Test Fire of 43 Machine Guns - One Take, No Edits
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Channel: Washington County Machine Guns LLC
Views: 43,209,351
Rating: 4.8394709 out of 5
Keywords: machine guns, range, shooting range, SCAR, SCAR-17, M16, UZI, AUG, M60, DPM, Thompson, Tommy Gun, 458 SOCOM, 50 Beowulf, 7.62x39, AK-47, AK, Test Fire, F2000, MPK, Glock 18, Browning Automatic Rifle, BAR, MP5, UMP, 10mm, MAC-11, 300 Blackout, 5.56 NATO
Id: bmeRROzi_4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I cried a little with every mag he dropped on the ground. I guess when you can afford that inventory, you can afford new mags though, and on that note, that is an impressive inventory. Dealer sample guns aren't cheap by any means, and even assuming they have a SOT and made/converted some of them themselves, a lot of those host guns still aren't cheap. They must do pretty well in the rental game.
Nice, thanks for sharing! The Thompson is much larger than I thought!
That BAR looked so awkward to use, the handgrip looked uncomfortable
m16 #5 is actually a colt 9mm smg?