Early Game Guide/6 Tips: Darkest Dungeon

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welcome to Hidden squids gaming not a tip but a friendly reminder slash words of advice pretty much everything darkest dungeon is orangey base so don't get set on things always going out the way you planned or the way they someone else did it you never know which crits are gonna go against you or which crits are going to go for you you enjoy tip 1 do not clean the early game heroes people are going to die don't cling to them if they're gonna be in the early game especially if you're aiming for an achievement to keep Reynold and Dismas alive until the final dungeon of the darkest dungeon those are about the only two characters that will truly matter if they die other than that expecting early games death's doors and early game desks can sometimes be strategic it actually may be beneficial to let people go or let them die if they have a lot of stress on them or other quirks that you just can't get rid of in the early game this is why the next tip is very important to do if you're going to be using people on a rapid basis in the beginning get more heroes early on with the stagecoach stagecoach stagecoach stagecoach the number of individuals you can get is probably when the first things you want to upgrade along with maximum capacities clear you could upgrade to four people right away but I like taking the 312 option for the first two steps just because I once I get so many people with four unless I'm be turning those same four people out all the time I like getting three and then only using one from the last squad getting another three using one from the last squad and eventually you can hit a cycle where you won't have anyone that goes and still have a decent variety on the team one of the things that may get you is you want to upgrade stuff you want to get better skills better camping skills you want to get better armor you want to get people de-stress faster you just don't have the money and resources to do it early on in the game an early game it would not be uncommon to go through an individual or two not to have them die but after you get out a fight be like already hit a hundred stress that fight I really don't want to put them in a stressful atif or a thousand gold and then have them missing for a week or two it's just a waste of a spot timing gold in the beginning you want to turn people in and out so you can get to stage up and running to maximum efficiency and then you can focus on other and then you can get the level three and four but in the beginning it's very crucial to make sure that you have enough people coming in so you never have a week where you're just barely getting by tip three choosing your dungeons wisely this is a weird one but when you first start you get a sense of fear and you kind of want to just do the Explorer option because you're like oh I don't have to take battles I don't have to look for things I just need to hit seven out of eight rooms but once you start playing the game you realize that those Explorer runs can take a lot longer than some of the battle rooms and the gathering we're activating of other artifacts I'm gonna tell you why this is we'll take a short example if there's eight rooms and a short dungeon you have to go to seven of them if you're doing a battle room you could literally do it in a room or two now you could go to all eight for battle rooms that is a possibility however the mount times you're not gonna go to all eight rooms is heavily going to outweigh the fact that you would have to always explore seven because once you explore more more resources you've used more chances of traps you run into you use the more chances are running to something that called the collector you're gonna happen it's just the more and more you do the longer you walk the worse things are gonna get and possibly better in even if you do the dungeon room within a two to three turns you could still explore the other five if you want to medium dungeons also may not be that bad if you have a good scouting party where an item that allows you to scout and you're looking for artifacts it could be very quick it could be with them maybe six or seven rooms you can end that if you get lucky with orangy long dungeons are usually hard especially explore 90% of the rooms I'd rather do that'll rooms because if you have a good scouting party you can just immediately head to the rooms with the parties you see so I wouldn't recommend long parties right away especially on the easier dungeons they've just not worth the XP once you get higher up you get a lot better trinkets for it I would definitely do it then in the meanwhile between levels like 1 & 4 I would definitely do the short to medium dungeons and especially the fighting and artifact ones I missed 3 fights in a mystery room because I did not take an explorer room tip four what does this do I think I'd either ignored or didn't learn early on enough I might click through it is learning what items do learning how they heal your buffs and all that that's quickly however the interactable items is the one where I didn't initially get that you could put things into items it really hurt me for the beginning of the game because you can remove negative quirks for free you can get more money and get more pieces all for a very cheap price now I won't always recommend going to Wikipedia but if you don't have time to do things that are gonna hurt you or things that aren't gonna you know yield profit you're in always like 500 gold I'm trying it I'd recommend just going to Wikipedia but if you have the time just go through the good thing is once you try it once the game will Ex out things that did not work and give you a little thing on things that did work such as coins for money also pro tip never burn books it's an immediate 100 stress unless you're looking to do it tip 5 money isn't the biggest deal early on I know what you're thinking you're thinking money is everything and eventually in the end game when you're upgrading everything you got constant heroes hitting level 6 and buying their best items and armors yeah money is everything however in the early on you need those trinkets to get to that point so I would prioritize trinkets and the items that allow you to upgrade buildings over money in the beginning because as I said before you're gonna be turning through heroes a lot you're actually never gonna hit the stage of spending a lot of money on them so it's more important to get the trinkets and items you need to upgrade buildings than it is to maybe a [ __ ] harness a lot of money for the people I aren't ever gonna level up in the beginning tip 6 last fight last light a tip is the last fight in a dungeon or if you know there's only gonna be one to two fights laughs and you take them pitch dark kill the torch right before you kill the last enemy you can keep the light on the whole time and it doesn't matter it's lawyer the torch status is at the end of the fight so right before them to fight the killing blow kill that torch kill that enemy get more money more trinkets more whatever you want this works really well in battle rooms because you can usually guarantee at least a three to four enemies that's gonna be a big reward if it's enemy mill the hallway that's your last fight you may get screwed with only three maggots and they give you like 50 gold bonus tip just the right amount this tip is more touch and feel figure out how much of what items you need for your party in your play style because all the items are there doesn't mean you have to buy them all doesn't mean you have to bring them all I suffered that early on in the game and I wasted a lot of money bringing things we're duplicating things people would already bring such as the grape wrapper will always bring a shovel which saves you 250 gold that's really nice and so you only have to buy one more shovel that's 250 gold for that and grave robbers are pretty good early game character in general also don't be afraid to bring fewer tortures because some of your party members may have abilities that can light up the room for you and there's also places with unlit torches along the way so getting all 12 torches for a short dungeon may not be needed thank you click like button the subscribe below [Music]
Channel: HiDdeN SQuiDZ Gaming
Views: 255,864
Rating: 4.920125 out of 5
Keywords: Hidden Squidz Gaming, Hidden Squidz, Darkest dungeon guide 2018, darkest dungeon tips and tricks, darkest dungeon tips, tips and tricks darkest dungeon, guide to darkest dungeon, darkest dungeon gameplay, darkest dungeon beginners guide
Id: bZ5Y9e9Fb0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 29 2018
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