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[Music] [Music] [Music] what's up with you photos video with full grammar and team crime rate is my very favorite generation a Pokemon I fell in love with its defi face and its cool design now it does spit our Pikachu Sandero cooter which definitely helped as well and I just think it's a really cool pokémon what is your favorite generation a Pokemon let me know in the comment section you can include stuff like Legendary's and stuff if you like as well now these battles are done on my twitch stream if you want to come and watch these live or just come and watch streams in general the link is in the description twitch TV slash pip Knight white tea this was a battle against Lou Reed Oh on my stream I've got a challenge for you viewers if you want to do it it's a tough challenge but I want to see if someone could do it out of all three of the battles today both battle one battle two and my bonus battle how many Pikachu and arrow kuda are fired out of micro Marantz mouth can someone answer this question in the comment section I'd really like to see I've counted them up myself actually took a fair while I want to see if someone could get this much anyway just a challenge out there for anyone is ballsy enough to do all right so we got a Grimm style idea it's gonna be going for a screen there so that's gonna get the light screen happening I'm gonna be running a physical set now this I set was a dive power herb set now dive is obviously a move to activate I've got my soul ability and so is so I wanted to run those two moves on pretty much all of my creme read so now we've got our light screen and reflect from the grim self it's gonna be setting Beaufort there and it's gonna be very bulky right so we're gonna go for a brave bird this time I've got the arrow Kuti in my mouth too obviously if I fire this one off it's going to do some bar obviously a good amount of damage a quarter of an hour damage and it's going to drop their defense off the opponent too and when obviously they are you know the health goes below half it's going to be a Pikachu which actually paralyzes the opponent and does the same amount of damage through a really great nobility very unique and I you know I really wish they bring some more these abilities into the yo future Pokemon games alright we've got a big sucker punch there get hit by a couple of I get hit by three black tentacles and I'm gonna be gone down there however the Barracuda is just gonna take out the grim sail there and we've got a double ko on the I think that's about the third or fourth two or the first matchup of Pokemon right we got a double ko alright next is crap to hear the old that first crime app was Mac speed and Mac's attack atom at nature now this one we have we've got toxicity out here we've got a sleeping reindeers hurricane a blizzard Inc Ram right now Kramer and Sue right the set was our max speed and Max special attack and we had the focus - as the other so firstly what we're going to do we're going to add speed the toxicity and are we gonna get it I recruited in a mouth so that's good and now tox trees is going to go for its are predictable overdrive there and we're going to leap on one health merch available and the blow the video I'm gonna fire up a little arrow CUDA and that's going to do some good damage and dropping the fence of the toxicity so that's all right now now what I can do with the focus sash are this pop guns really cool cuz you can use focus ash and you can use in cured to keep getting its ability back over and over again and you can essentially fire off a fish in a Pikachu in one turn if you wanted to so go for another surf they're set up so cool our tox Tracie is going to leave that one and now we're gonna pick at your mouth and it's gonna fire an overdrive and Pikachu ain't gonna be too happy about that people it's gonna be firing a picket roof right out of space I mean its neck but it's close enough right and we got a double ko so first stand right where did ko and now we had a second one with a double K go this is crazy right now somebody got a missile ability is really coming in handy now we got cram RAM all come out here this is my choice guard bomb so we've got dive sir braeford and hurricane max attack and max special attacks ooh we're doing a really big mix in here so I was thinking should I go for sir should I go for dive what should I do I decided to go for sir fear because that will do a little bit more damage obviously and now now we've got the insider' or go for the fake our which does a pretty good chunk of damage to my throne round now I wasn't expecting to definitely not to take this Pokemon out in one shot I carry assault best a lot of the time and even without that hits pretty hard and it's pretty bulky so we got the surf going again man there's gonna be a lot of water in this battle and surf does absolutely monkeys and now we got dankus lariat from the in sin or there it's gonna do a little spin me right round baby and I'm gonna be able to live that one reasonably well I guess considering and now we're going to fire off a fish at at the in-center on nearly caught or something else oh all right so now I can freely go for another serve here put a Pikachu in my mouth and you know the whole process is going to go along again so basically if you can go first right leave the next attack you can essentially always fire off an arrow cooter and a Pikachu which is really really cool and it does a fair amount of damage - all right so firing off another set there I've got to pick a chew of a mouth and now we got another thanks Larry out there from the in-center oh man I've got to get like Metro and get like Wailord to do that sometime and now we're gonna follow for Pikachu and we get three like we get three que hacer like three double K goes so how often does that happen in Pokemon which is crazy so I thought like even like at this point that goes I've got upload this panel like that's something that hardly ever happens so the next poco we got is the toca kiss now our total kiss is a little bit of a problem we got this crime rate so this crowd didn't have surf or dive however it was a weather ball hurricane set within viewer and rain dance the EBS on all these were pretty much max speed and Max better tackle max speed and max attack the only one that's pretty much different was my choice goth one oh there's another one - I spoke too soon but we'll get more on that one a little bit later so the reflect is gonna wear off which is good I can go for a hurricane or another hurricane here and try and take this out so the idea of this set was is to put the rain on the field and get that uh you know juicier bass power on the weather bolt turning into a water type and obviously hurricane he me all the time too however the second or okay actually takes the Togekiss out so I thought it would live so I must have got like max health and then max you know sorry not Maxwell minimum of damage then max damage on the next month all right now we got Dube coming out I can hit this thing pretty hard with the weather Bowl I was hoping that it would go for maybe like a sword dance or something like that then a lot of the time this thing does have shadows thick right and it's very very bulky especially on the defensive side so I was hoping I could eat it like specially so now we gotta saw dad's coming from the do plate and it's gonna well essentially there there was six swords on the field hacker exposed it's weird like the two thought four swords gone around and other weird the other two so we're we're gonna go for an enjoyer here we got a shadow snake and our this item that's actually rocking helmet so I wonder a little bit damaged world the rocky helmet and see if I could play a couple of mind games with this pop-up now I didn't have a lot to lose here I thought maybe I should attack let's go for another jeweler see if I can get another zero and the second in jewel work which is crazy so that's two indoors in a row and do blades gonna obviously take it some more damage from the rocky helmet which is like super super funny so even though I didn't have a pick a tree or a barracuda I was still doing like some good damage with Rocky Allah now this turn I was like maybe they'll go for another sword death here or maybe I'll go for a triple joy I went for a triple enjoy and failed but they went for a sword dance is like ah here goes some mind guides then I was like hmm maybe they'll expect me to go for another and jewel here knowing that it's gonna work right but they way first showed us think it said and took out my framer and they still took rocky helmet damage so essentially they took three rounds of rocky helmet damage and I basically didn't even attack right so that was crazy okay so that dollar fourth frame rates down we saw what to poppy we still got two more waiting in the wings right alright we've got our Mac rammer at 6 now cram wrap sticks it's my shiny chrome and then this this poke one right has a really really cool shiny poke one so it's like okay I'm gonna I'm gonna digivolve my big old crown right here and this is my weakness pulse new one now if you haven't checked out the chrome rat sleep on YouTube I did that quite early to where now sword and shield come out you definitely should maybe after this video I did a very very similar set to this one right the we got injure on this once earth air slash and ice beam it's a little bit more conservative on some but special moves like I think on the other one I ran my hurricane is that it if so but a similar sort of thing so we got the weakness positive as the item acts attack sorry max special attack and max speed team and nature so go for that big old that was a big old surf there and that's going to take out the Jew baby now also I do want to say something about Dynomax and cram around to so say if you got a Pikachu or no recruiter in your mouth throwing knife damn son we want to Dynomax this so we can get like we can get like a big pick achoo as big as a stayer fire that at the opponent and basically regular right yeah unfortunately they go away when you go bigger would have been so good if they didn't but they do so the next Pokemon and last Pokemon that comes out is that the manda buzz now man demise is a very bulky pod come on it does a lot of presents about it on the physical side I know that does that foul play and it can appear such and stuff sometimes but they're about the only two moves you pretty much have to worry about all right so we're going to go into the Flintstone see ya but ever do and now this thing's gonna get a little bit of health I'm in a lot of health because of the Mandy buzz right and are very very bulky so it's gonna be going for a max guard I was kind of disappointed about that because I went for a max Hale stop and that would have hit Mandy if I was like super super hard day so I was like okay well I can get for another one it's alright it's my last turn so I can go for like this and then if it does leave which I think it will considering as many buds I can take it out with I spin the next end but they get to max guards off in a row that's crazy because when you think about the battle right I've got two in duels in a row which was very lucky and they got to max guard which is very very lucky as well so he sort of got like one each which was quite a cool all right but it wasn't really cool for me because this thing's really bulky so I've got an ice beam and air slash or a sir I was thinking now whirl or should I do it should I go for indoor stall out there Dynomax a little bit more maybe I thought that's the best idea rivalin me attack them I'd rather attack them when you know there are normal man he buzz and get rid of this dynamite right I mean they got rid of my diner back so I'm gonna get rid of this so we got a Mac starting to see I'm saying that's coming from I'd say they're becoming from like foul play or something like that and I'm gonna be able to in cure that one it's gonna drop my special defense not that it really matters so many of us was on its last turn a DynaVox there so essentially when you look at it we both get on each other's Dynomax doubt which is crazy so we're at the point where I can go for a surf here or an ice beam I thought about this one for a while I thought I could go to Santa Fe in the rain or be able to get a Pikachu as well and I'll be able to paralyze the man device and I'll be able to do an extra amount of damage to them so when you wait up the damage of ice beam and stuff and a chance of a freeze AXA thought now this will be better all right so we're gonna power play for the men device and I'm gonna be gone down there however I'm gonna be able to spit a Pikachu on and man the bus is gonna take some extra damage and it's going to be paralyzed now there was one sort of unfortunate bush and it said here because my last chrome rate as you probably guessed was a bulky camera that could you know feel out a lot of damage and I was a little bit worried that many of us would have like rooster something like that because normally most of the time you know they're Bruce to heal themselves all right let's go for cram round three no Prem round three was a pretty interesting set I'm just gonna bring this one up so we got roost dive stockpile and a crow ring and on this EVs we've got max health and Max defense we've got leftovers as the item obviously we've got culpability as you got miss or a gulp of go ability man that's a new ability on the spot there got missile as the ability so are we gonna be go for the dive there and we got the paralysis the only thing now right about is man device going for topic so go for the dive there we hit pretty hard but not really that hard at all and maybe bus is gonna get paralyzed now this battle had actually gone on for a good amount of time at this stage I was estimating around you know 16 17 minutes is like is this gonna be a draw like what's going to go on here now you guys see my unfortunate amount of like my unfortunate events when I first tried remember what the battle was it was when we were had the same amount of health and I had that AVG Maxie you probably know the battle right was very recently and I lost I was like okay I wanna see if I can get like more health this thing and then it go for a ruse oh my god dang but I'm running a bulky set to so many but I was hoping would stay Perales but and then I could take it out right I'll hopefully get some good damage right before the timer went down so go for another dive there and I think I got a critical hit without yeah they get it critically which was nice and now we've got the fateful toxic for Amanda buzzes like damn it however however at this stage in the game was like we must be getting close to like you know the last three to two minutes of the battle and they'd be stalling a fair bit too it wasn't like they weren't so now we're going roost and toxic installing a birdie but off anyway so this point I'm gonna be spending the battle up like quite a lot because I actually was thinking if I could get if I could stay in a water of dive and keep roosting off right I could eventually maybe keep my health and try and force this battle at least into a draw or win the battle and I'm fortunate I couldn't do a lot of damage to Manta buzz as well and manda Buster's spamming roosts over and over and you know so was i it wasn't really attacking too much so actually saying there they are last I think that was the last two minutes they was coming up on the screen and I actually decided to wait nearly the whole minute before I did an attack cuz I was like bugger this I can get this uh you know like um I can get this our battles would be a draw so I just lived the toxic moment there um the amount of toxic that was crazy and almost took me out and we've got until the last 30 seconds of the battle really counting how fast he I think I spit this up like four times and I went for a final roost they went for a truce and I think they've ended up stalling me out at the end this was the last day now what I ended up losing but man what a great battle the other day and I didn't want to see you guys through all the stall is crazy and yeah crazy at the start they're getting three a triple double chaos then absolutely crazy alright next batter we got is against pipe I don't say that putt Parker Parker I don't know how to say that pac-man anyway we've got another pac-man made alright they got a shiny new in a cherish ball let's go let's go guys 100 percent leading it okay so we got our the creme rate as a primer at number two so this was actually crazy so I've got surf and rain dance I think okay well surf isn't gonna do a lot to a mere I'm use fairly bulky you never really know what Muse gonna do cuz it learns something new so I decided to set up the rain dance you know the power the water type moves off my team because let's face it they all had a water-type move now are we got the rain go which it's pouring down and musics gonna have Metro a shiny metronome you people so it's got a waggle it's a little blue finger and it's gonna be go for a rock boys so that's kind of bad because if you notice that the start actually out sped them you and I'm not gonna be art speeding up this time so I was like okay I can go for surf that'll do some pretty good damage here and I never got another Metro from the mules wondering what this set was if there's only metro more not only Metro and that's gonna be going for a he'll bail there that's gonna fail because there's no status on the team so now we got the crammed rad go for the surf you wait to this this is a crazy moment in RNG history people so now we've got a Barry scooter on mouth things are going pretty good I can fire for another set now am you right is gonna wiggle its blue finger right and guess what it gets it gets sunder fang out of all the moves against something that's poor time super effective and it's going to take me down to my sash and man that was so lucky right and i we're gonna get the focus actually i kicking in there I'm gonna find that little barren school to offer them here and that's going to do some good damage I'll follow it up with my surf coming from the chrome ran is gonna spell Muse are doing there but that was crazy and if all the moves there and picks AR electric-type move I kind of wish I had my um my weakness policy cram round there that have been absolutely amazing alright got another Pikachu over mouth has anyone been keeping track so far get that I mean at this stage right I think you're gonna be be Erica on account on your fingers and toes at this stage there's been more than ten alright so we got the keldeo coming out it's gonna finish you off the secret side I Portugal wanting to get a big old hurricane off their to finish off but uh you know it didn't happen anyway it's all good though I find another Pikachu off and I paralyzed the Keldeo which is good cuz that's gonna be fairly fast and now it's gonna be very very um it's gonna be like it gets a hurricane it's gonna be very very vulnerable right so we've got the crammed ramp or coming in here I can go for a brave bird or a hurricane it doesn't really matter both of them are gonna be able to take it out you know which it's gonna be good I was thinking okay I might still go for the choice scarf hurricane cuz I don't want to take any damage from brave bird right and especially against this theme I'm gonna need it you might be able to guess what sort of team they're running I was kind of expected interval shrine it killdeer there would have been like super funny anyway we've taken to let our legendary Pokemon up and all legendary / mythical and now the next photon we got coming out is there chrome Zekrom could possibly the biggest counter to my whole team are this thing's bulky it hits hard I was really really scared of this puck line especially if they were gonna die no max it right like you nuke and I know max these Pokemon I just don't think that's right they shouldn't be allowed to die no max isn't way too strong and of course the desperation is coming out in all forms they're gonna be dynamic seeing their cherished balzac Rob alright okay I was thinking what am I gonna do I could die to max one of my creme rants right but I gotta have to eat it really hard because there's no way none of my vocal right can take this down in one shot no no way and if I wait for too long why the Dynomax is in effect it's just gonna body all my pokéblock so i out spread it which was good that was a good little thing there and I've actually tried to go for the confusion which never happened right so we're gonna maxillary in there and my program poor is gonna get absolutely body there's nothing I could have done right heck the moment I was ticking might make my best chances of surviving this right or just at least surviving in the Dynomax would be to go fraud in July I might be able to get some sort of a you know turns off installed dynamics is at the moment Dynomax to add two turns left so we got dive brave bird and superpower at this stage is like I'm gonna sack off tremor at run I'm gonna go for you know I've got super I've got brave bird I'm gonna go for dive here and sort of stole this out so going for dive right I'm gonna hide under the water and are gonna get some damage it would actually be better if I didn't have the power herb in this case because it would have missed but it doesn't really matter I'm gonna get some extra damage with dive and when zekrom does attack me I'm gonna get some my extra fixed damage from the little arrow kuda there so we got another guessing that was like bolt strike or any sort of electric type move would take me out and I think that looks so funny the little fish in its stomach and that's gonna drop Zak roms defense so we're getting close to half healthier which is which is pretty good if you ask me in my opinion so we've got a yard three cram round slip and they've got four other legendary Pokemon it they've got a full legendary Pokemon team alright now this is their people I've got this is the poke one that's gonna have to bring me back into it I've got injury and weakness policy I was thinking right if I go from jewel I could fire off like an ice beam against it or if I had to I could go for a max hailstorm right anyway we've got another legend don't move I'm guessing bolt strike or whatever like that that's gonna take me all the way down to or one health it was also a critical win I think they were to take out the whole primary flock family and family tree so getting that weakness palsy activation which is going to be good and Zekrom now is going to be small so this is my chance people this is my really big chance here to do something I'm unfortunate I'm not gonna be able to get anything like arm you know like a picutre I recruited in my mouth is that crop it's going to go down that I thought about it for a while to go for the max hailstorm but the hell would have taken me out and I needed like you know I've got a three more Pokemon to contend with right alright next folk all we got is the reishi RAM and our brushy Ram it's gonna have the turbo lasers I can go for a surf yeah I could go for an ice beam I could go for a slash to try and flesh him I wasn't really sure what to do I was like okay my best bet here is to go for the surf I've got weakness Posse and get a Pikachu off at the same time so that's gonna be a good amount of damage and they're gonna get paralyzed at the same time so go for that surf once again hoping I'd actually out speed our team and nature really helping me out that does a lot of damage there was hoping to get this get out of the Pokemon battle all right so we've got blue flare there and my Pikachu and my cram rat are gonna get roasted but not before Pikachu launches herself out of my mouth and does some good damage we nearly nearly took it out so this is a good opportunity right I was thinking we're going really well like this is an excellent battle against considering what we're bursting here um this would be a good opportunity right to send out my bulky stockpile creamer and now since sell up our eyes right I was thinking I can get a free stockpile up here I've got roost I've got a curing I may be able to get this set up before I'm some really heavy hitters coming right at least if they do swap out I'm gonna have one turn so go for that stop whole eye out spread that which is really good and we've got special events and the defense price they got paralyzed this is really really good here so I can get another I like another turn to stop off now we're stopped Paul you can no use that three times than you're maxed out it's not like cosmic power right you can't get it six times I'm fortunate but it does have the added effects of uh you know swallow and spit up and this actually doesn't get spit up but it does get swallow don't take that out of proportion please all right so anyway we've got our Drakon meeting here Brahma or the ratio Ram and it hits really really hard but using those stockpiles I actually live it pretty comfortably now seeking should I go for another stockpile here or should I go for a curry and get the leftovers recovery because I may get paralyzed again that could be really really good I may not have another chance as an update like the occurring right and I prove I'm a priestly bulky I'm confident I could live like most things that they fire me so go for the occurring there setting that up with the leftovers and they're gonna go for a blue flare that blue fear is gonna miss and I get leftover recovery and I've got the access to the occurring as well I could even go for a dive here he'll hide underwater take them out and then have the leftover recovery actually heal me up so go for the dive there and I thought this is really good I can definitely get back into this game I think I'm pretty confident now that I gonna win that I'm set up and they can't tell the battle come on do you had a freaking legendary team there's some salt there people hope you enjoy this battle they got played like a fiddle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Views: 363,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Full Cramorant Team, cramorant pikachu, cramorant pokemon, cramorant gulp missile, cramorant competitive, cramorant meme, cramorant moveset, cramorant pokemon sword and shield, shiny cramorant sweep, cramorant sweep, shiny cramorant, shiny cramorant pikachu, shiny cramorant pokemon, pokemon cramorant, pokemon cramorant pikachu, pokemon cramorant meme, pokemon cramorant sweep, Pokemon Theme Team, pimpnite sword and shield, PIMPNITE
Id: 1v4Yb8Ddjuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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