt in uh punch out wii yeah we're gonna do bloodborne probably we're gonna stream it pretty soon i think once my mixer shows up i think mark and i actually might do a stream tomorrow or the next day but that's going to be something different [Music] i was ready i was ready for it but clearly i wasn't oh look at his eyes that animation is so broken hang in there mac you're almost dead mac you need to stay alive yes we've already played larks we've already played dark souls 3 all the way through so the vods are out there on the fruit salad channel lark's working on several videos right now he's going to do portal 2 the final portal 2 video and then that should be pretty soon and then he's going to do a smash bastards with min min which probably shouldn't take too long and then he's going to do the punch-out wii stuff don't go to the light mac don't you dare go to that light mac oh [ __ ] let's get dodge those and just don't even try to take the punches [Music] oh oh [ __ ] no no what is this mac is this is this blood are you bleeding that means you're weak mac you weren't meant to win sad [Music] wow i knocked him out while he had zero health that's gotta be wait is that not it oh never mind i thought that was it for sure it might still be it i guess i don't think it is though i thought that was tko [Applause] oh yeah now what do we got dawn two that wasn't so bad dawn two folks folks folks folks folks folks folks folks folks folks folks folks folks folks so i've heard i i looked at like the strategy guide it's like this then sandman then macho man and i've heard uh sandman and macho man are both pretty brutal and that sandman and mike tyson are like the worst so you can't do the infinite on him anymore [Music] but apparently he's supposed to like try to wear you out so i don't know why i'm blocking all of his punches that seems like a bad idea [ __ ] [ __ ] getting laid out by don too so now don is like an actual guy oh come on that's it right there he wears you out he wears you down going pretty good so far i think it's like rng if when you hit him he actually does a uh uppercut can i just like sit there oh [ __ ] me i think that's it yep oh god he's gonna give himself a whiplash with that [ __ ] arm okay folks folks folks just pretend i beat ball ball again what that sound effect sad that his toupee does not fly off in this version that's the one i gotta really learn to dodge this one that [ __ ] [ __ ] it's like faster than you'd think looks easy so can i just sit here is he gonna do anything he's just gonna like lay out just a [ __ ] insane haymaker at the last second [Music] i think you need a certain amount of points to win by decision so i couldn't just lay them out [Music] okay i'm taking a drink of water i'm just gonna see how this goes i'm just messing around see he's got like a little character arc flamenco strikes back return of dawn is that wait is that star wars is that the empire strikes back in return of the jedi is that i don't know it's like a weird reference if it is put them away put them in your pocket i'm just gonna do this does he ever start attacking again i'm just gonna do this i'm just gonna [ __ ] sip my tea i'm gonna get out my fine china no i know how it works he's like he's like baiting me [Music] i'm just [ __ ] around i just want to see what what happens here i'm probably just gonna lose my decision i just want to see if he ends up doing anything oh oh he's doing [ __ ] he's doing [ __ ] he's fighting that's exactly why i wanted to do this it's all a bait all of it was a bait the whole thing he's like oh the audience must be [ __ ] pissed okay cool i guess it's like at a certain time on the clock probably all right now i'm punching him again because oh i'm getting good luck too now i'm punching him because i my curiosity has been satisfied i want to fight no more [Music] it's going good oh i shouldn't have said anything i couldn't do it i couldn't do it i was really mashing as hard as i could oh i hurt i hurt throat hurts let's rematch see why is it a rematch now is that like rng what is that i don't think he would taunt if i was out of hearts there's probably a safeguard against that although i don't know that might be a thing i don't know i think there's a way to get soft locked on like super macho man in this game actually i'm just gonna block at the very beginning [Music] so why did i get why did i get a rematch here by the way rather than getting knocked back i don't get it once once little mac's pants turn green that's when you know real [ __ ] [Music] oh i suck at this what the hell i suck at this [ __ ] don flamenco this is uh you know in the wii version he was like the first wall that i hit but for totally different reasons he's actually pretty different even though he still does like the bull fighter thing i oh i do it too fast i do it too fast i do it too fast i'm like trying to anticipate the punches but he just gives a little delay my throat really hurts after that i don't know why i'm making [ __ ] meat noises not even allowed i have a restraining order from imitating vine sauce [Music] why did i do that i keep doing [Music] see it that it's too slow sorry i don't know i'm like i'm like throwing a tantrum oh but if you the punch just comes out just fast enough that like i just feel like i can't reliably dodge it with my dummy reaction time my dummy thick skull there we go okay that's fine [Music] i did it again [Music] [ __ ] okay see that's the rng's whether or not he's gonna return with a flamenco uppercut [Music] okay you know something that has gone sort of unsaid about the entire punch-out saga yeah i know the original arcade game and like super punch out you actually move around and i think uh maybe the snazz super punch out as well but in this one in the wii one you just stand in the dead center of the arena just punching each other without moving your feet basically at all there's like some side stepping but you don't like move around the arena at all it's just kind of silly you don't really think about it that much but it's like there's all this empty like boxing ring real estate [Music] so this fight kind of tests how you cope with running out of hearts because he kind of is designed to get that to happen all right doing good that's such a good fall i love that he does that still oh [ __ ] oh he's actually fighting me [Music] i i kind of forgot it existed oh right in the moment of action oh look he lost his toupee oh [ __ ] and he said carmen me aboard holy [ __ ] he actually loses his toupee okay that is a reference to this game holy [ __ ] that's amazing deep deep lore doing okay [Music] i feel like he takes damage slower like he's got more health you know hmm you go jesus oh he's like actually fighting now [Music] why did i do that [Music] it's like hey what's this guy's specialty can i just play to that real quick i got 420 please oh you piece of [ __ ] look at mario he's like tada that was i've never seen that particular sprite rematch all right it's fine rematch everything's fine god damn okay this guy's kind of annoying all right did a bunch of that [Music] i'm on edge dawn flamenco 2 is edging me [ __ ] you it looks so weird there's some like very different about the uh the wii [Music] version it is possible to win by decision you have to uh you have to get a certain amount of points per fight and it's different for each fight okay i should have saved it oh i should have kept him at low health i didn't realize how close the round was to ending that was bad strategy stick and move you know i had a miserable time with that those few n levels yesterday but i i didn't like wake up in a cold sweat last night about it i slept like a baby because i completed it that's that's the thing sometimes people are like grapefruit why did you continue to play that for so long it's because i just wanted to beat that little set of levels fun fact that thing is still uh processing by the way that stream there's like a certain threshold once a stream goes past like four hours it it just suddenly starts taking like a day to process on youtube it's really weird it's like some pokey youtube [ __ ] i do like his sassy little pose before he throws his uppercut that's that's his mia in the wii version or whatever i don't know what he's actually saying sounds like he's he's a pokemon named mia mia mia i got one heart so i'm right about to run out oh oh [ __ ] you [Music] there you go i think you get hearts back every time you dodge something also [ __ ] [Music] oh my god no no no no no no i hate that so much i hate it his moves are just uh in a timing that is throwing me off for whatever reason here he's just so gay okay gay gay i'll say it gay i'll say i said [Music] [ __ ] you [ __ ] you oh [ __ ] you i was gonna do it of course [Music] i need to do the quick dodge on him [Music] no no no no no yeah i have no idea how to get the stars on this guy i'm sure it's just uh interrupt his punches i don't know what i don't know which ones and how i did not get a lot of health back for that [ __ ] you [Music] all right [Music] [ __ ] i tried to interrupt that punch uh no you cannot everybody's saying does he know about the infinite if it's on title defense or if it's on uh the second don flamenco fight then no i don't know about the infinite there's an infinite on the first don flamenco fight that i think people might be confusing this for maybe i don't know it's actually fighting everybody was actually fighting me my whoa hey mr referee mario i like your hair i'm gonna steal it mario i'm taking your hair i'm don flamenco [Music] that was fast you pop up your hair that's a that is a straight arrested development quote i didn't even think about that i love arrested development that's a great show it's like one of the best live-action comedies like actually funny in something of a breaking of the form of live-action comedies no i tried to star punch him it just that might be it that sucked oh that sucks see there it's like past the [ __ ] event horizon i was like right on the cusp earlier okay okay okay donny boy you know that you have no life donny boy you're gonna die i thought take off your pants you'll deserve them all right now he's doing a stupid [ __ ] thing [ __ ] a billion fast [ __ ] punches all right oh i should have saved it i should have saved it just saved it ah i need to not just ignore the timer because that i could have i could have tried to like cheese him there good damage good damage good damage good damage still doing this huh [ __ ] you oh no no i wasn't ready i feel sneeze i feel sneeze coming on this is the worst time for a sneeze i need to pause oh you believe this guy oh look at him smile cheeky man put him away he's going to jail what the hell the little health i got wait did i not already did i thought i didn't already use it [Music] i don't know what the distinction is between when he's in his bait phase and when he's in his uh actually doing stuff phase i don't know if this is even the one this is tricky it's times like this where i'm glad i'm using save states that was my mistake that was my fatal mistake i don't know if that's it or not i think it's all in the hands of mario himself oh mario you [ __ ] me up [ __ ] i keep doing that get out of here [Music] take off your pants you don't deserve them take off your pants that's something that andrew said when he beat great tiger and i'll never forget it i don't know why he said take off your pants but he did say that number two oh god now it's mr sand man [Music] okay well let's go i'm probably gonna just lose a bunch to this guy i think i might save sandman and macho for another stream actually this game just exhausts me it is fun but i feel like i'm not going to get this i don't know i don't know i really i checked out bald bowl they're like bald ball 2 and i've already fought don flamenco a little bit before but i don't know this guy's moves at all the same thing where he had to like punch him in the face oh god what the [ __ ] i literally don't know how to damage him [Music] what okay i don't even know how to [ __ ] damage him okay what why did that work okay maybe it's only after certain moves he looks so angry okay here we go that's what i thought all right all right if you punch him while his guard is up he like returns with a counter [Music] okay [ __ ] i gotta stop doing that [ __ ] [ __ ] oh i got [Music] it's about as disastrous as fighting sandman in uh in the wii version for the first time not really we sandman is like designed to be like the most like casual killer fight ever he's like mentally designed wow he looks really weird he looks really weird there same with uh bald bull when he does that don't cry mac to sign a weakness mac uh okay let's rematch fisting the air above him [Music] i'm so scared oh my god [Music] i think you just need to be really fast with your dodges maybe i don't know maybe you just can't get a good punish off of these because you can't hit him in the stomach and combo him after that okay maybe i just need to dodge for a bit okay now he's gonna do moves where i can yeah i guess he's a pallet swap of uh besides the face of course i'm sorry oh oh that was the dreamland that's the dreamland express okay i recognize that from the wii version i mean this is not going to be the warmth but okay what why are not going to punish there what okay well folks yeah i don't know if you can punch him after his rolling punches in fact i'm gonna get a real quick look at like a little guy so i do feel like i'm missing something here just real quick let's see here oh god there's a [ __ ] like massive story here um for the first 50 seconds mr salmon wants to hit you with some the same sort of punch dodge these punches and counter attack him once in the face for each punch okay so you can't get like a stun there okay repeat this routine for the first 50 seconds until it changes to uppercuts uh always wait for sandman to punch dodge and counter attack never try to hit him twice or something like that because you need all your hearts so great never let sandman hit you because of the loss of hearts and time thanks i didn't want more twitch chat it is difficult always to wait for sandman's punch and dodge right in time but it's possible of course as you might not exactly know which is the last punch of the first 50 seconds punches you should dodge that first uppercut punch and then also counter attack with okay what the [ __ ] ever does ah okay so there's like kind of a cheese strap that you can do for him i just wanted to know about those punches at the beginning it's kind of like mike tyson [Music] yeah i appreciate the subs but i'm not i'm not really uh oh thank you i i i know that sounds so that always sounds so douchey like oh i don't think people but like uh i just fear that if i kept doing that it would just turn into like more and more and more people would do like donations and big bit stuff and [ __ ] like that and then the stream would just be like half me going oh thank you thank you for the 2000 bits or whatever oh my god [Music] i don't know it always bothers me when i'm watching a stream and it kind of just turns into that and then people getting these like dumb like bidding wars almost over like the attention of the streamer and i'm not saying that's what was happening here or anything but i'm just saying there was some uh consternation expressed at the fact that i did not call out subs i i really do appreciate it you don't nobody needs to do that and it said it's very kind but oh god at the same time i i don't i don't really want to call them out that often i'm just so scared [ __ ] i keep doing that just one too many punches [Music] what are you doing oh he's doing his dreamland oh [ __ ] is there like an audio cue or something it kind of seems like it chills for a second it's like 142. all right now he's gonna do the dreamland oh nope he looks so mad he kinda looks like a simpsons character does anybody else feel that [Music] it kind of looks like he's out of the simpsons i keep trying to like dodge his counter punch but i can't do it it doesn't work i don't know [Music] did someone in chat actually say that well i agree with that person oh here what episode of the simpsons is me in from okay well i guess you know two people can think the same thing look at his mouth he's just he's very bipolar okay i'm gonna give this a few more shots and i'm not gonna get all [ __ ] i'm not gonna i'm this isn't gonna be a whole thing i think next stream i will do uh mr sandman and macho man and then uh i might try mike tyson and then just give up and then maybe one day if i want to come back to it and do that then sure [ __ ] i just need to dodge you know just [ __ ] it right i think i'm gonna do uh [ __ ] it's coming fast i guess uh it makes him punch less when i uh actually hit him in between them he's very different in this one he is very different in this one like his the whole like face punch thing is the same and he does the dreamland express couldn't avoid it i knew it was coming that time that was right at the event horizon again [ __ ] i i really i like to think i'm okay at mashing but uh that that was just beyond me oh give up retire see why did that happen i don't regret it [Music] is it just three times is there anywhere where it shows how many times you've [Music] lost someone was saying what's the best way to access punch-out wii uh on the wii no the dolphin emulator i think should be able to play [Music] okay oh i can actually dodge it i swear i try like every time he looks straight out of that game bart versus the space mutants how how how do i have to do three quick dodges in a row is this are you forced to do the quick dodge probably not right i find that hard to believe [ __ ] oh he knows he [ __ ] knows oh he's just like the ai and smash ultimate where they [ __ ] know oh just accidentally hit pause i'm playing this on an emulator with a snes controller what are you doing what are you doing oh good god i just never know when it's actually going to come out those are not telegraphed very heavily as in i don't even know if there is a before frame i think he just instantly pops into the punch position so does it show it i'm not seeing anything here that marks how many times oh 12 and two i see so kind of you could tell from there heavy um okay well folks folks folks just a few more tries i just wanted you to jump couple more attempts did you see a seamlessly safe state reloaded there i wonder how many people even noticed before i mentioned it but it's noticeable he's so fast he's so fast actually i'm scared okay [Music] somebody said you could counter his uppercut after he ducks uh that's that's hard that's way too okay i'm going to try it just because this is just a throwaway round horrible horrible they didn't say if that gives you a star punch or not but this is not information that i'm typically blessed with when it comes to chat telling me things i i knew it was coming i tried i tried pouch punch punch pouch pouch pouch [Music] hmm [Laughter] [Music] uh i didn't want to have to do this i didn't want to have to go into my monkey mode but i'm going to have to go into my monkey mode it seems [Music] hmm okay he's doing it nope that wasn't it [Music] this is it how how how i just want to knock him down once you know no he's doing it again nope i don't have my headphones on so i don't know if there's like an audio queue or something there come on get on the ground you piece of [ __ ] he was actually still alive guy remember recommends blocking his jabs that's it once you get hit by the first one i don't even know if it's possible to dodge out okay i'm gonna try blocking oh you guys should punch him after it [Music] you know one distinction between this and the wii version is that in the wii version the timer counts maybe i need to i think i need to return with a specific side oh [ __ ] i hate hate [Music] try a couple more times like do you have to use the opposite hand no it's just that one punch no somebody was saying one hand is faster than the other just like his expression is very simpsons like oh god here it is no i keep thinking that's it [Music] that's it this is it nope nope i don't know how to do that i don't know how to do that [Music] hmm looks like his hair oh no great yes yes yes [Music] what did i say wait people are saying no the timer is too fast what did i say did i say it's slow i think i did i not say that the timer counts up in this one and down in the wii version if that's not what i said that's what i [Music] meant i don't even know i don't understand [Music] oh what oh i just dodged on accident [Music] dodging's not too bad [Music] okay get a little better at it again i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna call it quits soon and next stream i can fight mr sandman i don't know i don't know i don't know how to dodge that i don't know no yeah i'm aware the timer is fast as [ __ ] in both games sorry someone was like uh i think you should probably watch a few more summoning solid videos if you think that and i was like look at this [ __ ] guy okay oh okay that's it folks that's that's it folks [Music] okay that's it that's the last time that's the last fight for tonight i got past soda popinski i got past bald bull 2 and [ __ ] don too it was a real piece of work but next stream i hate to say it chat but there's always someone who just came in when i when i'm ending a stream people are constantly coming and going i get that just about every stream it's a sad state of the world don't cry grapefruit i'm gonna come back and i'm gonna do [Music] mr sandman i think we all know what song i'm gonna play at the beginning i'll have to find some really disgusting like ugly realistic painting of his sprite art uh but that's it i think i'm gonna edit all tonight i tried to put out a twitch scraps video today and i [ __ ] slept for six hours instead so whoops maybe tomorrow
Channel: fruit salad
Views: 7,997
Rating: 4.9358287 out of 5
Id: ltjYnzTewSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 47sec (5627 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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