Sammy the Bull on John Gotti Hit on Him, Steven Seagal Snitching, F*** Pitbull (Full Interview)

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all right here we go Sammy the bull welcome back my pleasure my pleasure bro interview number two yes it's been a little while yeah it's been a few years and what people don't actually know is that the first interview almost didn't happen right we had a little bit of an argument yes before before thing started right you were getting ready to walk out I was ready to let you walk out and your granddaughter actually got in the middle of it yeah y Zaza yeah exactly she was a peacekeeper this whole situation Peacekeeper she worked everything out she Cal everything down so yeah I remember I don't remember the actual argument but I do remember right we got a little hot yeah a little bit little bit and I know when I mention that story people always ask me if I was scared and I'm like no I wasn't scared it was it was just business yeah you know well he no I don't think he was scared either he didn't know I had to a gun all right let's get into it now there's a couple things that we didn't get to cover last time and one of which was the whole Arizona situation now let's talk about kind of what led into all this so in 1994 you got released from prison and you enter the witness protection program and they kind of Hoops you around different plac before you ended up uh in Arizona so where did you go initially in witness protection when I got out you know I was I I think I told you before I wasn't going to stay in there I had money I didn't want to change my name I didn't want to do any of these things and the government called me up and said listen Samy the government did you right you had you were involved in 19 murders you end up getting a fiveyear sentence and uh if you don't go in the program they're going to look like [ __ ] so give them some time give them something so they could pound their chest and so I agreed to giving them one year and uh when I started I went down to uh Houston Texas and uh I was there for maybe two weeks I didn't have any idea or anything I was around the hotel all the time and uh I guess they had other people who had cooperated and uh they wanted to move me just so I don't bunk into them or whatever and they moved me to Dallas MH so I stayed at Dallas for a while um same exact thing happened and then they moved me to Colorado and I was in Colorado for a while and uh an agent came over to me and said why don't you go out because I was in the hotel most of the time and I said well I don't have a license I I don't know the area so where would I go what would I tell the cab Drive I don't have a car so uh and then they said listen you want to take a ride this weekend have you ever been to Boulder Colorado so I said no I was never there so I said but yeah I'll take a ride and we'll go there and we did we drove around it was beautiful I got out of prison I was in good shape I worked out I jogged all the time and there was paths with people jogging and a river flowing and it was beautiful right up my alley and see kids a lot of kids young college kids and uh so uh there was a place we passed that it had for rent signs on it and I asked the Marshall I said can we stop here and just see what the story is and we did so we went in they showed us around it had a country club with a full-blown gym in the ground pool basketball court racketball courts it was really really nice So I says can I see the apartments you know what it looks like and they said do you want to be over the river or do you want to be in the woods in the boonies a little bit so I said over the river what's that like let me see that and they took me to an apartment you we open the sliding doors it was a [ __ ] little apartment one bedroom living room small little kitchen area and and uh the stove and all of that on the side and uh when you open the door I walked out on the patio and the water came right up until the building and about 60 70 ft wide a river flowing down and somebody while I was out there looking was coming down on these little uh canoes or whatever it is shooting down there right across there was jogging pants and people walking dogs and people jogging and I said oh wow I looked at the Marshall I said yeah I like this place hm and he gave me the nod I rented the place and that's where I was staying I loved it I walked around and I went into the areas and uh it's a a lot of colleges in that area ton of [ __ ] college kids all over the place and I went to places there uh it was a little boring at first because every table had four or five people I'm sitting at the bar or at a table by myself and one day I'm sitting at the bar I got a steak I got a whole thing I went to go to the bathroom there was a girl sitting behind me she was in know mid to 20s it didn't look like she was that young and uh on the way back she had a pen and she was drawing she was sitting by herself and I looked at it and I said wow that's beautiful I do artwork and I said that's beautiful I said uh what are you going to college she said no I hav finished College I came back and I'm doing design work and stuff like that and she said you're sitting at the bar and I said yeah she said would you like to sit with me and I sat with her and uh started hanging around she took me around you know and I bullshitted about my name I had a different name you were Jimmy Moran yeah they named my name Jimmy Moran so I had a different name um I was never married I didn't have kids I give it all you got to lie about all that stuff when you in the program yeah and uh so she took me to places and we hung out for a while and we went around and uh after I was there almost six more six more months which gave me about eight months in and uh the phone rang one day and she saw me on television okay so I didn't know who it was but I heard a woman's voice say now I know who you are and she hung up on me and uh the next day Marshals called me up and they were going to come to my apartment they wanted to talk to me when they came in I now B start I had a car it was snowing a little bit on my windshield there was a note from heart to me they got it they read it and on my door there was another note and they got that and they came in and they said uh Samy she knows who you are and uh it said in the note i f in love with you um you lied to me you were married you had kids so they said we're going to take you to Seattle Washington and you start all over I said no no no I promised you a year I got eight months in I don't care if she knows it don't matter to me I'm not worried about it but that's the rules I don't care about the rules I my rule is I was giving you a year he says well then you would have to sign out then give me the papers I sign out which I did I got the papers I signed out and uh I left Colorado and went to uh Arizona with my family and that's where I read wrote the book uh under boss M and uh I didn't I never saw her again and uh that's the way it worked that was my little time in there and when I got back to Arizona when I signed out I actually turned my name back to Salvadore Grano again so when you're on witness protection they give you a whole new identity so do you have a new social security number and everything yes wow okay Social Security a new driver's license yes and do they give you money well they paid the bills okay so your rent your electricity that type everything like that and they gave me a few dollars for pocket money but I had my own money so I didn't I that's why I didn't even want to go in the program I had a ton of money so I didn't need the amount of money matter of fact they wanted to give me 3500 to buy a car and I went 3500 yeah is what like a so I took the 3500 Honda Civic maybe yeah yeah it's nothing so I but I took the 3500 and I bought a Ford Bronco or something like that jeep with the rest of it I used my own money I think the car the truck was uh 20,000 or something like that right so I put it in the other 16 and change and I bought you know the vehicle myself right so no one's living large in witness protection basically well some are some they think they are I mean some guys going in there and they think that they're going to get you know they'll get dental care they'll get taken care of medically uh they don't have the whereabouts to make money I had the whereabouts to make money I was writing a book I had money um I had a couple of million so I really wasn't interested in their money I really you had aou hold on hold on you had a couple of million oh absolutely I had about three four million wow so they let you keep that they didn't try to seize it or anything they never took it they never even asked for it so I wasn't going to volunteer okay so you know but I told them I had my own money you know the marshals yeah but the government when I cooperated never took it never asked me about it um and it's not peculiar when John G and people got convicted they didn't ask them you have money we're going to take your money didn't ask them why would they ask me I'm cooperating now you're living in Arizona you turn your name back to your real name and then your wife moves back in because you got divorced at one point right I got divorced in 1991 before all this happened aha so did your wife your your exwife moved back in with you no no I she lived in a house uh with my daughter um I lived in an apartment by myself I got an apartment in a uh a pretty tough n you know when I when I first got there my family said my son and my daughter they got me an apartment it was a fancy thing it was on the second floor spiral staircase going up beautiful um my car was had a spot your own spot all kinds of landscaping around it and I went and looked at the apartment I called my kids in and I said listen I I I appreciate it but uh it's not good so they said why and I showed them when I walk down the stairs and I get to the bottom I can't see who's over here and if I it's a de trap yeah and when I get to the car there's so much Lush Landscaping I can't see if somebody sitting right in front of me I can't stay here why did your wife divorce you because she'd been through all the the craziness with you yeah well a lot of stories came out you know things I did there was a thing uh contract with her brother yeah and she just I'm not going to get deep into that but uh she left me so it was over that yeah pretty much okay got it all right so you're in Arizona and you started a swimming pool installation company I started four five different companies okay what else outside the swimming pool company I had a pool company a construction company an installation company about four or five companies I had I started how do you run that many companies I've done that all my life if you look at my history when I was in the mafia I had four five six legitimate construction businesses and I ran the mob was I became the under buus and I ran unions I'm multitask I'm doing that right now as we speak I'm working a bunch of different areas and uh people would say I'm doing so many things they say how you going to do it into with but I'm here and I'm doing interv with you okay so you are living Arizona you have your real name now your family's around you're writing a book and then you start doing interviews the biggest of which is the Deon Sawyer interview and that was a huge deal because that was your first ever interview at that time yes you know you were recently witness protection there's money on your head because of the the whole cooperation thing you know against the gambinos and and some of the other crime bosses why did you decide to do something as high-profile as Diane Sawyer why I mean I don't know I was doing a book I talked with Peter Moss and he thought it was a good idea when I was in prison I was introduced to Peter Moss to do a book when I got out who did it was ABC producers there were friendly with the government and I became friendly with them they introduced me to Diane Sawyer they were doing me a lot of favors while I was before I got out when I got out um they asked you're doing a book they introduced me to Peter Moss they helped me a lot and they wanted to do an interview and uh they did help me a lot so why not okay what happened after that interview came out though well I blew up yeah I mean you know we got a lot of tremendous amount of views nothing negative eventually something happened eventually um but it was later on a hit team came down looking for me um they found me um I was always ready for them and some of the guys who on that were in my crew and uh this guy Hawk and he said I'm not going near he knows what I look like I'll guarantee you he has a gun I guarantee he's not going to run and he's going to look to kill us the guy who didn't know me who was going to do it it kind of scared the [ __ ] out of him he didn't want to come near me either so they sat with it for months and months and months and uh they couldn't get it they couldn't find a spot you know let me just go back one second that when I moved out of that fancy apartment um I went with my daughter I was looking around and I found the place in a pretty rough neighborhood a Mexican neighborhood and uh when I looked around that spot I kind of liked it it was like President away brick walls I said this fits my needs I could I'm comfortable here I could see everything around me and I'm comfortable I'm a hit guy so it it was good I could see anything that's going to happen I got a little bit of an advanced notice so when I lived there when I was moving in there to that um I think it was the first day I was moving stuff in I hear shots I turn around I have a pistol I take it out and I look by the door and there's a black guy running and one or two Mexican guys chasing him and shooting at him they're dealing drugs from this spot or whatever they're deal with and this guy maybe try to rip them off I don't really know the story but that's what happened happened I go back in and start of my business but unknown to me the apartment right next to me in his yard was the head of this Mexican group and it was his guys and I came back the next day completing the move and uh a couple hours later I was getting in my car and I see this pretty tall well-built Mexican guy walking towards me I took the gun out I put it right up against the door cocked it when he open came in I opened the window I said how could I help you and he said you were here yesterday moving in I know you see sort of heard the shots I saw you come by this door and you were watching it and the cops when they came and talked to you you said you know you didn't hear nothing you didn't see nothing M I appreciate that and he left I put the gun away another day later he came back again and uh he walked up to my car same situation and he said I know who you are he said just send me the bat and then he said listen we're having a little barbecue in our my family all the guys come over meet us he said uh let me tell you something this is my spot I got four or five guys here backup guys and stuff if you're not coming here in this Alleyway to buy drugs you read the a cop and we harass the [ __ ] out of them so bad that they show their badges if there anybody looking for you and they're not looking to buy drugs then I'm making it out of this Alleyway I took it as almost like a protection thing it was good for me yeah so I decided I spoke with my wife I got some Italian sauage [ __ ] like that I went to the party I didn't think they would do anything their wives their mothers their kids were there I said I'm going to go in there she going in with a gun no no I'm not going to do that he's there with his family it's disrespectful I went in there I he with them met them all when I would come home 12 1:00 at night and I would come in in the alley park my car had a brand new Lexus never got touched and I was coming into my yard I would see guys on the side and they're standing there they bang their chest giving me a sign like you know and uh so they love me they I became one I wasn't one of them in their mob but I became one of them accepted by them so I was sitting real cool there when I got arrested in that apartment I had a 357 Magnum I'd lay down with my dog go to bed I was by myself and I got busted they on my indictment there's five other guns loaded in every part of in the kitchen in the bathroom the living room I knew there was guns everywhere that were loaded thinking when they come down mob guys I'm ready and I'm going to Duke it out I figured John would Gotti would sooner or later would send somebody and like I said I'm a hit guy I'm ready for it so and that's in my IND dond I got five guns and 357 that I'm sleeping with matter of fact the day I got busted my dog is it's growling a little six pound dog Min Pin but it was he knew something was going on I got up I went by the blinds with the gun I moved the blinds a little bit and there's [ __ ] 10 [ __ ] police cars helicopters and I'm about to get arrested for this ecstasy [ __ ] okay so let's talk about this ecstasy thing for a second now your son Gerard he's living in Arizona as well yes and uh me and him had a conversation this morning I got a few little you know pieces of information about what really happened and I guess he had got into a whole bunch of credit card debt he did yeah yeah he was like 50,000 in debt and in order to get out of this debt he decides to sell some drugs and I guess he was going to go back to New York to do a drug deal but you kind of freaked out because that's where you're from and that's where you know all your connections are so he agreed to actually do the drug deals in Arizona and he borrowed the money from you I freaked out period that he was even doing drugs let alone going back to New York yeah which was the stupidest move you could make now you're going to bring my name you're my son over there and if they want to do something to hurt me they're going to may maybe hurt you kid something right right or hurt him yeah so and uh so he was going to stay there and then later on I was running my pool businesses and all my businesses so later on he had a couple of kids he was running around with partners with and one day I came in the house and they were counting up money and uh one of the guys said Mr go yeah that's yours I said what is it money I was a little stack for what for the pills wh on I said uh no thanks I'm not interested in the pills I'm not interested in the money and uh I freaked out about that and I left I grabed my son and I said listen you got to stop this I'm on parole you got to stop it I don't want you do I got businesses here jump in there was a kid Mike Papa he could have jumped in smart kid um and uh he said that we're all broke so how was I going to stop them um he's not a baby and they're not kids so I devised a stupid plan I thought it was a smart plan I said how about you know found out that they were buying it for $7.50 selling it for $15.20 exstasy pills and uh they're making they're selling 5,000 pills or 10,000 pills like this so I said how about if I fund a couple of big moves where you buy 50 60 70 maybe 100,000 bills and uh you just make the money I want my money back plus interest Vic like a charlot how much interest well sh a shlock law I undetermined at that particular Point okay one of the kids said we could put 50 sets of pill on it of course they're going to be able to buy cheaper and we'll give him that I don't want an end of the drugs I want interest sh so and you do four five deals he all all is got your pockets full right yeah and you quit you come to work with me and my businesses in construction and you the pool company I could put you in business but you got to you can't be around me and deal drugs you have to stop I mean prior to this when you were with the gambinos did you ever deal in drugs at all no right because remember there was that big no no I mean that's actually how John Gotti got in trouble initially right cuz he was dealing drugs and and the gambino boss said no drugs M so you yourself never dealt with drugs up to this point not because of Paul cast's order I just I did not like well they were dealing heroin and stuff like that I didn't like the people you're forced to deal with okay I had enough money I was in construction businesses I was a shlock I had a million and a half money in the street on Vig that's bringing in almost 40,000 a week I don't need need drugs got it so I never dealt drugs now I'll give you another example to show what I cared about the Ecstasy one of his friends he'll know his name a Colombian kid has a connection where they make the actual ecstasy in Europe they get in touch with me they want to want me to buy they want to over print and give me a million pills okay for 50 cents a pill so half a million dollars half a million dollars 250,000 up front they deliver it they give it to me I got it they get the other 250,000 all legit now remember they were paying legit you know well legit whatever you call Legit way that but he's got 750 a pill they're paying I'm paying 50 cents if I tack on $4 a pill it cost them $450 that's paying 750 they're making a fortune millions of dollars but I refused yeah and my son I don't know if he told you he said that why would you not do it I said because the first deal I make I invest this money I get it back I make four to five million dolls overnight yeah month maybe more I'm not going to stop I'm I'm a I'm a I'm a Gangster I'm a thief I I'm not going to stop it's too easy I'm hooked I will do it again and I will do it again until I go to prison for the rest of my life yeah because I'm out on parole everything so I'm not going to make the first move I want you to deal with I'm funding it for you quit and come in with me but unbeknownst to me they were under investigation for quite a while almost a year mhm so when I finally say that to them I walk smack into a a whole investigation let me ask you a question at the point that you saw that your son is about to get into this drug dealing situation you're on parole you could have said I don't want anything to do with this you're on your own and you would have never went to prison no right right exactly you would not have been par of investigation there' be no wir Taps there' be no nothing I'm on parole this is too hot for me I cannot touch this I love you we'll figure out a way I mean well because if he's in debt you're sitting on millions of dollars you technically could just pay off his debt right so why risk your freedom to finance a drug deal when you could just say no I'll doing is financing I'm not any part of yeah but I'm not selling but you're smart enough to know that you're still a part of it yeah and I don't know as an investigation I figure three four deals it's over he's all got your money I'm not going to finance all these kids I'll finance my son's problem but I'm not going to find and now he's stuck with his friends he's not going to walk away so I come up with this ingenious idiotic plan so and I and I get roped in but you know if he told you as the investigation goes on in courts the questions was asked by the government did he buy the drugs no did he sell the drugs no did he go out with you guys they're way younger than me no he never went out with us another reason the kid Mike Pap's younger brother is in a Groove the Devil Dogs a racist group hanging with black people let me finish okay my granddaughter is biracial I don't want to have nothing to do with this [ __ ] kid I don't even want him around me okay so I want nothing to do with them these kids basically right well I talked to your son about the Devil Dogs what did he say he said there was actually a high school wrestling team and not really a gang and it was basically painted in the media that this is this hardcore gang but it really just a bunch of wrestlers or ex- wrestlers that would just go out and party and whatever else it's not a but they had a racist background okay I didn't know that they they had a racist that part yeah yeah well they did yeah and uh I so I didn't want them anywhere near me my grandaughter is biracial I don't want them anywhere and I'm not going to hurt them but I don't want them near me yeah so that's my I I don't even know them so they can't testify against me they can't do anything and your son said that you know he had a crew of guys they were all like cage fighters and they're all steroid it up yeah yeah and they would go out and basically Rob drug dealers right was sea Atwood someone that you got to know at this point or no I never knew him you never knew him at all no okay because he apparently was the main competitor in this Arizona ecstasy Mark right he said at one point that um some guys from either your crew or your son's crew uh Tred to kill him so he basically just stopped drug dealing and tried to lay low until he finally got busted someone representing himself as the Bulls uh I'm sorry they tricked my top sales guy into a nightclub knocked his T out we learned it was people who were representing themselves as Sammy the Bulls crew MH and we had to take security precautions cuz this guy was right under me my thing was if someone right under me got hit yeah I'm next right so I moved into this gate guarded Community sakers yeah I don't know if they tried to kill him but they were bullying them they were putting pressure on him but they did that all over the place but what really hurt me is they were using my name so like Sean Atwood you know I heard conversations with him I talked with him later on and he said it was never you but it was them coming around Sammy the Bulls crew I think that's you're sending them I didn't send them yeah to to bother you but he knows that and he knows it now and he's in an interview that I'm supposed to be shut my M but I'm not but um that he he talks about it himself yeah we've interviewed him before yeah yeah he found out later on that yeah you were just a financer but at the time a name now they're going around and bullying people using my name right so when you're [ __ ] with somebody you're thinking I'm sending them which I didn't I don't know Sean ORD from a hold the W I don't know who's buying the drugs I don't know who's selling the drugs and uh I wouldn't get even get involved with it yeah was the Mexican Mafia kind of in the mix as well during this time sure yeah sure did you ever have to deal with him directly or no no okay like I told you that one kid he was Colombian um more Colombian Mafia um I told you I lived in the neighborhood right where I got busted with the all that Mexican guys and I was close with them the whole time got it and key is I never they never got in trouble I never got in trouble yeah because they didn't open their mouths and talk and get in trouble and I wasn't doing anything like that with them they knew I had their back as far as shutting up and I don't see nothing I'm blind they you know and they had my back doing the same thing but that's our only relationship got it now at one point the way this got tied up to the whole New York situation was the Israeli Mafia a guy named Elon zaga who is that Elon zaga is an Israeli gangster and he ran the Ecstasy business in New York and uh one day my son came to me and they beat up two drug dealers in a place and they these drug dealers belong to this guy and uh so I said you know it's it's a a bad thing you're doing that beating up a guy and leaving alone did you and you straighten it out is it no well make an appointment with them I want you guys to it was an argument in a joint you had a fist fight nobody really got hurt B I want just to shake hands and walk away I want to have it in my head that this is done it's over nobody's walking around with a heart on for one another there too many guns down here so I make an appointment with these two drug dealers and uh they come and sit down with me and uh I have this court conversation with them I bring this kid Pap over my papa and uh a few guys I make them shake hands it's over done and then they understood they came to my wife's restaurant and met people there to deal drugs which I didn't know so at the end of the conversation when they shook hands I said listen I want you to do me a favor now this is over you welcome to come to my wife's restaurant but not to deal drugs here I don't need that kind of heat don't deal drugs here in my wife's restaurant and one of them said we have permission for what you have permission to deal drugs in my wife's restaurant yeah who's giving you permission he says zaga with the Israeli Mafia somebody I can't remember his name in in uh Vegas and then a woman in uh California she's a bigname woman I forgot her name she was a hooker at one time or Madam one time so that's what they're telling me and uh I said listen I changed my mind I don't want you to come to the restaurant and I don't want you in iiz older anymore I don't give a [ __ ] about the Israeli Mafia that brought in California or your [ __ ] friend in Cal uh Vegas if I see or here you're in Cal Arizona anywhere in Arizona I'll [ __ ] kill you they left they went to New York they explained the situation to zaga at the table with zaga there was another guy a confidential and foyer who was wired and heard the whole conversation right so now you're tied into this whole case now I'm because I told him [ __ ] the uh Israeli Mafia I own Arizona I don't give a [ __ ] what they say I'm not really familiar with Israeli Mafia is that a real big organization or no not to me I don't know if it is or it isn't I didn't give it damn who well I didn't care what it was well speaking of the restaurant at one point two feds showed up at this restaurant and they were sent by Steve win yes you know the story Gerard was there that's how you know the story right correct tell me what happens oh it was my son's restaurant that whole thing disappeared what I was just talking about um two agents ex agents big Nam agents I can't remember their name uh but he's a big name and he came and talked to me he says I'm retired I work for Steve W um who owns the win casinos in Las Vegas who owns the wi casinos billionaire yeah he had casinos even in Atlantic City Trump moved into Atlantic City and was his competitor and now he's going to go to Vegas and open up his casinos so these agents wanted me to tell them something about Trump so that uh he they can go in front of the gaming commission and he wouldn't be able to get a license in Vegas and he would lose his license in um atantic City got it so they wanted you to say that Trump was somehow tied to the mafia because when when it comes to these gaming licenses if you're at all Mafia Affiliated they'll just they'll just shut you down right because basically the mafia started the casinos in Vegas to begin with so right they don't want a piece of that and I remember you talked in one of your interviews about how at one point you know back before you know you got busted you actually try to press up on Trump but you could never get to him yeah because he had X FBI agents all around him all the time and I tried a couple times to press him and make arrangements where I could work with him and and earn with him I did that with other big contractors I had the power of the unions I could do all kinds of little things but I couldn't get him he wouldn't bite he just wouldn't bite he he didn't want to do anything like that and there was layers of people in the middle one of my guys said we'll go up to the office I said we'll go up to the office everybody around him is an X FBI agent we'll go up the office we'll get cuffed and we'll go right to prison so forget about Trump he's a legitimate guy he don't want to do it forget about Trump yeah we're not doing it we can use tishman and everything that we're doing and do what we're doing but let me get back to the thing with those two agents got it so they said Sammy it's very important to Steve went very important tell us something anything and I said uh you want to be if I lie I'll tell you a lie come on Sammy We're ex Angels well I just told you I don't know and I tried to get to him once and I couldn't get to him but let me ask you a question Steve win is heavyweight no cinos and all kinds of [ __ ] if I tell you something that hurts Trump do I get a piece of the casino do I get a very big important job in the casino right then maybe uh if he wants me to lie what's his offer yeah Sammy we we can't use the word lie I don't give a [ __ ] what you could use I told you four times I don't know if the guy ever did anything illegitimate right he didn't do it with me and I tried to get into his pockets a little bit M but he wouldn't budge and I'm not an idiot I'm not going to go up and gorilla the guy I just walked away there's every there's other people and I'm telling you that too so if you can't use the word lie and he's not going to pay give me something for this there's not even a negotiation I didn't want the money I wanted them to to say I want then Steve W or them to say bye and we'll give you XYZ so were they ever offering you anything for your cooperation oh no no they said lerate he would be but they wouldn't pinpoint he'll be very happy Sam I me you know jobs area jobs my balls I'm not interested in the job yeah you're asking me to knock out a [ __ ] M multi-billionaire who's opening up casinos what are we playing marbles I mean you know this is big big money I'm not going to this is [ __ ] okay so so that just fell by the wayside that I well f i I dropped it and they didn't come back to me got it okay but ultimately you and 40 other people got busted over this whole ecstasy ring yeah your son gets busted yeah your wife gets busted yep your daughter gets busted busted yep you're caught on wire Taps asking your wife for 50 hammers I guess which is slaying for 50,000 that's how she gets tied into that whole situation and I guess your daughter's boyfriend was living with your wife ex-wife and he was dealing drugs my daughter that whole thing yeah and ultimately everyone gets implicated in this whole situation when the dust settles you get 20 years in prison your son gets N9 years in prison and your ex-wife and daughter gets probation and my son-in-law who's got the baby black guy I talked for him too he got nine he got nine years too yes everybody got all my family got a lesser sentence what the deal was let me get to the deal real quick yeah they didn't have no me at all I I asked my wife for 50,000 I'm in business mhm I didn't ask her for 50,000 to buy drugs I asked her for 50,000 we're doing a business so you don't know we the 50,000 they want to put it with the drugs it wasn't with the drugs so anyway they they don't have any tapes with me they don't have any dealings with me buying selling hanging out with them doing anything my lawyers tell me you got this beat sounds like it you got a Beat but you got indicted now in the state and the FEDS for that Zaba so did your son yeah and they raised the limit on your son to 45 years with the feds he's facing wow and 25 years with the state that he's facing huh what do they want this is an ecstasy case what do they want they want you huh they want you to cop out can it it to everything you're the boss you're everything what happens you cop out you cop out your son does N9 9.3 I think the actual sense your son-in-law doeses 9.3 your wife never cracked an egg they got nothing which your wife did nothing she gets probation even though she did nothing your daughter was pregnant the whole time she's done nothing she'll get nine uh probation m what do I face 12 years on the low 15 years on the high okay but that's not what you got make the deal make the deal they all get senten to that probation probation 9.3 9.3 I'm going to go get sentenced there's a niche in the law if I got a very lenient sentence on the first case where I got 19 murders they could up with the part and they did and I got 20 years lifetime supervised release and $100,000 fine well and then you and your ex-wife had to pay $800,000 in reimbursement for the court cost too right well yeah yeah yeah so that's like really a mil I lost everything houses yeah cars cash from that I wrote the book that locked up 800 something thousand so I lost everything right and I admitted to everything and now it's completely over I admitted everything I didn't even [ __ ] do I mean just but I going to watch my daughter with a biracial kid and her husband he's got to go to jail yeah so I bail him out I bail my son out because that's my son so I take the waight I don't give a [ __ ] I mean just think if you had just told your son I don't want to be part of any of this none of this would have happened on your end I mean he would have probably went to jail but you would oh he would have went to jail and I I don't think they would have boosted it up that much yeah cuz if I wasn't they wanted me so bad they could taste me and they got you and they got me yeah and they tra me with using my kids and son-in-law and everybody against you know I'm G to we're going to hurt them all yeah my wife my wife don't even know what the [ __ ] uh I don't think she ever cracked an egg so now you're in prison you end up doing 18 years 17 years s months almost 18 years yes you're right now when you first go to prison you think that the mafia is going to kill you on the first time yeah yeah and you were prepared for this the first time yeah so you become cool with some of the other gangs the Aryan Brotherhood and the Mexican La Familia not because of the mafia no because when I was in prison I carried myself s a certain way I got along with the blacks very well I got along with the Mexican Mafia very well I got along with the Aryan Brothers the Aryan brothers did I'm tattooed up the yinyang I was very friendly with them they did tattoos with me we played chess together um all kinds of things so we became friends um wasn't worried about in prison about no hit and uh one day there was a hit on a guy one of the a familiar guys that's like Mexican that's an elite Mexican Mafia group and uh I had talked to this guy cornfed who was a leader in the Aryan brothers and I said I just found out this guy's gonna I didn't know him personally I said he's going to get hit in the yard so corfed said Sammy when you go out he's right below you go to his window tell him I sent you to and tell him about to hit I did I went in the yard I banged on his window and I told him bro there's something El you're going to get hit he cut me off Sammy thanks a lot bro I already know so I said well corfed knows too and he he wants you to know that he send the word too he says I love corit give my regards I know so that day that thing became when I walked in a in a thing like Mexican uh our famia guys were in a cell and I'm walking by boom they hit their chest hey so we became tight not that I needed them because any hits or anything like that it was that and the the ABS I just had a relationship with them for a while and I so way I carried myself and I got along with like I said I I didn't ask for nobody's protection but I got along with the blacks Al fora and the Aran I wasn't part of any one of their groups but I was friendly with them well I mean you go to prison at age 57 I think the pinch came in I think I was 55 yeah no by but but then it took two years for the whole court case to go through so by I never got out when I got pinched oh they oh you got put in jail with no bond the minute I got pinched got it and 55 years old I never came back got it so by 57 that's when your official sentence started with time served right no 57 or 57 is when you got when you were sentenced I get sentenced sentenc at 57 exactly but you're already in jail so you get transferred to prison at 57 because in in in uh February of 2000 I'm indicted by the state of Arizona with the Ecstasy yeah January of 2001 the feds indict me on a mirror case with zaga and them I'm pinched in two cases now mirror case in 2002 the Iceman I'm indicted on a Cold Case to kill a cop 23 years prior I got three big cases going at the same time the Iceman case was all [ __ ] right yeah I face life it up a roll but yeah end up beating it you had nothing to do with that no right no but that don't really mean [ __ ] there's a lot of I know in prison believe me who are doing time that don't have shouldn't be doing time so it was still stressful obviously well I'm facing life without parole and I'm facing three monster cases did you know the ican no never met him no okay okay but what I'm saying is by the time you really start serving your your sentence you're 60 you're basically in your 60s going I come out until I'm 72 right exactly so you're an older man you're still in good shape but you're you know if some crazy jacked up 20s something year old wants to go at you you'd be at a definite disadvantage in prison right so did anyone ever try to intimidate you put my prison hat on I tattooed it all over and everybody I told them bro I'll fight anybody if I lose I lose I win I win if you overdo it if I lose I will [ __ ] come back and kill you you want to fight me you won good I'm going to I'm going to fight like a bastard I'm up at age now but if I lose and you start stomping my face or do something crazy you better kill me because I will kill you and everybody knew that so I don't think anybody and I'm I'm friendly guy I'm a people's person I don't try I don't think my [ __ ] don't stink I'm Sammy the bull I never did none of that stuff so I got along with people and a lot of times when I did get into an argument whether it was black guys or whoever step to the plate whoa you're not doing nothing with him not that I asked them to but we were friends right because at one point the Aryan Brotherhood their logo one of their logos is Odin the right the the Norse god that's their God right and they allowed you to tattoo Odin on yourself yeah where is the tattooed on my own got it now if you put a a tattoo of Logan uh Odin they will they will cut it off yeah so cornfed said Sammy you're not one of us but you're so close to us we love you we'll tattoo uh Odin on your arm and we'll tell them that that's coming from us that's I said okay and I tattooed it on my arm and I was able to walk around the prison and all the ABS who saw it they know sami's one of us right but the ABS also are a racist organization I don't really know if they're a racist organization to tell you the truth I mean they have the word Aryan in their name yeah yeah the Aman Brothers but but I was in jail with them they they deal drugs they'll kill anybody they every one of them is a killer nobody [ __ ] with them in prison I don't care what nationality race I don't care who you are you have to be crazy to [ __ ] with them and uh but I don't know them they had a lot of guys that they knew who were black guys that they were friendly with um I mean do they have swash chikas and stuff like that on them some of them yeah yeah that's what I'm saying yeah but that that's Nazi that's with Jews and stuff like that it's also blacks the Nazis hated blacks as well yeah yeah okay maybe maybe the history of it but not what I saw there okay um so it wasn't you know maybe they didn't like some of them but I didn't look at it as an out andout racist guy okay and they would [ __ ] with anybody I don't care if you were Mexican black if you are on the bad end of them they'll [ __ ] with you they'll kill you but I didn't see um why didn't they tell me I had a lot of black friends Samy stay the [ __ ] away from them they never did that they played cards with them and I know that later in another prison I met uh uh corett and he tattooed a black guy how racist is he he's doing that his blood is coming out he's wiping it I mean I don't see that as being a a major racist guy well while you're locked up in this prison in a whole different prison John Gotti is still locked up at one point John Gotti gets beat up by a black inmate do you know that was over yeah sure he was racist in prison he ran his mouth they were gambling now they're in cells and and they call out numbers they want to bet x amount of stamps which is money in prison on a game so there was a guy a black guy who was it's his turn to yell out his name John got interrupted and the guy says it's my turn and he says I'm John Gotti and the black guy said something to him he said something back to him racist the next day they came out and uh black guy uh they fought and black guy destroyed him right because Gotti was older by this point right yeah right yeah it wasn't an old man but it was old yeah so because of that situation he started to pay the Aryan Brotherhood for protection yes okay and at one point he actually not only protection he was paying them to kill this black guy right I was going to say that so they he paid him 25,000 to kill this guy yes he told him I'll give you 25,000 to kill the black guy and then I'll give you so much a month for protection right how much was he paying for protection do you know no no no and how do I know that that there's two of the Aryan brothers that he was dealing with flipped and when they cooperated they gave him up okay of everything they said right but he's already doing life in prison so it kind of but not only he doing life in prison he's dying of cancer yeah so they put him down as an unindicted co-conspiracy they they're not interested in inditing him no more in prison is 25,000 is that the going rate for a hit I don't know if it's a going rate it's a good rate I think you don't get guys to hit you I mean you know you get guys who are [ __ ] dead broke they can't they can't even eat commissary whether they're black Mexican I don't give a [ __ ] [ __ ] what they are when they can't eat that's a good number and some of them guys are doing life without parole they really got nothing to lose so they'll hit you for that kind of money and how would you get them the money you'd give it to their family and then they you give he John gani tells his daughter to give this woman who's Joe blow's wife yeah the money and she he tells her who to send it to send him 2,000 a Tre send me 2,000 send him 2,000 right next month he may ask going to do he's controlling that 25,000 from prison right and I guess if he doesn't pay they'll just kill him or something like that or I'll give him a [ __ ] beating because they don't really there was there was guys who are ABS this guy John who just wanted to walk over and just beat the [ __ ] out of him to trade him and Shake him down mhm but one of the head AB said no this is perfect what the black guy did was beat him up we'll Whack Him we'll get the 25k and then we'll protect him but we I don't want to go bully him that way give him a beating but that was their first plan was to give him a beating and Shake him down but I mean gang politics if the Aryan Brotherhood kills a black inmate and he's somehow connected to I don't know the Crips the Bloods the the black gorilla family whatever else doesn't that in turn turn into a war it could yeah but I guess the 25,000 every group has people yeah but uh you know anybody who's been in prison and been there a while these a ABS they mostly all of them life cor F's got three life sentences he came in doing a 20-year bit he killed somebody got a life life sense he killed somebody years later again and he got another life Sense on a third time he did it again guy like that you got and and the guy is Big 6263 they called him cornfed because he didn't have working out he just naturally like a farmer built natural just ripped I mean so they called him corfed like he's a farmer with natural muscles no no steroids no even working out he didn't work out but he was a good guy overall but listen they're they're all got guys that it could be dangerous and they respect those things but if somebody deser to get hit or something you know maybe this guy they wouldn't care maybe they would ask somebody maybe they'll throw you a bone out of the 25 we'll give you 5,000 you don't have to do [ __ ] just don't interfere we we're going to whack them there's deals that go across like I said when guys can't don't have money for commissary to eat they'll do things that uh you know for lot less than 25,000 yeah I mean I interviewed Michael Thompson he was a former Aryan Brotherhood leader are you familiar with him I know the name but I didn't know him no I mean he talked about the organization he he was a leader in the organization and at one point he moved away and he ended up testifying against them but you know he talked about the drugs and he also talked about the the prostitution that the Arian Brotherhood kind of runs in prison when we saying prostitution it's males with other males well what you have is you have individuals who um are either turned out or that they're um gay by choice and um essentially they become the women Behind the Walls and um and so they're prostituted um along that line so you have a stable you have an individual that pimps that stable and um you have your revenues as a result of that you know the greatest value I think probably would with uh prostitutes behind the iron gates um is their resources their source of information you know because they're intermingling with all the races and uh they're gathering information they're bringing that information by way of Counter Intelligence even as it relates to staff because they're also being prostituted to staff so it um is extremely viable from a business perspective did you see a lot of that in prison not with them no no okay no I I never heard even heard of a prostitution I mean there was gay [ __ ] going on secretly but I never heard of anybody having pimping somebody off I never heard of that okay I mean were you aware of rapes that were happening in prison well listen if you're really weak and you sweet and there's a guys you know I guess some guys would do do that some guys wouldn't it's but you know sex impr prison when you're tell talking about life is it happens yeah it happens you don't have to rape them there's there's guys who will do it yeah you know anyone ever try you try me yeah I [ __ ] them to that how about that John Gotti puts a $25,000 hit on the black guy who beat him up but from what I understand the prison found out about it moved him yes so they weren't able to to get to him right but that gave him the idea to put more hits out who John Gotti why I don't think he I don't know well you said yourself that he put a $100,000 hit out on four other people including you yeah yeah I I don't know about four Frankie laio he was going to kill and uh Joe Watts he was going to kill he found out that Frankie laio actually did have a conversation with me about killing John when we get out and he put a contract on him they locked him up under protective custody Frankie didn't want it but you have no choice in it they locked him up figured he was going to get hit um the other guy was Joe Watts who he found out one of the guys who were close with him that he was a cooperator and he was getting uh information John was telling him information from the prison he'd get that information okay bro I'll take care of it boom he would call the FBI in two seconds and tell him word for word what happened yeah so it was Joe Watts it was me it was uh Frank Casio who's the fourth guy I don't remember but it it was four people all right four but ultimately none of those hits actually went through no oh the black guy and maybe the fourth guy no that didn't go true either yeah so all the all these potential hits that he was trying to put together none of them actually came to fruition no the ABS WR it on [Music] them so two two ABS ratted on them right when you found out that there was a a John Gotti hit on you in prison how' you feel I didn't give two [ __ ] now the guy who tells me is the guy corett CU corett had AB guys on the street now I W up like this with corett and he said Sammy I was supposed to give the thing out on the street to my friend and get it done cuz you were an Arizona now you're in jail so and I never I never got to it I I couldn't put it together but they he came to me well when you and Gotti were first locked uph you know originally he had a plan to escape from prison and then bribe the president no I had a plan to escape from prison I knew we were going to get found guilty I got all kind fishing CT I got all kinds of things I was going to break out I said we're going to get you're going to break out with fishing CT yeah I was on the 11th floor okay I was going to send down 100 pound test fishing cord I was going to I had a cutter made the glass is not glass it's a mixture of glass and plastic it's extremely hot the only way to cut it you got to heat it we had the irion that we have I could plug it in put it on the Window heat it up and I got this smuggled in and I could cut the window flap it away little at a time okay then I would got my guys I had a thing a a spy microphone mhm thing and I would talk to them in the street and I would tell them okay we have I have all that equipment now what I'm going to do is I'll do that I'll call you you'll be in a truck when I get that window open I'll send down the fish in line you repel down the side of the building no no yes but put the fish in line down you hook up a bag with a gun mountain climbing rope and everything I tell you to put in it oh so you going to pull up going to pull that up got it tie the rope every so often there's nuts and I was going to do it one kid was going to do life without parole some kid he was coming with me um and I would do that and I would come down the the thing from the 11th floor I met John Gotti on in the in the hall sally port and I told him my plan I said we're gonna be found guilty the tapes are horrible and as soon as we're found guilty I'm not going to wait for them to sentence me I know what we're going to get I'm going out the [ __ ] window and he told me that's where the president he said Sammy don't do that he said uh what if we fall I said case over bro case over we're on the 11th [ __ ] floor we'll be squished case over there's no more case it's over okay but I'm going out the [ __ ] window he said no Sammy we'll put together five6 million Clinton was in we'll give it to the president and we'll get a pardon okay he's never going to give me and you a pdon are you [ __ ] crazy bro he's never going to do it and if he's that corrupt he could Rob he's the president will rob he don't need us while was thinking [ __ ] five million right he could Rob [ __ ] 100 million you get to find me good luck I'm going out the [ __ ] window so that's where that whole window thing and everything came in I'm going okay but but it never happened obviously no no no it never happened and you know it's funny because the judge found out about it um and I got called into a judge and that kid was going to get sentenced uh who's coming out with me and uh he asked me to judge he says was he part of your Escape Plan and I said youan when guys are facing life without parole we sit we talk we have coffee we [ __ ] out one another we could never get out yeah maybe we were playing cards and we talked about it but uh he really if you sentencing him on that you're going to hurt him it was he didn't do it okay I was going to do it but he did nothing I mean and it's [ __ ] that he didn't hurt this guy by the way so a few years ago they made a John Gotti movie and in the beginning of the movie there was a song by pitpull you know what I'm talking about no I know the song what happened but but in the song you know when pit was rapping he said uh there's rules and codes you don't break them for no one unless you're a fool like that [ __ ] prick Sammy the bull uh who said that Pitbull yeah well you know I I didn't hear it but [ __ ] Pitbull and his ass I mean maybe he's interested in that prison where they're pimping people off or whatever the [ __ ] he's doing but [ __ ] him in his ass okay you know it's nice you know it's I I love when guys talk they have a habit of talking about things and people and situations you know I love a guy who's talking about black people and he's a white guy he never walked in anybody [ __ ] shoes he never went to prison know he don't have a [ __ ] clue what a black guy is he doesn't have a clue what I am he doesn't have a [ __ ] clue he's hip hopping all over the [ __ ] stage and talking big he's Cuban I believe I don't know what the [ __ ] he is but uh whatever he is he is but yeah I mean I didn't hear that song I tell you the truth so whatever it is it is they could say whatever they want you know you hear all these things all the time like I said you know you gotta walk in people's shoes and go through some of the things that these people went through you talk about some black people come out of ghettos it's it's oh that's ter go in a ghetto and live go and go before you open your [ __ ] mouth about what he's doing or not doing go in the [ __ ] ghetto go live there see how you [ __ ] feel well you said that uh Joe Biden Hunter Biden are worse than you and John Gotti he said they you guys look like choir boys compared to them yeah I didn't say about me and John Gotti I mean I think that we as thingses are like choir boys compared to them we did crimes I'll give you an example we ran unions women's clothes a dress instead of costing $16 cost $18 uh bread instead of costing 18 cents a loaf cost 23 cents a loaf we took our little piece we ate other people ate this these administrations these politicians want to eat all of the py they don't want people to eat they just Rob everything and they and they don't care about nobody who dies who lives they don't care whether you're white you're black you're purple you're green they don't give two shits they don't care about men or women or children they care about power and greed they care about keeping racist things going people hating each other they do that so so they could have their undercover [ __ ] while we're arguing a black guy and a white guy we're arguing about nothing I don't even know what we're arguing about and while they're stealing everything they love that that's their cover racist went away in my opinion a long time ago when Obama came in I thought it was going to be great here's it's going to even go better they get 15 times worse he was horrible uh completely horrible what did he do for black people nothing well I think he gave him a symbol of what you could achieve a lie of what you could do and what I could do for you but never did it I understand what you're saying and he was he didn't specifically help out black people but you know you have a a biracial child or grandchild yeah grandchild grandchild for the first time in history that that child could say I could be president one day because up until that point every president was white come on with that [ __ ] remark [ __ ] yeah anybody could be president any time they want come on look you got Joe Biden it's better than any black person if that could be the president then anybody could be the president not that just because Biden got uh Obama got in listen I was in prison when he got in black guys were putting a pitchure on every cell I went in yeah I'm sure by by the end of the first time or beginning of the second or middle everyone I went in there the rooms the pitches were gone okay no black guys that I knew in prison liked them okay you got on you got in and you didn't do what you were supposed to to do in any way shape or form we could agree disagree on this yeah well I I respect your opinion I I personally like to Obama no it's not my yeah it's that you like them I'm not you're not a black guy no I'm not I know but but you don't know do a lot of stuff in the black community all right but uh you what did they what did he do tell me what he did tell him he what what governor Nome is doing what is he doing you're a Democrat this could yeah I'm a Democrat what is nsim doing he's going to run for president now what is he doing is he really going to run for president what is that's what they're saying well I mean Biden you live in California you live in California that might correct yeah la what is he doing for you I'm not a huge fan of Newsome but Newsome is not gonna as a Democrat you can't run against an incumbent president unless the president decides to step down right Biden is going to run again so being a Democrat I don't know about that unless he just feels like he's too old and he's not going to run so we'll see what happens happens but you know this conversation can go on for three hours you know we got we got a lot of cool stff get out of that let's get out of there when you were going through your first case Giuliani was the prosecutor right not my not on my particular case but overall though he was the one that was putting Ricos on everybody he used the RICO law more than anybody exactly and now he's being charged with a RICO himself and I remember he he had made a comment that he would love to see you get a 100 years yeah which you didn't get you got what how five years 20 no no no before your first case five five instead of a 100 now you're saying I I can't wait for him to get 100 years no I what I'm saying is I mean you use this law the Reco law it's almost very hard to beat it's not just against me it's a against Italians it's against black it's against Mexican you use this law and put people away gloating about it now this law is hitting you in the ass right that's what I'm saying Hey how do you feel bro yeah how do you feel you called him a [ __ ] mut he is a mut but he he he how does he feel in other words how does all those people you put away and gloated about it yeah you bragged that you would love to give me a 100 years you bragged about it you said it so now that it's in your lap how do you feel that law is horrible and it's hurting you and you made the law I'm not a fan of Rico I feel like Rico is overused whereas you know I mean because the law was essentially designed to put people away that weren't directly involved in the crime itself right they were just an association of the people who did crimes right which is so gray area and open-ended that a lot of people got caught up in the situation all they do is they turn around and they say this anise Mafia you use the black gangs the the Bloods the Crips yeah they they gangs so anybody who's associated with them could be at hit with this Recon law so a black guy who don't know [ __ ] from Shinola who did what he's united into this he sucked in like a vacuum cleaner mhm and they know that now that's not fair So my answer to him is I know how I felt I know how they they felt I've been in prison with them how do you feel buddy that's all how do you feel about it now would you like to change that law it was too too late now yeah it's too late now and it's hitting you in the years so I don't wish him a 100 years I wish he drops that okay let's talk about some of the people that you dealt with while you were a Gambino Roy Deo had a group called The Deo crew and they are notorious for the number of murders they did they said that they killed 200 people they had a club called The Gemini lounge and there was a whole system there was the Gemini method where they would get the victims in somebody would shoot him in the head with a silenced pistol the other one would put a towel on his head and then go through this whole where they would chop up his body and everything else like that now you actually knew Roy Deo yes is this the the biggest psychopath that you ever ran across I got to think about I ran across it a lot of psychopaths I tell you the truth but uh if he he's one of them for sure see there's a line with everything in life there's a line I think he crossed the line from a hit guy and became a serial killer and that's I I don't know what that is I'm not a psychiatrist or a psychologist but when you cross that line and you're killing out of pleasure and not for reasons I don't understand that uh and that's to me very dangerous right I guess there was one time that you were hanging out with them and I guess you're in a room with a bunch of older people and he starts talking to you about potentially killing every one in that room mhm so I wasn't hanging out with him we were at a meeting he had a connection in uh one of the countries that they were smuggling cars into this country and selling them so I was sitting down was an acting captain that was sitting down Louis molo was a ma guy and try to get into this uh a conversation with him on how we can do it you know along with him or just give us how to do it and but he was fantasizing he was looking at messite and I had said the the conversation got boring this stuff right no Sam me no why yes well I see you looking the other way it's like you have no interest in it he said no he said you said look at all these people there was a group about 50 people 60 70 80 90 years old there were all old people probably from some sort of home and uh we knew there weren't agents so it was a safe place for us to sit the guy in the diner knew that and he gave us that area and he said uh if I had two 9 mm I could kill them all before they even get up and I looked and I said yeah probably most of them would die of a heart attack but uh then I told Lou I said listen let's wrap it up let's go and when Louis Malo got up we shook everybody's hand I said did you hear what he said yeah I said bro the guy lost his mind right he's sitting here fantasizing about killing a bunch of old people who does that something's wrong with him up here we got to be careful with this guy yeah and later on it comes out that he has a serial killer and Paul castan awarded and he was killed all right didn't he tell you that if blacks or Puerto Ricans would ever go into this Gemini Lounge that they would just kill him just to keep he said to keep his guy let not let's not make him a racist because I don't think he was a racist he didn't give a [ __ ] what color you want why you were black well but he said Mexican I guess or white I I guess the story was was that he felt that if he killed a black or Puerto Rican there'd be less of a police investigation during that time so I don't know I don't I don't think he can't he just would kill people just for fun if you were in there his uncle was the bartender if you were in there 4 430 whoever you were or whatever color or whatever race or nationality or religion you were the uncle would call up we got one so that don't sound too racist to me then he go in he drag him out and he kill him just for fun no he when he told me when he told me about that he says Sammy I keep my guy I said you just killing innocent people who done nothing I have matter of fact yes some white cuz they're black no I don't give a [ __ ] just that so you're just killing people yeah why he says I keep my crew sh sharp we're playing cards I get the call stop playing cards come on let's do this they take him in they shoot him in the head they cut him from his neck right down to past his balls open him up hang him upside down by his feet in the shower they bleed him out continue playing cards so when they saw him in pieces blood ain't working all over the place and uh he said you know what it is right and uh I humed him and said yeah yeah I do the same thing I get it I get it but I don't get it right it's it's but I wasn't about to play with him with were I just said yeah yeah I do the same thing I wanted to get the [ __ ] out of that conversation right away then there's Gregory Scarpa aka the Grim Reaper he was a hitman for Columbo boss perso he was also a cappo they're saying that he killed more than 120 people before he died in 1994 he would leave the number 666 on the pagers after they died he was also called the Mad Hatter how did you know this guy he's right from the same neighborhood I know him all my life and he wasn't ever a captain his son Greg SCA Jr was a captain okay my mistake him then then didn't make him a captain um um I knew him all my most of my life I mean I I lived less than a mile away from him where he had his club and I had my club he's in the mafia I'm in the mafia so I know him a good part of my life right and he was very dangerous do you believe he killed 120 people I don't know I think he killed a lot of people yeah um you know there's a thing a movie they made about him um what was the name of that movie he went down south Mississippi Bernie Mississippi Bernie right he defends there's some guys who some black guys who were killed yeah okay so the story is in Mississippi a black kid and a Jewish kid got killed by the racist police in Mississippi who were tied to the clan not the the clu CL Clan and not I don't think it was the cops but the clu CL Clan got these two guys killed them and buried them yeah the cops were looking for them they went down because they killed black people and they were doing the investigation they grabbed them killed them buried them so now the the feds went down they couldn't find out who did what right they had an idea Greg scer was an informant for years right they spoke to Greg SCA he went down he grabbed them yeah he started kidnapping these guys kid putting them a gun in their [ __ ] mouth I I [ __ ] you're a cop no I'm not a cop I'll [ __ ] pull the trigger and then I'll get another one of you [ __ ] hillbilly [ __ ] he says until I find out what you did so he worked with the feds doing that yeah and I believe he did find out right so this is Greg slopper that and then he's got a history of [ __ ] killing people so I don't know how many people he killed that's tell you the truth but I know him all my life and uh he he was dangerous dude right he had AIDS as well he got blood transfusion on a blood transfusion yeah you know he was going for an operation he didn't want to take the blood from the hospital yeah cuz he didn't trust it he got one of his guys was a sto got a big huge [ __ ] monster who was HIV positive yeah yeah he was using the needle put the steroids and he he got AIDS he took his blood pumped it into himself thinking his and got Aid yeah well there was a situation when Scarpa ended up beating up someone at one of your clubs yeah and then you had to go have a sit down with him yes how did that go it went very good yeah it went very good my my his captain came down um with my captain and uh he had a beef and wreck the club a little bit not wrecked the whole club but you know did a little bit of damage and uh they turned to me you said you make a decision what do you want to say or do and I I said listen uh I didn't know the guy said XYZ to him I'm not happy it happened to my joint but uh maybe I would have done the same exact thing he did so I'm I'm not mad I don't need no money no nothing I don't give a [ __ ] right is it because you just didn't want to get into a war with the Grim Reaper essentially no no because I I you know he he I respected what he did he fought this guy who did was out of order with him yeah you know and I told him after to sit down I said bro don't be a fav don't come to my club if you can't handle yourself but you're in my [ __ ] club drag the guy out you going to do it in my club yeah no I didn't give a [ __ ] what he was I mean that's principal and that's goes in a and I I just didn't want to get another you know we're all Brothers in that life I didn't want to get him in deeper [ __ ] that he was in so I just ended it I said I would have done the same thing if I was him and they said well if you feel like that it's your Club then uh then it's over and then he grabbed me on a side he says Sam I'll never forget this I said all right good but listen you come to my club behave yourself well don't come go to somebody else's Club Joe Watts he was actually involved with you in the murder of castalano there was 11 guys on it he was one of the 11 yeah he ultimately turned into inform it right yes did that surprise you no no well I mean it did at the time but no I mean a lot of guys flipped in that life you know a lot of them what became confidential informance so you'll never really even know you'll never even hear it some guys just flip and they just don't give a [ __ ] uh so I don't know no I don't it surprised me a little bit at FR a tough guy uh but uh I don't think there's too many things in life that surprise me any anymore is he out now I I believe so but you don't have any sort of contact with him no do you guys have a beef or no no just don't talk to him okay there was a Steven Sagal story that you said that was kind of interesting now Steven Sagal was getting shaken down by Peter Gotti who was uh John Gotti's brother who was the acting boss at the time right what happens next nothing I uh he testified R in court SS ago and uh he didn't want to do it he was scared to death and uh I think when I said the story he had some sort of you know when you're young you're a kid you carry this little secure blanket a little blanky or something lus from the peanuts whatever yeah well he had that while he was on the stand on his lap so he was crying on the stand with his blank cry had his little blankie and he forced to testify the government what was he testifying about that they they shook him down because he was getting shaken down by by P by Peter Gotti yeah by the Gottis what were they shaking him down over just just money movies he was he was making movies he was given an end of the movies for a long time then he went on this binge where he went to India and he was praying and do all these things he stopped and he didn't want to do movies no more and they didn't like that Peter Gotti didn't like that and threatened him okay to start doing movies again and keep the money going ah yeah I mean he lives in Russia now he just sort of I think he had some sexual assault charges or whatever so he just bailed out last I checked it was a listen it was a very very stupid move the guy was good he was an actor he was giving money he was doing everything he was as to do he wants to quit throw him [ __ ] roses bro you made a lot of money with him okay why you want to push him into something he don't want to do so he was just giving them money just from just general extortion well it started he probably don't think he it was extortion to him at all not that he was being threatened or afraid he liked them they were helping him they did a few things for him he was doing movies and he was funneling and so it wasn't really intimidation so you know but after when he wanted to quit my thing is let him quit yeah say bro I appreciate everything you did you know maybe someday you want to come back and do movies we could you know we hook up again whatever so he testified against Peter Gotti and then what Peter Gotti went to prison over that I don't even know okay that's was one of his charges I don't know well at one point there was a hit on Don King a potential hit on Don King what happened there nothing I we had boxes so long story we had boxers I went to a to a a senate committed committee over us um and uh he uh had Mike Tyson and uh we wanted to have a fight fix it and do something and a few things and uh and it got really really complicated it'll take me an hour to tell the story and uh finally he didn't want to do it Don and I went to John Gotti some guy knew him he was the mediator and I said he don't want to do it he don't want to do it so he says threaten yeah the guy went to jail he's a little bit of a tough guy himself and he don't want to do it he said okay the guy the connect guy have him tell him do it I have to do it John Gotti wants you to do it m if he says no shoot him in the [ __ ] head kill him Don King Don King I said John you want us to kill John King bro Don King Don King I mean um which is the most high-profile boxing promoter in the world I know at that time so anyway he said yes so I went to the kid and I said listen go to him ask him put a little pressure on him take your gun with you and if he says no shoot him in that the kid got like really panicky and took off I never seen him again he took off he wasn't about to shoot him he took off so J said to me what happened I said the kid took off I don't know where where he is he's not doing this and I'm not doing it we got leave us Al well because because did John want you to then go kill Don King no I mean he he would I mean I did work I'm a hit guy he he could have turned around to me and said you take him out I wasn't talking with Don King so I mean that's why I said okay so you wouldn't even been able to get that meeting I get I see what you're saying no I wouldn't be in that meeting I I could get him I mean but I I I told him bro leave this alone yeah Don King's in his own world he does his thing you know whatever he don't want to do he don't want to do so Joey Marino well I mean I could talk a little bit about Joe Marino okay he said they said he's a boss and he's doing sports shows he's the Philly boss they say that's what they say and now he's got a podcast and now he's got a podcast he's doing sport shows and stuff like that and uh it seems like everybody's all right with it I'm all right with it we could do whatever he wants okay you talked about the Jimmy Hoffa murder and you said the Irishman is just nonsense and I've heard this multiple times from different mob guys that I've interviewed no he's not he has nothing to do with the with the Jimmy Alpha hit you said it was some jenab bees guys yeah do you know that pretty much for sure or is this just a guess for a fact but I wasn't there I can't say I was there but I I I I know what I'm talking about I was the under the bus at the time I know everything that went on there with that it wasn't them it wasn't him so the fact that they never found the body if you were just a guess you weren't there but if you look at how the geneves operate what do you think they did with the body it was in Ohio they would bury it right there they'd get rid of the body whether they bury it or whatever they do with it there's stories that they drove him all the way back to New Jersey oh with the [ __ ] in their right mind would killed somebody put him in a trunk and drive 400 miles or 500 miles with a guy in your trunk and take him back for what to show he's dead We buried him they know people out there there was a mob out there maybe they own a farm or something they buried him but the story that came out the Irish men didn't do it uh and they didn't bring his body back and bury him where it's stupid doesn't even make sense right so they'll probably never find the body no by now it's completely I mean you could find the bones if it's not been dissolved if it's just buried you could find bones and you could probably do some sort of a DNA type of thing I don't know we interviewed uh this guy named Nicholas Irving he was an Army sniper a black guy they called him the Grim Reaper he has 33 confirmed kills in the military in the military yeah they asked if he would compare what you do or what you did to what he did and he said it's actually somewhat similar I think it's very similar yeah he didn't he didn't talk down on your situation he goes you know depending on how you look at it it's really the same thing he's being told to go kill this guy he's never met because his superiors is telling him that this person is posing a threat I agree and he goes and has to take someone's life I agree if you're in that organ organization let's say like the mob or whatever and you're a foot soldier you're a Hitman you're out there doing what you have to do you're not killing innocent women and children I I assume not you're going after your enemy whoever your rival is if that's your ideology and that's what you believe through and through you know I who am I to say that's right or wrong you're just doing what you believe is right at the moment we were given a specific person people to go after and that's what we did no questions asked no one bats an eye I was a soldier if you refer to that you have an organization you're going out after your enemy because they did something or whatever yeah I say it all the time I'm a soldier who goes in Austria I was a soldier in the military as well so I understand that whole thing and it is he's a sniper he's trained he's fighting for his country believes in go believes in the United States believes what he's being told and he's a hit guy he goes out he plans he does what he does takes it out boom I was a soldier of goosha my government was Goen Austra the mafia not this government yeah the mafia that was my government it's part of my Heritage it's part of everything and I was that's I'm not a sniper but I would have been the same exact thing as him I do the same planning the same thing I'm focused I'm focused on you every [ __ ] move I don't think about nothing but you the only time I start thinking about anything else is after you're dead I will follow you I will know you come here I will know who your wife is I will know who your kids are know what schools people are in I'll know everything about you and sooner or later I will know where I'm going to kill you and what time I'm going to kill you and I'm going to kill you it's the same thing as he's doing in the military the only thing he's going to get medals for it me I'm going to go to prison for it yeah cuz you know you've admitted to 19 murders yeah n now I'm involvement in 19 well that's what I was going to say out of the 19 which of those did you admit to actually pulling the trigger yourself I don't even want to discuss those things because it's families and people I got to hear again I'm I've talked about being part of the whole 19 murders got it and it really doesn't matter what part you're in you're still part of it I think the easiest part the dumbest part is pulling the trigger the planning of this like I said doing all that planning is not an easy thing it's doing it it's getting away with it it's getting only other people who I'm involved with my crew away with it everybody positioned I have people positioned you can push me over I trip you open the door when you go out he's there when he flond is over he's there and somebody's waiting in the parking lot you're finished you're not getting away yeah I mean when you look at for example the Iceman he figured out at one point that pulling a trigger was not the best way to kill people he started to use poison and different types of dust poisonous dust and everything else like that but all the murders that you were involved with was essentially shootings yeah but let me tell you something about D L man and I I'm not that's one of the things I'm working on he is a fake a [ __ ] fake okay he killed a couple of people for [ __ ] [ __ ] money borrow, 15,00 off of this guy you can't play him he calls him up come in I'm see you tonight and he kills him it's a [ __ ] piece of garbage and a liar he's another guy admitted to 200 murders I think right yeah I mean some crazy amount yeah a crazy amount I I yeah um he's a fake okay but why you know as you're developing your career I mean guns are loud there's gun residue there there is you know witnesses around why not use a different method that's more stealth than a gun like what like poisoning like like that type of thing does that just not work in real life is that all kind of fantasy that's mostly fantasy that's not only fantasy that's CIA that's government type of things do that kind of [ __ ] I mean the mafia guys you know we don't do that it's mostly a gun it could be a knife okay see I can bust your [ __ ] head wi open with a hammer yeah I mean but you don't want to be gory you I'm not you know I'm not I'm a h guy I don't enjoy this and uh even when I'm doing it even back then now I changed my life I don't want nothing to do with it but I I I never enjoyed it it's not something I you know if I die I hope it's with a [ __ ] bullet a 357 magnet right in the back of my head it's like the whole world exploded there's no expression there's no nothing it's instantaneously dead there's no pain there's no suffering there's no nothing so it's not as brutal it's maybe makes noise there's things there certain guns you could put a a silencer on you won't hear it if somebody did something in that next room with a good silencer you ain't you won't even know what happened so there's that I mean there's a knife but that's close that's a little bit of combat struggling fighting this that a gun is just it's it's lights up did you have a preferred weapon that you would use time and time again or did it not matter it it dep I like a 357 Magnum I've used a 38 I used a 32 different kind of guns but a 357 Magnum is just so [ __ ] powerful it lights out yeah it's like an Adam Bobb just hit this room everybody in here we just dead instantly you don't know you're dead you don't know you don't feel pain there's nothing yeah it's over so you're 78 years old right now I'm 78 I'll be 79 in March do you think at this age you could still do a hit I can you know probably beat you up and then go do a hit right after that about that all right I'm in good shape my age I'm exaggerating but uh I'm in great shape I never got fully out of shape in my entire life I was always a workout guy I went in the ring I fought I fought in the street yeah and always kept myself my clothes get a little tight uh watch what I eat not to try and do a diet but you know I don't like getting overweight or too in or something like that yeah and I've always done situps pushups box in jumping rope swimming yeah I interviewed Teddy Atlas you guys trained together at one point yeah yeah yeah yeah we didn't get too deep into our story but I know that you guys did train together at some yeah we did yep I remember there was an interview you said that you're watching TV and the whole David Kesh thing came on TV the camp dividian remember how everyone died how he told everyone that he was Jesus and hundreds of people I believe died in the process including children women everything else like that and you're watching it and you're saying wow how could someone be so brainwashed by a guy like this and then you realize that you yourself were brainwashed I I think that everybody's brainwash to some sort of capacity now again I'm not a psychiatrist or a psychologist but we grow up and we listen to our mother and father who mean well but maybe it's not the right thing our friends and neighbors have a big impact on us it's not brainwashing like David cares and I don't know if he brainwashed them they believed in him they prayed with him yeah I don't even see where he did all that wrong he might have had I they say had sexual kids I didn't see that when I watched it I didn't hear too much of that some of the people who survived didn't talk about that yeah he was the god he was the Christ coming back um he also built a massive arsenal of weapons yeah a massive Mass which is how he got you know which is why the FBI showed up and ultimately how the shootout started yeah but they they were making innuendos to him that they were going to come they were going to attack they were going to do this they were going to do that and he started getting weapons he was going to fight back yeah so go into a black neighborhood and tell this neighborhood I'm going to take your [ __ ] neighborhood over now they'll become like David KET they'll say no [ __ ] you not come into my neighborhood and taking us over this is my daughters my wife my kids my friends what if they [ __ ] load up well it's a little bit different of course it's a little bit different generally when you look at like gangs like Crips and bloods you know and I I've talked to you know I've interviewed a lot of these guys if you're in a [ __ ] neighborhood and like the Bloods show up you could be outnumbered 10 to one and they will shoot it out one cop will roll and everyone will scatter people are generally in these types of neighborhoods they're generally scared of the police they'll generally bow down to the police police a the police what if the police are telling them we we're not going to come in with one C we're coming in we're taking is over but that was happening the battle Rams and everything else like that like that was happening in the in the 80s the crack era and everything else like that that was really happening but you didn't see these massive armed shootouts against the police in these neighborhoods like what happened with David Kesh why did all those people stay and die with them because they thought that they were all going to heaven they all believed that this was Jesus maybe that's and maybe that's where they are yeah maybe who knows maybe that's where they went believe in him right so they didn't believe what we tell them right he's a nut and should never do it but the point is is that isn't that similar to what you went through like you have to when you got sworn in as a maid man they said if your mother is dying on her deathbed if your kids or have a terminal illness and you get a call you got to drop that and you have to put us over your own family isn't that a similar type of thing without a doubt but it's an expression in other words when I'm telling you how important this Brotherhood is I'm telling you that this is above God country and your family if you're in a hospital with your son who's dying or your mother and the boss calls you drop what you're doing and come in this is number one in your life now now reality if your son God forbid is dying or your mother I'm not going to call you I'm just putting that in you to give you an make an understanding of how important this is well well but to be fair and this is not just the mafia and we're not just talking about your situation either you know I I interviewed a guy that was a high ranking guy in the Nester Familia and he talked about a situation where one of the members their mother was cooperating with the police and they told him that they have to kill his mother and he said I understand you see what I'm saying you could say all this is all make believe but these real life situations where you have to potentially kill family members and you have to put the gang over your own flesh and blood this actually does happen and there's a practice of it and like I said it's your situation which we not going to get into but I'm saying could it could Happ and it does happen it but you have to understand if you're taking that oath and coming in he or she or him is your brother just as important as this person who broke [ __ ] rules is going to die you can't I'll give you an example I was in jail and I had the the library I was in charge of there was a guy JB heavyweight mom guy in the old time who was older than me and another guy begs from Chicago we were sitting talking having coffee and we were talking about the under boss of the tavanti family who did some gay thing stuff and they killed him so the conversation came up and I was sitting there and I said I knew him personally I don't know if that's even true but is is being gay a death sentence in the mafia I me then you'll see sorry so he said well had to be done Sammy why we took some woman's word why does it have to be done cuz he it's an embarrassment all right okay JB let me ask you something you're going to go home before me you got a couple kids with don't you you got a son and a daughter or something yeah yeah all right you're going to go home your son's going to come to you and say that I'm gay I'm going to come out of the closet are you going to kill him come on Sam he's my son how about your daughter your daughter tells you she's gay come on say it's my daughter the [ __ ] guy we killed is our brother by our blood our our oath we killed them then what do you do he's the he was the under boss of the cavy family take him to call him in we're not going to kill you we're going to take you down you can't be the under bus we're going to take you down to become a soldier friend of ours not even a captain friend of ours keep it on the side and and put shade on this bro or just you just have to leave the organization for you don't have to leave you don't even have to why I don't know I mean I don't know how F what you do or he does behind closed doors right you're not going to come to a sit down and [ __ ] dress we're going to kill you so I mean but there's no reason to kill him he's our brother right and and whatever it is so when he looked at it that way the guy from Chicago said Sammy what would you do if you would have boss then I would call him in a [ __ ] room and some woman said they went to a swingers club and she said that he she was banging two guys and he went and was sucking somebody's dick so that's that's why we killed him because she said it she's not in our life yeah we didn't even give our brother a chance to talk to defend himself so I would put him in a [ __ ] room with a gun on the counter he comes in we're bringing her in and tell him did you're not going to die just tell us the [ __ ] truth you'll be brought down and put on the side but if you say she's lying we'll get her out of the room we'll bring her in this [ __ ] room there's the gun on the table walk over get the gun walk over shoot him in the [ __ ] head we're all leaving and you kids get rid of taking care of his body and all or tell us the [ __ ] truth you're going to kill this woman for nothing she's telling the truth that's what you do and it's his [ __ ] job to kill her and clean it up so he's got of thinking I tell the truth I'm not going to die I don't get in trouble I put on the side a little bit and I don't have to do this that's what you do then if you say no she's lying then we call her in the room and we talk to her and we see for ourselves what we think if she's lying or you're lying yeah if we think she's you're lying you're going to kill her anyway and clean it up if we think you're lying we're going to kill you and her because look at the meeting you put her in now yeah she's never gonna go leave this room anyway right so the guy from Chicago begs says Sam that's why John Gotti shouldn't have been the boss you should have been the boss that's [ __ ] unbelievable thinking but that's the way you think wait wait so did John Gotti no no John Gotti's not in it yeah okay I got it he's just saying you should be a boss if you think that way in general got it in general you know but uh you you can't just kill your brother because some woman said what if some woman tells me something about you yeah why I just believe her we're friends for 20 years I don't see no sign of that I don't see no problem with it has there ever been an openly gay made man in the mafia yeah really but they put shade on it yeah who there was a guy in the geneves family and there was the guy in the davany family was the under boss okay and she said it on a live television show The the girl that his girl ex his girlfriend okay she was in they were in the sgas club she was having sex with but the but the other guy who you mentioned yeah I don't even remember his [ __ ] name and they it was in Jin chind deante they put him as a soldier and lowkey what the [ __ ] you doing bro okay and you'll be okay we're not going to kill you for it he can't maintain he can't maintain the position he once had no he can't be a captain under boss goir on the boss boss he can't be in under those positions got it no final question the mafia today you you're you're no longer Affiliated obviously is it still around and how different is it from when you were doing yeah it's still around it's nothing like it was for sure um no way could you come out and talk or guys talking about sports and other things that are going on and they don't they don't kill now there's a lot it's a totally different so they don't kill anymore in the mafia no because it's just too hard to hide it it's that just yeah there's so many cooperating secret inform there's also cameras there's cellones there triangulation there internet's million things look at that football the guy that one time he went to kill somebody he was a famous football guy and he huh Aaron Hernandez yes and he his phone put him right to the Joint I mean it's hard today there's cameras all over the place and then you know you're facing a life without parole somebody knows about what you did and they get in trouble they got to get out of jail card- free right hey I'm pinched for drugs I'm facing 30 years I know who killed joeo it's now it's common place it didn't happen years ago do you think that right now in 2023 you could kill somebody and get away with it me yeah right now if I gave you a hit I said listen this is I'm going to kill your whole family unless you do this for me you have to do it oh I would kill you in a minute telling me that right no but I'm saying do you think you could do it and actually get away with it sure really yeah in 2023 with cell phones and cameras and the the the street lights have cameras on them and there satellites and everything you think you can get away with it yeah how so I'm a hit guy bro and I look at detail I'm a detail guy I'm not I just don't go walking in the place and kill somebody but I I I've changed my life I won't not do it m but I will tell you and I a couple people going to get mad at me you try to hurt me or my family I will kill you as you should I don't have I don't it's not like I can't yeah I won't I don't want any part of that yeah life I love people and exposure I was coming here talking to a couple of your friends before you got here I'm a people's person I I'm not I'm not somebody who wants to hurt people right but you also even during your Heyday you weren't the type of guy that if someone stepped on your shoe you would go and cut their throat no that was never your listen I would fist fight in in a hot minute but uh I wouldn't want to kill a guy and when I fist for it if I won I'm not going to stomp him unless there was a major reason why I wouldn't stomp him or do this or do that to to name him like a [ __ ] ghoul I I would fight if I won we probably walk away shake hands it's over to me it's over yeah even whether I won or lost and that's not important to me either I just want to fight when I fight I want the guy who I fought not where he don't want to fight me again that little [ __ ] he just don't stop and they and you ever see him boxing guys at the end of a fight they both beat up they hug each other oh they respect each other's will no I just I just uh interviewed Evander Holyfield one of the greatest great boxers boxers of all time and in the Class Act of class acts like I've interviewed a lot of boxers I've interviewed him Tyson rck Bo Larry Holmes and after every fight including Mike Tyson who bit part of his ear off he said I forgave him yeah and he said hey you know something when I was a kid I bit my brother right so you know it's kind of karma in way and I wasn't mad at him and we're cool to this day yeah I think that Mike Tyson bit him out of frustration yeah he is a tough guy Mike Tyson I think he realized he's not going to beat him he can't beat him know we talked about that when he got in the corner the frustration of it he bit him well yeah I mean hollyfield basically said that he knew that he was going to lose so instead of legitimately losing he just did something to get disqualified yeah Teddy Atlas even said before the fight that Tyson is going to get disqualified he called it before the fight and he was right well I mean if he knew he was going to bite him but I he didn't know he was going to bite him he knew he was going to do something to get disqualified because he felt that Tyson could not take on Holyfield well then he was right he with the frustration of not being able to to get him right he's he couldn't nail him he's too good of a Fighter EX and he was winning both times got right and he so frustrated when they finally got into a clinch he he just he just bit him twice not well he bit him twice right he bit off part of his year once and he bit him again which is how he got disqualify all right you know you know but but the point is is that after every fight Holyfield said I don't have any problem with this guy we you know I respect him yeah he's a champ real win four time heavyweight champion and that's how I feel I fight you know and that's what is I'm not going to bite some I'm not going to you know name somebody I win I win he wins he wins it was a good clean fight you won I shake his hand great fight but he's GNA know in his head I he'll have a lot of respect for me yeah even that I lost anyone if he's a real a real man yeah there we have it Samy bull thank you for coming in for the second time uh congratulations you have your own YouTube channel yes which is actually doing very well a lot of these videos are over a million views you know seems like you've built up a real audience congratulations on turning your life around appreciate it appreciate you your team great team you working with thank um uh and uh I El [ __ ] peace
Channel: djvlad
Views: 479,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama
Id: 2rD0L7U97cY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 10sec (7390 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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