FULL 100% CATCH RATE POKEMON TEAM! - Pokemon With 100% Catch Rate

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up with you for today's video will be full 100 catch right pokemon team now in the pokemon games there's pokemon they can be caught a hundred percent of the time and i thought this is a really cool idea to put into a team like alternatives for example you can catch appraisally any ball right uh like the baseball now if you do want to check me out twitch people this where i do all my live streams twitch.tv yt thank you everyone for coming out to the stream yesterday it was awesome we did pokemon battles we have pokemon drawing going at the same time all right today i'm going to spoil you people with three battles i really hope you enjoy them and let's get into these battles so this thing was really really mixed right it had like some legendaries and then had some pokemon that were babies so it was a crazy team okay the first pokemon we got is canopy now with the canopy right and a few of this theme on xy and route 2 you could actually catch this 100 of the time which is really really cool once again if there's any other pokemon that i've missed in this theme that you actually could possibly add please leave it in the comment section of the video too this is the battle against joba king and he's going to be starting off with the guillotine vehicle vault only on people's shell so go for these are bug bites right i've got the choice band attached and it's looking like a beautiful juicy four here coyote so once again this scummy vicar vault keeps going for a guillotine on my canopy right because it's canopy right like i don't even need shiny canopy to beat this thing so go for another bug bite number four and pick a ball is going to be going down there now i'm not sure if my opponent is running a theme team ever but if they are let me know in the comment section of course and if i did battle you in uh one of these battles here let me know in the comment section of course i'd love to always see you a battle so we've got the perimeter coming in there with a liquid voice uproar throat spray taking out my canopy only on peptide channel people now they're gonna have a lot of special attack now so i gotta make sure i can take this out now the caterpiece evs i know you just you know you're wondering so much what they are that was maxwell and mcstack adam and nature now the next pokemon i'm going to be bringing here right is the uh barnaby so abundably is obviously under the same category as canopy uh how to 100 capture right so we're going to be going with an agility last resort set with huge power so i've got this one set up as out of a nature as well like the caterpie max speed and max sag so popping that up last the sword off and it lived on one health you wouldn't read about like how did it live though i did damage calculations for like ages and it just it must have got the last little bit of minimum damage there so perennial somehow hangs on there and down goes my bundle so going into my zigzag now there's six going you could get on uh omega ruby alpha sapphire on route 101 100 chances that's pretty cool there now once again there might be a couple other pokemon uh that you could have like i just sort of won them like maybe obviously ones that aren't like the ones that aren't in the game obviously we won't include but ones that are in the game let me know right i just saw the one that uh you know wasn't in the game so we're going to swap out these things going there because of scumly queenly managed to there and let me go into my pick a pack here now this one was also another sorry my picobet fletchling can you guys just destroy me in the comments for that one so fletching is a bulky everlight set ruse willowist fly right what i wanted to do with this set is that the gale wings is the ability it's like you know priority flyer then i could have the maxwell and max defense make it fairly bulky and uh we got impish nature as their birthday so what i'm going to be doing right it's going to be burning this surrender it's going to be using tea dance and confusing my fletching i don't know why i got pika pig i guess they're like little birds and you can get them mixed up right so here comes the tropic tropic is going to drop my attack it's not gonna do a lot of damage to me but uh you know i'm not gonna be really hitting this thing hard at all right if i can get around the confusion that is right so i hit myself in confusion though you know about two damage and some more burn for the serena i guess i shot the uh serena down that's actually not a bad shiny to go to admit now the other people there was steel wings still wing has a 10 chance to make your defense go up so i thought this would be super cool if i burst like a physical poker right i burn them then start spamming steel wing and i get like a boost if you're so bulky right now the next pokemon here we've got coming in is the quite cool kawaii i'm not sure so anyway i'm going to get hit by the confusion again for this the second uh the second alternator right there now i can't go for willow s will i miss i mean i can't go for a fly though but i know that flies going to do no damage right so i was like okay let's go for fly let's see what at least what move it's going to be is it going to be physical special meme let's face it they're probably going to be regardless so it's going to go for a bulk up this is bad right this is very very bad i had a little thought what i might be able to do to this thing though if things are you know things went pear-shaped which mostly they do so here comes the flinging iron ball here look how well i tank that with my bulky defensive fletching so go for that steel wing there look at the damage that does it's very impressive and uh here comes the heat crash from the terminator and down goes my fletching i mean at least it tried right at least i got to see a couple of those moves so he's saying bulk up fling and heat crash so i'm gonna assume it probably has maybe a dragon time move so going to mike ziggler going here we've got belly drum explain sweet attract rest with chester berry now interestingly enough right the terminator swaps out and the serena is going to come back in so obviously they're thinking all right just gonna go for extreme speed again right i went for a track this time now the whole thing about this center right it's hard to get a belly drum up with a zigzag because it's not very bulky but i thought maybe i could go for a track then go for belly drum ride and get it up you know i i've never had a problem getting enough so we got the ziggs going swapping out and the next poker got here is the uh turn this so turned us obviously was caught yeah 100 in uh hammer lock city in the max ray battle ride so i had to be in this tape and you know you did the battle with uh you know turner max attorneys in sword and shield now this alternative set is all based around critting the opponent right and it's also a physical set its physical side is very limited we got cross poison dragon tail it's only dragon physical move dragon dance and gigger impact right now cross poison already has a chance of our critting right so i gave it the scope lens as the item so we got a decent chance of creating the opponent now first before i do that i'm going to go for a dragon dance however i'm going to get hit by a trop kick which is going to drop the attack off my alternatives now if i didn't have like a critting move and a scope lens this would have been annoying but there is still a good chance i can actually quit this arena and you know take it out right so i've got to get through the confusion as well too and i don't want to hit myself and of course i hit myself right away it doesn't do a lot of damage though so here comes another dropkick here so it turns his attack isn't going to be very high if i don't get a crit so i need to get a crit if i get one print here it should be able to take it out in one shot right so snapping out a confusion which is uh very very nice there and uh serena is gonna get destroyed in one shot with a nice juicy crit there which is very very good right now i did do a physical return to sweep a while ago and it took ages right because uh it's a tax that isn't that great and when you've got when you've got crossboys and a dragon tower to work with it's not the greatest ride so the next pokemon to come in here right is the lily also i know what this thing team is as well let's see if you can guess what it is uh by dropping a comment below there see if you can guess so it's gonna go for a hypnosis here and this is gonna be a scummy set i already know because it's got hypnosis so it's probably gonna be something like you know a scummy hail set and you know some evasiveness in the heart which is very very mean like with snowfall so anyway the hail is falling down there the salt is just falling my attentiveness is uh taking a little nap at the moment so i thought i've got nothing to lose here i'm just going to stay in and go for the cross poison and wake up she calls just going to slide on by i hope that doesn't hit right now i finally wake up there only after like one or two turns and the vulpix is going to get hit by that and it's going to get critted too so that was very very good there at turtus physical alternatives is really pulling it to weight against these little baby pokemon now the next pokemon i've got here that i don't think i could take out is the tertinator right it will take a couple of hits and it may even have shell armor too so it's gonna be going for a bulk up here i was like okay that's fine i can go for a dragon tail instead and i can actually phase them out of this battle because i had a feeling they tried to set up me plus i hadn't revealed that i dragon tail yeah right so bye bye noted you're gonna get flung out of this battle now the last pokemon here right is the pikachu so i was like hmm i think they're gonna go for thickachu right so thickachu would get hit very very hard by the cross poison it should be a two uk even if they you know gmax right so i was like okay do i go for a dragon tail again and bring back in the terminator or do i just attack him across poison like what should i do decided in the end to go for the cross poison and here we go people we've got the big shiny pikachu sorry pikachu right now are you going to say pee with me together here we go it's the you got to get your device really really deep right it's already ready let me wait for the table like that but it's sort of like echoes right that echoes throughout the arena anyway so we've got one big plate look how thick it is going for that cross poison there does some beautiful damage but and i get the crit too very very nicely too and i get static by the pikachus like man now it's going to be out speed me run now pikachu pikachu is going to go for its gmax volt crash here it's not going to do a lot of damage but obviously they're trying to paralyze me but you know regardless i was going to get paralyzed anyway like with static and vault crash you were always going to get paralyzed so we got some uh i got a really bad situation here i can't go for a drag it's not all across poison or i could go for a giga impact so let's go for giga impact right now pikachu is going to go for a max steel spike making it bulky right and my turn is actually going to manage to live it which is very very good i'm thinking right this is kind of she coming off the iron tail now somehow right somehow i missed think at you with gigabyte like how would you miss a pikachu that big like you could you could try forever and miss it and it wouldn't happen now here comes another gmax vault crash from the pikachu and atertus is going to be going down there man i would have loved to take that out with the impact it would have been it would have been just quality content regardless it is what it is we're going to be going into zigzag now now zig zoom i don't know if i could take it out with extreme speed here it's very very doubtful but i may as well go for it i cannot set the belly drama up here i have to just attack this thing right i do have one other pokemon in the back too which i know can easily deal with pikachu so go for the extreme speed now that syringes are out the way pikachu tanks it and it's gonna be going for a thunderbolt and i managed to tank it too with my zigzag i can go for another extreme speed here and take it out now the eevees on my ziggs goat if you are wondering were maxwell and maxtac adam and nature i thought with this strategy max self would be a little bit better let me show you this like complete strategy now the last pokemony is the uh the tertinator or the kawaii or kuwait i'm not sure i don't know how to say this right now i'm actually pretty good at pronouncing things but some names just really really get me like this one so go for the track right uh you know infatuating that uh tertinator it's gonna try and fall in love with me and guess what people it's successful what i can do right i can't go for the barely jump but i can go for a rest here and zigzag can close its peepers and go to sleep and get all of its health back right that's going to enable me to have a chance to go for the belly from the next turn right because my item was chesterbury and it's going to be waking up right away right so things go pretty good at my right i need turnout to get infatuated for a couple of turns and the second turn it gets infatuated too oh no people got shot right so now i can go for the belly drum here i'm going to maximize my attack and then i can go for extreme speed which will do a lot of damage i might even dynamics this if i'm able to pull off we'll see right so while we got a third turn here of the uh tournament and not doing anything because this turn it's gonna go for a bulk up instead which is very very good now i believe that i won't be able to take it out in one shot here but if i go for dynamax and then go for max strike it won't be able to use heat crash against me it'll have to use something else if it leaves that is that's if it looks so go for the dynamic zigzag going here only on peptide shadow here and we're gonna have a big old zigzagoon here i perhaps i should have whacked a couple of shinies on this thing i don't like a couple of uh like a shining zig skin maybe uh a bundle big i don't know i i i did put one shiny on this day but you haven't seen it yet okay so we got a half alfie on my zig zoom which is going to be plenty hopefully and go for that mac strike on the terminator and actually like i can't believe it it lived because it's like super super bulky right and uh i don't know like that was 2-1 hp lives there the merchant available however they do get immobilized by love there that's three turns of love that my zig zagoon has discharged so i could go for another max strike here i was going to say disrespect max right but it's not really disrespect because it's very powerful and down goes the turn uh what a crazy battle there multiple one health lifts infatuation on the terminator i i gotta say eternitus and zigzag were the mvps of this battle thank you joker king for the battle i hope you're not too salty about that attracts these again i'm like i would be now the next battle here we got is against jay this one i think was on my stream as well and this is a pretty cool team at the same time so we've got a tether crawl lead here got those tentacles flowing nicely there in the in the breeze yeah there is a little bit of breeze i can see if you look closely at the people in the stadium their clothes are moving so we've got the uh confused right here on my fletching i almost got a pika back again i can't believe this so anyway i'm gonna be confused i thought to go for willow wester in case it was a physical set even if it wasn't a physical set i could get some form of damage right and just see what the rest is said with so strawberry the tentacle usually tenocral would destroy fletching in like one move here so i'm gonna snap out of that confusion and i'm gonna fly high in the sky run i'm right in the sky right now here comes the knock-off so it is a physical sound like that's really good like i could take this all day i could possibly get some steel wing booster now we got the first 10 across swapping out there to uh fletching um it's not every day you see a tentacle swap out the fletching and we've got another tentacle coming in so it is an amazing tentacle team did you see that fly animation that was so cool so it's got rocky on the tentacle now they're gonna set the rain up now at this stage i'm gonna be honest with you i'm gonna go down to a bubble right if it's a physical move i'm probably going to get destroyed as well unless i can get a willow miss off and it doesn't miss which is very very good last night i had the saltiest battle i've had like a really really long time like i'll be uploading it like to youtube throughout the week but it was really really salty like i was salty as well it's beautiful so we've got the yellow ranges tentacle here and it's gonna be going for a giga train so i'm guessing assuming right away okay they don't have a uh a watertight move at all so uh they're gonna be using gigaret it's not going to be doing too much to me i've got the everlight even on the special side with everlight and all the you know obviously all the resist it's not going to be doing too much then so i'll go for a fly there i can't do a lot of damage there either like fly and the burns not doing much because of the yeah so i'm gonna need like flies but when you look at the damage of flight it's probably gonna be about a 20 ko now we've got the tenor crawl swapping out and we've got another tender will coming in wait was this the turner i think this might have been the tenor crawl from before so here comes another fly there and it does some pretty good damage but this one has got uh this has got the uh black sludge so all these pokemon are really really bulky so here goes they got substitute here on the uh the third ten of crew and this is where it got really difficult because this one is going to be a super super scummy set now to break a substitute on a tentacle i thought there's no way i can do it without my fledging right i've got to go into another pokemon so i went in the caterpie just to see what would happen right now i might be able to get like choice banded electro web right only up here so go for that toxic on my canopy i was like oh no this has got substitute and it's got toxic right what else is it going to have i feel like it's going to be a really bulky stall he said after seeing that it might have an attacking move but i don't know like i i had a really really bad feeling about this one right so canopy once again i can go for electroweb choice banded um adam and nature it's gonna do a lot of damage right i reckon i reckon it's probably about a four to five pko just to break once up so here comes infestation now caterpie now canopy cannot swap out actually what do you think about this let me pitch this idea to you the move infestation right it's a bug time move do you think bug type pokemon should be able to swap out of an infestation you know what i mean like it makes sense what do you think i don't know anyway so we got some toxic damage and infestation damage on my caterpie look i i can't do anything here this thing is going to completely stall me right and it's got double team too this is pure field so substitute double team investigation and toxic there's only one pokemon on my team that could possibly take this thing out right but i want to get rid of this substitute first right before i bring it in like where's zigzagoon like i don't really want to set up against the rug because i'll need to go belly drum then i'll need to go extreme speed i could go for rest you're probably right i could go for rest but i don't know right um i don't want to bring it out just yet but i'm thinking about i might have to bring it out after this right so they're going to go for another double team here i was like okay i'm probably going to have to bring zig zagoon in real soon you know get that belly drum up and then go for max strike to get around all those double tanks so now we're going to go for another letrap desperately trying to get rid of the substitute here and obviously it's you know it's the 600 hit ko against his subject right now apple's almost got all its health back there and canopy is going to be going down to the toxic damage and the infestation it did live on one health there so that was uh you know that was worthy of a merchandise so bye-bye caterpie you know what i should have brought the shiny caterpie along would have done better right we all know the shiny makes a difference now we're gonna go into uh the bun will be here i was gonna go for agility then i was gonna go for a last resort however they're going to swap out and they're going to bring in another 10 acre here so okay so i would have been fine i believe i would have been able to get around that next tentacle there unless last resort kept missing right that's about the only thing i could have dynamics so go for a last stop there and the next tentacle is gonna get shredded in one shot this thing's got huge power so it is doing a uh a huge amount of damage now here comes the bar this is the tentacle the very first one firing off the last resort here it tanks it very very nicely like tentacles are generally quite a tanky pokemon now what they're going to do here is they're going to go for haze and that's going to get rid of my agility boost so i i can still use last resort right but i won't be as fast as what i was so here comes the giga drain there that's not going to take me out they're probably going to need maybe one to two more judging if the second one is min or max damage right so i'm going to make this opportunity to go for another agility so just saying i was hoping they didn't predict me go through guilty then go for another haze here but i didn't think they will because i only had like a little bit of health back right so go for the last sort on the fourth fourth tener crow i think it is and the tentacle is gonna be going down i take a little bit of rocky helmet damage so i'm guessing there is that bulky tenor crawl there that the toxic infestation one i believe i won't be able to one-shot that but i believe i'll be able to do a lot of damage though right so going for the last sword once again does a lot of damage and now they're going to be able to get a toxic off here they could have gone for infestation but that wouldn't have taken me out like in two turns right they would have needed to uh you know be able to stall a turnout or something like that and there's no point of dynamaxing antenna crawl on like a little bit of help so i am poison here but uh i know that i can take it out the next turn and the our turn after that i'm gonna fight but it's all good i got rid of a couple of bulky tentacles there once again there was only really one pokeball i had maybe two that could have gone around that substituting one so i got two healthier not one unfortunately i can't do another merch plug and the next pokemon is tender crawl it's a strawberry uh tentacle so popping off another last resort here it does an enormous amount of damage and takes it out wow this thing is sweeping through the tentacles now unfortunately since i did get poisoned by that tentacle earlier on bunnaby is going to be fainting but he did a lot of work there taking out a lot of tentacle now they've got two tenocral left and i've got four pokemon left there so now comes our raspberry tentacle and we got the ziggs going so i thought hmm let's go for belly drum here they popped the poison stick tentacle only on pretty much that and i could go for an extreme speed after this so popping that belly drum off right i lift it like any other move the poisonous thing probably would have taken him out there you've got to respect them for poison stink tentacle you've got to respect them for that so raspberry is going to go down to the extreme speed here and they've only got one pokemon left and it's going to be a shiny tentacle so this might be a troll set i'm not sure i'm definitely thinking they need to dynamics their pokemon to live in extreme speed here and if they do dynamics i estimate extreme speed will do you know close to half out like it's quite bulky right and ziggs going doesn't it doesn't really have the greatest attacks that in the world right now i've got no idea whether this is going to be a special set a physical set i don't think it'll be a stolix yet i think this is going to be more of an offensive one because if you look at the tenor crawl they had earlier they're quite uh you know it's about three three of them were quite like bulky and stolen right so here comes the max guys they're coming out of it some nether region and uh the zigzag is going to be going down there and the rain is up so it's watertight moves are gonna be hitting really really hard man look at those big golden tentacles right look at them they're just they're flying beautifully right there so there's uh three more pokemon i can use here i could use my uh fletching not pick a pack and i could stall that another turn of dynamics i'm gonna get roasted for that so hard right i can't go for will i miss it they went from that stainless you know what i thought i think right they expected me to go into another pokemon after this and do a double swap so max dartmouth is gonna drop my special defense and i went for flyers let's let's fly out of the arena hacker explodes so it's flying out of that arena there you can't even see me and they've got the leftovers as the item too so fly's obviously not going to do any damage at all tanacrul can't hit me because i'm flying in there and they went for the max guard there i would have liked to see how much fly would have done but i'm going to be real with you i think leftovers would have healed up the damage like the whole damage and then some right so uh more uh more healing there for the tentacle it will be out outspeed me and it will be able to take me out the next team with you know whatever watertight move uh they've got right so they've got a dark type move and they've got a physical watertight move here with waterfall and look at the damage it did to me like i ate that like a snack so going for the uh willow is there on the tentacle and it's gonna be burnt i can't believe i took it that well i took it amazingly well so on the tenor crawl he is in a little bit of trouble he can't do a lot of damage my uh fletching and i could possibly go for roost after this set so i think okay i could go for roost and i might be able to beat this single sword dance but then again i've got two other pokemon so maybe i should go for another fly and just do as much damage as possible then bring that in and take it up so i decided in the end to go for the fly there they went for a sword dancer guys like all right maybe they're running thinking if they maybe they're just running bulk and they've got sword dance on this thing too so they could go for this bulky and then saw dance uh you know three times and it'll be bulky and it'll be offensive at the same time run regardless i'm gonna be going for a fly this turn and they're gonna go for another store dance so they're burn but they're gonna try and maximize their attack right to plus six i'm assuming run now i could go for a fly here and it's gonna mess up watching i didn't see a lot of points stalling this thing out with bruce because when you look at the burn damage and leftovers you know there's no it's not going anywhere right and i don't want a 20 minute stall at this battle run so here comes the waterfall from the tenor crawl at plus four with the burn is enough to take me out there so i was like fine that's okay i want to deal some damage to this thing so i've got two more pokeball left here now there's one pokemon i haven't used yet which you didn't see in the first battle and then obviously there's one you've already seen already so i was thinking should i bring that uh really powerful pokemon in or should i leave it to after the attendance i feel like attendance can take this thing out pretty well right it's got knockoff and it's got waterfall i don't see it doing much damage me so like okay i can go for dragon ants here then i can go for giga impact and take this thing out right i should be able to take it out if a crit was definitely going to take it out right now tenocril is going to go for a knock off here look how much knockoff does it does hardly anything at all attention's got some pretty good bulk to right so that was to be expected if it wasn't burned that would have done a lot more damage like well over halfway so i have lost my scope lens here um i do have obviously i still got some raw baseball and giga impact so i went for that and said and that is going to be enough to take out peanut butter the ten o'clock and we are down to like the last two minutes of the battle there as well i hope you people enjoyed this second battle the full tenor cruelty it was uh it was very very cruel but i had to get the win in the end there thank you jay that was an awesome team there i don't know what i would have done against that uh infestation toxic one if i didn't have um possibly my ziggs good and other pokemon i definitely would have lost there so let's go into the third and final battle today this one's against as of stonks this is on my twitch as well and we got a shiny dratini lead here now this time i decided to go with the mighty canopies like okay canopy's gonna get the double i can feel it in my bones right and uh yeah i got destroyed by one outrage it might be choice man it might not be but regardless i've got triggery shrek right next poker what we're gonna bring in it is the banner wheels okay let's go for agility let's go for a last resort they're locked into outrage i may as well like use that right unless they get out of the the confusion straight away and then they e-speed me i wasn't really sure so go for the agility and uh i could go for a last resort this turn i'm pretty confident they're not running a focus sash on this thing i think they're definitely running choice bed so popping off that last thought there and wormy the trini is gonna go down man wormy was pretty strong now gotta admit now the next pokemon to come out into this matchup is gonna be uh pichu now we may have another team team here as well if it is a 17 let me know in the comment section so here comes another last thought there pichu i had a feeling it might have a sash there because you know pichu it's not bulky at all but i thought i might as well go for last night at least burn up the sash here comes the t-bolt and bundle b is going to go down there so that's all right i can bring another pokemon and easy take this out so like okay let's go into ziggs going i could go for each speed and take out the uh you know the pichu here however we got a swap here on my extreme speed and we've got a configure coming in then another second i was like wait wait a second this guy fable seems very very familiar i think this might be the metronome clefable we've seen a couple of videos ago now so like all right i'm not going to play any games here at all i'm going to go into a tournament i'm going to go for the cross poison to take this thing out i definitely think it's probably going to be an unaware set too so yeah hiccup's a metronome there i was right i could i could see it was the same nickname and it's going to use clear smog there right so it's a good thing that uh you know i didn't go for any status moves imagine right imagine if i went for uh belly drum and then they went for that they got clear smoke that would have been so salty so going for the cross poison it does very very good damage to the fable it's super duper effective here comes the uh well the final uh metronome from the fable and now they're going to pull a mustang you know what i knew that i wouldn't come out of this matchup unscathed like something scummy would have had to happen there so it's going to be super effective and most importantly it's going to drop my actually too right so i'll go for a cross poison anchor favorite was going to be going down so that's good i got rid of the metronome club because anything could have happened there could have been one hit ko moves you know other thing other scummy things like that now the next pokemon come in here is the tiramisu you know i've been at a tiramisu for a couple of years like tiramisu's like this coffee uh dessert you can have it's like i think there's like a biscuit and ice cream with it like coffee ice cream i think so it's been it's been a minute so anyway i'm gonna go for a uh a cross poison in this then they went for a triple axel miss and triple axel is going to hit me uh three times there so bye bye alternatives mudslide actually ruined me there so the cafe will do come back to troll me in the end now the pokemon i'm gonna swap in here i was thinking let's go into the pokemon you haven't seen yet and i was like no we're going to go into flat thing first so they're going to go for the triple axle i wanted to see what their item was i was curious that definitely is choice band because i should have lived that one if it wasn't choice man so now i know what their item was right i'm getting absolutely destroyed right now we're gonna go into the zekrom so obviously when you do a dynomax adventure it's a hundred percent catch rate right obviously right obviously so now we can go for our ancient power dragon pulse rising voltage and flash cannon this is probably one of the best sets on my team and it's got a sulphur as the iron right here so obviously after you do a dynamax adventure you can throw the ball and you get it 100 right so you can go for your baseball and maybe get the shiny legendary right so we got the uh tiramisu swapping out and we've got the wulu coming in a very nice fresh looking giant so i decided right it's time to desperation dynamics right because this uh this is a bad thing because there's still four pokemon to take out i don't know if i'll be able to get a belly drum up with my zig zagoon right unless i you know infatuate the opponent and get really really lucky and i thought maybe i could get uh maybe some anchor powers up after this and make myself even more vulgar so here we go um we got the dynomax at zechariah here go from the max wormwind on the uh on the wallet now i am running a special set so if that was a physical move i'd say it would have lived it could be quite bulky with everlight but willow is going to be going down there so they've got pikachu neck i knew peachy would come out because i've only got one health it's a perfect poke one to stall at you know one turn of my dynamics so i thought you know what i'm going to take advantage of this too i'm going to go for the max fuel spike and bolster my defense i know right i know that min c no sorry since saying oh let's get those two mixed up it's gonna come in and go for the triple axel but if i give myself a plus one defense right i'm gonna be super super bulky and even if it is choice fan i should be okay so out comes the uh the freedom and the uh shiny filing set i'm gonna go for a max lightning on and set myself up with a rising voltage right um that is my last turn of dynamax and that is going to get one try to say bye bye far let's say i mean zekrom is a very powerful pokemon now i've got the uh electricity flying on the field beautifully i've got my ziggs going left and i've got this tiramisu to deal it i was in a very very good position here right i was bulky plus one defense and i knew rising voltage one shot this one easy and i knew they had choice man judging on the damage they did to my everlighter fletching not picking back so here comes a triple accent the second one and look at the third one i got this one easy right the third triple axel crits me that made so much difference i'm so salty about that now the last pokemon is my zigs are going i mean extreme speed what's that gonna do nothing i need to get a belly drummer so my only hopi if uh triple axel actually misses or at single axle there's the first one it created me what and the second one is going to land here and of course the third one is going to land to come on thank you for the battle as it's dogs i'm definitely not salty at all about your tiramisu hope you people enjoyed all three of these battles i'll be back with some more content tomorrow what an awesome bunch of battles peace out [Music] you
Views: 59,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100% Catch Rate Pokemon Team, pokemon catch rate, pokemon catch rate explained, catching pokemon in sword and shield, catching pokemon in pokemon go, pokemon catch rate equation, Pokemon That Are Always Caught, Pokemon With 100% Catch Rate, eternatus catchable, pokemon catch chance, top 10 hardest pokemon to catch, How To Catch Pokemon easy, hardest pokemon to catch, hardest pokemon to catch in sword and shield, How To Catch Pokemon, PIMPNITE
Id: RsMt_uJ-K0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 46sec (1906 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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