Lose Your Gut (Pot Belly) with these Strategies

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people tend to joke about a potbelly but when it's actually happening to you and you're the one with the potbelly it's not exactly fun it's easy to laugh at it first but when you get down to brass tacks it's unsightly it's dangerous it's inflammatory and honestly it kills your confidence the cool thing is is there's a lot of research surrounding what causes belly fat and what causes a potbelly specifically so we're going to talk about those we're going to talk about a few different things that cause a potbelly in the first place but then I'm gonna give you some solutions for each of those causes now I will say that there's nothing that's going to just immediately just evaporate all of the visceral fat and the pot belly fat right I mean it's all a process and these are all little things that you can implement but I figure if I give you different strategies for each cause then you can work your way towards a healthier lifestyle and get rid of the potbelly all right so we'll break it all down hey I want to make sure you hit that subscribe button there's a little red button there and then go ahead and hit that Bell icon to turn on notifications you've got new videos almost every single day it's 7:30 a.m. Pacific time so you don't want to be missing out all right you're gonna dig this stuff so stick with me because I'll give you the solutions the first thing we want to talk about it's just visceral fat in general your visceral fat is the fat that surrounds your organs right and visceral fat is around the organ tissue just inside our abdomen and the thing is visceral fat isn't like ordinary fat it has a high degree of inflammatory cells and immune cells so it's immune illogically active it's active in a metabolic sense and a lot of is because it's so close to the organs that it has developed its own sort of metabolic structure it's almost like it's an organ in a weird twisted way but we also have more glucocorticoid receptors within our visceral fat which means that stress is going to impact our visceral fat more than anything now when we grow our visceral fat it's not always unsightly typical sloppy fat right it just expands and eventually leads to a potbelly so sometimes you see people that have that popularly they're not fat looking but they're they have this belly and that's what we're talking about it's the stress that leads up to that that visceral fat the other thing you have to look at is there's androgen receptors so when our hormones are out of whack everything can get messed up there now the reason that the immune cell thing is so important is that when we have a good amount of visceral fat or a pot belly it means that we are leaking inflammatory cytokines into the rest of the body like especially near the organs where it's vital now this inflammation sounds bad from a health and medical standpoint but it's bad for your fat gain standpoint too if you have a lot of inflammation you're going to have fat accumulate in other areas of the body but you're also going to be fatigued you're gonna hold a bunch of water and you're gonna get sick all the time so it's kind of the precursor to everything else that happens in your body now the other thing that we have to look at is the estrogen balance okay estrogen triggers the body to store fat in specific areas and it's an imbalance between estrogen and androgens okay so it's not always just about how high your estrogen levels are a lot of times it's how high your estrogen levels are in comparison to your androgen levels or your testosterone levels or any of these other levels that has to balance with right so you could have low testosterone or low levels here but if you're even slightly higher on the estrogen side you're gonna have a problem it's gonna trigger your body to store fat in specific areas so when in excess whatever that excess may be it promotes the growth of specific tissues and fat in estrogen sensitive areas okay so the belly or the visceral fat but also the breast tissue as well so the visceral fat is the one that we're really talking about today because it does play a big role I'll give you some solutions on how to fix that you know as we get going on and this is in case you don't know who I am by the way I lost 100 pounds myself I was 280 pounds before I've dealt with all this stuff I get it so I'm speaking from some experience here I'm not a doctor but I've done my research over time and I've had my own transformation so all right let's go ahead and let's talk about cortisol for a second now of course dog gets a bad rap cortisol is not always bad it's just bad when it's chronically high so stress obviously is a big contributor to a potbelly we have a specific enzyme called 11 hydroxy steroid dehydrogenase big complicated fancy $10 word but basically all it is is an enzyme that is at the specific tissue level that converts inactive cortisol into active cortisol so cortisone into cortisol now the reason we want to be aware of this is because when we're stressed out the fat is going to accumulate more in our visceral tissue so of course we're keeping track of that now visceral fat has four times as many cortisol receptors than any other fat in the body so that means that when we get stressed out we're four times as likely to store it as a potbelly than we are anywhere else now here's the bad thing when we have an increase in visceral fat an increase in these overall cortisol like super reaction let's just call it that we have an increase in what's called a lipoprotein lipase lipoprotein lipase is the main fat storing enzyme so if we have an increase in lipoprotein lipase that originated from the visceral fat it triggers us to store fat throughout the rest of the body so in essence a potbelly is like the first step down the wrong path for your body getting ready to store fat elsewhere the next thing we have to talk about and they'll give you again solutions for all this is going to be the fatty liver ok fatty liver is going to be where literally fat deposits around your liver and a lot of times it's because you gain weight so fast that the white adipose tissue can't keep up so it sends the rest of the liver to get deposited there but more importantly it's about fructose and sugar metabolism ok sugar is metabolized heavily in the liver fructose from excess fruit or high fructose corn syrup predominantly or in from almost exclusively gets metabolized in the liver and it can only handle so much a specific point in time and when it can only handle so much it goes through what's called de novo lipid Genesis and it turns it into fat well where is it going to store it it's gonna store it in the closest proximity so it's gonna store it around the liver now think of it like this okay you have your liver about yay big and then you start building fat around it that's going to protrude your stomach significantly it's like if I were to take my hand like this and then just a little bit of fat around my liver creates a big impact in terms of how my belly just ends so a potbelly a lot of times is from a fatty liver we have to get control of this which again I will give you some solutions another thing that contributes that I'll touch on real quick is actually pancreatic fat you don't build a lot of fat around the pancreas is what produces beta cells which ultimately allow us to metabolize sugar carbohydrates pancreas is like a six-inch little gland but it does get fat developing around it especially when you have a lot of visceral fat in general so I'll give you some solutions there too but ultimately if you're getting rid of visceral fat you're gonna get rid of that pancreatic fat so first and foremost how do you get rid of the visceral fat but most aggressively honestly some of you are gonna hate that I say this and it's not biased but honestly it's where the research is a combination of intermittent fasting and the ketogenic diet for a short amount of time has a profound effect on visceral fat especially fasting okay and I'll talk about this here there's a study that was published in the journal Nature communications and it found that fasting did some stuff at the genetic level it upregulated what's called mir-1 3 3 a ok complicated gene name ok all these weird codes they give them basically an up regulated this specific gene alright so what that means is all it did is it turned a genetic switch that made us that the body preferentially burns visceral fat like that's really cool why because when you're fasting you're stressed and you're in a time of stress and the main goal of your body at that point is to fuel your vital organs so what does it do it goes to the fat that is closest to the organs the visceral fat drains directly into the portal vein when it drains into the portal vein it goes directly to the liver to get turned into energy or to get you know distributed where it needs to get distributed so that means when you're fasting your body just wants to use that visceral fat so that already is just where we want to be but additionally we have more cortisol receptors again and I know I've talked about this a lot but when you are fasting you're stressed out which actually means your course all levels go up and they go up in surges but when it goes up in a positive way in absence of food it actually triggers fat loss to occur via hormone sensitive lipase at this source so wherever there's the most metabolically active or cortisol active tissue in this case of this oral fat so fasting is going to trigger from stress that fat to get burned I know it sounds crazy because normally stress contributes to fat but only if it's chronic and you're also eating in the process right now keto comes into play because if you are keto while you are fasting or going into a fast and you're eating good quality fats your body's going to be more efficient at mobilizing the fats in the first place so then once you go into your fast your body knows how to mobilize it and it's going to expedite the visceral fat metabolism just much more so you're gonna rip through that visceral fat so much faster now remember the visceral fat leaks inflammatory cytokines we don't want a lot of that to happen so it's very important that you're eating good quality Omega 3 so lots of wild-caught salmon lots of good quality fish oil not you know low quality Walmart fish oil okay and just in case you guys are interested there is a link down below if you eat meat or you get beef or chicken or anything like that from the grocery store try checking out butcher box okay you've probably seen them before and if you watch my channel you fly scene all the time it's grass-fed grass-finished meat that gets delivered to your doorstep so you don't have to go to the grocery store so it saves me a ton of time and save me a ton of money honestly because it's cheaper to get grass-fed grass-finished from butcher box than it is for me to get regular feedlot grain-fed meat from the grocery store so a special discount for those of you that also want to try it okay so that's gonna be a big part of your overall fat loss potbelly reduction plan so now you've got the big chunk of at least getting your body into overdrive with utilizing visceral fat as a fuel source let's get rid of some of these other issues so the estrogen thing okay without getting medical supervision there's not a whole lot of things you can do however there are some recent things that have been making some pretty big moves in the world of estrogen and just androgen balance one is boron okay if you are a male boron should be something that you should experiment taking okay possibly 9 milligrams or so just simple inexpensive mineral what boron has been shown to do is basically unbind testosterone from sex hormone binding globulin so basically it unbind these hormones that are normally bound up which helps close that gap with that ratio remember it's androgens and estrogen and we just want this more like this versus like this so if we can bring up the free androgens a little bit more free testosterone I should say then we can balance that out and we're not having the estrogen be so abnormally high in contrast to our androgens so that makes a big big difference overall and just estrogen and how it's the tissues end up basically getting deposited the fat the other thing that you can do is utilize the indolent methane eat lots of cruciferous vegetable a flower lots of broccoli lots of bok choy you can also use a dim supplement but it does it up regulates C at yp1 a - and the liver basically this is something that allows the liver to process toxins and yes estrogen is a toxin as far as the liver is concerned so it has to metabolize it so if we up regulate cyp 1a2 within the liver through indole-3-carbinol or through dim through good cruciferous metabolize that estrogen and excrete it a lot better then we have to look at the cortisol side of things aside from practicing some yoga and meditation and trying to reduce stress which you probably hear all the time there are some things that you can do if you are Kido I would recommend that you try getting a little bit more salt in I know some people bag on me because I talk about the salt relationship with belly fat and stuff but the thing is it's more so aimed towards people that do keto because keto you lose a lot of your minerals you got to keep your salt in if you have your salt levels get too low it throws off in aldosterone level which basically long story short it can indirectly trigger cortisol because aldosterone and cortisol work together ok so long story short if you're doing keto make sure you get salt in but if you're not doing keto you're just trying to get rid of a potbelly magnesium is going to be your friend ok magnesium is going to reduce the cortisol level it's going to reduce the stress and it's gonna make it so that you can get back on track you see magnesium deficiencies up regulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal access meaning if we're deficient in magnesium our brain is a lot quicker to send a signal to our adrenals skyrocketing cortisol so it's more about the deficiency than it is about taking extra but newsflash a lot of us are deficient so you've got to be getting that magnesium in okay take a supplement eat the magnesium rich foods whatever you have to do just get a good form of magnesium like die magnesium male 8 is good any kind of chelated form just don't do magnesium oxide okay then when we talk about the liver okay besides from reducing fructose limit your amount of fruit that you're taking in do not consume high fructose corn syrup okay just avoid that like the plague but reduce the fruit by even half and you'll notice a difference but try taking some milk thistle okay you don't need much hundred milligrams or so milk thistle does some interesting things the main thing that milk thistle does is it inhibits toxins from binding to the hepatocyte so it stops toxins from binding to liver cells meaning you have less toxic of the liver and gives the liver an opportunity to sort of do its natural detoxing job so you're just promoting the natural just detoxing effect of your liver it's not a magic pill it's not a cure-all but it does help when it comes down to a fatty liver okay the last thing I want to talk about is something related more towards exercise now the journal diabetic published a study that found that people that had a higher vo2 max burned more fat during exercise I'm not saying you need to become an athlete what I'm saying is if you do low intensity steady-state cardio you do beef up your vo2 max that's your ability to breathe at just under intensity right so if you increase that by doing aerobic activity if you're just starting out you will burn more fat in every workout not just because you're exerting more effort so the higher the vo2 max in an individual the higher the potential that a person has the more body fat they burn in general exercise they don't have to be reaching that vo2 max so my reason in saying this is that you don't have to be doing some crazy intense stuff all the time if you're just getting started and you're trying to get rid of the potbelly build your vo2 max up walk then walk faster then run then sprint then move into hit okay increase your vo2 max so each time you work out you're getting more and more visceral fat recruitment okay I hope this helped you out and I hope that you can share it with some people that would get some benefit from it okay remember the big things keto plus fastings and helped you a lot but doing it with a good quality meat good quality fish not low quality stuff that's going to trigger inflammation higher as always keep it locked in here in my channel I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 1,385,651
Rating: 4.9190812 out of 5
Keywords: how to lose belly fat, belly fat loss, pot belly, reduce belly fat, belly fat, how to get rid of belly fat, belly fat burning exercise for men, belly fat exercise, belly fat burner, belly fat workout for women, belly fat loss workout, how to lose belly fat for men, what is a pot belly, how to get rid of a pot belly, how to get rid of a pot belly in a man, how to get rid of a pot belly quick, how to get rid of a pot belly in a woman, thomas delauer, keto, fasting, weight loss
Id: KH8EtsHp6W8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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