FULL MOVIE: Gunfight at Dry River (2021) | Action Western

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] uh f [Music] muretta Moretta C Metta they say that when flies become sticky it means a storm is [Music] [Music] BR [Music] I am one tell me ju why has nobody taken this house for the home old man once leave it here SE there is a hole in the roof Jor who are you so Alonso Lono Mora [Music] fore [Music] fore sir I can help you with that [Music] no I don't know who in hell you think you are Mister but that's our well you're stealing from my grandfather built that well I say you ain't nothing but a thie trespasser search him he's un shooked your grandpa huh should imagine that gives a man a right to a drink that depends on what side of town he might be from see last I heard we done shifted the Border over some that is to say we ain't in no Mexico no more boy what brings you here I'm here to reclaim my father's possessions Pedro Alonzo maretta it was his dying wish that I reclaim his house why would a man think of this cursed place when he Busy Dying don't make no sense don't make no sense F what do you think I think I'll strip him out in them fancy clothes put him in a wooden suit he may even be rich did you come in a wagon huh hell a this one lucky day shut up Reed I ain't shutting up Cooper I sir re mother's already digging a grave for this lion squatter beautiful I can kill him now huh M [ __ ] brother L don't me no good wreck his pants in this place n why don't you tell us what you're doing mister cuz I ain't seen [ __ ] worth of Boston dollar down here the house ruined as it may be I'm making a claim may I Mexican BOS the house deeds I bet he killed that man kill that man you call your father you yellow screw came to claim my house and my share of water you want some of that de water huh well you can just go right on ahead and take some come on y'all been aimi pz there's water for everyone today you can take what you want [Music] on that bastard knows something [Music] I was born alone I will surely die alone if I to stay here forgive [Music] [Music] me I want to make the Bell see and get you boys out of bed close [Applause] like this you a greedy man greedy man don't got no place in Dry River he dry Hy would you allow once a day just like the rest you double dipping go on and finish up now then Grandpa go on now dang Reed your r's just as bad as your coffee well this time I'm going to make the Bell sing for you brother I bet you can't [Music] f God damn it who was an accident it was God's work I swear Cooper it was God's work p I always knew you would return help us what what [Music] R now let this be a lesson to all y'all even fate don't got no sympathy for rule breakers out here we decide who drinks and who dies come PR in huh damn straight [Applause] right [Music] [Music] there's enough for a few weeks of Muddy tortillas Papa don't you go now worrying I hear they raise priz cattle Midwest that's what you need I'll be able to live what you leave me at the will earlier there was stranger a man just another man a jent soul [Music] I ain't interested in No light-footed Stranger he'll be going on like all them others he smelled of [Music] honesty day hold still whatever now do I need to be clean for shush father [Music] e the man that died at the well he recognized you it was my father he recognized we wear the same face the same clothes also same eyes and the same gun they best work together when you come from a family of hunters some water take it I have enough there's no such luxury here not normally and I travel with good luck on my side good luck doesn't go by the name of dry River there's nothing but ruin and beyond that only desert I must get back to my father he'd like you to eat with us if he'd care to if she'd care for me to oblig I may be more than willing to accept she would [Music] for what do you think we doing back the hell away stubborn like a mule let me see that face maretta sh thing a gentleman should remove his gun if he's to down at table my apologies Miss Pedro Mar he said he'd find where the rain had gone the mountains quiet so he was I would have brought him here that was man K land owners BYO Diaz's regime they took his land and his life well that ain't good to hear I sorted them I did and with that I wish for no hunting no more did he ever mention the burial of a priest a priest and a passion for gold no sir the only name he mentioned was before his last breath that of Miguel dandal Do you know where D Miguel rests I do not miss and it's for the better good I figure this is in relation to those settlers D Miguel the priest he beguiled the villagers to his faith convinc them that the statue in the church would turn to Gold if they followed him in prayer one day the town woke up to find exactly that I heard similar Tales mainly from men with a crazy yellow gleam in their eye Fool's Gold maybe but it don't much deter the likes of those that come looking I assure you an empty house with a hole in its roof is as much as I'm laying claim to I gathered a few marad things um the trunk and the stable is still there we'll find it do you see any future son I lost my future when I blooded my hands with my father's murderers all I hope to find here was peace I guess there is no such [Music] place [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] try [Music] River you still think he's Hest his heart beat strong but whether For Love or gold I neither know follow [Music] me [Music] [Music] see those tracks Supply wagons use this route they used to stop here but gave up on us a few years ago it's like waiting for the [Music] rain then they're sure to return they will come but not while word is out there are robbers Among Us how far to the nearest towns about five full days ride that way in the G and seven the other way to El Paso I used to travel there often before Boon Lost His sight mea she also went blind flash of gunpowder from a faulty round my father likes to say he lost his sight from staring incessantly straight at the bright blinding beauty of my mother what will a hunter pray in a starved country like this we're the ones being hunted tonight we should get back [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] good evening [Music] [Music] man you take my wife try [Music] boy there's more lead in him than meat no joke you ungrateful bastard yeah but how many times did you have to go shoot the poor little critter huh this ain't no time to go Wasting Bullets yeah well I have enough bullets left to make a call under her out of your ugly face dang Reed when are you going to learn to start using your head for something other than comb in Wasting Bullets or wasting time we ain't got time do neither clean yourselves up damn disgrace Reed's been h stupid asses get it on a plate and wipe the blood off the table that little prince he thinks he's some kind of sheriff I trust him about as much as I trust you Cooper at least he has the decency to visit the church because he knows something that's why if he does then the Lord God brought him to us me I don't believe in nothing only this Mother's become so damn religious he's training the town rats to stand up and pray tomorrow we get an early start dig out the last section where we planned we are close now once the news spreads people will come from Far and Beyond women will come and build their homes here and their communities under new laws hear me when I say they will come they will War widows will come and they'll turn this dirty Wasteland into a fertile child rearing PL nearly priest to death my boys whenever there's a storm Montana is too cold for me wiers are too long the rounds to begin gone got here how any strangers just shut up and dig Reed we need to find the damn statue get out the way dang there's nothing here I priest I reckon it was crooked as a dog's hind legs yeah well you try telling sweet mother that we got one spot left try boys and that's it who the hell do he think he is he ain't been doing much with mening his roof old re been [Music] watching this place is much improved I had in mind to come find you as soon [Music] as I can't stay here it's not safe for me to [Music] stay I believe days ago they did it again knocked a man gy West for taking one bucket of water yeah I heard it and the boy one child of that age did not have to witness such savagery it was beautiful here once you really do think the rains will come [Music] for for that could just as well be digging our own Graves my man sure as hell needs to be fixing to make something of himself if he wants to call himself a man needs a pretty woman too real pretty like Clarissa Hawkins don't you even dream of her you dirty dog good day brother may ask you water I tray you yeah take it take it it will bring fortune on you take it it's all I have sorry to be noy I just saw you I just follow you you're leaving on foot there is nothing here left for me to hold on to if I stay I'll die but if I go say way I rather feed the VES than die down there by bullets greed fools digging for nothing maybe maybe not perhaps they dig in the wrong place soil gold makes no difference takes more than food and water for the human soul to thrive you can hear the good intention huh I hear that puppy way to bring honor to this town it might cause you life when did you draw this water son up I have tested this before and it was B medicine hold up Sheriff I'll put a bullet R between your pretty ass time we all got properly acquainted you're safe here so you are Alonzo Moretta son of Pedro Moretta the man who bued the dead you've been well informed we got everything he owns right here sugar ain't worth a can of corn beef no more mom you want to take a look fine drawings a worthy document Pedro Moretta was a man of many talents he must have been a good father brought me up well enough to know a family of Jackal should I run into them it must be so tiresome to be so alone I don't blame your bitterness us humans weren't born to live alone wouldn't you agree family is the most important Institution for humans and family needs rules without them life descends into a spiral of sin you are Wonder so handsome so young why'd you come to this Decay and thirsty town it's only meant for the dead I'm here to honor my father and the town that his father and his father's father before him built he l I've lived much and shed around stolen from push to wield a gun when I heard about this place I had a vision that there was a town that history could be Rewritten I knew it was me and transcend this town I will it's quite some work to be done against the odds there are no odds that don't shrink at the point of a gun son I very much believe we share a common ambition don't we like I said my ambition for this place doesn't allow room for thieves and murderers I think it's time you told us your interest in our business I saw him yes I I saw him when when I was asking for charity he he was watching you he was he has it oh map her out that thing what you up to stranger you're going to tell us the truth now ain't you boy I ain't got nothing to tell you ain't nothing gets my balls on fire like a man trying to take me for a fool blow his bloody brains out blow his bloody brains out that's what I say unload that pistol in here and you have me to answer [Music] to want to play with me boy huh you want to play with me come on now get off me get off me man C get off me got him brother we're just playing m we're just playing ain't no thing enough of this vulgarity I was starting to like you son of a grave digger and got 5 seconds left for you explain what's in that fancy book yours they're my father's drawings of old driver's Town shows how it was before the drought why he ain't Liv speed Cooper give him some water not too much people been treating this place like a candy store SE SE the water is low I test and it's not good shut your mouth my mama's talking you better start flapping your guns more the few that didn't die of thirst and left buried what they had so they could come back for it later I ain't interested in no one else but Miguel dandar and what he buried there ain't no record and no priest and no statue he he's lying Like A R Cooper see see see L he lying he told me you were taking in the wrong place see I swear it is this true you better start talking Bo cuz I'm just about done with digging you hear me the cemetery it ain't the only place they got buried Spit It Out Boy The Orchard they use the orchard in the interest of all we need strong men for the town for those who will come you work with me and in return God willing when all is said and done peace will prevail and that is what you desire is it not peaceful will be the day that sees you riding out of here now show our new partner some homegrown respect not too rough on him boys give him some breae in space you got that sure mama I look after him like my own blood show them home we start tomorrow for the orchard one more thing Mara we killed deserters wait wait wait damn right yes sir I need my own boots for a taste of rain shut your [ __ ] holster for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no killing you your father and others need to stay safe they'll leave it's a cruel life we give a glimpse of Hope just to tear it away CH I'm not dead not yet I intend to survive you have your father and many more and many have died the desert is vast that is certain the dreams my heart is beating and I hope yours is too I call that love my heart is feeling also and nothing can stop that now not me not you I'll call that a gift I am scared despite the oppression believe me I would rather die with you in my sight than live anywhere else promise me you will fight Alonzo fight for your life if you die now that I have found you I will surely die too dang BR you ain't going to do it brother what do we need him for anyway we need him I've got invested way too much sweat D you take take it off from me the infatuation of a woman yeah I'm looking at you Cooper and what do you know about feelings huh straighten out I'll be taking that there a gun to hell you will get some water we're getting low he sick that Bonny girl he set his s on she got to ask for the sherff on your feet look like this one done call that yellow fever brother hell there's no remains in here but we could easily change that we're next Sheriff hey he's talking to you Mountain boy let me tell you something about those mountains Cooper easy boy they're full of animals some big and some small but all of them have brains bigger than your own that's why you've been out here for 6 months and found nothing these boys need water you might could have killed me for hail almost whale the whale's almost dry it ain't good no that it never was well what are we going to do carry on son this ain't right Mama we should leave while the horse hes are still healthy you don't want to do that Reed think about it you don't want to abandon what you've sweated so hard for do you go back to being nobody's I don't care for anyone's laughter I don't need nothing nothing else than to be alive my gut tells me this ain't right messing with the dead and all I don't like the way you're talking Reed We R we stay close through good and bad we stick together catch go tell your brothers we must hurry [Music] now is the time to plead to the Lord the water in the well is Vanishing we must plead with truth and propriety we must unite our voices together to invite the Lord to reconsider his resolution ution dear Lord in thy mercy send rain on this dry waterless time we pray in your name these are blessed stones on the holy church do as I do I [Music] pray come and pray with me it's not God I come to find I see I heard you at the well I wish to tell you me and my Father's thoughts and why would I be interested in you forgive me for saying but waiting for God to do something it would make more sense to send the men for help to neales or El Pasa and what kind of help do you think we'd get with nothing of value here human lives they are valuable if the god you serve has reached those towns they will show us Mercy I have only ever seen you in Shadow like so many around here we have land the men could go get alone and dig the well deeper I know when a young woman ex huge love you weren't born to grow old and lonely here this is all about Alonso Mor ain't it I knew you wouldn't listen Faith young woman we must prove our faith it's all or nothing and the god you serve is just as dead as your heart Lissa Hawkins no one leaves the well is almost empty now [Music] listen I hear nothing only my breathing only your fear we have no means Eda is the priest returned she holds the town we must leave I am the wrong end of life and I didn't make it all the way to this age by choosing to follow fear every scar every ache every white hair you see I earned the hard way every day but not giving up every day now you let me take those with me you let me take the worry and the fear with me my child and you yes you just make sure to be free Dare to follow your heart and give me Pride that's all I ask of you no no no father Carissa trust Alonzo and now my dear you must fight for survival rle now load the pistol I'm not minded to do no killing load the pistol needs oil try The Peacemaker now hold it firm [Music] there's a coughing here and I'm going to find it dig you got all wrong headed since that woman got in here she'll be mine wrong sweet brother she'll be his ain't nothing going to fix that mud fence ugly face of yours what you you mean this little critter here huh look at him he can't tell skunks from house cats huh what you looking at huh what you looking at this what you say huh what you say boy that's it right there that's the tree there that what you mean we're supposed to be digging there is that what you mean he says we should be digging there [Music] what you got there boy what is it son of a gun down here re come on what is it affection for mind spirit and soul theyed come on now help me get that LE off huh huh it's just a bunch of damn crap now leave this town and tell those you meet there is no hidden golden Dry River what are you going to do Alonzo morett we will live our lives without without water I will ride to nales bring help and then I will marry the woman I love well I'll say we we hang him from that there Apache Pond whiskey just ain't my Tipple hold up hold up we will do this but we'll do it proper we're going to hang you where the whole town can see you pack your War bags gather the horses any water you can find we'll hang him in the morning and we're right on keep him pretty you don't want to spoil a spectacle for the UN Locus it ain't about her no more M of course it is H it's about me i Kin never did like to feel humiliated go tell her your love I keep give you a brain damn it use it okay Mom you'll have three days three days until your skin starts to shrink your blood starts to thicken and your organs start bleeding I like it when you're thinking of me Sheriff come the dawn you will swing and that's a stiff fact yes sir watching brother [Music] [Music] [Music] clares I come that you unarmed and you made a mistake I I made a few but now I want to make good then you'll turn around and take me to Alonzo you're going to leave here with me princess I'm offering you a chance to start over you're drunk I'm asking for your hand I would rather die than go with you just put the gun down now please sweetie P Clarissa [Music] Clara [Music] no [Music] any [Music] than [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] step aside your weapons are no met for our guns our fight is not with you lead us to Metta and we will ride on I'm right here Cooper now drop your guns do it slowly you heard what he said cowboy is this what I get for all the help I give you you all know what's been going on here and yet look at you not one of you willing to do what has to be done the Lord's work is town has been deil a great disservice mendous to service to Town and Country I have worked tirelessly on this Lawless Southern border to rebuild to establish rules to make you all more righteous in the eyes of our Lord and you your Blasphemous for the God we had come into him neither he nor you possess the guts to honor this land and you call yourself an American well I got something to tell you this town belongs in the union warning has passed this is Satan's last stronghold enough now step down off that horse at a rils real slow you stay where you are ma ain't you glad we're leaving happy to have the town back you ain't leaving you gave up that right when you murdered my father seems we can't agree none get off of that horse Eda or burn gets it first nor Vern Reed drop your [Music] guns now you get off that horse and make one false move and I'll blow your face off word is Confederate State Army are passing through here in 5 days you'll be handed over to them when they come through I'm taking my horse and I'm riding home that's right ain't it Sheriff can't let you do that Reed what have you done sir what have you done you ain't no [Music] family [Applause] [Music] who [Applause] par you will swim from that noose either dead or alive [Music] a come on little prince you a nothing but little Rowdy d [Music] help [Music] [Music] come cooper cooper Cooper I'm done running you bought this on yourself Clarissa if you to just love me your father would still be alive but he's in a better place now where my father is and where you're going are two different places you won't shoot me Clarissa I know you your kindness is your weakness throw down I told you Isa I'm done running yes you are Marry Me In Hell Cooper RS for [Music] speee for Fore speee [Music] [Music] spee [Music] me [Music] on [Music] [Music] sand D from all books Tales of fertile lands golden wheat and green Woodlands [Music] rain is falling from the sky into your eyes into your eyes pain is recalling all the times when the hell fire wind was burning from the sin inside so pack up by a things in an empty T and hit you right driving through the dark with the devil sitting by your side feeling so blue like you're splitting into in your mind but it doesn't really matter when you sinking in the sands of time [Music] blame can not hide when you take a little stroll for your soul and the mirrors of your mind day turns to night in the dark of your heart something is wrong it will never be right so back things in a li to and hit you right driving through the dark with the devil sitting by your side feeling so blue like it's splitting in two in your mind but it doesn't really matter when you're drowning in the sounds s or Swim but you be Dr all the bodies Wasing up with the [Music] TI and you can't begin to ever live again cuz no one's getting out of here life s to want to die but you live each day like you've already slipped away and Angels Wings will fly over your grave when they save your soul [Music] today so back buy things in an empty ttin and take a ride driving through the dark the devil sitting by your side feeling so blue like it's splitting into in your mind but it doesn't really matter when you're choking on the sand through [Music] time it doesn't really matter when you sinking in the sounds of [Music] Time Lord it doesn't really matter when you're drowning in the sands of [Music] time everything matters and you learn this en [Music] time
Channel: Quiver Distribution Movies
Views: 389,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gunfight at Dry River, Full Movies, Full western Movies, Movies, Western Movies, Films, Movies on YouTube, Free Western Movies, Action Western, Full Length Movies, movies, free movies, full movies youtube, action western movies, action western, Charlie Creed-Miles, Michael Moriarty, Ann Mitchell, western movies, western, new western movies, full movies, full movie, action western movie, full films, full western movie, drama, films, movies in english, gunfight at dry river 2021
Id: o8wdcFt7CJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 33sec (6093 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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