Full Hero Tier List: Darkest Dungeon

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[Music] welcome to Hidden squids gaming that's right in another tier video I'm not gonna go incredibly in-depth about each hero to save some time I have a series of hero reviews where I review their skill from what I think of them so if you really want my opinion and the idea of their skills please go to that this videos gonna be more of a discussion and an objective look at stats skills and team compositions before we continue there are three things I would like to address quickly first off this is for fun and discussion the tiers are based off that number totals and opinion and the gray does not mean the hero is always good we're always back I'm gonna be a rebel and address the last one first all these heroes can be good in the game and should probably have a spot in your roster taking in an S we ran a tier that I think are an S or a tier can actually make you worse initially they may not be something you're accustomed to best you're actually gonna be worse off than if you're using someone in this C and D tier that I'm gonna have so don't assume that the hero is bad if I say they're d ranked it just means maybe there you'll see what I mean their overall versatility and maybe skills aren't exactly the best compared to other individuals second how did I score this some people just kind of willy-nilly say I feel like they're just I actually try to take an objective look and this is how I did it I looked at five fields attack Road versatility damaged stats party positioning which means on your side which throws they're good at and then obviously their skills I tried to equally weigh them all out 20% and how I did this was each one of these got a score of s2d s being five points and D being one point these were then added up and then categorized into tears I will show these scores per slide to see how we arrived to D stats obviously ranking them from s to D is where they'll complete subjectivity comes into play thus you may also disagree with the fact that some of these should not all have 20% equal leverage you may save all skills should really have 50% of the leverage while the rest completely add up to 50% I did an equal 20 just to make it easier on my end but if you disagree with one character were my entire tier of grade please let me know I look forward to the conversation I'll do my best to respond to you and I just wanna let you know that s is the highest tier rank D is the lowest and here's the thing I did not want to just jam 10 people in the because you know I didn't want to be controversial very character I pretty much did a forced distribution which means I have 3 s's forays for bees for season 2 DS so there's gonna be some characters you think how the heck did you put him in a see where how the heck did you put him into a well that's kind of how that's gonna work out I really made myself make sure no hero had an equal number of points in a different tier so you're not gonna see a 19 point a in a 19 point B that's not happening but you will see like maybe two to three seventeen point beasts or something like that because obviously they belong the same tier together now let's get to the video highwaymen 24 points highwaymen are easily when the best classes the one real average stat he has is his speed which is made up by his critical strikes and to give +2 speed he has insane damage with wicked slice point-blank shot and obviously one of the best mechanics in the game proposed he can be a viable ranged character or melee character thus he can function between rows 1 to 4 extremely well he has do T damage and can work semi okay no mark strategy though he's already pretty great outside of that he worked very well in a static party but he could also work extremely well in a party that just keeps on shuffling if you need a damage dealer the highwayman will fit into any of your parties more times than not us being in the STI his versatility damaged team friendly compositions stats and attack row diversity are almost unrivaled thus I think he belongs pretty much at the top of every character in the game shield breaker 22 points in some ways to shield breakers like the highwayman some of her stats are better in some areas and obviously worse than others the biggest ones that are much better or her speed critical strike and just the raw damage for weapon in the higher end despite not having a riposte good mechanic she does have some other unique mechanics that decimates enemies thus being a guard break and a block she's incredibly powerful against enemies without high protection and obviously against enemies with high protection for critical strike buff allows her to gain more protection thus her lower HP can actually be made greater than it initially appears also her ability impale will grant you possibly multiple crits and thus you will get that protection bonus very quickly her row versatility is also probably one of the best in the game if not maybe the best in the game if you consider Pierce she definitely belongs in yes you can decide whether or not you would put her above the highwayman but I do think the Highwaymen is much more tuned family sometimes Hellion 20 points quick shout-out this was hard between this character in the next one but I think overall just looking at the stats and skills I'm gonna put Holloman guest:is I don't often find myself using many hellions but they're extremely effective and they're very good for crowd control when you do use them there are plenty of heroes who can pump out damage but not in the terms of all tournaments in attack or versatility the Hellion can she can be a strong position one dependent but she could also be just moving around so really she's not confined to the front position she also has a multi stun deferred growth we barbaric yawp and her ability breakthrough allows her to be almost shuffle proof it was lineups to actually kind of recommend that the only real downside is in her skills were obviously she's going to suffer speed and sometime damage based on that which is why I put her at 20 points she's not extremely well she is pretty high up there but she's not like in the 24 25 obviously but she's a very solid choice for damage and accuracy and I think you need a reliable character the Hellion is there for you to quickly review we have the Highwaymen at 24 points the shield breaker at 22 points and the Hellion at 20 and these three heroes effectively make up your s tear tear a mana arms 19 points this was the heroes really struggling because he just doesn't have really the raw damage that the onion has and that kind of in the end made it up for me though the mana arm skills are just so darn good he can really help you get through a lot of bosses I think in general dungeons the Hellion is a lot better for team compositions and just damage I didn't calculate camping skills under this but the mana arm is definitely one the best characters for camping skills is something to consider in your own free time however that would be too many additional factors in this review so I left them out for now you can be a full support character if you want to meet really good at that Eenie also be a pretty decent offensive character not the highest damage but it's definitely respectable if you decide to give him one damage increase trinket and he is also the second character with the repose so he definitely gets an a spot for possibly proposed increasing dodge decreasing speed and dodge of the enemy while protecting you he's the veteran you absolutely need in your party sometimes occultus 19 points a sketchy hero who worst with magic and dark but his skill is impossible damage against Eldridge based enemies can really shine through like the mana arms not all characters need to do intense damage to be very useful to the party and be highly rated in my opinion the occultist practically has everything you'll need in a dungeon he can work very well in any priority composition he can be to the front line with stuns and stabs to the very back line where he's running down artillery pulling enemies and marking for you a more stun centric front and a more pull heavy support back system pools marks damage decreases protection decreases and a strong second viable healer in the game the combination of skills is just too good however he hits a bad rap for his big zeroes but outside of his healing skills he's a very strong character you may have some really great experiences with the cultists and you may not and that might be thinking of wow you put him at a it might be just those big zeros you're thinking about but he really does have a wide range of sport skills I can work in many partners bounty hunter 18 points the bounty hunter is a great combination of damage and support he can function very well in many dungeons since his extra damage comes from humans and marks he has multiple stuns through flashbang in my personal favorite uppercut and he has two forms of mark via come hither and just the marking ability this allows him to function to mark strategies very well while discombobulating the enemy line up this party shuffling can sometimes make the enemy damage dealers rather weak by sending them to the back row most notably the cultists brawlers and also makes stress damage dealers rather easy such as bringing forward a been royalty where they can only do knife in the dark he's very good at mitigating damage or mitigating stress damage if he's able to pull or push a potentially high damage dealer very good stats and can easily manipulate the enemy lineup to your advantage fletchling 18 points I was really torn between this character in the next one and once again let me know if you disagree this is our second DLC character he doesn't get the top tier in the S however he's very strong preys and he's definitely aged a maybe lower a really high B which is why he's in the lower right here his raw damage can be pretty strong but that's not exactly what we're looking for his weapon is actually on the lower end as you know the lower he gets on HP the stronger he gets and also those do T damage he's like the reverse plague doctor since he's there to hit both back rows at 5d ot there and smash people in the front row for six dat he'd actually worked pretty well if the plague doctor as well with the stun and bleed combo so you can actually have them both on the party and have them pretty effective his stats are pretty good in terms of HP and survivability which allows them to heal and tank which is something damage dealers can't often do deep very strong combo and with his do T's he can actually work through pretty high protection based enemies you're just gonna have to have a little sustain your party as you wait for those to tick out but he can still do a decent amount of wall damage once he's around 40% HP and he gonna actually be a support hero which is kind of weird it's not his strongest suit but it is definitely a possibility thus he can actually be in a lot of party compositions if you're open your mind up to it tier B before we begin I just want to say that tier a and Kirby were so close to each other I think you could really argue swapping any of these eight heroes around and I would probably agree with most your decision so it was very very hard for me to really calculate all these which is why I said I forced myself to do it because I didn't want to just cherry-pick and just say well all eight of these characters are a so I'm just gonna throw that out there again how master 17 points most of his abilities are good but I would not classify them as great hence why he exists in the B tier he can do great damage with dog bones on marks and even against bait beasts related targets hounds Harry's also great AoE choices for some bosses and enemy lineups however he be limited in certain dungeons with high bleed resist and some protection just like the fletchling he's a decent stressed healer however it's not reliable or necessarily the largest but it's still good since it affects all four part members his stats are decent but due to his lower damage and slight knee for d-o-t slash mark reliance it does put him a little lower on my list he was on par with the fledgling and maybe really hard to separate too but the less survivability and the strong do T depends and I know that sounds funny because that's all the fledgling does but I feel like the fledging can make up in other support aspects as well let me know if you disagree if they how master should be in the a tier or the B tier jester 17 points the Jester down the SLO may surprise some of you since he might be a staple in your party composition as he is for me his skills are undeniably useful and battle ballad inspiring tune are some of the best support skills in the game in my honest opinion the ability speaks for themselves but the gesture is heavily reliant on third position which is why he's low on party compensation friendliness to me his damage is also pretty do t dependent thus if it doesn't go through he doesn't really have any damage but there is a bomb of finality which is why I do give him a B and with his bleed abilities actually being decent he does have really good stats what's helping with a lot to go first and a dodge is pretty good however he is fairly reliant on a strong keel since its HP's rather low so if you do get hit about twice you're gonna need a strong kill to probably get him away from death's door thus the dependability on third or fourth position necessarily not the strongest damage without finale which obviously has a crucial d-bus and you need to work on towards the front row he's definitely a beat because of that s and the skills however I do think he's justified as a B but a very important beat plague doctor the plague doctor is the same ly good at control and blight D of T some of other abilities are situational or preference but the main reason why people use sirs for the strong do T's and obviously blinding gas the double stun in the back row where stress damage dealers love to live I have used them bombing vapors for significantly longer boss fights but not for a regular fight it's very good it's just you really want some time to boost that up her stats are mediocre which makes her vulnerable to damage such as skull tosses which are very annoying to her she has low bleed resist and stun resist as well as it said before she's probably not gonna dodge skull tosses so she's gonna take a lot of stress in the back row there which is not great she's still great against high protection based enemies obviously with the d-o-t and she could actually function in a decent amount of rows but once again she highly functions and rose through to four very well overall she works very well but due to her not having really quick damage and low survivability she does belong in the be tier in my mind however as I say absolutely not gonna discredit how good she is Crusader 17 points owed argue that he's also very close to the 18 you're beginning to wonder why his biggest weakness has really are the row versatility without holy lance holy lance is great and all but it has to function a lineup where shuffling is constant if you do that that's very good however I've used them as a front to Road Crusader most likely this is not going to happen and if you have holy Lance off and if you get surprised we're shuffle it's pretty much game over you're gonna be turning him into a sport Crusader until you get lucky and he's put into the front row however he also belongs in the beats here because he does actually have some decent heals stress heals a protection and he does have a stun which is pretty darn good his high HP and damage will make up for his semi trap and speed and as I said before he he actually be a static hero which is nice and he can kind of move a little and sit in the back row sometimes he will need to be more support like so he's actually pretty party friendly we all know his damage is really great against unholy creatures and it's pretty decent against others as long as they don't have high protection with his conglomeration of abilities the Crusader belongs in the B tier he's very close to the a and very close to the C as well and I'm interested to see where you think he belongs tier C tier C's we're gonna see the biggest point differential and on the first character but after that that's where you're gonna see it brave robber 16 points the grave robber is a pretty good choice but most situations the shield breaker always has a similar skillset were actually just works much better ironically the grave robber functions very well to shield breaker but she doesn't function the same without the shield breaker but the shield breaker can still function the same without the grave robber so that dependency really for me separates the two and that is why the grave robber so much lower in my mind you can definitely do massive damage with the grave robber if you stutter up with you know the stealth ability they give for a lunge on someone that is blighted it's big damage in my grave robber review I show some of that big damage we're talking 4050 crêpes with just decimates pretty much anyone even through protection she can do that much damage her damage can be pretty darn underwhelming though if you do decide just to use the throwing dagger over and over again but if you decide to use longsword used utilize mark compositions with blight she can be a respectable amount of damage which is why she's very high in the sea and homeless in the beach here she's very friendly to team compositions as well and her attacker Oviatt verse cities look really great but overall her skills feel a little lackluster and she needs too much build-up from others who do big reliable damage Vestal fourteen-point my grievances with the vessel are almost the same as it just a very strong character in terms of skills and can't really with live without her and certain dungeons and bosses but some of her abilities really feel lackluster and she gets shuffled she's always completely useless her damaged mediocre and even if you're in the room she's like a berate Crusader so you might as well take an ax Crusader her abilities in the fourth position offer a little damage she does have a stun however she doesn't have the highest backers sees that she's gonna get maybe dodged a couple of times on this judgement and ray of light abilities she has more HP but her dodge is terrible so thus like the pike dr. criticism she's gonna get skull tossed hard and if you can't get rid of a ghoul she might get Scott tossed twice which might put her up to 35 to 40 damage with the stun so it's really not gonna be a reliable character to dodge her stunned illumination are good elimination needs to be in the third position where there's other characters I think are much better such as the Jester and the plague doctor we just talked about thus the vessel is very generic but her heals definitely keep your party alive and as oddly and must have in some situations bite me ranking her soul on this tier list as I said before remember the rank does not mean here is not crucial it just necessarily means compared to other people they might be rated like a seat the vessel is the only character with this level of heal stuff there's not many other great options for AoE healing so this is more of a need rather than the characters just really good it's a weird idea however I do believe she's a pretty mediocre character overall outside of her healing based abilities leper 14 points if you know my channel this her but I believe this to be as accurate as possible the lepers definitely see tear but not the lowest for sure since is damaged his stats and skills are actually pretty darn good the stats which some people may dislike is Dean sanely low speed but there's other ways to get around that by upgrading his speed by four with one ability the intimidate ability is not something you probably use often however there are a couple of bosses you can use to decrease damage and obviously gives them a little more speed which is very nice if he moves outside the first two roads he probably literally can't do anything useful for your party and that's where this pretty much comes the biggest problem with them his other major setback is anyone with high protection so if you get two people a 45 percent protection plus in the front row he's just gonna have to chop through them or intimidate the back row which isn't necessarily what you want to use the leper for if you bring them along I have a strong like for the leper but his flaws definitely cannot be overlooked and he needs other people to be built around him to maximize his damage because alone he really cannot which is why he's in sea because you can't exactly throw a leper and everywhere like you can some other damage dealers so they'll seize much lower and his accuracy really does hurt him árboles it must get tier 14 points this hero and the next hero were very difficult for me I could on any given day probably swap these two out but for right now the musketeer árboles are going to take this C tier for me our bow skills are actually pretty good for some of them what makes her slightly painful as her low speed and her lower base damage this is obsolete done for the mark setup however mark setups can be ineffective against some bosses also the mark setup does not necessarily guarantee a one-time shot as two to three rounds can be spent trying to kill one enemy in the back row you don't want to spend one hero turn marking and then getting possibly the lowest damage and taking two rounds to kill a back row hero it's not something you want when the mark Chad she should be probably blowing people away in one turn star blows can function pretty well between positions three and four but outside of that she's pretty bad just like the leper is pretty good between positions one and two she's pretty good at positions three to four once those two characters kind of get swapped that's when they start falling apart and don't offer much to your party now what I will say is the herbalist is much more team friendly in the terms of support skills thus she can suppress the back row and she can also do stealth a wide range of people so she does have some pretty good support skills and she also has a heal that can be used on other individuals and also synergize with people such as the cultists worth of vessel so she's pretty darn good thus I kept her in a sea tier because I think she's much more team friendly than the next person tier D abomination 13 points this in the musketeer I could swap around but really settle it for me on the domination was the early game abominations have always some the hardest things in my personal opinion to bring up and happy friendly team competition his son is also 10 percent below average as the OT damage is also pretty weak with us the lower stun chance and the lower do T's don't exactly make me want to have them as support domination when there's someone like the plague doctor also as I alluded to before the first row of domination is really great for damage but the happiest place for him is the second position thus if you have people shifting him around you can really mess up your composition super easy with an abomination and obviously when he transforms he's going to stress people out so despite his great damage it's a bridge abilities really good his very good stats overall skill and team composition hurt him greatly as I said before the abomination is one of the toughest classes to bring up and I know it's not exactly something in there but it is something to think about so on top of all that in the early game hardship you're going to face because of his lackluster support based skills I do think he belongs in the D tier he can absolutely shred certain bosses and you should not be underestimated I do think he'd be very difficult to stick into some team competitions though like the leper you kind of have to build around him and not have him be added in as goodness anti khorium 12 points dandy corneum is indeed a money machine however she be a little difficult to make up for at times her extreme lack of damage and her hilariously low HP that her dodge is higher than her HP could cause her to feel like an escort mission rather than an actual party member she can fend up a couple of strategies very well but you do need some really high damage dealers to make up for this often includes a Highwaymen obviously the very best character and then you're going to pair him with the very worst character and the protect me repost strategy she can kind of add more damage to the party that way but all you're really doing is funneling more attacks to the best character I put in the tearless so that's why it makes sense summary skills are actually really great ideas and are honestly borderline broken if they were buffed a little more such as if you went from 10 dodge to 15 dodge per used you would go to 30 dodge and two turns rather than just 20 you can't just build this beautiful three-person composition to me like he asked screw it put the ND khorium there it's probably not gonna work unless you've done the party a hundred times you've got to put the IND aquarium in first so the antiquarians very useful she obviously gets you a crap ton of cash but really feels like you're fighting about 3.5 and strength against four-person lineups and that does add a different level of stress I hope I said did not throughout the video I never liked dumping all mine character I always used every single hero in the game on a regular run-through because I do believe all of them have their independent uses some are much more team friendly as I said before however I believe each one has an insanely good use and I always keep at least one in every single time I play the game please let me know where you disagree leave a like on a comment down below if you like this video check out the rest of my channel thank you so much like and subscribe below I look forward to those great conversations [Music]
Channel: HiDdeN SQuiDZ Gaming
Views: 82,662
Rating: 4.8179722 out of 5
Keywords: hidden squidz gaming, darkest dungeo, hidden squidz, darkest dungeon, who is the best hero darkest dungeon, darkest dungeon tier list, darkest dungeon hero rank, darkest dungeon tier list hero, darkest dungeon hero tier list, darkest dungeon who is the best, darkest dungeon how good are the heroes, hero rankings darkest dungeon, darkest dungeon hero list, darkest dungeon tier list 2019, darkest dungeon tier list 2020, darkest dungeon 2020
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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