Full 2021 Timed Shootout | Goodwood Festival of Speed

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Those older cars with huge engines are my favorite sounding... That Mini was a blast though.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/vanteal ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 01 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The drift series is pretty entertaining as well. Just eating through tires.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/BigBlackBeard911 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 02 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I can't say enough good things about Goodwood's Youtube channel. 100 year old cars being driven hard? Check. Track battle with original GT40's vs. original Cobras? Check. Seeing the multi-million dollar Ferrari 'Breadvan' crash a couple years back, and then seeing it again in races the next year? No museum for that one!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TotalWaffle ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 02 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
george wingard has done a bit of shuffling from what he was initially entered in so it's going to be the mercedes 60 horsepower which is an even earlier car can you believe 1903 it's amazing what conversations go on in the drivers club in order to do a bit of shuffling of cars i believe there was a cracked block that uh changing of the vehicle but uh had to be driven in a similar way a very visible visible way because of course they're sitting the top rather than within the shootout underway the first car to go the mercedes 60 horsepower george wingard at the wheel now don't expect this to be the fastest time of the day far from it but do not expect it to be slow remember this car dates back to 1903 60 horsepower but it was still able to do impressive top speeds and average speeds and this is how it would have been apart from the full face helmets in other words a riding mechanic the driver working hard behind the wheel forget seat belts forget roll cages forget safety in a sense in that period forget even a sealed surface because they were bumpy roads with stones to cause hazards as well and george wingard a master of this type of car absolutely so and riding passenger having to be a bit like on a motorcycle sidecar outfit you have to lean with the car but actually their principal role is to keep it four square on the track and to hang on quite simply you can see the passenger hanging on behind george the driver and to there with their left hand down to the side of their seat and of course parts this tracker straight but not really for very long suddenly he gets corners like the flint ball hanging on through the shade through the darkness then as they approach kanye's seat back out into the light the run is nearly over but at this point they're really thinking every last tenth of a second has to be gained indeed well this will be the target time it's a target that's going to be smashed obviously given the vintage of the car but that's been a really committed effort as it comes up towards the timing line so where are we at about a minute and a half heading towards the line bear in mind that fastest times have been in some cases around just under 40 seconds so a one minute 36.65 60 miles an hour going over the timing line and if you think 60 mile an hour that's not very fast the car's from 1903 give it a chance yeah sitting on top hanging on pressing on robert blakemore we saw his aston martin also glorious in that alpha sorry the aston martin tribute moment just a short while ago but now he's driving it on his own this is no parade this is driving as hard as he can and the ulster was the car that really put aston martin on the map in terms of performance you can drive them on the road far better to drive on the circuit and even on hill combs and robert flake more plus pressing on very hard seven seconds faster at the intermediate so it's going to be a much quicker time it's a much later car by a decade and he comes up towards the line now then so 96.65 to beat and let us see where robert blakemore drops in as he comes towards the line it's going to be about 90 seconds is it breaks the beam now 89.87 so 6.7 seconds faster that puts robert blake more quickest thus far this is sally mason steroid with a beautiful ferrari 166 bucket she hasn't missed a festival speed she was the first car up the hill in the inaugural festival speed in 1993 lacking cars from the family stable such an enthusiast such a supporter she doesn't expect to top up the big one she's completely outpowered marquette but she drives absolutely beautiful beautifully and is so enthusiastic really part of the scene here at the festival of speed and faster than the previous two it's a much later car so you can anticipate the times to drop sally mason steering heading up towards the timing line this should put her fastest 89.87 to beat the ferrari breaks the beam now there's the checkered flag and that is 80.95 sally mason stern goes fastest [Music] alexander boswell really is puffing away has been all weekend in the de large it's been a delight to watch he really pushes that de la mecca very well of course alexander also out in that 1952 askari ferrari so he mix and matches but this is such a dynamic car today he's definitely gonna take it i would reckon at least another six or seven seconds out of sally's time and more if not yeah nine seconds quicker at the intermediate so the time to beat 80.95 lots of smoke belching out on the side of it but alexander boswell is nearly at the end so he sticks his foot to the floor it's going to be under 70 seconds as he breaks the beam 67.91 13 seconds faster than the ferrari that was so impressive and you could really see how alexander was working the car hanging out on the side now older in terms of age but uh ben collins is really going to push on in the blitz and bends this is a mighty card sort of i look at that and i sort of almost dreamed back in the way we're back at 1909. for this car and ben collings with the 200 horsepower benz is a real master of this there's a lot of effort going on that enormous steering wheel he accelerates up the hill look at the skinny tires trying to find some adhesion against the road up towards malcolm corner now looking down from the high shot drops it down a gear turns in on with the power slides it leans into the corner back onto the power and now heads up towards the line the time to beat 67.91 i just look at you could see every gear change of course ben has to lean out of the cockpit he's down to the lever forward it's a very physical car to drive but what he's got which is hard when you go out hail is momentum he's carrying it he's keeping the racing line every time little bit of a slide he corrected as soon as he can and then he's going to be hurling it left for the final time and then we will know what sort of time he's going to set and 67.9 to beat gets ever so close to the veils breaks the beam to go second 69.0 in a car from 1909 the 21 and a half liter blitzenbands that is fantastic as you see now james wood on the start line in the alfa romeo p3 he is about to go james wood in the alpha blasts away let's quickly join tom clarkson [Music] lovely to hear your enthusiasm oh my goodness it's mental down here at the start so much excitement listen to the noise everyone is loving it we've just spoken to travis pastrana he's excited go for it over to you at us enjoy james wood at the wheel of the alfred mayo p3 heading up the hill another fantastic 1930s grand prix car and james knows how to drive this james has driven this an awful lot and he has the precision as well as the press on to really deliver a time from this glorious grand prix racer from the 1930s thus far the best sounding car to pass psychometry box he gets past the flint wall without a flinch and i tell you what we saw from ben collins was a little twitch through the final corner he had to come off the power bit and that is why he's not top of the charts but these times i think are going to be blown out of the water by james wood yeah he's two seconds up on the deluge of alexander boswell a little bit of a twitch from the back of the car it wags the tail heading to the line to go fastest 65.2 james wood goes quickest then 89 miles an hour through the speed trap this is pat blakeney edwards in the fraser nash shellsly single-seater pat blakely edwards is as you can see a very spectacular driver and there's going to be nothing left on the table here i was going to say captain unsensible rather than captain sensible but he has car control coming out of every pour in his body such an enthusiasm i don't care what speed the car is going it is such a spectacle drives every sort of phrase and ash you can imagine it anything else sometimes he drives a rover touring car he doesn't care but he's absolutely exquisite on hill climbs what's he up to now when we get to the split waiting to see where he is he's down by half a second can he claw it back through the twisters at the top or he's gonna try that's for sure look at all the effort being put in that steering wheel is never idle it's going left it's going right he's working the car the car is working him he has got to try to beat a 65.27 it's going to be close but it's not quite going to happen it's a 66.55 to go second in the fraser nash single-seater what he didn't lack was application what he did lack was ultimate horsepower at the top of the hill he really started to run out of steam there but now a lot more horsepower on display because the tyrrell the dfv in the back from 1984's formula one sees on the tiralo one two of ian simmons and he accelerates with the cosworth deep and the engine in the back of it through that fast right hander onto part straight now it's a very successful race car in ian's hands and it takes you back as i say to 1984 and the formula one season looking to be neat and tidy not to overdo it through malcolm certainly i supposed to win at the top of the hill and he was trying to be contained and not to step out beyond and as drivers say you're trying to get the extra 10 seconds tenth of a second shaved off you can you blow away far more than that you can waste a second or even two if you get it wrong so precision is what ian simmons is looking to achieve well at the moment he is the fastest and let's face it that's no surprise this car is from 1984 it's got to beat a car from 1935 so the advantage goes ian simmons way 65 seconds to beat goes over the line and he does it but only by two seconds so it was a gentle run a safe run up the hill from ian simmons but it's great to see the tyrell in action the touring car that you see now is matthew holmes bmw 320 spa 24 hours winning car in the hands of uh eric ellery mark deway and didier deregulate the radigues the former motorbike champion and matthew holm attacks the hill right now you always expect the touring car drivers their head cars aren't as larry but they've still got to bring the performance out of them tidy through malcolm that's important and then you try and carry build as much speed as you can before you get to the fearsome flint ball here he goes dives into the shade nice neat flick a little bit of space on one side a little bit of caution but then back into the sunlight and now the final sprint he's 8.89 of a second up on the best time so far pretty much where you'd expect him to be yeah but not a full second so it's a more recent car but a less powerful car it's a touring car not a grand prix car so up to the line 63.2 to beat is he going to do it yes yes yes by just under two seconds matthew holm goes fastest then in the bmw next away richard westbrook gt star for many many years in porsches in corvettes in the ford gt and this is the ford mustang mce gt he's learnt this car very quickly over the course of today and the last handful of days normally this year he's racing the glickenhaus hypercar in the world endurance championship so talk about changing the season round paul swift is being listed as the driver of this car rather than uh richard westbrook will get clarification on that but paul has been sharing the car through the course of the weekend and we know he's a a driver who can drive in a similar fashion to his father russ swift can be spectacular but right now he's not trying to be spectacular and as he's trying to keep it four square on the hill doing his best isn't he so yeah stunt driver rally driver and right now hill climber paul swift accelerates towards the timing line taking over the seat from richard westbrook and he's dropped some time in the second intermediate then so he's a little bit down on the bmw was quicker he's now lost time against matthew holmes so 61.23 to beat matthew holmes time stands up to the flag 61 61.91 just under seven tenths split them so he lost time heading up the hill paul swift goes second so isn't this the glory of the competition we've had a fantastic sign set by a car from the first decade of the 20th century that was by ben collings but then we've had the latest machinery with their electric engine guiding up the hill but now somewhere in the middle the curtis craft indycar racing with garen tyrone at the wheel we are in 1954 it's a two-speed gearbox fast and faster effectively and this designed to go round and round indianapolis not up and up the goodwood hill but right now it's looking good in the sector 61.23 to beat the curtis craft offenhauser twitching twitching twitching up towards the flag 61 seconds to beat yeah down 59.10 that goes quickest and just looking at the adjustment of the quartering line several times get through the final corner get right did not want to lift but now if you want noise here is the noisiest car on the hill duncan pittaway blasts away in the cheetah chevrolet it's a very stubby little car it's a very larry little car it's a very noisy little car can it go faster than garand towing's curtis craft offenhauser well let's see because now duncan pittaway attacks the hill he makes the climb then in this 6.9 liter v8 engine cheetah and just bear in mind that uh duncan's such an entertainer but probably i think today the only driver competing the hill climb wearing collar and tie he has standards you know he also has plenty of horsepower lots of grunt from that chevrolet v8 lump at the front there's nothing at the rear there's a bit of color there's the back flap of the car and the taillights but duncan put away sitting literally over that rear axle swinging it he really attacks through the football david is he going to go top he's almost half a second down can he be brave in the ultimate sprint to the finish we know that he's brave but has he got a heavy enough right foot as he accelerates up towards the timing line let us see 59.1 to beat and slightly down 60.08 seconds so second fastest for duncan pittaway but a good effort nonetheless now this is ew insurgency in the shadow dn1 formula one machinery so again it just shows the mixture of machine machinery formula one excuse me and uh this is the car made famous by graham hill back in the day trying to take it towards victory for his own team but uh right now the focus for ewan search and who's has a whole host of people in the style of embassy racing i love the support crew here but uh how's he doing on the split just waiting to see he's a 59.1 seconds to beat david is he carrying enough speed into the final corner i think he's going to come up just short it's going to be close isn't it 59.1 it's just the wrong side of the minute 60.93 puts him third then so it is going ahead of uh duncan put away you and sergio some third matthew holmes fourth this is one of the best cars here the unique 250 gt ferrari so-called bread van we're in 1962 it's three liter v12 and it's emmanuelli piro at the wheel and from the engine notice it came past us there wasn't a great distance between the floor and the throttle pedal because it was planted as it went through the left-hander to lead up the hill and he's keeping it neat keeping it tidy but keeping that throttle pressed 59.1 seconds he's going to be right in the mix i think he's just going to steal it goes fastest of all by just under half a second 58.63 seconds the next car to boom up the hill is kenny hecherson with the sabha mercedes c9 a 1989 sports car from the group c era and this should go top it's got the grunts and kenny's got the desire 25 years out of a competition car but it's one he knows so well he was a winner in the world endurance championship several rounds in that and he kept the foot planted through the final corner he's gonna be close to 53 52.2 seconds that's a 6.3 second advantage good to have you back kenny drivers there look including paul swift getting ready so to the line comes ken clark with the rover sd1 the rover vitesse from 1983 that starts the saloon shootout here in the goodwood festival of speed presented by mastercard shootouts the car is an original 1983 rover the testing super racist in what was then called the british saloon car championship he and renee betch shared it to win the silverstone tourist trophy in the round of the european touring car championship and ken clark is the man who mechaniced on the car in period and is the man behind the wheel of it today we have a standalone competition for the touring cars and ken clark accelerates up the hill the first of the touring car subset to go let's see what his target time is going to be they're going to be people he's competing against in this special subclass it's class of its own there are going to be people in faster cars younger cars but ken clark really putting the power down and for so many people that rover three and a half liter engine when revved hard is such an evocative sound it'll be bouncing off the flint ball right now he goes past it let's see what the split is but we can almost wipe the slate on the split because this is its own class six point four seconds down on the ultimate pay set by kenny atchison as sauber that's about four square i would say so ken clark he'll set the first touring car time he went indeed he's up towards the line that v8 grunty engine powering him over the line the time that ken clark sets is a 61.80 so remember that is a 1983 touring car by the 1990s we were into two liter engines as the upper limit but much more advanced technically and this alfa romeo 155 from the italian championship the ex antonio tamborini car driven by tom andrew it's in the livery that gabriella tarquini carried to win the british touring car championship in 1994 and it's falls on alfa romeo as the 155 climbs the hill surprised he hasn't got the italian tricolore out of the window for tonight's football match but right now tom andrew hasn't time for such niceties because he's trying to shave chunks of time off so far one time set by ken clark in the touring clubhouse fast enough to be seventh overall but already we can see greater pace from tom andrew so there should be he's in a much newer car absolutely much more technology in this and by the end of the super touring era uh even more technology but he's a little bit down there as well against some of the overall times kenny atchison sabre is the fastest out right but he's got to beat 61.8 seconds he's not going to do it i don't think the rover looks like it's going to carry through the time yes 62.94 tom andrew goes second in the touring car shootout in the alfa romeo can clark remains the fastest and the alfre mayo goes to the holy paddock brent williams in the mark 2 jaguar blast away from the line now don't expect this to be the fastest touring car but you can expect it to be the most spectacular sideways driving style puff of tyre smoke doesn't matter it's on the goodwood circuit or on the hill climb the tail wagging the dog there but grant williams keeps it as straight as he can second right-hander to go onto the straight to come but there's no straight when it's grant williams to come past the house there's a little right to flick under left flick under the bridge and then what you can't always see from outside there's a little crest here and then they get to the the tightest corner on the circuit look at that loads of commitment flicks the car into molecule correction needed a bit of opposite lock coming out of the corner he's on the loud pedal now so grant williams with jack 400 makes the run towards the timing line the best touring car time he's aiming for is from the rover details of ken clark 61.8 seconds he's not gonna do that i don't think but bear in mind this is a car from two decades earlier the tail wags almost kisses the bales then as grant williams accelerates from kane's seat up towards the timing line it is going to be the slowest of the three touring car times thus far but it's the oldest of the touring cars that we've seen it is a 68.43 that puts him third within the touring car shootout as we now see the 1988 ford sierra rs 500 blast away from the line this the ex andy rouse car that took many a race win in the british touring car championship in 1988 julian thomas at the wheel well julian watched his car as a young lad and decided it was his favorite in the days of the rs 500s when they were so spectacular in the championship he then saved up his money he bought one this is his first visit to the goodwood hill climb he's been loving it didn't love it quite so much david with the rs 500 when it was wet yesterday kept it on the straight and narrow though because he's been building up he said i just want to get faster on each run learn a little bit more let's see if he's managing to put all those little sectors together to create a good time we'll get that first relevant split anytime soon oh yes he's very much on the pace in the sierra and so he should be absolutely right so julian thomas then with the sierra rs 500 whistles towards the line all of that power hurtling him up towards the checkered flag to break the beam and he does a 54.08 second overall fastest in the saloon shootout this class within a class but go forward a decade moreno laguna blast away from the line this is mark jones at the wheel of the laguna a car from 1999 the alarm menu jason plato chassis and mark jones blast through the cars by the end of the super touring era so technically advanced the williams formula one team had a major input in this costs were spiraling this was the peak really of the super touring era it absolutely was the competition was red hot and it's red hot here today okay we've got cars of different ages but mark jones doesn't care about that he just wants to come out top of this class and at the moment it's looking very good for him he's really attacked the first part of the course very neat and tidy through malcolm up to the flint ball very close to the bales on the right-hand side but staying suitably away from the hardest thing up there which is that flint wall but can he build the momentum for the rest of the course through kane's seat he's almost at the end of the track the last burst out into the brightness and then into the dark david the target i think it has got away from him so he will go second in the touring car class uh 56.51 but still really respectable times [Music] the next car to go is rick woods in the ex rick kelly holding commodore he blast away from the line this 2008 chassis in the holden racing team colours but it was a hole in special vehicles entry uh from rick kelly run by the walking shore team in her big accident at first in 2008 with paul raddatch behind the wheel but rickwood has rebuilt it and he has put the hrt color scheme on top of it he's raced holden's before he's very very quick and very successful in them and this car that makes a great noise is also a great sight and crucially it is well driven very well driven and rickwood likes cars with a lot of horsepower and certainly in comparison to the cars in the british touring car championship this has loads of grunt oodles of grunt that big v8 up at the front the time very very good indeed so rick wood also if if he can complete the course without making a slip up so many times we see drivers blowing in this final sweep to the finish line but he's looking good oh is he on the clock no a little bit down goes through on a 53.13 so he's quicker than julian thomas he's fastest of the touring cars and that is going to put him second overall behind kenny 53.13 nick swift in the mini 1275 gt the recreation of the richard longman british saloon car championship winning mini from 1978 to 1979. this if it's ever on four wheels again i'll be surprised because nick swift is one of the fastest mini drivers the car hopping and skipping its way out of turn one up the hill nick has the heaviest of right feet this is going to be a joy to watch it was a bunny hop as the tail of the car hits at the grass bank on the outside not the grass back to grass verge he'd only lost a second to the sauber the fastest car off the start finished straight but he never ever lifts this is this is the italian job it's red it's white it's blue it's all rolled into one and up the hill he goes he is loving this hill climb he's never done the festival of speed before and nick swift is absolutely flying this mini is being given a real work over he heads up towards the line the best touring car time is a 53 one he's not going to be that far away from it either as he comes across the line the little mini does at 56.62 fantastic from nick swift does not be deserved to be there there is no horsepower in that car it's just willpower and it very nearly carried the day but certainly in terms of entertainment that was the cars were driven harder than any other thus far fantastic let's go nascar jack tetley blasts away from the line this is the 2012 chevrolet camaro it's 5.9 liters it's v8 it is noisy and it's a very spectacularly driven car as well jack tetley had a bit of a moment in the damp this morning but let's see what this run turns out to be jack has got the ability to go fast this year he knows this he'll wear but when you've got this much power it's about caution as much as anything because it's far easy to put too much of the too much down onto the circuit and not get it down straight oh very tight to the strawbells he enters the flint wall section of corner he's seven tenths of a second down at the fastest time at that split and that of course was kenny atchison still fastest in the salvation night getting the edge of the circuit and then sadly just a little bit more the final quarter he's hit the straw bales on both sides it was the smallest of kisses but round went the tail david indeed so red flag comes out so the shootout is going to be suspended jack tetley just with a wheel out of the grass but at that speed shows the commitment the drivers are putting in but that i'm afraid has been quite a moment doing damage to the car so the shootout is for the moment stopped and the uh marshalls will attend to get the car out of the way jack teckney is okay that's the good news but he has done a huge amount of damage to that oh no the jack a little bit winded understandably because you're going very very high speed but just one wheel inches offline centimeters offline really can do that to you so following team principal amy dick off the course and rory butcher drives the toyota corolla to the line he's into position we're talking two-wheel drive front-wheel drive two-liter turbocharged power in the toyota kazoo racing uk toyota corolla run by speedworks motorsport scottish driver rory butcher is at the wheel gordon sherman's brother-in-law he's a touring car race winner himself and he is go down towards that first right-hander let's see how he fares against the top touring car time 53.13 of rickwood interesting little thing loses ground of course in the touring car the drag through the first hundred meters and actually wasn't as fast as the little mini in nick swift's hands but i'm sure he's gonna make it up further up the hill let's see the application from the flying scott lovely line into malcolm such a tricky corner perhaps a little bit on the wide side it just kept going deeper and deeper into the turn he's got to keep his composure he's only just got it back up to the blindfold david you can breathe again yeah we must discuss lovely live later bruce because that i thought was a little bit close to the edge but he's having a red hot go isn't he rory butcher then heads up towards the timing line the best touring car time to beat is a 53-1 from rick wood in the holder which has got bags more power but the little toyota is going to come across the light and just misses out 53.89 very very good effort indeed by the toyota corolla now this is jake hill who is another british touring car championship star he was sixth overall in the shootout qualifying session yesterday it's a 1992 nissan skyline he's got four wheel drive he's got bags of grunt he's got a really fast driver behind the wheel this promises to be quite a ride well it wasn't short of grunt and only eight hundredths of a second down on the on the fastest of 100 meters charges off the line so plenty of power jake hill such a fantastic young racer using that very well for the drag to the first quarter neat and tidy through the two first right handers up parked straight absolutely fine malcolm let's have a look at his life oh very tight to the left being very very sensible indeed can he carry this momentum david up to the flint ball then i'll hand over to you let's see where he is on the split coming up shortly close doesn't it but jake has it all under control he's very very fast very very committed the best touring car time to beat is a 53.13 through khan a seat heading up towards the flying finish close to the bales here comes the line here comes the timing beam and he goes fastest 48.96 for jake hill fantastic effort fastest outright in the nissan brilliant effort he was sixth sixth overall yesterday but that's not only one in the touring car class of the shooter what a run [Music] sam hancock blasts away in the bmw then so jake hill fastest in that saloon set and sam hancock takes us then into the last 10 in the main shootout in this 1979 bmw m1 this is a brilliant car it really is sounds fantastic and we heard from sam earlier talking about the ability with a little bit more height to ride the camber in the hill and the sudden is that umbrella's starting to go was that an old bit of footage you don't want rain on the hill at this stage we want constant weather conditions and he's lost a bit of ground on that amazing run from jake hill in the godzilla nissan but uh right now he's probably good good for second overall just looking to see if any windscreen wipers are coming on looking out the window can i see rain but we did see that umbrella well six goes sam hancock 54.34 then in the bmw m1 pro car but from here on in we're going to just get faster and faster and faster machinery jim farley ford's ceo with the ford mustang mac e 1400 is next to whistle away from the line this is electric technology this might not look like the most obvious of competition machines but this is incredibly quick and in fact a driver swap richard westbrook takes over this car and that's going to make it go even faster because as more umbrellas do come up richard westbrook is now hunting for traction if the weather is against us this is going to turn the complexion of the shootout upside down absolutely it will because the drivers who are fastest and qualifying will be the last ones to go and therefore they might have the wettest surface but don't forget here on the hill we had rain yesterday literally just at the finish line nowhere else and it was a deluge i don't think we're heading there but the track has to be giving the level of grip it can and the drivers have to interpret that when they often can't see it as they flash part past the flint wall but richard westbrook very good run from him thus far yeah richard a very accomplished gt racer for porsche for corvette for ford and he heads towards the finish it's not going to be the fastest is it it's going to be a 54-8-5 for the matt e uh richard westbrook then being given driving duties to go seventh so now we look to the ford pubert hybrid rally one this is next year's world rally car rally one regulations and away blasts before puma it is andrea formo at the wheel the time to beat jake hills 48.96 let's see what he can do well at the moment jake hill sitting on that advantage of 3.3 seconds but this is a car that should be fantastic on the hill matthew wilson at the wheel he's taking it over from french racer adrian former maybe he's pulled ranked because of course m sport the family company helping to develop this car the hybrid power windscreen wipers aren't even down here he kicked up the dirt a very strange light trying to go too deep into vulcan and then he had to rescue it so certainly even below our commentary box now we're just getting the first splashes but is it wet at the top as well but we're gonna we normally get the rain at the top and nothing down here now we've got light rain everywhere last to go travis pastrana's subaru four-wheel drive so it could be very much a travis pastrana around this as matthew wilson heads towards the line i think he's lifted a little bit hasn't he just to be on the safe side with the condition so for jake he got that time in at just the right moment 54.55 for matthew wilson as he goes across the line next to go is this fantastic ford fiesta pikes peak it's four-wheel drive it's 800 brake horsepower it's ian gwynne behind the wheel now this could be a dark horse for the top three blasts away a little bit hesitant off the line but he gets up to speed now up up through the gears speed building power kicks in ian gwin hits turn one now of course when you're competing the pike's peak hill climbing goes up to 14 155 feet and the big problem at the top is that altitude really affects the engines don't think we have that concern here in the south downs in southern england but uh taking the shortest line possible the little kicks the right over the crest how can he get through malcolm neat tidy and then the 800 horsepower being released up the hill so he's a little bit down at that first uh point in the intermediate how does he fare let's see 36 seconds to beat now he's lost a bit of ground there as well against the standout jake hill time so ian gwynne with all of that power trying to be careful as to when he applies it now can he claw back some of that lost ground here no a 40 89 he's going to be very hard to beat right now he skims the bales coming up to the line 54 seconds yeah just 54.9 goes ninth fastest ian quinn in the ford fiesta pikes peak one of the hard things to assess is just how wet the track is becoming it doesn't look out of the windows the commentary box those almost any different but for those at the top most especially jake hill suddenly the excitement is really building maybe the realization from outside the top ten sixth overall in qualifying of course he can take the big prize but let's not get ahead of ourselves anthony reid in the ford escort cosworth blasts away single-seater racer sports car racer touring car racer in a rally car the ex-carlos sites escort wlc that anthony has been given driving duties in for the first time this weekend and he has taken to it like a duck to water expect commitment here well that might be apple cider duck to water but no one tells anthony it's raining he comes from scotland he knows for well the value of rain and therefore he would have spent his childhood driving in it before he moved down south best himself near the circuit here in goodwood in his formula four days and pressing on really hard he wasn't expecting to drive the car and he is very very quick and very committed let's see where he is on the split two seconds down bearing in mind how others who could have been quicker weren't that means anthony is not paying attention to the reign at all so here he comes up towards the line 48.9 to beat again close to the bales on the outside it's a 51.6 goes second fastest it's jake hills nissan anthony reid's escort kenny actress and sauber the top three jake hill can't believe this the prager goes next this is the prager r1 and the time that it has to beat is 48.96 seconds the prague blasts away from the line down towards the first corner alice yerasek at the wheel every single driver that fails to beat him raises the pressure on jake hill sitting at the top fastest in the nissan i'm so impressed with alex durasek the really immaculate little tiny sports race of the prague r1 look how neat and tidy it is and that is the beauty of this car but it's a question can jira he's only three tenths of a second down as he sweeps left through malcolm this is the point at which with flecks of rain on the camera lens yes where is the rain at the heaviest is it heavy or is it just enough to make the track a little bit slick there's not a lot of heat in the tarmac he's good on the split not a lot not enough to topple jake hill but he could go into second place let's not talk about the rain it might go away forty eight point nine to beat this year a second towards the line 47 48 it's gonna be about 50 seconds as a prediction 51 indeed 0.38 goes second but jake hill survives another car goes up the hill there is jake great effort well done jake so far and uh he is the fastest now this could change things from 1988 the group c2 spice cosworth jeremy smith at the wheel he had not driven the car until this weekend he is always massively committed when he comes to the goodwood hill climb normally in chat car machinery just watch this he always always attacks he's almost always in the top handful of the drivers here doesn't always have the ultimate machinery this one even had a gearbox failure he had to go up to birmingham get a new gearbox come back down on friday night fitted it yesterday feed fast ever since fantastic through malcolm what a lie faster than jake hill to that first intermediate so this is looking good all of a sudden jake hill's time is in jeopardy 48.96 to beat he's a second quicker at the first intermediate point though as he heads now towards the finish absolute commitment into this car 48.9 to beat 45 46 47.1 jeremy smith goes quickest well fair dudes says jake hill at the top but that took a drive of supreme focus and his line through the flint wall i think you might be looking at the time screen david it was exquisite right new target time who's the man who's going for it it's harry king the young superstar in the porsche 20 year old harry king the reigning carrera cup great britain champion you're riding with him in the 992 iteration of the 911 gt3 cup porsche harry king is one of the most exciting young british drivers in a gt car and just look at this that was to the engine almost beyond in front of goodwood house only two drivers to go after harry king the target time we've just seen it been set by jeremy smith 47.16 seconds he's got more power jeremy smith and harry king but harry king just 15 hundredths of a second down just before he flashed into malcolm he goes past the flint wall he was a little bit close to the grass as he headed up towards malcolm he's four tenths down it's gonna be hard to pull that back but harry king fighting the car up towards the line he's giving it everything his foot pressed through the bulkhead then to try and get every last thousandth out of it he goes across the line goes second 47.65 harry king goes second fastest that was another run full of commitment harry king has become something of a goodwood hero after his exploits this weekend and at speed week now go on next one last one penultimate one this is the mclaren 720s gt3x rob bell at the wheel this is a gt3 plus car in a sense and he's got to try to beat a 47.16 the penultimate car to go rob bell said he was a novice here he'd been here long long ago but it's his first time to attack and what a car to do it in it's not a gt3 car it's gt3 plus plus plus but precision is required to align that with power he's faster by a full second before malcolm so is it going to become come down to a straight shootout between him and travis pastrana has that flurry of rain got past but look at the next split he should be fastest in that as well 1.25 seconds to the good this is gonna put rob bell at the top of the times unless it all unravels in the last few hundred meters then the time to beat is a 47.1 and he's blitzed it 45.01 two seconds quicker 135 miles an hour through the speed trap at the end brilliant stuff one more cart to go bruce that was just remarkable he joined all the sectors he'd learned through the previous three days and absolutely nailed it now if you ever want to see concentration look at an on-board shot of this man travis pastrana let's check when he next spring blinks we think it'd be when he crosses the finish line psyching himself up the last car to go in the shootout here at the goodwood festival of speed it's go travis pastrana blast away from the line in the subaru wrx sti total commitment total concentration through the first hundred meters he's faster than anybody nearly a second to the good before he even turned into the first quarter the acceleration of that subaru absolutely mighty even a thumbs up that was to you david look at this heads up the hill malcolm corner beckons he breaks the nose dips charges through the corner flat out now back up through the gears another gear grab he's heading towards flip wall the time to beat remember is now 45.01 seconds the back of the car is as loose as it can be he's lost half a second he's going to have to work hard to pull this back he's concentrating like crazy he's talking to himself almost trying to fight that last fraction of time as he heads towards the line he goes across the line and he goes second he misses out by just over a second travis pastrana loses out to the shootout winner rob bell well what a phenomenal run from all the drivers but the last two in particular i think rob bell nearly achieved perfection on that climb 45.01 seconds travis pastrana was certainly not hanging around first half he was nearly a second to the good and yet it went away from him that was a very committed drive by travis pastrana it was a very committed drive by rob bell actually it was very committed by everybody that was a brilliant shootout and it was one of the most competitive that we've had in a long time travis pastrana take a bow because that was a brilliant effort but rob bell wins the shootout at second travis pastrana and third jeremy smith absolutely outstanding action it's rob bell that wins the shootout for mclaren and he is going to be delighted with that no doubt so as uh travis pastrana parks let's hear from the shootout winner it's rob bell rob bell a massive congratulations you are the winner with a time of 45.01 oh thank you very much absolutely delighted with that um we came here so it was the first time i've been here doing time runs up the hill and we didn't know what to expect you know we just didn't know how the track changed and um at the end there was a waiting game with we knew that if the rain kept coming then our hands the uh the advantage over to travis but um it just held off enough and the mclaren was so nice to drive up the hill absolute pleasure uh what a car quite a car and over three seconds faster than your qualifying time uh was it right okay that must have pulled my finger around then yeah yeah just um took a man uphill this morning and i think it was a little bit damp in in the quality run and i took it easy um we knew we had a fast car on the drive so we were just heading heading to uh hoping it was going to stay dry and look i just put it together every run you get faster here and like i said what a car ron thank you very much absolutely brilliant thank you wow what a shootout let's look at how the order was at the end of all of that with it chopping and changing rob bell wins the shootout travis pastrana second and jeremy smith third harry king fourth jake hill fifth in the end ahead of alex eurosec and then anthony reid with kenny atchison sauber eighth fastest ninth went to rick wood in the holden commodore ahead of rory butcher and then julian thomas sam hancock 12th ahead of matt wilson taking over the four puma richard westbrook 14th from ian quinn and mark jones renault in 16th nick swift's mini an amazing 17th ahead of emmanuel pirro's ferrari garrett owen 19th from duncan pittaway and ewin surgical matthew holm 22nd from ken clark and then paul swift tom andrew next from ian simmons in the f1 tyrell james wood next from pat blakey edwards alexander boswell 29th grant williams jag 30th ben collings 31st ahead of sally mason stiron robert blakemore 33rd in the aston martin ulster george wingard bringing up the order and of course sparrow thought for jack tetley who tried everything but ended up with a very damaged car and spare a thought too for travis pastrana so near and yet so far travis you didn't leave anything out there what a fantastic effort but it wasn't quite enough no my goal i mean he definitely turned it up for sure my goal coming to this i was like if i can get a 46.5 or better i think that's pretty much where where my driving ability is i think the car probably had a little bit more in it but i definitely didn't we were we were maxed out and i tell you what i was just really happy to be here and be a part of it and i did better than i had hoped on my time so that's guess that's all i've asked for and despite the rain everyone seemed to go faster and you found almost two seconds from yesterday yeah um well we knew we had to go all out because we were actually looking at the mclaren's time from practice i'm like holy cow we picked up three seconds i'm like maybe we can get three tents but uh left it on the line uh did a little donut before i did got some tire warming so my first two corners were a little quicker but uh the crew at surrou did such a great job and like thank you oklahoma and everyone and just everyone that came out i mean it's been raining it's been sunny it's been scary but uh and everybody out here came out and uh came to support it was really cool travis we've loved watching you thank you so much thanks guys and there the duke of richmond will present the champagne to the shootout winner to robel and a brilliant effort absolutely fantastic another new name goes to that uh illustrious list of winners of the shootout here at the goodwood festival of speed presented by mastercard
Channel: Goodwood Road & Racing
Views: 1,734,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Goodwood, Goodwood shoootout, Full goodwood shootout, Goodwood Festival shootout, Goodwood hillclimb, Festival of Speed, FOS, FOS 2021, Subaru, Hoonigan, WRX STI, Gymkhana, Travis Pastrana, McLaren, 720 GT3X, Fast cars, Fastest cars, Goodwood fastest, Goodwood hill
Id: K1LqKzZjf7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 15sec (2655 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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