Talking with Sammy The Bull

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I went into the Mafia When I was like 23 I was involved in three Mafia wars I was involved in 19 murders I did my first hit was a guy in the crew shorty came back to me and he says you got this contract kill him when we pulled out and we were going down the road I took out my gun and I shot him in the back of the head he didn't move and I shot him again we opened the car I pulled him out I threw him on the grass I got back in the car open the window I shot him three more times we went to his funeral looking down at him when I went to the coffin and then turning around pcing people crying you know when you're dead you don't feel nothing but the people around you suffer and I saw that that bothered me a lot damn damn Sam I want to thank you for taking the time to sit with me and uh chat with me a little bit uh for for my audience so who may not know you and haven't seen you speak and tell your story and I want them to really understand the the real involvement that you have with the mafia and your story so would you mind introducing yourself a little bit however you please so people can get to know are you yeah my name is Salvatore gravano I'm called Salvatore Sammy the bull gravano was called Sammy the bull I got that reputation as a kid when I was fighting I fought a couple of older kids and uh they said he fought like a bull that name stuck with me and uh I wore it till today so uh uh I was uh became U I went into the Mafia When I was like 23 and I became the under boss of the most powerful organized crime family in the country I was involved in three Mafia wars I was involved in 19 murders I did over 22 years of my life in prison um and when I got out just recently in 2017 I started doing social media I'm working on a couple of people uh with movies The Story of My Life something similar to The Sopranos I can't really talk that about that but um because I'm under contract but we're working on that it'll be out in the near future so uh I think that's about it so far then we'll just have we we're just getting this going but I appreciate that intro so again with the conversation I usually speak about I told you you know it's it's it's normalizing the conversation to death uh a lot of it is grief related but my interest in with your story and what you spoke about openly is the perspective of death with you and particular that has been around it in a more aggressive violent way if you will and so I'm curious with you how do you what what is that how do you get to that point of taking someone else's life like would you start with the first the first hit or the first killing that you've been involved in well I I will and I'll go a little bit before that uh when I was a kid I was dyslexic I had trouble in school uh I joined the gang I was out of school I didn't get past the eth grade um and I joined the Gang was the rampers and uh I didn't kill anybody or do anything like that none of us did but we did gang fights and stuff like that and hanging around with you know nice young girls and stuff and um later in life I was 19 years old I got drafted into the military and they trained you how to kill it was during the Vietnam war and of course that's what you're required to do fighting for our country and and killing the the enemy and uh I got out two years later honorable discharge and I went right back into a gang and while I was gone my gang members all hooked up with Mafia groups different Mafia groups so uh at the age of 23 I hooked up with somebody a friend of mine took me to this guy shorty speo who was a boss not the boss of the family but he was a heavyweight in the Columbo family and uh I made an alliance an agreement and I joined with him that's how I got involved in my first Mafia war and um I did my first hit um it was a guy in the crew a guy named Joe kuchi um his wife uh was having an affair with Shorty's nephew who's one of the guys in the crew and uh he decided that he wanted to take out uh shorty and me and he asked one of the guys for help and the guy said why would you want to shoot kill Sammy he's not having an affair with your wife he's not [ __ ] around with her and um he said well if I kill Tommy SPO who's having the affair with my wife Shorty's going to understand and know it and he'll kill me and who's he going to send to kill me he'll probably sell send Sammy So if I kill Sammy and shorty now there'll be so much confusion 6 months down the road I'll get this kid Tommy and I'll do what I got to do Frankie didn't buy his thing and help him he went to shorty and he told him what he was being asked shorty went to Kine perso who went to Joe Columbo who was the boss of the Columbo family told him about it Joe Columbo ordered this guy Joe kuchi to be killed shorty came back to me and he says you got this cont TR kill him um he asked me who I wanted on the hit to help me I wanted Frankie because he's the one who went to you I wanted to know if I wasn't being bullshitted I didn't understand why this guy would want to kill me um so I wanted to verify it in my own way and then I wanted his nephew Tommy on the hit because he created this monster and I took both of them on the hit we all hung out together we went to clubs and one night at a club late at night 4:00 in the morning we left this club we went and go to a allight restaurant we had a little breakfast and when we got back in the car Tommy Sparrow was driving Joe kuchi sat in the passenger seat I sat in the back along with Frankie and uh when we pulled out and we were going down the road I took out my gun and I shot him in the back of the head he didn't move and I shot him again in the back of the head he slid to the side we went out of the neighborhood we went to a a highend neighborhood where there was nice homes and a lot of land in between them we pulled over in an area we opened the car I pulled them out I threw him on the grass I got back in the car opened the window I shot him three more times and we left we went home and uh there's a lot more to that story but that was my first hit what do you remember from that I was very in regards to like I just you recollect the story very vividly but in regards to actually taking action and stepping up to do that is there any correlation between when you went to war and you said you you said you have orders you know when you're when you're in war you have orders from from above and you're trained to kill is there a correlation with that that decision to actually take someone's life in the hierarchy of the mafia because you know you have your soldiers your captains is it do you see it the same way absolutely we join them it's like being in the military you're there to protect Ken asra the mafia we call it Ken asra and um there's different ranks there's Associates I was an associate there's maid members above the maid member is a captain um above him is the administration the boss the under boss and the Kier of the family and you're part of that family and uh you do what you told now there was good reason uh Frankie told me that he did come to him and the story was true now if you're going to plot to kill somebody you better hope it don't come out in his case it did come out and uh I was ordered to do what I had to do that was my first hit the strange part of it is I was nervous um and I I thought that I Saw movies and I thought that you know I Saw movies when a guy kill somebody he starts shaking and he's sweating and he's scared and all of these things happen when we got done uh we went to an apartment to go to sleep we were all living together a couple of us and uh I went in a shower leaned against the wall let the warm water go up through my hair on my back and chest and I was waiting for that to happen to me that didn't happen I didn't feel anything and nothing changed um I got dried off and went to bed I slept like a baby I got up the next morning some of the young girls and people were in the apartment oh my God they killed Joe kuchi it was in the newspaper they left them in uh this area and stuff I remember asking one of the girls did they did they know who did it and she said no they were investigating it but uh and everybody went to the cour corner to hang out and I remember I came out of the apartment I went downstairs to the corner and I felt I was way above the crowd it's like I had a out a body experience and I was way above the crowd looking down listening to the people talking I felt like I wasn't part of them but I was overseeing the whole thing and I just wasn't feeling anything and then my friend Tommy Sparrow came over to me and said Shorty's here he wants us to get in the car and he wants to go downtown to see carine pers go to report what happened so when I got in the car with Shorty we were going downtown to see car M perso and uh he said don't say nothing Sammy my nephew Tommy will explain exactly what happened and uh I said okay we went down there they explained Tommy explained to him what happened call my Pico and uh he looked at me came over kissed me on the cheek hugged me said Samy great job and uh told me to leave and I left and that was my first hit and um we went to his funeral and uh that part bothered me a lot you know looking down at him when I went to the coffin and then turning around P seeing people crying stuff like that and uh you know when you're dead you don't feel nothing but the people around you suffer and I saw that that bothered me a lot but um I didn't feel any remorse or anything like that when you're in the life you're going to expect you break rules or you do something crazy that you can lose your life that's exactly what he did that's the reason why he lost his life it was justified in my mind in the mafia's mind they didn't just take this life for no reason at all there's a difference it's the same thing to me like you just brought up in the military I would have went to Vietnam I would have killed people because they were going to come here and they were going to rape our mothers and sisters and people and they we're going to become a communist country they [ __ ] you when you were a kid I knew that was [ __ ] later on after the war I never met I was never in I was in prisoned 22 years I never met a an Asian person well once or twice I met an Asian person in prison so either they're good Crooks and they don't get caught or uh there's not that many of them that are bad boys so and the only Vietnamese people I've ever met is women who do your toenails fingernails and stuff like that and they seem to be all good people so all that [ __ ] about them coming here and attacking us and we were going to become communist was all [ __ ] to brainwash you the mafia seems to have that same pattern as the military and you start to get orientated just like you're in the military so that was my first hit and when you say first day you you said 19 you confess to 19 Mur different murders yes I don't I didn't kill them all I'm some places I'm a part I'm a part of 19 murders sometimes I'm a shooter sometimes I'm a planer um and I became very very efficient as a hi guy I was good in business I'm efficient in business and certain things and it there was no different in as a hick guye I became very very efficient I'm very good at it and I was asked many times to go and do a piece of work not necessarily the shooter but the planner and stuff like that damn damn Sammy okay so when you when you're saying you you know you didn't feel remorse even the first time you you did that what is that what is that introspection what does that what does that say about yourself for you personally your own viewpoint on yourself when you didn't feel remorse but you felt remorse at the funeral when you're seeing people grieving because I understand what you're saying about how you're comparing know war in the streets with the mafia and there's there's that the rules and and and whatnot but when you're seeing yourself taking someone's life and you C then do that action you're causing the grief and pain of the people around that person even though that person you killed is part of the game what does that tell you about yourself in regards to No Remorse but you felt something at the funeral when you go into the mafia later in 1976 I became a maid member I was 31 I became I was switched from the G uh Columbo family to the Gambino family and then I got made in 1976 in 1977 I became an acting Captain um we understand when we're in the mafia that there's rules we have to abide by their rules their logic everything about it just like the military so to speak and uh when you break the rules you die that's just the way it is so that's how they control people who are hit guys or tough guys without that you would have Anarchy you can't control people so you have to have that in place in the military when they lose control of you they have a court Marshal they could put you to death there's a lot of things they could do too so it's the same thing similar not the same thing but very similar um so you learn to to live with that a lot of times I would is asked weren't you afraid on a head or something like that I said no the reason I said no it's not that I don't have any fear I'm human I have fears but I knew when I was in the mafia I said to myself sooner or later at some point you're going to get killed or you're going to go to prison for the rest of your life and that re pushed fear away from me I was expecting it I didn't think it wouldn't happen I thought it would happen it was not that it was going to happen it was just when when is it going to happen so I try to keep my life clean and honest not be a backstabber not to be doing certain things or break certain rules and uh so I live my life life that way and uh but I understand when you break the rules um you know I don't feel sorry for you you knew the rules you broke them you either [ __ ] somebody robbed them you [ __ ] somebody's wife you shouldn't have been you can't [ __ ] around with a May guy's wife especially knowing it if you do or his daughter you do something like that and they find out you're going to they're going to kill you so there's rules that are set in stone you know that so if you did something like that I have no quals with killing you you killed yourself I may have pulled the trigger I may have been part of it in some fashion but you did it you killed yourself you committed suicide and if you get in order especially when you become a maid member to kill if you refuse they'll kill you you you can't refuse so if you break a rule I'm not going to refuse to kill you I'm not going to lose my life because you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] and you kill bang somebody's wife or robbed somebody or did something so [ __ ] [ __ ] up I'm not dying with you or for you I'm going to be part of your murder and that's the way it's done that's the that's the life that's the lifestyle you're in if you don't like it then get the [ __ ] out or don't join don't be part of it so that's the way it is you learn to live with that the within the rules of Goen austri now the rules of Go not just a gang anymore it's Italians a lot of Sicilians and it's part of our heritage it goes back years before we were born in Italy and Sicily now I can go back into that how it started it started in Sicily and Sicily only and then spread all over Italy and then spread into different countries and it was formed in Italy that in Sicily especially people would invade Sicily to go attack Rome Rome was very very powerful so what they did is they landed in Sicily cuz that wasn't powerful there was a very small police force course most of the people were farmers and peasants so you they would invade there until they built up a big enough armony Ship by Ship by ship to go invade Rome so while they were in Sicily they raped the women they abused the people there and they formed Clans family members Brothers cousins neighbors because these small villages it was like everyone was related so the men got together I remember one story there was a guy who was a head of a clan was a clan it wasn't Mafia it was Clan and they said Joe blow's daughter was raped last night and the guy the head guy said by who they said those two soldiers they pointed them out they named them and pointed them out the women are away from the table the men are sitting down drinking wine eating and discussing this and the guy in the head of the clan says what we have to do is get those two soldiers kill them in the most brutal way we could cut off their dick and jam it into their [ __ ] mouth we want them found that way and they did that to protect protect their people the next day they called 10 people out in the town they called the whole town out but they picked 10 people men women and children and they said to the town tell us who killed these soldiers or will'll kill these 10 people all of them men women and children now the crowd is related to them it's either their daughter their son their husband or whoever was in that crowd knew that was their family member and they knew who did it but they felt that they were doing that to protect the people in The Villages now one person told who it was and they killed all 10 of them of course they suffered they cried they moaned they whatever but they never gave up the clan leaders or who they who did it because they had they were Men of Honor who protected them they may have lost some people but they protected the rest of them if they didn't protect the rest of them then they would all for prey to being raped and abused there was no police these people took over and would do anything it's almost like what you see in war pictures and eventually those Clans became Coen Austra the mafia and uh it became such a powerful thing that the soldiers wouldn't touch the woman anymore they wouldn't do crazy stuff because they said these [ __ ] grease balls will kill you and even if you killed them they don't give a [ __ ] so that's scared them a little bit the different armies and people and soldiers and they backed up they wouldn't rape the women they wouldn't do certain things so those men became Men of Honor and it wasn't about money it wasn't about greed it wasn't about anything it was about more or less like if you watched a movie an underground group of people who fought for their people killed for their people and then of course it got distorted through the years and changed into a little bit of greed and a little bit of everything else and uh so to the people in the towns those people were Heroes Men of Honor and then these things grew in different parts of Italy and then it moved into places into the United States um it's a whole long story about the history of the mafia I won't get into that I get back to me and uh so when I looked at the mafia to me as Ania cilian my mother was cilian my father was cilian I know the heritage of it it's part of my Heritage it's not just a gang running around when I was younger this is part of my Heritage go and I live that with that in my heart and uh and that's how I started and I stayed in and I became like I said I became the under I got Ma I became an acting Captain I became the under boss of the most powerful organized crime family in the country and I was used 19 different times including the first one 18 other times in different murders plots plans I sat at that table like the old Grace balls did many many times so in regards to you being in the mafia and and all that you've taken part of anyone that is in the mafia is part of the game and signs up for this so innocent people women and children you're saying are they're not they can't be touched no and we don't go after we don't kill innocent women and children what most of the times in the murders in the mafia are people who broke our own rules it's us we get killed 99% of the murders that happened is that now it could be a a shoo out or somebody got shot by accident or something happened that wasn't even planned um so uh and those things happened but what the planning of murders is mostly us we kill each other when we break the rules or we lose control I'll give you an example a guy named Roy de Mayo was a a maid guy heavyweight a killer and after a while he just keep it he became a serial killer was killing people for no [ __ ] reason and uh it was found out by the rest of us the mafia and that became his reputation and we killed him for that reason we don't have serial killers we won't accept serial killers and we killed him um if we know a guy in the neighborhood is a rapist or child molester if he lives in our neighborhood sooner or later he'll get killed once we really know that he that's what he is then we kill outside of our group we kill him to protect our community our neighborhood that's when we kill outside of ourselves we'll kill a serial killer a rapist and a child molester those people will wind up with a Target on their back and they'll be killed by us and anything else outside of that like say uh say a guy that's not part of the mafia or part of that does something to harm one of your own that is not also not like your family member or someone you know is that still means outside of those four re big reasons that you just named they usually just get roughed up like at what point is is crossing the line to decide to kill someone they could get roughed up they get roughed up but when you go in that neighborhood they all every the neighbor everybody knows who you are and they and and they they kind of understand and they they're not going to [ __ ] with you they they're just not and actually growing up their neighborhoods they literally protect you because they know that basically you're keeping that other evil [ __ ] out you won't accept it they actually start to look up to you a little bit and uh they look for you for advice and different things all the time help in jobs they're broke they want to get jobs and stuff like that we control unions which controlled all kinds of things and we would help people get a job or put them in the union and so I mean I'll give you another example of myself I mean I had a pretty tough name reputation and I had an office near a school an ele school and um the had the the principal was a female woman and she came to me and she said now somebody told me Sammy this woman wants to talk to you she's the principal and I to went in the street and I talk with her I said what can I do for you what do you want she said that the school yard at night when the school is closed kids hang out in there there's beer bottles that are broken there's joints that is you know still left there or whatever and all kinds of [ __ ] and we have kids it's an elementary SK these kids are S 8 n 10 years old whatever they are um could you help me with that problem I said I'll look into it I don't know so I grab Kids Tough kids that are not the mafia in the neighborhood and said uh what kids are hanging out in the schoolyard at night and they got a couple of kids little small little gang but they're young kids and whatever and I called them together and I said listen go the schoolyard at night I said clean up before you sleep don't leave break broken bottles don't leave any kind of drugs was wasn't heavy drugs back then it was just hot mostly um don't leave that the little kids in the morning when they go to school and they go in the schoolyard that that shit's laying all over the place go hang out someplace else or if you go there clean it up if you don't and and they come back and there's stuff there laying there the next time I call you I'm going to bust your [ __ ] asses they always cleaned it up and actually they went other places and hang out the the woman came back thanked me and uh there was a lot of little things there was always it was a comfort thing now they know me I know them um one day uh came out again and she wanted to talk to me and I went out and I said you know what could I do for you and she said Sammy I obviously know who you are what you are she said there's a car up the block there guys sitting in the car and somebody's watching been watching you with you know glasses there and uh I said maybe it's a news media she says I don't know so I said what do what do you want me to do she said nothing I'm just worried I see sometimes that guys like you get killed maybe somebody's watching you maybe they're going to kill you so I said you worried about me getting killed and she said yeah why she said cuz listen and I I don't go by what your reputation is you're good for the neighborhood you're good for the school you're good for the kids and I would hate to see you get killed I said I know who the car is I know who they are they're FBI and they're watching me but I thank you I appreciate it but just to go to show how people now started to relate to you didn't want you to get hurt they knew you were actually good for the neighborhood you protected people my daughter opened up a small little florish right next door for me it's right near the school as well and she you know come uh Valentine's Day kids would come in they would want to buy flowers for their mother and uh roses that was expensive and uh the kid would come out you know let's say it's $3 $4 whatever it was and the kid would come out with a whole bunch of change is that enough and my daughter's a good person she took the change and said yeah that's enough and when she went back in the school she told the kids I bought this for my mom the next day there was a pack of kids in there they all wanted to buy it who had pennies who had nickels and dimes so my daughter said what do I do I said give it to them they they want to go home with their mom they don't have know the value they're different in money and uh but she had a partner so I said get the cost of it tell me what the cost is I'll pay the cost but give it whatever they give you 20 cents a dollar and change or whatever it is give it to them let them all go home and the teachers knew what we did and they loved us for it they loved my daughter and my daughter said well my my father paid you know the balance because she had a partner she got to can't just give everything away and uh so we were good for the neighborhood people didn't hate you um the government hated you all the time but the people didn't and uh if you look at some of the mafia movies like The Godfather Godfather one and two you see how they relate to the neighborhoods it's they family men they're married they have husbands and wives and uh kids themselves and we deal with that a lot so we're just we're not just animals hanging out but we do kill so people could say well you are an ad once you kill you could kill you know in prison I sat with a psychologist one time and right away she wanted to talk to me and uh and in the conversation I said anybody could kill and she said no I can't so I said you can't she said no I said are you married you have kids she says I'm the one who asks the questions I said then the conversation is over if you can't answer a question then we're not going to talk so she says I am married and I have two beautiful kids is one of them a daughter she said yeah I have a boy and a girl now let me give you ask you a question a hypothetical question some guy gets your beautiful little girl rapes her so brutally that she dies and then he gets caught go caught he's found guilty and he's going to get the electric chair or gas chamber whatever it is they're going to put him put him down um but there's nobody there to press the button and if nobody comes there within 24 hours then the thing is off he goes to jail he stays in jail 10 years he's going to hit the streets again would you press the button she looked at me she says in a hot minute okay so then under the certain circumstances you could kill she put her pen and a pencil down she said Sammy you're right I can under those conditions I can and then in a way you you're right and left so I still say that anybody could kill under the circumstances women are very close to their children if you hurt uh one of their children they're like you know Mama Bear they're coming at you you know so it depends on the situation you're in sometimes somebody hears that somebody could kill and they think you're a monster I'm not a monster I can kill I was in the mafia I would been able to kill when I was in the Army if I became a cop I would have probably been able to kill in in in the line of duty or you know for the right reasons I don't mean I would have just kill people I mean so well let me ask you about that that's let me ask about that because a lot of the things you're you're understanding from what I'm understanding from what you're telling me in regards to if for the right reason justifying this or that within the game of the mafia sorry for calling it a game out of just I don't thesaurus next to me uh uh so but in regards to that is there is there a limit you know what I mean like is there anything going by your head in regards to other means of besides killing people in a sense that you know maybe there's another option you know and in an environment that the mafia I know you mentioned the the origin story that it's protection and the mafia is protection from my understanding but isn't it an environment that the mafia is creating at the same time with the ideation of making money oh yeah absolutely is that justification enough money and greed you know I'm saying like the justification of someone breaking a rules breaking the rules and you kill them but the justification ideation behind the mafia in itself which is money driven right outside not just for protection correct I mean it could happen with with some people who are so [ __ ] greedy they'll kill over money that's not part of what we do that's not supposed to be part now in every [ __ ] face of life there's always people who are going to break rules I don't care what form uh but U we don't kill now I'll give you another example of that uh one of my guys Huck was in my crew he came to me he said some guy came to him and uh gave him a message for for me that um he was willing to pay $25,000 to me to kill his wife they were going to get a divorce so I told hul go back to him and tell him to give us 12,5 up front and after his wife is dead he give us the other 12,5 and Hulk looked at me and he said Sammy I thought we don't do that I said we're not we're going to rob him when he gives us the 125 we're going to keep it and then I'm going to send you back with a message and tell them when you want to break up with your wife there's a divorce court go get divorced we're keeping your money now if you want to go to the cops and tell them that we robbed you for 125 go ahead but tell them why what the 12,5 was for obviously he's not going to go what is he going to say I wanted them to kill my wife they robbed me for the 125 that would that wouldn't do it so he was stuck but you know so money is important but that wasn't part of our Lives that's not definitely not part of mine I tell anybody anybody wants to get rid of their wife go get go to court go to court and uh so that's a story about money and uh you know about making money now some serial killer may say [ __ ] give me the whole 25 and I'll kill your wife but he's it would be he would be a Roy the Mayo type of [ __ ] nut he's not he don't represent us what we think and what we would do or we were supposed to do and he was doing [ __ ] like that that's why he's dead okay well what about what about your experience with so I want to compare the two as someone that's you know seen as much violence and murder and death in your life and there see there's a div there's a a division between the mafia world and civilian world the not only the rules just in almost every other way in many ways even though I can see similarities and how the barbaric the world actually is but nevertheless what is your what is your emotional standpoint from losing someone in the real world has nothing to do with the mafia has nothing to do with killings just losing a loved one in your life how do you how do you as someone that's been around death and murder process losing someone close to you that has nothing to do with the mafia well it's horrible when you love somebody I mean if if it doesn't break your heart then you don't then you didn't love love the person I mean I stood by my mother's my father's bed in hospital before he died and it broke my heart I miss him till today same thing with my mother and there same thing with there's a lot of mafia members as well um I think I'm family normal I feel pain I feel like I said I don't have fear I have fear my fear after I saw the movie Jaws I don't I go in the [ __ ] I'm supposed to be a tough guy up to my ankles in water and I don't want I don't want to go up to my knees cuz I'm I don't want a [ __ ] shock to eat me I'm afraid of that so I don't go too deep in the water so I have fear of certain things like that I have fears like every normal human being I have pain and suffering like any other normal human being even some of the people that were in the mafia died it broke my [ __ ] hot but you know we're all going to die let's be real it's when and how but we're all going to lose somebody we're all going to die we're all going to feel that pain but we're all going to accept it in a way because it's life nobody's going to live forever we're going to die um it's again a matter of when and how I'm up in age now I know I'm you know I'm do I'm overdue the lifespan for a man is 73 I'm beyond 73 so I know I don't think I got a 100 years I think I got a few years to go hopefully four five 6 10 who knows but it's not up to me it's up to God or whoever it is or whatever it is but we're all going to die and we have to accept that um I had a dog a Pito uh was my daughter's dog when I came out of jail I wound up with the dog I was living with my daughter and uh I love the dog dog and I took him to the vet and he says it's time to put the dog down I said why he said he's got no more muscle mess he's in severe pain now I can make him last a little B while you could take him home you'll be happy the dog is not going to be happy he's going to be in pain constantly so I told him go then put him down I laid down on the floor Azie was his name I said Azie come here baby and he came and laid on my chest big a big pitol oversized pitol and uh I was petting him and he took his por Put the Needle in the the leg in a matter of a seconds his body just went limp on top of me I never had that happened to me and I just [ __ ] I couldn't even move and I told the I says is he dead he said yeah he I couldn't even get him off I wanted him mom me I just it it hurt me so much and then he said do you want me to dispose of the body I I'll do it in a in a you know a proper manner do you want the PO print and I said yeah you dispose of the body just do it right I mean um and give me the P print so there's ways and things you're going to feel a certain way unless you're a [ __ ] complete nut and there's not that many people I don't care who whether they kill or no kill or whatever there's not that many people like that um there are some like I said there's some in every group you know there's always a rotten apple in the barrel somewhere and no matter what walk of life you know we talk about things today I I I'm dead Against Child you know abuse and stuff like that and they do research I hear things and see things that are just 50,000 times worse than the mafia actors actresses look what's going on with this [ __ ] guy what the hell's his name when the island Epstein look what the [ __ ] he did there but forget about what he did did we all know what he did look at the [ __ ] people actors actresses [ __ ] millionaires billionaires going to this [ __ ] Island over and over and over again we won't even talk about them Samy the Bull's F worse than them no I'm not no I you could maybe suck me into that Island one time I'm thinking I'm going to make a deal with this guy and make money and I look at the island I say get the [ __ ] out I would never go back to that Island again you got the what the hell is his name name uh Clinton President Clinton was there [ __ ] 50 [ __ ] times or 26 times whatever it was I mean what the [ __ ] is he doing that all them time that's the whole another thing that but how that's the whole Rabbit Hole of a conversation that it's not talked about it's so wild to me that of course you see in headlines once in a while and we know why it's not talked about of course because of the names and all that [ __ ] but it's just wild that something like that just gets brushed under the rug and then we get distracted by some something completely different that is it's mind-blowing to me yeah yeah I don't think it's under the rug I think that people are in high places and would like to put it they don't want us to talk about it and they kill it they ran to talk about me see me the bullies are [ __ ] Killers or mafioso and they'll B Mount the [ __ ] out of me yeah but they don't want to because they're doing the same [ __ ] that's the thing I've always said I was like the uh the behind the scenes [ __ ] of what's running this country I've always like it's like it's like a glorified Mafia and and many in many ways I'm not comparing them to what your life is but like what you just said it's it's it seems it's an organization you know let me tell you this I I I remember this when I watched the movie the uh The Godfather and Michael was talking about his family his father being in the mafia and his family and he was marrying this young beautiful woman and uh she obviously didn't like the mafia or what they do and she tells them at one point when they take a walk she says she talks about politician and Society and all the good people and everything and uh he says his family is good people too and uh she says well these politicians you know they they don't kill and he turns around and looks at her and says are you for real bro we start wars we drop bombs we kill men women and children with these bombs by the thousands by the tens of thousands thousand if not the millions are you kidding when you want to say they don't kill they don't kill like we kill but they killed 10 times worse than us but the people don't perceive that in their brain they can't understand that because they give you the [ __ ] they're protecting our country the [ __ ] are we doing in Ukraine it's humanitarian people are dying by the hundreds every day we're sending them billions of [ __ ] dollars cuz they they you know how many people are robbing out of those billions the president of the United States we just had a catastrophe in Hawaii he gave each family of four $500 they lost their homes their cars their clothes their food their medicines you name it they lost it all what the [ __ ] are they going to do with $500 a family or four they can't even wipe their ass with it and then he'll turn around and send 20 billion to [ __ ] Ukraine Hawaii they're our citizens they're us they both they're our countrymen so when you get into this subject there's so many areas that open up doors and the media don't jump on these things and they close the door on a lot of these things like you say it's it's almost like a secret even though you find it out we're not talking about it we're not talking about it because we're like half brainwashed so we'll pick who who we're GNA talk about who's a bad guy and everybody else is a good guy that's [ __ ] yeah I mean that's the subjective part of it especially when you're talking about how people in the neighborhood you know even though there's some heinous [ __ ] going on in regards to violence people in the neighborhood were seeing what you're doing and of course I'm sure there divided too where there's people that just don't back it and call you guys monsters XYZ but I I want to this just can't I wasn't planning on even asking this question you talking about you know the Deep state if you will do you have any opinion on with JFK and the mafia association with the JFK assassination or anything like that I know a lot about it I mean I I know a lot about the JFK and when I talk about the history of the mafia which I'm going to do eventually I'm going to talk about that as well so I'm really not going to talk about too much of it now but I do know a lot about it I mean uh it was a little bit before my time I mean I remember when uh I was home I think I was 18 years old before I went in the military and I was like my mother I was like a bum I didn't work I there was a crook I was in the gang so my mother called me up and she said did you see the news I said what news I was sleeping she said get up get up put the news on they killed the president so I said M I ain't got nothing to do with it she says I know you dumb [ __ ] I know you have nothing to do with it but the [ __ ] go look at the news I put out in the news and I heard the story about JFK got killed I learned a lot about it in the mafia Through The Years so there's definitely St come I know I'm not the most historically knowledgeable but there's something there I'm glad I'm glad your mom didn't uh pinpoint you with the assassination so we we'll get that out of the way and clear the air with that no no yeah that always that always interested me again because obviously there was correlation whatnot but I so I won't press too much I'm getting more information out of you there oh my God I you're not going to get too much more information because I'm going to do stories about it but I'm getting my hand up that I got something to do and I got about five minutes wrap up it's all good I think you got a good good uh podcast I like you I you asked great questions you got you listen you got more out of me than anybody could get so you're a good uh interviewer I didn't think I was going to say this much so I hope your people your viewers and thing realize that I'm not the worst guy in the world I listen I have two sides I have a good side on my right side I got little angels and on this side I got a lion so I'm good but you gotta be careful yeah you got you got you gota watch out for Jaws below your feet in the two foot of water too so watch out for that yes yes yes I'm horrifying that I don't want to be [ __ ] dessert or an appetizer for some [ __ ] CH yeah stick to the pasta all right Samy listen man I appreciate you taking the time uh and I'll uh I love to stay in touch all that good stuff if you ever need anything let me know but I appreciate the time there's I feel like we could have spoke for four more hours and vice versa now if you want to give me uh 50,000 to get rid of your wife you know I'm going to Rob okay I'm going to I'm going to tell you go go to the [ __ ] Court yeah I ain't married so we'll save that for another day your wife may come to you to get rid of you yeah I'm G I'm send it to you you're just gonna keep the money so I appreciate that Jesus Christ okay all right I'll put I don't know if you want to drop anything before we get out of here uh how people can find you and whatnot just plug yourself for your podcast and everything you got going on if you want yeah our thing. TV um I do I I do a lot of talking in the on that it's like $4.99 a month I think right and what else and YouTube channel and a YouTube channel if you go to my YouTube channel and you listen to me if you like press like And subscribe and uh that's important it does little good I when I you know when I go to Hollywood I push on these heavyweights and they want to know your numbers when I got out of prison they said we we know you're Sam the bull but what's your numbers I said what do you mean my numbers my telephone number what are you talking about they said no your numbers I said I ain't got no numbers and they what they look at is that you know if you got subscribers I got almost 600,000 you know CU they figure those people they're watching you they may go see the movie and then it gives you a little clout so hit subscribe if you like me and if you like me hit like if you don't change the channel get back to this here he's got a great I appreciate you Sam got and all all my viewers this guy's a good guy I'm gonna put you on my show a little bit and see if some of my people come over to you and build your CH I appreciate that Sammy send Anna in the background it's nice to meet you and guys another episode of dead talk Sammy the bull holy [ __ ] is all I'm going to say and I'll see you guys next time thank you so much for tuning in to another episode of dead talks please do not forget to hit the Subscribe button and also the notification Bell that'll give you updates as to when we post a new video more episodes and more content in general we are streaming in all the major podcast platforms including Apple Spotify iHeart Radio Pandora and all that and also find us on Instagram at deadtalks podcast or thank you so much
Channel: DEAD Talks Podcast
Views: 76,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deadtalks podcast, dead talks, dead talks podcast, sammy the bull, colombo crime family, mob boss, sammy the bull vladtv, sammy the bull podcast, true crime podcast, life and death, mobster, italian mafia, mafia life, podcast, grief and loss, psychology of a killer, morals, podcast clips, sammy the bull interview, gravano sammy, true crime story, true crime interview, true stories, grief podcast, sammy the bull john gotti, sammy the bull documentary
Id: W4eSptyhpS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 16sec (3316 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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