The Boss of Hells Angels | Sitdown with George Christie

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the Hell's Angels comes before anything and anybody father so what does that mean you know like how would it come before your mother or father give me an example of that walk in Redemption hey everyone welcome to another sit down with Michael Frances hope everybody is doing well all is very good very blessed on this end and as always I give God all the praise honor and glory and Thanksgiving for that always well today I have a very special guest his name is George Christie George and I go back oh about 30 some odd years we first met in terminal Island uh California when I was in prison uh and in terminal Island there's two yards there's the north yard and the South yard the north yard was really at that time they didn't really have a federal jail out here so a lot of people that were pre-trial would stay in the north yard they'd pick them up every morning take them to uh you know their court case or whatever and then you had the South yard which was mostly for the residents I was in the South yard yard everybody starts out in the north yard but then hopefully you move your way back to the South yard which was much better I was in the South George was in the north but you're allowed to you know intermingle you go you know to both places easily no separation there and we met and uh enjoyed the guy very much you know very uh respectful guy he was respected in there and he was at one time the head of the head Hell's Angels chapter out here in uh California uh George lives out here now he spent some time in Spain but he's back out here in California now and uh I had a great sit down with him he's a great guy met with him and his wife and we just went over things and uh we had a real good time and I think you enjoy the conversation you know uh a couple of months back I think I did a video about the Hell's Angels and about the similarities between their group their organization and Ken orra my former organization and I think you're going to enjoy that George and I talked about that very conversational as a matter of fact he asked me some questions and uh and so we went back and forth think you're going to enjoy it George is uh you know just a great person he's got he's pretty well known out here in these circles uh he's now not a member of the Hell's Angels anymore he left that life as I left mine behind and uh so we had a very interesting conversation so uh with no further hesitation here's my guest George Christie so George it's been um I would say about 35 years before we last have seen each other under a little different circumstances I would say much different circumstances I uh was down there at termal Island you were there as well at that uh particular point in our lives 1986 I was enited and I came down there was inter AR wrestling was a whole new world for me I'd never been arrested before really so I uh I went big the first time you know conspiracy to commit murder uh right uh murder for hire and you were acquitted in that case I was acquitted in that case we took it all the way in 2011 I was indicted again but just the circumstances and the way things were going I I didn't want to I felt I could beat the case but I dealt it out just because the Dynamics had changed my uh reputation uh was a lot more wellknown then MH and uh I had just I don't know if you recall I carried the torch in the Olympics I do that was in ' 84 right 1984 yeah the ATF had made allegations we were going to uh support terrorists with weapons or whatnot I never really got the whole story and you know our position was to support the Olympics and if the ATF hadn't have started that rumor we never would have even got involved we had no interest in the Olympics but you know I along with another member uh felt we needed to make a statement so that's how I wound up in terminal I and G was upset with you after you did that they were very upset as they were upset with you okay well I have to say that was uh I had been arrested probably 17 times prior to that uh stint in terminal Island but I understand you know George I was on trial five times and I beat them five times right but the sixth time I said my luck's going to run out you know even though they bring these crazy cases that they bring but you got to spend millions of dollars you got to spend all that time in fighting and if you lose you're done you're done and this 2011 that finally was ready to go to trial in 2013 I believe or 201 14 my daughter was one of the lawyers representing me my daughter had gone to law school and been working uh to protect me and other Hell's Angels but uh they didn't like the way things were going I wouldn't work with them mhm and uh so they uh came with a superseding indictment MH and in the superseding indictment there were three mandatory minimums of life you don't want to roll the dice no no you can't roll the dice you know they said well off 0 to five will you take a deal and and uh I did and my daughter negotiated I wound up going to Texas for a year well you know a lot of people don't understand that you know you take a plea you're automatically guilty it's not always the case but you got to cut your losses sometimes because you know look I say this government doesn't always play fair they got all the tools in their toolbox and uh you know to beat a federal case extremely difficult it is and they've got all the money they got all the money and all the time yeah and you know people go into the trial and you don't know what the jury's thinking you know uh you get people in there one of the things we asked was Sons of Anarchy was very popular at the time one of my daughter's favorite show she sure yeah and you know as a matter of fact she named my grandson uh Jack well you go now that shows you how popular yeah and I said to her wait a second what's the tradition you know your father you're supposed to name him Michael no dad Jack that's it she loved that show yeah she loved it well you know one of the questions was do do you watch Sons of Anarchy I I came up with this Vere questions and uh the judge thought judge woo thought they were brilliant you know he was asking all the jurors himself you know really do you watch Sons of Anarchy and if they answered yes the next question was do you believe the leader knows everything that everyone's doing because the allegation was I had ordered these guys uh to firebomb some tattoo shops and on the contrary I had told him stay away from the tattoo shops and I had one in mind that I was pretty sure the feds had installed cameras in there really and I did go in there one day and the day I went in there the camera just didn't happen to be working that's a break yeah and you know do do I don't know I think things are different now I think people understand that sometimes law enforcement will go to Great Links to get people and they'll break the law to enforce the law there no there's no question that they know that now George stuff that's been going on it's they don't play fair we we know that and you know what what bothers me is you know just don't weaponize the Department of Justice to go after people that you don't like correct and that's that's what's happening a lot today but that's a whole another issue we is another issue it's it's it's not only a Judicial issue it's a political issue and you know I want to ask you I've been wanting to ask you this for years now when you disappeared out of teral Island the urban legend in the prison was you were going uh you said I'm going to give you guys some money back yeah and that never happened right no it didn't and as a result I wound up back in prison I know that no but look you know I was I was playing a game with him I was trying to manipulate them and and it caught up to me but you know at the end of the day it was okay but um yeah I I look they George they claim that I have money buried everywhere even until now even until now I mean it's they they still bother me over believe it or not and they won't believe it I said hey it's been 25 years don't you think if the money was there I would have made a run for it already you know oh Frances you're smart and we know that at some point in time you know maybe it'll be for your kids I hear all of that do you think that they're uh consciously like watching you all the time or do you think they go it seems to me they go through spurts somebody may an informant may say Hey you know christe's up to this again I heard he's back in the game absolutely you nailed it you know it I mean and it goes into spurts like that you know they're on you and then people leave and they retire from the office you don't hear anything then all of a sudden buom somebody says something and it it starts all over again but you know I I I mean I can't complain nobody's really bothered me and you know I even and I'm with you I'm not complaining yeah I I have friends in law enforcement now I do as uh why not keep those relationships and that's it but right yeah let me ask you um you were in TI for a year were you on the north of the South yard well I was on the uh uh South yard isn't that where where the they bring you in the north yard was like the the penthouse no it was reverse the reverse okay because I had a member there whose name was guy he was a San Diego Hell's Angel he was a leader and you know this is also how things have changed now he was there he had pled guilty to machine gunning two rivals in another motorcycle club and they both died he got Barry tarlo got him four years Barry yeah he was great Barry yeah he's the one that that beat the Mur yeah he beat that Cas he uh you know they had these devastating tapes of me and uh everybody that listen to the tapes oh my God you're done you know Barry tartle listens to him and goes oh I I think I can beat this case wow and I'm like you do uh of course you know we talked about how much it cost you so you know you figure in 1986 you know cost over a half a million dollars oh yeah you know and uh to fight this case absolutely if you don't have that money you can't go up against the big boys no you got to have that money no and my case has cost me millions of dollars and you know when I think back all the time and the effort I mean Cammy my wife she wasn't my wife back then we had just gotten together I'm on trial for several months you know Rudy Giuliani put me on trial in that big racketeering case I beat it but it what cost I mean you know do you find it ironic now juliani is kind of on the the you know the 180 of the spectrum I I can't believe it honestly it's you know some of the things he does it just makes me wonder is he you know my my only feeling with that is and we do you have animosity towards him I don't you know actually I was on a radio show with him about a year ago okay good friend of mine says Mike I want to put you on the radio and I said yeah let's go on he says uh one one little caveat Rudy's going to be on the other side of this with it he said do you mind I said hell no I want to talk to him 30 years it was great you know what he said George and I have to say he said I I'll tell you how far it went he said I've been watching you for 30 years I tried to put you away for life which is true told me he was going to give me a 100 years at the day of my arraignment right and um he said but I think your your Redemption is genuine I've been watching you he said so I want to compliment you on I okay so we got off to a good start we finished that everything's great and then I write this book Mafia democracy and my publisher says hey you think Rudy will write the forward I said you know what now you're pushing it a little bit but I said hey I'm not shy I'll ask him I asked him and he writes this here tremendous forward see wow written by Rudy Giuliani okay yeah well you know he does a great job on it so you know you know what it is for me I I am George what's going on today anybody that's involved with Trump they demonize this they they so I can't believe half the stuff they're saying and I think a lot of stuff's going to come out about this guy Biden and again without getting into politics George I gotta tell you this I had you know I we get into this a little bit see your opinion I don't know where you are politically but that's okay if you gets mad at me people it's all right but listen this Biden thing he's being accused of uh having shell companies with approximately 20 million going into bank accounts owned by his family right right fact fact suspicous bank records he had 20 of these shell companies I had 18 of them in the gas business 18 shell companies we didn't have a service we didn't we didn't have a product we did nothing all it was was collect illegal tax money that I was defrauding the government out of you weren't paying them no I wasn't paying we were collecting the tax and defrauding them not paying them we figured out a scheme eight years I ran it right this is the exact same thing there's more evidence against them with emails and text messages and everything else all I had was a witness against me they've got everything it's it's an absolute racketeering indictment I'm not going to say he's guilty yet because everybody deserves their day in court but the evidence is it's a it's an indictment without a doubt I'm very familiar I had three Rico cases so I understand how they work but so what I'm saying is obviously they're not trying they don't want to indict the president I don't think that's a good president anyway but anybody involved with Trump what they're doing to this guy and everything so that's why I don't trust anything at all well you know it's I'm not a big Trump fan but I will tell you this uh this last thing uh the judge found him guilty of and they find him $368 million you know the thing that I find disgusting is that the banks got all their money back he paid all the loans off and you know how many people inflate their property or their wealth everybody every day somebody looking for a loan is going to absolutely and and there was no crime he he paid them back paid them back no victim victimless crime and the bank said they work with him again absolutely I know that so how do you how do you do this to somebody it's Insanity you know I have to say in all fairness I mean he is getting uh uh pushed around you know what it and it doesn't even matter that it's Trump it's anybody that they could do this to is just dangerous and you and I having a background knowing how far that they can go to let them go to this extent now is just it's so dangerous no I know I you know I had a 59c count State racketeering uh case in 2001 2002 and uh you know they just threw everything against the wall thinking ultimately something would stick and my uh ex-wife at the time was indicted my oldest son was indicted uh you know in an effort to get me to make some sort of plea and uh are you familiar with Tony Sarah he's a bay area lawyer he did a lot of stuff uh in the 60s and 70s the name yes he he came in and was fighting the criminal case and Barry tarlo was fighting the bail I mean they wouldn't let me bail and that was the wedge we'll put the wedge on him he's got to stay in jail he can't fight this on the street the same yeah same kind of deal and tarlo got me bail and as soon as I got Bail they asked me would you take time served wow so you know what do you do and you know to people jumped on me about that in my own organization at that time they go you made a deal and well you know you're looking at what's wrong with that 100 years you know you if they offer you time served you take the deal absolutely yeah it's it's logic but uh you know George when I this last case that I took a plan on I had been to trial five times I never ever was even five minutes late to court never faced the jury where I was going to get get 100 years if I got convicted on a juliani Case faced tons of time never missed a court date never was even 5 minutes late anytime I got arrested I showed up so now this case because I beat them so many times they hold me without bail now this was a fraud case there was no violence in the case at all right defrauding the government so you know the two reasons the two conditions they can hold you without bail is number one you're a danger to the community they couldn't prove that in in in the basis of my indictment and number two um you're a Flight Risk well they could never say I was a Flight Risk I always show up they couldn't say I was uh a danger to the community so you know what they created a new statute they said he's in economic danger to the community I've never heard that one never heard it and you never heard it again no I've never heard just that one time and I you know and I follow all this legal stuff uh you know I constantly looking listening to Legal podcast my daughter's a criminal lawyer constantly uh talking to her about things and if we should have did this should we have done that you know second guessing myself even years later but uh it's uh they do what they want yeah they do do what they want it's terrible it's what's the conviction rate 98 96 97% yeah I mean it's outrageous it's it's crazy yeah okay so George you have a very colorful background to say the to say the least but I'm interested in something and I want to get into a discussion about it about a year and a half ago somebody wrote an article about the Hell's Angels I thought was very interesting and in comparison to my former life cuz I don't like to use the word mafia CA an ostra is what we call it here and I was as I was reading what the rules or the policies are uh for Hell's Angels I was comparing it to you know what we went through in my former life so uh I want to if you're okay with that because that was just an article I want to hear it from you well and I want to say this question number one what do you want to know okay here's the thing when I got involved in the life and I took oath Halloween night 1975 it was a Blood Oath where I surrendered my life to COA an orra told this life comes before anything if your mother is sick and dying you're at her bedside we call you to service you leave your mother you come and serve us we come we're number one before anything and everything and idealistically that's what I felt about the life I mean it was important to me I had a very idealistic view I was going to be part of something my dad was part of it really meant a lot to me how did did you have that same feeling that same Brotherhood that same feeling with the Hell's Angels absolutely and uh I I've talked about it recently I've talked about it in the past oh man John and you were the you were the head of the chapter weren't you well I you Boss I was a young guy in Los Angeles there was a leader down there called Old Man John you know like he was one of the oldtimers he was a boss you know had a lot of influence in Southern California and uh he took a Viking to me and the night I got inducted into the club standing outside you know and by the fire you know it was warm I mean cold I was trying to warm up do me a favor tell us about the induction Cent well that's what I'm going to tell you old man John opened the door you know he he had a real Gruff voice he Christie get your ass in here and all the prospects we all looked at each other and I I knew I go this is it and I ran to the front door I went in and uh inside the room is the meeting room and it's lined with Hell's Angels and everybody's sizing me up could anybody attend as long as you're an angel you had to be an angel okay so I've got these guys in there their backs against the wall and uh oh man John uh asked me he said are you ready you know and I I barely could say anything I I mean that's how excited I was I mean I was just yeah you know you know what I'm saying yeah and uh I finally squeaked out of yeah yeah and uh he said you know we come first mhm before your father your mother and he went right down the line talked to all about all the family members and then at the end uh he said do you understand and I said to him yes and he goes you don't understand anything yet and uh but you know I was in you know he goes okay and he told one of the guys he goes throw him the patch and you know they threw me the patch and I caught it and I opened it up and extended my arms and I that was the death head and it was staring at me and it really looked like it was following me I was kind of looking at I was looking around the room and then you know the old man says well put it on you know and I and I put it on and uh I was watching myself this may sound corny or romantic to some people but I was watching myself in kind of an image in the window it wasn't a mirror but it was the window and I could see my reflection and uh I felt I made this transition that night as soon as I put that patch on I'm sure when you got inducted into the uh and that patches everything right Angel everything it's it's his soul you know it's now his soul and uh you know I met didn't know any mob guys till I went to prison and then you know I met rerio we used to eat with and and you know these different individuals you and uh I started seeing a lot of parallels as we'd sit around and you know I don't know if you remember I worked in the uh ker kitchen with S I don't know if with r yeah he was in the kitchen we were in the kard kitchen that's why we ate a little better he used to bring stuff back to my and you know he used to go upstairs and we didn't have it like in Good Fellas where they had the stuff on Ice yeah but but he would go upstairs and he would get uh the different things and make the different I I was so mad at Rosario cuz I never drank soda and he got me hooked on Diet Coke that that is addictive you know he used to bring all the guys s why are you starting with me but well I got off track but you know yeah absolutely uh your whole life is dedicated to the organization I got a question for you like I get asked all the time is the Hell's Angels a criminal organization and my response to people when they ask me that is it's not a criminal organization it didn't start out as a criminal organiz organization but there are a lot of opportunities and it's an organization that now has criminals in it I don't know if that makes any sense sounds hypocritical or you know you know when people understand like you guys didn't wear jackets that but M everybody knew absolutely yeah and and it it opens a lot of doors and uh it's a a it's like a cart blanch card absolutely and and just to follow that up you know you know when we the night I took an oath we didn't take an oath to rob steal murder kill that wasn't the oath was O each other that wasn't the oath at all the O we take an oath of omera which means silence correct and you're not even supposed to admit that we exist when you take that oath are you saying okay I'm becoming a criminal now no but do you do criminal activity as a result of being part of that life yes which brings me to my next question I was recruit the the day that my dad proposed me for membership cuz I'm sure it's similar with the Hell's Angel you just can't go up to I propose my son yeah you say Georgie you can't go up to somebody say I'd like to join somebody has to propose you vouch for you you have what it Tak absolutely in my case was my dad and then when I sat with my boss at the time uh he said to me your dad is proposed you into this life is this what you want I said yes he said here's the deal from now on 24 hours a day seven days a week you're on call to serve this family and he ran that down and he said well you're going to have to prove yourself he said when and if we think you deserve or you're worthy to become a member we'll let you know so for the two and next two and a half years I was a recruit I had to do anything and everything I was told to do to prove myself for hang around period and the Hell's Angels then a prospective period and then even as a new member I'm going to put you on the spot okay okay and you may you may hit me back with this what what did you have to do to prove yourself worthy certainly uh I had to gain everybody's trust and uh there were some things that uh I did that I probably wouldn't do again at this point in my life so I'll ask you the same thing we have the same answer George you know listen you know we're not fools no you know and when you reach that point they say okay you know this guy's this guy's and we had a term in especially in our little region Ventura Los Angeles than Ventura was a gentleman named David Ortega I used to call him David O he was kind of my I was he was a couple years older but you know I was the boss but he's the guy I went to uh uh in like your consiliary absolutely I went and bounced stuff off of him I said what do you think about this Dave what do you think of this guy and you know I've got a couple funny stories about him if you were okay he'd call you a regular the guy's a regular I go what do you think of this guy you know he go he's a regular you know and that was the highest endorsement you could get in that Outlaw bike culture at that time and we had another guy that ultimately became an a government informant guy gentleman named Tony Tate I hurt a lot of guys and uh the same guy went to David I didn't like this guy and I you know he'd been getting high marks from a lot of the guys uh I went to David and I said what do you think and he goes I don't like the guy and we could never put a finger on so to speak and finally David told me he goes you know what I don't like the way he Parts his hair just an old school guy that you know and he we talked about your father earlier off camera I think it was uh that's the way David was he just this old school guy that had their ideals and he he was in a motorcycle club he was in the question marks motorcycle club when I was in high school you know so he he not only later became a Hell's Angel but I mean this guy you know had a long 10 as a 1% Outlaw Biker so yeah you know it's they expect total dedication uh you know well let me say this you know again getting back to the question do I consider that Ken ostra a criminal organization well we don't come in saying we we we're a Brotherhood right we have each other's back you know we're a Brotherhood and like my dad would tell we didn't like law enforcement at all my dad told me he drilled this into my head from the time I was a kid Mike you can never be a cop he said because a cop takes an oath to lock up their own mother and father if they were to commit a crime how could you ever be like that I said I could never do that you know so he put that in my head right away and so we automatically don't like the police we automatically didn't mind committing crime so okay we weren't know we weren't we didn't call ourselves a criminal organization but we were criminals right so I think it sounds again and I don't know exactly and no you're absolutely right I don't you're not putting words in my mouth I mean you're absolutely right Michael you know what's also interesting for me I came from all my family both sides came from Greece mhm and when they got here you know they made their way they came you know New York and they made their way west wound up in Ventura but as an Italian maybe you can relate to this kind of kept to themselves and Trust the cops uh you know I'll tell you a funny story in 2001 when I got that indictment one of the houses they raided when they were trying to put the case together was my mother's and they I can't remember if it was 15,000 or 1500 we talked earlier about the memories you know senior moments yeah it so was either it was cash it was either, 1500 or 15,000 it was hidden in her mattress she was still hiding money in her mattress because they didn't trust the banks you know I get it I get it let me ask you this some of the myths that maybe we can talk about and um one of them is this when I got into the life the night I took the oath we went to have dinner afterwards right we have a banquet all cyons always eat right wine food the whole bit and one of the soldiers came in which is an official position that's the bottom ranking of that life after you take the oath comes in with a brown paper bag and he says hey boss should I give all the new guys their bag of money now you know the irony being you think you come into that life and everybody's making you rich when it's the other way around you got to be paying up right so people think that and I will tell you this when I went to prison I didn't get a quarter from anybody my dad went away he didn't get a dime from anybody he had a couple of things going on the street money this when that ran out that was it right so it isn't that that life takes care of you I want to know if it's the same with the Hell's Angels well it's interesting you say that because we were supposed to get $60 a month really $60 a month you know sent to the prisons and I'll be tell you I'll tell you you're lucky if you could get that some of the months you know you call home where's my damn money you know uh so yeah it's similar you know it's interesting you guys you got inducted you got you went out to uh dinner you know I got inducted in the club that night or voted in however you want to describe it we jumped on our motorcycles and rode s berardino to a little old lady's house named Betty she used to make our patches and I actually wrote out there Betty sewed my patch my personal patch on my jacket so it was you know it was is that the normal routine well you know maybe I was treated a little bit special because old man John liked me as you probably you know it it cuts both ways though you get people get jealous you got other people that put their arm around you they go if old man John likes you you got to be all right so it it cuts both ways but you know the interesting thing is went to Betty she was a religious woman and you couldn't smoke in there you couldn't cuss and when you leave no hot riding down the street that was the three rules and interesting I just thought it was really funny so I went to bdue Betty sewed my patch on uh my jacket and uh uh it was like a big deal you know I could imagine yeah it was huge let me ask you you're you're of uh Greek ethnic background yes do you have to be of any ethnic background to be Hell's Angels or anything else well you know it's interesting there was a rumor that the motorcycle club that we've been at odds with for 30 some years the Mongols was started because we didn't allow Hispanics into the Hell's Angels well David Ortega was my right-hand man you know he's as Hispanic as you get so you know there's there's myths and there's ideas but I will tell you this and it's the truth there were blacks in the Hell's Angels at one time there were no blacks in the Hell's Angels and what happened was along with the women members they got pushed out and when Hell's Angels started getting attentional law enforcement going to prison the Hell's Angels took on the prison political color lines the white stick with the whites the Mexicans stick with the Mexicans the black sticks with the blacks and of course we got painted with a you know racist brush these guys are racist and you know we used to go party at the uh East Bay dragons Clubhouse uh Sunny Barger uh who I had a long time relationship with it was a LoveHate type relationship he was uh my senior very powerful guy in the club uh he would go hang out at the East Bay dragons they were from Oakland uh so you know were were people prejudiced I didn't get that Vibe but we did have uh the political prison color lines that we adhered to well for us your father had to be Italian right that's it your father not your mother but your father father had to be Italian was it that way always I was told that initially it was both they both did yes both and then they relaxed it to just your father um from what I understand it might have gone back for security reasons now to Mom and Dad I haven't verified that but that's that's what I heard both have to be aali but you just said something I don't want to overlook women can be involved in the club they were at one time but there's uh a famous maybe well there's two of them that were very famous it was garbage head who actually had the tattoo the small death head that was the first death head and then you know we made a transition to a different style she had the tattoo the small death head on her back and uh there was another woman called mother Ruth mhm and uh she got that name mother Ruth because she liked the little younger guys that would come around the club interesting but uh yeah there were women in the cloud well let me let me clarify this no women in Coen uster in America at least not till not till today as not even when their husbands go to jail no but in Italy yes that's what I that's what in Italy yes Mafia yes but here no no women I have to say something else okay you're the boss I'm a what I'm a biker now yeah I'm accepted standard or whatever whatever I come to you hey boss I got a drug deal I want to rob the bank or I want to rob the government out of out of x amount of dollars am I okay to do that well you know I would probably uh immediately think is this guy recording me I'm very have a very paranoid personality but I would probably say from a leader and a political and uh whatever standpoint if you want to go out and do that stuff don't involve me don't involve the club you know we have a very strict rule uh that's interesting that there was a guy sitting in a meeting next to me he had a cast on well inside the cast was a bug and he came to the meeting and he wanted uh it was full of presidents the meeting room there's probably 15 I don't know 20 presidents in there and he wanted permission to blow up the Outlaws in Kentucky he specifically you know wanted to go after those guys and we are not allowed to talk about anything like that in a meeting uh no criminal activity can be brought me we differed quite a bit in that regard is that is that right yeah well my boss would have said to me no drugs we weren't allowed to deal with drugs you deal with drugs you die in that life right but anything else if he would have approv as long as I get a kick can I make out of that's it 25% goes up the top I I think that you know we had a a slogan in the club it was a sarcastic uh position we took I don't know what year it was it was the early 80s but the organized crime list came out and of course k no number one and the Hell's Angels were number two at this particular time now I don't know who made this up if somebody sat behind a desk in Washington but they had said now these guys are becoming the mafia on Wheels I don't know if you've ever heard that yeah well we my thought process was it was a criminal organization just did things differently right um I always thought that but now some of the things you're telling me me I don't think so no no it's it was an organization established for motorcycling Brotherhood but when you start getting all this police pressure and you know you've got a job I'll give you a perfect example I got a guy joins my crew in Ventura he's a young guy maybe when I say young you know in his late 20s early 30s he's got a regular job he's a truck driver at for a company a distributor he's Distributing stuff driving around and the uh intelligent unit goes to his boss did you know so and so is doing this and he's involved with these guys and we suspect this is going on he got fired and that happened a lot to us and you know what does the guy do he resorts to his wits on the street you know he's got to make ends meet he's got a family uh he's got to uh provide for he's got kids and a wife and whatnot so is it is it his fault maybe it is maybe it isn't because he consciously makes a decision I can't make it here but I can make it over here because I got some opportunities I had some brothers over here that said this and I I think that it it creates in a sense just the machine the way it is it eats itself up it creates uh uh somebody that may turn to criminal activity do you know well let me ask you this because you said when you were inducted I'll use that word they said the Hell's Angels comes before anything and anybody father so what does that mean you know like how would it come before your mother or father give me an example of that well I think you gave the perfect example earlier I'm at the hospital with my uh mom or dad and they dying and okay you know a man John calls me and says you know get your ass down here you know one time he called me down there I'll tell you interesting story I walked into a room of guys talking and you know some people out there may go oh Jesus man he just said they weren't a criminal organization but yet this is transpiring I walk into this room and there's these guys in there and they're talking about blowing these other guys up so I just stop immediately I just come out of the military I worked for the Department of Defense at the time my tenure with them ended when they found out I was leader of the Los Angeles Hell's Angels and you know they threatened to take away my top security clearance and whatnot but anyways I I can almost understand that really so I you know I walk into this room and and these are guys this small group of guys are very energetic down for the cause and they want to blow these guys up and then I start questioning them I go man I go that's d if you thought about collateral damage you know what they were like what's collateral damage you know and I go the innocent people around when you blow these guys up sure uh so they went I left they went ahead built the bomb put it at this motorcycle place and it didn't go off and because I had complained and I said I wouldn't participate some of them went to John and said hey this guy might not be no good he wouldn't get involved with us so what do I have to do I've got to go recover the bomb and that's what I did I went and recovered the bomb that didn't so that you were ordered so I was ordered by John to go recover the bomb I said why me I didn't place it there we got to make sure you're okay there's people that are starting to doubt because you complain George so you know I'm sure and as things time passed and I'm sure they did this to you guys they create doubt the cops of is this guy good is that guy any yeah they try to plant stuff yeah oh yeah any tactic that they could [Music] use
Channel: Michael Franzese
Views: 748,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michael, franzese, michael franzese, mafia, mob, mobster, mob boss, mafia boss, caporegime, colombo, colombo family, colombo mafia, john gotti, american mafia, italian mafia, sonny franzese, sitdown with michael franzese, mob movie mondays, mob stories, mob movie review, hells angels, George Christie, hells angels leader, hells angels boss
Id: j9GNOiefUF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 49sec (2389 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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