[Full stream] - Punch-Out!! w/Lark [Part 2] [Finale]

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is kind of hurting my ears also we're live the thing is we're not even that was probably like weird a sink because we're synced up with the TV right now oh also it seems like the the notification just wham Oh we were like oh my god it's been what three entire minutes and the notification hasn't gone out it's normally not no it doesn't take that long but here we are people are here so we're gonna do title defense and by we I mean me this image is me congratulating myself at the end of title defense because it's [ __ ] hard and I'm gonna [ __ ] talk the whole time yeah you're just gonna be here I didn't really even look I really think this through that much cuz it's like oh I'm coaching you through the first part what are you doing the main game but now you're just little Mac just watching I guess while ducks in the ring he's like this guy seems harder now doc watch out there you're missing a tooth I'm just gonna console you the whole time oh wait I will die I will die Andrews not looking at chat though because he doesn't want to get spoiling I'm just gonna pretend that everybody's saying how handsome I am you guys are right guys are so right Wow here someone says someone say Big Bird big bird oh it's big bird sound like it's got like a Barney voice Barney's got like good like a teddy what is that Teddy Ruxpin voice for you that's Kermit the Frog okay let's get this trash show on the road okay I noticed we were cold because we're champions now yes lark made us a champion and we're gonna continue I'm gonna do final defense i've never streamed this before but i haven't played it and it's i'm gonna die a lot it's gonna suck I might even died a glass Joe [ __ ] knows you are gonna die Nick glass Joe you died the glass you aren't gonna die no glasses Joe so let us know if you can see in here everything alright and everything's good what do you think the word bout it makes me think of sickness more than than fighting like gout no like a bout of the flu oh [ __ ] you're right oh I didn't think what that yeah so title bout is like [ __ ] my immune system that'll be ready Wow you can't die to glass Joe I didn't know that he killed me several times oh yeah who's getting a call don't distract me I missed but it's it's from the FBI and he's getting a call from a private number should I answer it no I didn't answer it I'm gonna resize I missed it I must start bunch of media like I said you showing me his poem incredulous look on the scale that was ominous anyway Oh glass Joe's getting his ass beat here's the commentary in a onesie one more punch I want to punch I knew you'd like it so you get to start punch him in then one two three four five and if you hook him well as helmets gold then you get another star punch so you can just do a big infinite my god although it gets harder he starts throwing in the mix-ups de BAM damn that was a stomp in my glass Joe yeah it's so goofy and cartoonist flies backwards you're supposed to just be able to hit him in the stomach except for star punches Oh use this thing it's gonna be all weird though he's got cauliflower ear it's the stuffing for this helmet oh that alright in any event that makes a lot of sense I was like fungus fungus started to grow read the frills oh [ __ ] I messed it up oh that's like the strat for this guy yeah you can kind of do a buffers check cuz he does like I've delayed hook and you can dodge but then sneak in a jab right after the Dodge so if you just like dodge immediately when you see anything then you can be ready for it that's cool oh I like the little fake out get up so they do sometimes or like yeah oh it's cute okay now that's just gonna go apeshit all right no no I thought that find a star punch tried to start but I'm trying to get a [ __ ] you're morally obligated to try a star punch that's gonna miss see the the title defense guys alright they wise up oh they wise up so you can't just throw the random star punches sad you know she was blast Joe who just let you hit him with in there yeah so he's got one mix-up movie shouldn't be too bad though hmm this looks delicious Mac you really see the blown out sound effects with your mouth are really funny just the other day just the other day I mean back to like sixth grade like pretending to shoot stupid if you get 55 jabs or I think it's just 50 jabs on him uh you know match that's his like instant tail trick yeah if you get multiple star punches you get more like head touches on them before this helmet flies back down okay yeah so I'm probably not gonna get that I'm probably gonna knock him out normally Wow yeah what it's gold it gives you another eye mr. Joe he ain't gettin up from this I don't know he's lately glass Joe's tough now no he's got the head protection look at that face up in the corner you think that guy's not getting up for another round it's actually very scary another round a ass-whooping oh he's stand down yeah oh my god he still wants more to get on with stomach punches to those counties no these are hooks bro I know my no I was ready for the delay but that made it not good that made me not able to get it [ __ ] oh it's gonna be close Joe little baby monkey could have any teeny little monkey there's guys monkey mug as usual I just love this monkey mug it's really good oh actually we have a webcam so you can show off the monkey mode where's the webcam radio screwed into frame show off the monkey mode look at the monkey month folks we've probably shown it before I we're not synced up by the woman single to the TV but it's got a little nips and they're they're maligned let's go really close look at that look at that incredible disgusting incredulous they we made a joke out of that there was like a no context moment where it was enlarged Souls there was a part where you just said this monkeys nipples are misaligned and I just took that completely out of context and when winters hairs to know the truth Oh ducks happy he's dancing its dancing Mac music one big ol [ __ ] out of your monkey money Wow thanks doc boy howdy do I love you he's like yelling that into the mugs I probably said it so like echoey me by the way did you hear I we were some of the last people to go on Splash Mountain ever you're getting redesigned as a princess and the frog attraction that's right here some of the last living Souls anyway damn I can't believe Lee Whitney saw it for the last time yeah that's I'm not surprised seems how Disney has very much distanced itself I didn't know it was a Song of the South Ryan that's insane little your song goes south right I think it was like they have like things laying around yeah other showing yeah so Vaughn Kaiser is like you got a haircut though I mean they all have new little cutscene Oh a lot of them it's just they see that little maca won the championship and then they got pissed and now they're here and when I cut my hair it's like the opposite of Samson I get more powerful like he looks like forgetting Hey Arnold flattop I was gonna say he looks like what is the guy from the animal show where the girl talked to the animals and the dad goes like scratching who's that the wild form Mac Thornberry there we go I was like how the [ __ ] am i blinking nigel thornbury he does look like once you like punches in moustache hairs off yeah they look more nigel less money there we go that's Joey's tank held animals and I was like I want to talk to animals doctor so this is this guy used to be a total wuss and now he's only mildly it was he doesn't like fake outs to Pinocchio well in the nes version he kind of does like a little head wobble some of these animations are they're actually so many of the animations in scheme are paying tribute to the NES ones oh that's so cute actually yeah like just in Windows little eyebrows which also whoa well he just has birds first stars yeah he doesn't have little Nazis or anything actually so I think the reason why there's birds is because birds are originally from Germany and they migrated all over the world it's not that with isn't that germs I think you're thinking of I'm thinking germs again I'm getting confused both can fly and have wings and peck your eyes going to baseball practice Andrew Weisman told me you just watch the movie the birds apparently I mean everybody has like some sort of one-hit ko type of trick but I don't know exactly what it is for this guy I think it's what he like fakes you have you have to like oh piston Hondo has one that's [ __ ] impossible but I had to do it from one of the exhibition challenges which are like little achievement type of things mm-hmm isn't one of them like you have to want you kill everybody everything just one yeah there's one I don't remember exactly what it was actually that was that was too much of that guy's shining his shoes I don't want to do that he was taking a lot of joy in that joint well I don't think it's an infinite but you can get two extra pouches off for that guy I think Don flamenco is the only one that infinite entitled offense he still has the infinite but it's harder and it's it's just that it's a little more complicated interesting he always does this when he gets out and it's a one-hit kill so he hits you with that oh my god you gotta avoid it you should just show me what it looks like no I'm getting laid out of my volatize er and though it's pretty easy I see look pretty messy to avoid yeah once you realize what's going on nice well that was a big fake-out good job man your Mac I'm done good job doc boots yeah I don't know what is he saying that once I don't speak German yeah we're gonna play bastards we're gonna do a minimun bastard session I'm excited me too I what is that Tuesday yeah I haven't played smash in ages I think literally the last time I played was when we played viola I believe it maybe one other time looked like my roommate or something but I mean I'm very excited for Mittman Fred me scary talk about this favorite final fantasy enemy also by yeah his face really jiggles around it's got the one yellow face oh look at me like snaps to attention that clear so there's so full personality with the old chicken airplane soldier oh my god chicken airplane soldier that brings me back thank Bailey swimming who can forget swimming oh it's because you just uploaded the subnautica or another some abs ooh and you said I love swimming I was like I swear to God I just heard you say I love swimming I I didn't really like swimming um you are not ready for what disco kid has become did he always have like that little poof hair nope oh man you got you got some more afro going he has upgraded to the [ __ ] ultimate being he's amazing in title defense it's like the highest like blow-up from normal mode to title defense so he's basically a Jazzercise instructor Wow that's what his new thing is it because it Boxer silence he has upgraded used to chicken airplane soldier right so he's like totally different now yeah he's got like a different dance and everything Wow awesome Thank You mr. disco kid oh I know this song from smash yep there's so many songs from like games that I never played right here chump change yeah he's not to like he's got some [ __ ] though whoa yeah it's doing jumping jacks on me it's easy to get stars on him I'm [ __ ] it up though he has this weird thing where when every resets back to his normal position you can get a star Oh interesting yeah butts oh it's harder then I guess it's harder than it is in normal mode cuz I'm really struggling again I keep [ __ ] up and why well he does a little twerk you look like oh yeah he's good I don't even know what you call that a leotard yeah suspender and yes oh there we go I got it oh [ __ ] oh yeah took it away that's a new move I didn't realize that you let it run down his face and now he looks weird knows what happened to like his blow-up is good like that like happy bunny thing where he puts all the marshmallows in his mouth that's fine even more powerful happy bunny challenge oh happy bunny challenge like the mid impact think I've never seen that before that was massive looking like the Wario animations yeah oh there's nothing we would flavor Proteas shut up doc that's I was wondering what Doc's favorite flavor oh wow alrighty mr. kid ya later outcome two stars I hope I don't lose him but I might I believe you're gonna punch him with this 2 star oh man he's gonna be seeing stars oh yeah you should add for that was for fun and one em yeah he does more later on oh no sometimes when he rolls his fists it's his time that you can start punching forward but other that's the other one it's that big triple punch ain't disco kid is the best I would agree he's like my favorite character it's tough he's doing like good what do you even go to Charleston don't even know what that move is the dance whoa whoa that must have been like a delayed Oh oopsie oh I forgot how that worked actually that's scary I was like his little smile yeah ah like in my top five powers which finally smile and have a little limit I'm gonna get any superpower you like oh I got enough oh this sucks you got boxercise dang it really said that's three steps oh that's great program idiot three steps just goes dead rock and roll soothes the soul yeah we go we get it disco kids this comes dead rock and roll soothes the soul Oh rock and roll baby that was rock and roll hilarity ASMR always I see that's how many punches he did yeah oh man this is how thank you my spy I don't think he's dead right maybe not I don't know I don't know I think he's gonna get up oh yes he is one final girl it sucks see he has a good like knockout animation when you get like the special kind of like spins like a top around the arena and like gracefully falls over - all right hey no one with nobody has claimed the belt yet ain't no one touching your belt and rock reaches over to grab little max belt no dark social distancing nobody touches my bounds especially during a time of a pandemic so King Hippo his upgrades and Wario is that he has taped a manhole cover to his stomach and his crown has gotten huge Wow a manhole cover he got upgraded in the forced perspective is Christ the ultimate maximum [ __ ] Mountain the manhole cover duct tape can fix any problem I guess how are you supposed to take him out now you have to it's like a wee little puzzle you have to you have to get it off of it you have to like punch one side Oh what happy and it gets rid of a bit of tape [ __ ] oh and he open he opens his mouth a lot less now well that's right we're got you have to hit his mouth yeah oh you gotta hit him again and then idea I hate that you arbitrarily have to hit him twice in the face that time it's kind of silly in my opinion and now he does a second half to that move there you go now it's off that was so complicated yeah it's not too bad this is the second step I just feel like has an arbitrary thing Oh God okay now I can actually start hitting them now his pants are falling down everything expected no everything's packed in uh-oh fairly good well no see that one I had to hit him twice in the face is weird yeah it took me a long time to figure that out okay oh wow yeah and you only have to knock him out once just like before Oh unbelievable it's like the Konami code no and well that was the worst I don't know if I realize you only had to knock him out once yeah so did he get an upgrade I said this in the speedrun why did it why did he get a bigger crowd after he lost he became more of a king I guess honey I said you dropped this king and the crown was even bigger but they still got the duct tape what it's belly to easy thing off that [ __ ] up you can just immediately died and get out of the way nice oh maybe the sounds are so weird yeah you mix Godzilla noises they call that good hippos squeeze and squash or something like that it's got like a funny name I think it's like something like that Oh squeeze and smash or something like that oh it kind of goes borscht at the end and that's when you gotta hit him he does a little avocado face I think you can still do the instant Kyoto trick but I don't want to go for it what is the instigator yeah we tap him in the belly when he's lunging at you that's right - there we go might be able to evan is having gears pineapples oh yeah we think about gears gears does he think about them gears oh next one for sure LEDs and of course yeah hit him while he's got his [ __ ] pants down we dirty we to fight this the whole thing is just fighting dirty literally while his pants are down he's just not a human oh man on got him that was a quick wrap-up nice well I got the whole the minor circuit without losing the belt yet I'm Ali gonna lose it in the in the next circuit though not on my watch not with me is here that's your G that's my god you aren't gonna lose Wow you know what they say two plus two equals five but I say you're awesome thanks doc or baby Lisi taped his thing back on oh did he he's never not holding a [ __ ] candy bar even right here you got a pressed up against max feet like I'm sayin definitely it's in the gloves no it's in his mouth yeah his belly oh it's raining damn now that's hardcore [ __ ] I had like a soccer class when I was younger and they made us run laps rain or shine or like a hail or whatever there were a few times they were to actually hail then you're like what please stop upgraded the day I hung out with Anthony Fantan oh I yeah I biked there in the hail and I got just pelted with hail this oh this is little eyebrow with all yeah that's the doesn't mean written here so he catches a sword with his bare hands he's a lot of sushi he runs faster than a bullet train and he drinks tea that was Japanese and all he's he's real tough was like ah he's like the first real guy okay so what did he upgrade ass you'll see he's good he's got all sorts of surprises ah I as in I partially don't remember use it does his little rush faster I remember that's scary you only get one you only get one punch off of those if you don't block it but if you block it you can get like a thing yeah oh I forgot that blocking yeah this did in this game it's not really relevant for a lot of later fights and those are the ones that you like need it for you know yeah here it goes oh but you can block those - I was just trying to go for the hints to kill I'll do lark and I sound like we're the same volume by the way well Oh sounds good yeah so snow seen piston run faster than a bullet train really has me thinking he's kaiza superhuman this is no ordinary boxing we already have the [ __ ] like magic guy and like a nonhuman Polynesian monster test - this is a fight for the fate of the world I thought a [ __ ] cryptid oh no there's actually a sequel to Mike Tyson's punch-out that was had some legal trouble and Nintendo tried to sort of like afford it and that's a fake-out it's called power punch - how our punch - they stops production of it because the game kind of sucked and also because Mike Tyson like a bunch of like rape allegations or something now Oh or actually I think it was just cuz he lost no he can't be shown with a loser I think it was one of those two things and little different yeah and he basically who I say closing hey talk about piston Hondo they made a game that was like basically more punch-out but it was like wacky like you fight like cyborgs and like magic people is like even weirder than normal punch at Wow also fun fact the book that he's reading right now you got like a tiny glimpse of the pages of it yeah a Nintendo got in legal trouble because on those pages it uses Sailor Moon panels from Sailor Moon manga why and they're like flipped and like turned around and they're so like washed out that you can't even [ __ ] tell but that was like discovered and then Nintendo got in trouble with Sailor Moon whoever holds the copyright for Sailor Moon whoa they were like you use our thing in the game like somebody like took apart the game and like looked at probably yeah wow that's crazy also I think when he does that bow I need to like block the fake-out punch and then I can get a star he's [ __ ] fake out punches just ruined me all right yes oh yeah there's also a knockoff of punch app on the app store that is also true I've looked at it it looks awful so the one that the abandonware one yeah punch - nice we learned that term that is a term I learned from Jacob luck a few tasty cow was there at power punch one or is just know they called it too because they couldn't call it punch out but they wanted people to sort of know that it was the next punch have hey I see a troll - [ __ ] oh my god ways that was so intense well Hondo took the belt dang okay we now we gotta watch him take the hill like his schedule okay I'd like the little nice tears like washed piston Hondo's feet and then he had to like dry it with his hair it's like a 12 hour long cutscene all right [Music] story cars you know cars is just too a story little cars I could try to do the instant knockout at trick so when he does the little fake out punches it's when he swap sides lives like a couple frames where if you start punching there then it's an instant knockout but it's it's so hard as well I'd also get star - that big windup yeah timing on that's probably so hard yeah it's you do have to type it sucks this is like Hondo - also did you any instant knockout if you get him out of that yeah it's much or actually I think it just gives you a star in this one oh I can't do it though damn that is hard alright this is where I start to die oh wait there we go no he's like waiting he was like he wanted you yeah he was like grinning alright so now if he gets up he's gonna do who's gonna do one left uppercut and then he's gonna do the one where he swaps okay I'm gonna try to get him when he squawks nope that was not at home man nice that's that is so hard that's the thing I had to do for one of the challenges I think it was fun like find the one hit knock down point or something like that maybe not my god and you're really good with those like yeah they're not too bad it's a it's not the same amount of like timing that's required for the infinite Undong Fomenko yeah no my second dance I don't even know if you can hit him out of that actually could you actually there's a wiki page you pull it up on your phone yeah I'm curious you can that's how you can get him out of Hondo rush yeah that's how you can be my doc yeah Oh Google is for you Mack hurry hurry he's beating me up I'm looking I'm looking Justin oh no no punch out wiki Yahoo oh if you have a break yeah you missed it he did flash it for like a tiny breathing I can insid knock out oh and that's so title defense on I gotta go to the punch F 2009 okay here we go here we go title defense my god in the night that Thoreau star punch wins Hondo actually vows counter the Hondo rush faster version is depending or throw a starfish mean switches size we're late uppercut so you can counter the Honda rush yeah that's what they mean by interruptive or that's what interrupting it is told oh I see the instant knockout is you have to throw a three star punch when he switches sides oh yeah that's go on my god then so I wouldn't even got it earlier but it won't you just knock him down oh my god this bastard look at that yes he's a great time laughing what is that from he played that story about how he made a guy freeze to death and then suck his dick yeah you know just normal things Wow I like how even he wouldn't pause to go yeah he did a little twinge damn alright that is intense small win he doesn't look pretty happy about it I was like oh [ __ ] [ __ ] is he actually now well that was it right there yeah you punch him in the star yeah I think he stops doing it later on and he starts doing like a fake out one but I can try to keep it in mind though right I got a block that one after ya blocking is a little more relevant in title defence as well not only guy literally ever walk yeah oh oh it's hard that is hard that's the trick tricky type men that's gonna dodge did it too late get on the ground have 24 hearts it's at 124 and it's round one round 124 124 one three four three he's all three ro triangle e triangles three three three exactly that's exactly the words I was thinking that's right Cheerios the Father the Son the Holy Spirit perfect circle a triangle I didn't know you knew the Bible I am the Bible doesn't kind of mean closing the Bible there thank you my hand will you Professor Oak losing a head closing a book in one hand free photo shoot so if you had to choose powers one when you smile I guess I was gonna say teeth clean that's the stuff everybody oh so many blog it's yeah I don't know how many are coming but the second power is when you're when you believe you're a great goes which would you rather take the teeth gleam from say so but every time I open up my Game Boy Advance I can go I can wink is a great sixties movie that I just the door called the Great Race there was a chance that has like two pixels you can this lemons running on empty drive your put is lemon a car thing or is he same like a yellow man on lemon mint in a racist position that like a is a horrible turn oh what's that I don't know oh I don't I don't like that hmm he's calling him lemony snicket whose books are about dying Mac sorry I gotta spit be so [ __ ] that's a socket I know it's like you got to do it when it flashes red but it's easier said than done that's yeah that looks horrible good nice nice anyway yeah it's a great race 19 like 66 the main character is like perfectly spotless like white clothes and whenever he smiles it is also apparently lemon means an old car oh I've never heard this term before [Music] outback is running on empty lose that stock I'm gonna lose generally have you had to fight Ringo what would his one hit knock out d oh god you gotta start punching well his glasses are off that's John I really [ __ ] it up I really screwed up big time like on semen with my glosses gonna say you need to have Catcher in the Rye equipped man don't worry if you had not gone there I would have instantly interrupted you and gone there myself beat my woman video it was like cue new trend coming out of his house and he was like dude it was like John when he leaves his apartment he's a snubnose revolver and hugo's [Music] alright that works I'll take that over a death you're gone I'm not gonna win your gamer yeah you can see like none of it and even if you like look at the texture it's like you still like what am I looking at what am i longhand this is like a haiku hey son sayonara this sucka overheating baby send him to scrapyard sighs love do not remember how many syllables are at a high Q so that was probably just wrong five seven foot one after the 909 that might be that's it for him no scoops but I thought you were going down no rock lobster whatever but it he's gone oh yeah nope him we squeeze that lemon it's he's a car he's a car it's not cuz he's Asian it's a car Joe it's a car Joe he's done it I want to make this perfectly clear we squeezed his lemon I did it you took his lemon in our hands sucking on London oh he [ __ ] in title defense this is where I got super stuff first time a dude title defense because he's just tough I'm very curious I saw that it like hinted there was something under his hat he's had me around he's got this stupid gimmick where any move that you dodge you only get two punches of like stun off of it oh good all of it and sorry I just like falter and he need to get Starbucks in order to get more than just two hits it's done and the start punches are really [ __ ] hard to get dang so it's it's tough though it's Cupid it's got a little guy under that well you guys this is ratatouille and the rats actually you're pretty girls controlling him oh my god so you got to do that and then then you get the proper salmon punches otherwise get shitty stars yes hard yeah you can kind of lame him out but he's also got those delayed ones with the squirrel there you go all right I'm doing okay so far but he sucks this is like maybe the hardest one for me how about Sandman it's pretty hard to do I believe it I'm not hitting that start punching right for him sake I sockeye honey see the harm wow you smoked him that's like a salmon oh [ __ ] squeezing the lemon and smoking the salmon sounds like a delicious dinner ultra ultra modern wind-up one I'm just gonna play it safe on some of these okay yeah I love that sound yeah oh you can tell because this little squirrel comes up oh yeah shut up let's get the band back baby let's get him squeeze that squirrel into the squirrel is dead Mack break its little spine in your hands man my god it was so weird why didn't he give me the stunt I wasn't expecting it to insta kill him but usually you get to punch him after that was weird [Music] I'm gonna punch him please dad I'm Pia I don't want to count it out while counting that one sucks I'm just gonna play it safe yeah smart a true oh yeah oh my god you you never going back to Salmon Arm BC don't know Oh squirrel oh he did it again oh man all right give me actual punches thank you we're gonna be actual punches down I won't see a squirrel jump on his belly mmm I like that it's got a little boxing gloves it's like his new coach yeah cuz back in he's take off eh all right oh yeah he hates squirrels what you care about scare me I'm terrified of squirrel when I was a kid at school took away my baby brother I fell into a well and there were squirrels everywhere my parents were shot in alley I am Batman my dad was John Lennon [ __ ] all right a big shut up [ __ ] how's my not shutting up plays holy it's cuz of you that I missed it I'm stumped you Mac coach that one sucks so Windows just wait so long the only reason I'm doing kind of okay is because I've done this a billion [ __ ] time east right in and you might be down I know this we businesses I'm you know what you're winning doesn't mean I think that might be it come on squirrel lands on their Facebook come on out their eyes that's like a moment out of like a shitty Adam Sandler movie oh we're like I'm joking is just that somebody is like super distressed and screaming you know there's been Adam Sandler oh no we did they just have like a shitty like stuffed animal squirrel tape that's a I'm glad that I got through that was that first try yeah damn you didn't even get knocked down this week yeah well he [ __ ] not know here we are great Tigers great Tigers probably gonna knock me up yeah he's doing this whole Squidward arms oh man this I'm having PTSD from great tiger yeah Andrew got laid out by great tiger great tiger last time I'm very scared he's he's got sort of a goofy instant knockdown trick so a lot want to see it yeah I'm definitely gonna do it I want to see him dead oh yeah he's like an elemental now oh man he doesn't actually use elemental powers but he uses these colors his crystal flashes dang that was like a tectonic ton exactly like tunak tunak oh my god that is brilliant oh [ __ ] here we go so he flashes blue when he's on the right and green when he's gonna be on the left oh wow yeah it's like there's that intention oh man something's gonna do okay like what his favorite narrative character oh no oh that sucks oh that really sucks this is maybe to make it so I can't do the instant knock down those hats anyway man if I had the star punch this would be an instant ko right yeah let's let's just see the round through and and we'll see how it goes I'm probably gonna get dumped on though cuz it's later phase kind of [ __ ] not really hey guys look a little like swirl in the air yeah even when they're falling down there sort of expressing their other you go they're sort of expressing their character there you go is this if the one-hit ko like we sitting around at the end of that move it's you just you just hit you have to intercept all three descends like three ghosts that use God oh that mean I'm fast Jesus fast it's like forgetting la pintura never yeah what he's saying is native tongue Mario's I hope you have a good memory Oh interesting great take her so hard that he loses stripes you have funny pun doc Tony the Tiger hit Tony the Tiger so hard he loses stripes with himself piece of [ __ ] anybody's little discord notification send again I wish I had a star and oh [ __ ] he went on the wrong side oh man yeah that is hot intercept improperly [Music] [ __ ] that one's a little slow okay you get all three of those you're gonna start Dan you have to like tap him once after every single one for it to work and they had a ton of Mechanics for title bout yeah right this will move read like makes the big tornado is new by the way he has [ __ ] that's totally new that's why title defenses very nice not time to lose hit oh I should have saved it cuz he's just about to do the movie [ __ ] wrong side again and do you know what it tells us which one is more visible yeah it's one of them's denser alright doing okay I've never really fought this guy for real so this is very very strange a strange feeling for me normally you just knock him out in the first yeah normally I just get the like cheese zinnias birds - he called me a baby that he did a little baby thing now Doc's calling me baby Wow Mac baby every cat has its day let's make this suckers dick every cat little great Tigers a cat I guess going right into this hub okay he's mixed always mixin what the [ __ ] he's doing so many of those okay he's mixing [Applause] [Music] Mack you're going down I'm mashing just in case okay so you think about Sasuke alright alright your money [Music] [Laughter] you [ __ ] stay down maybe stay down oh I think I win by decision maybe lame worm I knocked about like 10 times I gotta win there we go Mack alright well that was the opposite of getting like the cool flashy instant ko but you know what I won it counts I feel fun you did it Mac Christ it was close though let's close very close you only won cuz he came back to life yeah oh and great Tigers Gary's man employment people were chanting Habibi Hammoud and Chet I think was helping the power of BB hub mode oh my god this his hair changed yeah he's like an edge Lord now he's got a black rose damn you know to get a black rose you have to breathe - Red Cross across this I don't know this bit Wow now that he's an edge Lord will be able to whip his ass even harder see this guy is the exact same story he sees the like poster he goes ah no he's angry I guess matter he's even madder than before Wow dan sucks that handed away [ __ ] roses [Music] that was good and even is like little like Bernie ones or Juarez's oh damn I never even noticed that by the way he's [ __ ] through it you get to punch off his new deal I don't know exhale I don't know it would be weird if he put it just like put the - payback oh and I clearly didn't go so well in the last fight so you see how different I see that you're like doing some hooks and some hook them two jabs dang that is complicated and he also mixes these up and does more than three oh I see it yeah oh my god then you get a start nice job I might be able to take him down and first round probably not though I believe one - that voice is not Sam it's like it's coming from Fat Tony Stark he's got like a New Yorker accent whoa oh [ __ ] oh right yeah he does that [ __ ] that's the [ __ ] that [ __ ] me up Oh scum all right dang close yeah yeah I mean the time was about to run out anyway I got it again the Black Rose yeah I think he was saying have you ever seen a black rose the one that I can actually maybe understand to pay or not one [ __ ] roasted that is the question yeah in Mike Tyson's punch-out the referee was a little Mario in a rough outfit cute what a hack and I think my memory seem to remember that he was not in there under like the approval of Shigeru Miyamoto oh look at that it was it to pay like they sort of snuck him in and then all the higher-ups at Nintendo we're like hey here we are wait a second yeah this game had a lot of trouble along the way yeah oh oh oh that was complicated shove it about poppy papa get off [Music] whoa not gonna get the stars I didn't dodge all of them Jesus that was a lot yeah don flamenco look and you've not he's nothing yeah he's not too bad Mingo she's got this input going on [Applause] [Music] the utmost concentration alright yeah that's more and more damage every time yeah I think maybe slightly more Wow what is his one-hit ko remember actually I remember what it is for normal one flamenco but I don't know if it's the same for this guy but for normal don flamenco oh you're gonna do the rolling thing okay Daniel alright so close out of that wood took him out but in in normal don flamenco it's like you have to avoid you have to like infinite him to death in the first stock and then when he gets up in the second stock and does that like upward like don't punch then you have to counter it and immediately start punching in that gets him Oh starting to do is Pam but when he's gone is it his to pays off yeah it's to pays better off for several stocks look he's fine oh we've got quite the bus one cheek seems them to katroo a lot more than the other one sheets dad all right all right bye-bye Wow echo we get on incredibly clean I love the dramatic like sniffing the roads marinas Wow he's like Team Rocket he's like team rock they always have a rose with them hell yeah refill your goddamn 8 Oh No don't drain the snake all right nobody's allowed to tell him about Donkey Kong okay it's it's the whole thing he needs to he needs to be pure I just wanted to be pure Charlie look at him trying to like make it go back up again he's like it won't work I take I take the pills and it doesn't stay up I mean he's he's not leaving chat so [ __ ] you I can't believe I beat Bair hugger that [ __ ] that's just tough we're going oh no it's slip it off it slid it off wait was done think of the king of that one yep oh that's how it was in the Momo contenders it is the name for normal mode but now it's title mm-hmm I think he's like the easiest yeah I mean again great Tigers not so bad if you can use the right I just didn't get the trick sad here we are Oh Aaron Ryan oh [ __ ] yeah this is where we might might have to call it quits at a certain point this might take a while these guys are tough I don't remember much about title defense Aaron Ryan he has a stupid like trick uh well what I do know is so because he's Irish 6 & 1 646 160 pounds they add up to be seven he's also spawn III which doesn't have to be seven but confirmation bias now that mr. this thing about 2 times 3 is 6 plus 3 is 9 minus 2 is 7 so we got the rope look he's got I deal with the rope sir look at him go half-life - oh I see you're no pets is that one dude oh yeah I have codes console commands for half-life - goddamn it that's one [ __ ] I'm getting laid out sure are this guy is you gotta interrupt him twice now jeez yeah Oh fine am I supposed to block that maybe maybe I'm trying to interrupt it I think I need to block it cuz it's ahead but there we go guys oh damn [ __ ] how am I supposed to use it on him yeah yeah I don't know cuz he never like pauses my god I'm trying to interrupt him there because I sweat like you gotta be able to stun him [ __ ] that it's tough I gotta like remember the trick for this guy oh wow give me the bet though yeah we got this Oh in the chat the chat the crowd is booing him oh he's one of those like him and super macho man big boom interesting villains yeah their heels I can see my hair mine's evil man again it's very conniving on the road by someone with something what's up the road oh here we go what interesting I guess you didn't block at that time yes I didn't huh just what I tried that very thing before maybe I didn't like do it fast enough for something interesting Oh over here Ryan really look at that Oh Oh what cheating yeah he's Irish they're allowed to cheat apparently they can tie a glove to a rope it's swinging around into this house oh he's doing it I told you about that that's right he does a little like how am I gonna get you before he goes down but there he actually doesn't attack dang so again oh my god there you go whoa yeah let's just punched him a little more than ever we take those oh god that was fast nice oh man they're throwing [ __ ] out heats up sort of puppies bottle is in there what is it third one a banana yeah [ __ ] is throwing bananas there's like monkeys in the audience that'll be super weird whoa looks like Chucky's from child's play oh look at that any delayed that is horrible what up Clinton what oh I think a touch to the side I did like momentarily go oh okay and then I like got back up I was like oh went [Music] [ __ ] you [ __ ] no that's bad okay he's didn't get the punish on don't rub do not rub don't rub your elbow he was like the best like taught when you're down now yeah he says he you got cheeseburgers in those gloves Mac hell yeah were American we're burgers sorry burgers you do love burgers a little bit of burg an iceberg town a little bit of undead burg oh excuse the hell out of me lights Oh [ __ ] eyelids your burger you're a burger macula measly burger damn he like moves forward to go oh there you go get on the ground [Music] I guess it's because I'm winning [ __ ] oh I wasn't expecting ya to go through [ __ ] oh I could have snuck it I could have snuck in a victory oh you give me advice I'm fighting I'm getting my dick knocked off here by a man who is literally cheating you're not even paying attention done Mac I don't know he's like beating up the referee we hit this [ __ ] it's horrible her freak was like why did you eat my chocolate [ __ ] oh my god I'm getting laid out this might have to be another attempt rubbish Wow Oh keep forgetting it does that [Music] touch to the other side a little bit of flair there I'm gonna flare he's gone he's out no no no how many times have I taught you this like the port oh I was mashing oh that damn it at least it didn't kill me Trejo that would have been funny that was been like a big youtuber moment YouTube they might still be the big YouTube moment coming up oh I do that [Music] get out of here easy oh [ __ ] we got a free start by Jegs Oh 49 49 oh you're [ __ ] out oh man I'm doing good that was good that was clean I have many contusions in my head now he's like yeah there's there's one cutscene where I goes mm-hmm and that's like the closest thing that comes to words yeah you sure it's okay Mac just because you got your tongue cut out when you were a child doesn't mean I can't talk doofus Oh so the [ __ ] pup in ski I hate this guy sad to see how he upgraded now he drinks sugar-free soda oh my god now he drinks a cool refreshing glass of coke zero zero boy delicious low calorie same great taste it makes him more powerful no actually [ __ ] like Soviet scientists gave him like extra crazy superhuman pop radioactive drinking Muppet characters sit and look at this even so he throws three crates of these out of the ring but they're not on the ring when we fight so what the [ __ ] was that damn you're gone you're behind you so this guy has a gimmick where every time you get like a stun punish on him you get one more punch in the stunned Oh or okay one two three four five that's the instant knockout trick whoa yeah I'm if one if you get it with a star punch yeah you have to have more than five hits in a stun and it has to be on the last hit of the stuff you have to like count that was good Oh oh [ __ ] mmm I was doing a challenge recently there's like exhibition challenges like I was saying and one of them was to let him drink all he wants and still win the fight and it was [ __ ] miserable and that's like kind of the instincts that got me there I was like oh I gotta let him drink god I was like oh [ __ ] I can actually punish him [ __ ] cokes here we'll pay you $50 if you let him drink all he wants to drink almost did it again I gotta get used to fighting this guy in the normal way again I don't think that Karen is instant knockout I think I need to start punches if I want to do it again sound yeah it's real piston honda i almost got killed Jesus all right we can eat a chocolate bar and I start we're about his glove is going straight through that bottle just straight up there's no scientist inventing a bottle there's no Indies a glove can phase through it what's your favorite shut up and eat the chocolate dog shut up over there Frank oh yeah he gets faster throughout the round [ __ ] he just makes sense the one where you had to let him drink as much as he wants was one of the hardest one that was so bad knock him out yeah I had to win by a decision damn yeah there was like so it was it just felt like I had to like blame him out because I had to basically stay in the first place for a long time and at the end to start whooping his ass but I couldn't get that far because he kept drinking nice oh my god him try I know those are coming but they're so fast he's when he gets red he gets faster I didn't I was gonna say usual it's red now yeah so it's so hard to dodge these Oh God you have to like know the pattern but even when you know the pattern sometimes you still get [ __ ] up he's in a soda Luke yeah real firm grip someone said in chat and I appreciate that Harry Potter 3 reference oh good your firm grip when when March breaks the glass oh that's right damn that's a deep cut yeah oh nice he does a little spring a chair - there mm-hmm just like a great Tiger feel that I might lose this one no you won't do you got the anywhere better help me so we're gonna be here a while jeez oh I got my fault alright alright oh yeah and it resets every round even if you're at like like 20 punch stuns around yeah [ __ ] he's thirsty Matt why don't you go quenches thud hear this so good it's like pants doc I didn't notice that he drinks soda only his little [ __ ] name it's doing a little [ __ ] goodness gracious that is a lot of soda getting that everywhere alright well now I'm gonna not let him drink that one time that was what got me Tony Douglas Stan we do this okay wonderful but again this is unskipable that one where he bunks himself that's skippable this one unskipable ends you just want to drive it home you are losing your loser let's blame that belt aim that belt aim that Bell boom don't let him drink so now not getting the star punch there like Dumbo bubbles yeah yeah I'm not getting any of these star punches you gotta throw like a delayed punch after he does this little opening a soda can jam I'm gonna save it and bring because now I can use the instant knockout tricot effects face Oh smart okay I see actually [ __ ] how many punches was I guess I'll be able to tell off the finish to this this feels good to get those I don't know I don't think I've been able to knock them out on the end of the round but they're in 52 seconds oh yeah good start good start oh oh yeah this might be a rip I believe sort of rough rim reps team no class reach into your ass so if I Penske pull out that soda pop all right but now I got my chocolate bar that's true that's true lame out here you just have bloody lust equipped from binding of issac exactly what he's doing that's when he takes damage he does more damage right it's either that or giving damage I always forget those are so fast one two or now I can't do it again oh I see cos you two stars yeah I see and you're gonna mashing to look at that help look at that help yeah oh I'm trying to dodge I really am I'm trying he just gets you oh so close every time yeah thank you whoa that was weird perfect in sync what's your favorite flavor a protein shake [Music] I'm out of here all right he's got a bit of a shove it up I shove it oh I don't know man take him he's already been down so many times shove it up I shove it up a shaba daba shove it up up maybe he'll take his bottle out and it'll be all dry no and absolutely won't be any drops health to set the wrong example for our viewers ranking gives you a lot of help took him out maybe I'll take it but I don't understand but you need a two more star apparently it just straight calms him maybe it resets every round the [ __ ] well see you sir popping scheme alrighty hog true pure pawn I did it I believe who's next oh he's he's trouble in this one can you pull off the news though the the big bull charge no charge yeah maybe it made like it may like him sound easing did but I thought it was him here sing I mean he does shoot steam out of his nose like a bowl and ice rapes his feet on the ground he's a ball ball it's not a bear why did the bullet click in there it did look weird so he got knocked down but he kind of liked one another his way back up that's right he's got bulk soda my god let's look at that jank model right up a hose kuroh still can you always dodge left uh less so big sound thought I could sneak it in so you gotta get stars through that Jake [ __ ] interesting yeah it's real hard on him too in my opinion so for now dodging your left is safe thanks oh he took your juice of ice oh oh yeah he gets back up damn one minute yeah I would get even count yep but he's about to do a ton after this move and it gives me the ability to actually knock him out because you can only knock about with Starbucks oh really yeah interesting how'd you know who's gonna do a talk there cuz whenever he does the one in another he does two moves and then he talks entry gives you a free star because normally a stars are so difficult Wow okay well oh good start whoa gave me a start oh [ __ ] [ __ ] you just did the mix-up move keep the move yeah he doesn't move tennis again yeah that's hard yeah yeah he's tricky he's got too bad though when you get rid of that that's not it that's not it I keep thinking I can do that [ __ ] doofus all right he's at low health for the next round he's got trouble here now anyone you know you're bald oh this is a reference to that arm wrestling game did I tell you about that there's an arcade arm wrestling game that's right and both Bowl appears in it as mask X that's right anyone use a mask comes off you can tell it's awful whose yeah interesting that's right what a weird like person to have a motive yeah this old reference I think I made by the same okay yeah whatever you say humble you can still punch while he's doing that - kinda looks weird that's some glass Joe [ __ ] oh [ __ ] nothing give me the star and Kelly hit him yeah [ __ ] still try to look down even though he's not there seconds no he said what two more punches absolutely said oh yes is game audio kinda low let rest of chat weigh in on this like turning up this detainment oh that's the one we just rolls for a really long time I told you about that yeah people say it's slightly lower some people say it's fine slightly more slaves of mine alright nice there's one more knocked at least I'm not doing too well let's I'll turn it up a little tidy a tiny bit just [ __ ] okay and look at that multitasking while he's spamming for help he turned up the audio a tiny bit not even all oh man that is good just looks funny I could do that for sure okay well nice we got a final knockout right at the end I saw him get he started to do his toilet and then he like zoomed out of the animation is essentially off [ __ ] hey barber yeah this is a reference to the NES game I think both bull says like it was like my barber didn't know when to stop I don't know when to stop whooping your ass or something like that what some like boy you might be from the same game where piston honda says sushi teriyaki kamikaze so last joe says backyards concierge [Music] [Music] [Music] he's just keeps punching me I know I'm trying to react just it's so hard it's not not doing too well though my barber didn't know when to quit do you [Music] [Music] [Music] still I still got out of the barnyard with this bowl anyway our dance mr. Bernier dance [Music] you know what I'm gonna take that Thanks [Music] Joe did you avert your eyes who's hiding all right who scares me so much so much scary yeah I was close there's no sleaze like a big statue of like a boxing man in the background that looks like mr. incredible also hmm he's [ __ ] up all right Oh doc was quittin coldest wind all right I want to see mr. incredible [Applause] slightly longer that one's so fast so fast [Music] can I do that okay he's like oh [ __ ] I muscle you're gonna seem like it was like in real time when he punched she was like they literally do that they they when they with the move to go Ono tried to go off those Starbucks there [Music] he's gonna do it anyway okay we're better if I kill him oh dang it so close [Applause] they now if you can start punch the bowl charge it's an instant knockdown gang that's gonna so hard though it's not as hard as you might think as he does he lets the steam out of his nose right beforehand true so if you let me zoom out and you punch right then yeah or at least you can use it to sort of help [ __ ] I dodge too early for that one I was so I was all those I'm like ready to do it but it's just so fast yeah you had the oh no expression well that sucked when I was bit of a waste of a chocolate like to examine I responded near full health [Music] by 500 will be [ __ ] singing around ball ball in armwrestling damn [Music] yeah love early after Oh oh I see that mr. gresner him that is just weird it's uh really gets flopped around he's got no [ __ ] body mass just got killed on stage all right here we go sorry name he's doing the work for me [Music] [ __ ] I've been a star that would've been nice doing that fast there we go Turner fan around final batter looks distressed yeah it looks like very sad man sobbing this No oh that is so close I should have done it I should have done it sooner [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's possible thank you the bull charged I don't know exactly what if there's something bout like the time left in the mattress that means he's gonna do the bull charged or not that greed is good my friend I've got the [ __ ] like great tiger song playing in my head he's a great tiger like Captain Falcon yes well you're grooving a lot of food some of you just watched a young man get the [ __ ] kicked down about 11 times alright two more yeah we got macho and then we got the sand Joe Sam undertale very excited teen macho man got integrated oh yeah he's got some good [ __ ] it's not too much different honestly he's got some new punches you remember how it goes like crunch dude yeah he's got he's got some new moves that have similar effects Wow oh and guess while he saw that Mac was popular in the gut mad and now he's here this story 400 yeah I know the spotlight doesn't like him anymore all people are booing [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh my god destroyed him yeah that's just the first place he's a macho man super me oh my plug in his nose on it he also says release the bogus sometimes we say and release the Beast pretty good all right hey whoa gifts like what a weird thing for somebody to say but I'm sure all the other languages have that same focus but in their language versus Italy really say that I don't know [Music] oh [ __ ] crap that one's so hard to dodge yeah does it faster dude all right let me destroy him all right super macho man super bye bye because he said white dudes that means you get to knock him out then the [ __ ] doc wasn't even holding up little max lifeless corpse and that whole cutscene little Mack was like hey I'm conscious alive all right mr. Sandman Oh mr. Samians gonna knock my dick off for about an hour bring new he's got a spiky hair dunno Wow three blade scary now he is scary so this requires a little bit of history he's actually a reference to he used to just kind of be like mr. boxer man and just setting down his cups so ginger haven't come across on the audio but he he kind of has like some qualities of like famous high level boxing champions you know yeah and Mike Tyson was originally the boss of Mike Tyson's punch-out on the NES oh and Sony and so in that game Mike Tyson has these moves where he like winks before he doesn't uppercut and now mr. Sandman does that oh we're the champion though Wow I like that yeah mr. boxing man but so he's got like dark eyeliner now and he does winks and it's a reference to [ __ ] real-life Mike Tyson that's hilarious yeah [ __ ] I gotta remember how to do this man I'm definitely gonna lose a few times before I can now someone said this is the dude that macho man releases [ __ ] oh my oh I have 3 weeks you can get a star punch if you hit him in the eye that just winked Wow but it's very spit timing that's how you like windows you got to do that oh man oh like that yeah [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I may need a client cuz I need to be able to hear the that [ __ ] oh there we go Wow oh he's trying to do hungrybox things he's so strong until he noticed he was little please like superhuman size yes the massive little weird little mac that's true I mean even come here to the referee who's supposed to these normal referee yeah little rat and now oh I should let the couple he's back there yeah because he took the boat [ __ ] you can just dodge during his blues and it doesn't matter that moves actually not nearly as intimidating as I think that one is though yeah it's truck time night night to see you may one hit cow [ __ ] I don't know I have no clue [Music] damn man this is gonna take a while oh he's doing another sounds like a heartbeat it like it adds to the stress [Applause] okay I'm still gonna go for it though this I might start like being reset heavy here just to try to get him the quick get the quick kill on him reasonable [Applause] keep trying Mac I'm not the one whose body is on the line you will wait by the time you reach 25 years old you're going to be permanently injured Mac you can't make new memories anymore though Mac [ __ ] Oh y'all needed to okay listen see that's a reset right there I'm gonna start doing this that's clean it's fast for you sensor fast yeah you can't deny Oh okie dokie okie dokie maybe I could tap him I've never tried doing the tap on this guy oh and you can just randomly start Punch Sandman Thank You Lee oh that's nice looks like one of the fuses him I don't know why yeah that seems weird [Music] [Applause] his last phase is insane he like goes total apeshit for us for his final bit so I'm probably gonna get all the way there and then die at a certain point boom I'm saying man sans - that's probably how they do it on blindfolded I'm assuming oh yeah probably five he does more links as the match progresses it's like two more than he did with previous time something like that I tried the Dutch oh no all right well nice home written every every loss is a little win Mac thanks doc Mac that was good I was gonna freak out if that was what he said you know he said don't cry I think good in the original game when you lose it says don't cry Mac you lost or something like that it's like thanks Gabe [Music] I should try cheese in one of these times I've never tried just the tap that's like how I beat him in there yeah whatever survivor sabado sabado sabado [Applause] stop going through those so much I [Music] elected this story was just that he got mad and [ __ ] like obliterated of building like he just liked demolished of [ __ ] somebody's place of business he's an evil man it just seems that mad that Mac one I guess just in time wow he's gonna start off doing his like rage thing and it's just gonna go for like one move and then it's gonna end around he basically just does like a million weak punches it's gonna put us to bed in that force perspective all right like like Jumanji big like that big mama said scared he was a kid Meg I want you to be back BAM boom that was the best bit in all of Ravana throughout this show you say your father the band the show hmm I [ __ ] up I hit him in the face I was like why you think they get to punish then I was like over yeah okay all right so now he's gonna get up and he's gonna go apeshit again maybe I'll be able to dodge he does so many of me like mixes it up super hardcore and I don't remember the orders Wow you gotta help out that just keeps going yeah it's like 16 punches in a row or something [Music] [Applause] okay all right you're still gonna come back and be a pizza it again it might take us to the end of the round probably seriously yeah going full monkey [Music] [Applause] [Applause] second oh oh my god he's out of here wow that was awesome so when he when he is done with that big like sixteen moves or whatever he just sort of sits there goes like oh and you can punch him like infinitely but every three punches you get a star punch whoa that's that's how I got the star there Wow Jesus Christ oh my god greatest of all time dang but there's more there's a weirdest thing so I'll make a glass Joe gloves oh no we're gonna alright then let's go out on top kid it's time to take your place in your Street so basically what they're saying is little back has decided now that he's the champ he's gonna go and he's gonna just keep fighting until he loses three times and then he's gonna quit for good oh yeah so now you just can't lose three times yep so we just go so I'm just gonna fight dudes alright you can't reset or anything and it's just a random guy injured and then you can retire yeah 17 yeah so here we go it's the title bout against Shadow Man could be anybody it's friggin super fighting team from melee polygon polygon fighting into yeah I think that's a bit cold oh hell yeah all right let's go should be able to get it I don't know he's my favorite yeah oh damn that was like sucking is the way this guy so I like this feature though they call it max Last Stand interesting I have trouble thinking of other games that have done this type of thing where it's like you basically just keep going until you like after you've completed the story you just keep fighting random fights if you get through everybody do you get some different and if you beat ten fighters you get you get like ultra modes it's called like champions mode and every one hit knocks you out no matter what it is what yeah yeah I've never unlocked it before but it does sound horrible [ __ ] I don't know he's he's got the Jazzercise in his soul that's you I'll get you a matching leotard for your birthday oh my god I wish you could get more than three stars just go kid your attic years I can make a glass Joe I wish that wasn't funny it's in it's like the the seven deadly sins in binding of issac where there's like normal sins and then is super sins and then there's like the whole true pride which is Edmund McMillen himself it's like Florian tinsel who programmed I think the first the original version of the game but is not in the dev team of rebirth I'm pretty sure I see him on Twitter sometimes daddies thank you yeah kinda like a Saturday Night Fever is dang good [ __ ] all right there's one so I think it goes a random guy from the first circuit a random guy from the second circuit and then a random back of the third and so can you fight Sandman again yeah man yeah you can get say men I think in my original savefile super macho man is the one that got my belt damn yeah but I hear I destroyed him it's the [ __ ] like the model for the black and white it's just ridiculous it's weird-looking it looks chunky yes and I assume it's like if the same amount of chunky it's like Little Mac is yeah nice texture was it looks worse because you there's just nothing yeah I wish you actually fought with that yeah let's see Oh Don flamenco is it demon why fight a demon back deaqon huh oh yeah Donkey Kong who's in the audience that's weird he's still there he's in the that's probably a reference to the original games where they had like it was like peach toad and Donkey Kong and like Luigi and [ __ ] hell yeah that's cute it scared the hell out of me cheeri hates you Wow Wow my [ __ ] review this point oh man I kind of want a jet champions moon like I'm gonna try yeah I'm fried [Music] [Music] cheering for this you literally just dance Aaron stone cold eh sounds cold yeah I wonder if we can see other Nintendo characters disgusting oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] there's no whip your ass there you go Python flamenco you're out of here wow that was incredibly clean TKO slurp that's funny that he was doing that symbolize I might even biblical Jesus type figure and he's making a cross just like spider-man just like smiling in front of the Train alright let's go I think I think I've done this just once before but this is better than I was doing the first time actually I think I got two wins first time and then I lost to mr. macho man let's see super macho Sandman I'm just gonna get [ __ ] ya oh he's no Sandman thanks mass yeah it's not even stands though all its soda let's go doable doable come on you're the star oh look Donkey Kong's still there he's only like a different spot I mean yeah oh he is it a different he's like moving around under stay what's up with that fight for your life Mac there's no more stars you will die when you stop fighting this is the end of your life [Music] like you know we've put you down if you put horses [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] know what's being like crowd why did I punch their doofus you know nothing [Music] my mini gone could still get could still die let me check my calculations you've never seen him have an empty bottle but I swear that can happen it can happen yeah sometimes it's just got nothing in it knee goes cold dice dice at the end of your life Mac I'm sorry Mac that might still lose if you lose you start on the next person no damn rip rip rip will sodapoppin ski will forever hold our championship belt that lark and I both worked so hard for that's right the goofy soda pop bump-bump guy hey the world champion forever he is now officially retired I've still got two losses that I can lose on in my tire yet it's just that guy gets my belt and we never have to watch that belt animation oh really he has the belt yeah he just has it for it okay soda pop OH yeah somebody from the first Joe Joe is in the game baby is always when you lose it's in in last and he just shows up it's actually random it's possible to just lose three times and never see donkey oh my god yeah so yeah he shows up in the last few uh title defence fights he just like sits in the crowd like he's waiting for his turn oh that's so cool but then in this mode he just shows up awesome look the [ __ ] out of it it's a [ __ ] hard fight though I'm almost certainly gonna lose it you have to he does like taunts and you have to hit him at the right time during the time to get a star punch otherwise he'll retaliate with these like insane combos I'm not getting many opportunities to actually hit him come on there you go damn his third phase is [ __ ] ridiculous but you can look at chat now that's all of those trying to protect you I had no idea ding because the oh man you don't even know the first Scream so many [ __ ] times in chat people like do they know about the secret Donkey Kong fight and I'm like if we didn't then you're an ass right now so now a little mad literally quite cigarette oh yes Louie when you earlier on you were like oh King hippos not even a human I was like he's making a Mario reference is good oh my god evil cackle beat the [ __ ] out of Luigi's did so good though it's like but I all this [ __ ] where he does taunts and you have to [ __ ] like interrupt him from them it sucks and he does these huge [ __ ] combos that suck okay you start punching there's an instant instant knocked down but not an instant ow and you don't want to hit him during that one because that one [ __ ] suck damn yeah yes like special retaliations yeah he lets out just like a big five move long time nice okay yeah I don't want to do that one that one well that one's the easiest honestly because he actually has a rhythm to it okay I can do if he's gonna get up and do the big jump attack and if I time it right I can get another knockdown on at the start but it's very hard to do I believe I've never beaten him in last stand but then you get you unlock him in Exhibition Mode Oh actually yeah that's too early damn close I think no after I've thrown a punch but not not but before it connects it is so weird right it's got like music it's all Donkey Kong s he's eating Nana's anybody speaks gorilla can you tell me [Music] I love chocolate yeah I like it too not all early so much it's pretty tough that one is it's quite difficult it's like right as his feet leave the ground No damn you so like you have to hit him that exact spot him yeah at that exact time you know many opportunities to just like [ __ ] take a swing yeah that's it very nice I knew it before it even good stay down Donkey Kong yeah oh Jesus I'm scary ring shook yeah I could still win by a decision decision but it's he's so tough I might very well die you gotta just enter up to that one whoa I don't know if I won by decision or not let's see I think you did I don't know make your decision Tony Stark yeah I beat a monkey I technically beat Donkey Kong in last stand' [ __ ] lame mouth sorry I lied to you Mac I told you you were gonna retire but then behind your back I set up a fight with a gorilla what is he saying I love me some steak with my chocolate bar that's disgusting doc you [ __ ] vile man chocolate-covered steak Mac delicious well let's keep going wow that's like the the secret final boss it's so weird to that he shows up I think it was a little poorly implemented because the fact that you can just go through max last stand and never meet Donkey Kong yeah and it's like now you gotta play through the whole game and title defense just to get another chance oh wow it's like come on yeah don't tell him put the buzzer fight oh that's not a Bowser fight when you notice DK in the Bekaa nothing cuz he you were so close to having to having him show up he could show up as the second last stand opponent but there is we gotta go into exhibitions mode and just show what happens when you lose to Toki phone though good your life was dragging you around yeah and then he gets to tranquilize me the ref is like we gonna kill him how'd it get in the arena I'm getting real hot I know it is a hot and hot world oh I almost out boo dicks out 40k yeah there was I don't know I don't know what like the source is on this but there's sort of baby did you know gaming's know that originally it was gonna be Princess Peach she was gonna be the secret final boss but they didn't they didn't want to have like people coming after them for having like violence against women I guess yeah interesting I don't know if that's true though that's just something I've heard I guess there is no like female fighters yeah [Music] you fight like that's a current relevant and Joe there you go rip it was pimp yes him secret Game & Watch fight and you can't even see horror movies he like turns you know actually I heard they were gonna make some DLC to make another game and watch this game holy [ __ ] I'm gonna try to get the instant knocked up with the star punch it was there's supposed to be when he turns around oh man I just got spoiled on Sailor Moon [Music] and they say don't tell anything win fight you didn't tell me there's a good way to fight nice going back now the question is what weird mods are there through this King have you like that oh no I don't think there's a modding scene and there is the dr. Lewis fight it's like a Nintendo club exclusive what oh that's right about this yeah like a standalone game it sucks I'll get the emulated version of at some point I'll do that when I play like game demos you know yeah yeah I've never done it before I'll talk to this fight yeah okay and alright hope we got one more to go and then macro times for good in this little cutscene you don't wanna see Mac we're tired I'm Steven retirement home very heartfelt damn what mistaken you're forced to retire Mac vs. Master Chief I'm here to book your ass Mac syllabus the semester keep him to have a voice trans rights it's like way narrows oh no rip it rip it rip rip rip rip I kind of like the donkey pen was just like lanolina night this is a really cool detail I kinda have to be like oh no what's weird uh explanation though I feel like have you seen that like I look toads in the background yeah oh yeah that is true about the old games I would have made it immediately [Music] yeah it is and it's that was something I never noticed there actually no I think I always knew that DK was in the game so I never had a part was like oh that's in there I never realized you know yeah I know it's like right away he was in the background oh he was in the night he was in the background as a quite a few flight planning where you realized he was like down there I didn't notice down there it's only when it's over there yeah let's say oh damn the retirement of the ball turn that man put it right at me top button [Applause] oh that's actually good perfect perfect perfect do you have your like fans around router noise machine it's fine it has like natural noise reduction as well so my fan at level 1 to bed this tells great yeah it was very hot imagine if summer was real [Music] dammit dammit Oh close he's not easy to get a towel on his head idiot it's hurting my don't be bald ahaha doctor do what also actually is don't fall no does he have short hair you say he is here [Music] impeccable and present there no that's not it damn damn I keep forgetting you only get one stunt off of those I really [ __ ] it up street because you can't like get too low yeah it's about a bunch of items [Music] okay get them out loud just barely mr. Boyd [ __ ] hahaha wow did we shoot it all going one ball [Music] Oh Macra Bracton nice and clean baby your question when do we fight Matt from boxing hands off my lucky charms oh you've dared him I'm daring you I won't dog dare you can't back up well we backed out from the biblical that I should have I was a kid and I was like a double dog dare that was also when I learned for gonna f-word timer i watch christmas story bush and i was walking with my cousin and i was like what is the big one and he was like [Music] don't want a rarely afraid but you told that exact story on like so Lily did I really that's it that's it folks I'm tired gonna get back up not looking very comfy down there [Music] [Music] [Music] that was the that was the closest I could've been damn very close we almost never retired we didn't want me to retire that's the first time I've ever seen two less stands in a row dang actually Wow listen son you had a great career it was an exciting game down to the very finish and retired the only button is for tire so brutal damn life simulator so Little Mac has left the ring oh no there's more click the whole thing damn [Music] good job son good job yeah damn he retired nice right now salutes the Donkey Kong oh it shows you it gives you a little enemy roll-call which I like but they didn't do this in The Contender credits yeah well we did it we gave him a good fight we gave him a good show the crowd that's right they were they liked they loved it there's crowd loved it they were cheering hmm well we both did it you did good you beat the game and then I did the title defense that's right and we went out with glory this is a fun game I've been playing the [ __ ] out of this recently just like the last few months they there's like those challenges you know the Exhibition Mode and [ __ ] and crank ever does yeah there's I've still got a few left they're just ridiculous though some of them are so absurd if it always just like kill them in this like one this one unique away no someone I don't like never miss a punch in the whole fight or never lose a heart or never never duck or never dodge or whatever any as hard as some of them are like find all the ways that you can earn a star punch and [ __ ] like that and so yeah some of them aren't too bad there was some like one of the ones for bear hugger was insane there was that one for soda pop and he really liked that one drink the whole time at sides yeah and yeah we don't have to wiimotes unfortunately there is a versus mode in this game but I have to wiimotes but one of them doesn't work sad that is yeah so we all play on the Nunchuk yeah also spamming is really obnoxious so that that weird fault where sometimes letters are thin and sometimes though I was just looking at that my like repeating the same four frames of animation he's just very jittery Oh actually what the [ __ ] is he hot that does look weird you have sped up or something [Music] receptionist shout-out to Jenny Thank You Jenny oh this is Tori water oh he punched the logo Wow he hit his own good name so I would love another punch-out game yeah I would be so [ __ ] down if we had some where it's like all new opponents like maybe you play as Doc when he's young or you plays just like low Mac or whatever I'd be so down that'd be cool I want to go back and play the NES one I just downloaded a rom of it just the other day have you ever played before no not until just a couple days ago and it's very similar it's it's just very low res there's only two to right there's well there's the arcade one oh that's right then there's Mike Tyson's punch-out on the NES then there's super punch-out on the Super Nintendo hello which I've also never played and then there's this one super punch-out and then there's power punch too and the armwrestling one yeah oh yeah there's an Italian guy in the arcade version called pizza pasta pizza pasta I never came back the sad along with the kid quick oh yeah we get a little montage these are everything I like it the cheesy little like sitcom last episode credits or whatever even though he won even though it's oh my trying to say it's like a clip show they just used animations we've already seen yeah also he want is the name of one of the default Me's in this game I'm just gonna say isn't that the one we chose yeah I think it is it was the end and we didn't get the brain-damaged head gear where you lose a hundred times and you get a little very last Joe's headgear thing damn we didn't lose that much we kept winning we baited it no I think Aaron Ryan is different from pizza pasta he's Irish and I think Aaron Ryan's from super punch-out super punch-out has a bunch of Fighters that never show up again it's got like a clown now there's like an Italian clown or some very nice yeah I think he is Italian actually Holly achi but it's not a best not pizza pasta all right so now he won that is certain that supposed to be Little Mac I guess so that's the voice actor for a little Mac and now we're retired retired so we gotta go lose to Donkey Kong alright these are the exhibition challenges let's just like look at what some of these are oh I see one of them this one is stupid you have to let blasto win by decision after you've knocked him down three times and [ __ ] like that so there's three of those for every character that's cool and you got I love the way they sort them contender title defence and Donkey Kong and I got the first two of them the ones that like no ducking and never stunned him but the one where you do it in less than hundred 50 seconds is [ __ ] oh my god that one's so stupid actually here you try oh yeah hey it's two birds with one stone I get to fight you dong Kong and we get to see me lose exactly trolls yes you got it Jake yeah use the Wii Balance Board to duck and dodge I loved in this cutscene it you could like edit it so that he just drops his ass onto the camera don't yell at me you got DK boxing gloves so you winks in there and you gotta hit him with winks this is kind of like the funky mode rolls that's your star opportunity even if his attire doesn't get caught in his face you can still get a star there oh me out [Applause] like of course bananas come out of him yeah so the owner a scratching his side you wanna like hook him right when his arm goes over there and little worried kisses you just have to go at the very [ __ ] beginning but kiss one you have to like anticipate coming it's so oh yeah I love that like sheepish grin when he misses the movies like please no way those I wish I wonder if he feelings when he eats the bananas we'll see soda pop it's key actually when he drinks between rounds he does gain back health Oh interesting oh yes he always like follows at the same time with the same food but then it changes in later stocks too and he starts doing these insane combos you have to memorize going through I would have been free all right let's see this [ __ ] glorious if you lose to him in a title defense mode or in max last stand it doesn't have the animation of you losing the belt he just takes the entire little mat Wow [ __ ] brilliant that is sad I said that look likes gone now yeah that's a decision Wow well we did it folks that's it maybe if we beat punch out on the we 2009 we did and we I didn't get killed three times instantly in last stand mode which I'm a little proud of at least yeah that's a good good good ass game yeah this is like a sleeper hit it's like a very high quality game for considering the low amount of praise it gets I feel like yeah it's like everyone who's played is like yeah but everyone who hasn't is like that's a video game yeah what do they do about it but I was like whatever why would I ever play that yeah but Nintendo give us a new punch-out thanks thanks bye
Channel: fruit salad
Views: 55,173
Rating: 4.9596977 out of 5
Id: oyEO70K5Ly8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 1sec (10021 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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