I Bought The WEIRDEST Guns I Could Find At Pawn Shops - Do They Work?

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well hello there everybody welcome over here to lunker's TV today's video is sponsored by doored VPN as you guys do know these kind of videos that you are about to watch are not possible here on YouTube without our great sponsors and once again thank you to Nord for sponsoring this video so as you guys do know I've actually been hacked two times two times since I've done you two and before that I wasn't using nor since I've been using Nord I've not been hacked once which is fantastic because in my realm people are always trying to get into my stuff because you guys do know we make these crusty videos online and for some some reason we make some people salty so I'm glad I have Nord on my side and I know I use Nord VPNs to make sure that people don't know exactly where I'm at so because we'd like to check out know where you guys can go to Nord of vpm com4 slash lunker's TV and use the code lunker's TV at checkout they are still having a holiday special until the 7th of this month you 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mainly because I don't feel great and Rackley wants to go out early earlier in the morning to the lake that I went onto the other day where I was thinking that they're gonna be really starting to spawn Oh what's going on here find yourself here we go sorry for the random score a moment just got I know a lot of you guys think it's kind of funny I read the comments and I ain't and there's a lot of people think gosh Rob you gotta start talking slower you're talking to fires don't take the cocaina don't don't what what's your they drank too much coffee didn't you this morning there buddy I'm gonna bone up though we're gonna start out this video I'm gonna go to a bunch of random pawn shops then I got inside of my area I looked it up and we got about five or six and I'm gonna buy the cheapest well I'm not gonna say the cheapest but yeah it's gonna be the cheapest quality how about that that I think I could possibly find at my local pawn shops of the pew pew action either I mean jellybeans this actually probably not one of the more smart ideas I've had trying to travel around with a 21-foot boat on the back of the trailer there's really nowhere to park about the curb at good yeah I guess we should be fun here okay so the first place is gonna be called it's called Glen's and it's right down the road from googan HQ I passed this actually quite a bit didn't even know it was here I've checked and they do have some QQ actions I'm my big reasoning behind doing this I'm trying to do another video with demolition ranch where I can find a something you guys men run into the demo videos where we try to like test the limits of some some pew-pew stuff so that's what we're gonna try to do as well we need to find something for that we also may be able to find some some treasure items not like actual physical treasure be like good poop use for a reasonable price so look at some guns see what you guys got what is it that is a 44 bag it's made by Thompson on their own we actually seen with a little single shot yep listen Jack I've never seen anything like this a single shot would you say it was a 45 40 44 mag I've never seen anything like that maybe we're just gonna be on a unique finding experience today I'm gonna look this thing up so I don't know anything about it but you guys take 300 bucks for this 5-alpha door all right there 5 out the door mm-hmm that's what tax and text I'll take you for 500 what in the world is this this is 22 long-rifle dude I've never seen this before I've never seen one so we had this come in to you what years this even know how long okay this bear was absolutely yes yes ginormous for a 22 ones aren't gonna be up for sale this one is for sale this one is pursue yeah um I don't have it on the shelf just cuz I don't want to keep bringing in and out of the fall and getting it damaged yeah that's a bit more than wanting to spend the day on some random stuff that is cool everybody show it to me cheese I'm starting to get a cough it's even getting worse well we picked up I don't even have one of these they got myself a 44 Magnum I don't even have one of these inside my safe this video turned into finding the cheapest and crappiest ones we could possibly imagine finding - maybe we will find the weirdest ones I've ever seen in my life I've never seen anything like this I'm sure maybe some of you guys have sitting at the household if you guys household a goofy word what a goofy word let me get back in this truck real quick this cough has just started crazy take a quick little peek at this sucker look at that a weird that is I mean that is really weird I mean look yeah push this oh look at that single shot 44 max got a hand grip in the front that's how powerful this Dunham gun is that oh my gosh that's one of the weirdest things I possibly well that's so strange look at her you I mean this is cool if you think about a look one of that's gonna pop right out of there jack yeah that's cool one hand look up look at that now that he's had this that's four that's me that is made for this for this here truck alright I think the next step we're probably gonna go drop the boat off I didn't go in there inspecting to pay that I was I was gonna I was looking for a couple hundred bucks but when I started to doing some research on on good old-fashioned one all that one of the biggest broker sites there is I'm just gonna go ahead and say it that thing was selling for about seven to eight hundred dollars and I just got it for a little over four hundred five hundred with taxes included I think we got a Buy and we got an odd gun add to our collection if you guys are sitting at home and you guys like to collect certain things like I do I like these and I've been looking for some stuff like this and this is an oddity this is kind of thing that when someone comes over to your house they see this is like what the heck is that I'm like pretty cool look at it also that's why you also got to look Texas man I'm gonna be about 100 110% I guess I am ad about I'm feeling about 40% right now trying to get a headache came back over to the house to drop off this old hold 44 mag I just I got a lot I don't feel too good I want to go back here take some say some old medication sit down for a second sandwich or something some drink water you know what I mean jelly bean I figure I got a pretty good deal on this thing I guess I'll show you guys a little bit more in-depth up here I'm also gonna do a video at a later date probably here next couple days actually making sure they work because they're pretty much worthless it didn't work oh geez what are you doing what are you doing huh yeah I know always predicted something hey buddy hey what's going on you want to go inside okay okay well after chilling for a little bit took some medication do got a little congestion mainly on this left side of my face it doesn't feel the greatest what are gonna get the stuff knocked out though cuz I was wanting to do a video here in a couple weeks with demo and I want to have these things prepped and ready and I found him I found a couple more pawn shops that actually have them because not all pawn shops have them license to sell what I gotta get this thing undone and unhook from the boat we are gonna be going out in the morning I know I know I may have just made a little bit of jokes earlier on in this video from the people in the comments section but I kind of enjoy that oh please don't tell me I didn't bring my got my keys okay alright let's head off to a another cup of pawn shops that one I just got lucky that we had something weird in it but I actually never went out and searched for any type of weird weird anything like this I kind of I'm kind of hoping we find something really crazy like different strange all right so this pawn shop is actually quite a bit of ways from where I where I just was at my old household but it had really good reviews and I passed up three other pawn shops to get to this one cuz all the other ones had like one point four stars this one at least had four so maybe there maybe there will in the wheel and deal a little bit oh I didn't tell you guys that last one that I went to they wanted $700 for it and I got it for 468 that to me is a steal [Applause] what's up man what's up good I'm great good music for the camera some of the Guggenheim hey you know I've been doing this YouTube videos for a little while and I kind of can gauge a situation when it comes to - all awkward it may or may not be to film inside of certain stores and I new kind of walking in there they looked at me oh he's got a camera what's he gonna do so I asked him do you guys mind if I film and he goes you know what let me just go ahead and ask the boss I said yeah we're gonna go ahead and just pay us cuz I know what that I know how I've done this a few times but we did but actually before we walked in I met another one of you guys uh one of the guys that watches the video he's actually 11 Bravo he's a sniper in the military right now he's got his bravo for qualification I want to say thank you for service but we did we got a deal and when I mean a deal we got a steal this thing was going for over you know I'm gonna tell you right now listen I looked it up I saw all the prices that were on the broker side again I saw Tommy I was like oh my 230 these are all starting prices 230 I saw 164 - 24 to 29 199 1 9 I was like done done ski got it for 138 doll hairs I know they always always want too much what you guys gonna pawn shops just tell them it says 200 I offered him 75 bucks like now I can't do it it's been in here only two weeks I can do 150 out the door then all right let's do it buddy let's go to one more pawn shop maybe two or three Hey gonna turn this up just a little bit for y'all hello hello look at me there we go pretty like okay so this one is probably one of the the goofiest ones I've ever seen in my entire life not good not gonna lie on not being it's very strange so we got it for it's not the right side we got it for one hundred and thirty eight dollars and fifty seven cents plus tax we got over 150 out of the door and the one from earlier today we got four four hundred and sixty one dollars plus thirty eight bucks so we eventually got it for exactly five hundred doll hair so we are in we're 650 for this little sweet nugget right there this one's pretty actually I mean it's pretty cool it's gonna kick like a mother by the end of this video we're also going to test them out I wanted to come back home to the relief one really feeling that great and I wanted to show you guys this before we got too far oh my gosh my runny nose is killing me so I bought this this is what I was wanting to show you guys it is probably the stupidest it doesn't really make sense and it did not come with a magazine so luckily I had one this is actually one that you guys had sent me I hope you still watch this channel I don't recall who who it was but you had sent me a whole bunch of 22 mags and thank God you did because this one didn't come with one and leave this make sure you get this in there right look at that thing that is probably the goofiest and dumbest looking freedom package center you could possibly ever imagine it actually you have to was you have to yeah yep this is how it look that's how you do [ __ ] it look at that dumbest good it's like almost dangerous imagine you have this thing on fire like that it's clear look there's nothing in there you have it on fire you actually pull it back and your fingers right here that is the dumbest I would never let anybody that wasn't proficient with any type of freedom packets endure touch this thing sits it's very weird and should not probably have never been made it's called a bank you know what I'm not even gonna say that cuz I don't want to bash the company that'd be terrible you wanna see what else I got only this this is cool that's pretty cool what is it called well it's it's actually made by Thompson Center arms it's a 44 mag and it's gonna kick like crazy I think it's kicked so hard that it's got a handguard they usually put scopes on them for like bears it's pretty cool Badgley well there you go are you John who is it Hewson X thank you so much I need some more this has been pretty bad but I'll give you guys a quick little closer personal so let's just take that out of picture but here you go that's through the magazine goes up inside there and yeah so it got like you guys here's to this Hansel look at this I mean it's just it's just awkward you want to hold it right I guess look I mean I mean it's kind of like this I mean look at this what is that like you'd so I'm actually was take a break for tonight in when we back at it tomorrow and then we can go out and test them to make sure they actually work and see how goofy I I wish they would have I wish I knew what their intent would this one was there's there's got to be something that I'm just not seeing here maybe it fits on something else I don't know okay I'm gonna be honest you guys I I'm not on a pawnshop right now I came to Cabela's it's right over here in Fort Worth to to just grab some ammo for those stuff that we already have and I go in there I grabbed some aloe and I know this must be pawnshop video but I found something I may or may not be able to pass up because I had no idea that they had well I knew that they had like a like a very like a selectable area but I didn't know inside that area they had used stuff whenever I find World War two related stuff it's very very very very difficult for me to pass it up especially if it's period it's perfect in the timing it was actually used I get the serial numbers for all the same I had to come out and grab my phone because this one it could be could be well how'd you tell I probably just made another random purchase I'm not gonna tell Sara about now she's not gonna watch this video she doesn't watch my video say God because she also doesn't go in the gun stayed like that didn't happen but this this one right here that I just found is it's really awesome you guys are gonna love it I'm gonna show you in a second oh you know it's out there you're gonna love this thing Bob this one was actually selling ten years ago for about 400 bucks I got it for 1,200 in 50 bucks or so it's selling online right now for 2 grand so I think we actually think we actually did something pretty good with our life right there the only reason why I got this one there was to inside the store and one of them was not it wasn't complete all the serial numbers and stuff that had been rebuilt this one has not there's nothing it's it's fully from 43 I'm very very very very very excited to me this stuff is actually more valuable to me than gold because then they're not gonna make any more of these these these things this right here these will not be reproduced you can't reproduce this to me if you're gonna buy stuff gold silver and old school poop use those can go a long way down the road for you guys that's that's what I like stick my money into it makes me happy well this is gonna be one of the only times you guys are gonna see me ever put any rounds through this rifle right here ever yeah I I get stuff like this because I really think these are so valuable to me personally because there's history behind them they'll never ever ever ever ever be made and like the gentleman told me ten years ago these things were going for 400 bucks now it's now it's selling for around 2,000 so I'm gonna show you guys a little bit about this thing real quick because it is when I said I was buying some unique stuff like like like like this one we're gonna we're gonna do that one here in a second and then it's 44 maggin right there we will do that here we'll do those two first and I'll do this one last but I really want to show you guys markings on this thing so you could tell the other one that was in there I didn't really want to film in there because there's a bunch of people it's it's it was kind of low lighting anyway but it was more I don't know just it's just one of those kind of situations where you kind of feel feel feel of people around you but look at the marking right here I don't know if you guys can really see it because of the glare but it says fja right there so that gentleman with that marking was I think he was doing the inspections on these rifles between I think he told me 1928 to 1944 and that's his stamp it also has the original the original marking right here from I mean 10 itself and then a couple right there and then on the barrel down on this end you guys may not be able to see it I don't really know yeah so if it wasn't original and it had been rebuilt this fja stamp right here would actually have another pressed stamp on it which means it has rebuilt parts on it so this thing is 100% original from 43 I mean you're never gonna find another one of these I mean you're gonna find more of them but they're never gonna be remade from this and the patina on it is perfect all the way through it's it's a piece of history American history American War history at that when the the greatest times in America and one of the worst times in America at the same time so this thing one of these kind of like made us who we are today but that being said will mess around with some of the oddities I got so these little 9 mil were actually these little snake wrong we'll start it off with the goofy one a little goofy 22 I show you guys ever opened an animal box upside down and it just peels everything out ah that's got a high-capacity magazine do i I think the biggest issue with this little tiny pistol thing here I think it's gonna have a very difficult time of cycling arounds owners do I say this because that's what demolition trance told me show them a picture of you that thing is terrible and will never cycle round you might be wrong sorry I'm really I'm really confused right now because this is like really weird like look at this [Music] okay well we got we got one two cycle in there okay now I see what he's talking about this is a terrible terrible terrible terrible this is probably the worst worst purchase of my life right here okay update on your life I would probably say hard pass on this one wow I was really like how it's gonna have those like now this one's gonna be exciting this is gonna be real good it's like shaped like a box little now this son of a gun you know who should give this one to the shoot first mr. Cameron you ready buddy you want me to single handed I want you to single-handedly like this yeah you're gonna do this one single-handedly you ready sure why not yeah I'll give you my your Eagle buddy here you go you know what since I don't have an extra set of your pro I'm gonna just I'm gonna stick you guys right right there come on cool over here buddy don't you've never shot anything like this and you're brand new to this this is it we're gonna put one in there close it charge it back aim pull the trigger but don't do what I just did there just okay okay you worried uh kind of shouldn't be worried a little just a little little cougar cougar pace the lair it's kind of a reason why they have that thing right there yeah I know but you won handing this son of a gun you got a one-handed buddy he's got a 44 mag excited yeah excited oh yeah how do you feel terrible all right here we go it's in she's loaded Cocker on back one-handed you got this just full send I'm gonna stand right over here remember talker back in send it buddy let me just kind of do that all right there you go aim at the tree oh yeah it's not that bad huh oh good oh I didn't eject it oh I thought it was gonna a shootout or at least it works trying to get him all amped up like it was about to be one of those elephant guns again that's cool I like it I wish it popped it out but let's get on to this one right here I don't know how many rounds I'll actually put through it so you guys do know we are using the 30.6 this one this is the ammunition is actually made for this stuff that's cool I've never seen an on/off switch on a on a rifle ever so I didn't really know exactly what this on/off switch was alright I never had seen one on a rifle in my entire life I just learned this so this meant it's off so they had this singly load each round into the chamber each time so when it's off hey so they did this apparently NCOs back in the days to go down the line and used to see you that your your rifles on/off which knows they know that it's only in single-shot mode essentially so you don't waste ammo now when you go to like right now I can't load any of those I can't load them in a single one will load in but if I switch it to on it drops the bolt back and I can load ammo in of a Charlie I can load ammo you can load ammo in well I don't know what that was that's really anyway that's really neat I didn't know that I probably should find those three rounds in the grass real quick [Music] [Music] and that's interesting these things have gone a long ways right now see how the bolt came all the way back when it's on this is crazy I wonder why they made this it almost seems like kind of like another very smart idea because you go all the way back your bolts wide open and you have to push this down to get it back in you do this in single shot I guess I don't know it's interesting mmm anyway three rounds is enough for me this thing will probably sit inside of my my safe I could pass it down to my grandchildren and hopefully my great-grandchildren that's pretty much it these things I'll never sell if I'm yelling because I got those on them but uh I think the best best buy of the day other than then that would be this I think that little 22 I got is pretty much garbage if you guys ever seen one of those probably stay cleaner of them I mean I guess the spot I got it for 130 bucks yeah that's probably bad hey hope you guys it enjoys any over here on lockers TV a little bit different one I want to say thank you so much to sponsor the video guys could not make these kind of is without them so go check out the link the very top of description other than that there's an airplane coming so I will see you later and we'll go ahead and roll that nice juicy succulent outro [Music] you
Channel: LunkersTV
Views: 1,439,845
Rating: 4.5805187 out of 5
Id: LA3pU7T07_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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