[Full stream] - Super Punch-Out!! (Arcade) + Doc Louis's Punch-Out!!

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[Music] all around me are familiar faces worn out places worn out faces bright and early for the daily races going nowhere going nowhere [Music] their tears are filling up their glasses no expression no expression [Music] and i find it kind of funny i find it kind of sad the dreams in which i'm dying are the best i've ever had i find it hard to tell you i find it hard to take when people run in circles it's a very [Music] very children waiting for the day they feel good happy birthday happy birthday and i feel the way that every child should sit and listen sit and listen went to school and i was very nervous no one knew me no one knew me hello teacher tell me what's my lesson look right through me look right through me look at the expression on this sad man's face he really does look like that guy from the office what is his name he has an s name i haven't watched the office in so long stanley i think for a second i was like stewie yeah stanley [Music] so enlarging your world is that what they said hey what the [ __ ] [Music] i i would like to gary jules you can [ __ ] just stay the [ __ ] away from my world alright you will not enlarge a single goddamn thing uh welcome everyone gonna fight doc lewis today but uh first i'm gonna do super punch out this is the arcade machine version of this this is the origin of vodka drunkenski as well as a few other things a few other classic characters uh it's it's kind of tough it's a tough game the last boss is really hard uh and so i might save state that final boss but we'll see i'll i'll start tossing legitimate attempts at it and then probably after a few i'll be like all right time to start using a couple save states just between fights and then we're gonna fight doc lewis doc lewis's punch out which i've never done before that is like the one punch out game that i have never played besides well i've been playing arcade super punch out recently but okay the hell out of here doc um this should be good like a good volume and everything we'll see just watching on my screen here to see i have to i'm sure you guys can probably already see the thing okay i just got it but i have to wait and see if it came through because recording this [ __ ] emulator is so weird uh so basically uh those who remember the first classic arcade games stream uh at the end of it i played punch out the arcade machine uh which is like six guys this one is five guys yes there are five guys in this game and it's like basically in the same like engine and everything you know uh which is weird it's just a direct sequel pull the knob of control and duck punches let's master ducking oh my god and it actually says good duck what the hell i don't know if i've ever let it play long enough to actually see that screen good duck [Music] yes there's uh stereo music and for some reason that just plays through one side oh oh spoilers it's spoilers so same exact like everything basically it's just new fighters and you can duck and ducking is really weird you don't press down to duck it's like the it's like between the two punch buttons there's a duck button it's not bound to the d-pad which is really hokey so uh let me know i don't know ass ass let me know if everything if you can see and hear everything all right looks like it should be good canadian bear hugger i talked over him saying that okay so canadian bear hugger or as he's formerly known or formally known just bear hugger i guess this fight is actually different in the american version slash a japanese version it's actually harder in this version which is the american version but just by a little you can basically just like rinse and repeat cheese this guy every time he gets up he does one of those but we're prepared there you go [Applause] yeah i love the announcer new knockout there's dk and mario and [ __ ] in the crowd you're an up and coming boxer all right dragon chan he's got like a little jingle bell and he's got a little like japanese i guess he's chinese little chinese character in the corner of his icon there and i always like start off just like sucking ass at fighting dragon chain and then he like gets easier the more that he does his special move so there's not going to be a lot of progress in the early fight because i suck at this part you have to like it's like about raising and lowering your guard when he does and getting aaron punches in it's fine it's just a video game everyone okay this is this is not legal in boxing by the way i think this was the first game where they were like hey what if we just let the opponents just [ __ ] cheat at the game because i think all the ones in the original punch out were legitimate boxers and here they're just like doing crazy [ __ ] i guess this is the only guy that does anything super crazy it's snes super punch out where they go absolutely [ __ ] ham okay and just as the fight goes on he just starts spamming this move and it's pretty easy to duck and punish him it's way easier than dealing with his just normal punches which is funny he looks like paul mccartney when he does his kick there all right bye bye [Applause] final boss is just a guy with a gun wait have i not knocked him out three times what okay good counting on my part he's dead he's down for that down count great tiger doesn't actually do any magic in this oh my god here he is vodka drunkenski so this is before they changed him to soda popinski here he [ __ ] is folks and this is where i start having a bit of difficulty just a little keep it albert i don't know what that is i don't know what he's saying there give it hour keep it down stick a move stick a move that's stick and move [ __ ] so he generally goes in a pattern of oh god damn it now he's gonna do one jab and side punch there we go and he's gonna do two jabs i think and then another side punch yep one oh oh he's gonna do an uppercut [ __ ] nope ah there's the uppercut ah okay [ __ ] all right that's one knockout [Applause] these old these arcade games oh [ __ ] i think he always gets up with an uppercut these arcade ones have a lot more randomness than the uh than the other ones certainly than like the wii one and thus uh he's about to uppercut again okay get out of here okay just one more this is close [ __ ] i knew it was coming but it's the dodge is so [ __ ] like sticky and terrible in this game come on nope oh that was close as [ __ ] god damn it stick a move get out of here i thought i was done for great fighting you're an up-and-coming boxer here is great tiger this is his first appearance i mean this is like all these guys first appearance and this guy's really tough i usually die to this guy his timings are just super awkward and you don't get a lot of punishes and every time he gets up oh my god he does this [ __ ] thing oh [ __ ] i even screwed that up god damn it that's a pretty easy instant kill when he does that but i screwed it up i'm getting destroyed by great tiger here you can either do an uppercut here or you can do that [ __ ] jab thing that jab and then hook and you oh man it's so hard to react to all right side punch no god i was i knew it was coming and i still got hit all right that's the first knockout or knock down yes so he he is basically pissed in hurricane i think some of these characters even use like reuse sprites from the first game he's he's a pallet swap a piston hurricane and he uses the same like special move all right so i get one rematch let's see if i can do it see if i can just get to super macho man because super macho man is [ __ ] he's the really difficult one [ __ ] that one all his moves just psyched me out so hard there are certain rules but a lot of it is random oh come on now i'm forced to do this oh oh i guess he's finished oh i didn't know that ended ever he usually defaults to doing the two hooks like that oh man but then he gets up and he does this [ __ ] which is so like oh can i explain something here when you get hit by a move the move happens like six times faster than it would have if you had missed it so if you get hit by one move especially in these that's just a rule in these arcade ones you get just chain combo because it throws you off so hard all right let's just restart the game [Music] press start for new play by the way start is left punch if you hit the actual start button it does nothing this game doesn't have one it's just punch heart uh sure let me be heart undertale character canadian bear agar first character with uh with titties in this series but yeah basically in the japanese version which i have on the only reason i know this is because i have it on switch because that's the only way to like officially own these games i and then i ended up emulating it anyway go figure but he has a thing where if you punch his guard he'll just always do that downward smash move that he does only when he gets up here and uh you can basically just use it to like rinse and repeat cheese this man [Applause] also sometimes when he goes like one two three yeah yeah or something like that every once in a while he'll do a thing that reminds me of a riff in bowser's fury [Music] or is that mario 3d world it might be more of a 3d world [Music] dragon chance he's supposed to be like jackie chan i think right like vaguely keep it awkward does anybody know what that voice line is in the japanese version they go every once in a while i don't know what that means i'm assuming it means like in the red corner or something like that because they use it for multiple fighters so this is a really weird fight the way that it like becomes easier as it goes on because he uses his stupid special move over and over that's also an instant kill if he hits you with it though all right he's just going to do it again right no damn give it up give it all right give it over [Applause] again with this guy i i thought he was down and he wasn't it doesn't i don't think it shows anywhere on the screen how many knockouts or how many knock downs each guy has which was an innovation that was thankfully added in i think the wii one and the snes one maybe vodka drunken [Music] so let's see here right so he usually alternates one and then two but not always sometimes he mixes it up and that's that's when he gets me so far so good ah and if you dodge too early oh my god all the other games the dodge is so much more lenient than it is in these ones in these ones it's just like oh my [ __ ] god you just have some of the punches have so many active frames that like you just barely have enough with uh with your dodge to like dodge through them you know it's miserable [Applause] and even that like i know it's coming every time and i try to dodge it every time and it's just the timing is weird all right another one okay if he ever just throws out a random jab like that it means he's about to do an uppercut after a random amount of time yep ah get punched drunk man oh you're an up-and-coming boxer i love the voice great tiger canadian bear hugger i don't know why bear hugger is the only one where they mention his like place of origin okay i need to stop [ __ ] psyching myself out for that move and you can every once in a while get this thing where you like punch his guard and he does an uppercut and you can just easily dodge it but not always okay please there you go that's usually it's one of those things that i nail in it every time off stream but of course on stream i am not doing it so good also you get like one punch off of that if you do it properly if you hit on the right side you get like a single punch after that which is absurd and then this uppercut is just so [ __ ] fast [ __ ] and i dodged too early there did you see did you see he always does two hooks in a row [ __ ] okay you want that you want him to do that when he's got like full health of course and i think he only does this if you knock him out using his special move it's just that i like always knock him out using his special move yeah i think that's it yeah great fighting you're an up-and-coming boxer all right and now i'm gonna get [ __ ] i'm gonna get stomped into the ground super macho man is absurd he's very random very random boss can insta kill you like crazy that's an insta kill if i get hit by any of those that's an insta kill put him away all right he's about to uppercut nope do another one maybe no [ __ ] see he's so random oh xd so random i can't like predict his moves like i can with some of the other guys you can actually duck that which is useful [ __ ] you can't duck that [Applause] [ __ ] i predicted correctly but i did the timing wrong all right that's one l i get one rematch [Applause] someone said he looks like a founding father we've called him anime george washington in the past too heart is the new top score oh i've got a bandage now look a banner just went and disappeared i i actually never noticed that did the other one have battle damage too that's kind of neat it's like after you lose one round it's pretty basic but it's cool you only get three punches sometimes if he hits you with an uppercut he'll just go for like infinite other ones until you dodge it oh yeah and if you if you do it too late if you punish him too late you only get one punch and it totally throws me off every time that happens [ __ ] all right i'm about to die yeah sad should i go through it one more time chad what do you say should i go through it one more time or should i start just using the save state on this guy until i beat him i'm split [Music] go through it more okay yeah i'm seeing a lot more keep going and then well right after that i saw a lot of people saying save state those people can go eat sand if i died a great tiger i'll just start safe staining how about that start though this one's for you dad ladies and gentlemen but here basically bear hugger is like a real fight in this one almost he's definitely harder than glass joe uh but not by a lot i like how he spins around before he falls down he does a little pirouette there's even in these ones there's a surprising amount of character also by the way that downward smash move is an instant kill i haven't got hit by it yet but that would have taken away my entire health bar if i got hit by it [Applause] most of their most of their special moves are instant kills you know i i did a similar thing where i save stated before mr sandman when i did classic arcade games number one or whatever uh i will say every punch out game that i've played on stream i like went on to play more after it after streaming it and i i did in fact get a run of several runs of original punch out where i was in fact able to get through the whole game without safe stating for what it's worth i don't know if that'll ever happen with this one because super macho man is [ __ ] but that being said that's what i thought about uh that's what i thought about sandman for a bit and then it turned out there was like a way to kind of cheese him that almost hit me it makes a little sound even when it doesn't hit you which is kind of weird there you go nice body blow we don't see a lot of body blows i usually go for the head punch they do make funny faces when you body blow them oh [Applause] like uh super macho man looks even more like george washington for instance when he gets gut punched so can i just do repeated no he doesn't stay in stun for that earlier i like ultra hooked him and he stayed within like the stun animation i was like wait can i just do a bunch of super punches there see how he just like he ends up just spamming this move forever and it's his undoing what a fool what a fool believes we did an actual move what [Applause] [Laughter] okay this guy is pretty manageable now that i got the groove okay so far he is following the pattern this guy it's it's generous because they they give you a lot of punches to punish neat there's one guy in the audience that i always think looks like king dedede do you guys see the guy that i'm thinking of he doesn't actually look like king ddd but just like he's got a kingly like demeanor to him and he's kind of slapping his knee that's a lot easier to dodge than the uppercut [Music] okay sometimes i feel like you can see me start to dodge and i just don't quite get there in time alright come on there you go it's weird i don't really don't hear him say watch the left i don't know what triggered that but he said it twice is there a reason you don't do the ko punch uh in this game you fill up the meter and then you can just do infinite ko punches so every time i do an uppercut that is a ko punch the meter doesn't go away when i use it which is kind of nice that's how it works in super nintendo super punch out as well i tried to dodge i tried to dodge that all right oh what come on that move goes on for so long every time i get the ko punch it goes and i think of uh original super mario bros like the pause sound right jab and then thing yep come on let me why can't i punish him after that he's down for the count all right now i gotta deal with this [ __ ] one two three yeah yeah you can sneak in punches in the middle there but it's so risky ah dodged too early all right i'm about to die all right yeah i feel like you get a lot more health oh by the way their their victory face is still just there i'm getting punched face which is hilarious that's how it was in the first one too they literally just like didn't have another sprite for that so they're just like i don't know so they go while going oh with their face i love that little bandage that's the first like that's the first iteration of like battle damage i guess it probably did that in the in punch out original too pop [ __ ] come on okay [Applause] one two three one punch a singular punch at the end of that four uppercuts in a row dodged perfectly one punch [Music] i think that is mario 3d world all right it's about to do two hooks some moves you gotta like try to react to some moves you gotta anticipate and that's real hard oh that's weird that was really weird that was really [ __ ] bizarre he did a serious mix-up i think that's it knockout all right all right all right now just because i have a vendetta against this guy i'm going to reload the safe state that i have against this dude oh that sucks so much keep it iron look you like can't punish him for that i tried it on both sides as fast as possible [Applause] this is horrible this is kind of hard to keep up to the point where it's hard to talk while doing it one two three yeah yeah oh and that is just unreactable man that is insane see how fast that was compared to when he misses it put them away is that it i haven't been counting okay nice you're an up and coming backer keep your guard up keep the guard up keep it going up keep it going i can believe it all right i have whooped him to my satisfaction now we grind to beat this [ __ ] face okay [ __ ] that takes off about the he does like a fast spin punch that takes off about half your health bar and a slow one that takes off your entire thing uh just like the nes one and i think in title defense he can just do spin punches like a random number of times just and like there's no cap i know that's a thing that people say but there isn't a cap to the amount of punches he can do so it like theoretically infinite spins here it's always just two [ __ ] it's risky to go for random uppercuts or i think it's right hook not uppercut the ko punch all right i knocked him down once see his hair is a lot more george washington when he falls down like that at least you get four punches there that's kind of nice he's about to shake no [ __ ] you also don't have to mash when you fall down here okay let's see his wind face let's see his victorious face you think his eyes just split in different directions when he does that little like shudder the fast spin punch if you punish him for it he won't do two in a row but if you don't punish him for it he will do two in a row this is how it works [ __ ] i love how the ko meter takes like time to fill up two it's kind of like that in arcade super in uh non-arcade super punch out okay so he's about to do it again no what maybe that's not guaranteed damn i thought i knew everything no i know this guy's random as [ __ ] watch is that it knockout keep your gut up yeah i think it is keep your guard up all right could all go wrong in just a second though shake yeah okay see look he hit me with one of them so he went for another tends to do that okay [Applause] [ __ ] thought he was gonna go for the long wind-up spin punch there i think it's i think it's like when he does one no i don't think there is a rule but it tends to be when he does one jab he's about to do a hook after and when he does two he's about to do a slow spin punch but not guaranteed [ __ ] let's just reset that that's too slow on the punish there so i only got one [ __ ] punch off of him knock him out oh that was weird he normally doesn't do two jabs and then a fast spin punch threw me off but i actually managed to dodge it all right knock out [Applause] he can knock me down in one punch though that's the thing pouch spin no ah okay just did shave in a haircut with my laugh on accident i'm surprised i got the punish off of that late ko punch [ __ ] i dodged too early sucks i think that's it yep going down george washington you're a piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] i'll keep going if i got hit by that i probably would not have kept going now we stop now we stop hold on wait i was looking at chat i got a free punch in there kind of nice [ __ ] i hate you sorry talking to him talking to him knock him out after a stun you can usually get one free oh that was weird one free super punch i don't know how my uh right hook did not land there honestly but that was funny enough to make up for the [ __ ] factor i really you saw me start to duck there yeah okay a lot of these sounds are so similar to what you would hear on like the nes sound font you know [ __ ] my mouth is super dry watch your lap [ __ ] i didn't take my free punch i don't know why that's why he's saying it twice [Applause] one two three yeah yeah i hate you i hate you this dodge in super punch out you can actually you have like variable dodge times i guess you technically do in mike tyson's punch out as well you can do like the quick dodge okay but like super punch out it's insanely variable but not this super punch out it's confusing this one oh it's tighter than my ass okay stop you've got him greedy greedy bastard oh this really is one of those ones where i'm like how did people do this in the [ __ ] arcade i mean you know same way i'm about to do it lots of practice but uh just they had to spend money every single time they attempted it it's pretty intense that's pretty hardcore okay same exact thing just happened that is jank that's some bonafide jank i think it's because when they're winding up for an uppercut uh right hooks aren't supposed to work on them [ __ ] uh because they're like ducking but it just carried over so it even happened when he was standing up so my uppercut didn't connect even though it totally looked like it should have pouch i don't know why i did that [ __ ] you ah he didn't give me my freebie punch that one time that i needed it [ __ ] oh oh did you see that he did a shutter which is the tell for his fast spin punch then he did a jab then he did the fast spin punch with no telegraph right after [Laughter] cool you know i always do tend to get stuck on this guy he really does give me trouble in the nes one too just because you have to have such quick reaction time to deal with his fast spin punch ironically uh or not ironically but incidentally his slow spin punch which is the thing that i was really struggling to deal with uh during my like stream of the game is now the thing that is way easier to deal with like that's that's pretty reliable because it's the same timing all the time whereas his fast spin punch is just like a random timing and it's so fast that i have difficulties i hate you i hate you looking so good oh he did another one right after oh i think i wasn't counting i think he had another health bar after that too maybe not definitely came in from my right but whatever such a balletic movement the super macho punch [ __ ] god damn it i so i looked at chat because i saw like a big burst of activity because i was like oh was i wrong about the [ __ ] thing and it was everybody talking about [ __ ] eggnog it was just a big burst of people talking about eggnog i was like oh was i wrong about that no everybody just had to spout their [ __ ] opinion on eggnog at that instant like like 10 different people at the same time okay okay oh that's when he when he when you get hit by that he just keeps going uh-oh that is so stupid and it just it almost got me killed again there in the exact same way that it got me killed two other times that's so stupid oh he likes doing that he likes doing that maneuver jesus oh oh [ __ ] this is his last health bar oh get the [ __ ] out of here is that it yeah let's [ __ ] go also he turned into a real person [Applause] all right and now as is tradition it's time to get my dick knocked off by title defense bear hugger uh title defense in these games is pretty boring it's just really really difficult like you don't get any [ __ ] punishes everybody's way faster and does way more damage whoa what is this hit blow whoa you get like what is that up in the top right or top left watch your left so even glass joe is hard in title defense in the original arcade machine [ __ ] you know also average i get a hit average hit and blow i don't know what the difference is like body blow he's pogging number one is the one that i didn't even give a name to i got better than nintendo of america there is no bald bull in this game nope and that's it that's it for super punch chat i'm not going to play anymore [ __ ] [ __ ] super macho man i i did practice last night and i beat him a few times just to get uh just to get you know acclimated to it because i had never beaten him before and then i was like all right now i'm comfortable enough to at least stream it but uh ooh i thought bald bull was in every punch-out game he in fact is not uh really the thing there are no characters in punch-out that are in every punch-out game not even glass joe not mr sandman not super macho man and it's mostly because uh original arcade punch out and super punch out or arcade super punch out don't have any recurring characters between the two of them at all even though they have some pallet swaps piston hondo is not in either of the arcade games but there is piston hurricane in the first one he's the second guy all right so that was fun i i do like this it's it's the arcade ones are vaguely enjoyable but they are so much worse than every other installment okay and now oh i'm really excited i get to play doc lewis's punch out now so let me just get set up here [Music] all right okay here we are and this is this is with dolphin so this is gonna be this is like a weird control scheme i have to like move the mouse around to punch the menu and then i have to press a button on my controller all right here it is you hear doc grunting in the background so for those of you don't know this is a uh an add-on it was this was distributed by like by like we wear i think or something like that and it was like a digital only title and it was it's basically like a cut out it's like they they made a cool tutorial mode for punch out on the wii and then they just cut it out and made its own separate thing so yeah also is this is this lore hold on hold on press b club nintendo oh that's pretty loud huh what the [ __ ] was that that was so that like whoosh sound came across so loud whatever i see is that little mac versus glass joe or i think i see him versus other opponents over here too i was like does this take place before the glass joe fight [Music] that sound for some reason is just really [ __ ] loud oh no oh hold on i'm trying to find a good volume for this that's probably good let me know if that's a good volume folks all right warm up i guess i don't know i've never played this wow i like docks like old-fashioned boxing gloves huh every journey starts somewhere let's make that first punch together hell yeah limber up and stretch out doc's gonna get you warmed up with some boxing basics this is gonna be like playing the tutorial after i've played like every other game in the series oh [ __ ] yeah get the [ __ ] out of here doc oh my god it's been so long since i've taught you that's the one i taught you oh [ __ ] okay i actually have to press up to block there's like slightly different mechanics for each punch-out game and i actually pressed down to duck this time this one god this is actually going to take some getting used to it it might be a little while before i can beat tutorials he's literally telling me what to do oh man he's got a bandage no way that's the one i taught you that's what i taught you oh his hair is all scrabbled up oh [ __ ] i'm getting this deleted [Music] no i have to dodge it this one [ __ ] is he gonna yo he's taunting no he's not talking he's just counting jesus that likes like good screenshot there i can counter that duck this one no and i actually have to hit on a specific side there [Music] thanks for joining club nintendo man hey wow that's the payoff after so long join club nintendo today mac we finally did it and now we're here whooping his ass actually he's opening my ass he really is i was not expecting this to be hard at all but it i'm thrown off by how like different the controls are i actually press down to go down i have real dodges for once the timing is actually like kind of uh lenient for once oh this is hot baby and even the punch buttons are different they're bound to different things can i reset them there oh that's it nice one i like this this is this is neat i'm proud of you the one thing is i don't like actually seeing doc like disheveled and getting like his ass [Music] that's the one thing the one downside is that i don't want to whoop doc's ass okay i guess i'm doing training now i do know one thing about this which is that he has like a hype second phase that's the i don't know much else lace up the gloves and step back in the ring train your skills with doc all right get ready to study hard this is called oh he like shows you his fist and little mac's like what you don't know the weapon that is about to be bestowed upon you when i taught you duck this one what let's punch him in the belly yeah oh right in his ass [Music] oh [ __ ] he's throwing in new [ __ ] [ __ ] come on uh yeah i guess i guess i probably could just zoom this in to be fair it probably does look kind of weird for you guys it's like cinematic it's got like the black bars on top and bottom but it's also in four by three uh-oh keep him up [ __ ] get low so what get low i need to duck that one he didn't teach me that one he's whooping my ass all right this is fine i'm fine with this being a challenge keep it clean come on just knock him down once oh god damn it keep him up [ __ ] okay what do i do for that one i i tried blocking it i'm finally a fully rounded fighter back what does that mean just because he's fat okay [Music] all right mike baby the move takes quite a long time uh oh wow this is in like this 60 frames per second also i wonder if you can get the last stand there come on man don't cry don't cry another gold sign oh he said it don't cry mac that's a reference to the original one damn this is uh this is this is probably going to take a few attempts his just like normal like really long obvious wind-up like uppercut punch is actually so hard for me to manage after being used to like the really fast timing of the old ones i hate to still got him the animation's so good the little candy bars coming out of him that's the one i taught you get low see i think i need to block the first one and then duck the second one keep him up okay that is c come on [Music] and sometimes it's actually fast too he mixes it up actually he's like a real boss actually learn your lesson because he definitely has different timings there need to remember he ate his chocolate bar oh wait is that i needed to punch it out of his hand i think like vodka drunkenski or soda popinski rather uh oh he's gotta whip my ass i think i need to punch that out of his hand you gotta give 110 out there i know mathematically it's only possible to give a hundred percent but you got to squeeze that extra 10 out there for me man there's a surprising amount of actual personality in this it's not just like punch me mac you know it's like a simpsons bit that bit was straight out of the simpsons oh wait uh okay after this attempt where i inevitably [ __ ] die because doc has full health that's the one i taught you i'm gonna make the resolution real all right now he's gonna do the double one that's the one i taught you no [ __ ] hell i think i might just have to duck with with very precise timing for that because that first one is definitely not blockable keep it clean keep them up get low [ __ ] i can just do that okay i'm just holding a normal long dodge okay [ __ ] come on [Music] [ __ ] that is so brutal one of those is going to be the thumbnail just doc just brutally slaughtering little man come on man don't cry don't cry bob there's not really an exact science to doing this by the way those of you who want just a glimpse behind the streamer window it's kind of just like nope that's still too small i think it's actually no it's it's like the awkward wii resolution so there's gonna be a tiny bit cut off but i think uh god damn it no make it a tiny bit bigger there we go that should be better yeah it looks it just looks weird on on screen like that for me it looks like basically fine but it just looks like a four by three window the wii has like a specific resolution it's like 16 by nine or some garbage like that which is why uh sometimes if you notice i think in like the game grumps play through punch out there's like orange on the sides of the screen there's like a thin line of orange [Music] just because the resolution is weird okay get ready to study hard this is called i love how pumped little mac is or not 16 by nine [ __ ] it's like uh i misspoke come on that's the one i taught you dodge duck this one the mix-up on the on the normal punch or on the uppercut keep him up it's pretty brutal that's the one i taught you get low damn it that is ooh [ __ ] keep him up oh i don't know what he's gonna do next [ __ ] come on i'm getting laid out he's talking like an anime guy come on that's the one i taught you uh dodge [ __ ] help learn your lesson yet one two three four keep it clean come on come on what no apparently i can't do that it's just a cut scene i swear the one thing i know is you punch the candy out of his hand and he like becomes the ultimate life form [ __ ] hell wow this is hard i was not uh i'm finally a fully rounded fighter back i was not expecting this to be hard also yeah i know the game grumps have a border for every game they play but i'm just saying you can tell in particular with the game grumps because they have that because it's bright [ __ ] orange dots all right mike it baby come on no way that's the one i taught you duck this one huh you're too fast [Music] keep him up oh [ __ ] you that sucked ah he waits for you to put your i had my guard up there in anticipation because i remember the pattern he waits for you to put your guard down before he does the keep your guard up one that is [ __ ] up that is [ __ ] up that's the one i taught you keep him up dump this one come on that's the one i taught you god damn it that is the worst i really don't even know like what to do about that because the oh i got the last stand oh is that like a that was like a new sound that's the one i taught you this one [ __ ] keep him up no maybe not i don't know what the rules are there i'm gonna do the get down [ __ ] hell sad all right well this will be an actual this will be a stream of some actual length let's give it another gold sign which that's fine [Music] get ready to study hard matt this is called it reminds me of also little mac versus king hippo look at that these are i think this training room is actually in uh it's in the game it's when you do the [ __ ] training room against like the [ __ ] holograms of the bosses you're too fast you're too fast which i like used once and then never looked at again that's the one i taught you get low [ __ ] you know that sucks that is so [ __ ] annoying he's got like sandman fake outs come on that's the one i taught you [Music] like i know he says different [ __ ] but it's just very difficult to react to there come on [Music] this chocolatious so i just have no choice but to allow that to happen i guess that's the one i taught you this one okay that is so annoying son you got to give 110 percent out there i don't know exactly what to like do here too because he just heals back to full i'm assuming maybe do it another time also the boxing glove that flies into the screen is not watching doc's keep it clean keep them up get low yeah i don't think it really matters if you duck or dodge that same timing okay great come on i bet there's some good freeze frames of doc with big hand okay come on that is silly [Music] i can't actually click on that i have to like press a button on my controller keep it clean [Music] come on that's the one i taught you i was gonna do the stupid delay one god damn it i knew it was coming and i still [ __ ] got hit because the too fast wind up is like a year long that's the one i taught you get low all right that's basically like disco kids triple punch that can't [Music] i think that might just be like a one-time thing in this fight because people were saying that there's a third version of the fight which if that's the case we're gonna be your old goddamn [ __ ] day oh god and then he did a quick one that is obnoxious i sorry he switched it up from last time i fought him three there's in this game i think it's like it follows a rigid pattern unless you get hit and then it changes all over the [ __ ] place that's the one i taught you keep him up oh duck this one i was definitely expecting this to be like glass joe easy and is for sure an actual legit fight which is nice but it's also this one it's hard for a pretty stupid reason i [Music] think because of that literally because of that punch that's the one i taught you come on that's the one i taught you duck this one [ __ ] come on mac i couldn't imagine doing a blindfolded doc fight well uh for speedrun it's probably like you know once you actually have his patterns memorized it's probably actually really easy because uh that's the one i taught you today keep him up this one [Music] i hate you see how he did two long ones there before he did a long one a short one and then a long one [ __ ] hell [Music] get ready to study hard what even the [ __ ] was that guy asking about oh doing it blindfolded it's probably pretty easy because he doesn't do the mix-ups if you don't get hit come on that's the one i taught you yeah i don't know about countering this keep him [ __ ] get low that was a big mosquito [Music] ouch man keep him up dunk this one huh come on maybe that could be a strat just like sandman this guy that can't beat it [Music] also someone was saying to hit him in the stomach because it does more damage i don't know if that's true at all ouch man come on ouch man [Music] [Music] keep it clean come on that can't be dodged duck this one his face this chocolatious i really wish it was just like a normal fight and then you didn't heal i know that's a weird distinction but i kind of just wish like it seems like he only has one health bar but he also just heals [Music] all right mike baby he's like pulling up his pants that can't beat duck this one [Music] keep him up that's the one i taught you get low keep him up dunk this one dodge come on mack one two three four keep it clean keep him up get low i really can't tell i don't know it's hard to tell what like specific punches are doing i really don't see much of a difference honestly that was nice come on he likes it that was nice [Music] that's hard to do i swear that sound doesn't play in the other one he went so low without eating his chocolate maybe it's a time based thing [Music] i just wish this was just in the game you know what if this was the secret fight that's the one i taught you instead of donkey kong you know it's actually reasonably difficult [Music] so i don't really i really question the decision that's the one i taught you get low that was nice i hate that one so much that was a big mosquito i like the way he says that line this one okay norway [Music] oh wait did i block that first one what the [ __ ] i tried blocking that first one like 10 [ __ ] times before everybody was yelling at me to try something different i was like it never worked and then it just worked there this is chocolatious it's weird come on [Music] makes doc seem very cruel keep it clean keep him up okay [ __ ] i didn't even get that juicy punish he doesn't have very many voice lines either i'm going to be honest yeah i know i wish this was easier it kind of feels weird that it's this difficult [Music] especially just because keep him there's it's not terribly compelling in this difficulty too that's the one i taught you duck this one [ __ ] that one always [ __ ] gets me because i'm because all i'm thinking about is whether or not he's gonna do that basically [Music] i hate your [Music] look at that crusty shadow [Music] get ready to study hard mac keep it clean that's the one i taught you i hate that that's like a what that's one i should just remember but too fast guess what i have a lot of [ __ ] things in my life i gotta remember that's the one i taught you get low i really don't think punch punching him in the belly is doing more damage honestly it's the worst [ __ ] [ __ ] duck [Music] this chocolatious [Music] come on no that's the one i taught you duck this one get out of here that sucks so much come on jesus [ __ ] christ [Music] keep it clean it's like i still don't even know if he just heals again you know wow [ __ ] still barely got punished can't be [Music] i could let's try doing it i don't know what'll happen we'll see if it heals him i was really expecting him to do it it played the sound oh my god you're kidding me i can't believe that actually worked that's the one i taught you duck this one keep him up i hate you doc i hate you doc i hate you [Music] jesus [ __ ] christian come on the one i taught you duck this one what you're too fast massacre keep him up get low [ __ ] come on come on mac i'm gonna kill you three four typically keep him up [ __ ] i think he always starts out with the blocked one when you get up keep him up nope okay this one [ __ ] hell come on come on that's the one i taught you i hate you doc i hate you you're the worst i can't believe there's a harder one after this too oh my [ __ ] back but are you ready for the next lesson oh god [Music] oh god sparring this old doc still has new tricks son now are you ready for your final lesson final lesson because you're about to [ __ ] die little mac get ready keep it clean keep him up oh [ __ ] quick feedback huh new [ __ ] that can't be [Music] dodged i telegraph that come on that's the one i taught you he's got one star wait i just noticed he's got a star that's insane right before he got it too he's got his own star meter quick feet that can't be you can jive move baby move huh i telegraph that come on [Music] chocolate bar may be hazardous to your health the hazardous environment suit i mean the wvpa is not responsible for any frustration from this point forward damn real gamer alert oh and he's still eating it what the [ __ ] this one okay come on now i'm gonna get my dick knocked off learn your lesson yet no clearly not doc three obviously not keep it clean come on that's the one i taught you all right i telegraph that it's good to just keep my guard up at all times oh he's got a star punch that's such a that is cool that is like the coolest thing about this he can get star punches i love his like unique i love how janky the animation was of him tearing off his shirt [Music] squeeze yeah work it doc baby ding ding work it keep it clean knock this one move baby [ __ ] come on max come on mac you're dead oh i should have done the uh i should have healed i keep forgetting i can even do that oh come on [Music] like super macho man when he lands one he just goes for another okay oh that's it all right it doesn't seem too bad now that i got like the basic hang of it don't cry let's give it another gold sign i guess it's you know it's it's very similar to learning the difference between carmen to any of you who have played the base game [Music] what if you don't punch his chocolate i have no idea i have no clue what happens all right rematch don't cry mac what is that king hippo there's like a crude drawing of king hippo on the board there old school keep him up [Music] that's the one i taught you nope duck nope that is so cool keep them up what i need to block that to get the actual punish quick feedback i keep trying to anticipate ducking one two three four keep it green i will say i've not found a single star and like i have a star meter he said is he saying my invention there no because that's that is a part of the lore i love his like sassy stance too i'm i'm not doing so hot right now i'm probably gonna get whooped this one okay dunk this one always does two of those in a row it's a lot like super macho man come on come on all right doc work you can block that first one it's just there's it's just tight timing all right there's very specific timing to get the punish there duck this one huh you do another one that's the one i taught you this one wow i really didn't think he was gonna do it again i was thinking super macho man rules where if you punish him for it he won't do it again i don't know why i was thinking that i telegraph that that one is so [ __ ] fast is he saying we like this game's on the wii i'm sure there's some sort of like i can interrupt some of his moves and get a star somewhere but keep him up move baby move what i don't know that's the one i taught you i kind of like quick feedback just the dodge method see if i get any by accident we can maybe learn some strats but [Music] getting like counter star punches is something i did when i was playing through punch out for like the second time once i like already had like the patterns down for the most part that's the one i taught you keep them up quick feedback huh that can't be move baby move huh so he's got like a second one too because he i knocked the thing out of his hands and then he's just got a second one in his ass he reached behind him i like that little sassy like the message too hazardous to your health [ __ ] this one what that's the one i taught you come on [Music] gonna say if i can make it to the end of this round that'd be pretty clean because i can just heal with the minus don't keep that star i'm glad i just knocked that star out of him i wonder if he keeps him three rounds thanks for joining us see how much help this actually gives me keep it clean pretty good [Music] that's a scary move i telegraph that quick feedback that's a lot like a move that mr sandman does what the [ __ ] again i told you before son i telegraph that come on oh come on oh get the [ __ ] out oh we faked me bro stop this one i hate you dog move baby that's the one i taught you he debated me i tried to punch counter that one i cannot believe he did that he knows man keep it clean still haven't been hit by that i wonder what happened let's just little mac just instantly die that's the one i taught you come on come on [Music] [ __ ] get low [Music] pretty close he's just gonna eat his [ __ ] chocolate bar again and i don't know which side now i'm going to go for the right side on the next time he eats the chocolate bar and i'm not going to be ready for it that can't be this one that's a nice one this can be this can be fun [Music] chocolate cake hell yeah little mac's face was [ __ ] amazing for one angle there that was incredible ah i did it oh that was cool i my one gripe about this is training was weirdly hard i don't know if that was just me failing to get the hang of that that one hook or the uppercut that's my one qualm about this otherwise this is very good this is delightful try getting pummeled by the star punch okay sure still has new for your final tricks i love the way he says that it really just does sound like he's going to kill you keep him up move baby but this is nice i don't know again i just wish this was like a bonus fight in the actual game this would have been really nice and especially because it it actually does serve a decent challenge i was sort of under the impression that it was going to be basically a tutorial but uh but no i was very wrong all right damn oh he does a little just like you do that's pretty cool all right now since i didn't lose to him at all let's see what happens when i lose i telegraph that come on i telegraph that so i bet that star punch is an instant kill oh we'll do yeah i invented the stop punch [Music] is that the only place that we learned that he invented the star puncher is that from like the manual of like the nes version what the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of me doc just knocked my [ __ ] lights out it was like super fast in that cut scene come on don't cry let's give it another go son don't cry man all right well that was cool cool stuff and i think that is that is literally it there's no more content to this game it's just that which is incredible simply incredible it's cool though i like this and hey super punch out arcade that was fun too i think uh with that i didn't even realize but that is i guess i haven't ever beaten mike tyson he's the one guy that i've never beaten in punch out and i haven't done the title defense of the arcade machines but i don't feel like doing that [ __ ] that shit's just cbt and the fights are so like unchanged they're just like they just do more damage and you can do less damage to them so it's like i don't really care about that in terms of unique fights though mike tyson mr dream is my one that's my white whale so i think someday i will i will do a stream where i just grind to just beat mike tyson i've actually attempted it many many times and have never done it but that that that should be fun do that eventually uh i might do speed runs of some of these other punch out games besides the wii one i don't know about that because the wii one is a pretty good representation of the whole franchise but i also like now i can get through nes and snes punch out pretty reasonably consistently super punch out especially that one's super point if you've ever like thought about getting into into punch out but you never like did super punch out is free within the nintendo switch online you can play it on your switch if you have that and it's so good and it's probably the easiest one it's like the best entry point [Music] i don't know if i'll ever do blindfolded punch out uh it's it's cool but that takes a lot of practice and i don't know if i'm up for that maybe i'll do some blindfolded run of some games someday but [Music] but yeah i did i've done i've psychotically gone through and played like every punch-out game up until this point though including the [ __ ] game and watch game which is stupid it doesn't even count but as a whole i do really really adore this series it's it's a ton of fun it's a nice challenge which uh a lot of games a lot of nintendo games in particular kind of like all right you know this is fairly easy when you get down to like the moment-to-moment gameplay but this one this one is different like this one actually has some teeth and not in like an obnoxious way either you know i don't know if i'll do thousand year door or anything later today we'll see it's a nice like solid hour and a half i'm definitely going to take a break after this though uh but yeah and then there's also punch out uh rom hacks i want to do some raw max at some point cause there's some funny ones for the nes punch out where they like you can fight doc and nes punch out actually they change out king hippo for doc [Music] uh and then of course if nintendo ever makes another punch out game i will eat that [ __ ] up i will play the [ __ ] out of that game unless it's bad i don't know whatever [Music] uh but yeah so in the future oh and there's also power punch two in the future mike tyson uh punch out roms power punch two which is like a shitty knockoff and arm wrestling i'll at least check out arm wrestling which is like a spin-off of the punch-out arcade games i don't know if i'll play that one all the way through i have literally no idea how like hard it is i don't even know how you play that game it's a [ __ ] virtual arm wrestling game but uh that'd be cool [Music] but yeah uh cool games i had fun please don't tell the cops that i downloaded this off the internet [Music] uh no but thank you for watching guys might be a stream later today we'll see keep an eye on the twitter for notifications if you're if you're hanging on for that you guys take it easy all right bye bye
Channel: fruit salad
Views: 8,403
Rating: 4.9752321 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 53sec (5513 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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