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were fool is a tax that pokemon team for generation 8 now in the past we've covered the other generations but I want to check out exactly what generation 8 pokemon only are the highest before someone's fiercely starts typing you know primal Groudon in the comment section now if these battles are done on my twitch you can check it out link in the description of the video thank you to all the people roughly over to my Twitter already and checked out the almost daily streams right this was a battle against grant if we've got a ninja out of Slade here so they're gonna try and sweep me with her probably a you know a sword dance baton pass a speed boost set so we're starting things off with the zombies end here so what i did bright is a nicknamed all the pokemon the actual base stat now I picked the six highest Pokemon obviously and put them in one team once again I'll stress this is a gen 8 Pokemon only now on the sixth highest Pokemon there's actually a draw so I just sort of like pick one or the other so I couldn't pick like 7 pokemon so i just put 6 in theme now this is a very very slow Sarma's enter said we've got metal burst revenge payback and for Hema what I did right so when a max health and Max ataxia but I did a hindering speed right because we want to make use of my metal burst power and pay it back and revenge as well so we're going to new just going for the substitute here I'm just gonna break it substitute are with my signature ability now why I'm jumping around into a little sub to toy let me explain how this goes so with metal burst right it's kind of like mirror coat encounter but you don't get that negative pride II right actually based off of your own speed so if you go first it's gonna fail so you're gonna make sure you have it on a very slow Pokemon or you make your Pokemon really slow right now the same goes with payback I mean payback will still fire off regardless and also it like the same with the revenge as well but I want to be going second most of the time that I possibly could right so we got then you just go for another sub duty it's going to be able to get like two more off I just went for paper like any of my attacks would actually take this thing I think subdued away I guess maybe not revenge but all the other tax would so ninja is gonna lose its substitute for the second time now so I was thinking okay they're not gonna be able to get a sword answer up here the only thing they're gonna be able to get up is a couple of speed boosts right and that's pretty much it so they can probably get like you know one more speed boost maybe two at max and you know that's all they're gonna be done so go for another paper here we got another sub shoot from then in jaska it just looks pretty cool I like it shiny it's very very golden um comes off at the Loom nincada all right so go for another paper here breaking that third sub cheat actually I don't think they've got enough to go for another substitute just judging on the day the damage that I was doing that I think they'll actually need to go for a pat on par seer so I start to think you know what move should I go for I was sort of cycling through their team and thinking you know what should I do I should I go for a stab like revenge here or should I just go for a payback then we got the I saw debts are not the saw debts a baton pass and I'm thinking this is the Pokemon and we've got the Gyarados coming in here so it Garros is a very very scary poke one I decided to go for the payback I thought Gyarados may come in here they may try and sweep me like you know one of those Moxie sets anyway it is a Moxie Gyarados I definitely didn't ever intimidate and I'm taking it then what am I gonna do is should I go for the metal bird should I go for the payback in case it goes for like you know go for a dragon it and now we got the Dynomax carrier so Dynomax Garros is one of the best in my opinion is one of the best Dynomax pokemon in the game you are especially of Moxie right so all you going to do you can max there scream and then you just keep getting like Moxie's Arthur mocks his laughter Moxie's this guy's actually passed off speed to the Gyarados so it doesn't even need to go for a max airstream it's gonna add speed my entire team anyway pretty much all they need to do here is get a boost in attack so we're getting heated by the max airstream they're not doing a lot of damage I'm very very bulky I did get mobility they're two plus one and now that's gonna boost the speed of the garras so now I'm gonna go for a payback that payback doesn't do an awful lot of damage to Garros the main thing is I can tank maybe like another hit and after that I might be able to completely get rid of this Gary's as Dynomax because I'm very very bulky now I can go for a medal Percy that I thought middle burst but you're gonna take and now we got the max guys they're coming from the garage oh so Garris is definitely knocking about against bed now and the rain is gonna be on the field too so the next attack he's gonna hit very very hard I'm sort of questioning am I gonna be able to live the next one and this thing is gonna get like another like boostin attack too so go for that metal bursar unfortunately metal burst scales with the you know the damage there and it doesn't do as much like with a hope but you know that's how the cookie crumbles I can go for a payback or anything here I'm starting to think am I gonna be able to live this one should I swap out it's not exactly easy to swap into a Gyarados either so we got the number max guys's this is the last turn on the garrow's it's gonna fire us in a while jetta water at me and that is going to take me out unfortunate and now it's got I believe it's got +4 in speed and now it's got +1 an attack I have to shut this Pokemon down before it gets through the rest of my team so I started to think what should I do this was pretty funny right so I'd cop ride you in 100 130 based at now during during my dream was actually talking to someone a chat I didn't mean to swapping copyrights right because all I had was Fischer heat crash heavy slam an earthquake because I what am I gonna do here so I just went for the heavy Sam I got that quick to activation and speeding the Gyarados against all odds and guess what heavy sand way log is gonna take out the Gyarados I mean heavy slam copy Roger so that was absolutely like complete like a moment I think Gareth would have totaled the rest of my teammate I have nothing to live those attacks I think it was crazy so a certain expected maybe a little salty DC there but we didn't get one they're gonna bring their new jets Baker's it's like okay fine what are they gonna do here it's like okay let's go for heavy slam because that's gonna do a lot of damage I'm basically a big old fat elephant and I'm gonna smack into that fly they went for a dry baton pass man they went in dry so we're gonna go see what they're gonna swapping in it they didn't even give it like a protect to get us like a free speed boost or anything maybe they thought okay this guy's got quicklaw there's not a lot of point going for you know is like a protected speakers so Hatteras is gonna come in there with the mold breaker and I'm gonna hit it with this one with a fair heavy slam here I'm coming from a copper Archie it's uh no joke so it's a clear to hear ko so I was actually hoping I could get maybe like another one that would most definitely take it out like another quick claw and we've got the close combat from the hacks or so quite near that obviously that gets closed comment out which is a pretty nice move on a very very nice fighting move and you know my coop Roger is definitely not going to be able to live that one which is bad but I can't really complain there because I've got a very lucky moment against a gator so I was pretty happy with that I was still on the game right so we got four poker remaining in my opponent also has that LG has five so we're gonna go into the surface now this is a meteor assault first impression leaf plate basically a fully critic set max out the max attack and I've got the leak is the item so go for the first impression it did drop its stats with a close-combat and I am running it quitting set as well so actress is gonna drop like a stone alright so next poker company is the new Jess again so that okay Johnson if Arielle waste like I haven't seen all of its moves at this point I'm thinking what should i do sure just go for a knife slash to finish it off just in case it trying to like set something up I went for the you know the knife slash again so our ninja is going to go and dry again with the baton pass and we still got like a couple more Pokemon here I was like wondering what they're doing I think I actually like after this I'll sing it that probably got like you know saw dance subdued baton pass and protect I don't think they've got any attacking moves at all so Celebes gotta come and Celebi gets hit really really hard there that's a hundred percent quick ratio there with the leek and the knife slash I thought I'd wait dispositor for a second but I had leftovers so it's a bulky one some okay this could definitely mostly be carrying psychic so I decided to swap out my our surf fetch and a swap in my Gallardo Madison so we've got the gala diamonds in in Zen mode with 160 base power that's actually gonna pop me right there in ranging guys I've got the best gal are diamonds and Zen mode set you will ever feast your eyes on check this out so first thing I'm gonna get triggered and are going to Zen mode and couple do a couple little bounces and now we got on this one I was actually gonna write belly drop but I decide to run sub to it and said substitute flame wheel ice Fang and tackle now tackle has got 40 base power and it's got normal Jeff here we go ladies and gentlemen this is gonna drop hard so go for tackle thanks Olivia celebi were running a lot of Bach that I wasn't would have taken out god dang it I had to run I ran the weakest moves they can get like I gave it those two weakest stabs and just like another weak-ass moves unfortunate act on man to gala is gonna fall doesn't matter we can bring in our surf edge here and go for a sneaky first impression now they did see I had this move already it's nothing to think should i over predict and go for a you know a meteor assault and I started now I'm just gonna go for the first impression it doesn't even matter if they swap in another Pokemon the resister I can still swap it out so cherries arts gonna come in and men at this guy like seriously organized you guys this is question of the day right question that that right here haven't done one say do you see shiny Charizard more than normal Charizard let me know in the comment section for me like shiny Charizard like the norm anyway so each ization on this is the highest attack curse that for generation 8 obviously it's a crazy powerful poke one and I gave it a crazy tip so I'm gonna take that air slash like a champ there obviously I knew they were gonna go for the air slash I'm we've got four he may play bite focus ng and in prison in prison it was really interesting the idea of them prison has come across another say sob and then go from prison so they could use behemoth played now it's not like my main goal this set the rest of its is like basically a troll said so crits and our Fletcher's at the same time so go for bite look how much brightly bear unfortunately I did not get a flinch there and I'm gonna get a fire blaster out of this battle although that would have been so good if I got a pre-check cuz I think I would have almost taken Charizard out with a pipe anyway I've got two more poker remaining and man I'm still got to deal with quite a few point we've got four poker a deal so in comes the God himself strong churner and this is my ID choice car said I'm gonna go for a stone edge here look at that face man like you come across that face man you're you know you you're you're know your days are numbered all right so we're gonna swap that Charizard out there and we've got the Blastoise coming in now Blastoise is gonna be a bit of a problem here because I can go for a Stone Edge if a missus I could be at a bit of trouble it doesn't mean Mike I was gonna say my armed connection was all like my arm sort of like stones you in his arms coming out the ground so I can go for one more Stone Edge or do I swap this is a very very risky moment in because I did miss the stone edge I'm total right because this thing's got like two special fence it's going to go down to a fire water gun so thinking a lot about this settlers like now I've got to go for stone energy I cannot swap and stone edge is going to connect on Blastoise go down so you're probably won't see blasters lose to a STONER very often now there go so we took out the Blastoise butcher is really good now next poker we're coming here is the ninja is like okay I've only got a certain amount of stone edges that does that protect this is gonna try and story but they wait for another Drive fat and pass like okay well if it goes to the Charizard it's gonna go down if it goes to the Celebi it's gonna go down and I was like this is really good so Charles I was gonna slap in there I went for the Stone Age and Stone Edge misses that was really really big miss there so I was like okay I cannot play any more games here I know they're very dynamics of Pokemon so they can't go for it like a Pokemon lab so lovely so I'm thinking maybe I should go for a Dynomax Max ruffle because I know that's gonna all kind of mess right if ninja ass comes in it's gonna go down if Celebi goes in I'm gonna drop my cousin on a pretty much here that's it right so we got the big old stone journeyer and man this thing is really really bulky in defense like the defense on this boy is crazy it ox y'all get some wonder room as well so you could you could potentially do a wonder room set and be like crazy bulky on both sides oh man I love this [ __ ] off this is my if you guys don't know this is my second favorite generation a poco I'm like what like it just just follows closely after cram wrap all right so we had a dragon pulse there look how much dragon pulse that wasn't even stab so we've got the max rockfall here I'm gonna drop my cousin on top of Charizard and Charizard is gonna go down we've got two more vodka or they were gonna ingest on a little bit of health and we got Celebi now all this time I was thinking okay Shelby's gonna have to have a grass time it does that I have Giga Drain it doesn't have energy bolt does they have least or like what does it have right I know that I'll go down in one shot now the other thing about this was it's not like a good easily swap in surf edge either but I was like I need my choice scarf right so what I'm going to do is we're going to swap stone Jun around or retain my choice guard and retain stone jr. of course and go into my surfetta this is a bulky step fetch I was quite are quite confident I could maybe just live so we got the psychic instead of a grass-type move I take that pretty well considering and we've got a little bit of sense or damage to this Celebi to now I can go for a first impression here if Celebi does decide to swap Ninja is gonna have to take a first impression and then it's gonna have to take sense on damage I believe that it's not going to be able to live at this point in the game that's that's worst-case scenario if Celebi stays in it's going to go down as well knee just has not revealed a single attacking move this entire game so now I was thinking okay they're definitely thinking to preserve this ella p and knew jess is going to come into this okay that's that's absolutely fine so go for the first impression I know that it heavily resisted it's gonna be a critical hit there and even if it wasn't a crit I believe we would have gone down with the sandstorm damage so we got three minutes left in this battle it was a really really really our battle like almost are getting close to 20 minutes alright last Pokemon in here is the Celebi Celebes on a little bit of help now a stun thing man toss this half Giga Drain or doesn't not look like it's probably gonna go for a psych again so I decide to swap that out it's gonna outs baby and go into stone Jonas we've got the psychic from the cell of you there maybe it didn't have a grass move or battle I could be wrong but man I really thought that would have like a psychic and a grass-type move in some other like status he moves anyway so Celebi is the last [ __ ] sir fetch is the last poke one and the great thing about this right sell amis got nowhere to hide right i can go for his I nearly said Zen headbutt said wow why would I go for Zen headbutt for man how do you get Zen hit button and first impression man that was my first impression to go percent hey Babu alright so go for the first impression Celebi is going to go down and that my friends is the first battle that was a crazy first battle like their tide of the battleship that so many times because at the start it was very scary with that Gyarados like I I could have actually lost that battle about two minutes in so I'm very glad the whole battle got played out there I grant thank you for the battle here as watch this video and GG my man thank you for granting me a wish of that quick loss all right next up we've got our joshiya this is the second battle the hell my stream and man both these battles are really really good like I had a ton of fun with this team maybe if you guys want us like let me know in the comment section we'd like to see all the other stats - we can do like the highest health in Special Attack yeah I'll leave that up to you people if you like set alright so we gotta yeah allegedly which is quite good good seal and zapping news lancets gonna go for a curry our fortunate Lantern he's gonna hit the center of the earth man this kapa Rajat landed features so many times it was absolutely a while now Lance is a very bulky Pokemon - so I'm actually quite I was actually quite lucky that I got rid of that alright next poke around is these cinder ace there and send race monsoon ratios shiny probably out of all of its point one of the better ones in my opinion right what do you guys think so we got a pirate ball here and unfortunately cloth didn't I activate and copper aaja is gonna go down I could not complain about that all because I've got a I'm gonna fish it like right off of that so you know an eye for an eye I'm happy with that so now into Sarma's a nose like this is a perfect opportunity to bait a horrible or even a strong attack and then go for metal burst right because I know that obviously this thing is going to ask me be so go from metal base hoping they go for a pyro ball and then we're for a high jump kick and says like okay that's still super effective it doesn't really do as much as I sort of hope because I've got that plus one and go for the metal birthday and middle bursts gonna deal back double damage and that's not going to take center a so it's like okay they're probably definitely gonna go for a pyro ball here or if they swap I probably should go for revenge rightly so I'll do some damage to the incoming Punk one however they didn't die they didn't swap it all they went for another pyro ball here and that's gonna hit a little bit harder than the high jump kick I'd be a fraction harder and I'm gonna go for a revenge and that is definitely going to take out the decent array so this set actually was this is pretty strong this set I mean you know metal base is a gimmick rubber revenge hit really really hard okay now we've got Charizard coming in here look another shiny Charizard but seriously like shiny Charizard is normal like I went I want to go out into the wild and find a normal childhood that's like a shiny to me right now obviously I was thinking here what should i do I just went for payback I was actually surprised than I answered the Charizard playback did a little bit of damage I was kind of happy about that at least I did something rather than nothing and Charizard is gonna take me out with the flamethrower there so that's cool I'm fine with that that's a pretty good start I've lost two Pokemon and I've done a little bit of damage to trousers and now I can swap in a Pokemon though I'd like to burst with my chars are being my gala I dominated now I had to run Zen mode to get 160 base attack as well so I had to put myself in Zen mode I had to use subject or belly drum I'll just get hit usually those two moves are good I didn't really want to go for belly John cuz even after like a +6 ice Fang and flame we were like they they hit so hard to even like really wet like weak base power books so we got the big old Charles idea it's going to be the garganta max Charizard I had a feeling like I seen the Charizard to balance I'm like come on there's got to be a G max chase so we've got the big old chars are they're all I was thinking me I should I go for a tackle or sugar or not and anyway I went for a sub Judy I thought it'd be a great way to get around Charizard G max right and maybe I could stall out you know all three turns the Charizard that'll be really good look at the G max wildfire there oh that's going to get my sub unfortunate gonna get around myself with that our damage at the end - so my I'm sort of on borrowed time here I have to go from maybe an attack after the next subdued and darm Anderson is gonna go down so that's actually not gonna put me in Zen mode range unfortunate go for another sub cheat anyway well I would have you know I would have done it regardless cuz Charles oh it's pretty scary in rj max whoa all right so we got a max lightning this said max lightning it doesn't really matter any of their moves are gonna break my subdued right I'm not exactly running a bulky set here I'm always running max attack and max speed if I'm if I need to say that already I was running a damn at nature on this one you could easily run better moves on what I'm doing like I'm just doing this for the loss right because there's such a powerful Pokemon alright so I got one more turn here Zen mode is gonna trigger and I'm gonna bounce up and down mana I really like Zen mode imagine like the design of it looks really cool right so bouncing up and down preparing that town of gods I'm preparing this tackle it's gonna drop on man damage there to Charizard you are man you got a ride home about that one so we got the I think that was like a dragon pulse and my dimension is it's gonna go down unfortunately I like out to snowman imagine that thing like in in real life right that snowman bouncing toward you like you break it you you would freak out or maybe something I'd probably go up and give it a hug because I've never seen smoke alright so we got the Charizard I it's gonna be swapping out here it's a little bit scared of my big pile of stones I don't blame them and now now we've got the their owns armor zanter coming in it's like huh man what am I gonna do to this now this was where the battle was like this is so random so stone miss is actually done this and we're gonna have some little bit more damage there from the Charizard GMAX boom so since I'm locked into Stone Edge I've got to swap out because I know of a team of Bosch is coming away very very swiftly so I'm gonna go into my eyes a siani I'm hoping I can do some sort of damage sure I was thinking it might be etiquette like a quid off against it so is it all depend on how much behemoth bash would do right are they really invest in a bulk or attack you know what sort of evil spread where they're running so we've got the Bema basheer it does just under half fell so it's a three hit ko it might be maybe a two you go sort of prepared for that but I didn't have a lot of choices here so like okay should I go for bite to try and get some flesh just that I go for me but Hema played just for them damage or should I go for a focus energy and then go for a crit I decided to risk it for the biscuit and go for focus age now I've got two out of three our chances of actually critic so very high chances and then they go for our iron defense like oh this is really good because if I get a crit I'll let you bypass those that are defensive it's not a hundred percent chances of two and three a chance so it's pretty hard right so two and three chance so I was like okay let's go from Hema fight let's see how much this actually does to you are the shield dog oh I was actually expecting look I was thinking maybe like if I can get half damage of this thing that'll be really really good maybe a little bit over but this thing is crazy an attack plus you get a plus by just swapping the dang thing in so I do incredible damage there it's a clear - you know like easy easy if I have to get a creep though that's that's the only thing I've got to get another crit so we've got another behemoth fasci I was hoping that I could you know just live this one and get one more bahama fash off I mean a behemoth played against his armors inner and take that so I do leave the next one which is really good I think I did a tiny little bit damaged in the first plug so now we're all geared up to go for the final bar behemoths late to take Shield Dogo out I've got a two in three chance actually quit this over very very high I would have liked to run normally I run those scope lens but you need to I trusted the sword right till I actually do this right I couldn't get back that clean 100% alright so go for the finger play and it doesn't create like no I was like I'm done I'm done here but they went for the iron defense again I was like what I said okay maybe they didn't expect me um like they must not expect me to take them out like though obviously betting on me not getting it Chris is like wow that was really really that was risk play there so that I I'm not taking any chances I'm gonna go for upper hema flight again I've got to take this thing out so they can hopefully this time I can get the [ __ ] right and I get the critter he's serious and now this armor zener is gonna go from behavior fashion say we are men but you gotta admit that was really really unlucky that was super lucky I got an extra line of it and then took me out afterwards what what the heck oh some crazy luck alright there's 80 odds gotta go down aisle 40 but the only good thing about I mean not that it was very good right it wasn't alarm and a help there are swapping in my stone gems are sliding in with a couple blocks there I was like will he crash will he crash even take this out look at the damage don't see I think this thing isn't about +5 our defense at the moment so we got under behemoths our batch here from these armors in up now stone Jonah does have very good defense and my boy actually live even the sweeping set lived like stone Jonah is an absolute unit alright so now we're gonna go for a heat crash here and that is gonna be enough to finally take out this armors inner man that thing cost me a lot of profit that cause things like more problems that it should have okay so we've got a choice I left and two other Pokemon things are not looking rosy at all so we've got a quiche actually I was thinking I could actually go I could pop the Dynomax it but I was thinking okay they're gonna go for a shadow snake let's swap into my last Pokemon being so fence right because I've got scrappy ability on this thing so I can hit it like really really hard so we got the King shield here I wasn't actually worried about negatives an attack or anything because I knew this was the princess a night slash 100% crit lay fly 100% crit first impression a major a major assault out of bed had a two out of three chance of quitting as well right so I wasn't worried about any of those needed for that drop so I decided this time to go for a Dynomax on my surf edge and hit hit this some hit this accusation is just absolutely everything I've got right and I won't have to recharge either because I'm actually you know you know my Dynomax so this thing is the great thing about surf edge it's got a really really bigger tank it's got some extra bolt to which I really like that got very very good like it's a very good pop so I got that big ol attack there and Agee slash is gonna drop like a stone and that is down so really really good getting around that we've caught we're clawing our way back into this battle as well also getting a nice juicy +1 and attack at the same time so there's a cherries are left and one other pop up so it's like okay this thing's got three-quarters health I've got basically meal a near 100% that I crit their Chara is gonna go for a fly what's so we got the fly there max darkness is gonna miss I've only got one more turn of dynamic Charla's fly actually drops really hard that would have taken that nearly would have taken me out if I wasn't dynamic so this is the crazy trailer that's it anyway so go for that Mac starting this Charizard is gonna go down there's like a mix Charles upman many hit really hard from the physical side so we've got one more Pokemon left ear and it's done man and so I was like oh man okay it's like guerrilla tactics oh I'm about to get roasted here so I'll obviously sir fetch is done its job in Dynomax it's back to normal I was thinking should I swap ahead and go for like a first impression he went for a Fire Blast I'm like what it's a special dammit anyway because I go for the meteor sauna there's no way that da Manta is gonna let this one and all like I've got this game here this is good and then I had a focus Ash focus that's demented and to top it off guess what people it's gonna be in Zen mode as well so it's got the yeah we've got like both Zen mode I'm an asthma is this gonna be a fully special Zen mode our Mansell unfortunate for me now I'm actually on recharge because I media are matte mineral mash meteor assault is basically like I've gig a replay I leave that on 10 health but I'm on recharge this turn so I've got to swap it out I know that I'm gonna get out spared I thought if I swap this out bring in stones unit to take then I've still got that first impression up my sleeve right so we're gonna ice punch you in the stones your enemy Stone Jenna's gonna go down but our absolute unit that battle last Pokemon is to surf and I think we've only got two minutes left for one minute left in this battle I can go for a first impression and take you out the diamagnets and that actually now think about it I took out the last Pokemon on nearly one health with first impression in both battles thank you guys for watching this is a little - really really good battles enjoy those guys check out the bloopers and bonus battle I'll catch it and peace out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] 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Views: 154,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Highest Attack Stat Pokemon Team, highest attack pokemon sword, highest attack pokemon shield, Highest Attack Pokemon, best attacking pokemon sword and shield, best physical attacking pokemon, Attack Stat Pokemon, highest attack stat pokemon sword, Highest Attack Stat, highest pokemon stats, highest base stat pokemon, top 10 pokemon attacks, top 10 most powerful pokemon attacks, pimpnite sword and shield, PIMPNITE, what pokemon has the highest base stats, pokemon theme team
Id: Si6pisyh4Bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 59sec (1979 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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