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[Music] [Music] [Music] what Shelby shufai taste video with my fool generation 8 signature Pokemon moves theme that was a mouthful so pretty much what this scene is going to be all about is generation 8 Pokemon using only their signature move or strategy space around their signature move there's actually a really big list of signature moves and I'm going to be showcasing the moves off in general showing what they do explaining how they work if they're good if they're bad and just generally having some cool entertainment now you guys have told me you like the live battles it but you also like the post combat also today's is going to be a post Cobb I'm gonna be mixing it up with my channel cuz I know a lot of people like both and some like others and some don't so that's how we're going to be running on this channel from now on we've got to battle State if you're hyped for the theme teams please leave a like on the video it definitely helps out my channel and without further ado let's enjoy these battles this is a battle of a discord this was against lars o27 and we got a big colossal lead now firstly we're gonna start things off with more Peko here now my pet go gets a cool move called aura will now what aura will does it actually has two different type X depending on what mode you're in so at the moment we've got full belly mode our bellies for right we've just eaten a big meal and however as the turn ends we're gonna get hungry again and that is going to turn us into hangry mode and it's gonna make aura will a dark-type now obviously after use oral give you a +1 doesn't matter whether you're not hungry or your belly's full it still gives you a +1 in speed and it's a really cool but it's sort of like a little hamster on the wheel you know then those the little hamsters are like you know power stuff guys I got a hamster powering my computer right now so anyway I'm gonna hit by a heat crusher from of the colossal almost taking me out I do ever focus sash however and that's gonna change me back at the end of turn two every turn right there hangry mode act or full belly mode kicks in and changes you so they protect it's actually a really good move to use and it's depending if you want to get stabbed on the award you know or a wheel or not okay so colossal was going to go down that's good getting rid of that Pokemon I'm not sure like if it was just a dedicated lead Pokemon or it is it did have stealth rocks it could have been like a dedicated leak so we've got that down now I have actually left the explanation in for like the Pokemon sets and you know what my thoughts are asked like in between turns as well but I have cut out like actually skipping into my team because a lot of people seem to like that now they're probably wondering what they got to swap into this thing it's very very fast but the thing about this more petco said even at the run I'm running right is Adam and HR max attack and max speed even when you run that it doesn't it like super super hard now at the moment I could go for oral will I'm thinking maybe I should go for a taunt on this thing stack off my more Peko cuz bar plane can have a lot of annoying status moves right and I don't really have lots and lots to deal this Pokemon other than like some like memes that I've got so go for the taunt here in case it tries to set up if it doesn't set up you know that's how it is right so we've got the Giga Drain coming for a bar plume and it's gonna take no more pack well that's how it is I was sort of prepared to lose more petco I was pretty unhappy about that if it doesn't really healing moves and just annoying status moves it cannot use them unless it's near the top wears off or they swap out so this was pretty funny it's a surfetta no sir fetch has a really cool move called meteor or assault it's a physical move it's very very powerful it's kind of like it in layman's terms if you don't play a lot of Pokemon you as a casual person it's pretty much a physical version of hyper beam right so you use that and then you've got a recharge to turn after it's got very very high base power as well now this set was all based around this move I've got the scrappy ability so if ghosts try to come in you can definitely hit those guys and I've also holding the leak too so we can get lots of uh you know crits go so I thought the vileplume you know it may attack me I can pretty much free I can leave anything that throws on me right it can't status me it's gonna go for the Giga Drain which is a 2 hit ko which is fine by me now I'm running max attack and Max be jolly nature I'm making up at with the crits right I mean I got the sword dance as well so go for a meteor shot this movie that's so cool and man I would not want to be that ball prove that just got hittin them there the region so it's going to be going down there with a crit damage Paul actually kind of feel like Loki stand over by opponent it's all we got a I poke upon death this is actually pretty good its speed isn't the unfortunate it's sir fetches speed I'm probably going to call a far fetch in this battle heads up its speed isn't the greatest even with jolly nature so at level 100 hitting about 250 or something like that so it's not super to bust now the only problem is after using media or assault such a cool move you are on recharge cheek an ox so that's a definite downside recharge screws have like a big downside so commonly they're not used for that reason anyway so we've got a boom burst coming from the Loki autocracy and that's going to take out my surf patch so if I if maybe or assault didn't have that effect I could have swapped that out to try and get around it anyway so far so fetch I nearly said it itself oh she's out and now we're going to go into a teller now this is another critic strategy so it's our it's move is a snapshot which is really really cool it's a water-type move and has a chance of quitting so I thought I can make a nice little critic set with this one I may have used this one already in a couple of battles or one battle so go for a snipe shot I didn't really have time to set up any focus energies or anything like that I'm running a max of speed and Max special to special attacks set we've got our Tim and nature on this one and obviously the crits making up for the little bit of our you know loss in power if I was going to run modest so I'm gonna get our nozzle there which is kind of annoying that's gonna do a little bit of damage and it's gotta obviously you know basically get rid of my speed so tock Tracy is easily gonna be a doubts maybe now and go for the overdrive and that is my intel on down I have to get rid of this our tox receipt now it's absolutely destroying my team so I've still got three more poke or less this time to bring in a turn at us now Turnus is probably the best pokemon on my team now I had a little rule of thumb using this Pokemon it's got two signature moves as well which are really cool it's got Dynomax cannon so it does more damage to dynex pokemon it also has a Turner beam now Turner beam is kind of like fire fetches meteor assaults a special move however once you use it you got to recharge there's quite a few Rick called right reach out for us so going for the Dynomax cannon here at the moment and tox receipt is obviously going to go down to that one we've got max speed and max special attack now a turnip theme obviously once you have like a recharge on that one you thought about the way to turn right now I've got the item eject button so I could go for an eternal beam and if they somehow live right like a sash anything like that they can hit me again eject me out of the battle then I will not have a recharge which is a their strategy I'll be mainly running now I wasn't allowed to actually put aterna beam as the last attack I felt us a little bit overpowered with my aterna so I made a rule of thumb that I had to use a Turner Turner beam during the battle and not wait for the last part because it's very very powerful all right so we got another and tell you I'm coming out here it's a cool shiny one it's gonna pop me there with an ice beam and actually out speed too me too and as you can see my eject button is gonna eject me out of the battle but the problem is right I actually wasn't able to use a Turner beam or even like Dynomax cannon because it outspend me so if you need to get a Chancellor attack and they're stealth rocks on the field so at earnest is in a lot of trouble there this antenna is actually a pretty good car so now we're gonna go into my grymps now brimstar was at the MVP of my team this set is actually really really good I made this one up myself and I really hope you like it so we're gonna be making use of pranksters so pranksters are very good ability and now we're going to be making use of bulk up rest sleep talk and of course executor ability now we've got another ice cream there I'm very very tanky I'm running Mac self-maximize defense with the leftovers and grim snails got a good health status well so it's able to take these hits pretty nicely now it's obviously it's a move spirit break its its stab it's nice and it also drops the opponent's a special attack 100% of time so if you think about it in matchups if you're already bulky on the special side prior and you're bulking up to burst your attack and your defense and you've got to move to drop the opponent special attack there is not a lot of chance for them to actually get around it in case you save a critical hit right so it can become a very very bulky sweeper and it's got it's it's well when you look at it it's actually got priority healing and attacking with the sleep talk and rest so I thought that was a really good strategy I've swept a lot of Pokemon and people move with this set so definitely give it a try it's a little bit more of a mean without rest and sleep talk but it still has done I reckon it's always a good place you know Pokemon team alright so we're gonna hit by another ice beam and we're gonna go for a spirit break the good thing is even if we run along mana health you can just go for like a UH a rest afterwards but in teleo lives on one health I was like really surprised at a live right so getting a little bit more left over recovery I'm forced to go for a rest here because I didn't think I'd actually live there's still two other Pokemon I'm sort of like worried about but mainly and talent is a problem right so go for the rest here they did know that I had breast and this is choice scarfed as well if you did not already realize there so I was like I'm definitely gonna take this out at it it didn't take it out I didn't have any attack Eevee so that's you know obviously that's why either you didn't take it out I think got a low roll in damage calculation there too so grim cells easily be able to take these attacks are the special attack from spirit they're the special attack drop from spirit break actually really helped out too so this like only critics like can really get around this even a very powerful attack he'd have to be a very very powerful special attack and for me to not be able to hit them with a spirit break right that's pretty much the only way to get around this set so now we got cherries art I mean showers are coming in there it's gonna be a shiny your Charlie always looks really clean Charizard it doesn't really matter what game right so go for that sleek talk they're hoping maybe for a spirit break that is like really really handy and I got a spirit break and that is gonna drop Charizard special take now it does a sizable chunk of damage to Charizard even though it's not very effective and if Charizard is running a special set right it's gonna help me out a lot so even if it like if it wants to GMAX g-spot dynamaxx a d spot anything like that we're gonna be good again they are good to go against it so i can go for another sweet talk here and hopefully get another spear Frank and then I could either choose to rest off or go for another spirit break to take out the char design that was sort of like what my options were alright so anyway we've got a g-spot Charizard it really does look good it's a really it's probably one of the more better-looking are shiny so it's going to get a little bit more boost and healthier because I actually remembered unlike me to give Dynomax candies to their Pokemon I'm gonna be a sleepier this is its I just reckon this that's really good right you get priority healing you get prior he attacking and you bulky you don't always get to attack obviously that's the that's sort of like the fly in the ointment on this set but it's still pretty good you have to get very very unlucky you're like you got like rest twice in a row would be bad anyway say well obviously you can see how well I tank that our wildfire then that was due to all the special attack drops Amelia now while I file does do the effect of like a fire spin and it does a little bit of extra damage in which is pretty much going to knock off my leftovers damage and maybe like a little bit more so I need to take this Charizard out one more one to two more take it out one if I get a crit like two if I don't so we're gonna have a max air spring from translife Charizard is already good about out speed like all of my Pokemon so I wasn't really worried about that I was actually mainly worried about getting a critical hit against this thing so I've got at least a little least like store this out three turns going for the spirit breaker it doesn't quite take it out but now I can go for another rest and just take it out right so I'm gonna have a little bit of damage problem of that putting me into red however the leftovers will still give me enough our health to leave you know the next attack so I was thinking should I go for just go for the spirit break or maybe I should go for another rest I really needed to go for another rest I got usually I don't want to like stall the opponent but I had nothing the Pokemon you see would get it absolutely wrecked by intelligent and Charizard so I'm gonna go for another sleepier going back to sleep I need one more attack to take the Charizard now the Charizard I g-spot is actually going to run out in maybe another I think it's another no it's actually this step so at this at the moment it's honestly it's it's probably about a six or seven hit ko that obviously the effects of that fire scream it's gonna call a five-speed the GMAX of wildfire doesn't help either I reckon about five feet K around there and if I drop a special attack even further the spirit rate it's going to like be longer and longer and longer so Charizard is finally back to its normal form there it's only got a little bit of health left I only need to hit it once and I can go for a sleek talk and hopefully get a spirit break and take it out right so go for their dad pranks the sleep talk you guys have got to try this there that's so good I'm in a really good like strong position at the moment I still got my tinnitus the problem with eternity is that Troy scarf and tell them we'll take me out with ice beam you guys send the damage you did before plus the incoming stealth rock damage could be like a really really big problem so I pretty much just have to sit on this rim stop and take out see if I can take out like a couple of these threats so I'm gonna get the sleek talk unfortunate I don't attack I get bulk up that's not too bad but I'm thinking like I'd rather get an attack and just take this out Charlo goes for a focus missed trying to drop my special defense and it misses old man thank you focus miss thank you focus miss I don't think I would have done a lot of damage I think they're just going for a special offense drop right so getting some my leftovers recovery now I was thinking more Charizard isn't really a problem anymore the only problem Pokemon is the last one which you guys haven't seen you and the intelligent if it does get a crit that's really the only way they will be able to get around this set also I really like a grim snails design - do you guys like grim cells design anyway so just like the moment I was waiting for him to make a move because they were in quite a tough spot like they were facing a very tanky pug quad then he had a couple of Pokemon left and they'll both on low health so they really just had to go for it to try and take me out here so go for that slave dog hoping I could take the Charizard out there and I get back up again twice in a row so okay that's not that bad I guess I mean I could have got rest I actually what think about I haven't even got rest once I don't think I've got rest once so on someone let me know I can't remember I'm pretty sure I haven't even got rest once I could possibly have though it's me right anyway so getting some I left those recover there which is nice it's still put me above half health and now I can just go for a break I'm not gonna go for another risk because I don't need to I feel I'm bulky enough you know to take this one out now also even Dynomax anyone on my team either obviously I can't a Dynomax the attendants would be nice the GMAC sir i wonderful do you guys reckon we'll get GMAC saturninus like you reckon we'll get that I think it's good for stir like so broken and we've been in sleep anyway so Charizard finally goes down there was such a big battle between the Grimm style and Charizard and the was sort of like a sort of like a three-way battle like grim snow and telly on a Charizard that went from like almost half of the battle now we've got two more pokémon left and I've still got three more poker or less so things are looking pretty good and I've got a like I've got a beefed-up grim self so in comes in tally on again like here we go I can just take this out with one shot it doesn't even matter I don't need to heal off or anything it's not going to do much damage even like even if it like even if I don't like drop it special stack so we now we got the atella and go for a snapshot which is a signature move too which is really cool and guess what guys I got created by the snipes joint I think I think you guys probably like felt that I was going to happen so unfortunately I've lost my best Pokemon at the moment so I've got Appleton as my last Pokemon a Pathan gets a really cool move called Apple acid and I'm gonna be running this one on a ripen staff very dragger pulse recover recycles them so apple acid is like super cool it's a grass-type move and it has the obviously as 100% chance of dropping the opponent's special defense by one stage you can pretty much stack this big boy up and you don't even have to give it any special attack IVs if you don't what I mean you could even make it like a sweeping one but if you don't want it you can make it like really bulky and just keep dropping the opponent's special bits over and over and then essentially it's like giving yourself a plus-one and attack if the opponent's ace in any way so I'm going to turn myself into a big apple pie fight the best apple pie today it was so good shout out to anyone that likes apple pie all right I'm actually the applet I did an apple and sweep and I've done a yah I've done a apple ton sweep actually no I've been done Appleton swag that's the only Apple I haven't done so go for the that was the G move not the G move the Dynomax move and in telling it's going to go down and talionis choice scarf remember it would have gone for ice cream if it wasn't but obviously they didn't want to swap their last pokemon into that which is understandable so down goes the intaglio and this is their last Pokemon now I've got to turn just left now at Ernst this obviously was very very scared off by and telling so I still got that one in the back which is really nicely and my jack button is gone to eject button won't work as well if he obviously it's the only Pokemon there's nothing to eject out into ok so the last Pokemon is so fetch and this is another Pokemon like we've got like another Pokemon on my team so we're to the same now I can go for a I can go for a dragon move or like max woman or I can go for max overgrowth both of the moons gonna be like pretty good like Appleton is a decent special texture even if you don't run anything now this was as follows max elf and Mac this is a max elf max special attack set and I was hoping on obviously the staff bro to boost all my sets so I'm gonna be eating that look out big that Barry was man and I'm gonna get a speed boost so speedy Appleton going for that max growth there this is going to be doing a lot of damage if you do note that's rain is up we're gonna grow a couple of shrooms and sir fetch is going to go down and that my friends is the first battle it went for a very very long time there has a really cool battle hope you guys enjoyed and that won thanks to the battle ours and let's get on to the second one I need a drink mmm got some mum Greg Porter it's not cordial it's like a red team alright this is the belly get to mr. Gus Lord owned by my discord once again my discord easy in description or the video I do all my battles mostly there also it's a good community over there too so you want to join you want to join some ray battles trade people you know come on over so speaking of Appleton we got a Apple turn lead so every battle I pretty much started with more Peko cuz they're too focused ash as it's item and focused ash had a tendency to get you know wrecked when the opponent started with like stealth rock or anything like that brother so I think it what should I do to this Appleton what I want to do first is go for protect and I want to put myself in a Hungary state I'm actually uh you know what in real life I'm in Hungary forms I'm I'm really hungry but I got to go to the gym soon so I can't eat one time I went to the gym and I did burpees with I don't know what I ate and I feel like doing burpees afterwards so we got a or it will protect parting shot that's sort of my strategy right hard to do and of course I got protect to we're gonna go for a little while Oroville does a lot of damage 269 calorie pie getting that crit to a 69 calorie pie that's actually amazing so now we got a physical apple ton set there it's gonna be taking me all the way down to my focus that's obviously definitely running uh I'd say that'll be a termination for sure not that a more peco's very bulky but Apple tonnes attackers me yeah it's probably not the greatest in the world so Olivia on one health area Merchants available guys thank you to all the people of actually I've got my merch over the 2019 period too if that does interest you it's below my videos in that little shelf thing or in my description so a sixteen I calorie pile we've got to get rid of that so go for the party you shop there and whispering a couple of little sweet nothings in that little pies here and then we're going to swap into another one on my Pokemon so this Pokemon was actually the most useless Pokemon on my team for this battle you'll begin to see why in a second so now we're going to earthquake the Apple Tom there and obviously it's not gonna get very hard because at the parting shot anyone it's still do pretty good damage so it definitely tells me it's either choice it could be choice guard or choice bad and I'm more thinking at this stage in choice Bennett so I was like okay let's go for sub tree I'm gonna sub down into a bear I've got a potato very on this set so I need one more substitute to actually activate that and that'll put me in torrent range too it'll give me a +1 in special attack and all have the power at night snipe shot will be basically at its most powerful but if I decrypt that'll be very very powerful too unfortunate I don't have the room to go for focus energy so I cannot do that so I'm gonna go for a final subdued here putting me on a for health there thank goodness almost like almost couldn't use my subdued and getting myself a nice boost in special tab so after time is going to go for another earthquake there I'm definitely sure that its choice choice banded and that is going to break my subject earthquake actually looks pretty cool compared to what it did before what's that bulldoze why don't they look like really cool in other words burrows earthquake of magnitude had like our super cool animation now my only move to use is snipe choices like okay if I can get this critter I should be able to take Apple turn out like all of the resistances right now but sadly I couldn't believe it I was like ah even two entire range but a a very and snipe shot it didn't take it out max preface that plus one you guys are probably wondering why I said that in like why would you send in a Pokemon that has all those resistances you'll find out very very soon so now we've got a more pack away I was like more pet coders come in clean this pie up and I get like the pies on the plate right you know it's it's when you have like that really nice pie I feel like Christmas your birthday and there's like this tiny little slice left and ten people like they're the low key eyeing it off that you just come and there take that slice like this absolute savage Anita in front of them I've done that bit more every single time anyone else on this town eating that last slice of pie I'm gonna be changing back into my hungry form calf loved editing the hangry form and the hair full belly for every single atomic change she absolutely loved before that anyway so we've got one Pokemon doubt which is good now I'm wondering you know what pokemon are they gonna stand in and yes of course you may have guessed that they are writing a full apple ton Team six appleton that is why I use my intelligence on so Ellie because it pretty much couldn't anything so we got another physical apples on Apple odds going to a sucker punch and more Packers going to go down so they're running six different Apple tons was all like six different sets so I like to do this a lot in my themed teens too when I run like a a six version of a Pokemon all right man that means like six little hats so we're gonna go for a media or salty our fire fish is just going to absolutely like annihilate a thick thick stick I'm gonna try and say that no pickle the thicker lettin thicker lettin that's actually a really good name and I think I lettin that that's like seriously that's when you get like a pie you take the biggest bite out of it right because you still taste pastry you don't taste that sweet cinnamon you got to take your extra bite just to get to the center there's like three C's alright so apple pie is gonna come in there man this is making me hungry like we need to do like a full pie team so obviously I'm gonna be a recharge here and man it's gonna this pie is gonna drop the Draco on my surface and surfaces are very bulky this is got a big special attack and it's gonna be going down in one shot so half my team is already gone man these these Pokemon are thick man so I was thinking okay I've got you guys really think I've got to turn at this right but remember the rule for using eternities is I cannot use a turn like I can't wait to the last Pokemon to use a Turner beams like I don't want to actually sack my attorneys off yet because I'd have to use a turn like a Turner beam that's what I like myself for all to like keep their you know keep things fair using that kind of focal so I'm gonna bring in my own Apple tunnels like I should be out earlier fight that one really nicely it's quite bulky and special defense they've all got a negative and special attack already and I'm gonna get like hopefully a boosted special attack and I get one in defense is like actually doesn't really help me out too much so go for the dragon pulse air that's better than like Apple Wes at the moment that was pretty good damage it's about a 2 hit ko on the opposing apple pipe now it's like okay let's recycle that very like we've got this pot we got like seriously we've got like a little berry on top of the pie a kid comes along and grabs the berry and their mums like yeah damn son we're gonna put that berry back on top that's pretty much what I'm doing at the moment so unfortunate for me but we get that stuff very well I get defense again what stuff bro does it gives you a random bar obviously it's a random boost in stat by two stages and unfortunate for me I got like the fence twice I can't believe it like even if I got like plus defense plus special attack like something like that would have been like super helpful but I got unlucky there unfortunately so I've got two more popcorn left and you guys I'm gonna swap in my Grimm schnauzer Grimm Snow and eterna tiss with the best pokemon against his team I wanted to leave them to last because I wanted to see how many I could take out plus if they had a counter for these like really really early on the game if I lost them that could give me like zero hope and taking the other ones out so we've got four apples they outcomes pickle ton right pickle down and shiny look at that green hat man it's I think it's green hat it's about the only difference in the shinies I think yeah it is it's just the green hat that little like Apple sort of the green hat okay I went for a break did some pretty good damage to pickle ton I'm gonna go for spirit break again I'm not gonna go for bulk up I just like I got to get rid of these pies man this pious man the creamy so go for that a spirit right there a pickle time is gonna go down I didn't even give pickle town a chance man anything would pickle a nickname I just get rid of it straight away because I know it's just going to be a straight troll so we've got our we've got three more pickle and we're not pickled tons three more Apple tonnes man I'm calling him pickle done now and we got three more pickle tons Apple tons to go I'm gonna call up hill town for the rest of this bail rap so Apple Apple Soros is gonna come out what is Apple Soros gonna do now I was possibly thinking about going for bulk up and spam in this I thought know if it's like a very odd fantasy I better get some damage on it like I said so spirit break does just under half day dropping the special attack of the Apple source we've seen a lot of like special attacking ones already and now we got a bulky one sitting up on defense on defense like it looks like super cool in this game I only think it's actually a little really good in Gen 7 - it's like a big instead of like in Gen 7 it was a big like a metal rectangle this one was actually a shield and I sort of did the same thing great animation so go for the spirit break again we're doing some like a lot less damage than before due to the iron offence but I thought I can either start like bulking up here and just do it like I could go for the game against them however they getting like a lot more defensive foo than me so I need a lot more so they're gonna go for the ripen and our citrus prayer is gonna double me and I went for the body fresh up I just landed in my eye and acquitted me - that did a lot of damage man that critical is crazy so at this point I need to get some damage on this thing I thought if it's got any other ways it like maybe it's like hopefully it does have recycle because that could be really bad I need to attack this thing and put it in a low range so they're not gonna bring eternal to sin and you know take it out that is thought to be my best bet at the moment so go for that bulk up there like the previous battle I'm hoping like rim style could get me back into this and now we're gonna hear by another PI it does a lot of damage almost taking me out there if that was a crit I was definitely going to go down so this is the point where I had to make the decision so I go for a rest here or will I allow them to set up on me and do lots of damage like they could essentially go for more on defenses and I could be in a worse spot than before so I was like no I'm gonna go for spirit break put this thing in around half health then bring your turn assess it and go for the Dynomax cannon right that was sore like what my plan was so now we've got body press again body press is such a cool move what it does actually use your defense and attacks the opponent which is like a super cool move right people so we are down to the last bug which is attendance and I remember my row I had to use a Turner beam not like I wasn't allowed to use it on the last poker but I had to use it once it like should I use a Turner beam now like it depends what set they're running or should I go for Dynomax cannon I was wondering what like I should I was like let's go for Dynamics cannon I'll use a Turner beam on the next Pokemon so go for that our Dynomax cannon and this animation looks really cool like Bofur it's moves like looks super super cool a turn of Emax it looks even better than one so Apple Taurus is gonna go join it to a little fossils there in any under the soil on planet Earth how did how did the dinosaurs pass anymore maybe they got hit by meteors really guys things anyone know a lot about dinosaurs I have theories I think it's only theories right the media or sort of took them out so we've got apple pie coming here's like okay I have to use it against Apple buys kinda hoping they bring in their other one but they didn't so here we go a Turner beam now eternally be sort of looks like something out of like alien vs. predator like it goes up into the sky right and this big old hand comes out and it flies this like really like crazy lace it looks really really cool probably the probably the most awesome looking move in GA I'd say so apple pie there man that just got absolutely annihilated there is only one more pie left and a what set is it gonna be now I could have gone for Dynomax cannon there but I didn't want to once again I want use it because it's such an overpowered I had to nerf it a little bit right using those kind of moves so Apple God is going to come out I was like oh wait Apple god this is gonna be I know this is going to be a g-spot Apple so g-spot apples gonna pop it in a repeat ball - oh so actually a lot of people use some master balls on Angie Mac smoker I've got quite a few - especially when you see the shiny ones so we got a bigger foot I love out it starts off with an apple then its eyes and it's next to the lime pop out of that so apple god only need to fire one Dynomax cannon an apple bot Apple God not Apple Bob and it's gonna go down so we got a max whirlwind here I'm like oh yeah and Nutella test it's gonna get turned into a Turner purse and that is down Oh people enjoyed of both these battles it was really fun using the signature moves I hope you learn something new hope you found it entertaining and I she'll be back for another theme team this week if you enjoy the video make sure you subscribe if in you and drop a like on the video if you're not peace [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Views: 486,560
Rating: 4.9156446 out of 5
Keywords: Gen 8 Signature Moves, signature pokemon moves, all signature pokemon moves, pokemon sword and shield signature moves, pokemon sword and shield all signature moves, pokemon sword and shield legendary signature moves, all starter pokemon signature moves, all legendary pokemon signature moves, pokemon sword and shield eternatus signature move, all pokemon signature moves gen 1-7, all pokemon signature moves gen 8, signature pokemon gym leaders, Pokemon Theme Team, PIMPNITE
Id: bvqxubCNlVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 48sec (1848 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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