Joey Merlino, Rumored Boss of The Philadelphia Mafia, Tells His Life Story (Full Interview)

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all right here we go today we have Joey Marino AKA skinny Joey who the media has claimed for years is the boss of the Philadelphia Mafia welcome to Vlad TV how you doing welcome how are you well it's your first time here I want to start in the very beginning good so born and raised in South Philly yes my whole life okay and your parents our Italian salvator Chucky Molino and Rita Giordano yeah Jord that's my mother yeah okay so what was it like to grow up in South Philly in the late 60s early 70s it was nice there was no locks on the door you could do whatever you want the neighhood nobody ever stole the anything nobody's houses got robbed tight-knit you know all time everybody helped each other outside all night listen when I was a kid I was never home I went home to eat that was it the kids are all today that's why fat they play video games they don't do a thing we played every sport hockey football baseball stickball You Name It We played it my mother came and got us we came home from school 3:00 we're out till 5:00 came in 8 soon as we're done dinner went out till 8:00 9:00 home bath shower we didn't have shower we bath we had no air condition got up went to school next day but we were we were always active okay so you're growing up and in terms of your dad D did he tell you what he did for a living or what did you think he did for a living when you were a kid he worked in a mechanic Place Armstrong Springs okay and he was a bartender he was he was a bartender okay well he owned uh he owned a bar at one point right yeah he had a bar uh was it the 9M well yeah yeah yeah 9M bar that was in the late 80s though I'm talking about like 70s you know early 80s 70s early 80s okay so as a kid did you get in trouble or you a relatively good kid every day trouble every day my mother beat me up every day my father like four times a year every day my mother beat me up so like what was the first time you really got in serious trouble since I was let out of the house I on [ __ ] every day I mean we always something we were bad we were bad kids but but good bad not like no no you know we just whatever broke Windows [ __ ] threw eggs we to throw eggs at cops Mist Knight just just that's what everybody in South Philly did okay were you getting arrested as a kid at all I got a few times minor [ __ ] throwing eggs at cops but they the cops used to laugh at us they used to lock they used to take us and drive us like 2 miles away and let us walk home okay so nothing serious you didn't get any serious crimes as no no no no nothing serious driving without a license when we were 15 you had to be 16 to drive you know like that okay so did you know about the mafia as a kid no not at all okay well let's talk about the backdrop of what's happening right now at that time so by 1980 when you were 18 uh the Philly boss uh Angelo Bruno got he lived around a corner from me and I'm sorry he lived around a corner from me okay and that set off a whole bunch of events so they're saying the murder was orchestrated by his uh consiliary Antonio Ciro and then because he didn't get permission from the commission to actually do it he was found dead in the trunk of a car I don't know nothing about I was a kid I have no no no clue all I know is he got I was it right um then Phil Testa became the new boss and he appointed Nikki Scarfo as his ciliary I don't know nothing about that that's way before my time I'm I'm just I'm just kind of setting off the the backdrop of what's Happening not to say you know you didn't know anything about that I'm just kind of setting up what's happening in the background uh and then you know Phil Tesa became the new boss and then he got killed by a nail bomb under his sport uh and you know they're saying that that was ordered by P Peter Cella and Frank Narducci senior and then Narducci gets killed and cassella had to leave and there was just a whole internal war in terms of what's happening and at the end of all that uh Nikki Scarfo became the boss of the Philly family did did you know Nikki at all do yeah I know Nick okay so what was Nicki Scarfo like he was it was a good man he was a man he was a good guy okay there NE what were some of the what were some of the the moments that that stood out in terms of your interactions with Nikki yeah he was always Dependable always on time if you had to be there at 5:00 you better be there at 5:00 I mean no he was a good man he was a good guy Nicki was a good man I mean look he W the Jill rest for the rest of his life yeah I mean he he was a good guy there NE they say they say after Nikki became the boss They promoted your dad to the under boss I don't know nothing about that that I'm not going to talk about I don't want to talk about none of that you don't know anything I want to talk about none of the mob stuff I want to talk about the rats okay fair enough so 82 Nikki Scarfo Goes to Jail uh for gun possession for two years right um and then in ' 84 you got into a situation with aggravated assault yeah I got locked up okay so tell me exactly what happened we was in a bar I was in a bar Leo it was like it was it was like a restaurant it wasn't no nightclub it was like a restaurant Old the crowd they had a band in there and Phil Le's mother came in there he left this out of his book and she was in there drunk and these three guys kept one bothering her asking her to dance they were dancing with her I went over I said I brought her back to the bar you know and they wouldn't stop I'm little I was a I just got D being in a chy I was 120 lbs they were big and a fight broke out I hit one with a chair they hit me Bing Bang Boom but I didn't get locked up for like a year later one of them got somebody got stab a riot broke out somebody got stab they locked me up a year later they charged me with the two counts aggravated assault in possession of three charges Two aggravators Sold I got I went got sentenced the lawyer told me I was getting probation I got 21 years but they they ran a concurrent I didn't know what the current meant right yeah two counts of AGG grad assault one count of possession of a weapon for unlawful purpose they got me seven years each one and then they ran in concurrent but I didn't know what concurrent meant I know I went to ninth grade and then I did two years in jail and I got out well you were also banned from the New Jersey uh casinos yeah youngest guy in the country B they still won't let me in that was because of that fight no I think I might have got barred before that I'm not like right around that time I got barred we all got barred me my father Nikki salvi uh Phillip my uncle other pie yeah yeah like all of us we all got barred so you can't walk into a casino at all in Jersey if I'm taking a heart attack right now on the boardwalk I can't go in and get medical attention they won't let me in Okay and like you mentioned your dad got banned as well as your other family members yeah we all got I think it was all the same [Music] time okay now your sister was at one point engaged to Salvatore Testa yes uh he ends up getting yeah I was in jail I went away when when he got yeah I was away when he got how did your sister take that I mean she you know she could have took a well I mean well they were they were broken up though nobody knows they were broken up before before that the engagement was off okay um well and then in 1988 your dad got sentenced to 45 years yeah for two counts of racketeering and drug trafficking yeah no drug TR I think they beat the drugs oh they beat the drug trafficking charge they had a RICO case before that uh yeah drug case they they got to quit it all of them and then they they had that RICO case they won and then they had after that was the test the murder they beat that and then they came with a a retan case with everything in it and they got coni that's when they got the 45 years okay and you're 26 years old when that happened yeah around yeah 26 yeah I mean how does it feel to be that young and your dad is almost getting a life sentence with that many years essentially because your dad is what maybe his 50s at this point well he did have they had 45 years and he got life with no parole for the another murder so he had life when Pennsylvania you get life you never get out and then he had the the 45 years of the feds running wild but then they they won the appeal on the the murder case I think it was here was it 97 they went back to trial and they got to quit it and that's how they just had the the FED sentence okay so ultimately how many years did your dad have to serve what' he do he did he would have came home in 2016 I think he he had 26 in 20 25 26 straight okay and then what happened he died he died in jail oh wow so he died he only had like 18 months left how did your dad take it like a man like you're supposed to that's what you're supposed I mean I'm sure at that time he was given lots of opportunities to cooperate and make that whole jail setence go away any one of them could have did it it's that easy anybody could do it you'd only have to know somebody could you seen the the podcast I had with the kid the other day he didn't even know me they told him we'll let you go that's how easy it is but my father would never even think of that did you visit him regularly in prison well they stopped me when I got locked up they won't let me visit him no more when I got out they won't let me visit him the warden stopped me I couldn't come and a visit I had to get special permission he was dying let me see when it was it I got out 90 when did I get out 200 14 12 I forgot when I get out 14 and he was in bad shape and uh I wasn't allowed to go visit him and then they gave me special permission I went uh with my mother we went to go see him he was in the hospital in the in Texas that 30 guards in a room handcuffed if they told him you get up and walk out he couldn't get up and walk out and then he died like two days later but at least I got to see him before he died sorry for your lost man I lost my dad a few years ago yeah it's tough yeah it's tough well right around 89 there was a rumor that there was a half million dollar bounty on your head and I guess uh a TV reporter asked you you said give half a million and I'll shoot myself yeah I just came out of a bar the C the guy dropped the microphone the camera guy wherever the he was I just got buried in football I was coming out in the bar and he said there's a half a million dollar bounty to kill you I said a half a million I'll shoot my [ __ ] self right now for half a million the guy dropped camera he start laughing I mean was that the first time you heard that or you heard that before no they used toing tell me every other week I don't pay attention to it okay so you weren't bothered at all knowing that people are saying that you have that much money in your head no no okay because over time there were attempts on your life yeah how many total attempts I don't know I got shot once drive by they I I mean I don't know but it and and it came out in court testimony they said 30 20 30 times I have no idea okay we we'll talk about those as we uh go on with the story uh but ultimately they never got to collect that money because you're still here no I'm still here right see if I could borrow here a million on it well that same year you were charged with intercept uh Interstate theft and conspiracy what year was that uh 89 oh yeah guess based on a truck yeah the armored truck yeah okay so in 1987 there was an incident with an armored truck right where $352,000 was stolen yeah the wrong bag got thrown out right and 89 you actually charged with that in yeah yeah two years later and then in 1990 you were actually convicted of that of that whole yeah I went to trial yeah okay okay the two guys you got convicted the two guys who orchestrated it both told on me I I really had nothing to do with it the guy Baron took me in at the end he he set up with the this other kid Iggy another rat and I guess they took me just to get out of jail and I went with them it was an inside job they just put the bag guy all you did was pick the bag up put in the car there was no guns or no violence or nothing and uh they both told them me they got probation I got four years the max was five so this this huge robbery that you had nothing to do with the guys who did it said that you were the Mastermind behind it no they no they couldn't sayell it the judge was ready to throw me out of the case course it was only the one witness it was the kid Iggy this othering rat he was the the driver he was the the dumb [ __ ] threw the wrong bag out and then we got pinched he really never talked to me so he told on Richie and we were going to trial we we start a trial me and Richie he was sitting right next to me and then there and then there was a delay in the trial for like a day and then the next day his lawyer I mean we made our opening statements his lawyer said I got an alibi my my client was in a casino when this happened and he he wasn't there and then there was one day delay and the next next thing I know he was he was he was he was in a witness against me H and he got the they both got probation they got probation even though they're the ones who actually did the cck yeah they got probation they didn't do a day and I got I got all the restitution too you had to pay it all back yeah wow okay you got three years or four years four the max was five aha okay so how did it feel to now be back in prison again that was all right got in shape you make the best of it the [ __ ] you want to do right what do you think between this time and the last time you got locked up over the fight what was the worst thing that you experienced while in prison in prison yeah see people get I wasn't in I mean in ' 92 I went away 8990 you know I was in the mediums on my last bet when I got the 14 years I was in the penitentiaries they ain't noing games there none none of them guys could go there none of them okay you're saying that up until this point it was relatively yeah what worse you're going to see is guy get hit with a lock whatever you know in the mediums at the lows there's nothing fights but in the penitentiary ain't no F there ain't no fights I didn't see one fight in five in all them years you're getting stabbed you're getting hit with aing mop ringer lock microwave you name it they don't play games okay so when you get locked up they're saying that you met a guy named Ralph natal oh that was in I was in ' 92 92 exactly well yeah 90 yeah I went to mcken he was there okay so tell me who Ralph Lal ising bartender lion pie that's what he was okay what why is he a piece of look what he did he did he he destroyed his family he got his kids locked up twice for selling meth while he was in jail what father tells their son to go cook meth while they're in jail there he's in jail for meth he's got his kids cooking meth he got his son andlaw locked up he got his son locked up he's a he's a piece listen you made a promise to me now I come on the show you can't interview no more rats okay uh I can't make that promise unfortunately your guy said he would no more rats unfortunately some of the people that I interview have cooperated in various ways you know you've seen my interviews like Sammy the bull I never watched one interview I swear to my mother I never watched none of their videos none of them okay but fair enough fair enough so then you come out in 92 91 no ' 92 92 okay so what was it like to come out at that point no it was good I went to the halfway house it was I only did a couple years three years two and a half years three years okay and in 93 there was a driveby shooting that happened yeah okay so tell me exactly what happened in that situation we were walking down the street me and Michael turned around seen a gunpo us shots and we got shot right you got hit four times no I got hit twice in the okay but your friend uh Michael S changolini sangini sorry your friend Michael sangini was actually shot in the chest no he got shot one time on he put his arm up the bullet hit him on the over here and then I went through his Iota if he would have kept his arm down he might have Liv you know what I mean he had big arms right he gets shot in the Torso and then does he die right there or does it take a while no I was he was in my arms I was waiting for the rescue squad by I made him go he went in the rescue squad cuz he was bleeding bed and I I two two black kids from the neighborhood drove me to the hospital I got in a fight driving to the hospital we got in a fight driving in the car beeping the horn a guy guy pulled over one of the fighters I'm shot in the backseat bleeding this guy one of the fighters and then I just got dropped off uh at outside the hospital I willed myself in okay how did it feel because this was like your best friend right yeah yeah he was so you're holding your best friend as he's dying right in front of you well I I yeah I mean I know he was in bad shape I didn't know he died till I was in the when I was in the hospital in my room I put the news on and they said he was dead I didn't know cuz he they took him in an ambulance when you found out that he died how'd you feel no I was sick how would you feel if your best friend died right uh yeah I don't I don't know what I would go through man uh you know I've had people I've known get after the fact but not in my arms like that like right in front of me I've never experienced that yeah it was okay and the rumor is is that uh two gunmen that were that stanfa actually hired were the ones who did it I have no idea that no I have no idea who shot me till this day they say this one did it that one one did I don't know I have no idea I don't even want to talk about it okay so nobody got convicted of that is what you're saying no not that I I don't know I don't know not that I know it okay uh but I mean during that time there was really like a mess that was happening what do you remember the date that that shooting happened was it September 17th when I got shot yeah no I got shot the summer oh August August 5th I think yeah August 5th okay right because during that time it was it was a mess uh Stanford and his son got shot while on the expressway uh his son ended up getting shot in the jaw uh I think another one of your friends uh got shot in on September of that year I don't know I don't know what he talk about there okay I got charged with the I got charged with w w with that shooting and I got to quit it make sure you put that on there absolutely absolutely well but at one point this guy named Philip klei he testified in court do you know who that is no I never if he walked in here right now I never seen him in my life okay so a guy named Philip ketti who was allegedly hired by stanfa he testified in court that he planted a remote control bomb under your car several times but it never went off I guess you didn't know what the he was doing I don't know I don't know him I his wife said she tried to kill me too okay she tried to put sign out in my drink she was soing ugly I wouldn't even talk to her I mean how does it feel when all these people are trying to kill you it all right it's all right what about my day I mean did it make you think that maybe you need to just move somewhere else like get out of this area I didn't do nothing wrong okay went to dinner out drinking went to sporting events if that's a crime then I'm then kill me I going to do right well because that same year you got arrested by the FBI in charge with a a violation of your supervisor release yeah I got I got violated every time I was on supervisor release okay what do they violate you for that time talking to talking to a convictor felon you're not allowed to talk to somebody when you're on Supervisor Lease you can't talk to a felon me and you could be in the same cell for 20 years we come home tomorrow if I see you I can't talk to you [ __ ] so that's and but that's just their way to put you in it's like a revolving door yeah how long do they send you back in after you violated she gave me three years I did a year I did a year on a violation got it got it so now you get out and then stanf for uh ends up getting arrested for Rico gets convicted and gets sentenced to life right so now you're out and um well bunch of stuff happens that we can't really talk about right um can you talk about a guy named LS Tara who LS Tura yeah I know him I know of him okay because at one point lisis Tura allegedly he was beaten by you know he felt it was by someone that was affiliated with you uh he had a meeting at his house where him his father uh and some other guys basically talked about I don't know nothing about it uh lisis tah gets arrested did and he end up hanging himself in in his jail cell what' he do he he hung himself oh he hung him yeah yeah yeah yeah you heard about this yeah yeah it's in the paper yeah okay do you know who Anthony tah was at all no I don't know him I know the brother I know the they breed rats the brother Rocky's a rat they're all rats right because his father Anthony t uh got arrested also for plotting to kill you and then uh he got got shot dead uh outside of a a federal courthouse yeah I was acquitted that I took oh they charged you for that yeah I got to quit it okay so what was that trial like how did you end up beating that case they didn't believe the witnesses they didn't believe Ralph they love Ralph Ralph got caught moreing lies than he got caught he said after I don't who got he knew he knew that my my grandfather I said it on my podcast my grandfather was good friends with Joe deio and Marilyn Monroe and all them and we had a house that's where I was born and raised 927 Jackson and he um everybody knew like they used to block the street off Joe Deo come to my house Yogi bearer all all the all the Yankees my grandfather was a good friends Joe deio was his guy and I guess Ralph was older than me so he knew you know he knew about the house when Jackson Street so we're on trial and this lioner he's on a stand and he says uh after the murder murder was it I think vzy one of these murders he said we met at my house on Jackson Street he come up this big story every house the same three bedrooms one bathroom he said the house three bedrooms one bathroom he hugged everybody kissed he made it sound like a movie so I'm sitting there now this is supposedly happened in 90 [ __ ] was it 94 95 whatever I said to my lawyer the house it's impossible so we went and got the deed my grandmother sold the house to Chinese people 3 years before that so now we bring the Chinese guy in with an interpreter and my lawyer says do you ever see these there was seven of us my lawyer like do you ever see any of these guys in your house he said impossible you know Joey Marino never seen him was he ever in did you live in the house this date yeah here's the deed everything that everything the jury was laughing he lied he lied got caught he got caught in a million lies the the jury didn't believe one word he said they said it after after the trial the juror said I don't know why the government waste their time putting him on the St we didn't believe one thing he said well I mean you guys were friends at one point why do you think he turned on you and started testifying against you of course he got caught selling drugs he was getting life with no parole he got caught selling drugs not what US him and his son his son-in-law got caught selling drugs with previty Ron previty we didn't had nothing to do with us he was got caught selling meth for his fourth time he was getting life with no parole never getting out so what did he do made up a story blamed us for everything he got in 10 years whatever instead of Life his son-in-law got out and we would you know and we had a fight for our lives everybody that told on me got caught doing something like by themselves you know what I mean not they didn't get caught doing a crime with me everybody that told on me just like Trump the lawyer Cohen with the name he got caught in TI now he's telling on Trump [ __ ] he blaming Trump for Trump ain't got nothing to do him it's the same story it's easy well uh that same year 98 uh a shooting broke out that Alan Iverson oh yeah yeah we were in a club in Gotham I went to a it was the the rapper corrupt it it was his birthday party and I got invited and we went I went and Iris was pulling up my friend had the valet and they won't let him Park and I got I said let let him Park Al Iverson and we went in we're in there the whole night having a good time there was a shootout outside two people got K they blamed us the next day I get blamed for everything okay I mean it's one thing to get blamed but other thing to get indicted so did you actually get indicted for those shootings or just no but that paper you know the paper that kitty caparella the dly knew that every day I was in the paper they anything anything that happened to Philly they blame me well they're saying by the late 90s there were more than two dozen attempts on your life that's what they said they did a bad job I'm still here if you were to count in your head cuz you know obviously the driveby was was an attempt that is all out there if you were to count in your head the number of times that you knew that people tried to not not the times you found out after the fact but you knew hey someone just tried to me and and I managed to dodge it how many times that be I didn't know I didn't know about no not at all H how do you how do you really keep keep yourself sane when you know that people are out trying to get you in the city that you live in and people know essentially where you are I'm fine I guess they're jealous of me I don't know I don't I don't even know these people I'm serious see all these people that they got these shows we'll talk about a Fran cheesy Samy the bull whatever his name is barell shal I don't even know their names the only one I know is philon edti I don't know none of them I never met them I was never in jail with them if they walked in this building right now when know here you are well uh in 1999 you were indicted and detained without bail on one charge of conspiracy to distribute more than 5 kilograms of cocaine one charge of unlawful use of a communication facility in relation to a drug trafficking offense yes um and I was there it was actually expanded to a RICO charge saying that you approved three murders two attempted murders and six other men were put on trial right and I was quitted of everything so this is a full-blown Reco case yeah is this your first Reco case cuz the other ones seemed like they were just specific no that was my first RICO case it lasted I think the trial was like five months four or five months and then we got acquited there everything I mean the only thing I got to we told the jury the only thing I'm guilty is is receiv receiving stolen property and gambling and that's what they that's what I got convicted of receiving stolen property and gambling I was supposed to get six years I got 14 that was my guideline 6 years I beat every drug charge murder charge attempt to murder Char we beat everything well when you have a specific charge trying to beat that is a little bit easier than beating a RICO because a Rico is all-encompassing you don't have to be there you don't have to be caught with anything as long as a certain number of people agree to testify against you then you could get you could get life in prison for doing absolutely nothing just because a bunch of people said that you did it and and they could somehow prove you're Affiliated in some sort of criminal organization I had three I had three rular cases aha so I beat that I beat that the one in Philly we beat all the murders I got acquitted we got acquitted on a Friday night one of the murders was a Sedano murder it happened they said in Newark and I got acquitted on a Friday Saturday I got inducted on his murder the same exact murder in federal court in Newark that never happened to nobody so basically once you beat the state case the feds took off the case you that they're allowed to do that like if the state tries you first on a murder case to say the state tries me on a to say the sedan murder and I beat it the feds can indict you and charge you over again but if the feds charge you first the state can't charge you and the FEDS can't charge again it's double jeopardy but with me there's no rules I beat it in federal court in Philadelphia on a Friday eastern district on a Friday we got to quit it Saturday I got indicted in Newark federal court same murder same Witnesses same everything and I had to go and they went for the the one in Philly the first case in Philly they went for the death penalty on us they had to go to Washington to get approved but the they said Ralph was worse than us so they didn't go for the that you know they they didn't give it to them to give to us and then the case I beat that case and then I went to trial in Newark they wanted to go for the death penalty again but they didn't and I I was facing life with no Pro and I beat it again 24 people found me not guilty what the two jurors found me not guilty right because uh natal actually cooperated you cooperated against you in in one of these cases both of them because because he had the drug the drug trafficking case in 99 and then um a bunch of other people cooperated against you as well yeah the guy who shot him cooperated Pete the crumb is name how's that beauty he said that I told him to do it he's been people for 70 years he needed me to tell him to do it my lawyer is don't want understand how many people did you he said I don't know maybe 28 30 he didn't even know how many people he he's been people since 1940 I wasn't even born yet he needed me to tell him to kill a guy I got to quit it and the jury didn't believe a word they said well the people that cooperated against you were uh Gano scafi AKA Tommy Horsehead horsee head yeah another Beauty another guy got caught caught doing a crime by himself uh Peter Caprio aka the crumb Pete the crumb yeah he more people than cancer he said he needed me toing tell him to kill somebody okay and uh Ron prit previty previty sorry he was aing he was a cop he was a fat piece I got I got tapes I want to play on my podc I I'll send him to you the government's so crooked when he was a cop the the judge won't let us play it I'm surpris if it was today like this was 99 if it if the trial was today they would throw him out he said when he was a cop all he used to do is beat go go get black people and beat them up and Rob them and throw them down the steps that's that was his thing like he's telling me it's on tap I said what he see yeah that's all I used to do is go into bad neighborhoods Rob all the black people take all their money and throw them down steps he T him out windows and everything nice that's the people they took as a witness beautiful right well they said that you and 13 others ran a ring that stole more than $1.3 million of goods from City Rail Yards that's another thing I got thrown in I had nothing do it the okay no he was yeah they was selling stolen sh whatever the it was stolen property hot stuff right and all those guys they just named they testified that you and natal start a mob War take over the Philly crime family and you did various criminal acts in terms of that and I was I ultimately all that got thrown out I got to quit at everything okay well the jury uh came back you quitted on all three counts of murder and two counts of attempted murder yes but you were found guilty of racketeering including extortion bookmaking and receiving stolen property yeah so you got a 14-year sentence for that yeah I was my guidelines were 60 months 60 something months the judge hated us so he gave me 14 years right judge Herbert J Hutton Hutton yeah right when you got it you said it's not bad better than death penalty well I was facing the death penalty the 14 years is better than death right what the it was a layup I had to do [ __ ] I was already I think I had to do like nine more years walk in the park how much money did you spend to fight those Rico cases a lot friends and family help yeah okay listen we're going up against the United States government my lawyer used to say in his own they they won three world wars they print their own money how the you going to go and they got all the resources in the world how you going to go against they could just keep on inditing you inditing you inditing you inditing you listen they did it to me I beat theing Sedano murder I got indicted the next day the same murder in Newark fedal Court I had to go to trial again a month trial I mean yeah if you look at you know a Federal indictment it'll say the United States versus yeah you're going against the whole country the whole country they print their own money they just put the machine on right I mean when you think about how much you spent was it hundreds of thousands of dollars millions of dollars lot of money yeah had to sell everything sld jewelry and everything you I'm fighting for my life well the fact that you were found guilty of extortion uh bookmaking and receiving stolen property the fact you got convicted of it can you say what you did in terms of that or do you feel like the only thing I did was listen I didn't even we got we got convicted a bookmaker I didn't even book I was betting with the FBI with prevy he was an undercover agent and he said to me you got guys to bet I'm a degenerate I said yeah I got good guys it was me I was putting the bets in I said yeah I got a guy Lou a guy Frank I'm just giving him names I was putting the bets in I lost the game by hit for point I would have won they would had to pay me 350,000 I lost 350,000 I didn't pay him it was the FBI though I didn't know I know I'm betting with the FBI there was no bookmaking operation ring it was me it my bets do you feel like you had a gambling problem I love the gamble okay but do you feel like you're addicted to gamble no I I I was B up I've been playing cards I'm years old right right but you're making $350,000 bets that's not playing cards when you're seven years old well I was trying I was trying to get out we were stuck it was the FBI okay now I I never listen you could ask anybody in Philly I ain't never took a bet in my life I got three bookmaking cases I never took a bet in my life my me and my friends we're degener we bet but so you consider yourself everybody that came in was all bookies and they said we had a guy come in cast Aero the Sixers weren playing the [ __ ] were they playing the Lakers in the championship now this guy came in and testified that we extorted him which was a dead lie because he was a bookmaker and my lawyer said when's the last time you took a bet he said last night now his agreement is he ain't supposed to take no more bets no more they all got the same with the agreement if I break the agreement they're going to rip it up and my lawyer said are you you going to take a bet tonight he looked at his clock he said if I get out of here on time yes I am they gave him aing license I'm on trial for bookmaking he's still taking bets you figure it the out let [ __ ] the jurors like it's sick look at Jr you heard of that beauty right in New York Rubio yeah look with him he broke his agreement nine times nine times they never throw him out well you refer to yourself as degenerate like what exactly is a degenerate Gambler no like the game I like football I like action we bet on anything we were kids gumball machine I'll race you around the corner 400 whatever you want to do 30 million I listen they give these guys 30 million to fight I'll fight Mayweather he could shoot at me in a rank for 30 million okay so the extortion part that you got convicted for what exactly was that about it was all these bookmakers that got caught all the bookmakers that got C whatevering booking came in and said oh yeah I gave them work I paid the money they didn't give us no so it was their way to get out of jail they were going to jail okay and the receiving still a property what was that I told I told my Lord get up and tell the jury we did I don't give we I going to get three years I was we our main concern was all the violence and you know to Bay crime I didn't give a about gambling and [ __ ] uh receiving stolen property I did I I told him I did it I don't go which I we didn't do it but I didn't care everybody in that ring they all all the people who did everything did all the robing and everything they didn't go to jail I went to jail they came in they said yeah Joey knew about it they went home and I went to jail okay so you get convicted uh for this whole situation right and you you were given a 14year sentence right but then a month after the verdict you indicted for the 1996 murder of Joseph uh sodano right but I just beat it in Philly aha that was in D Rico in Philly and when I got acquitted the next day they indicted me in Newark on the same murder and I had to go to court again trial again right I mean despite the jury findings and the murder charge were not proven as a RICO predicate act right that's what that that's how it goes in a Reco it's it's proven or not proven it's not guilty or not it's Pro if it's proven you're guilty if it's not proven you're not guilty right you end up getting acquitted of that yes and then I got indicted again in newwork and I went to trial for a month the same charge with the sedan I got charged with conspiracy to murder and murder and a RICO I had a RICO again I had 10 codefendants they all PL out and then it was me and the a guy named beeps left we were charged with the murder and then they they dropped the murder on him and offered they gave 18 months for I don't know gambl and some so my lawyer called up and said could you give my client 18 months for the game well I had I had a prosecutor this how sick these people are Dan guano he was from Philly he tried arcade Aro in Philly after I got to quit we got to quit it he moved to Newark to try me on the murder he was AES me he was a nut he wanted to K himself the prosecutor that's how crazy he was and they tried me again and I got to quit it do you think you know in retrospect that a lot of these cases were because the media kind of painted you as a flashy guy I mean they were calling you like the Philly version of John Gotti why because I dressed good did you see them three yesterday save me the bull and it they look like hobos bums who the dresses like that no I like nice things I like the dress I dressed nice my whole life my father was a good dresser my mother was my whole family dresses good I I wore suits when I was seven what's wrong with that is that a crime dressing good not not at all right driving a nice car is that a crime what the what am I GNA Drive 1960 Honda hey man listen I'm just telling you this whole time you're all you're in the papers all the time right all the time and you're beating this case and you know what I mean like when you look at like the dressing and the whole tefla on dawn of beating all these cases like people are making parallels and you know a lot of times that doesn't work out good for you in the end because that that ends up pissing off you know law enforcement right what am I going to do if that's a crime lock me the up again well there not I could say I mean I ain't doing nothing wrong I'm down here golfing I'm doing a podcast I'm trying to do the right thing they don't like it they don't like it because I'm exposing the rats I'm the voice for the good people right so basically when you get the fortune your sentence they send you to Indiana no they sent me to Bowmont Texas I I thought I thought I I got indicted I got the 14 years and I was indicted on the Sedano murder and no work I fought Double Jeopardy Double Jeopardy is a is the only thing you appeal before the trial so I appealed it to the third circuit in Philly the chief judge world of my favorite he said the guy got to quit it he said he shouldn't be tried again he beat it and it took like two years I was in balmont for two years then I lost I went to the Supreme Court they wouldn't hear it they Shi me back from um bont to pay County Jail then the Hudson County jail and I went to trial again and I beat it and then they [ __ ] me back to bont cuz I had a detainer on me I had a murdered detainer so I got to stay in the penitentiary and then after that they [ __ ] me from bont where they go from there bont I went to USP mcquary and then they put me in Marin USP Marin and then they put me in a hole for year and a and then they sent me to Tara Hut to a a terrorist unit a CMA unit commun communication management unit it was like me and me and 40 guys 35 of them were terrorists I don't know what the I was doing here I was I had stolen property in gambling I'm that's what that's what I meant by Indiana terot Indiana that's Indiana yeah it was the old death row where um she I was in TIY Mel remember the guy the the thing then they they build a new thing that that was the death row and and they made the old death row they put a new Penitentiary up and they made that a commun Communications management unit okay so when you were locked up with the terrorist were you guys talking and conversing with each other or did they separate you guys no we're all the same unit 35 I mean they got they they tell you right there the whole unit's bugged the you got one phone call a month your visits through glass it's on camera camera on me camera on you you got to speak you got to tell them what what language you speak you tell them English if you say anything they they hang up they come takeing out it was nuts but and then I I got I left there that's that's how why I came home from there I was going to the halfway house and they wouldn't let me fly on a plane they put me on a no fly list am I own a no fly list for I had to drive from Indiana to Florida okay but I'm saying when you locked up in Indiana with the terrorist do you remember any of their names John Walker Lynn was with us John Walker Lynn he was the I think he I think he got shot when they invaded Afghanistan he was American or something fighting for the Taliban I know someing nut aha this is the guy who joined the Taliban yeah he was there there was a a lot of them for supporting terrorism you know like I I don't the they were there for like I really didn't bother with them you know we had like five I had a couple guys from Boston with be bank robbers you know with them we worked out we didn't really you know bother with them they all rats too okay so in 2011 you get out right you served almost 12 years yes I mean what was it like to you know essentially go to prison in you know the 90s and get out in the 2010s they only did with their cell phones they didn't have good cell phones then I was it I remember I was watching the news the Apple the first Apple phone came out I'm like wow look at that phone exactly the iPhone came out why you were lock I didn't how to work [ __ ] I didn't know how to work it okay so you get out they send you to a halfway house in Florida yeah and this was 2011 you on supervised release until 2015 14 I think yeah and and they violated me Philly violated me I got four months what did you get violated for exactly Association again Philly VI not even I was living in Florida Philly violated me and I went to court I beat they gave me six of them I beat I should have beat everyone that they they just got out and lied and then I appealed it I had eight days left and I won the appeal I did four months in the FDC in Miami right that was 2015 yeah right so you go to Miami for four months you get out then in 2016 you were one of 46 people arrested for Rico yeah another Rico another Rico Rico right you get charged one count of racketeering one count of fraud two counts of illegal gambling yes uh they're saying that you went into an illegal business with the geneves mafia uh as part of this massive medical fraud scheme right oh I didn't make it I got a I listen if the judge hated me judge Sullivan he hated me I got tapes if I he would let me play one tapee all my cases the judge let me play all my tapes he won't let me play one tape if I could have played my tapes I'll go back to trial tomorrow they I I'll represent myself I get to quit in 10 minutes I got a hung jewelry I couldn't play one tape I got Jr if you hear I play tapes on my pockets you hear him he's hoping I he's in jail he hopes I get a 100 years I got him on tape saying Joey won't do nothing illegal 20 guys he's tell you see I keep on trying he won't do nothing illegal what the the judge said that's heay [ __ ] it heay when I say something in the gray area it ain't here to say you can't win with these but I got a hung jewelry on all counts and then they came back I know I couldn't play my tapes they were taking me back to trial I had the same judge my lawyer said they're coming to plead guilty for making a bet so I PL guilty not bookmaking placing a bet over the phone and everybody on the case got for bookmaking they got house arrest 3 4 months he gave me two years G me the max two years for making a bet the whole world bets 82 billion was bet on the Super Bowl they would have to lock the whole country up right uh it was a two-e trial yeah uh and to avoid a retrial you put in a guilty plea for one charge of facil facilitating illegal gambling transactions via an electronic device yeah I called up and made a bet and I lost the bet too I bet no England they lost the yeah bet place it in bet place it in bet over the phone I mean listen everyone bets you're absolutely right I bet and all my friends bet whatever else but they also don't have a bunch of recos and you know a whole bunch of charges in regards to Betty I mean at this point in your life you're you're in your 50s why not just say I'm done with Betty I like it I'm still betting you got a bookmaker for me you got why not why not go to Vegas where it's legal I just I just came back from there I lost to at San Francisco but I mean during that time why not just say listen I know everyone's watching me I know I know that I'm gonna have rats that are going to try to Crime bet listen I play before I play guilty they legalized it you could bet it all over the country what the it's beton I ain't hurt nobody betting they bet I am not arguing with you like I'm not saying this is fair but you endend up getting two years and two years at age know 55 you think that's fair giving somebody two years from bet I mean come on no it's not I mean come on it's not but but but if you know that you're you have a spotlight on you that's all I'm saying yeah I know I mean I that's just the way I am I mean put me in jail what am I going to do you ain't I ain't going to change the way I am okay I what you see is what you get you end up getting an early release and you got out in 2019 yeah I did a year and I did they put me in a halfway house that I got hit with Co yeah so you get out you're in a halfway house I mean at this point you're 57 years old I mean does it get tiring at this point jail halfway house trying to get your life back back on track and then dragged back into court because I remember because this last case you had to put up like a $5 million Bond five million sheesh 5 million and Biden's son he put up nothing he walked in walked the out right well uh speaking of Biden in 2023 you actually had a photograph with Trump yeah what they said I fixed the election did you see that no I did not see that yeah and they said I fixed I made Biden win in Philly I made $3 million it was in some paper in Buffalo said I made $3 million and I made bu to win Biden I don't even like Biden I won't vote I can't even vote anyway but I love Trump I'm a trump guy uh yeah I mean I think I actually heard something about that I think uh some guy interviewed told me something about like the Philly mob somehow trying to yeah it was in a buffal paper yeah they said I fixed it they said I fixed the Super Bowl too okay uh and well there's an article in the Philly Inquirer that basically said with that picture with Trump he said Trump didn't know who you were he didn't the guy took pictures with 400 people he listen he's a gentleman he takes pictures with everybody anybody went up there and took a picture with it and I went up there took a picture with him and it became a big thing how many Ros have you gone through so far three three after this conversation it might be four might be four I'm bringing you as a witness I mean when you see Trump go through his Reco what do you think will happen to someone who's been through three recos now just let me that's a good question Trump's got four cases right four four different cases and he just paid back 83 million to that ugly girl whoever she was she had to pay Trump 83 million to go out with her and he just got to pay he's got to pay 350 million what is it for the right for the property the the fraud case in New York so he's got to pay he just got he's got 91 four cases 91 counts and just lost 500 million almost $500 million and Je and everybody with Jeffrey Epstein all the molesters none of them got in Dutty yet it's four years you tell me what the wrong you tell me if I'm nuts well I mean uh Clinton was at Epstein's house more than Epstein right well Epstein was convicted and you know he was on his way to sentencing and he was already in jail when he killed himself so no I'm just saying it's all if that was Trump they would haveing killed them it's a disgrace it's they control the country I mean but do you think based on everything you went through and everything you know about Rico do you think that he'll be found guilty of a RICO or no Trump no Trump walk right out I like to be his lawyer I'll walk him right out there I'll walk him right out theing door got it got it so tell me about Tommy Hill and your affiliation with Tommy Hill was a rapper when I was away he became a rat but before he was a rat he was from U Richard Allen projects and I went there I gave turkeys out like 500 turkeys gave kids coats and all toys and he came to me he said he wanted to start a group so I had my friend epie Jewish Guy Stephen Epstein good man his wife was Linda Creed she wrote all the she wrote all the stylistic songs she wrote The Greatest Love of All She big songwriter she died of breast cancer young so he was in the music business so he was good Tommy I mean they were good and uh he started they started and there was another group called The St lunatics that was Nelly he was with the St lunatics nobody even knew who Nelly was and they they were on each other's V videos whatever so we're just close to get him signed with universal epie had knew somebody there so they were staying at that the 10 Packer that the holiday in epie got him a room to keep him out of trouble so the manager knew me the guy calls me up one day Tommy he says you got to get these out here they're going to call the cops I said for what he said they're smoking pot the whole hotel smells a pot so I go over there I go to the I get off the elevator floor stinks I knock on the door Tommy they got like a sweet I said Tom you got to stop they're going to lock you up so there was a girl in there this is how this is my luck and she says Joe could you get me a record deal I was going away going to Florida I said yeah when I come back I said what's your name she said eeve it was fuing Eve the girl Eve she wasn't even make a long story short I get locked up I'm in FDC watching the BET video that six months later I see Eve on there singing said the girl but Tommy he it all up he got in a fight Universal and and Nelly became a star and he became aing rat and I I was I was in jail I was in jail when he was r i I never talked to him again never so we never associated with him again well yeah uh he became inform in 2003 yeah I was already way I got locked up 99 right but we were done with him after that he the whole deal up he he did something with the lady on universal kser or some well right in 2011 uh he was shot dead yeah I am I read that in the paper I have no I have no idea I mean when you look at this life when you look at all the the various Mafia guys and so forth what percentage of them end up cooperating 50% 70% 90% today might be 98% who knows it's it's up there I don't know I I I I I can't answer that but a lot of them I mean if what you're saying is true and 98% of people cooperate why would anyone willingly get into a life like this knowing that at some point these people supposed to be your brothers and you take a oath with them ultimately end up turning on I don't know nothing about that it's just they make it that easy to get out of jail all you got to do is say he told me you he did it that's it you could be in myself for two weeks all I got to do is read your indictment or or newspaper and I say yeah V told me he did this he did that and he did that and you got a case that's that easy when you look at for example Sammy the bull right he admitted admitted to 19 people right you know in terms of his involvement in 19 murders uh one of which is actually his brother-in-law how about the kidy the 16y old he don't talk about that he the 16-year-old innocent kid he end up getting five years because for his you know he he cooperated against a bunch of Mafia bosses I mean he was going on a tour of taking the stand whenever they wanted to in order to achieve that what's your take on well you got five years 18 people you do the math that's what do you get three months of murder you get more for drunk driving right you get more for drunk driving three months three months of murder you got that's like taking bin ladin to get his under links would they give bin ladin the deal he went and told all people I mean listen they all got the same same Fran cheesy Sammy de all I don't even know Cali whatever they're all that fat kid rerio whatever the f his name he said they changed their life that's what they say yeah they changed their life when the [ __ ] handcuffs were on them let me ask you a question if Sammy the and all them whatever the names are French J all these rats never got locked up where would they be right now you tell me uh I'm not sure probably doing the same thing they were doing yeah philti yeah Phil leonetti his mother used to love her when they called they used to write the paper Phil Crazy Phil leonetti she loved it he would be in Atlantic City Sam to bulby on malberry street franches now he found God they all found God this you didn't find when you were robbing the government out of gas money you didn't find God you didn't go to church and give them no [ __ ] money you were a tough guy walking around New York so they didn't they didn't change the handcuffs changed and when they got locked up that's theing bottom line they could say whatever they want just to try to justify it this guy said this this guy was going to kill me this guy told didn't give my wife Ralph used to say I went to jail they didn't give me no money they all got to say there's no excuse they were going to jail if Ralph didn't go to jail if he didn't get locked up he he'd be walking around like Hitler well yeah I mean I I've interviewed I mean easily over a hundred people that have cooperated for various reasons and it's always like I would have gone to jail and done 500 years until I heard the tape of John Gotti saying that he's going to turn on me and then at that point I cooperate against everyone and it's like well you didn't just cooperating against God you cooperate against all these other people that didn't say anything about you and it's like well but it's not just me I was just one of many and so forth there's always a great excuse to cooperate it's always it's always I would have done it except that this one thing and that made me go completely in the opposite direction you're 100% right the the what listen they can say all everything they want money this this that the main thing is whenever handcuffs went on them when they got indicted that was it they were T if they didn't get in Dy they still be out right now they they be whever the they still be doing what they were doing so it's all [ __ ] when they say you know I changed my life you didn't change your life the handcuffs Chang your life I'm the same guy I got inded fiveing times nothing change my life I'm the same guy you that's it well yeah I remember I interviewed freeway Ross who at one point was one of the biggest drug dealers in America he ran the whole West Coast and at one point his drug connect ended up testifying against him and he ended up getting life in prison which he ultimately got reversed but I remember him telling me something very interesting he said when I first got to prison I was angry I was like how could this guy do this to me I made him hundreds of millions of dollars he met my family I met his family and then a light bulb went up over his head and and he said oh he just had to accept that snitching was part of the world of crime that if you're going to get into crime you have to accept not be surprised that most people end up snitching on you and once you accept that then you don't get angry over people snitching on first of all I made the mistake of getting in the drug business that was my first mistake my next mistake was I went back into the drug business that I say I quit yeah so what he did is he only did did what people do in the drug business they tell they set you up and for somebody to go into the drug business and not understand that which I was in the drug business and didn't understand it um but I came to grips with it it just becomes part of the game I mean would you agree with that no I mean everybody that told on me got caught doing their own crime it ain't like me and you went and robbed the bank I went in and and we get caught and you told them me they all got caught do Ralph got caught selling meth everyone got caught doing their own crimes Pete the crumb got caught he was playing cards on top of three dead bodies they buried 25 years ago that they were dead they were getting life with no Pro never getting out so the all came in and said yeah Joey told me this Joey told me how [ __ ] how's it even hold up I don't I don't understand it I'm the get out of jail did you ever see Monopoly get out of jail free that's what the it is it's that easy and they do it they they they take them how many people were going down there to try to testify against us I was in jail they robed my locker I said on the podcast I had [ __ ] 80 50 packs of cigarettes stamps you know stamps are money in jail they took my indictment nothing else and my phone book then they tried to put me in a cell when I got moved I beat the case in Philly when they they Shi me to bmart when I came back from USP bmart they they sent me to Hudson County they put me in who do you think they put me in the sell with I couldn't think of his name mark Goodwin he testified against the tra Brothers I know he's a rat like it's known I walk in his cell he said how you doing Joe I said get the out of the cell said what get out I went right to the cop and I said listen get me out of the cell put me in a hole I ain't going to sell this and they and they moved me on another block I know what he was going to do I'd be in a cell with him two weeks even if I didn't say a word to him he's going to come and say yeah Joey told me he did this Joey told me he did that I didn't give him the chance I I get me the out right now A going to to cell he's a rat and then put me on another block yeah I mean but if you think about it though what's the most valuable thing in someone's life Freedom time yeah yeah and freedom that's priceless but but what what I'm saying is there's nothing more valuable than time because we all have a limited part a limited you know amount of it so if a person could ultimately tell on you in order to get more time in terms of you know out of a out of a jail cell you can't be totally surprised they're going to do that like you said you could just be hanging out with a guy talking about nothing and they'll turn around and make up a bunch of stuff about you just to get out of prison quickly yeah I get out of jail card free that's it exactly that's how easy it is yep well there's listen there's cases like fanetti listen I'm the voice for the like you why I got a podcast cuz I want to there's innocent people in jail there's a guy right now Marty tetta 33 years he's in jail he's going to get out on lies Filly and edti lied on them lied and out the Aro they both lied on him the guy's in jail for 33 years how would you feel if you were in jail for 33 years and innocent and innocent and the FBI knew it they held the paper back for 25 years he was at a dentist it's impossible for him to be there and he's doing 33 that's I mean I'm the voice for that if I'm doing something wrong the me I don't give a put me in jail lock me up do what the he want to do that's why I'm doing a podcast there's a lot listen everybody in jail ain't Innocent but what these people do then they get on these podcast and say oh I'm for the kids no you ain't you ain't for no kids you left 500 kids orphans you got their fathers in jail for life sentences you ain't for the is the bottom line is they didn't want to go to jail that's it they could say whatever they want to say that's all that's what it is look at Sam the bull want the jail got in fiveing years 18 people came out and sold kids exy nice guy right beautiful right that's what he gave back to the community I gave turkeys out he gave ecstasy out and I'm the bad guy well now you have a podcast which you mentioned a few times the skinny with Joey Marina yeah uh where you actually give out football picks yeah okay so you could actually take your gambling and and sort of focus it into more of a legal Direction this time yeah I'm trying to I gotta how's that working out I ain't I ain't charging for picks we give them out on the thing the real I mean we got up YouTube don't like us we got Shadow ban I mean for for no reason I mean I I can't figure it out I had we did a thing on right before Thanksgiving I gave out 500 turkeys 100 bikes 100 coats 25,000 I gave him a mail we didn't even do a podcast I we just did like videos and I had a a friend of mine on Mel who was in jail for 47 years straight straight he was on death row he was innocent they let him out and I'm trying to do like some prison reform to get people out of jail and they Shadow Bann me what the did I say wrong what the did I do wrong the guy's 47 years fat innocent and I gave out turkeys they Shadow being me well I mean I've interviewed sports figures that have bet on their own games like for example Tim doni who was the NBA ref he's from Philly he's another rat he's from Philly he cooperated yeah uh do you know him personally no I don't know him no okay uh you know if you go back there's Pete Rose who got caught betting on his own games which is why he's not another another Philly Philly look what they did to that the greatest hitter of all time you can't get in the Hall of Fame you got a you cannot get in the Hall of Fame you got a rods of rat they're all the roll St rat aod works for baseball tonight pet Rose can't get no whole they got baseball players doing commercials right now go to FanDuel and bet and this guy bet and he can't get in the whole thing they hate him he's blackball like me theying hate him yeah no I interviewed him recently um he's a good man I think he's he he's finally accepted the fact that in lifetime he's not going to be in the hall of fame maybe after he dies they might give him one but at this point he's not going to be in the in the Hall of Fame it's been almost 30 years now so um you got to eventually you got to quit worrying about it I know what I know what kind of player I was my fans know what kind of player I was my teammates my opposition knew what kind of player I was you know what I mean and uh you're not going to put you in Hall of Fame cuz bet on your team to win do you really think I'm the only player ever to bet on baseball no one can be that naive yeah so uh I'll have to wait till I die and I won't be part of it but that's when it'll put me in after I after I die I mean did you ever know any sports you know players or or refs or anything else like that that came to generate gamblers and started to kind of fudge the rules a little bit and start betting on their own games no I wish I did no no not at all the konio I know I don't I don't know him I know he's from Philly I was away when he got pinched well yeah I mean what Tim said was actually pretty interesting what he said was that he didn't necessarily make calls in order to win bets he said that he knew coming into a game based on who the refs were personally he knows which refs like which players and which refs dislike which players and they'll do certain calls based on their own personal you know likes and dislikes and based on that he could beat the spread I mean when it came to betting on games did you base it mostly on the relationship between the refs and certain players or were other things more important than that I think that was a a major thing that was involved and also you know what the league want to called and there' be a morning me beating uh at 11:00 a.m. before every game and there were certain things that they wanted you to crack down on and I would take that and you know consider who was in the game and who they wanted those things cracked down on and know that it was going to put a team at a disadvantage right yeah they know and you know at one point the mafia found out about it allegedly and then you know start action they always blame us the they always blaming the Mafia the what Mafia the guy was fixing games right I think every I think football was fixed I think the Super Bowl was fixed you think the Super Bowl was fixed 100% why did you say that well they got the extra quarter they played the whole overtime quarter so it's $7 million for every 302 commercial you do the math [ __ ] guy they blocked the extra point San Fran said they didn't know if they if they scored they didn't know they would win the game how the you don't know the rules I know theing rules they they changed the rules recently yeah but if they scored here they win right the game's over how the she kick a field goal and the holding calls the Holden calls were horrible yeah they just wanted them it's all script the Taylor Swift all that right they're say the Biden was in on it too I mean he actually even put put up a little he don't he didn't even know what the he was watching another six months will be dead a year who knows man who knows well uh Joey Marino man I appreciate you coming in make sure everyone check out you know your podcast on YouTube the skinny with Joey Marino no it's on patreon oh it's on patreon [Laughter] YouTube so on patreon go check out the skinny with Joey Marino uh someone who has been betting for a very long time and has has paid the price for betting so you know that he takes it extra seriously right uh appreciate your time man wish you all the best Take Care thank you that's what it is peace
Channel: djvlad
Views: 322,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama
Id: ECQ2yEMw2tA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 28sec (4528 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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